HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-25, Page 3Si(
'Page Three
Mr$.SheidonSpent WOO dor
treatment Without Bone,
fit. Finally IV1ade Weil by
Lydia E. Pinkha$n'sVeg.
etabie (Compound,
Englewood, Ill. —"While going
through the Change of Life 1 suffered
with heedachee,ner-
vousness flashes of
beat, end I suffered
so much I did not
know what I
doing at tines. I
spent $1900 on doc-
tors and notone did
me any good. One
day a lady called at
my house and said
she had been as sick
as I was at one tine,
and Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound made het well, so I took it and
now I am just as well as I ever was. I
cannot understand why women don't
see how much pain and suffering they
would escape by taking your medicine.
I cannot praise it enough for it saved
my life and kept nye from the Insane
•Ilospi'tal."—Mrs, E. S£tmt.,noN, 5657 S.
Halsted St., Englewood, Ill.
Physicians undoubtedly did their best
battled with this case steadily and could
do no more bt t often the most scientific
treatment is surpassed bythe medicinal
properties of the good old fashioned
1 P
roots and herbs contained in Lydia E.
'mkhar's Vegetable Compound.
If any compile:1 onlets (letsit'
pays toe reit the, se, 11:
ham ]4T" cltlr ((, a,t �tt1, 1:11is5.,
Lor - 1 r.7 tot,
W. C. T. U.
The Ontario W. C. T. U. is shout t
cover the Province with en appeal for
sews of silver and gold, unused trink-
ets, etc., in aid of a fund to defray the
expenses of the Pay Book Leaflets, and
Free Drillkabies to the soldiers in the
forward trenches.
It took centuries for medical
science to discover that the blood is
the life. Now, it is known that if
the blood were always abundant,
rich and pure, very few people would
ever be ill. It was not until the end
of the tette century that an instru-
ment was invented for pleasuring
the red part of the blood. Then doc-
tors could tell Just how anaemic a
patient had become, and with medi-
cine to slake new blood the patient
80011 got well,
Al) the blood in the body is nour-
ished and kept rich and red by the
food taken daily, but when, for any
reason, a person is run down and
cannot make sufficient blood from
the food to keep the body in health,
thea a blood staking medicine is re-
quired The simplest and very best
of blood -makers suitable for house
use by anyone, is Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, When a course of these pills
is taken their good effect is soon
shown in 101 improved appetite
stronger nerves, a sound digestion
and an ability to master your work
and enjoy leisure hours. For wo-
men there is a prompt relief of, or
prevention of ailments which make
life a burden. As an all-round
medicine for the cure of ailments 1
clue to weak, watery bloody no medi-
cine discovered by medical science
can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
You can get these pills through
any dealer in medicine, or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medi-
cine Co.. Brockville, Ont,
Lesson iV,—Fourth Quarter, For
Oct. 28, 1917.
Text of the Lnssdn, F_e. viii, 21.22.
. Memory Versos,,21, 22--Golclen Text,
Ez. viii, 22—Commentary Prepared by
Rev. D. M. Stearns,
Some time after the rebuilding and
dedication of the temple, as in the last
lesson, Ezra and his company yet utited
to Jerusalem 'With, Wonderful l'7tval's
from the king of I'arsllt becnuso of the
good hand of his God upon hint and
because of the house of the Lord at
Jevusuem, on which, 1111e David, Ire
'lied set his affection (T Chron, xxix, 3),
:til these two chapters, vii and viii, the
house or trod, or the house of the Lord,
:Is mentioned at least twelve 1l,n,'s, and.
some mune or eked—such n0 the GNI of
he tvon, the God of. 15110), the (nod of
Je'itsiteO1. the Clod or awn' 1'el heirs to.
prm.•v-mi.vmamac¢arautr.v... ... :..: ..:
the Lord Cud—nt least thirty -live tines,
:1`110•11nne of God Is nu uliuticel ill 'v11,,
0,'3, 28; vlil, 18, 22, 11, sO tint our
4ottvts must surely be stlyell om Jetta
vale ht this, a5 u1 even Bible study,
P115 whole book git'oit to us 1llnt we
may. know Clod, the only living end
true God, end.trust 11110 and live for
Illm, t18 11111 (Mt TO tie Ito Is the
God. and (rather of our Lord Jesus
Christ, hilt ever the same nod always
Iooldnee for heart0 that are whole ta-
ward IT1111 (11 Citron. x1 i .9).
As to 12'/,rie illy was a ready scribe ill
the law lit' Moses 1111(1 foul neernired Ids
heart to seek mud to du mid :to teach
Iu Israel the haw or the Lord alai Ills
statutes and judgments tvli, (1, 101. 1
do nut knew how mut'( illy own lift
h n . atle tccby Lliu'1 but 1 as been c 1 t
tainlyem 'Wad Pint for over forty'
years hove nhcumy filo to see -king
to know Cod as revealed ler Ilis word
and to Help others to know Dim, and
me band has manifestly been upon us
for geed, and inereanlugly so as the
years go by. .The favor of God toward
Ezra tht'ough the king and 1110 conn -
sellers Is a maguilieent showing of rho
power 0f IIim who 1)1)) turn the hearts
of kings to strengthen the hands of
ills iu Ili5 work (Here v3
Note �, h v he
Prov, xxl, 1). the silver anti d t ,
gold s0 freely given for the haus of
(Joel and for sacrifices, with, authority
to drew on the, king's treasure house
for whatsoever more might he needed
and freedom to use all as seemed good
Reverding to the will of God (vii, 12.201.
Then the decree to the treasurers be-
yond the river to give to Ezra saver.
wbeat, wine and oil and salt without
limit and exemption from all toll or
tribute, tthe th God or heaven might
1 ttl 1 CV g
be honored and made known to those
wen knew Wm not (1.11, 21-20).
',Ye t,o t,ut wonder that Eire blessed
the Lard 1lod of his fathers for so in-
futeteln ( 17e king's heeet to honor the
t;, d of ' ,r1::') before all Ills counselors
are teighie ieee tell, 27, 28). The
eon -pony or e:1 w!)0 wm•0 willing to go
me!:l'cr:i I , ?t';. 'aalem having assem-
ble/) a1 the tier of Ahavn, he caused
the 1'1'utll: to Nee- and pray that Cud
would slow them the right way for
themselves, their Ilttle ones and their
substance, he being ashamed to ask the
11 'Jig fur an escort of soldiers and horse-
men to help against the enemy in the
Ivey, since he loin sold to the king,
"The hand of our Lord is upon all them
rue good that settle Ulm" i 'li), 21-23).
Flaring fasted and pram) and hat. -
.tog en :assurance from Clod that [To
11'ot11d Care for them (verse 231, he put
the silver and gold and the vessels in
the special care of twelve of the chief
of the priests, the gold and silver alone,
without the vessels, being equip to
about $3,500,000. assuring them that all
was holy -unto the Lord and charging
them to watch unci keep all until de-
livered safely in ,ierusalem (vitt, 21.311),
They were four months on the journey.
tint the halal of Clod With upon them
all the way, and Ile delivered them
from the hand of the enemy and of
such es lay in wait by the way, and
they reached Jerusalem In safety (0)),
0; viii, 31, 32). On the fourth c15y lift-
er reaching Jorusnlem all the treasure
was safely banded over, told then they
manifested their gratitude by sacrllic-
ing burnt offerings (ail, 33-331.
It wouldeem to many a very pre-
samptuo1s fling to take such a jour-
ney with such a cowpony (perhaps 2,000
people) anti so much wealth, with ene-
nlmies by the w'1ty, without an armed
escort, even though they had tested
and. prayed (11111 committed themselves
to the Lord, but Ezra knew the Lord
es fell' know ilius in 0110 day, and nod
honored his filial. So many cannel
trust 1Iim to pare for tho'w'ork Ile has
entrusted to them, but dishonor I2)m
by appealing to Tlis enemies to help
hem c'on'y en the wort; 11nt1 by enter-
ing_ into all sorts of worldly aillen •ro
In so called Christian work. '.('111.0 wax
eornewtlat the condition ill' thing:; in Jr-
ru:;alem on the urr,vcl of h::ra anti ids
c'n1tlp:wy, 11111] 111 01.41 11 1101111 of 1;01] 11
was Mewl breaking, The pt•npll or floe,
led on by their ()1'int'rs end rnlere. L-1,1
jointed in allluhy With the people of the
11nd1 and their llbuminatiens, told
I:are learned of it Ito 1''1011 111,on (l10
1111108 it wept sore 1)11,1 :Trend ail the
trouble. before 111,' lord fix, 1.11, 13-13;
0, 1.5). The 2.0111 henr11 11'0 try 1)1(11
inclined the pr,,10 to he '4) 11ing I:+ pal
ew•a,v the w'r0)18, aur) More was 1n great
perlfienfion bile) 0rpnrnti,u unto Cm
T.o'd, if we would b1 wholly fur tin:l
we 111)181 honestly pray, "Somali 1(15, 0
Glad, and know my h1nrt, try 1:?1' 110111
knelt' 111y 111nl1141111) x1711 see if the:,0
any tray 01 1'.11(1 or grief in 10o eat)
I0n11 ((11' in the way everliediee" (Ps.
('xxeix, 25, 21. 11711r!'itl1. ll',' 1111111
hall before God mud be sincere !Clem
evil. 11,
nertr:re a ereneeteepe. reef nµrrrse r na: snniteeu.+r
The nervous system is the alarm system
of the human body.
Int perfect health we hardly realize that
we have a network of nerves, but when
health is ebbing, when strength is declin-
ing, the same nervous system gives the
alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful
sleep, irritability and unless caraa� ted,
leads straight to a breakdown. 1
To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul-
sion is exactly what you should -take; its
rich nutriment gets into the blood and
rich blood feeds the tiny nerve -cells while
the whole system responds to its refresh-
ing tonic force. free from harmful drugs.
Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Out.
green or ripe, in jelly,
spiced conserves, a
simply preserved in light
syrup, make a delicious
and tllexpetlSiVC addition
td your whites supplies.
"Pore Dolt Uncolored.
is the ideal sugar for 'all
preset:vine, because of its
FINE Granulation.
16, C5 and 766 p nil Ssrks
7. Inn 5•potool dnrlona
'three. ,mw 5812111 'ilk t7ankq sei,l. hn
mor 14,3 I) It Trade -matte
A2t59Tla$t1Gr1n i1geletEUI2'JS
Deluca, eimerocl
At 50 years of age
There no v 1 e
e is reason ,wl e
f mum or , lie
reaches the
fifty mark, he m' air N1101.11,1 s`
not feel full of energy rid
bnppincss, 1t L: true, g_en ter
cure must now be Laken to
drive away the lesser ills,
which; If neglected, arty (le-
velop Proper attention to
the Kidneys suggests
POltTHE • ledomkYs
At the first evi ichac that Kid-
neys are notworking proper-
ly, that is, if •on lave pains
it toe hack or sines, twiin ee
of ra man lista constant head-
aches and r,stiess nights,
swolleni oin s or ori ung
troubles,t f
a ;ter Pills, „
will benefit n most floor Von
first dose. It costs nothing if
you are not benefited for the
dealers sell Gin Pills on our
guarantee of !matey back if
not satisfied,
tie a
hn.c or G boxes or U o.
A free sample r.tyou write to
National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited • Toronto
U. S. Address: N - r
a ff u-Oo,
202 Main St.,Buffalo,Inc.
110 N.Y.'
• ,110rr0'O'11,+11'`0.4 •t"r..h'NEvPD V MS•ts
'A'(:EN '4/ MARRICS),
A '.:eneere bride sill be :15 )(frac-
tionate wife and a tender mother.
A February bride will be handsome
and amiable and fairly happy.
A March bride will be pretty, cu-
quetish, loving but jealous,
An April bride will be inconstant
but very beautiful.
A May bride will be impetuous and
unselfish. -
A June bride will he a good house-
keeper and very good-natured,
A July brise will he a chatterbox and
inclined to be frivolous.
An August bride will be well man-
nered but quick-tempered.
A September bride will he a great
flirt but very affable. •
An October bride wi41 be much liked
and practical
A November bride will be inclined
to be lviid but very loving.
A December bride will be extrava-
gant and fond of nevelly.
A. Minister's
That Piles, or Hemorrhoids, Can.l
be Quickly (lured --A Justice
of the Peace Cured
Many Years Ago.
Toronto, Ont., October, 24t11—
There has conte to us recently these
two letters from prominent men who
bear unquestionable testimony in re-
gard to Dr. Chase's Ointment as a
prompt and lasting cure for piles.
'these sten give their evidence
freely because they know what it
!leans to suffer from the tortures of
piles and then be cured. They feel it
a duty and a pleasure to let others
know how they ton may be cured.
Rev. Frank N. Bowes, Methodist
Minister, Pricevilie, Ont., writes: "in
the winter of (eye', ( lvas stationed in
Cobalt. i went for snowshoe tramp
one day, and sat for only a few min-
utes on a cold stump waiting for some
comrades to catch up to me. From
sitting on the damp stump I contract-
ed piles, and suffered so severely that
it caused age great pain to walk. A
friend recommended Dr, Chase's Oint-
ment, and 1 immediately purchased a
small box which very rapidly effected
a cure. I always keep a box on hand
and find It excellent for any kind of
wound 1n' sore."
)lr. W. B. Thorne, J. P., Alderside,
Alia., writes: "It was twenty-eight
years ago that I became acquainted
with the merits of Dr, Chase's Oint-
ment and would not be without It on
any ttcount as it never fails ler do its
work, I was first induced to try it for
piles, Less than one box cured me
and 1 have never been 'troubled since.
That was twenty-eight years ago, so
I think the cure is peruninent. It is
gond for sore lips or hands, chafing
and in fact, all sorts of sores, You are
at liberty to use this statement for the
benefit of others."
You cat put Dr. Chase's Ointment to
the test in any case of piles with the
utmost assurance that you will ob-
tain relief from suffering and ulti-
mately lasing cure. 110 cents a box,
't all dealers, or }Mime:son, Bates fe
Co., Linlitelt, 'Toronto,
With Increase in Canada's Prestige as
a Belligerent, War Business Booms
Ottawa, Oct. 24111—Announcement
that tate imperial Munitions Board
will spend money liberally in Canada
for the winter 011 munitions contracts
is welcomed here as an assurance of
industrial prosperity during the win-
ter months, It 'iso means that the total
amount Scent on 111nlli111(1115 in Canada
to the 011(1(4 the year will be an int -
posing sun, just how large it is diffi-
cult to estimate at ie
Consideration of this question
brings up the point that Canada
Inas been unusually fortunate in the
hatter of obtaining contracts for
war material, ell kinds of which
Wave been exported 10 Burope, since
war began. One of the features of
Canada's participation in tate war
has 15501 ih5'-prosper(tis business it
has brought the country.
The adoption by Canada of the
Military Service Act has vastly in-
creased the national prestige as a
ke)ligorent ole the side (lt the Allies-
has beet) assured the country 11f Colg-
tinuel prosperity through 'swat' ac-
tivlil(es (f a business nature,
Thursday, October 25th, 1917 01 r
Y t: •X• Qi k a• 44 8• x• 0 i,
x �•
at • as '+H tr •>•• so- a, ne a. a: r, (t
That every style that ever was is
good style naw, along with many styles
that haven't been,
'I'1)alt one famous 'New York r5slaur-
attt is now advertising a special "meat-
less, wheatless end almost sweetness
luncheon," -
lhat M1¢. -Maurice )lewltt, wife of
the novelist,. was 'the first, woman in
41eat •11i'If,uu - to obtain alt- air pilot
Teta when Tattler says the baby
kept them up all night it means that
he .lvohj up' once and heard his wife
•get ell,
That Ihe graycolored wool sweater
me ' el utur 11(I • .1110
t become • te
) t In slacker,i • warning Issued
w(Itts the 1
by 'u1 Americanewspaper woman. •
That since the bustle gown has 'not
quite "got over" there is a demand
for the frock that is litted up 1) bit at;
Die back with a drapery loop and in
velveteen frocks this style is . very
Phut "Cravenette" finish ostrich,
feathers are the latest tad are said to
withstand dampness and the "Craven-
' said1apparent
ettn�' is to leave no
trace—they are Just as I)'ne and soft
as ever.
I I II III ,I i '
I 1
Leslie Vanier could not . reconcile
herself to Lawton and she made ho
pretense of doing so. She hated small
towns 1111d Lawton in particular. 011
told the few people who cam to s::
her that she was home ,i') and Jere):11•
ed And sale told T 'm (; .1 same thine
:11111, :r: he
1,), 111E ;150010014.
'11 •'t they bee
l.'_ �1:arr.'I.
trite: tea•l he;•t rt::rrio',I th-,.•.! or four
and held env 1'' .1 iu the city
But 'font got a notion that they cOutd
get along better in the country. Ile
heard of Lawton and hunted up a holt
there. Then he and Leslie moved. The
only house they could get was a large
one on Icing street. The rent was
small, but it would have taken several
loads of furniture more than they had
to fall it creditably. All the King
street houses were large. Theirs was
the only one that dill not give an ap-
pearance of comfort and means in re-
serve. Leslie felt that it was her in-
ability to make a good showing that
kept people away from her.
"They look down on us. becauie we
can't put up a )food appearance." she
told Tout. "Tiley are snubbing me and
1 shan't stand it.
"What will you do)" Tont asked
"I'1) pay them back. I guess i cal
be just as hateful and uppish as they
are. 1'11 show them 1 don't care for
them or their mean little tricks." Tont
sighed again.
She pretended to be looking sc4. hard
at a show window that she did not
see AVirs, Sweet when they passed on
the street. "She knows I couldn't fail
to hear herself, "with all the noise her
taffeta flounces !take,"
She neglected to return Miss .les-
up's call until twice the length of
time prescribed by courtesy had elaps-
ed. "1 guess they begin to know what
i clean," she thought viciously. "1'11
have nothing to do with any of them,"
But solitude did not agree with Les-
lie. She became morose, touchy, She
had, In truth, delivered a boomerang
which was most deadly in its recoil.
She W15 having -a solitary sundae at
Melton's one afternoon when a group
of her neighbors entered and took the
two tables nearest her. Leslie pre-
tended not to see them, but they were
so near she had to hear their chatter.
"I was 1t Julie's house yesterday,"
Airs. Sweet said. ',end 1 had such a
good Bole."
"1, too was there yesterclav," cried
Mrs. Kellam. "Pow did it happen 1
missed you?"
"Oh, 1 trent early so as to avoid the
crush," Mrs. Sweet replied. "I 1(151)5
do if 1 can."
"The last time 1 was there," said
A1rs, Kinney, "Mrs. Van Orden came.
She brought Julie some of the most
beautiful ruses i ever sew." '
Mrs. Van Orden "
There was a general breathlessness.
i_eslie felt a thrill of curiosliy. She
had seen Mrs. Van Orden and the
things that pertained to Mrs. Van
Orden—a Daimler limousine, the great
stone house on Nle hill, and servants
In huff livery. Who was this Julie that
so great a person as Mrs. Van Or-
den should call upon her? Some so-
ciety favorite -doubtless who held her-
self moot and whom the street felt it
was an honor to know. Julie—,Julie?
To Leslie the name nad a vague, fa-
miliar ring, When at hast they rose
to leave Mrs, Kellen suggested that
they all go then in a body to Julie's
house. •
Leslie, with a feeling of being left
out of sonleting that seemed to prom-
ise much entertainment, added anoth-
er spite to her little list against her
neighbors. She thought they had alt
gone, when suddenly Miss Jessup turn-
ed straight around and cane back to
where she was sitting.
"i've never SCSI you at Jult'e's
house," she said.
Leslie flushed and (lung up her head,
"Pm sure 1 don't know what you
mean," she said coldly,
Miss Jessup sat down 111 the oppo-
site chair and looked at Leslie with
her practical, rather hard eyes, "But
you ought to know by this tinge," she
said. "Yinl've lived here four months,
and it doesn't take people long to find
out about Judie North. Somebody
mist have told you."
"If so ('Inc forgotten," Leslie said
"Al any rate, 1'nl sure that no person
of 1holt 11111)15 has ever called upon
111 e,"
"If you wait for Julio North to can
(111 you," said Miss Jessup dryly,
"you'll wait till kingdom conte and at -
ter, Julie don't make calls, but she re-
ceives them, stares of thein. f could
tell. you about her, but 1 shan't. 11(51
going to take you to see )ler, and you
can find out for yourself." she rose.
"Conte on1 it's not far,"
somehow Leslie went,. They left
E' By Elsie Endicott
«'W'ooe.'B U 1 4ibdllitlf
The cheat ,Ph,.5li&, 1121552d�1,
'Tonne rind invigorates the whole
nervous syste m, mins new 131nod
111 ofit Vents, Vara Alerroas
/11(5)1154' J12ettlnl emelt Brain ivorr7/• I)a5?(o5;
(1, 565/. bona ef Sh,r•Nf1r/, Palpitation of the
Heart, h7rrrr.a)'5, Price St her box, sib
for sale W Ono all please, sir will nota 1)1025(1111110(1
druagivs or mailed in plain Mtg. 011 1005151 81
erica. Nealil)at71phlst,,l(,iled (mee,THE WOOD
Such unusual power of pen0tra-
tion does ?earn-Iluk poesess that it
is 01(11a1I0 of reaching the under-
lying tissues. To cases of skin
trouble, this is whore the g'rpat-
est pccutnulation of gorms is, and
until these are destroyed aper-
0 -
t! y s
m t f 1e
anon euro cannot be emelt d,
Zam-link destroys all germs ;with
which it comes in contact. When
the diseased part is titol:nugltly
cleansed and , purified, the herbal
extracts, of which Kaon-Iluk is com-
posed, grow now skin; and a com-
plete and lasting cure, Is the result.
Zam-Duk is a reliable cure for
eczema, ringworm, bad leg, running
sores, ulcers, abscesses, blood -poi-
soning, piles, cuts, burns, scalds,
A( dealers or Sa -Buk Co.,e 0 a �
tl,. 1 m
Toronto, 50e. box, 2 for $1.25.
told believed. She :and Mtss Jessup
weth( go,
"reYou'elllast comet1g1iu, both of you,"
Julie pleaded, "I want you, 1.e81ie:
We 4)17 do each other a lot of good,
Bring her, Miss Jessup;• please, Bring
her often, 'I'ibt will be an excuse for
you to Conic more often than you do,"
She dismissed them with a gay smile.
Walkhig home Leslie heard JLIlie's
story. -
• "Born wrong," Miss' ,Jessup said
tersely, "But you see what she Is and
does, God knew what lie was about
when Ile put Julie North to the world.
Aren't yo -u glad you event?"
"1 will go again, And may I Oro
with you?" Leslie asked, eagerly,
That night she told Tom all about
it, "Nou
wonder they didn't like
said. "They resented my neglect-
ing Julie. There's nothingrI believe
so Lar reaching as kindness, Tom. I've. 1'n going le I
'781 .
Jai ''' laps a
'Olin CORA 112111
liar0RONTO,o Vee p
never been a very kind person, but I'm
Julie tread) me. She
«+;'i" r - .r.:., 'y� 1q^ r�z,' ,.tee r11fL..1 .,...F s.:e4
the. Main street and walked a tittle
way up a narrow, dingy side street,
t Liv set with badly built little
ht 'nd towards a side
door of the
id most badly built of all
:0:1,, turned,
eete-ed unannounced into ag
..•1 room. It was empty,
1. 1) the A:etre .,pen doe:- al t'l
a voice --:1 coda+. hes'tit1ll''
sweet voice telling 1 stent• --„1a.1 1
said In Mrs. Van Orden that it "'07
sent me any more cake like ("'11 -1m
have to pay the doctor bill, bee, 1
should certainly eat it and the doctor
would he 111611 able."
Upon the succeeding ripple of laugh-
ter Miss ,Jessup led Leslie in. "See
here, ,Julie,” she said, "I've brought
you It naw yi51 tor."
"Oh. good'" cried the Sweet voice.
"It's pretty crowded in her now, but
we'll make roust for her. Mrs, Kin-
ney, give her your chair, please.
There's lust room left on the bed fur
you, 11,11v di, you d(, :Miss New -Vis-
itor? Yon see nobody !•ill tell me your
A hand was outstretched—such at
small white, thin hand. so transparent I
that one could almost see the blood
Pulse in its blue vein. Leslie stared
at the hand and then at the lir) it be-
longed to, and felt tears rushing to
her eyes.
She sal against pillows in the mid-,
dl'e of the bed—the merest scrap of
girlhood, which disease had done its
worst with. But her face was like a
small, faded rose—that would breathe
out perfume and show forth color, al-
though it crew on a stunted, crooked
stesu, She was smiling 5o gayly that
Leslie smiled back, Ilverbody else 111
the room W1111 Smiling, tau, even Mrs.
Kellam, who wore glasses.
"Mr name is .Julie. What's yours?"
the girl asked.
"Leslie Vawter."
"i like the Leslie part. it suits you,
too, So if you don't mind I'll call you
by it, Sit down, Leslie. You see I've
got to go right on with illy crochet-
ing." She attacked a pink bootee.
They were all Laughing when Mrs.
Van Orden Caine in, She had orchids
fon' Julie and a kiss besides. '•1
couldn't slay away any longer, You did
me so much good the other shay," she
They were all acquainted ted in no time,
No two people could sit in ,Julie's
presence without feeling acquainted
and warm hearted and friendly. Only
kindness and charily could live where
.Julie was. And the longer she stayed i
the 11111TO Leslie wondered and lea riled
great Cil:initi CI:8
It gives them vim.
and sta1,71:Dower.
It is refreshing
to workers
SinGfcera wEiff
find G'uf sacfning
and cr"v'IY',,siling
15,1tT1'BFJ' :
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It costs little but gives a lot of comfort and refreshment. Not only
a long-lasting confection but a nerve -steadier, a thirst -quencher
a pick-me-up. Every Christmas parcel should contain some
Exemption Boards have been chosen in such a way as to make them absolutely independent and
removed from all influence. There are over 1,250 boards throughout the country, each composed of two
men, one appointed by the county judge in the district concerned and one selected by a joint committee of
Parliament. Being familiar with local conditions where they sit, the members are wall -fitted to appreciate
such reasons for exemption as are put before them by men called up.
Exemption will be granted to those who can establish that it is in the national interest that they remain
in civilian life. This is for the Exemption Board to decide after having received full information in each case,
The grounds on which exemption may be claimed (which are similar to the grounds recognized in
Great Britain and the United Stales) are as follows t—
(a) Theta 10 expedient in the national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in Military Scrvice.be
engaged in other work in which he is habitually engaged.
That itis expodiont in t1,e national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in Military Serviee, be
engaged in other work in which he wishes to be engaged and for whichhe has special qualifications.
to 11 itiscx expedient trintheer any al,,rk tor
(,o is then
of bean employed
p g p d in Military Service he ou;<I continue
YY sh
to be educated or trained for any work For wldch ho is lieu bean educated and trained.
Y g
(d) That serious hardship would ensue it the man wore placed on active service, owing to his exceptional financial or
business obligations or domestic position.
(0) III health or infirmity, .
(3') Thal ha conscientiously oblecis In 1110 oncleflaking of combatant service and is prohibiter) from doing so by tenets
and article. of faith, in effect a, the sixth day of July,1917, of any organised religious denomination existing and
well recognised in Canada at such date, and 10 which ore in good (pith belongs.
(q) That ho should be exempt because disfranchised under the War Time Election Act.
No Claim for Exemption should be put forward unless one or other of these grounds in fact exists,
and no loyal citizen should assist in, or allow himself to bo made a party to, any Claim for Exemption unless
thoroughly satisfied that it is made in good faith.
Exemption may be applied for by the men selected themselves or by their parents, near relatives or
employers. Application for oxemtition must be made on printed forms to be found at every post office
which aro to be filled in and Idf1with the postmaster if exemption is desired. The postmaster will forwartd
the #ora to a
Registrar, who will send it to the appropriate Exemption 9oard. 10 due time, then, the
Applicant will get notice as to when he must present his caro bcforc the Board,
issued 6,9 The Military & mkt Council