HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-18, Page 5ttars1ny, October 48th, 1917 ''''14111111!11111.11."-- ltry ted Oar Feeding Plant has opened for 171x„ season, and from now 00 we will 14e in the market for all the poultry tern have for sale. Poultry will be taken in every Wed - tussle/ lnuruing et Ilolmesville and • r �i elty tinyat Clinton, Special prices will be paid for pro - Iv finished milk -fed chickens over gr., each. ' L lgloiS & CO,, Limited The up-to-date Firm 91iir-atIflI D Branch Phone 1190 4. W. '$'r• ewartha, Manager •or liolntesville 4 on 142. 41/144..9:e..aetd.mdamasAd aa,LaAOJutIA,BAA ..,pa •gym te +a6 710 tt '4& See.and here our finest New Stylish designs of t'o herty Piaucs and Organs, speelal values iib Art. Cases Pianos and organs rent ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music 8z variety goods. Mame a Eli.il)orialra C. Hoare , fgFAIntatetaatiatiestrusAA/ONAtrusteessArsoWsn is the time to have your F3311n3ce overhauled or a new lane installed. • A. number of second band stoves • it good repair. • Electric Wiring and Fixtures 197,7. B3ram & Sutter Phnnhers and Electricians r It Phone 7. 'tss+ifomw`taatAssc+/ts+,e,MeP,Atvuk.e+.v+nr^,t Better Pay 'Thi Price Dorn 'be tempted to ehnose cheap jewelery. Par better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting,. You will never be sorry—fnr as a 'natter of money, it is easily the most economioa.l, That bas been said so often that everybody by bbis time ehonld irnow it—and vet there is no •scarcity of cheap jewelry in the Land 14m to get personal—If you would like to miss that sort;,altogether- 1,7Ui41I] BARB 11£ you would like to hay where nothing hut high (]malities aro 'dealt in—OOMBl AI191i,F. ,"Lind even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair watta winter Jeweler and ,)latia.'iall. fidli9i` I.iVPIIISCS FORD & IlleLEOD We're now Gelling Timothy Seed 401civernment Standare.). 1'Te also have on hand, Alfalfa, 'Aleike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand' ,Goose ' heat) Peas, Earley and Feed Corn 4t2tigheat market Prieee paid :Or RH ORID & MeLE�D THE CLINTON NEW ERA.. Page Three hr3C tTi . .1f R VIDi;AQi(:IA tlAtt1W1821441.. t3Ur,1'JlkQit t'OTARY $U13L,0O, 111TO or, cwrc!a siaal.Rs ffl, M81Lt3 Oonneyauce, Notary t?ublie, Commissioner, etc, 1tIJAL )JS'I'AT19 AND INSURANCE Issuer of MatriegeLieetisee, Huron St,, Clinton, H. T. RANGE Notary 1'uhllo, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate fNSU10ANOL AGE/IT—Representing ai Fire 10 Beranek) ootnnaniea, Divisions Court Office. I°ialltD Tdlil48i , Mr. James Doherty wishes to In- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 81, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, ECG. Barrieter, Solicitor, Oorlveyancee, Eto Office on Albert Street, oceupied by Mr. Hooper. In O)int.on on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made, Office hoare front 0 a.m. to 0 p m. A good vault in connection with the office. Ullieeopen every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointmentsfur Mr. Cameron. DR S. tAf. '1RUfiA,Pd4`?ail) Physician, Burgeon, Eta oeeoiel attention given to diseases of To Eye, Ear. Throat, and line, Eyes orally 'mutual, and suitable glasses prescribed. Ethos mod Uesidenee. Pwo deers west or the Commercial note Bucca Kt.. DIRS. Irl( ill' end Hi ft, 11.111 Dr. W. Gann, 1, lt, 1), r„ 1. B. C. S.. E,lO Dr. C. Hoe's ollloo at residence High Street Dr .1 a> Gaudier. rl ,t. 01 A6 Ottoo–Unterto Street, Minton. Sight 00110 01 residence, iiattenbv-• Si or at ho.uttal DR. 11'. 1l. 11.121,4cN Crown and Rra,rge Work a Sorciatty. Graduate or C.O.D.S.,. Chicago, and Ia,O,D.1 Toronto, lluySicid on Rlondavd, neay tat t0 n fflit, til, FOWLER, DENTIST. 9Jiioos over O'NEIL'S store, Special oars taken to make dental inn? maul; es painless ea erodible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stork and general Auction ser GOGER101-1 ONT hamsto:x sales a anemia/. Ulcers 00 0 Naw ERA odioe, (Minton, prem 1 y aotonn, to, Terme reasonable. Partners sale nrt, discounted Drs. Geo, tt R. E. Whitley leUUCdlialiii osteopathic 1'3iy. Specialists in Women's and Childrew's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous • Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, CONSULTATION FREE. Office—Ratbanbury Hotel. Tuesday and Fridag, 7 to 11 p,m, f3, D. Molaggtort M. 1), MaTaggar MeTagggatt Bros, BANNERS ALBERT ST , OLIN'PO1 General Banking Beninese nranaacted • NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n apposite The McKittmlp ,6l741.42al Fire Insurance E4o. Perm and isolated Totten flops erty only inaaared, Mosul OIIicc—Rcaforth, Ont Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. flays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex. Leitch, No, 1, Clinton; Edward Hinchley, Seaforth; Win, Chesney Eg- mondviile; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Directors Wm. Rion, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben- neweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; Jaynes Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Iiariock; Geo. McCartne, No. 3, Seaforth, li Carload or caudal, POPININ CORM phoneus. @Q)9' lbrVE4!ct It. will pay 9'tril John Hutton LONDES BORO Shirtwaists can frequently be cut down to be used In the dresses of small children. College ,n Se sign, Sept 1st f6 IOW Catalogue Free Enter aDy t ,. J•,, W'Wes)0ae[4rl?' ih 'i, .'t• , .• AN IA/PORTANT LETTER cockles of the heart?, ( looking et your Intel]; take half an FROM NiIAGttR4 FALLS, 1 'Why. yes Rs :1 figure of speech," hour, and try' to have some cheerful I, 9 Niagara Palls Otlf -4/I miserable, you tllinl;, perb:tPs, We doctors tura You've asked in: Don't try to ,to twee- I, dgs KIP" 91110m1sMa>e tired out and dtnpglng around. 111y 1 �/ port me. "3Y luta- Vine medicine In outing diseases, enough. And lastly, devote two of tl1e, band had tette. 1 "Laugh and grow fat" is selentllic wis- hours stolen from business 10 walk -1 about'Favorite'and • dom, One nun driving his machine or 1114, Preferably with sante hon' object, f, Prescription' and g it he goL 1110 to use it, buggy sees a wayfarer on the road and as Making yourself acttuitint::d with T need four bottles stops to take 111111 hi; another never all the trees you see. 'that Is all" of cud thetsulisw�� sees hint, 1?vel.Ytilillg else equal, ilte ` sw�)the Barge want out, feeling' he •was the stronger, was less first mai is liable to live hger, lt'victim of a bustx. tite nervous, u1y uppe-, has a titres' reference: to (Ile heart A sudden faintness made everything . o{ - : •, felt 1,k ecllielv mid I ; cockles, Barge. You've harmed yours turn dark fnr a moment, and he sway - son, It is the ger- by ignoring them. 'II 're quo( ken r "Nut so Much figure of speech as Pelson to balk with, 1f only it tramp could seareelY p all hi10 lime finding out greater' truths • tY hours' ,work In a day; ten tire r.6 ^ medieinefor women Ihave ever heard of." i and withered and ready to NIL And ed qn+the sidewalk. Then his eyes —lilts. A. 0. Mows, 89 Clifton Ave,, 1 cleared and he caught 111s breath, Niagara halls, Ont. 1T they do !rill your case is hopeless. 1 "heavens!" he "'at you want to do is to soften the 1 man; "What's There is nothing that will bring dom- cockles, to make thein fresh and tett-1 money (I tt kens tt for give thou. fort and renew hints to the invalid son sand is little enough for pay for life. cutely ne good nerve. When the vital der, so far its you can.• i forces are ata low ebb and ever'thin Of course it's my cookies." g seems useless, a ray of joy and assurYuur case iR so—funny," the doe-! But if was not easy to change the case Willstimulate the hoary body to for continued "You have given Cif- order of his life, even on a ductor's new effort and energy. A letter from a teen years of your life, 1 understand, t prescription, Ile walked four blocks loved one has funned the tido in many a' to money getting, with no though of without seeing an opportunity where. siege 01 ickness. i yourself or 1(117 one except 818 a means. another Wright have .found a dozen. i Doctor Pierce, of 'he Invalids' Hotel Bulitdo, N. Y., has good newt for every (of adding your heard. Some people. , Then he came.'across a `ragged urchin suffering woman. Write himto-day and arteries harden through old age or I who stood gazing wistfully ituo a side- 1 toll him your troubles, and he will seed 1 other causes and the die, Why not the; walk showcase,. ` you ,just the ril,'ht, ..dviee to restoro yen ' heart dry up through such a life as j Mindful of the doctor's order for to health and Tiring baste the roses to • your cheeks, ant: w 2 'rake h "„Favorite Prescription has been the the cockles, Dun't sign a single check r into the urchin's dirty hand, waited a rose y gratefulue of sands of patie is have takenwomen. Dr. 11'ur charity. Spend it all yourself, a i aliment, and asnv it promptly expend- T'ierce's advice, little ata time, every day, half a dozen I ed fin n package of cigarettes. Mothers, if your daughters are weak, tunes a day if you keep your eyes open. i •' "Nailed , 'the very 'first time," lack tunbition, are troubled with head- 1 Take a wayfarer into your otachiue for he though dismally, "Probably that 7iuor aches, lassitude and are pale and sickly, 1 a ride, give a nickel, a few words, a will harden instead of soften," ettwhaththy 1;,t7 rad' L surolveblrtion is ing the , ton of coat :utomuusly. And keep it up. Mechanically his steps turned a cor- bloom of health to Their cheeks and make , if you feel worse, conte to ale, If not, tier and varied hint a cumber of thein strong and healthy. I keep away six months, 118101 then come. 1 blocks to a street that was lined on It is ,not a secret remedy because its "No," as Barge's hand went toward his ' both sides by cheap loonies of nnechau- Fold in either t blot or te are r iiouid formd ou . ; pocket, "no fee now. Wait till the sed ;es and other wags laborers. Into this _ y of the six months, That's all." his feet lurked, which was natural, fur -- i Ile waited until Barge reached the all these houses belonged to him, 'Then 91!Iillllli9llllllliiUlllill111llilllilll irilIIIIIIIBII! IIII1iIIIIIIIMIIIiIlIi111EIIiliiiilVliiilill NII ball' then said, "Oh, yes, there's cue he remembered this 10811 rent day, and OUR SIIOR"l' STORY other little thing, A person in your h-• had intended b ••raft- .-„, without ehargo. His yours a re that s5,0cm and soften j many and small, he slipped R nickel 0 . to 14)11 collecting NOT A PROFESSIONAL .3 alarming condition should take every er his visit to the doctor, He would PRESCRIPTION precaution, and I want you 00 follow do it ncnv llIVIIIIIIIIUIIIII11IIIIIIIIIIiIIiIIVIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIl1111UiIlIVIIVIIIVIIIIIIVll111111111111iIIIRill1117 the (thee. vont bolt your meads in and 1)0)04111 a thought of the cockles. chunks in three or four Itlintes while Bestd staring Barge was scared, "1 haven't slept; oog strai gh1 ahead for a any i11 three 111411ts, doctor," his voice quavered. "When I lie down I have I a choked, suffocating feeling, with a ! pain in my side, and 81utteri 145. Can • it be—" "Let me cse your longue," By Will Seaton my direction in this as literally as in Again the dizziness oppressed hint Barge opened his mouth. The doc- tor nodded, held his wrist for some moments, and then leaned back in his chair. Ile looked grave. "You're too young for it, Burge," he said slowly, "not over thirty-five or forty, I think, and endowed by nature with a superb physique. Now, if you were seventy ur seventy-five I wouldn't he so ankh surprised." "C -can't you cure it, doctor—or at least help it some?" "Perhaps It depends on how strict y' you follow 113' instructions," "I'11 do Just exactly as you say But what is It?" "Queer case," mused the doctor, rowning. "Suppose you wait till your text visit for details. t s. whe n you're im- proving, But i'll promise. ;t cure if you follow instructions." "1 will." fervently. "Bony much are you willing for it to (1st?" "Why, ailythiny you ask—reason- able?" "Tut tut! i don't glean my fee, That amounts to nothing. But 1 sometimes send a patient to Europe, or oft' to sea, or Into the woods, ft's liable to be expensive. A thousand, or perhaps live thousand." "Yes, yes. If it'll help 01e," '1'c• doctor i hater ( ,' The took C 1, ti his glasses and wiped them thoughtfully, studying the maul before him, "Ever hear of the rc: �.lt<i it MIR El What -oda,(. �.reRy Need is a healthy, active, in- dustrious 1i'ra_ -. Small doses, taken reg.. ularly, insure that. MaybeYo .-� reed a purgative s©metir n,2s, Then take one tabu.^ dose. Keep that ill mind; t will a �,c you rich aJ;--=- P 3'-., lends in Health and Happiness. CA TaEfS ITTLB OVER PILLS the_ eikte bearss S'snnrurs+ Colorless faces often the absence of Iron in ) blood. CARTER'S L)ONPILLi' will help this condition. onaeasrva>psi:ne'au��crt»t:.u+�:r�•a�.3rw 4 43 Inn;; titre. Several men and wan passed him while there, and se(t1(e Perhaps they remembered it was ret clay, tau, At length he went on a few duo and turned into a printing shop w11e he often went to fix up papers. dozen placards were ordered, and 11 waited for then to be pl'hlted. The he went ;long the street tacking thea here and there in prominent places. ,11',st of the residents seemed to t void hint, But presently a 110111511 slip ping by over his s , I glanced • ht u de With a sharp cry to others with, hearing she sprang to his side an caught Iris ural, "Do ye mean aha A1r. Barge?" she choked huskily. "D ye mean it for honest and true?" "Why, of course," Barge answered "1 realize the rent has been excessive so have cut it in half, dating from th first of the year. So all of you hav three months paid in advance." ""Then may the Lord forever hies ye," criud the woman, tears streunht down her face. "I have ale rent ;l ready, but 111)1 'twill let me buy shoe for Norah, whose feet are on til ground, an' a cloak for Katie, win shivers in the wind a»' maybe some coal. The Lord forgive ale, for 'tis myself has called yea hard man." "A body never knows," exclaimed ;another woman, pushing her way a- mong the dozen or more who were now crowding forward, "1 ;ain't got my rent yet by half, an' was couutin' may - he nn a settin' out or other trouble." Then a big, brawny fellow stepped in front of Barre 1 6 m dhoti out his hand. "I've tried to keep myself square with everybody," he sale. humbly. "But I and n•a sort of drifted apart after I set en d. It r5 re A it 1 t' r. d t, u e 10 s 4 I e For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compo' :nd Has~ta Woman's �JIit14 9Most�'r4..�ri s Reliable Medicine —Here is More Proof. To women who are suffering from some form of'; woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking 11, down, the three following letters ought to bring hope: -- North Crandon, Wis. -- "When I was 10 years old I got ]Harried and at 18 years I gave birth to twins it left r1ietvI stnotalk across the floothouthain to down to rest and it was hard for me to keep about and do my work. I went to a doctor and ha told me I had a displacement and ulcers, and would .have to have an operation. This frightened me sa nituch that I dict not know what to do. Having heard. of Lydia E. Pinkhana's Vegetable Compound I thought I would givo it a trial and it made me as h ifavor of Pinkham remoc les," li�Mrs 1VLLYars tiver. Ilnot sltnoxr, North say Crandon, Wis. the Testimony from Oklahoma. Lawton, Okla. —" When I began to take Lydia - i • Pinkham's Vegetable Lawton, I seemed. to be good 1 1• nothing. I tired easily and had headaches Intxell of the tinge and 11111 irre'gulat'• I took it again. before my little child was born and it (lid 1110 a. wonderful amount of good at that time. 11level' fail to 1'ece111111end Lydia E. i'iukllanl's Vegetable Compound. to ailing W'omeu because it has done so sliuch for Ine."—Mrs, A. L. MO0As1.,1,D, 000 have 84,, Lawton, Okla. From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman. Roxbury, l"Iass.—"I was snffering from inflam- mation aild was examined 11y a physician who found that my trouble was caused by a displaacement. My symptoms were bearing clown Mains, backache, and. sluggish liver. I tried several kinds of medi- cine; then I was asked to try Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, It has cured me and I am pleased to be in my usual good health by using it and highly .recommend it."—Mrs, 13,14I.Os000D 1 Haynes Park, Roxbury, Mass.' If you want special advice write to Lydia -- 1J. Pinkhanl medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn Mass. Your letter will be o1,411(1, read and answered by a woman and held in,strict confidence. fell with you ,sir. i've said things a- ga11101 .you and incited others. But 1'11 squv'e,it with theta. I hope.you'll take nay hand." Barge took it with a feeling or em- barrass111111t and unworthiness and then tried to slip away, But the whole street was aroused now and was an ovation and shower of blessings to its end, By this time Barge's face was red and his hand tingled with more shak- ings than he believed it had felt be- fore in all his life. And inside was a glow that waS as peasant as it was strange, ''Dr, Bentley was right," he thought 10 hiulself, robing his hands together, "It's the cockles of my heart, I'm a lot better already, ;and it's (11113' bee na felt. clays." The next morning be took his ma - chime over to the street to give some of its invalids al ride, vfflesraorsormal myself to nluney slaking. I got to thinking about her as married and may- be her husband needing help, Su one , day I went out to the little village in my machine, and do you know, sir," a wondering n ring au•e in his face, "she'd l+ten waiting for me all these years—loving me all the time. Nott' we're married and all my life won't be long enough to make up for that waiting. Over a- mong my tenements they already call he? "Queen of the Street," she's so g0od.81 Atter he left the donor chuckled softly, "Not a professional prescrip- tion," he said :loud, "but it worked." CAST .R t7 , At the end of six months he went For Infants and Children n t Dr. BentIo• married now,1 �9�a Far Over30 Years sir" he said. after relating his first tett' Always bears "1 the S1'rnature of ‘7an:a^ `,4 se -✓„yds,,!. week's experience, "There was a girl EL MIL nd r�fnh't�� You will get One Hundred cents worth for every dollar you spend in a Suit or Overcoat of and a little extra in the Style, Fit and Workmanship. 'Whey are tailored to your measure perfect fit and satisfact- ion guaranteed. The Fall and Winter samples are here --- Make your selection now. The Morrish Clothing Co., - Clinton