HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-18, Page 8PAGE 4 AIr ,,., ,nrUt., .1.11 .1141n.e„ter Are You A -Man tO Hold; aewsn+cam.nnnauuvamamam,omaV��?'•'�*eussx�rywTmsw.0 mzeuvainswesn,ineiaAvetpant Perhaps you work indoors. Or perhaps you are an otut-of-doors man. It makes no diffierence. The point is this: If you are super -vigorous, you need Underwear of super- strength. r Nothing else will hold you long. Come in here and get ,a warns, comfortable suit of Stanftelcts Unshrinkable. WOMAN'S sTo;tE Dry Goods anti Rouse Furnishings Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank .THE CLAN I.01°i NEW ERA,. mm�.^'�:..... .. tis,tYd�Aut+,rmbi.a�nan,wlew.arapawr,+wn.:aeauWmwaiwa MEN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring 3Ien'e 'furnishings. Phone 113. OhlmsihtPur,i:ci,il,rary t om mus. 2.,==.,^av'�"�L ctor rsas-z:=mm=ram nmeas etensiWnmRlrQsannessFss r TM: HOJSE1t1EIIFES P D E Cratd:0(UR9teetipeasYcsegta.iitl^r©at..v:tv. E3 is the making of good pick es and in order to have good pickles she must have Cl'mices and good vinegar. Our spices are pure and have had the proper coring and proper maturing. Our vinegar is of the best known brands and ours that have been tried out. We feel sure they are the best. Leave ytuur pickling orders with us. Large or small they will have careful attention if you would tike to have some nice tasting mustard pickles to J • add zest to appetite this winter try this ' receipe. Mix to a Paste 3 table spoonfuls of mustard; % table spoonful of tumeric; cup of flour; ?i cup of sugar; 1 qt. vinegar; boil and pour over pickles. A McLaughlin buggy, good as new for sale, HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Phone 1 3 1 y ` ° T1t6 STORE 669'' b.INQ.s. ,.nae Model Eighty -Five A Matter of Choice If you are a lover of six -cylinder performance, or if your choke is a car equipped with a tried and true four -cylinder engine, you will do well to look into the merits of the Overland Model Eighty -Five. This is the popular model that is•built in both motor designs— either a Four or a Six. Both are big, comfortable cars. The Four has a wheelbase of 112 inches—the Six 116 inches. Both are beauties in appearance and in action. Cantilever rear springs and big, roomy seats afford solid riding comfort for five people. If you have decided to invest in a moderately priced, real family car ---one that will stand up under steady service— drop in and ask for a demonstration of this Model Eighty - Five. Overland and Wiliys-Knight Closed Cars Light Four -6 Passenger Touring Sedgn-166 inch wheelbase Model Ss Fours -{3 Ppseeriger Touring Coupe• -112 inch h:elbsea” 6 Pnsmnger Touring Satan -112 inch wltaelbaee Light Sixes -{3 Pacwnger Touring Coupe -116 inch wheolbaso 6 Pasoenger Touring Sedan-116Inok wheelbsso Willy. Six --6 Passenger Touring Sedan -120 inch wheelbase Wirt -Knight -4 Passenger Four Coupe -114 inch wheelbase IR.GRAMPAM AGENT CLINTON . Withy wemuarnL,.Lh' sited wiit{ye.Knight and Ovorland 7islotor Cara and LSgbt Com*m,,r0411, 1! SS Head Office and Wgrlal, West Toronto, Oratorio Vlaird r ;t'? �¢ a Cstf oil iiJ f-4 saseeaoseSsattaareacanDOOVittnies Mr, Harry Bartlill' was in Exeter on Wednesday, Mrs, laugh Ross has gone to Leam- ington for a few weeks visit. Mr. and Will Cantelon and children of Toronto were In town for Sunday, Miss Kathleen Gunne, i turned from Lucknuw and is visiting friends in town Hiss J. Tliumpaun is 111 willt puinsv and Modelites ase teaching her roost: Pte. Percy Glidden will go to Lon don uu ,Monday for medical treatment. Mrs, A. J. Grigg and Miss Helen re- turned on Saturday from their trip to Winnipeg, Mr, and Mrs, tl. E. Hall and 'Evelyn were visitors at Windsor with relatives during the past week, Miss Laura McDonald returned on Saturday from Paint, Mich„ and her .another is remaining for a week or s" longer. Lieut. A. J. Grigg is in London today attending a meeting of all the military men who will attend the sittings of the exemption tribunals, Mr. D. K, Prior is the delegate ap- pointed by the.Baptist church to the annual convention of the Baptists churches at Woodstock next week. • Blyth Standard:—.Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moody, jr., of Toronto, and the Misses Cantelon of Clinton, were guests on Sunday at the home of the fornmer's uncle, Mr. D. Ploody. ' Mr, and Mrs. D. G, Wheeler, of Sar- nia, haa'e,moved to Clinton, Both are well known here as they were former residents here prior to moving to Sar- nia. 630 CD Oil 61i0i200/ COG WM WOO 10 � u • WI It TWIT CHURCHES, ' se eeesro< eeeeseesseemeseo Willis Church Rev. Dr. Aitken of Kippen took the services last Sunday white Rev. M4'. Hogg preached anniversary sermons at the latter village, Rev, Mr. Moulton will deliver ;an 11- lustrated address under the auspices of the Girls Club, in the Sunday School roost on Monday evening, October 22nd, counnencing at 8 o'clock, Thursday evening, the Covenant Bible Class purpose walking out to the House of Refuge with a treat altcl con- cert for the innistes. They tvl!l leave the postotlice at 7.15 sharp, Ontario St. Church. Rev. Mr, Agnew will be at Monkton Sunday preaching anniversary sermons there in the Methodist church, ' Rev. Mr, Sinclair of Ifolntesville will preach in this church on Sunday morn- ing and at .'turner's at 2,30. Rev, A. B. Doan, of Monkton will preach in the evening. This church will hold their anniver- sary Sundtfy on the 28th when Rev, Mr_ Millyard of Listowel will preach at both services. The Board is asking for a thankoffering of 8300. Wesley Church. A uuton meeting was held in Wesley church on Monday night when Rev, and Mrs, Stephens, who are conducting special services 'in Stratford, addressed a large audience here,. • 'Rev, A. E. Jones preaches anniver. nary services at Beigrave, one of his old charges Gil Sunday Rev. Sidney Davison, of Beigrave, will preach'at both services on Sunday,' • Birth Marriages & Deaths Deaths WEBS7'li.R.—ha Goderieh on Friday, Oct, t2, Lottie Cantelon, wife of the iate 0, D. Webster LAVIS—In Ctuntesn.,,a>at Wednesday, October tour, :Gentle, Levis, 'aged. •Grit years, 3 tnorths and 4 days. • Thursday, Octob > � Fiav ury Teas are used„ to produce the famous blend's. Every leaf is fresh, fragr::; nt full of its natural deliciousness. Sold in sealed packets only. is 10V IIIIN111111IIN11111NINNVVIiNNI11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111NI1111111111111111111N11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Loc News I1INIIIINIIIi1111111111P1111111111111111111111111111111111111N1111111111111111iNIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111NIIIIINI1111N111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN111111111111111NN1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN Ir Will Hold Reception g Mrs. John A. Sutter will receive with Huron Boys hi her mother, Mrs. 11, B. Chant, on Tues- u� YY day, Oct, 23rd, afternoon and even- ing, fur the first time since her marr- iage, A Medical Board at Goderich, A Medical Board for the examination of all soldiers -to -be under the Military Service Act, are now int work at Code - rich on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day of each week, in the Court House. "Picture" in Paper. In the Toronto Star Weekly, a group of Canadian Quartermasters, were :town. they are laking a course at the Canadian Schunl of tlookery. Capt Allan, of the 1(11st Is to be seen in the group, • Forster Clinton Boy "Gassed" Sa:'•iday's csQly F'ts am:minced that 1.;:nt:a;.l1.1. \Y;1:.,>u W'.l;., ,.f Dur- ham, !t:ul I.._:n :tssed. \e i:•uu i; the elce.t s"n ,•f biro.' and Mr:.. Wt lie, tor - melt 01 the iLptitt ,hru'ch acre, His I.1 irtetitis will hope to: a speedy re - Sold idore. Prize Sheep. the past week Messrs, James Suel','41: Suns shipped at rant to Mr. G. W. Wood, of the Agricultural College at Winnipeg, and another to M'r. Thos. Zachary, of Austin, ,Manitoba, The reputation of the Soell's are known all over the country. Thankful for Small Mercies. The inhabitants of Clinton will not he inflicted. with. the up-to-date 20 - year old stud' of the Guy Brothers. This is the first year that they have missed Clinton—but no regrets are offered. The shows put on by the aggregation have killed the attendance fur the part *couple of years, Well Known Traveller Dettd. On Alt tad n', Mr, Alfred S. Grocott, paper traveller for the Radcli4ie Paper Co., passed away at tate age of 52 years. Deceased underwent an opera- tion tar stomach trouble in Toronto 00 Saturday. Deceased was well known to the firms in town as he called on them for wrapping paper and always sold The New Era its newsprint. . Women's Institute. The October meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of .',int Howard Fowler on Thursday the 25th at 3 o'clock. 'There will be an exchange of patterns by the members, Alias Flynn, Airs: Paxman and Mrs. Car- ter, will give a demonstration on "Salads." Mrs. Kearns will take ap "The Resources of Canada." Music and 5 cent tea as usual. Another Veteran Homo. Last Friday Pte. W. J. Britton came quietly into town and has been visiting with old friends. Pte. Britton enlisted with the First Contingent, but went to Bermuda before going to England, He was twice wounded, the last time being Baster week at Vinay, and he will have to go back to Toronto for further medical treatment. His old friends are, indeed glad to see hits again, The Coal Situation. •At speaking to The New Era, Mr. A. J, Holloway stated that at present the coal situation was serious, but he thought that he might be able to get a car or so from the jobbers. The prices would be front 810 to 510.25 a torn, 11 those people who are without coal want it at that price they had better see Mr. Holloway about the supply. The coal men expect that it may soon look brighter but that may be a long ways off yeti Important to All. Ladies and gentlemen who are inter- ested in the improvement of their. ap- pearance should not Tail to see Dorett- wend's large display of hair goods at t'he Normandie Hotel on Wednesday, October 31st. Ladies switches, trans- formations, pompadours, waves, etc., and toupees and wigs for men who are bald, There is no charge for a demon- stration, Patriotic Entertainment. The patriotic entertainment held un- der the auspices of the Fast Huron 1 'reacher's Association held in the town hall on Thursday evening was a great success. The hall was nearly full with the teachers and the citizens of Olin. ton. The program was skilfully and beautifully formed. Miss Grant had a very inspiring reading; Miss Money of Blyth, related her experience on the "Arabic" when it, was torpedoed; the public' school children were on deck with choruses and drills, Dr, Silcox, of Stratford Normal, gave an illustrated lecture' on "Beautiful Canada." The proceeds went to the Red Cross Fund. Proclamation Issued. 'Fite proclamation calling out the first class of men under the Military Service Act is issued and will be fouled on page 2 of the first section of this paper. 'l'be proclamation, which Is signed by Thomas . Mltivey, under- secretary .of state, confirms previous announcements made by the militia service board, and contained in the act, as to exemptions, etc. The proclarba- tion tails upon the nate comprised in Class 1 to report themselves for Military service on or before November 10, unless application for exetttptiou has been glade. The proctamatiou further states that those called out will not be required. to report for duty ear - tier than Decetiiber 40, Casualty Lists KILLED IN ACTION Pte. William Grant, Clinton, DIED OF WOUNDS Pte. Herbert Lawson, Auburn.' GAS POISONING Bombardier Wilson Wylie, Durham, (sots of Rev. Wylie formerly of Clinton Hydro To The Bad. Saturday night about 9 o'ctuck off went hydro for about 15 minutes and on Sunday evening at 6 power was oil' again for a few minutes. Vt'ill ..-, Canada's 'exit. Al*.r C. W. Gordan, (Ralph C• 'it - nor) ,rade public the interesting tart that he has been ir.ite:i by the Imeerial ciovernm_r,t to prepare a statement on Canada's part in the war. Reties Reduced. The rates on money orders to the United States have lust been re- duced by the poslutliee department at Ottawa. They are now the saute as those for Canada. These new re gulatons also cover Cuba, Chaim, 1tawani, Panama Canal Zone, Philippine Islands and Portio Rico, the depend- encies of the United States. ,Exeter Hydro Centre Exeter will he the hydro centre for Dashwood and Zurich and tate hydro 1:00ntission of the first named town will look after both these systems, the engineer keeping the system in repair and will look atter the accounts. A contract has been signed up to this effect for one year. • No Military Pay Men who have been granted harvest- ing or seeding' faulnaghs will neg re - naive pay, allowances, or travelling ex- penses. according to instructions pub- lished in camp orders, and it is further stated that the Government. will not he responsible for any accident ur illness which may occur- during such fur- lough. Lieut A, J. Grigg Wi41'Be the Militia Representat'i've, Military representatives tvhu will ap- pear in the interests of 'the military authorities at the sittings of the exemp- tion tribunals have been appointed by Lieut, -Col, H, D. Smith, the district ,military representative, under the mili- tary service act, and have been approv- ed by CO, L. W. Shannon, officer com- manding Military District No. 1, Those appointed in Iigtrun County are:— Exeter—Samuel ,Martin, Zurich—Charles McDonnell Clinton—A, J. Grigg Seaforth—James Hays Brussels—John Harris Gor'ie—James Armstrong Wingham—David li, McDonald • Dungannon—Thomas Allan Goderich—George Porter "OUR DAY"—OCTOBER 1845. The British Red Cross Society stakes its annual appeal to the people of the empire on 'Trafalgar Day, and as the people of Clinton are to participate once more in the prfvelege of giving to this splendid patriotic cause it may be interesting to note that "Ota' Day" in the past two years has produced not far short of twelve ;Milit>n dollars. in October, 1914, the joint war com- mittee of the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John, lit England, joined forces, and it is this vast or- ganization that is signified by the phrase "British Red Cross." it Inas prevented overlapping and waste of ef- fort in assisting the Army Medical Service's. The suec.ess of the point or- ganization was sulnnted up in England by the statement that "it had devised a method of acting always with a maxi - mom of speed and of throwing its full weight exactly at the right spot." Donations may be made at the both banks; the stores of Messrs, Cooper, Fair, WIltse, ?air, Shepherd and John- son and at the office of the Town Clerk, There will be no canvas made in town as the Council has already made a donation of a mill to be divided be- tween tate Britislt Red Cross and tate Italian Fund. -rive -rive rrive rrive rrive Arrive rrive rrive rrive NEW SCHEDULE Trains from East. 11.10'aAl7, Leave 11.17 natl. 5.53 p.m. Leave 6.45 p.1n. 11.18 p.m. Leave 11.18 p.m, Trains from West 7,33 A.M. L'eave 7.33 a.m. 2,58 p,m. Leave 2.58 p.m. Trantas %conn South to 30 a.m. Leave 11.10 a.m, 640 p,Al. Leave 6.40 p.in. Trainsfrom • North 7.33 a.tn, Leave 7,5o a.m. 4.15 p,m. Leave 4.15 p.an, 1` 181,419'17 T,l,,®aWNJY,OpYgIyYY(r,,%ran...We.Wf.,1:imomosseWqeW.•k4rtaam.dkAmoco7N�� . arse ONIzallaralneMal, TIRE REt GO SUNNY TETE T HE BOOKS SLOPES 13y the Author of "Prudence of the Parsotlltgt .' A romantic guide to' cheerful living. LIGHT IN T -IE CLEARING' Irving 13acheller—A book. that shows. wain:' Patriotism means. WINDS OF THE WORLD. Will please lovers of romantic plotting,• also daring adventure. It 'is called "a thrilling;; concoction," The Wo Do Fair e Often the cheapest' --A IwaYs the Best vitciGrert'6„ 314%1 .,, ,ntiLLI n,0e SMISSIMOSEIntennillelnii A Tested Lens— An Accurate Shutter Simple Operation— Good Pictures— All these are assured when .you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We have them from.$1.00 up. Come in and let us show sum how easy they are to use. —We do developing and printing and guarantee good results -- off® I® iiO Despensing Chemist StAB=P... LS '$i$`.'d:&3.IMMIZ "EGAVESHSSati EMNFAUSt£s =2=ESG7fmSRr%Ia21., 6!. The Features of Cur •a�t1 T��1 � i�.1+��0 �®Ay .�j �yRA (Sn1L lel E! Et i iS,t C To which we invite special n1, t . `_:,-r. are its beauty, its assured sora:.: solid construction, and its ke usual prices. Any one of would be sufficient to earn i preference. When they are n tamed we feel sure you will l';,`'.41. that this is a furniture buying tunity you cannot afford to ig:at ,e, vD D[3 1,t Undertaker and Funeral irirtetetr. Phone Sia Night and Sunday Calls answered ;at Residence ever store .g+tt ....ii,(�.++..... an,tor raarn The eorf!er 'OT rilt+".lu iy•{c "Live and Let Lhe it e ting 1 Work of • AH Kinds Leave your oraer new oefore prices advance. The Thanksgiving Dessert' • How all ryes brighteen witoti tit v,• Clrttaha,.s mince. pin. it is ti o•as;:. thing sight, giving to that - vowing an appetizing rtssI ni;@c;•„( past '1 hnnksgiviatg feasts. CRISCO- For frying, 'for shot'ttxitttt and cake making. iise Crisco foe shortening ti' crei wish the lightest. most tt,elin;sttr pastry yon -ver ate, Urisati9 7s •aa, all Vegetable product, having wi- ther odor not' haste. l; 'v ttftw rrtvutl of eddble oil, pure astrl<•._ lit'.ate and gives only licltlletit tat ('ands. Itotne grown peaches are at their best now. Gall intuit leave your iwdnr. Tho feiawkins Eo E. llunnifontli i'lnantiiismg :u,d Bleating Phone 453 Shoit - over Rowland's Hardware PHONE 413: EVERY 0 10E jilifiEMENT SAM This House Of Good Shoes: Asks The Consideration of People Who Care For Shoes P �. Of Special Merit And. The Best Of Shoe. Values At Arty Stated Price !. FRED. ineliSON SfAtisiactory Shoerg, Quell Shoe Repairs Il