HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-18, Page 2PAGE 2 leasseameameea ,.poor,• .. .,,,,rezu,,...rzee„ v+,,,",,. .amen, nrtmmakse m a;aelwst.. Dry Goods V►te..ar .Garments PHONE 78 and House furnishings, Purchase Furs Now , , Prospective Fear purchasers are advised that although our stock was never so large or so varied ass assortment as it is now.. There are a great number of novelties, Mink, Hudson Seal, Persian Lamb, Russian Fox, Japanese Fox, and other favored Furs that will be geickWW sold even before . the cold weather cots in and there will be a delaiin duplicating some of these novelties. Coine in and look; to buy; or not to buy. NEW FALL SUITS A new' shipment 'of new Fall suits and now we have a finer and more complete range than ever. The skirts are plain and full with gathered backs and neat belts. The coats, long and semi -fitting. The waist line, defined by Braid stitching or belt with wide spread- ing collar. Corrie in and see our Beautiful range of new Fall Suits, Novelty Coats Coming in this week another shipment of Novelty Coats in all the new shades. Burgundy, Nig- ger Brown, Taupe and Green mode of velours. Our business in our coat and suit department has been almost doubled of any previous record, THE REASON MUST BE IN OUR .VALUES Best Quality Scotch Fingering Yarn This is a beautiful soft yarn; free from Breese and well scour- ' ed. Comes in grey and black. Very special at per 111 . , , . $1.70 x lj 1 t • 15211 9d W- 0 � Qi � subject Dr. Emery expressed his plea- sure.at being present at our 8(5 ,811100 because of the large number of stud- ents from this county who attend the Normal School in Stratford. He held that the youngest pupils should be taught i:eography, that is, home geography. This should he taught 1)u -of-dr ors, by observation, inves- tigation and experimentation. The country is more important than the wall map or the geography tont book. 'Then the teaching of this subject should centre about man, In this con- nection he would n1:Ike much til' the ethical side of the subject. This would lead to a kindlier feeling; in the minds of all towards the people of other nations. If the principles of geo- graphy were well taught the pupils would know with a moment's thought many facts about cities and districts. The discussion was continued by Inspector Tom, Messrs, Elliott and Doss and Dr, Strnng,ratll emphasizing the pleasure they felt in listening to the 40111111011 sense methods advocated by Dr, Emery, Dr, II. 1. Stang related many Rem- iniscences of fifty-four years' teach- ing. These he made very' interesting because 11e told them naturally. He Attributed his early success to the fact that he tried to put his best 'into all his work though he had. had no train- ing akmg the line of teaching, ile spoke of the niftily changes that he (Ind seen conte, fur' instance, when he was young 110 girl would be allowed to attend a high school or n univer- sity, or obtain a medical degree. Ile thought women teachers should re- ceive the same salaries as men receive for'sinliliar work. Ile suggested that teachers should develop individuality and especially build character Teach- ers may have been remiss in teaching patriotism and that may be the rya- ' son why we have so Many slackers today'. All were delighted with the address and hope that Dr. Strang will be spared many' years to attend meetings. meetil Institute Our., Friday Afternoon The. President, Miss Mabel Bailie, in the chair, Forenoon minutes ap- proved, Dr, Emery continued the subject of 'Trealhing Geography: anti showed how the teachers can help their pupils to pbserve the phases of the moon, -the variations in the length of the day,- the ay; 1(12 appearance' of the country, •. to learn the defnitiOils,',etc, ' ' • '. l ti n Held. ' b y '1"1)e d3s4ttes3011 Was ,Cg1Y rt Y Mr, Tool, and the pr4sident• crylplitts- izing what Dr, 111ter5 had said: • inspector 'loin $((Ste on the "In1- pn'ove1112nt of ,the Teachers' Work.' lle gave 11alty hints that were hefly- THE CLINTON NEW ERA. a copy of each new book :'::: D.I� �' I' \i W� i%" t`�� 1 it .l \lute and th ree others, Appointed by 1c f •,sI tat with .the. Inspector 0 r as .. _ >sr u aE Iro. I TO N 1 iP { CIaF L > man-. Ot2E l� -I W SI -I ,• ',' th 1 n Chairman 1 (, a committee for e 'f+ R agement of these libraries, I Death frit place in Gudarieh holt- I Miss Noss Aikenheati las returned The report was adopted. • ' cal last Friday of Lottie Canteen, wife front visiting her sister, Mrs. Casky, of Dr, Emery spoke on " Agricullere" of the Late 13, U, Webster, Deceased ' Portage la Prairie, and her brother, Dr, auto [ave us an e.tCellent :address, Be h;rl u,tdorg(1ue au upet;Ihun for n 180- I Atke1head of Calgary. deplored that buys auui girls era en- or, but was -unable to stand the shuck Earl Kaiser left last week for Detroit will Oke a whet• to t I t '' ( eat! 8 a „ in std position. I•^ d ashen 1 , )utan5c u tarried of city life, thinking 1)1 (uln ship, and was the daughter of the late I Dr, (.11adntld visited in our midst life las 1ruggcr,y, ,old don't consider, Genrke Can1.(00, -A 115u ler of years Last week, Ile has since gone to Glen- coe, it the best people live in the cutin • ago she married Mr, Webster, who pre cut, where he will remain lin a litre assisting the doctor of that pinee who s sick. Ile' urged greater and still greater i George :and Acianl J.) unci three sister's A number front our vicinity attencj- productt„❑ (Mass Lynda al home, Mrs. W, 19, ed the S. S. convention at hayfield on 'Tuesday, 11ev, 11, I. Woods preached his fare- well sennet on Sunday evening, His toast was Deb, 12-1. At the morning service communion of the Lord's Sup- per was held when 31) new members LONDESBORO. were added to the church, 20 for the lirst time, mostly young people, and to, who erre (',y letter front other churches, Before the departure of 'Rev, -l1. Woods and wife they were pre- sented with a purse containing stoney from the congregation and friends, showing their good will and love to them, as they go to their new home at Petrolia, u t .t. e e t deceased her over 9 years n! u. She is try, and the bee' life is lived 1(140,, survived by• three brothers, (Albert, "i'he ata•:her should 1,,,,11 14c 11du, 141)12 at flint hitch., and Mrs, Bower(1s, files of farming, farmers nutyt?etyMwld,tMa`he body beingtaken aheld to Successful and yet may not under -1 nnLucitnuly or burial. stand the correct principles of farm-: ing, 11 the boy's li(td that farming is -a science they are likely to be drawn to- wards it. ile placed a large value cin1 'I'mvd- ship Firs ,for schools, Iia would have country people as well as city 'people love nature and see the beauty of the sunsets, etc Ur• Emery's addresses were simply splendid, 132 teachers were present. The Honor Roll of our teachers who have enlisted was read and responded to by Inspector 'font for Robert W. Misses Latwday ;and Clara Young are visiting their sister Rachel in Brantford at present. •. Miss .Edith Sampson went to Clinton to go through an operation for her thriiat trouble this week, (guile a number attended the mem- orial service of Pte, Herb, Lnwsun given in Auburn on Sunday List, Mr. and Mrs, Will Lyon enjoyed a weeks' :visit with the latter's sister at Camp Borden, The Red Cross is holding a 1114 tea at the home of Mr. Will Hiles on Fri- BELGRAVE 'rhe Belgrave Patriotic Society ack- nowledge with thanks the following do - day. I nations—Chas. Campbell, $5; Misses McIntosh, Robert Ii. Robinson :and . Alr.John Johnston is kept busy these Lizzie and Aggie Scott, $2; Mrs. Lloyd Agnew; N', IL Johnston spoke days threshing, Sproat, 81, The Society shipped to for Russell Dougall, Murray M. fish- Rev, Mr, Caswell will preach in the. 1lymaul Hall, London, last month 36 er, W. Henderson Forrest and Roy ,Methodist church next Sunday. pairs of socks, Harold Work of Brussels, spent Sun - Geiger, while Ur. Strang r:spouded fur they in the village. Orville R. White.. BRUSSELS day flay, of Elora; preached :omi- tlearly votes of tln)1115 were passed to dote, one Oar of c{oat has arriy_ versar•y sermons in Knox church on Up Sunday. 4d for •Hrussels ctinsumars and has Rev. Davidson preached in Milverton thanking the Exeter School Board for the use of the 'school, the Exeter been parcelled out in 11)1IIts. teachers for the excellent 111110l:on The funeral took place to 13t•ussels provided the retiring )dicers of last Cemetery yesterday afternoon of Pte. Wm. 44'right, son u( Frank C. Wright, year; to all those who took part in of Turnberry Township, who died in last Might's program; gild Dr, Emery. Newmarket Military Hospital. ital. A bro- The singing of the National Anthem Cher died in Tonna. Military Hospital brought a very successful meeting to ;; about 1 month ago. James H. Fulton of this town has ^'),ntdhv 2\'1(112 close. purchased the (2 -acre farm of Williampew., Boyle preached in Elora on Sun- Livingslun, just east of the village, for dty the sum of y5,000. The purchaser gets Mr, Darold Wolk, of Brussels, was ft possession of the laud at once and of vr2r1:-Coil ci>iL,r at the home of :ilx. the buildings in the spring. Mr, Fultonand Airs. Ernest Geddes. 8228nth' :,old his I5rn1 near Walton. W. J. McCutcluon, of Morris Town- ship, put his horse and buggy in the methodist church sled on lair night and when he returned found his brand new set of harness removed hunt his horse and a worn -nut 0504 lett in Its place, The perpetrator of the act has not been located. 011 Sunday. Joe Brandon spent a couple of days in Drayton last week. Anniversary services in the Metho- dist church on Sunday lIst. The ser- vices will be conducted by the former pastor. Res. 11, A, .tones, of Clinton, at t t a.m. and 7 p.m. Fowl slipper on 'l'hur4(l.ay, .October 48th, 1917 farming for it number of years. Ile married his euusln and had 1 family of two children, both of who tire living, MissNaftel andMr, Waller Nate!, of The. GI,derith Star, 1(18. Naftel was a ,' , t onncleni- nrul 1)i' high riuw h, gut( l• 6 i p S0usues au111 lute a faithful Member of t George's church Por years he was Interested in lite Sunday School of the church, as superintendent and i1) other capacities - Ile was also idenlitled with tate Gdnr13lr public library as a mem- (if the hoard and later secretary, > si and during his 32 years' residence in 0oderich he took a great ltterest in all that pertained to its progress and welfare. The funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon services being conducted In St. (ceorge's church by the rector, Rev, A. L. O. Clarke, • Children Cry - FOR EELETCHER'S CAS-1"0R9A SECOND SON KILLED. cul. lie advised teachers to be very careful of the cluditit n of the clos- ets. els. Since the condition of the closets is indicative of the serails of the 58111)1. Ile recommended the use of Mor:u,g's tablets and the Spelling book Very highly co1)1(11e11ded as a means of teaching reading. More care should he taken to 188411 correct pro- nunCiatilm. The pupils should read slowly and expressively. All lessons in the spelling book 811 1,814 be read If all teachers would put in prac- tice the (tints given. there would be great improvement in the general 'teaching of the inspectorate. Mr. 1'. Ross spoke on the "Teach- ers' Reading Course" and `vas followed by Inspector Tons, both saying there was a large amount of uncertainty re- garding the matter. The Committee appointed to re • port 011 'Teachers' Libraries reported as follows: The Committee recommended that,— Five or six centres in the inspector- ate be named as the location of In. stitute libraries, and that the present library he divided equally among these centres, to he a permanent library un- til this institute see tit to change a- round the books. That St 00 be spent on new books, SIEFFERED f'r �l1 19� SIO 0011li CORR NOT SLEEP AT NERIl9Te ennui -en Cry �y FOR FLETCHER'S AA C tkr°'•r1a U O R tl A Huron Teachers (b) by having fewer divisions and better grading; (c) by good prepara- tion; (cl) by limiting the time for a specified amount of work; (e) by a- dopting more definite standards; (1) by grouping pupils; (g) he slaking• sure that pupils are equal to the work. required Dr, I'ield then called the attention of the teachers to several ch2)1588 in the regulations and urged upon (heir the advisthilty of attending some of the summer sessions. after which Mrs. McKinnon„ 1)u behalf 1t the Girl's Pa- triotic Auxiliary solicited the interest and support of the teachers in bring- ing the Chalauqua Institute to Clinton next sl1111114r, 'the institute then adjoined to meet at 1.15 p.m. Friday Afternoon. The report 1f the h'zsnlution Com- mittee was received and adopted, being as follows: Resolved: That the thanks of the Institute', be tendered to Al:p.ir Thompson for his kind address .:,1 welcome; to St, Paul's church for the use m (oven Nlemorlat Hall; to all those who con- tributed 'i, our program during our sleeting and to those who assisted at the evening meeting in slaking that function such a grand success in ev- ery particular; and to the teachers of Clinton ;Model School tor their excel- lent exhibit of Art and Manual Work, 2. That we grant 85,((1 to the O. E. A. 3. That we contribute the suns of 02(111.1)1) to Ole 1311tish Red Cross, Thu constant hacking cough than Macke to you in ;Tito of everything you have done to relieve it, is a source of danger. The longer the cough shays, the more serious menace) it le to your health. It is easy to check a cough at the out, Set with11r.Vr oc's Norway bine Syrup. . 11 you have let it run though, it takes a while longer to cure, but 1)r. Wood's Norway Pine, d3yrnp will cure it even then after other remedies have failed. Mr. J. HenryLandry, South River, Burgeons, N.H.vvrllt,H. -"I elf(�ivnd such great. benefit from L)r. Mood's Norway Pine Syrup that I cannot 1101p 0xpressing my thanks. I suffered with a harking cough for aver a, month, and conl(1 not. sleep at night, .1 used many kinds of remocUcs, but they didn't do me any good, until I used `1)r. Wood's,' and )d founr. great relief t4ght, from the Hl,nrt.. 1 only used two'hottles, incl wits corn- pletoly cured. 1.will 118801 be without it as long asl liyo: t . There. are a number of substitutes oil 3jto in5ritelvfor'Dr: Wood'a Norway Pine Syrup, $6 vvholi you ask roe 11 see that it 11 pall' up 18,8 yellevv wrrglpar; three ping Ines the tied() markg price 25c. and 509,, , i and that .it bears 6honame, Tho '.1'.1V1b1-. I, holm Cloy, Liimited, Toronto, OM. 6t ;t1 W1NGHAM. BAYFI,Ei D.. Rat. Mr. Mc1:ola'te has returned from his 8,10atl.i8 zt t'.ollingwood. Ur, Wood's re -i1ned his Government position :o 1.tratforu and has returned to his practic_. Government v..•:1: has again 11881421 on the pier. A number of our, townspeople at- tended the Cemser811188 Convention at A serious told unusual accident 'c- Clinton. carred here Friday evening„ L. Biukly. Divine teach:tic 8.::11 be carried on eael; Sunday ....,eimoon at "Trinity church. the • tt( 881013it of this year was and 8 sou of Mayor M4Kihb„n, was considered the haat .1 many past getting some potatoes in his garden. years and the ideal weather 8:1S the lit was playing with the buy, throwing 842:.nd grand inducement to attract ((taloa,: at each tithe,, when suddenly the tact cn'.1d ;hat attended. the how hurled a large potato, which struck Mr. Binkly in the eve. lainkly STANLEY. tell lo the ground, and could not rise. Drs, Kennelly and Calder were at once summoned and they took him at once to the Wingh:un hospital. The doc- tors are doing their best for Air. Bink- tv, who is suffering extreme pain, and it is not known yet whether his eye eat] be saved or not, The value of the month's shipping of the Patriotic Society here 1. the hoes at the bunt and other expenditures 881ot11115 to $350, rnnna,ger of the Wingh,l n otlice tit the Bell Telephone Company, while in coin - pang of Chas, ;McKibbon, a boy til 12 Pte, William Grant, Reported Missing Since last April, Now Reported Killed in Action. Mrs. Lydia Grant, received word last week that her sun, Pte, William Grant who has been missing since last April is now ollicially reported as having been killed In action on April 6. Arthur, the younger sou, was also killed in actkm last March. ,Boil boys were members of the 16151 Battl. and Went over to France in the draft. It was thought at the time that Pte. William Grant, was reported missing than he had been killed as the Battalion was right in the thick of the light that day. 1 0 t o-1 1 fe isnone l there '•a: s are is a _ h,Idt and t ,: a d:,v 1 (cloher 11th, a useful and t',:autitul Christian. life tame t'. a chose in the person of Jeane St'ptllie. of William Taylor and dan liter of -lames Smillie, Walton. 1n failing health for years she bravely battled 1n in weakness—to the last deeply interested in her family and friends and ever ready to advise and rea2h out the Helping hand. The end SEAFORTH-1. came snd.l.uly' and she peacefully breathed out her soul like a wearied Al the annual meeting of the local child lalling asleep told the gentle spirit branch of the Red I.ross Society the returned Home to the God who gave folluwine ()ulcers were. elected for the it. A faithful wife—a wise mother, it coming. year: Iionol'ary president, Mrs. Boyd; honorary' vice -p residelrl: Mrs. Junes Rivers; president, Miss Jessie Case; first vice-president, Air's, 1', 1101111 sted; Second vice-president, Airs, limes F. Reid; s4214'(ry, .wars L. T. 10Lacey; treasurer. Mrs. James ti. .8,1u1(21 The society has a membership 1f 23 and 20 hie members, nice 1)1 these being ap- their Lot trietie •a respect to the de- poinled during the jean. (he total • -1 •ed :1 1 t.-n'.pathize with the til'- , ceipts for the year were $6,567,27 lig'.. r.11 11,L,: ,.; i`. c' service 1WtS Con- an tithe balance on land was "to=,: u, duete•d Ev I::1' pastor, Rev. 8(1, Hogg, Air. Bordon Wright president of the ..,1 ,;trolls, a=•s 018,1 by Per, Mr. Lundy Associated Kin (11 the Canadian (11 1 ..f 5' (11 1 'l he body was laid 11) rest dili.,:nary Forces, wit address a public in •.tlinhm •. getely, Farewell iliend meeting in the town hall on Monday --wife—nu-cher, until the U. break to the evening for the purpose of stating the and the shadows flee anvay. 4. That with reference aims :old objects of the As5(niatde Kist teaching of Agriculture we recoup' with a view to forming ;01 organizatioe mend teachers to follow , the plan of having school gardens, home gardens, We've mare Would lily it het for to make KING COAL elope It hot r you e few f4 y We've made .it hot for a lot Of folks who were looking for satisfactory coal, and if you will place your spring order with us, we would be pleased to give you the good coal .and two thousand pounds to the ton. Ab J. Holloway Office Phone S A first class bed room suite for pre• rate sale as well as other articles •of furniture at resldeh a en Ontario St. MOTOR CAR • Car Co. Shops nwe will give our price moder- ate your car when k•'fiale 2 light have only been and will be sold THE CLINTON MOTOR CAR CO. Facts About Prize Money During those frequent "scraps” against tate Spaniards, Drake secured for his crews matey thousands of pounds in the way of prize bounty, or "head" money, as it was termed then.: A case in point is the capture of two Spanish frigc- es off the Isle of Wig11t, When these prizes were overhauled a'' veritable Tom Tiddler's ground was brought to light, and the following were the individual shares of the lucky recipients: ('aptains, $343,050; lieutenants, $25,455; warrant officers, $1,4,S'40; potty ofilr:yrs, 18,905; seamen bud marines, 1910, may well be said of her she opened her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue was the law of kindness. She leaves a husband, tl vee -.,•1u .and four daughters who will sacredly cherish the 812150ry of mother. ih; 1uneral look place T •ars 1;U' , , f. nctober 9th, when ,aero& a- d n , �hl",r•, gathered to paw ni this district. ' A nuts;; tneeiing will be held at the close of the evening school fairs as the 'roper means services in the Methodist Church on and _ch proper tiunduy next, 1l' fulfilling the demands in this sub- The funeral of Mrs. Charles Dodds her In in > 1)1ae of s jest, e'as held 11.1m the 1 1 e The President then asked Dr, Sit- McKtll„p Township to Al:itiand Bank cos to take up his subject "Standard 11881814'2, Since the death other bus- Tests yeN• 1181, Mrs, Dodds has mads feats for Public 11231011 Pupils". 'The her 11111118 88(1(1 iter sen •at Vanguard, necessity of having some recognized Sask., where she (11818.011 Mondaty, Site standard to measure the product or was 01) years of age aur, 1s survived by the schools was pointed out. As the a 1uuily of eine stns. Renew the Joy of Living explained, 'The 111l•v one yet re41g- boys, Pte, Herbert Lawson, son of Mrs. Don't let ill health any !cog- nized by the Department Is the Writ- John Lawson, From letters received ing Scale, bol „(hers will be 3n the front his brother it is ,known that he , er rob you of life's pleasures. sad been sulfer3ng 1'or soma lame with Get back your appetite, near Future, Ire, Silcox s(rungly ;td- ,t secure cold;, hal nolhiug further' is I vised each teacher (1 gel hunk on knowing as t1 the cause of death. ; strengthen your digestion, "Canadiaul SLnminrd liflieiency 'Tests" Pie, I.:aws11n enlislc(1 with the t61st stimulate your liver, regu- i l I I t ' I in Ihr Mond 11. 21)41 flan coon 'liter it was ( game.., late your bowels and im- prove 11 copy or Tama ti's "Measure. mid ,pnieeded : overse>as to England, i 1 where (1e has been ready and wailing prove your blood by taking to do. his dilly whenever called upon 't t• i 1 mourn "•.d i,' tie leaves . I I , lie to t t I:I4e I 4 his death 11 the curly age 1f twenty -nue t f nthree slaters , (, years his widowed mother, ��; pad x u (�gii Mid WI 1prulhtms, Pte. Oliver Lawson, rue of the brothers, -is in linglnnd with other mein ' ^n and lh the R;ts1 Battalion, ,a t hers 01 the family are Joseph; of Sask- atoon, Sask.; Mrs. Spink, of Stratford, Mrs,- Willis .Mounlatit, lir Ililllett, and Miss Nanny, al home. Wo extend to the mother' and Ole 'other members of the family our syplp;uhy in Use loss of their loved 'olio 'who offered ltiniself Mr the defence of our. homes and who has Raid 11)8:)1 his life in our behalf, For Sale. Gaud frame house on Station street hard and soft water; good cellar; in hest of repair. (:antral location. Ap- ply to W. D. Pickett, GODERICH. Daniel James Netted, father of the 1Sr11,." .,f the 0 814cicll Star and an old resident of the town died Monday night 1u the age of Cu years as the result of a (arab: tic stroke suffered a little over a fortnight ago. lie was a native of Code - rich township, being the second son of the late A. U. Nattel. tie settled on the Bayfield road, where he engaged in mend it. Several of the standard AUBURN. tests already (111 the market, for the On Monday the sad news came from various subjects were exhibited and (111•tlnting Camp of one of our Auburn and o have p a 01 111an1 '0f Inlelligeece," published by lioughloli, Millin and (:1), Miss Brock in her address 51 lh'evi- den( gave a descriptive talk on a suni cr •s- summer, • , •se alta took last mer course pointingout the wisdom of allanding one of the -summer Sessions and of pn'e intring, the work during the preceding year. )She concluded by thanking the. teachers fur. the honor they had con- ferred 01 her by elecling her to the presidency, The convention was brought to 8 close by shlging the National Anthem. Co s''� Cotto6D 1"aotbt C?le. ipnetfld, d' An�/'s vellebte r ri'tuel(5N. tneetim,4, 0111 n, tl ee hnes•of str.,,gth—'Nn. 1,01 2r 5a; No. 3, Sit per Ito:, Said out r �,( Into dr a t t3 i,lr_ h oil .l r:k, do • i ,i ,t of ri by a are t i, ,rte .11. n t .na end pamphlet. Ad rnya: THE COOK MU)teiNE Ca., lr TORONTO, OMT. (,1'atinald WiadioS) CRED1TON The wedding was s.,len1dired 111 the Methodist' Church Here recently or Miss Wilda Manes. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joi, Banes and (len, 13. Hepburn, elf. Stephan Township, Rev: (3, W. tri - to Ham., Maker glHclatell, After 't p Mon they will reside on 60115es51on 4 or Steplien. Their action is prompt and thorough, and you soon feel their benefits. You will eat more, work better, sleep sound- er, and feel new strength after a short course of these depend- able pills, They restore healthy conditions, and ..UL [i are wog �]ea ab box D1eefl(08) gpoe.IVeloeloWeoeisrewlaikter/Ms &IR erer wiero. - fl Nikki, 2501-#: VOTERS' LIST 7:)17 Town of Clinton BRING YOUR M to the Clinton Motor when 11 needs attention, you good service and c ate , We c811 :also store' not 3u use. We have for a quit de- livery Trucks, that used for short time at a very low price. a FOR SALE 1-9 roomed house, all modern, con- venCinces; and a live roomed ,cottage, both 1n James street. For other part- iculars apply 11 ' Alex, F. Cudmore,.Clinton„ Wanted. NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in section 1 of The Ontario Voters' List Act the copies re- quired by section to be s+, trans- mitted lir delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last ,of 15 11 of the said ;\luni8ipality to be entitled to v) in the uAlunici alld t y at r elections for members of the Legis- lative Assembly ;and at :Municipal elect- ions; and that the said list vas first posted up at my otlice in the 'Town tLQI, Clinton, on the Fifteenth illy 11 October, 11117, :out remains there tar inspection. And I hereby call upon all \•iters t1 take immediate proceedings t1 have any errors 11' (n1fs(s0115 Cor- rected according to law, Dated this 11th day of October, 1917. 0, L. MACPFIERSON, Town 01erk, 0(1n1'n. For Sale A women for general housework in a fancily of three without children, Box Al, Clinton. \ htr;1 and 11 si l;I11•u 111' health. I'ov gall', :Apply to Mrs. C. Bezzo. �� TIouse -- to Rent FARM FOR SALE 100 acres on Mill Road. 4 miles from Seaforth and 2 miles from Bruce - field. All cleared and in good state of cultivation. Brick house with furnace, Basement Barn, Cement Silo. Spring water piped to barn, goad well at house Rural Mail and Phone, for further particulars apply to own- er. Atex. A Watt, 1 19 Ontario Street, Guelph, or John Rankin, Real Estate and lnsuurance Brucker, Seaforth, Ont. '1'11,• Hnll Cord Cottage is )ironed to Ie[. i1,t w•nter hone, t•leetrie light, Int 111 two c1u w,•lionu r., very eoml'nrt• nb]n, coni I'o1' ('nrnarc may b1• jmr alutsell 11'.litl hit.' (t'1)1111, • W. Bt'ydono STOVE FOR SALE A 41,31 heater, practically new, be seen at Elliott's Livery Barn, Lost 10, V r Sale This mill has I',ecn rased by the Doh- erty Piano Co„ and who alight purchase the entire output annually ; is in fairly Good condition. Capacity 8 to 50 thous 11(1(1 feet per • day. Free use of the 11. R. siding. Abundance of yard room. Slabs would nearly pay running expenses. Apply to W. 69oiserty', (11 atm Gold tilled gents' watch chain with. Masonic Key 51(1114 set in solid gold at- tached, Finder please leave at New 0rewart ' Era (Alice and get reward. MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK. A number of good reliable Alen can secure steady employment on Munition work, Apply to, The Rota, Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Seaforth, Ontario, k"fal''t't Toler Order t'ot' some of our Western Oats, which we havo bast received and -800 vitt charge you no more than 1f they wore just the ordinary grade of Oats. 7f you wish to 880)180 some et these Oats place your order early its they are going fast. Wo always have a full stock of Flour and Feed. Ugliest ilerices plaid for Grain • Jenk mms &ori Phone 199. ltesidenea 9 on (00 Mouse Ilii' t"isiie. A one and a half storey frame house, 12 rooms, situated on Mary street, barn, X acre of garden and orchard; waterworks and electric light Apply i V to 1 .. Y ii Lr 3, - - W Bit AO Clnton Straved From lot 24, con 6, Hallett. a yearling heifer with a mark on dewlap, A. suitable reward will be paid for information lending to, No, 1,cClinton rPhone 15 gr 1 R. 105. For Sale or to Rent The brick house on Raglan street, 10W occupied by J, E. Doherty, for sale or to rent. Electric Tight and town water; 2 :teres of land. with stable. All in good repair. Apply to David Cantcloa. ai i,�y 4'. ,i s —• HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO. — CANADA The Home of the Ded Deer and the Moose OPEN SEASONS Deer—November 1st to November t ti, inclusive, Moose—November 1st to November , , , 15th inclusive. In some of the Northern f1istricts of Ontario, in- cluding Tiulagami, the open season is from November 1st to November SOtte inclusive. in that part ad the Province of Ontario 1)111g North 111 the Canadian Quebec Government Railway from the t,ueltc to the Manil.d'1 boundary, the open season for :Moose is Iron October 10111 toNorgnlber 301h, Write for cony cif "I'1a\'.'rounds --The Haunts of Fish and Game." t:ivim,' Grupe laws, Huntint,' Re- 1''uLltions, etc.. h1 C. E. Homier, (3Iron Station. Toronto. Ont. 3.,»1 Hansford &bun, city pa1sen- gter and Ticket Agents, phone 57 \ f7 Pettis,', .r1) ion atzent Ray and Forst Spells Are Warnings of Heart Trouble That Should Be Heeded. ' those Those feelings of weakness, t elizz y spells and "all gone" sinking sensations, which come over some people from time to limo 580 w=arnings that Hurst not go unheeded. They indlea un an ('5O•eniely weakened condition of the heart and a f 'n 1uIm-t dtsor(]ered aL•rto of the n1 tt4, 1'11000 who are wise will start inking Milburn's Heart; and Nene fills before their case uecones hopeless, They (111811 110 equal for steenglhcning the head and invigorating the nerves. Mrs, Tamil Brooks, Upper (i,tr+'tow•n, N B,, \writes; -..•',UI last t•ummer un11 Winter 1 had dizzy and wool w,:•ley, headaches and fainting I111t1 blind .41s, A. friend rerun ;nt'pded 11311018"s 1l,vlrt. and Nerve Pills lig rue, 1 hod nnfy fakes IWO hoxls When T found great re+a lief. 1 highly 1 (numrmil m itb 1tl! ,�. who atllfl,1'' from heart tat u111e," z; , 11'ilbrun'a Heart oral Nbrl'n 1,'311s 1.11 li0c, per box at all dealers ( t�troll:O direct on receipt or prim, ley ' .e r:18t11� burn Co,, I.imited,'I131\,ntu Out, -