The Clinton New Era, 1917-10-11, Page 71 1;y, 'October 11 th, '1917 sultry anted t caller Tectling Plant has opened for 'Isexsa;rn, and from now on we will ext ale market for all the poultry Wiz: for sale, will be taken in every Wed- itr#dhy smorning at Holmesville and 1nei;y./a3,'•• : t Clinton,Spasites perines will be paid for pro - 11w4 £o14shed milk -fed chickens over st 1,114; e,tr3.l. -�a�lois & Co., Limited Mae e up-to-date Firm c'o'mas: Brandt Phone 190 .99i1.1seararthe, Manager or Holmesville 4 on 142. wIAP;v t;&,t,,!1eeeee®s►maeoshataea °3s � jry t y s ta. t► iy e and here our finest p Stylish designs of E At4 5^)•he3'ty Pianos and Organs, " s. s. ,.v„ , 'r6N -44 • s .ae +,sial values in Art • Gases 'melts and organs rent ';el.., Choice new Edison phortographs, Music & 8. as ety_goods. i•a sae •PIRII)orinnf C. Hoare .t7R'ERFEY4iM7w+"r6^'c➢ ITIPt7C'TW' 1717 tl'GVd vezatooAe~euvu 1MoA0'.fiekokoN \V"I i m 3 ::4!" !c'e'::ti!n.e to have your ~urrxoece overhauled or a new an e_installed, •xonnher of second hand s?;tjav s in. good repair, v'u 3ivaric Wiring and Fixtures 19111M11111911= 11021. ••,..arysivrasarawtmtrel Br ";an & Sutter } vsnalwrs and Electricians 2. Phone 7. . eadrawu'vsttPWtoYWVVVwweIWWV getter Pay •The :Price Own; be tempted Lo choose cheap },ewelery. Far better to pay a fair ;egice and•khow exactly what you am getting, Ton will never he sorry—for ae a matter d€•money, is is easily the meet economical. -.l:lretleas been said so often that e,r,elr;lbody by this time should kwow it—and vet there is no risocity 01 cheap .jewelry in the lirastl "Cow to get personal—If you would Me to miss chat sort;altogether— OJJ,1in HERB 11 you would like to hay where seething 'hut high qualities are • - aT sit-in—OOME tileR's • attnait•e'Veo et that, no person ever x:1110(enr prices were unfair ., ,, p eounter Jeweller 'a and Optician' is et. oI llarrlaIXP L 4flSes WORD it InCLEOP %F ?re, "taw selling Timothy Seed ,'f,.' wri'vierzement Standard.). mere also have on hand, Alfalfa, ,,,ytlaeulkra, and lied Clover. %To always have on hand —Goose tikeasot, Peas, Barley anti Peed Corn ..,-p itug+B;xet 'Market Prices paid for Hay 'crud ell Etaiae, IRD & IeLEOD w. 111KT1)1)bf M BARRISTER BOLI11I'1'00, NOTARY 1'C.t3.L [O, EA; OLINTON (:,artr..gt.e$ Ts, Rd111.,13 Gonne qnonee, Notary publics, Uowmiseityner, etc. 1R1.AL ESTATE AND 1NSURAN013 tamer of Marrlage Licenses, I1inron tit,, Clinton. H. T. RANGE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and (teal Estate INSURANCE AGEINT—Roproseutlua 111 Piro le euranoe Oompaules, Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr, James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, 0ouveyencer, Lto Office on Albert Street, occupied by 6fr: Hooper, In Clinton on every Thursday, and on anv day for which appointments are made, Office hour's from 0 a.m. to 6 p m. A. good vault in connection with the nflice. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Cameron, OR cla W. T1WMPSt'SP6 Physician, Surgeon. Ste smote] attention given t0 diseases of the Bye, Par. Throat, and Nose. Byes orally samined, and suitable glasses presertbed. Mee and Residence. Two seers weHo Or the ConaueercIal dila Miran 8t, DANS. Gini% 111111 Q:ttall 11♦i3t Dr. 81'. Gunn, L. R. 0, P., L. I. C. S., Nd1 Dr. cluou's 0alee at residence High Stroot 1►t 2 4, handler. 1).A. SLR, OPloe-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night callf, at residence, Rattenb"r• 131 or at 130011al OR. F. 1L AXON DENTIST Crown 11,1,1 llrldge Work a Soct laity, Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, and 11,0.D E Toronto, /hayfield on Mondays, Slay 181 to 1) i)I;AITReTo Offices over O';VEtL'C eters, Special care taken to make dental Are, t m+rot es painless as noseible. THOMAS (3UND Y Lire sto•:k and general Auction.�r GODERICH ONT Salm stout sales a spealala,r, Otdees 1111 e *t may tits otlic0, Clinton pr,.s: e y &acnes, 7•-e, Terms reasonable. Farmers aalo 1100. discounted Dl's. Geo, tt L'), 'hitiey sieilel6i:tuii Osteopathic Pity. Specialists in Women's and Children!s Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE, Office—Batton bury Hotel. Tuseday and FPPiday. 7 to 11 p.m. G. D, Mclaggart 16. D, MoTaggar McTajg; r# ;f�;iyi�ti s ILITINNERS ALBERT ST, CLINTON a General 'Banking Besinese transacted alOTES D1SOOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed e deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire insurance ryQks Pnr;m and Isolated Town freta e:rty Only Insured. Bead Otllee—Seaforth, Out Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. bays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex. Leitch, No, f, Clinton; Edward H(nchley, Seaforth• Wm. Chesney, Eg- nlondville• J. W. leo, Goderich; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen, Directors Wm. Rina, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben- neweis, Brodhagen; Jaynes Evans, Beech- wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; James Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Geo. McCartne, No. 3, Seaforth. A Carload of Caue,da, none ius tor gna•:a'eS It wall pay you John Hutton LONDES BORO Shirtwaists can frequently be cut down to be used in the dresses of small children. atail'iaI 's rgjnd' shorthao Westervejt S.hocji Y. M. O. Betiding Lortd !ii, Oiitariov College in .. estion Sept. 1'st to idly) Catalogue Free. Enter any time:; J, W; Weiterb$1t;,Principsl ' 1 TILE CLINTON NEW ERA, What Is jric Acid ? Mother gut lick iaear-lo gi-ri an, 1 ;uad luuke4l it "tet ciuefully. 1 know [ALT , what WAS corning. Finally she looked 9l THE CAUSE ®d1'BACKACHE, 11 to 1es11thajtnl�ott�thy' 11 as iihe,tborn tttcidlin ett H 1. R EU1NiAT1S£1'I, GRAVEL, age of Dick when he wits that age— AND SUDDEN DEATH, I the state •features exactly! Dud could i 1)'t see it (hitt way. He said the little Rana Ord the liquor Iqueustu,u could be used as a beverage and that it resulted In fiIESJ11 JI intoxication, The main argument in NN the clue was based +>n Section ?25 which •t u s Ip !l rtes that the act shall^not prevent the sale by druggists or INueHE 1)FAmiLyi Manufacturers ol'— ' ' 1 chap had the Norton eyes all right, Ever since the discovery of uric acid bet u1Iun'wise he looked /note like his in the blood by Scheele, in 1776, and mother ---especially around the (mouth, No Sign OF Dropsy And Kidney Trouble the bad effect it .had upon the body, 1 ' One of our neighbors carate in that Since Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES" eoientists and physicians have striven evening, and she thought the baby to rid the 115011ee and the blood of looked like Datil I can tell you that this poison. Because of its over-. pleased hitt mightily. abundance in the system it oausss M)', but it was funny to hear them! backache, pains here and there, rheu- matism, 1 Just Ustned eand said nothing; but a° gout, gravel, neuralgia and later• In m)' eroom 1 threw myself sciatica. It was Dr. PiercetlAnuric, who dis- covered a new agent, called ort the bed, and toughed until my sides Which will throw out and completely . Rett' can(i)en er nl'rom tithe ypostotliceeYtvith eradicate this uric acid from the sys- ! ca tom. tiAnurion has proved to be 87 times more potent than Lithia, and its hands full o(' mall—papers, letters, ooneequently yon need no longer fear and something else, the sight 01 which muscular or articular rheumatism or sent a queer little thrill up my spine, gout, or many other diseases which are ' This latter "something" he passed dependent on an accumulation of uric This to masher with the remark: Rood within the body. Bend to Dr. ' "Another photograph, ma—from Pierce of the Invalids' Hotel and Sur- Dick, tool Do you suppose they for- :: Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. £ora gni about sending the other one?" Hurl " T 1)e cord and wrapping nn r run' pamphlet on "A ie, or send 10 cents 1 i d t v 1 p 6 v off In fora trial package of t"Anurio Tablete," a hurry and then mother exclaimed in If you feel that tired, worn-out astonishment, feeling, backache, neuralgia, or if your : "Wiry, it's a difleereut baby!" What sleep is disturbed by too frequent does it ntea1), pa? This certainly cause urination, go to your best drug store from Dick" and ask for Dr.Pioreo'sAnuric Tablets. • Dad had brought the other picture, They are put up in 60 -cent packages, and they compared them carefully. Doctor reputation is bank of The mystery deepened, Wonderingly, this medicine and you know that his Dad turned the pictured over that he "Golden Medical Discovery" for the held in his hand, and the writing across blood and Ins '‘Favorite Prescription" the back caught his eye. for the 1118 of women have had a splen- j "Why, nut, I know! This is our sunt - did reputation for the past fifty years, mer tourists' baby! Don't you rement- her the young couple that hoarded Doctor P's Pellets are unequaled with two years ago? This must as a Liverr Pill. Gus tiny$u Sugar-coated be their boy." Pellet a Dose. Cure Siok headache, ! "You're right pa," mother agreed, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Coustipa- ; "but how did we ever make such a tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and ❑usfake? Oh, 1 understand now," she all derangements of the Liver, Stomach ex !aimed a minute later, "Stephen and Bowels. opened that picture before we got home from town the other eight. Strange he didn't notice—pa, cid you flllllllllillllllilil!I!ill!IIIIIIIIIiICII!III!C!IIIVIIIIIINIIIIIII!!IIIIIIIII!Ililill!til!In!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVI81111 suppose that boy knew all the time, OUR SHORT STORY ,and was laughing?—Stephen! Ste- phent" A TWINKLE AND AN EYE 1 was in the kitchen when she call- ed; but suddenly I realized that it was growing late, and the cows ought to be milked, so I took the pail and slipped quietly out the back way. As I closed', the door softly behind me I heard dad! laugh, that good natured and 1 knew pthat everything would be all right. Dad is simply great! He always appreciates :t good joke, even if it is at his own ex- 1 ence, W11811 I rune in to supper a little hater, the pictures were lying side by side on the sitting room fable; Dad was trying his best to look dignified, was a Wright nice chap to live. with— and mother was very thoughtful, but the kind of fellow you like to have a- nothing more was said about the 111is- round. Between Dick and me come take. the two girls, Constance and Ruth— ! That evening before I went to bed, I "roses between thorns," they say, carried a lighted lamp into the par. Sometimes I don't pay any attention lor, and got out the old fancily olbum. to this remark, and then :(gain l—but Then I turned the pages until 1 dune what's the use—girls will be girls! to the picture of the relative that for The funny thing about our family two years I had despised so much, is the act that we don't any of us look Queer how such thing do happen— like ourselves. We all look like some- guess surae of my prejudice had slipp- one else—someone in the family con- .•ed away, for somehow he looked en- 11eCtinn I mean. You see mother likes ti rely different to me, and honestly, to have it said that We children re- 1 felt ashamed of all the mean things semble her—or rather, her people, Dad .,1'd said about !rim. of course wants a share of the glory I 1 discovered, too, that ire had a so he insists ()alt we look more like merry twinkle in his eye, and just as his folks. And there you are! ( N'IIS closing the book—Why, 1 could Mother always told ate that I re ;almost swear 10 it, that 1e Winked a1 minded her of Uncle Ned, her favorite me! Looked enough like it, anyhow! brother. Two years ago, however, on Say, but I'd really like to knout, if my thirteenth birthday (I weN remem- (here is any amity resemblance be- ber the day, for it was then 1 put on ! 1ween me and my Great -Uncle Asa. the long trousers for the first tints), Guess when I'm through school, I'll I changed suddenly in appearance, just ; like n chameleon, Reuther looked up take a trip dawn in 'Texas, and find out for myself. as I walked proudly into the room that morning and the first tiring she said was: "Why Stephen Norton, you're the iviug image of your Great -Uncle Asa!" Ile's the one that lives down in Texas, 1 remonstrated, of course, and in- sisted that I looked like myself—I was tired of looking like other folks; but she said my Chin 21115 just like his, and when i walked—why, it was Uncle As:t right over again. 1 was just lighting the lttonp in the sitting roost when the folks arrived home from town, Dad spied the pic- ture First thing when they cavae in. "Why, Ma," he cried, "look at this Will you! Here's our little grandson's photograph!" By Annette Anger( We live on a farm in one of the good old Nety England states. 'There are six of us in the family, including mother and dad 1 happen to be the youngest member of the flock, and brother Dick—he's the oldest. Two years ago he went to work and got married—lives out West now, i was sorry to have Dick leave house, for he HATTIE WARREN Port Robinson, Ont., July 8th, 1915. "We have used "Fruit -a -fives" in our house for over three years and have always found diem a good medicine. Our little girl, Hallie,was troubled with toiduey Disease, The Doctor said site was threatened with D Topsy. Her limbs and body wer0al1 swollen andwo Megan to think site could not live. Finally, we decided to try " Fruit -a -Li eve ". She began to show im Prove neenl after we bad given her afera'table/s, Ina sl tort Hine, the swelling had all gone down and her flesh began to look mord natural. Now she is the keallkiest one is MeAmity and has no signs of the old aihncut, Wo can not say too much fir"Fruit-a- tives" and would never be without them". WILLIAI'f WARREN. 50c. a box, 8 for !ji2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid on reeeipLof price by Fruit a-tiyesLimited, Ottawa. PATENT MEDICINES NOT EXEMPT UNDER TEMPERANCE ACT Mr• Justice Middleton Confirms Dec[s= ion of Magistrate Who Fined Dealer for Selling Hall's Wine—Important Ruling at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, September 27 -The Ontario "Temperance Act does not apply to al- coholic compounds prepared 'in ac- cordance with a formula recognized by the British Pharmacopoeia or some standard work on pharmacy and so medicated that they cannot be used as beverages, but it contains no ex- emption in favor of patent medicines; and patent or proprietyry medicines registered in accordance with the Dom- inion Proprietory Medicine Act are not I'or that reason beyond the reach of; the Ontario 'Temperance Act, for regis- tration does not afford any indica- tion of the nature of the compound. This was the decision reached by Mr. Justice Middleton its a Judgment which he handed clown yesterday and which confirms the decision of Mag- istrate Gingsford who imposed a time of 6200 and costs on John Axler, wholesale grocer, in whose premises on Royce Avenue, four rases of I1 dl's Wine were found, for violation of the O. T. A. An Important Judgment. CASTOR 'The judgment it; highly important T ORS For Infants and Children 11 hi Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of , "Drinking imitation beers," says a Missouri wit, "is like kissing one's own sister. It tastes about the same, but it hasn't any kick to it, in that it is an interpretation of a much -disputed clause of the Ontario Temperance Act. His Lordship re- views the case :and the arguments of counsel at considerable length. Hall's Wine was found 00 careful :analysis to contain 31.33 per cent, of proof spirits, he says, and so must be de- •ide.d to be intoxicating. The,defen- dant was prosecuted under Section 88 of the O.T.A, for having liduor in his possession and was liable to be con- victed unless he proved that 11e did not commit the offence 'char ged. The 0re5w11 gave evidence 1" show that I eal,� 'at a.lr yiy,x .,rye• J- , 4i r l ? 4l<' t eu b�,';'ti1a?'�`,^k.��ti'1�. k9•t�G 4�,�i11F'r7"sN{�S+d .?9,.�; ta,dY.: (a) Any tincture fluid extract es- sence or medicated spirit containing alcohol and premixed according to a formula of the British ' Pharmaco- poeia or other recognized standard work on pharmacy, (b) Medicilgs, or (c) Perfumes (d101) 1'or purely medicinal purposes any m1515re so prepared and con- tahnhng :1100hol and other drugs and 111801)0, (e) By a merchant who deals in drugs and medicines of such Com- pounds, mixtures and preparations as are in the class mentioned and are so made or put up by a druggist or manufacturer, by reason only that the s:une contain alcohol but this ap- plies only to such as compound 211 5 - Due and preparation as contains suf- licient medication to prevent its use as an alcoholic beverage. HON. SENATOR PORIER. "Speaking about the indempnity they intend to exact from England after the war is over, Prince Frederick of Lowenstein recently, at Munich, pro- posed ;is an installment the cession of Canada to the Fatherland, "One of the many excellent reasons why Germany so ardently covets this our fair 00MI11011 of Canada is to be found in the following lines of thee Rhenish Westfalische Zeitung of late publication: Germany will claim Canada as an indemnity of war, because thls will per- mit the German American's to shake the dust of the United States off their feet and pass across the line to Can- ada. where they would live under the folds of the German flag, "But the yell is heard: 'We will fight and `lie when Canada is actually invaded.' Canada, honorable gentle- men, is actually invaded. Our fighting lines, on Land, are Flanders and the North of France; on the waters, they are the North sea and the Mediterran- ean. Would you rather have them at Halifax, or Quebec, and wait 1111 then to Light? Following this same logic, New Brunswick night say, after Hali- fax was blockaded by the Germau tleet, 'we are willing to tight, but we will wait till St, ,lohn or Monkton is at- tacked,' and when St. John and Mon- cton were besieged. Quebec would shout, 'we are ready to tight and die, but only when Quebec is actually in- vaded;' and when the glorious old city of Quebec was invaded, 'Toronto would clamour, 'wait until Ottawa 0 assailed and then, by jingo, we will show them what Scots and Loyalists can do;' and when the holy city of Toronto is in the throes of Hun aggression, Winnipeg and Vancouver will sit unconcerned, because war has not been carried yet as far as the wild and wooly West. "This ilea is a criminally alesurd plea, l e wait until the shores of Canada are invaded. it will be too hate; Canada and all our hopes will he gone irretrievably."—Hansard. ' Cnii(i.ren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C An S `-6- 'Q R I Ari WHY THEY DON'T. Lies there a man with a bald head Who never to himself has said: "A small neat cap of fresh fly paper To catch the swarm's the proper caper But all too well the bald man knows Why from the thought no action grows Alas!—he's sure he still would slap The pests, and strike that sticky cap! So still they tackle, still he swears, And still he slaps, nor ever dares To try that longed -for sticky cap, He dreads that certain, dire mishap! Children Cry - FOR FLETCHER'S CA►STOFZIA® ® I } 1 ;,.„ U µ lQ��IIID MAP1G "BAKING,: POWDER MAGIC BAKING POWDER, CONTAINS MO ALUM " MgDE'IN CANADA" DOES IT PAY TO ADVERTISE? (Seaforth Expoistor) Five and one-half toms of fall cata- logues were shipped in here by express on Wednesday of last week by The T. Eaton Co,, of Toronto, for distribution from the Seaforth post °fiice, The T. Eaton Co, are using Seaforth as a dis- tributing centre so its to take advantage of the parcel post rate .i8 the twenty mile radius, thus saving half the post- age it would otherwise cost to mail them I from Toronto. The express charges I on the shipment were $84 and the postage charges 6301. If the mer- chants, not only in Seaforth, but in the the 20 utile radius, and there are many of them, who sit back and take ad- vantage of the advertising done by a few, would see the amount of money per ton these catalogues return to i the '1' Eaton Company, it would he a . startling revelation to them, This is not the first shipment of these cata- logues and it will not be the last. It pays and it will continue t,, pay until the local merchants become alive to the fact that the T Eaton Company is taking the trade that Is ritlhll•illy their's and doing it in broad daylight If the local merchants want 10 hold I this trade they will Have to go after it, and it Is well .worth going after because it is a cash trade, ft can he done, but there is only one way, and that is the judicious use of the local papers for advertising CARTER'S ITTLE VER PILLS i,8 0 Gl The Best Habit In The World is the habit of health. The way to get it is to train your bowels, through the liver, to act naturally, at a fixed time, every day. Take one pill regularly (more only if necessary) until you succeed. Then you can stop taking them, without trouble or annoyance. This has been the good:health- rule for 50 years. CARTERS' lPIL4.5i°ER Cantina bears 'Signature Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron in the blood. Carter's Iron Pills will help this condition. Econ lot' in my es You will get One hundred cents worth for every dollar you spend in a Suit or Overcoat of and a little extra in the Style, Fit and Workmanship, They are tailored to your ion. guaranteed. The Fall and selection now. measure' perfect fit and satisfact- Winter' samples are here ---- Make your c�s9 Clinton The Morrish Clothing C •