HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-25, Page 5'31ursday, October 25th 1911
...Y4ta - have already gone,
Farmers are walling vainly so fat' to
get their beans harvested,
Coal is still very scarce, Many are
using .eoai oil heater as a poor sub
statute 1'or coal, •
This is
.very year we give special
attention to Optical work in
'w;t 3T 15 A REST •FOR
fan .help there with glasses;
early everybody who does
Sot of reading or sewing
, fine work with the eyes
!feels the effects, and most
people knows it is a rest their
ayes needs.
Burt few can drop their work
bemuse their eyes or head
-whe. Not enough people
know that the right glasses
w103 give the needed rest...
Wear them while you work
they will help you wonder -
Satisfaction and comfort
with' ,glasses supplied by
W. 1 t>F LV
jeweler and Optician
tLse gray .fingering yawn, and -need-
'3rsi to suit.
c:8st on 80 stitches,
3E,oi6 2, purl 2 stitches for 4 inches.
watt platin until sweater measures
•".. kat"tEeS
;vial 28 stitches, bind off 24 stitch-
-s`,'dXor neck, loose,
rknil 28 stitches.
Knit 5 ridges on each shoulder,
.;srst tin 2,1 stitches,
• Knit blain for 21 inches, Purl 2,
kali 3 stitches for four inches,
Star up sides, 14aving 9 inches for
rrreels o es..
kgs,. .rows single crochet around
888.811 and 1 row single crochet
eruat>.)d the armholes.
8`]s,'se directions were received from
lee. ;Navy League of the United States.
The. .Armricau girls are busy knitting
8o'• their sailors,
To Hold the Stitches.
When you are knitting a sweater
aunt .6481118 to a place where it is neces-
sery.• 110 put your stitches aside and
+ss • your • needles to begin on another
place> slip the unwanted stitches On
tar a vary large safety pin. The pin
ire'. ulnen clasped tightly and the stitch -
:es are quite safe until wanted again,
Mt kind of pin used tor this pur-
rrasv is a i:tr,'e-sired safety pin sold
is. a blanket pin. It costs about live
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's institute will be held in the
' Forrester's Hall Thursday, Nov 1st.
if "Country life, its advantages, and Pos.
s3 ilitiec" 1'v Mrs. J. planning. Dis-
21iesiepn on Cake Making,
Bev. Mr. Johnston, of Varna, preach
.eal in our village on Sunday last. He
5rxr:zched two earnest and impressive
s+aeramu'rrs. Rev, Alf, . Robertson, of
72rwurat Bridges will preach next Sun-
A number of the oris of our icinity
have gorse to he examined by the min -
tart' 3i:hysic:its, They went to London,
Goalerich and Stratford for the examin-
;;;Iitgas. There are few young 111411 to
?ge ;Tared from this locality as many
Y.YatiY.�.a�,Y..^'�a4 ...Trrt„m2.uam. �••., y �jqy ..
fill•:.i ,ihT.
Ilwii�aIR; :
4°EB SB , OMR , 3ist,
Sheep .,, $8 to 541
Lambs $11)
Hogs . , .. $15.75 to $17
Wheat , .,,...,,.,'2.00 to 42.05
' Oats 50e to 57c
Butter 41c to 422
' Eggs 4 1 c fo 422
Barley 75c to 41.15
• Buckwheat Y;1 15
Bran 838
Shorts ... , . ... , ....... .414
Fiav g•
Births, Marriages & Deaths
15ARTL1F1'-111 Clinton, on Thurs-
day, Oct, 1sth, to Mr, and Mrs, Harry
Barbin', a son.
DUNPORD -'-1n the Alexandria hos-
pital, Goderich, 011 Tuesday, Oct 23rd,
to Mr. and Mrs, James Dunkin!, of Cliir
ton, a son.
Wroxeter Red Cross
The Wroxeter Branch of the Red
Cross reported at its annual meeting
receipts amounting to 41,066; ex-
penditures, 4868.97, and at balance"on
hand of 4198,07. The Ladies' Sew-
ing Circle of the society, has sent
three quilts to the Belgian Relief, 64
pairs of socks to the Belgian Relief, 64
506 pairs of socks as well as many
hospital supplies to Red Cross Head-
83Jarters in Toronto.
Joint Red Cross Appeal $3,000
Seaforth, Oct, 21.—Mayor H, Stew-
art, Treasurer of the British and Hal -
hut Red Cross appeal, reports the
total amount collected in Seaforth is
over $3,000.
c•tY`S,ll� �lyd"ilntYtf i� +i. w' fv 11"ala � in rr'e i;£�i� S1'i��:
Local News
lir t! UA ,'."3}Y.pjPP,11,,A(v, 4��„y�.'
Snow, Oct. 19th.
This section had a coating or snow
on Friday and Saturday, but the sun
soon took it away. Let us hope, that
Indian Summer will be with us for
sometime until the coal gets here.
Joins Flying Carps.
Mr. Charlie Forbes son of Mrs. A.
Forbes, of town, has joined the Flying
Corps and is with the Mechanical-de-
partnlent, which means that Charlie
will do all his "flying" on the ground
The Right kind of Fowl,
Mr. John Irving has some 11ulletts,
who were three clays ,'i 5 months which
started to lay this week. They belong
to tate 1'ivawuth Rocks breed. This is
rushing the season for this variety.
Has Three Sons in Khaki,
Mr, Gifford Crich, of London, and
eldast sou of Mr. and ,Mrs. Onslow
Crich of town, got into khaki a couple
of creeks ago, joining up with a ann-
pally attached to the 7th Regt. lie is
a bandsman. This makes three sons
in the King's uniform now as the other
two are with 1114:161st Bath. in Eng-
land at present,
Going to Egypt.
Cadet Will, Wiseman, sun of Curr
toms tlilicer Wiseman and Mrs. Wise-
man, who went overseas 5with a West-
ern battalion and saw service :at the
front, was wounded and after recovery
took or the flying game, left on the
0th for iigypt with a flying corps. Mi'.
Wiseman cot word Wednesday and the
letter was written on the 80, just be-
fore • their departure. Will's 'old
friends will hope for a safe journey
Beware of Non -Medicated Wines,
The License Department through the
local inspectors have given notice that
druggists 01• other dealers selling "In-
valid Wines" of various kinds not sut-
licently medicated to prevent their use
as alcoholic beverages, will be prose-
Are You Bald ?
Have You Thin
And Faded Hair ?
Is your appem•aunce not what it should
1,4 because of tine lack of hair?
Then come and 58e,
THE DORENWEND TOUP EE, which represents the highest
achievement in flie art of hair -constructing. Featherweight,
3bygenic and s0 natural to 115-pearnnce that the closest obser•
ver could not tell it from yourown hair.
The latest productions in ladies
VES, ETC„ and
Hea.do'(Ree1 '105 Yolige St., Toronto,.
cluedBoth manufacturers alai retail-
ers are liable -:wording to the Ontario
7'emperanlse Act,
Clinton W. C, T. .U.
The regular 8)4110ng of the W, C,
1, U. will be held at the home of Mrs,
i!, P108151641 at 8 o'clock on Friday
evening of this week. Mr. A. '1'.
Cooper will address the meeting 01
"Law Enforcement." A good attend
mice is requested,
To Act es County Treasurer.
(hying 10 the death of Dr, 1!01rnes,
Late county treasurer, Warden. Milne
lots appointed Mr, William Lane, the
County Clerk, to act as treasurer pro
tear, A permanent, appointment ti'l11 no
doubt be tirade at the December session
of the county council,
Assizes November 5. • •
The fall assizes for the county of liar
on will open Monday, November 5th,
before Mr. Jusliee Sutherland, The
case of James McCracken, of Morris
Township, charged with the murder
of his wife on July 2211(1 last, is to
ennl4 t1p for` trial. Mr. T. R. Ferguson,
K. C., ,of 'Toronto will be the Crown
A Double -up Rurnor
Chesley Enterprise;-lt is rumored
that the fuel controller will shortly
issue an edict to the following effect:
"That all old bachelors .and widowers
who are living by themselves and have
a good supply of coal on hand, and all
widows and old maids living by them-
selves, will be notified to double up
this winter so as to save fuel"
Proposal Approved.
On behalf of the Huron County
Temperance Alliance, the president,
Rev, J. P. Knight, of 114nsall, sent a
message to Premier Borden starting that
the proposed action of the Dominion
Government in prohibiting the mlanu •
facture of foodstuffs of all kinds into
intoxicating beverages would be heart-
ily approved by this association and
its many members throughout Huron
Mrs. Sheelev and daughter have
moved back into the cottage next the
Ontario St, Church,' where they for-
merly lived before going South a year
Mr, "Al. Rath and Wilily have moved
to a !rouse on Huron Street.
Mr. Levi Stong and fancily are now
getting settled in the house they pur-
chased, which has been occupied by
Mn, W, Rath.
Spoilad Stamps
All stamped envelopes which are
spoiled by mistakes committed in sup -
scribing, will be redeemed by •the
postotliee department at their stamp
value. Postage stamps damaged • b%
slicking together in warm or damp
weather or for other causes before us-
ing 1811$ be returned to the department
and their value exchanged for new st-
amps, Alt redeemed envelopes and
stamps are sent by the postmaster who
redeems 'hear to the department and
records of the same are kept. These
regulations are, we think, not generally
known at large, and their publication
51831 be beneficial to a large number
of people, - '
Colvin -Paisley Wedding.
Teeswater News. -A quiet but vers
pretty wedding was solemnized at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. David Paisley,
Wragg1e St., at high noon, on Saturday
the 6111, 1211811 their youngest daughter
Annie Marion, Was united in marriage
to My, W. R. Colvin, 111 Culross, Rev,
1b'. A. Bradley, officiating. The bride,
unattended, wore a smart travelling
suit of navy blue silk and black hat.
-After the ceremony the bridal pair left
for a trip to ,\lontreal and points east.
1nlythe immediate friends of the bride
and groom were 'present. Mr, and Mrs.
W. W. Johnston, of Elora and Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Paisley, of Clinton, being
the only taut -of -town guests. Scores
of friends will join in heartiest best
wishes to the bride and groom.
Children Cry
Food Controller Thinks This Will Stop
Waste -December 1st is the Limit -
Wholesalers and Makers Must Cut
Segall Packages by November 1st. . .
OTTAWA, Oct, 22—in order to eli-
minate the waste in packages and the
increase in cost to the consumer in,
Mrs, C. Dresser, Bayfield, Ont.,
writes: -".I want to tell you of the hone -
At 1 got from your medicine,
Last winter I had a very had coal :11171
cough btu, after taking taro bort lee of 1h•,
Woods Norway Pine Syrup I. was cured,
I think it 18 ahqui, one of the hest• cough
gyro )s,that 1 know of. I alwaye keep n
bottle of it 1n the house 8o I. call have it
when I want it.
'Cho other week I told an old lady
about "Dr. Wood's," She had 131011
(31014 for three weeks with brinohitis, and
had been getting medicine from tlm dor.-
tor, but didnot seem to be getting _numb.
bettor, She got one bottle of Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup, and she says it has
done her snore, good than all the doctor's
mediehm she had. been taking,"
1)r, Wood's Norway Tine Syrup .is
rich in the lung healing 'virtues of the
Norway pine tree; and this Intakes it the
best remedy for 00114118 and colds.
The genuine is taut u!) in it yollOw
wrapper; 3 idne nets the trade mark',
price 23e. and 6041 manufftettu'ed• Only
by The C MilburaCoq Limited;TOrentor
Oat, •
volved by the trade in small paekaties
oibreakfast foods, cereals, and cereal
products, an Order-in-eouuoil has been.
passed, upon tee recommendation of
the food n, prolliblting the sale
11(441'•a 51281co)164lroiler4818, unit15 11641184(1,
of such foods in 0)'ginai packages of
less weight than 20 pounds. '
In- special cases the food controller
may license the sale in smaller pack-
ages 11 necessary in the interest of the
puulie, •
Manufacturers and wholesale dealers
acre -given until November 1st to dispose
of their stocks, but on and after that -
date they Must not offer for sale In
Canada "any food known as breakfast
foods or cereals, or floor or other fonds
which are -the product of wheat, oats,
barley,- rye, ries:, peas beans, buck-
wheat,.lntlitun corn (maid,) or 1e11tils in
original packages of less weight than
20 pounds."
In 'the case of retail dealers, the-pro-
4)414on of sale is effective on and after
December 1st. An order -in -council re-
quires that all the food enumerated
shall be sold by the pound or ton, and
shall be net weight td' the purchaser,
Ohitciren Cry
The Legislative grant has been as-
signed to rural schools but the money
has not yet been received from the
Provincial Treasury. The Superannu-
•ttio11 fee for the full year beginning
April 1st was deducted from the grant,
but as in some cases new teacher's
ware appointed with' to different salary,
a re -adjustment will be necessary on
the excess tit' salary above 1.14U0 up -to
$600; a school with a Second Class
leacher having; a Permanent Certificate
and experience les5 n live Years re-
celves grunt of 41with experience
of tine years or over the grant is 425.
Under similar conditions the grant for
a teacher with a Plrst 3I1ts8 Certificate
Is $25 and $40 respectively. 'pirere
Is no grant' on an Interim certificate,
No grants are' withheld in l=ast Huron
through neglect to provide the stan-
dard equipment.
oviroR EVER (NEW,
Although generally, d880rihed as a
disease, constipation. can '41e1'OI' ('8121
1.1111001 some of the organs are deranged,
which is generally found to be the liver.
It consists of an inability to regularly
evacuate, the bowels, and as a regular
action of the bowels is absolutely es-
sential to general health, the least irregu-
larity should never bo negleeto4,
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills have no
equal for relieving and curing eonatipa-
tion and all its tallied troubles,
Mrs.. Ie. Martin, 1'rinee Albert, Sask.,
writes: -"I had ono of thea 5502114 eases of
constipation 1ny doetor said he had ever
known, and Alilburn's I.,axa-Liver Pills
cured me of 11. My father -ill -law had
used them, in fact he was the 0110 who
gave them to me. A number of people
around here use Item, and they all say
that they are tho best pills they ever
G$ 5 ? i ?r:
by wearing a pair of our "Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction"
Rubbers.. We carry a full line of "Consolidated and Miner"
Rubbers to fit any shoe„
Shoe, Specials for Friday and Saturday..
,30 pairs Men's Heavy Split Blucher, tl'ell Blade and good
solid stock. A shoe,that will stand lots of good hard wear,
Sizes 6 to to worth $3.75. Special price $3.10
25 pairs Men's Heavy High top Blucher, Black or Tan,
Solid stock and a proper good shoe for the wet fall weather.
Sizes 6 to to. Worth $6.5o. Special price $5.50
Buy a pair and save the price of a pair of Leggings.
We have also a lot of. broken tines clearing at very at-
tractive prices. Let us fit you with a pair.
wafts_ VIZOMMGEM11711==.11=0.1=1L113.,====.411V=11
Small Profits
M .S.
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pi11:, are 25e. ,...,........,-setsyeecrem,
vial at all deniers or mailed dimer on
receipt of price by The T. i11ilburn Co,,
Limited, 'I oronto, Chnt.
More 181851nts8
1' to date the war has cost Canada about $700,000,000.
Canada has spent in Canada over $400,000,000 on her own
Canada has spent in Canada on behalf of Great Britain. over
What Canada spends for Great Britain is really loaned to r .
and will be repaid or credited to Canada later on.
Great Britain needs so much ready
cash to finance her own expenditures at
home for herself and for our Allies that she
must buy on credit from Canada, and from
every other country where she can get
Of course Great Britain's credit is so
good that other countries, in order to get her
trade, are quite as willing to give her credit
as we are in Caaa eta,
Canada wants to help Groat Britain
not only because Cait cka, wants Britain's
trade but L.:!cat:re'we are. Canada and she is
Gr-:11'Britain—both members of the same
great Empire, kin of our kin, our mother-
for Canada it is both a filial and
patriotic cluty to supply Great Britain's
c=ar needs and remember, her needs are our
needs. Also it is in Canada's self-interest
to 1,c,tipply those needs and thus keep open
a.market for our products.
Now, Britain needs our -Wheat, our
cheese, cattle, hogs, and many manufac-
tured articles,
Canada also needs many of these things
'--between the two it amounts to more
than a million dnliars a day in cash.
And the producers must be paid in
Neither Canada nor Great Britain
could go to a Canadian farmer and buy
his wheat or his cattle on credit.
The farmer and all other producers
might be ever so willing to give their
country credit but they could not do it
because they have to pay cash for wages,
for rent, materials, etc. TInn,
in cash, ()r its equivalent.
Canada says to Gia ori: . ..1
will lend you the money-
ol:eypay ca..:vi to Canada's
you. w71Ilt.
"I wili_ borrow tt
0'44'11 people dust f..3 yc,1 1 1
your people.
"1 will a.155) borro,
Canada ino1iq to pay t .
ducts that Canada,' .; P:
needs in Canada,"
part in helping to win t"..?.
Without this cra1.t
deicer colrlTt not sell to
witl:Cl1It those. Canadian 1
would 1)e prolonged.
it is necessary for Cr.!,._ ..
to Great Britain the ere: L.. :'.l .....
Canaddn's own producers,' , 10 1^... 1 -
will hare. Oite; and itt
Britain which neecls the l>r: -!ll^t•; t;. ,.,
War, will ^t them.
Now how docs Canada get t+,..`.; ...
by which both Canada and Britain cnI• -
cash for Canada's products?
By borrowing it from tire.
Canada through the sale c
Victory Bonds to be offered. in
That is why Canada',, 't.,..5iy ..:
are offered to the people—to raise
to help to finish, the war.
"Canada must keep her shoulder to tin
wheel even'though it be a chariot of lire,"
and the way for Canada to keep • her
shoulder to, the wheel is by buying
Cana':,rt:' Victory m Bonds
Next week this space will telt why Canada raises *ono
by setting Canada's •Victory Bonds
rallied by Canada's Victory roan Comtelttet.
fa es.operatien with. the Minister of 82)21i242
et the ))otniitioa of Cg,atkl,
r'. ,