HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-25, Page 1"1.(( ER BStablished 1 865, Vol. 5 2, No. 17 CLINTON, ONTARIO; THURSDAY ()CY0/3 ER 25th, 1917 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers. Ow does your Label Read, Decenthr 17? Look and See. vvvvvorvwwv4.4‘kry'vvvvv•orvvvy tykovvvViamov~Arvseywy•NAN's I DI/Illt Worry nbout0630at -.24o4 a new stock of HOT WATER • BOTTLES We have just received direct from the factory There are no better values anywhere. You get < • a two year guarantee with each bottle, and we < • guarantee there are no better 'bottles at the I price. Keep your health built up With WAMPOLES COD LIVER OIL -The value is in the prepara- / tion, not in the newspaper, -W. S. aRi. .. 1-10 L ,mms Phm.B. BEST, QUALITY.DRUG. STORE kItIVVVVVVVVYVVVVV1VVVVVVVVVY VVV4e1VVVvVVVVVVviseonisierVVVVI*0.0 iss''`II"-e•v'stsslress."'""sse'"""'.'"' Ttpe oya OF CANADA Incorporated 1 869. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,911,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,324,000 Total Assets 300,000,000 420 13 RANCHE S -With World-wide Connection Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch orUZir..i.-..-.Vitsiir=remmarceommerre.rer• E M INCORPORATED 1855 {SONS CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,300,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate 1-1. R. SHARP, Acting Manager Clioton LOCAL TRIBUNALS COMPLETE ""'""'"' UNDER M. SERVICE ACT i --- N OU' Barrister W. Brydone and Mr. Chae, G. For Clinton. Middleton, Government Appointees Over The irea.Culos L ewja: usdg'.'""" Clinton and distrct local tribunals under the Military Service AO tire now complete end announcement was made Friday of the Government appointees. Complete Tribunals The complete tribunals with their odicial numbers are herewith -given for Huron County:- Winglinm (1 28)-DurIley Holmes and Samuel 1Sennett, Brussels (1 29)-W, M. Sinclair and Robert Livingstone. Corrie (1 30)-W. S. A1cKercher anti George Walker. Seaforth (131).- J, M. Best and George McGee. Exeter (132) -1. R. Carling and Henry Smith, Goderich (133) -Judge L. 14, Dick- 0, son and Chas. Garraw. Clinton (134) William Bryclone ' and Chas. G. Middleton. Dungannon (t 35) -Thos, Stothers and William Dale.y, Miss Biggins, of LondOn, spent the Rev. Mr, Moulton is visiting in SUBSCRIPTIONS TO BRITISH week end with her sister, Mrs, Miller, Brantford this week, Ontado St, RED CROSS FUND Mr, Nickle, of RidgtowMr, and Mrs, Charles Hartletb, en, was . in Zurich, announce he .engagement of town last week looking over the b • Town f Cli t leo- daughter, bleanor, to Mr. John Ilenry -Cantelon, of the Molsons Bank Toronto, sun of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Cantelon, of Clinton. The marriage will take place quietly at Zurich the latter part of Ns month, Mr; Thomas Archer, who has been here during most of the summer, re- turned to the West last week, Airs. (0.) Axon is in charge of the First room in the Public School, owing to the Blues of Miss Thompson woo. The way the weather is keeping the outlook is none too promising, Rev. and Airs, Doan anti family, of Monkton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, 13, E. Hunnieford, while in town over Sunday. Mrs. C. Sutter, of Stratford, we's a guest of Mrs, J. A. Suter this week. hit's. Chant, sr., who has been the guest at the home of her son, Mr. H. 13, Chant returned to her home this week, Air, and Mrs. Hutchison, of Chic were the guests of the latter's sis Mrs. Kennedy, Ontario St. and Mrs. Fitzsimons, Mr. and Mrs, A. T, Cooper were guests of Rev. Dr. and Mrs, Rutlet tGoderich on Sunday last. Mr Cooper ets taking the work of the Huron CO. emperance l)rganization in the North t. Methodist church in the mo r 11.1 In the resbvterian church at nig Miss If. Sutherland, of Hensall, is uest of Mrs. AlcGarva today. Mr, and Mrs. W, Wilson, of ago Hewett, anounce the engagement of ters their youngest daughter, Cora an- ti. bet!), to Air. Herbert A. Chamberlain, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Chamberlain the of Niagara Falls, Ont., the marriage to edge take place the iirst part of November. Stratford flerald:-Maey old friends renewed ac9uaintanceships with Capt. . J, alifult, of Kingston, at the Ontario_st Baptist church on Sunday. Cap t. Fan -full is now chaplain in King- ston and he gave an interesthig ad - DON'T MISS THE POINT! There is a man in this part of the world who represents, to our way of thinking, a pretty good average of human nature, Whenever the preacher in his church delivers a very hot ser- mon against some special kind of sin, this man gets enthusiastic and goes around to the vestry to tell the preach- er what a line sermon it was. Then he goes home and repeats it to his broth- er, and they talk over the points and the Pe0Ple the sermon Mt the hardest. But this particular man never sees when the sermon hits him, Early next month the gibbest public camploign ever put on in Canada will be. opened to get subscriptions for the town, is in Huron County organizing fourth Canadian war loan, the Victory the County for the taking of sub - Loan. The thing people in this dis- scriptions for the new war loan which trict must bear in mind is; that the ap- the Government will present next peals are directed to en] a d • • 13 ti b ic T 13 Mrs, Guy Jones and baby are visit dress. Ile vats resident of Stratford ing ttt Pontiac, Mich. prior to moving to Clinton to engage Lieut. Tucker, of the S. A. force, is in ministerial. work, from which place spending her vacation with her mother lie went to Kingston, at 'Foronto. Airs. J. A. Sutter received for the Miss Beatrice Green left on Friday first time since her marriage at th last for Toronto atter spending several weeks visiting at the home of Dr, C, W. Thompson, Aliss A•1arion Irwin is attending a Sun clay School Convention 11214 in eiltat- ham this week, Airs. Jack McPherson and children or Goclerich. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Downs over the week end. Airs. Smith returned from her trip to Buffalo and other points this week. We are pleased to report that Mr. Itarry Fitzsimons is doing as well as ean be expected at the hospital at p e rich, Mr, 1,slvin Torrance, of Toront,. and son of Inspector Torrance of n s mon 1 Airs, James Twitcholl received word this week that her 20/1, Pte W. .1. Twitchell, of the 19th Alberta Lyra, goons had landed safely in England. 12ey, W, B. Moulton has Just com- pleted the examinations for Licientrate in Sacra Theologia at I•itiron College and Western University, London. Mr. moulton re.:,it-es the Degree of I -5.T. this week. Zurich lierald-The many friends of Mr. Peter Lamont will regret to hear that he is seriously ill and is under- treatment at the General tiosli- tal, I oronto. VvII41 1:1,2 atterfdivng the Ada foi the hist war loan there were cattle market about .1 weetk ago he waS (mly about -41,0020 subscribers or say taken ill and 81 the hospital it was 4 in every 700, l'et in Canada the in, found that his condition was serious, terest was much higher --011 the Vic- but soma inipmvement is now re - tory Bonds that will probably be is- ported.-Alr. Lamont is ain ex -Warden ud me of them. It is not merely the well 44' p1411 and. women who are being ask - 13 to invest. It is everybody. The tittle sermons Whiell Will be "preached" 1 the advertising should not be taken s hints to the well-to-do people only. very man and woman should watch ,r these advertisements and start now gather up the necessary money to uy either a fifty or a hundred or a ve hu»dred or a thousand thilkir bond. 1 the United States there were a- uut -I subser?bers to the lirsl Amer - an IOU t or every 100 persons, hey only received 3 c;i. In Can- tihrdered Cinching 1 i Ready -to -Wear Clothing How about a New Suit? We are showing a splendid line of snappy new models in serges, worsteds and tweeds. $12.00 to $25.00 See our special at $15.00 How about a New Raincoat? These handy, dependable garments that are always ready when you want them. $5.00 to $24.00. See our special at $7.50 How about a New Hat or Cap ? We have an immense assortment of caps in all the latest styles and cloths. 50c to $2.25 How about a New Overcoat ? Now is the time to make your selection while the assortment is at the best. See our new models in Pinch -backs, belted sacks, etc. The Morrish Clothing Co Agent tor 43. P. It. 'reffIra,p11 co. 1 Square Deal tor Every Nan Try The New Er a 1017: for job Work in 1711 s e v e c ahuut ol Huron Co,, and well known lo The first thims.anyone shosdd do, in many in Clinton. our opimioo, is to get rid of the idea Christian Guardian -Rev. J. W. Hol - that there is any sacrifice invoked in tries (superannuated), of Saskatoon, investing in this loan. It is true that conducted the services on the Brock the patriotic spirit is appealed to and it circuit un Sept.. 30th. Bro, Holmes is is equally true that a great and generous a veteran of the Ontario Conferences. response is expected on that ground. Although eighty-three years of age, But the new war loan is a straightaway Bro. Holmes preaches with much the business proposition; safe, profitable ' same vigor and p:»ver of earlier years. and convenient. livery man and every -Rev, Mr. Holmes, was a former pas - woman with as Much as fifty dollars to' tor here in the old Rattenbury St, spare should own 002 of these new: church, bonds, and not only that, but should Mr. F. Dunham has resigned as help to show others the worth tit these business manager of the Stratford Herald and is succeeded by Mn, A R Alloway, who has been Assistant See.- retary of the Canadian Press Assoc- iation for some years. Myth Standard -Mr. McConnell, of Clinton, is visiting his daughter, Mrs, Bien, Herrington. Mrs, Herington al- so had a visit from her brother, 111r, Webster McConnell, of Buffalo, on Tuesday. • bonds In recommending them every- where. 'Ole readers of this paper are alnOng most thrifty, prosperous and public spirited in tile Dominion. When the subscriptions to the Victory Loan are added up from the various districts anct sub -districts we expect them to show that this part of the great Dominion has been true to its traditions and Just to its opportunities. Meth District Cooverrticn A Large Attendance and an Unusually Intei•esting Program The Epworth League convention of Goderich district was held in North St Methodist Church Wednesday of this week. There was a large attendance of delegates from the various points in We Lead With New Fruits. ANOTHER CONSIGNMENT Pie Raisins 2Ib s for 25c Cooking Figs 0 3 fb s for 25e Seedless Raisins, (loose) lb .150 ieetileSs Raisins pkg, lb , ..15e New Peels, Currants, Nuts and everything to make your Christ- mas cake T NEtt THE EU b (wetli. ' phone 48 the district, in fact, larger than ha been anticipatod, There was keel interest manifested by those present a the various sessions during the day. Rev. Osterhout and Rev. F. Arm- strong, of Wingham, (a former Code - rich boy,) gave most interesting ad- dresses at the evening session. The attendance at the evening session WaS goocl, and the choir of the church, und- er the leadership of Miss Scott, also rendered valuable service, Following Is the Secretary's report of the proceedings: Morning session of annual Epworth (Lliestitgritetet, Convention of the Goderich Chairman -Rev, Arthur Sinclair, Devotional exercises by Re -v. J. W. Hedley, Nile, The meeting was opened by singing hymn No, 8. Moved by Mr, McC'ormick, seconded by Rev. Osterhout that Addle Jenkins be secretary, The following personks were elected as a business committee; Miss Marion Clilllos; Majorie Aitken, Goderich; Rev, Mr, McCormick, Myth; Rev, A.gnew, ClinlonkRev. McKelvey, Dungannon. Prayer by 'Air. Agnew, and while the voting was being taken hymn 133 was sung, The Rev, P. S. Banes, of lienmiller, gave 2 Splendid talk on 'the Develop- ment of the Prayei: Life in the Epworth Lenioe. said that family and private prayer is essential to enable 00e 40 30.0e power enough; to pray in k. Some hindrances on the part of Leaguers to be able to prayer are cowardi:u! ov lack of the true spirit of home of her mother, who assisted her along with Airs. C. Sutter,of Stratford, Airs. 13, Floody, sister of the bride also assisted the guests, London Arivertisen-Aliss Florence 1 Cunningham, of Clinton i sthe guest of Mrs, W. 13. Screalun, f,erard street. From here she will attend the Sunday School Association Convention in Chat ham, and will then return to spend tht. week -end. untrns ge Sale 0 it on 4t675.00 Girls Patriotic Auxiliary 40.00 Collegiate Institute MissM. Clarke 5,00 W. Brydone 5,00 H. R Sharp t 5.00 Misses 13, 8c, 13, Mounteastle .. 2.00 J. C, Veitch 3.00 Miss C, McLaren 5.00 11, 13, Manning 5,00 Mrs, R. Pearson 2.00 Miss 0, L, Walkinshaw 1.00 Miss V. a Chowen 1.00 C. G. Middleton • 5.00 Cuningliame's 3.00 J. W. Moore 1.00 A, 0. Pattison 4.00 Mrs, 13. Herman 1.00 Miss R. Herman 1.00 A. F. Cooper 5.00 Nliss NI, A. Stone 5.00 Miss B. F. Wsrd 5.00 Mrs, Martha Livermore .25 1-1. Plumsteel 2,00 Miss 'M, C. Rudd 1.00 Wm, Walker 1.00 Mrs. John Derry 1.00 A. 3, Holloway 1.00 Miss M. Wiltse 1,00 Miss 13, Richardson 1.00 11. Wiltse 2•00 A Hooper Miss Maud Livermore Mrs, Osborne Mrs, Morgan Agnew Miss 13. Thompson W. L, Johnson Dr, C. W. Thompson W. 1' O'Neil Miss Whiffle O'Neil 12. Rowland Mrs, Clara Rumball Mrs, 1-1, T. Rance Airs Farrell R. W. Reed John Ransford John Torrance Fred, Jackson G. D. AicTaggart miss Kate McTaggart Airs. J. C. Candler Miss Al, Cowing Miss Jean McTaggart W. D. Fair Rev, J. 11. Hogg Misses McFarlane Aliss L, Hunter 13. E. Ilunniefo,rd Mrs. McGarvi WANTED --By the Y,L.P.A, fur their Miss A, Wallace W. 8s '4', Jackson Rummage Sale, on Nov. 1 oth. Any- miss Florence Garrett thing and everything induidng idd , A. J. Abolish clothing (i)1 good repair) furniture John G. Medd John Stephenson 3.00 books. etc. . School Section No, 10, Stanley 3.00 Airs W. S: Downs 1.00 W, Watts 1.0o TIR)S12 wishing to contribute, kindly Leonard Harland 4.00 notify, Mrs. May Rance MacKinnon, Miss Minnie Cooper 3.00 Iluvey t.0 0 Or Miss W. O'Neil. Rev, J. A. Robinson 1.00 Mrs. At, D. McTaggart 25,00 Mrs, Gen. AL linty 1.00 Airs, Wm. Graham .1 1,0(1 No Name Clinton Model School Mrs, C, J. Wallis Robt, Jones Chas, Lindsay J. H. Kerr Robt, Welsh J.C. McMath Misses Southcombe ). 1,, Alacplierson . W. Elliott Friend iss S. Turner Courlice rs, R. Sweet oughts Wheeler rs, Elizabeth Sheppard 1.00 3.0(1 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 5,00 5.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.0U 2,00 23.00 2(1.00 10.00 2,00 i.00 5.00 2.1)(1 10.00 5.110 5.00 5.ou 10.00 30.00 1,00 3(10 2.00 DON'T IVHSS 'The Bazaar lc, I,e held hl The hung Wes' Pat. Auxiliary h in the '10/'10/113oN HALL, CLINTON, on A Saturday, Nov. 10thCourt iisGs. 51 commencing at 2 p.m,- ; hl , Miss Hill Airs, A, McCartney SALE OF -Fancy Work (aprons a A, specialty; Home. Baking, Candy; Soldiers' comforts; Old Timers' E. Booth, H. Peacock Chas, Baker ALLIED TEA ROOM -Tea served allIA,Wirns1; tiTieri! afternoon: Miss 13, McIver Wm. Grant J. Gibbings Stephenson rs, 3 W, Shaw rs, John Hunter Rodaway James Scott 11110111•0** SUPPER FOR BUSINESS MEN al 6 (o'clock. Lou 30.00 5,00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1,00 9.00 10.00 5.00 .50 tog 5.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 1,00 ,5o 00 2,00 1.01) 5.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.011 1.00 2,00 Total5121 4.70 'Subscription to Italian Red Cross Town of Clinton 575.00 Girls Patriotic Auxiliary 10,00 AUCTION SALE of remnants from W. Br -41,'"e 1.00 Bazaar at 7 o'clock. SIS6.00 .Nations at War With Germany Date of Name of Declaration Country. of War Serbia July 28, 1014 Russia Aug, 1, 1914 France Aug, 3. 1 9 1 4 Belgium, Aug. 4, 1 91 4 Great Britain . „ , . „ ...Aug. 4, 1911 Montenegro Aug. 7, 1914 Japan Aug, 23, 1914 Italy ',May 23, 1915 Portugal March 10, 1916 Date of Name 01' 1)e21aration Country, of War Roumania Aug, 28, 1 9 1 6 United States Cuba .April 7, 191 7 April 7, 1917 Panama ......... • .. , . April 7, 1917 Greece j-Juife 29, 1 9 1 7 Siam July 22, 1917 Liberia Aug, 7, 4917 China, Aug, 14, 1917 11'1he date of italy's enrnce inthe wtaotet she extended hostilities to Germany by declaralit tGreece severed relations with all the Ceett although War was not formally ci , as "considered War to exist," itwas later 20 11011 WU not regarded as necessary, San Marino is at war with Austri a -Hungary. NATIONS THAT HAVE SEVERED RELATIONS ' WITH • OERMANY • against Austria-Flung:11T; ni of A ))gust 28, ;016, al Power on this date., and. said111131 the government d that a formal declaration elways , t he most helpful. fvlorc things country, prayer. A long or wordy prayer Isn't Name or Severing I Name of , Severing 1)ate of 1 Dal/ ot are wrought through prayer than we D,,,,,,ll Relations 1 Country,. Relations realize. April 1 I, 1974 l HRH . , , - ... i ... ... Julie 19, 1017 2 Bolivia , , ...... ., . , . April 13, 1917 i Coster RICA ... ..... Sept. 21, 1917 Leagues should pray definitely for -0010,,41, Continued on Page 2, April 2S, 19i7 - Peru . „ , Oct, 5, 1917 lioifoitras . , .. , - ,.. , May 413, 1917 Nruguay ,.... Oct, 7, 1917 Nicaragua , ...... ,.. May 19, 19 17 I Fortner M. P. for West Huron, Appoint., ed to the Bench of Huron County, Ottawa, Oct, 21. --Col, E, Norman Lewis, of Goderich, former NI. P. for West Huron, has been appointed junior judge for the County of blur(M. Mr. Lewis served in Parliament since 1 904 and came into considerable prom - thence. as the proposer of what at the time was viewed as ratter radical leg- istatIon, Ile was the father 04: 4412 clay - light saving scheme an(4 an authority on marine matters. Col. Lewis' former constituency is wiped out in the redistribution, 000 **** *sot * H, W. C. A. Report * * * * * * • • 0 •!' 011 aCC01111t of every Society at this Centre packing Christmas boxes for their own boys, the sh inment this month was nut as large 25, usual. The Societies are requested to make a special endeavor to have the next shipment as large as possible, as the supplies will reach the boys at a time of the year when they are most need- ed. The shipment Haig month was as fol- lows: - Varna Society -21 pairs of socks; 1(5 flannel shirts; 37 slips, Unity -t2 pairs of socks. Stanley Maple Leaf -17 pairs of socks; 8 flannel shirts Bethany -13 pairs of socks, Y. L. of S. E. of Goderich Twp. -6 pairs of socks. Clinton Pat, Society -32 pair of socks; 0 flannel shirts; 5 pyjamas; 10 sheets; 32. slips; 30 Trench towels; scarf, To Own Boys, Clinton Pat, Society -1 pairs of socks. Y. L. of S. E. of Goderich Twp -1 5 pairs of socks; and $1.2 worth of tobac- co and eats, 0)064:0680(630 11.(..iiteet0d115 O2 CS is WITH aoisCLICJECHRS. a vegasecaoraseaaaseaaea: Ontario' St. Church. Rev. J. A. Agnew will conduct ser - at I urner's church on Sunday aft.er:1(11A1. VIe1111VerSary cervices of the Ont- ario St, Church will be held on Sun- day w•hen Rev. J. E, J, Millyard, of LLS. 4)1)021, one 1l) the best preachers in the London 0011 jeresc2 will preach, morn- ing and evening. There will he speck!! (1111.54e lir the choir and the Trustees are asking for an offerin,, if S. The delegates from On tario St, Lea- gue .who attended the Convention 131 Goderich last week were misses E. Hibbert and 13Iva Wiitse 0(5,K nedy. Alessrs. Graham and McMurray and Misses Gibbings, Walker and Stevens motored up for the evening session. The League meetingon Monday night was in charge of the Good Citizenship department, Miss 13. Plumsteel and. Miss II, Cornish, delegates at Strat- ford Epworth League Convention, gave their reports. Miss Marion Gibbings sang in good voice "Come on You canadians." Air, 1', 5.1-1, Graham, of the C. C. I. staff, addressed the Meet- ing on "National Ideals." Percy Wheat- ley, was in the chair, Wesley cumuli. There will be no evening service on Sunday owing to the anniversary ser- vices in Ontario St. Church . At the League meeting on Monday evening three most interesting and cons prehensive reports were given of the League Convention recently held in Goderich, by Miss Mildred Cook, Miss Daisy Nediger and Mr. Norman Hol- land, Mr, Clifford Andrews sang an excellent solo and Aliases Gertrude Powler and Dorothy Rorke sang a duet, Next Ainsulay's meeting is a Bible Study Con test and is a new and interesting meeting, A good attendence is expect- ed. St. :emirs Ohui'eli. Rev. A, J. Williams, a returned Mis- sionary from China, will preach in St. 1,1, -auu1.1's church on Sunday evening, Nov, Willis Church Rev, Air. Telford, of Blyth, will preach preparatory sermon on Friday evening. Communion will be observed at the morning service on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Hogg's 'sermon in the morning will be "On the Mount of Transfiguration" and in the evening 'The Hardness of Christ- ianity." 0000....000....0,00000000. Patriotic Notes 13 a aseaseaestaaaasaaaat000estea W. P. S. will meet 00 Friday, Any one wishing tu make a shirt or knit socks can get material at this meeting. If any have caps please bring them as this is tl e. last opportunity before the boxes are sent overseas, The dis- tributors are out with the penny bag, and 44 13 hoped that each and all win respond to the appeal and take one for their twine Or piaCe of business, Urge sums of Money have been raised by this system in other towns,' and Clinton ai!,-,s at feast 51000.00 in the year, two blies that have been in W. D. Pale.,: Store also Cooper St Co, win 'remain there as usual and any one still wishing to put their contribution in their will be welcome 10 do so, Colt', actions will be made their monthly iu 01211 12 the bags,