HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-25, Page 61' oa 6,
" '747E111
Rich Yet Delicate
Clem, and Full Ar
Thor+,4ny, Qn.tober aSth, lytvi' °
rJetnwauwanwa�.ww.xew?amnwr+seuwat;v:�gq :
m1.'valn4. )a 30KOWa OW402110000 y, "
av rs
And Weird
S) 4n'
Dry Goods and
House iFurnishings
Phone 07.
Next to Royal Bank
in time to reach your friends before
Christmes, with that bux that they are
looking fur and expect.
We have; gathered in our store goods
that they appreciate and look for.
Below we give a parital list:-
Prepared Cocoa Sardines I
Prepared CatTee Cocoa
George Washington Coffee Olives
Honey Pork and Beans
Loaf Sugar
Custom Tailoring
Men's. ,Furniobinge,
Phone 103.
O p posit e P u b l icLi b racy
Water ire Wafers
Etc, Etc
Hunte Cooking time is now on. What
shortening are you using. We carry
the three popular lines and if you are
not using them you will appreciate
the advantages offered you in these
Fines-Easi0rst; Domestic; Crisco.
Phone i 11
,4;ta, ty
A Favorite In Canada
The steady demand for Overland Light Four touring cars in
the Dominion is the strongest argument we can advance
in their favor.
This sturdy little Overland traveler has proved a favorite'
right from the start.
It appeals strongly to those who want and need a moderately
priced car -one that is not too big and costly to maintain
or too small for riding comfort and pride of ownership. '
The Overland Light Four strikes a happy medium.
Let us show you this car. Let us demonstrate its advantages.
A ride in it is mighty convincing.
Willys-Overland Closed Car Models
Light Four -5 Passenger Touring Soden-106 inch wheelbase
f4 Pessanger TouringCoupe--•112inah wheelbose
Model 85 Foure•-•i'
S Pasao„gar Touring $edeas -•112 inch whoelbase
Light sixes -{3 Passenger Touring Co"rpo-116 incl whee1buee
5 Passenger Touring S don -.-•lie inch wheelbase
Willys Six --6 Passenger Touring Sedan -120 inch wheelbase
Wtllyc-Knight--4 Passenger Four Coupe -114 inch wheelbase
R.(RL 1[t 4 I M
Willys-ovretrkntfi4, Limited 1
Wi11ye-Knight and Overland Motor Cors and Light Commercial Wagon*
Head Office and Vilfmttrhs, Neill'^• Torabnto, Ontario
Better Qualification.
The Minister of Education has given
notice that after August 1520 the ac-
ademic qualification for a High School
assistant shall be a University, degree.
Holders of tfrst-class certificates will
not he eligible to teach in a High
School except under special circum-
New Test of Promotion
In Public Schools.
The Minister of Education for On-
tario has directed that an adequate
knowledge of such tomes front the
hishory of the war as may be suitable
for study in each school grade be re-
quired as one of the tests for promo
tion in the public schools. On the
matriculation examination at least one
and not more than two optional ques-
tions upon the war will be set in his-
Minor Locals.
"The frost is on the pumpkin."
The new Methodist hymn book will
be published on October 3tst.
If you like The New Era, recommend
it to any friends who are not already
subscribers, St.ou per year.
L. O. L. meets Friday night. The
Blue degree will be put on,
Our new serial will start next week.
Watch out for the opening chapters.
ilave you gut your exemption? is a
familiar expression just now,
After all, advertising in large part, is
merely making people feel friendly to-
ward your product and your organiza-
tion; that is why the shrewd advertis-
ing matt should never overlook an op-
portunity to create incidental good will
as a sort of by-product, in the columns
(,1 the home newspaper.
Sentenced for Robbery
Last week at 'Toronto, Charles Lusty
was sentenced to three years in the
penitentiary on a charge of stealing an
auto and robbing private houses. He
was the head of a gang of three youths
who broke into the home of Mr. Alex -
Armstrong (formerly of Clinton) and
ransacked it front top to bottom, dur-
ing the temporary absence of members
of the household, stealing several art-
icles of value, most of which, however,
were subsequently recovered Two
other numbers of the gang who were
mere lads without any previous bad
record, were allowed to go on sus-
pended sentence
Success of Another Clilttonian
The older Clintonians will remember
a former resident who was known as
"Chauncey" fisher when a stere lad;
he was a boy without the advantages
of position or wealth, but he had hots
of pluck and energy. Moving to To-
ronto he found opening for his talents,
and he started in the manufacturing
business under the title of the A, D,
Fisher Co., and by honest business
management has succeeded in working
up a splendid business locaited on Bri-
tain St, 11 is reported that he made
considerable stoney on a munition con-
tract, and he showed his generosity and
appreciation of a good cruse by last
week contributing $500. to the Red
Cross Fund. Here's where your old
friends take oil' their hat to "A, D."
Those who have never born troubled
with kidney trouble do nsi know the
suffering and misery which those
afflict i d undergo,
'rho dull plume sharp pains, and quick
twinges, all l point to the .fact that, the
kidneys require attention.
1)oan's Kidney trills are a specific for
all Itidnty troubles,
fare, Albert Williatita, Jlkhuta, Sask,;
wrih'1C-"T have the greatest, pleasure
in telling you what, 1)otun's Kidney .Pills
did for rno, 'l'rn years ago 1 WWI so
bad will; my kidneys Huai 1 would faint
away, and could nol,sl.and lodonitythtug.
1 head Seen that; way for two years, and
had dour ;ill T covlrl, but slid not get any
ibettcr until one, day some one put a
lull„ hook int our rloin', and 1 saw how'
.another young girl had suffered lilte T
was thee', in, 1 thought:A would tt;y 1hens,
feel I run sthld 't.n arty hint sfla'r iatking
four Nikita 1 heare never incl the same
thing meth, Thanks to "'I'erreitrs.0
Wilda enkttag for "Do o's piths" er+e
flint you ;:rt the oblong grey box with
the trade mark of is "Maple hasp."
Price Sae:I put up by The ',1', Milburn
,ruhilittiif Tanroete, Onto.
is blended f ",. m selected hill -grown
teas, famed for their fine 'fkavou.ry
qualities. 1 itated yet never equalled.
Local News
For the Coming Election His "Picture" in the Paper.
Robert Wilson, of Tuckersmith, has The Saturday Standard, published le
been appointed returning otlieer fur Montreal, had a group of Canadian
South Huron in the aiming election Paymasters on the week of the 13th,
1 and an excellent picture of Major M. D;
if the Controller Stepped fol . i Mc'I'aggurt, of the 161st Balti. is shown
Owing to the scaieity of coal it is H. W. C. A.
reported that some farmers have been
asking prices for wood, that if they : The 11,'W. C. A. is endeavouring to
were in Germany -they wouldn't have ascertain the exact amount raised by
the second chance to ask the price. our County for the British Red Cross,
Most people are willing to pay any rest- At this centre complete return have
sonable price-bnt when it comes to not been received from some of the
a hold-up, we think the ControllerSocieties so it was thought advisable
should step in and lay down a price, not to publish any until next week.
No Lawyers Allowed , Rabbits are Numerous.
Orders from Ottawato the affect According to the reports from the
that the representatives of the atilt- "r:debit" sections there is an unusual
tary authorities who will be present 1 number of cotton tails this year The
at the sittings of the exemption tri-; presence of the rabbits may help to
Impels must not be lawyers. These , solve the high cost of living this winter,
representatives have the privilege of for the bars have been let down andappealing against any decision of the hunters, in a commercial sense, wilt
tribunals, 1 soon be aiding in reducing meat bills
C. C. I. Notes. I in city'and town,
The C.C.!, took up a collection fur Leads a Collecting Team
the British Red Cross on Trafalgar Day
which realized $64,45 from pupils and
stall'. The proceeds of the "At Home"
which amounted to $25, was given to
the Red Cross fund.
Christmas boxes are going to be sent
to alt the boys from the C.C.I. The
chief difficulty seems to be in knowing
what to send them that will be suit -
If the weather is fine on Saturday the
Wttgh:un teams may conte down and
play the return games with the C.G.I.
C.C.I. Field Day and At Home,
Last week we did not publish an ac-
count of the sports of the C.C.I. as
we did not have a list of the winners in
the various events. A week ago Frid-
clay was certainly a very bad day for
the games but the junior and Senior
championship events for the buys were
run off in the morning. The senior
championship was keenly contested
and the result was .t tie between Fred
Lawrance, who has held the senior
championship fun 2 years and the
junior ch:unpienship for 2 years pre-
viously, and Harold Kitty, both of
whom had nine. points to their credit.
Kilty won the championship on a'toss-
up. Will Townshend wnshend was close behind
with eight points, The Junior cham-
pionship was won by Fred Wallis who
secured 14 points, Alvin Leonard carte
second with 9 paints, The Witlgliam
teams carte down to play elle return
games, but the grounds were not in
fit condition owing to tine rain and so
,the games had to he cancelled, The
pupils of the C.C.!, entertained thdse
from Wingham at night. The At (tome
in the evning was one u1' the best ever
held and' the attetdenee was quite large
The programme consisted of twenty-
one numbers, alternating between a
promenade and a dance. A short pro-
gramme was also given, Louis tMac-
Kay ably took the position of chair-
men. Air. Treleaven and Rev. Mr. Jones
gave short speeches each. The Misses
Snider gave an instrumental duet. Miss
Gibbings also sang a solo, The hall
had been well decorated with autumn
leaves and patriotic decorations by the
committee in charge, and was very at-
tractive. Everyone enjoyed the even-
ing and it was in the early hours of the
morning before the assembly broke up,
The proceeds amounting to 025 will
be given to patriotic purposes,
The prizewinners in the Boys' Jun-
ior Championship are as follows: -
Shpt putting -t, L. MacKay, 2, W.
Cooper, 3, F. Wallis; distance 39 feet 3
f3 mite -1 F. 1V:tIlis, 2, A, Leonard
3, J. 'Townshend.
100 yard dash -1, A, Leonard, 2.,1.
Townshend, 3, F. Wallis.
Running broad jump -t, Wallis, 2
Leonard, 3, Cooper, Distance 1.1 feet
1 inch,
Running high jump -1, Wallis,' 2,
islaeKay, 3, Leonard, Height 4 feet 5
Hop, step and jump -t, Wallis, 2,
;MacKay, 3, Leonard. Distance 30 feet
S inches,
Winners -Wallis 14 points, Leon-
ard, 9 points,
Senior Chtunpionship,-
Shol put -1, Lawrence, 2, Town-
sltend, 3, 5, Jackson, Distance 45 feet
1 inch.
utile race -f Townsltencl, 2 Gray
3, Potter.
500 yord dash -i, Townshend, 2,
Kitty, 3, Cray,
]lop, step and jump -1, Kitty, 2,
Potter, 3, Cray. Distance 32 feet 5
Running broad jump -1, Lawrence,
2, Kitty, 3, Grahmn, Distance, 14
feet 7 inches.
Running Haigh Jump -t, Kilty, 2,
Potter, 3, Gray, Distance 4 feet 9
' The Girls everts and the open inter -
form events were tun off hist week af-
ter four. Foerth form succeeding in
winning in the inter -forst contpetitioti
securing 69 points, half of the total
number secured by all the forms, Third
Form carte second with 37 points to
their, credit. Second and first had 18
and 54 resitectively, One ttf the most
interesting events was a slow bicycle
face which was won by Hudie, W.
Gray and E, Libby coating in for second
and third places, Ont of about 20 who
started in the race only two Succeeded
in going ail the way wititout'falling off
their wheels. A fast bicycle rate was
also run, In the Boys tug -of -writ',
Four'lii Fort won from' 'I'llirdeand first
from Second, The Girls tug-of-war
was very interesting three pulls being
necessary in each class, fourth fors'
girls 'defeated Third and Second Forint
won from First, • A fuller list of the
Girls events will be given next week.
In the Red Cross Campaign in Tur-
runtu, last week, whereby nearly one
million dollars was raised, one of the
collecting teams was captained by Mr.
W. E, Greig, son of Mrs, Greig, Clin-
ton and brother tit'1'.5, Grein, who sue
ceeded in raising nearly 036,500, fle
holds a iespensible position in the city
with the Massey-Ilearris people.
Important to All.
Ladies and gentlemen who are inter-
ested in the improvement of their ap-
pearance should not fail to see Duren-
wend's large display of hair goods at
the Normandie hotel on Wednesd'ty,
October 31st, ladles switches, trans-
formations, pompadours. waves, etc.,
and toupees and wigs for men who are
bald. There is no charge for a demon-
Pipers' Band at House of Refuge
Clinton's Pipers' Band and a number
of citizens lett tate post allice corner
last Thursday evening, 'I'ite music on
the way out and back again was splen-
did, Rev. .1, E. nogg occupied the
chair. A good program was prepared
of solus, readings, Jukes :and selections
of the band. The inmates enjoyed it
1ntensly .and invited tisent hack again.
After the program each of the inmates
were presented with a orange and ba-
mma as they passed out,
Another Huroninn Promoted
The vac:utcy in the Saskatchewan
Cabinet, creat'd by the entry ul' Hon.
Mr. Calder Into the Uniuit Government
at Ottawa, has been tilled by the ap-
pointment of ,Mr. S. 3, Latta, M.P.P. for
Last Mountain as Minister of Highways.
1b, Latta, alto is proprietor of the Go-
van Prairie News, is a well known
1lurontan, having been burn and raised
near Kippenl , and the congratulations
of his old frtends are extended to him
on his deserved proamnion,
Pension Forms Ready.
Furors hate been distributed from
Ottawa within the past few days to
pensioners of No. 1 Military District,
to he tilled in, in ainitection with the
alterations in regard to the allowances
for children of pensioners, provided
for in the new Act Hitherto, nit allow
antes were emitted to the children un-
der 824 a month. Now, a graduated
scale has been arranged whereby each
child receives st 'definite amount each
month, in proportion to the feather's
pension, whether it be the maximum
pension of $40 a month, $32, „2•L, 8111
or 018 a month. Provision is now made
whereby gratuities given in lieu of pen •
sion may he received itt bulk or in
monthly payments until the sunt is
used up. While every effort is being
made to speed up the application of the
new regulation, it is probable that it
will be the beginning of the new year
before all readjustnterls have ',been
made ind everything is running
War Prisoners' Letters
Special regulations enacted by the
Gener:01 Headquarters at. 13erll11 and re-
lating to correspondence with prison-
ers of war have been brought t0 the
notice of Pror. ,1, Cusin, president of
the Swiss Red Cross, 605 Temple Build.
ing, 'Toronto. The regulations is as
follows: "Prisoners of war are allowed
to send a postcard to their people to
relieve tension of nihil, 'I'liis lira
postcard, bearing only the date of a
concentrating camp, cannot be regard-
ed as bearing an address to which food,
money, letters, etc., for the prisoner
should be sent. Prisoners are allotted
to various camps according to their
state of health and occupations, and re-
latives wishing to coiununictte with
them must wait until they receive woad
from them giving their final address
in Germany, Over-anxious persons
have sent money, food, letters, etc., to
the address given on the first card from
prisoners, anti these have consequently
never reached their destination,"
T.rurns from East.
rrive 11.10 Lin, Leave 11,17 a.m.
rrive 5.53 p. M. Leave 6.45 p.m.
rrive 11,13 p in, Leave 11.18 p. m.
Trains from Wont
rrive 7 33 a nt. Leave 7.33 a.m.
rrlve 2.58 p„ciao Leave 2,58 p.m.
Trains, ftssm South
Arrive 10.30 a.m. Leave 11.10 a.m.
rrive 6,40 p.m, Leave 6.40 p.m,
Trains from North
rrive 7.33 0,15. Leave 7,50 5,111.
rrive 4,15 p.m. Leave 4.15
mMX,VP.MUZYuraanrucamiaasm2n,T,m.=10:1mae„ =1121=1.02PrmmN,===rv'.oncasm
PJ �
a, cal t)�� 9 sry rn
Often the eheapS8ot- ways the Bede'
3smronamnwor smiamaacrarmrm snallEMOMERILIMMILVIMMIIIMZE=.1SMaratEten ZseoWttirata7M11. d'
arnnuzmv a .rami, . ... __ .- ...... ..... ...._ .. _........._....._ , .. . ,.:,....., omessu.,memmwrcu,ve„msmeam.1%,
mama aeuiri r�unm •» asses:= aseesr,r.mae==. see to orrtsiel
A Tested Lens -
An Accurate Shutter ----
Simple Operation -
Good Pictures
All these are assured when you purchase aKot@hk
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We
have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you
how easy they are to use.
-We do developing and printing and guarantee good results--
Despensing Chemist
'S,.nQyz,-rge 'watt a a' 9raEu 'nsieWfJw•+3Er'o♦n.awaatnwt7t7m
:�menu19vc 1119 4.wmensmatt 1,1
.rEfatl.'Y7a .r"
___ruar amr.•n..•
. The Features of Our
To which we invite special eatt 5it5ter.
are its beauty, its assured comfort, its
solid coastrnettnn, and its below the,
usual prices. Any one of thttci'points
would be sufficient lo.e+trn it pant
preference, When they are all com-
bined wu feel sure you, troll, vs+i•li ar.
that', this is a Imo/lure rtuying' spino'
tunity you cannot afford to ignore,
Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S...
Night and Sunday Calls .answered at Residence over 5603,51 •
semagexo cca.s :" ane:olowses °a sec n..nar-."ansa,nser nunsmumns lotsu i.,
-, Gi i ing
lie tin
V of k of
The eorner Grocery
"Live and Let Live"
Specials in Soap
-5c per cake ur 2l cakes for n.00.--.
Leave your order now oetore prices ORANGES
Tho .a 'iawkhhs
Plumbing and Lle:tttng Eo Eo H u nn.flf l'
phone 53
51100 - over Howlaand's Iltatrclw';u e
13utter and liggs Wanted.' t-iiglsesa -
prices . gash or trade,
'S E
This House Of Good Shoes
Asks The Con.sidexa.ti.:.n of
People Who Care For Shoes
Of Special Merit And The
Best Of Shoe Values At Any.
Stated Price !,
Waa8tcsitntnta,nxSTamnansntSna .
FRED. .,J i its
Satisfactory Shoes