HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-11-01, Page 3nage Three THE CLINTON NEW ERA, iissingininssE Children Cray for 'letcher'sb !.' V1.4'i i" iYh-,.ta.,i: C,, ,t iil+•(tT". ke'd` 9 S +" idc"w3' art i' i5^ t3`lro' hrt e.. h 'r.a Lynri; '+Ari ' i'"t""i'Y tl tfi tn��"M W.'w:.,l-t. :� ?.'u, �by,�'w.'7. 4 S•. • ' The Kissel You ,i," ^ itr : d. veleelieb has been. in uso 4.•. 0. )1 . y llee ber;ee .:a teignattere ort .e .ilea'[ n: e.: t'.reeler b.I3 per - +" +'; '" .'`..I. r'A 5i:tct3 '` S "±alae*'. 's '1 131 �r1 , t 1 /I Y O. . � t,'i M', • l Coa?nte r3' - I Ts r ,tri a tare bet E ,,•p. •n t t ed . veil t, V. health oi: 11Infan 3......1-.a te end . r site[ e" intent:. -( y ti , IJ sears «ni'.' , t ti ill 4 ,}. .:? ,`Yit�t� r,..,,,0tiaa" lel !Q'' Castoria is tt h't'leeldise. :Lei:esti:Veil etre Cereter Clil, Paregoric, Drop and, :':+inti It -. ipic neent:. It contains p . ,•ante. I't9 neither` iii: ...... -.:"( (?::t.^T 1:.w:rotjc 3t1i3S. t!eit,,I« Op , ` ege i•; i'.;c gl atria titan tarty years it has : i:.:,: ii2?el €:e='sti;.;ioa., Flatulency, been in Cot'=3 w, i -,1 i^r: s'l 'grin r Sievcr ehltsss arising t ier tl cinCelle, -. gle-; Bowels, aids 11 : t.t'rom. � ::+t :, t.:.n u:a..-C.Ct1 f:P.d _ 0'49 , the as>in'tilttt,t<.., rooa gig It f tthv and natuxel sleep. The C21d' ea'e ii:tat:e:ia--ika 1,2Seihee'ts n'.-enei. ru 4 rrreay,»—t ,, ;' t G U � g t W; i !:LWAY• ,,+xj•.Ec,".'.r Calc f-7.1gnat:3rc of "Pcryp, hi Use For Over 30 Years The rand You Have, Agways Bought cu ,445x`11` NTAU1+, COMPANV,, T4 ��y,! yrv, int YahY d.1i ii ee7a-. .wwwsm - - - TO ALLOW PUPILS TO WORK ON FARM I New Regulations Call for Active Work for a Three -Month Period The (literal Department of educa- tion has made the following regula- tions providing for employment on farms in Ontario for the purpose of plaiting. cultivating and harvesting the crops, :rain in a cheese factory or a -creamery for the production of cheese or butter. of those boys and girls attending Form V of the public and 'sepetrate schools: Principals are directed to refuse to recommend any candidate fur a cert- ifir,ate under the special regulations unless conclusive evidence has been submitted to them that the services of the candidate are required t'crr the aforesaid purposes. The candidates oust submit with theta• application cer- tificates front their employers to the ef- fect that they have been continuously employed for a period of at least three months in the work as specified above. These c i1diticn>s having been com- plied with public and separate school pupils in Form V, preparing for senior graduation diplopias and high seined entriatce certificates will be exempt from examination and will be granted their certificates without writing upon examinations for the sante. MON IIIL H[S Few people realize that eervnus ail- ments often arise from digestive troub- les. The stomach fails, for some rea- son, to digest food properly. Then the system languishes and the nerves be- come exhausted in striving to continue Mteir work, Impure blood also causes nerve troubles, but frequently' it is in the stomach where the mischief starts. As the nourishment is carried to the nerves by the bland, it will he seen what an important connection exists between the stomach, the nerves and the t'lood, and hew such troubles as nervous headaches, nervous dyspepsia and insomnia may begin in such cases relief is easily obtain- able by means of Dr, Williams Pink Pills. These pills replendish the blood with the food elements on which the nerves thrive; at the sante time they exercise a tonic influence on the di- gestive organs, enabling the system to derive nourishment from the food tak- en. By this perfectly natural process nervous ills are steadily dispelled by Ur, Williams Pink Pills If you are suffering from nerves, or require a hlond-making tonic, give these pills a fair trial, and see how speedily the hest of health will be yours. You can gel these pills thr lfgh ;my dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for i 2.50 from The Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont, LEVEL CROSSINGS BEFORE RY. BOARD Suisvey of All Such Spots in Province Favored—Many Schemes Mooted .1.01'011 10, Ort, 25,—"'1'110 motorists" realize that something should be done to get better protection at level cross- ings, and our first recommendation is that a survey should be made of all the level crossings in the province," de- clared T. N. Phelan, representing the Ontario Motor League, when the con- sideration of methods of protection to be adopted for the prevention of motor accidents at railway level crossings come up before the Dominion Reaii- way Board here today. The minor recommendations made Py the motor league were as follows; The erection of advertising signs at er near crossing should be prohibit- ed; that watchman make use of "slop', Ogee in place of 'flogs ie the daytime; that where trains are cut at crossings not protected by gates or watcheiatl, respousibilley should rest on the train crew to protect the crossing that wig- wag signals are preferable to bells; that gates should be painted in alternat- ing Meek and white stripes instead of one solid color; that the whistles on tine reaJority Of traifrs do not give a warn- ing suftlelently penetrating, and that it Gof,tinaal safety educational cahtpaign Thursday, November 3sl 1917 Our New Serial Story That Mainwaring Affair 0 by A, Maynard Barbour L�• CHAS'"'1 ER h will In favor of his namesake, and 01 that dtty, formally decltrlug pini his The MAINYVARINCS ; lawful heir. • The tierce sunlight ora sultry after- This had been the object of the con - noon in the early part of Job' forced ference in the private office of Hugh its way through every ereviee raid. Mltl waring, and titter that it was over cranny of the closely drawn shutters and all necessary arrangements had in the luxurious prieate offices of mien made, that gentleman had Maimfaring tit Co., Stock Brokers, turd' from his desk with it sigh of relief. slender shafts of light, dartingitere and 1 01 ant heiirtity glad that this business there, lent a rich glow of color to the Is over," he said, addressing his guests; otherwise subdued tones of the elegant .(it has been un my mind fur some time, epertntents, and l have consulted with Mr, Whitney A glance at the four occupants of about it," with a slight nod towards one of these moms, who had disposed the fourth gentleman, who was his at - themselves in various attitudes :tc-' torney and legal adviser, "We have cording to their individual inclinations, With felt that it should have been at - is necessary to supplement physical forms of protection. Dealing with questions submitted by the board as • to elements of safety, objection is taken by Mr. Phelan to the introduction of 'hog -hacks' in the road speed of the car approaching a train to compel motorists to reduce the driver's attention so much that it would be ratter source of danger, W. A. MacLean. deputy minister of highways, spoke in favor of a survey at level crossings would he to conlpe the driver to stop at certain crossings as designated before crossing, and to provide certain warnings to show t4�'f1 et a level crossings is being approached. The board will consider the sugges- tions of the motor league, and the rail way companies will also submit sug gestions 1u the leag iteefront their view point s n °1/477eau,% IihOrilia0d4P.44 The Great Eng? isiItiEtcmedyt, T01109 anti invigorates [lin whole nervouss •stew, makes new Mood 'n old Wins, Cures Nervous Debiiitvollfe,ttat and Brain tVorrtt. Despon- dency, ,Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Priding .nese oral. Price Sl per box, six Ino 515.6 nun wil l offline, six will r ureebSotd by all .'Iruggu9ts or moiled in pleIn Oka. an receipt of mire. Trete pamphlet mailt•d free. THE WOOD t9EDICIPIE Co..TORONTS.ep3. (ForneteSalm t revealed the fact that three out of the , tended to before this; and yet, as 1 four were Englishmen, while the fourth considered this would be the most ca. might have been denominated as It tint; time to make It tinct adjustment of typical American from the professional 't17;!rs, 1 have on that scampi[ delayed class. Of rather slender form, with tt longer than 1 otherwise would have face of rare sensitiveness and delicacy done. NOW everything is arranged in and restless, penetrating eyes, his every a manner satisfactory, 1 trust, to all moment indicated energy and alertness, parties immediately concerned, and On the present occasion he had little nothing remains but to draw up and to say, but was engaged in listening at- execute the papers, which will be done tentively to the conversation of the to-rnnriutvl others, "You are not then troubled with Beside a rosewood desk, whose l e- long!ngs, arra iced with mathematical any unpleasant superstitions regarding precisiuu, indicated the methodical the aklug of :t will." commented Mr. business habits of its owner, sat thigh Thormnton. Mainwaring, senior member of the "No," replied the other, slowly. "I firm of Mainwaring t Co., a tnan ap- amu not of the opinion that it will hast- proaching his fiftieth birthday. His en my exit from this world; but even dress and manners. less pronouncedly if it did, I would have the satisfaction English than those of the remaining of knowing that my ow'm wishes would two, betokened the polished man of the be carried out in the settlement of utv world as well as the shrewd financier. estate, 'and that Ito one told derive CANNOT JOIN A NON-COMBATANT Category A Men in Class One Come Under the Latest Ruling -600 More See Doctors—Only 26 Days Remain in Which to File Papers Under Mili- tary Service Act. Alen in Class One who are graded in any otter than the medical Category A will not be permitted to join the 0. E. F. as volunteers, but must wait until the category in which they are placed is called out before they will be allowed to don the khaki, Accord- ingly, all non-combatant units that Con- tinue recruiting must find their men from other then Ciass One, as a Cate- gory A man in Class One cannot juin a inn -combatant unit unless. possibly in the case of a man in Category A ex- empted frons combatent service on the grounds of conscientious objection to military service, Ottawa's Pronouncement Instructions issued from Ottawa concerning the above state that vol- untary enlistment of men not in Class One as specified in the ntilittu'y ser- vice act, t917, may be continued in any unit of any combatant or non- combatant branch of the service, un- der conditions heretofore obtaining, provided the unit be not up to its estahlisltmeet, and be -still authorized to recruit. Such sten will be attested in the usual way. No man in Class One is to be en- listed or attested as a volunteer, in- asnntch as, by the proclamation is- sued by the Minister of Justice under the military service act, on lite 12th October, 1917 Wren of that class are soldiers in virtue of the act. Can Don Khaki Now. Any man in Class One who is will- ing to report for duty before being ordered to do so by thea Registrar or Deputy Registrar under the act may be allowed to join any combatant (bu+ not a non-combatant) unit, which is not up to its authorized establishment and is still aulhor!xed to recruit, un- der the following conditions:—(a) That he has been examined by the Medical Board and been categoried al'"A"; (h) That the 1.{roduce of coun- terfoil of his report for service ss proof that he has complied with the late, (c) That he produce a certifi- cate from his employer, if any stating that the latter hss not lodged, and does not intend to lodge a claim for the mall's exemption on tate grou>d of naiionitl interest, 1naSnilicit as no man in (;IASS (inc is to be accepted unless he is categoried as "A" necessary refn- forccments for non-combatant units must be obtained by voluntary enlist - 9 i ingot of men not coming tv t Within that class. Chili .ren Cry` F011 FLE+tCHl R'S - �ti Ao Ile wore an elegant business suit 211.31 his linen was immaculate; his hair, dark and slightly tinged with gray, was closely cul; his smoothly shaven face. Iess florid than those 111 his crimp:Woes any benefit from my demise excepting those whom I consider legally entitled thereto." Ralph Meitttval•ing looked curiously at his cousin through half-closed eyes, was particularly noticeable on account '9 suppose," he remarked, very de - of a pair of dark [ray eyes, cold and liherately, "that even in case there calculating. and which had :t times a were no will lire property wnuld reveit steel -like glitter. Though (h :ut attract- to our branch of the family: we are lee face, it was 3111 altogether pleasing; the nearest of kin, you know'." it was too sensuous, and Indicated „ye,, 1 km>,,u your family would be stubborness and sett -will rather than considered the lawful 'heirs," Hugh firmness or strength, 1'la!sw•:u•ing replied, while he and Mr. Half reclining upon it couch on the Whitney exchanged glances; "but this opposite side of the room, in an at- is not England; here env common ad- tidude more comfortable than graceful, venturer might come forward with leisurely smoking a fine Havana, was Come pretended claim against the es - Ralph Alain[. (011 ., (I Lindon, a cousin tate, and I prefer to see affairs definite - of the New York broker, who. at the ly seated in my own WAV."invitation of the latter, was paying his first visit to the great western metro "Of course," responded the other, ,nils, Between the two cousins there , resuming his civ:ar. "Well, speaking l 1 for myself, 1 am more than willing e to were few points of resemblance Both had the sante cold, calculating gaze.. relinquish any share t night have had which 013de one, subjected to its 1 for the hay's sake, anti 1 don't sup - scrutiny, feel that he was being inend pose, Thornton, that you have Say tallyweighed and measured. and would, ; objections to raise on Edith's account.' in all probability, be round lacking; but j "Oh, no, no," replied Ghat gentleman, the Lun,lon.r pis',esssed a moire 1'hlei-f with a pleasant laugh, "1 never con - pudic temperament. A year or two! sidered Huth a bad sun -in-law to be - hie cousin's ienior, he looked consider -I gin with, hut t'll admit be is a little ably 'rounee'r, as his i>•:lir and beau.,,more attractive not; than ever. English sick' whiskers were unmixed' The little clod: on the marble mantel with gray :and he was inclined to stout-jjI chimed the hour .,i four, causing a ness.• I general movement of surprise. Seated near hint. In all intnlenSe arm."'Pon nn• soul: 1 had no idea it chair which he tilled admirablt, ;ea was that lade," exclaimed '1r, Thorn - William Mainwaring 'Thornton, of Lon- tun, taking out hie watch, while Ilugl> dost, also a guest of Hugh:4laintrsrS;,g Alainw:u•ing, touching an electe'ic but - and distantly connected with the tore cousins. He was the youngest of the three Englishmen :mol the embodiment of t:vrtiallh. lie netts :t ',lend of 1110 purest lope, and his beard, patted in the centre, was brn1hed back 111 cwt' 1 Ile had scarcely iintshed speaking sifl:en masses, otitis his sea-' when a dour opened noiselessly and a blue eves, beaming with kindliness an, -1. 1 tuiddte-aeed mda appeared. tp,od-humor, had tate frankness , a : "('arsons.' said air. :Mainwaring, ad- ' dreesiug hint' in quick, incisive tones, "I sin going out to Fair Oaks, and pro- bably shall not tie at the otlice for two or three clays: unless something of un- usual importance should demand my presence. Refer all rosiness callers to ;4b•. Elliott -or Mr. t;hittendelh Any personal calls, if specially important, just say that I can be found at Fair Oaks" Parsons bowed gravely, and after a few further instructions retired, "Now, Mr. Whitney," Hugh Main - wining confused, at elle Same time touching another electric button, "you ,f course, will be One of our p,irty at Pair Oaks; my secretary will accom- pany 3s, and the papers will be drawn up ti -morrow In my private library. af- ter which you will do us the honor to iota us in the pte•tsures of the follow - His more contservAve cousin, fog day," ton. replied,— "This huSincss has detained us much longer than 1 anticipated, I will give ire imitructions to the head clerk. and the will leave 0 u3: .child's, Hugh Mainwaring, the sole heir to the family estate, soon after the death of his father, some twenty -live years previous to this time, became weary of the ntonnton> 01 his Iinelir1 hiller life, and, reeeleed epee feat Me 1,3 per- maueet home in one of the large east ern cities of the 1111ltd Stites and em- barking upon the uncertain and trench. Brous seas 1,1 speculation in the west- ern world. had sold the estate whirl' for a number of generations had been in the possession al the Mainw'arings, and had conte to America. In addition to his heavy capital, he had invested a large amount ul keen business tact and ability; his venture had met with 'almost phenomenal success and he had acquir- ed immense wealth besides itis inherit- ed fortune .is 'based, not on the price paid for a commodity, but on the benefit de- rived. Pltat is whyZam-liuk In the cheapest Mein healer on the market • •--because the benefit derived is 93 4, greater than cult he got from ordinary nlutatent% Thiele date to the tact that Zltm lila[ is 111 mtiedi• cine--itid 1. 0 dnttry ointments at'a li%�b- medicine and the balance mama[ int, - The ouperiority of -Zam-Bute is 'proved by the minty Cases et chronic n1c(n trouble and old sores wliioll yield to the power of Sant-I3uh alter all other treatments; have failed, The unusual power of penetration which ane:Buie poseeeses enables it to reacts the underlying tissues, 'where skin troubles have their "root." Then the germicidal Pro- perties Iu Zarn-fink destroy ail germs. Lentil 1h15 la. done healing, can never be thormieli, Tho reesnn W113, sorra £11111 have been treated with ortli•n:iry ointment, break out again Is because the remedy hes never got to the ..'at of the trouble, but has only healed over the suffer skin. Zem-131t1c, all the contrary, uproots skin dr ea. o, and the cure is complete and permanent. gam-Iluk aftnuld always bo used for eczema, vine:vorin, scalp sores, pimples, abaeeseee, ulcers, blood- pofsoning, had leg, pile;, rats, burns and serails. MI dealers or Zam-13tik Co„ Toronto, line. box, S for $1,25. R;lph, Slainwv:u f,. ohne never quite "I an at vow' service, Mr, Mainw•ar- forgiving him for having disposed ref iiia, responded the attorney, tut, the estate, had, nevertheless, w'illi the Ile added, in low tones, intended only shrewdness and foresight for which his family were noted, given to his only the name Hugh Mainwarinc for Hugh 9t:tinwaring's ear, but which were heard distinctly by the private secretary, now standing ls'aside the Son en !i. t u , confident that Itis Ainerican2lin:iishs desk. "would it not be hater to draw cousin would never marry, and hoping - up the will here, in,yuur private ollicei thereby to win back the ,ed'M:tinw•ar_ MY presence at the Mose on the pres- big estate into his own tine of tate Blit occasion ought attract attention family. His bit of strategy had sue- ceeded; and note, after more titan twenty Years, his foresight and wrn9ce. and arouse sonic suspicions as to your ,intentions." „That makes no difference," replied ly wisdom were about to be rewarded, Hugh ,'vialnwlu•ing, quickly, but also for the occasion 01' this reunion be- speaking in a lei, tune; "nay private tweet] the Ione -separated cousins was Papers are all at the house, and 1 the celebration of the rapidly .approach. choose that this business shall be con- ing fiftieth birthday of Hugh ft'Iainwar_ ducted there, 1 believe that 1 ant ing, at which lime Hugh Mainwaring, uiasten in my own house yet." Jr„ would attain hie majority, and in Mr. Whitney bowed in acquiesence, recognition 111 that happy event the and Hugh Mainwaring turned to Isis New York millionaire broker had an- secrelary,— iuunced his intentho,l of making his (Continued neat week) 11 yod want health you can have it, by heeding Nature's laws, Keep the stomach strong, the liver active, the blood pure, and the bowels regular, and you will seldom be ill. Take good care of these organs, and at the first sign of anything wrong—promptly take Beecham s Pills. • need the help and relief of this world -fanned remedy, to keep the body in health. They quickly establish nor- mal conditions, so the organs perform their functions as Nature intended. No other remedy will so surely strengthen the system,, stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels and quickly improve the general health as •Eec- ILLS p t� Worth[ a [suites at BOig Pnat SO14.yerywh�r in nand Band Ur 4, Si.merico, LIn beam 25 orti, 1 NEWEST NOTES IN SCIENCE Y., e Flour n>ade from the kernel rrf the cotton seed after the 011 Inas been g5- traeted has Been• (1111(1 to have much food vsIt e. English makers :Ire experimenting with the tttangfacture of paper front matte bark that ah'e:ldt• has been used for tanning. A handle appears on one side of a new salt shaker that Is said to dis- tribute its contents more evenly than the usual A Paristype, scleulist has succeeded 111 making crystals of sodium nitrate so pure that they cite be used h1 optical instruments Vines imported t'r(im the United States Seem to be the only ones to F6, lei resist severe mildew in the viueyardA of Western Prince 3TAVIS a• COAL IMPORTERS AND DEALERS. MUST HAVE LICENSE AFTER NOV. 21. Ottawa, Oct. 2G,—Drastic regulations in regard to fuel are announced in an order -in -council just passed and pub- lished today, Ail importers and dealers in coat must be licensed, and application made for such license before November 21. lie:n•y penalties are provided for per- sons doing business without this per- ntit, 11 regi(rd to profits, brokers must not get more than 30 cents per tun for their service, wholesalers 35 cents and retail dealers 511 cents, lac';;:o•1!ng the hoarding of coal, it is provided that except between the mouth of April and September, Inclus- ive, ne cnnspmer shall obtain' any quantity sI' Coad in excess of an es- fim•ted supply for two is -tenths with a minim wn ;51"wanee of three [nuc The fuel (:n:troller will have power to resod:eerie any quantity of coal over the teem surlily trent any consumer, in eases of emergency. SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your slain. 5quce,e the Juice of two lemons in- to a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well and you have •t quarter pint of the hest freckle and tau lotion, and complexion beautifier, at Ill[ very, very small cost. Your grocer has the leptons and any 1 drug store or toilet counter will supply thee: ounces of orchard white f, r a few cents, el.tssage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and i bolds each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the sei3 becomes. Yes! I It is harmless, EfarrslAn • '`‘..\A 4r,t /T 71,14 in work, study or play "i at ,Mi''13 is Nt>>a, t'k is a w'EA(C011ida help. Teeth, brer,, F i, appe- tite, C r c,' . _1 f1nd y a? starts ars 1.11e bet- ter for it y w �� 1. Sir w'6 makes the next pipe or cigar tea. •' :.'..:..., 'nq p oaa arta S-r`Y:'t:t t..iM and rnetr;:11., anti th'i' fat. . 3 LaSt n t:. \ •. a.:r:afr:'7 :rrf--_113'gpC •'.it7 F CD ,wao:t (.V.a n. :reele. .1 ��;I`"" ;tvin e�'.,.�rr „«„a w.ri. � t.S.:�av�._:S •�; .. r .... Vis. —.-c •. 0”( ,..,.•+r,y, s;;.L^.: ��vv. yR! .. a+-u.tY -r rF,F 7 %N'. rite.:u;,477715 i:, `a ;A.i- PUT WRIGLEY' IN YOUR FIGHTER'S CHRISTMAS BOX it costs little but gives It lot of comfort and refreshment. Nrt only a long-lasting confection but a nerve -steadier, a thirst -quencher a pick-me-up. Every Christmas parcel should contain some WRIGLEY'S GUM. SSIZIENIfflifflatilkOlfflir 'e CANADA Will Oa% ne rel vide he e :: u ' d,rid rhow,.3andV >' `.e It wI11 be greatly to the advantage of Canada if the entire quota of 100,000 men to he raised under Me Military Service Act can be secured from the first class; that is, from the mon between the eget of 20 and 34 who were unmarried or widowers without children on July 61h, 1917. This is almost self-evident for the following reasons: it is admitted that, between the ages of 20 and 34,thc average man is at the heightof his physical strength and is most adaptable to the change of conditionsfrom civilian life; the military service of unmarried men and widowers without children would occasion less distress than that of most others, since they are largely without dependents. Also, It would entail loss financial burJen for Canada, through separation allowances, etc. Authorities estimate that,,after all proper exemptions have been allowed, Canada should be able to produce from the first class 100,000 men fit for service, so the drain upon the man power of the country will not be severe. Members of Class One will be well advised to present themselves for examination immediately to the Medical Board in their district. Upon examination as to their physical fitness, they will be placed in one of the following categories: - Category A --if fit for service; m overseas fighting units. Category 13—if fit for service overseas in Army Medical Corps, Forestry Battalion, etc. Category C—if fit for service in Canada only. Category E—if unfit for military service of any nature. 1t not placed in Category A. the applicant will know that he is not liable for ifnlnediate service, but wilt go to the Post Office and send in a claim for exemptionwitlt Itis Medlcat Certificate attached, when he will re• ceive in due course a certificate of exemption unto those in his medical category are summoned for service. Where a malt, who is pfaccd in categoery A, feels that exemption should be allowed, Off applicatiee oto }te secured Frani rho pbstmaster, Thin form, when filled in, will be forwarded by the posttnastat to glia r'egist'rar of the district, and the applicant will be informed by mail. At to tfbo time find place Inc the eensfderhtfon of life application by the Exemption Board. hasuert'by The 1Viilliary SCltled Cedric -it 137