HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-18, Page 7Pj •e Thre0 '= q.narw 4*'lied wtUiComforts olid Gaines, - PASSING OF GEORGE LAViS. TI -IE CLINTON NEW ERA. This is Optical Month Every year we give special attention to Optical work in October, i(r ' IS A REST .,FQR YOUR EYES 6 )help them with glasses; niea.rly everybody who does a. lot of reading or sewing err Eine work with the eyes feels the effects, and most a i)epleknows it is a,rest their eyes needs. But few can drop their work because their eyes or head ache. Not ' enough people • Isnow that the right glasses wail give the needed rest... Wear them while you work they will help you wonder- fully. Satisfaction and comfort ir+111 ,glasses supplied by URDU ...Thwack .hrweler and Optician • A, FEW FACTS ABOUT BRITISH RED CROSS WORK in Great Britain. ai',01l) Hospital beds found in the United Kingdom, 30,000 or these provided with Nurs- Sag staff. 2<0oo Traine$ Nurses working at frame and abroad. 7,500 V.A.D.'s helping in Arniy 11us- st'efals. ,15220,000spent on .equipment of Xing George hospital (1,350 beds), and 5130,000 a year contributed to Cost of its maintenance. 5225,000 spent on building and eq- uipping Netley Red Cross Hospital (1.- ,44tl0 beds,) and 5625,000 spent on maintenance. 5775,000 for Orthapaedic Curative 'Workshops and Training Fund, 5155,000 for Facial Injury Hospitals. 5100,000 for initial outlay in prov- iding and equipping after -calm institu- tions sor fofially disabled men. J1i,000 for materials for Red Cross Nirorking Parties. $40,000 books and Magazines suppli- ed weekly,for the sick and wounded. 460 Motor Ambulances, Cars, etc., 'Or Home Service, .25 Command Depots and Conva;es- ilant Camps regularly visited and sup The' home; (London, ling.) adminis- tration and inanagefuent expenses end- ed 20111 Oetobef, 1916, represents 5.92 per cent, of the total expenditure, or iess than 3 cents on the dollar. Audit- ed accounts have been supplied 4o the Canaadirtln Red Cross Society. Red Cross work costs oyer ,5300,0•90 per week, dr'5,30 ai minute, • Sent Out of Great Britain.. $5,500,000 for pairchases and upkeep of Motor's. 2.500 Motor Autnbulauces, cars, cycles, wagons and soup 'kitchens sent abroad, 4 Hospital Trains running in France each carrying 450 ,wounded have cost over 5300,000 to build and run, 52,3.00,0.00 spent pit. British Red Cross work in France and Belgium, 53,750,000 sphnt on work in Mesa - polemist, India, Egypt, Salonika, Malta and Near Bast, The hospital Ship, "Nablla" sent to Mesopotamia. 65 Motor Launches sent to Mesopo- tamia, Egypt, East Africa and Malta. 22 Hospitals and Convalescent Homes In Fr . ceCt3pt, An1t.. and Salonika. 125,000 to French Red Cross So- ciety. • $165.000 spent on work in East Af- 1•ice. 5215,000 spent 011 btlilding .and equipping St. John Brigade Hospital', Stables France (5`20 beds), and 5271,600 o11 equipment• god,'painter- :nice. .. 03,000,000 worth of Surgical Dress - Ings, hospital equipment, necessaries and comforts of all kinds despatched mainly abroad, 6,000,000 Articles of Clothing and Bedding and Hospital Furniture and Equipment sent away, mainly 'abroad. 416,333 Parcels of Food and Cloth- ing sent from London to British Pris- oners of War in enemy countries, Invalid kitchens attached to hospit- als in Malta, Salonika and Egypt, bullets, sun shelters, bathing sheds, recreation and tea rooms for wounded and convalescent men, established in ligypt, Malta and Salonika. 6,500 Surgeons, nurses, V. A. D.'s stretcher-bearers; hospital orderlies and ambulance, drivers nbw serving abroad. 180 Woolen Ambulance Drivers sere ing abroad. 550,000 to erect, equip and maintain recreation and refreshment rooms in France, 7 Rest Stations in France for wound- ed nun en route, as well as hotels for relatives visiting wounded and rest homes for nurses. 16 Store Depots for hospital neces- saries, etc. 12 Branch C)ilices for Enquiries for Wounded and Missing. 5175,000 spent on work in Italy, 5310,000 spent on work in Serbia and Montenegro. 5350,000 spent on work in Roum- ania. 5100,000 spent on work in Russia. Representatives of municipalities served by the liydro-electric power were informed, by Sir Adam Beck of• the power situation in (Mario. 13.426.11221.01. 1 10. h r4 ` U ul� 1918 Maxwell Gives you ail the e'oame---oll tai cone- fa� 1 r..e corAw.riae.rce.) ,r r_:l bias's:1y ob• tainahla in any cur selling et $2000. Anal yet 0.10 operaeirg economy. --The 1r1lic sat'aioss5 rellabiiity----•Sisc ease ,:-i t_'.^.Jr.td- linr,S' ar:s111 tate wonderful power prol11uSel aa.7:11 marvelous ron:1l ^.11;1. coon- oarxy tees:a::',s in every soul ori oft' iise'.vdarid are not only maintained—but augmented. YOU .c811 SEE the VALUE in the MAX. WELL at $1015. 118 Touring Car $10461 Roadster $1095; Coupe $1540; Berlin° 01540; Seder 51540. All prices f, o. 8. landser Bartlif/ ? Seeley CLINTON PHONE t or' "31/STY" (?NGV --i10 ndf nae Owls namo to Wiry adv,et, emona, wilt neC lbe aside of data bortior es nearly at poanwle In iwia 1YpoRrapwicnl eavlw M1x 1fj� �I %!////�/�/!/!/%//!////!!!%!i%./72/// r: 'The 511118rsl of the late George Laois lvas,Iield on Sunday afternoon' and was largely attended by citizens of the town and people. of the vicinity, who mile to pay their hast respects t0 the departed. '1'lte services were conduet- ed .by Rev, J. A. Agnew, the .pastor.of the deceasee. The pallbearers we're: Messrs, J. Swan, 0f Brucelield,.'T, A, Gretg and, Jas, Porti, of town, and W. Pickard.' J, Jervis tontd W; 11, Lobb; of Goderich Township, Tlie floral tri- butes were beautiful Deceased was born in Goderich Town ship and has been for 35 Year the local agent for the Massey-iterr11s conn- pa1113. lie is survived by his wife, who was n Miss Jenkins, and five daug'hter`s: Mattie, Ross, Emma, Elva anti Edna, and two sons, Launcy, of Winghant, and, Bartlett, who has been'nssociited with - his faatla50 'at Home. Mr, Cd. Laois of liolmesville is .11150 a •hreither of the deceased, ;.. -es: • Mr. Levis awell s 1tuln to all, and in business dealings was straight -for- ward and honest. He built up a big business in this eselion, I1e was a member of the Ontario St. Methodist Church and in .politics was an independent Conservative. 'fo the bereaved the heartfelt •syin- Pialhy goes out to them in the loss of husband and father. NEWS iN BRIEF #t Owing to scarcity of natural gas, St. Catharines Council has raised the price from 75c to 51 per 1000 feet. The first day of the British Red Cross campaign in Toronto netted 5231,500, Lieut. -Col. iL 0. Osborne, was ap- pointed Military Secretary to .the new Minister of Militia, tion, S. C. Mew - bunt, Faun in Shoulders PM 1, HAD LIVER BOTHERED HER. Miss A, Windsor, 3''eterboro, Ont,, writes:—"I have been sick .for about foul years with pains in 103' head and pails in my shoulders which 1 always thought were oatiged by worlding outside in the sun on the farm. .People told me that it was my livor bothering 111e, so I boughs, three vials of Milbura's Laxat Liver Pills, and found that they�" were doing ni0 good, 1 continued biking them until new 1 am well and artrong. .1 am very thank- ful to you feria), recovery." • Milburn's'7 axtt-favor` Pills are a sp0e1010 for all troubles arising from a morbid state of .the liver; so keep it aclive by the use of these easy -acting, no11-i1riteting 1it51e pi11v, Milburn's Lasa -Livor Pills aro 25o. a vial at all dealers or mailed 'diroet'en receipt; of mine by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Co. Treasurer Dr. Holmes Dead. The death of W, J. R. Holmes, M.D. took place at Goderich on Sunday af- ternoon after an illness of nearly two mouths' duration. The deceased was one of the best- known Hien in Huron County. He was burn at llolmcsville, his father being the late John Holmes, at one time a member of the Legislature of Upper Canada, for the United Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce (the Huron Tract.) • He attended the Goderich Grammar School, under the tutorship of the late John Haldrane„ afterwards graduating from Upper Canada College and Tor- onto aMedical College, Shortly after completing his studies, he accepted a commission in the North- ern army with which he served until the completion of the Civil War, when American Red Cross Qo Mission To Russia he returned 10 Canada and began the '66,04 praeticti of medicine at Bluevftle and ( afterwards at what is now the Village E 4 ll of Brussels, in Huron County, In 1867 he was married to Janet I Burrs, of Oshawa, who predeceased him same three years ago, Three sons were borer to them, sail of whom are living, lhhdie3', barrister, of Wilighallt; 11iIton, of Fort William, and F. Barlow, 1 of Toronto, - • Dr, Holmes was a staunch Conser- vative In politics and on two occasions cuotestad 1luran ridings In the inter- ests of his party, Ile held. the office of reeve of the Municipality in which he resided. He was appointed treasurer of Huron County in 188.1 and removed to Gode- ri ch. !n addition to filling the ot1iice • of treasurer he was at the time of his dearth county coroner, also secretary - treasurer of Goderich Collegiate Insti- tute board, ' Ile was active In public affairs and look a keen. interest In Red Cross and Patriotic work, in connection with the a tre sen i war, Ile was a man of sound judgment and his demise is a (11511uc1 loss to the. community. tie was a member , of St. George's (Anglican) church, The •funeral was held on Tuesday afternon to the- 'Maitland 'ceinetery;''' sold was largely attended, the County Council and County officials attending in a body. Thursday, Octoiier 18111, 1917 e e Feett 0 r by wearing a pair of our "Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction” Rubbers. We carry a full line of "Consolidated and Miner„ Rubbers to fit any 511oc,,; Shoe Specials for Friday.aad Saturday, 30 pairs Men's -Heavy Split Blucher, well made and good solid stock, A shoe that will stance lots of good hard wear. Sizes 6 to 10 worth $3,75-, Special price • $3.1O 25 pairs Men's Heavy High top Blucher, Black or Tan. Solid stock and a proper good shoe for the wet Fall weather. Sizes 6 to 10, Worth „16.50, Special price $5.50 Buy a pair and save the price of a pair of Leggings. We have also a lot of broken lines clearing at very at- tractive prices, Let us lit you with a pair, u Small Profits gsteel Bros. Phone '25. Mere, Business ` C..526s: 91,==Axhw,c..:asd a American lied Cross Mission u1 the "Empress of Asia" en route to 8 Russia. i)r. 1+'rank Billings 011 left. C' DISTINGUISHED tarty of 'largest universities In the United �..• th sioiaus ser^eone Lucien.. suites, but they did not hesitate a ulogisLs, professors of food moment when the can reached them," chemistry, sanitation experts and Several of the party have already dentists, matting tai the first unit of seen active service in the present the United' States Red Cross mission war. Major M. Grow spent twenty to Russia, numbering twenty-nine In months on the Russian Mazurian all. left Vancouver. .the other day on front, and ho has received the Mill - the "Empress of Asia," en route to tory Order of Saint George for ser 1104 eastern front, vices in the Russian campaign, as Lieut. -Col. Frank Billings, profes• well as being honored in other ways. ser or medicine In the University of Major (Dr.) I -L, McCarthy has been l ilivego, is in charge of the party in Prance maitiug a. survey of the and is taking to Russia over 5100,000 prison camps in that country before worth o1' medical supplies, stn•g1ca1 the break between. Germany and the instruments, dre•sstnl;a, water stcri- United States; while Colonel Billings 'hors and other necessary articles, has been in Russia several times, Including vaccino for the prevention Some of the members of the party of , typhoid. smallpox, cholera, diph• took occasion to obtain several mo- theria, bubonic plague, meningitis tion pictures of various points of in - and other diseases. A heavy task tercet, and, as they Have already lies before them in Russia, and they a Large supply of film, they will be are, going abundantly prepared to go able to produce before the Russian inniediately to world, people graphic pictures of interest - The mission is being sent out by ing events and things on this eon• the United States Goverment, and tinent. l the United States. Red Cross Society Mr. G. 51. Bosworth, Vice -President will see tbat they are kept fully sup. of the C. P. R., has received a letter plied to order to meet all demands of appreciation for the very many for alleviating the suffering among courtesies the delegation received en the Russian soldiers and popple. The route to the Pacific Coast, It was sent alovo has beet gratefully welcomed at the instigation of Lt: Col. 13f1Iings. by the present Russian Government The names of the mission are as fol: as an expression of the fi'tendship of lows; the people of the United State0,,for Lieut, -Col. Prank Billings (chair- Itussia. •.0r ' man), professor medicine is the Uni- Dnring the past month tho United versity of Chicago; Lieut. -Col. atesse9 Red Cross has raised ever Thompsoh, director of the FederalSIb5.0;00, anal, while the work has Reserve Bank, New York; Major B. heed a3ren.dy begun in S ranee, Italy, Thacher, lawyer, New York; Capt. 2. Serbia and Belgium, the present, is W. Andrews, auditor, St, Louis, Mo.; but the first of similar units to be Major 'W, S. Thayer, professor Minis sent to Russia. The present party cal medicine. John Hopkins Univer will tnvosligate and report on hoar sity, Baltimore; Maier I), 2. M Car', seta's needs and upon this report the thy, tallow of Phipps Institute, smite(' States Red Cross Iheadenart. Phlladolphie; Malar I1, C. Shermdut, ers will decide the equipment and professor of food chemistry, Colvin- 0nrnhers of sttbsc'quoot units. Slops bra University; Major 1-I. 13. Swift, of are now hexing when to got together the Swift Company; Maier G, C. complete• equipment, even to motor Whipple, professor sanitary engt- acnhulnnces. veering, Harvard University; Major Col. Billings and the other mere. C. I7. A. 'Winslow, professor bacteri' hers of the mission are a sturdy and elegy and hygiene, Yale Medical Col- affable lot of Wren and are fitted out in lege; Major W, • Post, • assistan't moo- uniforms very sim.ifar to those worn feasor of medicine, Rush College, by the British, .. The colonel is ex- Chicago; 'Males • Robins„ Chicago; eeedingly proud of This organization I•I. .1, idorn, transportation expert; end the proniptitude with whirit, It i3rookline; Major S. Wightreaan, Tiro.' wtis effected) clinir81 medicine, New York "l1very man who 'woe approached 0oiyslinlc Hospital; Capt. I1, Brown, ,to go on this n113sien, Winslow of publicity; Capt Ft, I., Barr, vice, fYale and Whipple of H'arva'rd, and 11(881dent Chase Securities Con19112y, all the others, at once offered their New York; Capt. W. Cochran, Capt, services;" said Col. Blilinge. "They A• Wardell, lawyer. of New York; dropped their work right there and Capt, Grew, of the llSCdletl„Officers' ` got ready in tour days, leaving their Reserve Corp,., Washington; 0.00t; Sanlillee behind them, t0 undertake Pirnie, elvii engineer, Noiv York; this yorkt, which Is going to be of Limit,. C. Kelleher, attache; stitlli 'trotnendeas tmporto.nee to the 13, Redfield; law secretary of Brook. 1t1oslaxi nation arld to the Military lye, attfelid'y 14olt. W, C, Nicholson, 1n particular. of the Stvift Company, Chicago, and "'these men are leaders fn theft Limits. I.1. ri Ilai'd3, IL 01 Wit kot kr4targiona aitd tiro tbis heado of 111e addN, Ci Trarip S11 If Your ° .to..d is Thin there i¢ n , r pallor refth• lips, eyelids e t .. ehd• •s s ltd �h n p is and t, 1 you are easily tired. Digestion fails you, and ,your system is run down, because the blood is lacking in the nutritive elements. 1n this weakened condition you are an easy prey to colds and all malarious diseases, The blood must be enriched by such restorative treatment as Dr. Chase's Nerve' Pond before you 1.1111 hope to regain strength. Anaemia does not correct itself, and, conse- quently the greatest danger lies in neglecting to lake active treatment until the strength is ton far toasted. A1:u1y thousands have been cured of. anaemia by using Dr. Chese's Nerve l'oed, and this is the hest proof that it will not fair you. If Your Nerves Are Exhausted you lack the energy and ambition which is necessary to attend to ,the duties of the day. You cannot concentrate the mind, 01e1110o, fails yott, little things irritate and annoy, possibly you do not sleep well, and have nervous head - ;Mlles or sciatic pains, Men have brain fag and find digestion had, women experience weakness and irregularities peculiar to their sex, Strange feelings come over you and you live in dread of losing your mind or of some calamity about to befall you Another name for your condition is nervous prostration or exhaustion, and the natural de- velopment from this condition is paralysis, loco- motor ataxia or some dreadful fo1`m of helplessness of mind or body Food Cure Or y� If You Have Nervous Headaches a. • 11 The brain is the headquarters or eent1•al„ f the nervous stslan1. dere nerve force is consumed at an enormous rate if there is any lack of ri:h. red blood ;runt which to fora; new nervous energy the brain is 1ir51 to feel it and the head aches. Headaches may be stopped by powerlul drugs, but that is like breaking the semaphore which warns the engineer of danger The only wise way Is to increase the annum! of rich, red blood in the human body by using. Dr. Chase's Nerve fund, and thereby feed the starved nerves back to stealth and vigor If You Do Not Sleep Well We can live without food, 'but •not without sleep. Many will recall Dr Tanner's 40 days without food, but who could live a single week \51 11001 sleep and retain their reason 1 It is dosing sleep that the nervous system is restored and the nerve force, consumed by the activities of the day, is replaced. Sleeplessness is one of the first mid one of the most torturing 5ynlptnns of nervous exhaus- tion. With sleeplessness you find nervous headaches, tired, wornunt feelings, indigestion, lack of energy and strenpalh. The nerve force in the body i5 at low ebb, and the feeble, wasted nerve cells must he 10urished back to (lealflh and strength by such treatment as Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. LOCAL EVIDENCE Mrs. Thomas Evans, St. Marys, Ont. writes— "Some years ago I felt run down in health, and also suffered from sleeplessness and nervous trouble, f had seen Dr Chase's Nerve Food recom- mended for suclh.leases,50 started taking them— ] found then to be all that was claimed 'of t1168;- 1 hey en;—they strengthened and built• up my complete sy- stem, and improved my health in general.' ("i. am acquainted with this i>artY, aild be- lieve her statement to be true', Signed, Wm. Weis, J. P.) Mrs, 13.. Hinscliffc, Winghem, Ont., writes:— „1 have found lar. C51155 8 Nerve Puod a splendid' Medieine' for nerv0irs disorders, i have used it at different times as a tonic to build up the system and can speak very highly of its merits. ("1 and acquainted...with ;this party, and be- lieve her statement 111 be true."—J, H, Morton, Police ;Magistrate, Wing ham, Ont.) Dr. Chase's N erve ' By storatioe of health and Supplying•ts"Nerve these -elements of Nature, of which red blood is composed, in an easily assinhi- kited form, .Dr CnraseFood Min's about uatur'pl and gradual 5e . strength. True, it is hot in any''ntirasnloas way, but . by the only recall• \ )1c11' nature has pro- . • oiled for the formation of new, rich blood and tiro Pcvitalizing of the 141ro1e human system. 50 cents a box, a lull trealahent of 6 boxes for 52.75, at an dealers, or iitlanmason, Bates SI, Co., Ltd., Toronto, Do not be talked into accepting a substitute, lntitetlons only disappoint,