HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-04, Page 6r FACB 6 0111WaSICLI.101,..,,a120011.11..141,441,10110.1.1010iposiyar,uAgi amktoontwastmo.3.32. ..11,131=1.111POIDISII.MilM111=110111 116411114151111,1911111111.13 r CLINTON NEW Thursday, ()etoher 4th, 1 917. ,,,,,..111,11,....!Mlf.e1024.......114114s.,,,,,;!ttukuilAtia.tiLicormaisounts,lormare1Vaarammottammer.on,ouousosommom.E.o. apamsatoo.x,romnsomosnommisgo.,,P,......1,V,"'"'3^ ftBMrin,111;WtBZMR.7123Maag.4g,M=Wlgean11=Z4PZI efreshirt uy lue Serge Now To -day We Offer Four Qualities At The Follo-wing Prices 8L95 $2.20 $2.45 $2.70. We Reserve The Right To Limit. The Sale Of These Goods To One Suit Length ; Only To One Family. mamseeeracesess=e0=a.r.e=sfeman.0, wom A :vs s•roRp; Dry floods at. -1 House qui n Phomi I 7 Neat to Ti: Pfank. A ti lort Stit: ISSIZZSUMMet:Wentatlin:entearannt ^T..E.3ougrAn. ','="=12M2M,11711,01(fmeimo8 MEN'S STO 1-111. Tailoriror t.i• -of • I . 1r pliusr mr.511za OD, Viso a r • Er '• 1E is the making of good pickles and in order 1 have pickles she must have xfo,: spices and good vinegar. Our rphter. 0-e pure and have had the pri,per curide mut proper maturing. Our Ylneffar k of the best known brand,: ;mat, f0r- that have been tried out. We !eel sure they are the best. Leave" your pickling orders with us. Large or small they will have careful attention if you would like In have some nice tasting mustard pickles to E add rest to appeti e this winter try this receipe. Affix to a Paste 3 table spoonfuls of mustard; ,511 table spoonful of tunteric; cup of flour; 4.1 cup of sugar; u qt. vinegar; boil and pour over pickles. A McLaughlin buggy, good as new for sale, HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS 14 Phone 111 ON el THE STORE Ofr' QUALITY .----.0121.31Lati-71.„-_---...marac,r,cgasr..Awo.oncsatsummisia=nreciaigerearsestarmasnoxtrzar412=.rta,n,.........., accommonemaamemalla...... 4F, 1? TAWAS A S ccess- lwice Over This season's thirty-five horse- power Overland Model Eighty -Five has scored a double hit in Canada. For this is the popular model that offers to buyers a choice of either 'a Four or a Six. It is built in both motor designs. Tihe wheelbase of the Four is 112 inches -the Six 116 inches. Solid comfort is assured in both. Big, roomy seats and cantilever rear springs are just two of the reasons why. As for the motors themselves, Iittle need be said -the fame of the Overland thirty-five horsepower four-cylirkder engine is known the world over. And the engine in the six is just as efficient. We believe the Overland Eighty - Five comes closer to fulfilling the commonsense requirements of more people in Canada than any other model brought out this year. Let us show you these cars. R. 61° i-1 M (.:uKropi Willys-OverlarAd, Limited Willyn-KnigIit and Qverland Motor Cars and Light Commercial Wagons Head Office and Works, West Toronto, Ont. AGENT model Eighty -Five Four a - • . 1 aritiCiOcaer11500Cii....QCSOCCIlegeta a et WITH THR CUIII1CHRS. ostacesctataossoecamooaatea Salvation Army. The three services on Sunday vjtJ be in charge of the Strati:0d S. A. 13:tads:nen. The meetings are at 11 11.01., 3 p.10, and 7,3o p.m, The public is invited to these. meetings. Wesley Church. A t the Epworth Lea 11,1 111,20611'4 On Nionday evening a number nf Jantiefr League members were received int:. the membership of the Senior League by the rotor, Rey, A. E. Jones. A. mong them being Donna Mulholland, Pearl Gould. Amy Belly:at% It:frothy Rorke, Hattie Livermore, Jessie Mc- Guire, Violet Huller .111c1 APIS' Next Lorcl's bay the pastor will preach on "Sunday School Work" in the morning and in the evening on "The Bereaved Father". All the Mem- bers of the church are earnestly re -- quested to be at the morning seryice. Ontario St. Church. Ret. Mr, ford, ..1 Goderich, the both services on Sunday. rhe pistor iu nreaching ;:nniyersary sermons at Londeshort.. 'Flee church astniversary will be *held nn S1.1141.1.1. 1)4'1. 23th, when Rev, Mr. Alillyarst Listowel, will be the speaker at both services. St. Paul's Cburch. Successful Harvest Thanks!.iving services were held in Si, Paul's church on Sunday when Rev Canon Gunne, of London, and formerly rector cif this church, conducted both services, 'The collection amounted to over $2(t(,. 111 which will he probably increased before the week is out. Willis Church. The Thanksgiving services will be observed in Willis church on Sunday with appropriate sermons and music. The pastor will take as his morning subject "'rite Law of Harvest". At night Ile will speak on "National Thanksgiving.' take; Huron Boys kt Casualty Lists KILLED IN ACTION . L. II, Johns, Exeter DIED OF ILLNESS Pte, Harvey Willis, Wingintm WOUNDED Gunner Albert .1-lvermore, Clinton Capt, C, 11, Dowding, Clinton Corp. G. Smith, Dashwood noosevemecaseineexuasexecesees oul Ed o Con! 410 0660esecoocamowdocieeftweeme 11. Hill's salary fur Cemetery work of $5 0,tio was paid, 65.04 for T, McKenzie for lumber for the Park was passed, Pay sheet for September for street work was $14. 12 loads of gravel front P, Wheatley cost $1 3. ----60--- R, Rowland Mut an account of 3.75 for tools etc., and 90c for nil. W. McIntyre had an account of 50c for draying. 1 38.54 was the Hydro aCColint for street lighting. Coal to keep the "'Mil ili es burning" cost $1 4 front A. J, HolloWaY. it ladder for Pire CoMpany trent W. T. Hawkins cost $1 0. IL Carrick's salary of $50 for Sept- ember WU ordered Pal& • 876 composed of clean, whole young leaves,. Picked right, blended right and packed. right. lit brings the fragrance of an Eastern garden, to your table. )101, AMX2it=71:3 CP:M. GlIEZEZT3ZOT plaffilailohnlinemoom••••••••••••••= 4•Itaxamppwl•nallosimakillaallelassium • Local News E4, 11111111111111111111101111111111011111111111111111111111111114M1111111111111111111111M1111111011111111111111111n1111111111111110111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111TISIF Invalided Home, Many Went to Goderich. Among the soldiers invalided home this week at London are:-Sergt, C. Fraser, Goderich"; Pte. ,H, Coutts, of Wingham and another party who have just arrived at Quebec is IL Bellamy, Dungannon. Returning to Canada Pte, Bellamy, former proprietor of The Dungannon News, who enlisted in and went oversews with the 1 Sint Bat- talion, is returning to Canada. lie has, been pronounced medically unfit for further service abroad. Coming to Clinton, Miss Clean, (,1I tilenii-Glitoles. Tor onto, livir I ashion Store, wit in • -., I ,; /ctober 11111 • r f..f: .0-ith a • • ". ,f‘;Ilai ., let, 1 fee. Lvmonstration. An At trElCtiVZ, Featttre, M11:111.11 Itecortter of last wee t le reterence 1 tit %I,!. l'irersi-The Kittle Band of Cliff ton pite,-2,1 1,, l' orre of the 31 1'3,0V teaturer, ot the lust dAv. I he parad /110 .1rC...1;-. mid music of the piper ...effed groat interest and their excel lent rendering of several selections a the opening in the evening was favor ably commented on. Former Clinton Boy Hurt. Press despatch from Bly•th states that Glenn Blackall, son of lir. Black - all, f. innerly of Clinton, had the mis. fortune to melt with a nasty accident whereto: he broke the wrist bone of his right arm in a couple of places and otherwise iniured himself. Fie was re; pairing the roof 1.1 the tire hall when he lost his footing and fell about 12 feet. Ills old friends 'Will hope for a speedy recovery. A Eluton Old Boy. Cart. (Rev.) Robert Peart,•fl. who has headed the polls in the Sol1liC1.1,' vote overseas for L11.0 Alherta Legislature brother et Mrs. 15'es. Beacom. ot Ilullett township, 11..rn in hthel, near Brussels, son oi Cite late Ji'obert Pearson' and Mrs. Pearson, he took his arts course In troyont., itt- rtrsit5 and theologicm in victoria Col, leee. going from there 141, Calgary as assistant pastor to Rev. Air. Kirby in the Central 3lethodist church. Ile seas subsequently stationed at Edmonton and Red neer. and at the time of his enlistment was engaged in V. Al. C. A. work in Calgary. Going overseas as 3 captain With the >101.11 Batrtalion a year sc.. last Alio, he was only two weeks in FIN -land With his ,unit %then they were sert to the trenches. Seriously wounded at Courcelette. he has since been unable to return to the trenches as a combatant, but he has found his way (.1 serving as near to the tiring line as possible right up in the danger zone, where he C311 help the wounded, he is in Charge of several V. M. C. A. huts. His election with such an over- whelming soldiers' vote is an evidence of the affection, admiration and cond. si,ence he had inspired. His marriage to Beulah Coiling, daughter of Rey. Thomas and Airs, Culling, took place in Drayton several years ago, the father of the bride performing the cere-mony. Clinton was well represented at God- erich Fair last Thursday and Friday. The heavy rain on 'Thursday spoilt the day however for the visitors. S. S. Lesson. Through an oversight we published last week the S. S. Lesson for next Sunday, instead of the Review Lesson. We reprint this week's lesson again. for S. S, scholars and teachers. Stratford S. A. Band Coming A Musical Festival will he held in the Salvation Ariny Hall on Saturday even- ing when the Stratford Salvation Band will be. here, The public Is cordially invited aV th- admission is only .1 0 1 51. La, Pam Trophy r ".1 :"iar!,".x :rowlers 1- MiiltlI h - v., (151.15 11111 and sucLe:fded in captur- ' ing the raid (r•mhy, which Mitchell has held tor some time against all corn- ers 'I he score wa., 37 to 32, Mitchell intends et,iiir" al ter it again, however, k 11111 hope, h. bring it back with them 4. I I hey •ae r 'nt'.- Willi their -51 1 :13 1..0 ;i1,...111 55i11. 111e, ntg TH GOO BOOKS , s SUNNY SLOPE.S 13y the Author of "Prudence of .the'Parsonage?'". A romantic guide to Cheerful living.. THE LIGHT IN THE CLEARING., kving Bacheller-A hook that . shows whgrit Patriotism means.. THE WINDS OF THE WORLD. Will please lovers of- romantic plating and daring. adventure. It is called,."a, thrilling concoction." r- D. Fair eo. Often the eheapest-Always the Best - • . •- .010. ,1 4weamouneor..... A Tested Lens ---- An Accurate Shutter -- Simple Operation - Good Pictures-- R, C, Congress on October 9th. An . October Wedding. Wesley church was the scene oit Wednesday morning, of air event that has been anticipated by ladies at least for some time. in the marriage (0 Miss Frances Getrude Chant to Mr, John Adatn Sutter. The ceremony was fixed 'fur 11.31) and before that time a large number ()I' ladies had gathered to wit- ness what is always at fascinating event to the fairer sea. Almost to the minute Mr, Sutter took his plaee be- fore the altar rail, ‘A here Nev. Mr. Jones was already statt1 med. and a mo- ment later the fair young bride came in leaning (in the arm of her father. Mr. II, 13, Chant, Allss Gladys Cantelon playing the Wedding March, Miss Chant carried in her hand a beautiful shower bouquet of lily -of -the -valley and roses, and wore the customary bridal veil, and in a few moments the marriage ceremony was read and they were pronciunced man and wile. 'I'h ushers were Sergi.. Sutter. brother of the groom, and Mr. Frank Watson. At the home of the bride's parents, Rat- tenbury SI, littst, the customary wed- ding dinner was served, and at 3,1 the bridal party left 00 their tour for Toronto and other eastern points. The guests present were; furs, noimes, of 1. catharmes, and Mrs, Chant, Unionville, the bride's grandmothers., Rom bt, lieles, of T.ronto; Percy- Ithlmes and Wife, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Sutter, Stratford, (parents of the groom); Capt. Dr, Beatty and wife, Stratford;' 13, Floody and wife, Ingersoll, Miss Milly Chant, Toronto, (Military Nurse); sergt, Sutter, Lan- don; Mr. and Mrs. Hymn; Mr, and Mrs, E. E. Ratz, and hir, and Mrs, IL E. Raiz, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Schmidt, of Stratford; Miss Hazel Branden, Wingham, and Miss Ruby Wise, of. town. The bride is a Well known and 111010 popular young lady of town, having been for some time as- sociated with her father in•the odice,01 the Public Utilities; she was also an ;active member of Wesley church, the young people of Which gave her .a n.seei. i I 1 aneou8h sshower and she was al- so the reelpient of 5 nuMber of beau- liftil presents, among them seVeral cheques. The groom is a well knoWn busineas man'of toivn, and WC express the universal sentiment when we say they have the heartiest good wishes .of all for their futare happiness. Plans are being steadily formulated for the Diocesan Eucharistic Congress, .vhich will be held at St. Joseph's r.litirch, Stratford, on "Tuesday. octo- ber 9, This will be the sixth congress in the London blocease. Rey. Father .1, Valentin, 01 London, who is the director. was in Stratford during the week commencing arrangements. Be- t 75 and 1011 clergymen will be present for this day of special ad.:ra- tio:1. "l'emporary altars will be erected on the church grounds and nothing' possible is to be spared to make the fecassiem a sticcess. Forms., Resident Passes Away. St• Vtarvg Argt1Si-.ticol, Taylor, FC,11.101•11 Kirkton for thirty-six years and one of the best know•i: men in the township, passed away .01 kk'ednesday Sept, 1 '11 11. in his 75111 vear.. .‘Ir. Tay- lor hid been 'ntoy•ing splendid. health milli he smiered 3 1•31-3!yCk. wnieh culminated in his sleath. 13,.rn in Kincardine. It' later moved to CHI:. If,. and Witt- ham. eonoing to Isiri Tie, i, ago. Besides Itis •.vite. 1:.• le.oes to dourn a tamily of two sons add one clatriner: Fred, of Kirk - :n; Lir 1 holes anfl 3liss ,J1If0.1 :ft Bosom.1l will have the sympathy ot .1 torve ..tireit of frism& in their ben:- alemem. The funeral took place jr:- .115 from his late residence f..r inter- nient in Si. Marys cemeetery. Bev. Mr. 12),;11 Ctr;Iti,1•31111;4 111.2 11/1.0t.11 The Birth of a Nation. The St. Thomas Journal makes the followine reference to the picture play which will be shown here tomor- row. Friday-. Oct 5th ;it 2.15 and 5; -"lite St;tr Theatre was tilled on day night when The Birth of a Natifm." the greatest motion picture ever at- tempted, returned to the city tor the seCtind time. The management tit 3111* received so many requests Iron: those who were unabl, to see tile pk.t. ture during its first engagement that it was obtained for the first two days ot 'the this week. "The Birth of a Nation" pulsing with life, shows gra- phically the reconstruction of at nation alter the abolition of slavery. In it one sees historically correct the events that led up It the reunion of a nation torn with civil war. Closely bound tilt in the picture history of the reconstru- ction is 0 story .0 love that is the quill- teise,tce IA reality. It is peculiar of this picture among. few that no matter if one has seen it before there is thc same wish to see it the second time. Half a million dollars was spent in stag- iag this mainoth production and it re. quired eight months to complete all the various scenes ready for the lant• ern, In some of the .big battle scenes ;IS many as t3.110t) people were litiliged together with 3,000 horses, that they might be adequdtely represented. Add- ing much to the enjoyment of this mag nincent production is tire special or- chestra which is carried with the pic- ture and the musical pro -gram has been arranged by a master hand specialta, tor the hundreds of scenes in this spectacular photodrama, WHAT CATARRH is It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Scien ce has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors do little, if any good. To correct catarrh you should treat its cause by enriching your blood with the ail -food in Scott's Emulsion which is a medicinal food and a building -tonic, free frotainany harnafttl drugs. 'Try it. L. Scott & soiree, tomato. oLd. NEW SCHEDULE Trains from East. ,rrive f 1,1 0 amt. Leave 1117 mu, rrive 5.53 p.m. Leave 6.45 p.m. rrive 11 • 35 p.m. Leave 11. 18 p.m. Trains 1vont West rrive 7.33 a.m. Leave 7,33 a.m. rem: 2 55 p.113. UM.: 2,5S p.In, Trains front South Arrive 1030 amt. Leave 11.10 a.m. ,rrive 6,40 0,tti, Leave 6.40 p.m, Trains from North 7.33 a.m. Leave 7.50 a.m. 4.15 p,ret. Leave 4,15 p,lri, Ariivc rrive .111111•111111111111Se All these are assured when you purchase •algorilittt A liyi)ody can take g-oc,c1 pictures with aKodak or Drownie, 1214,:,- Iiir.L. them froth $/.00 up. Curne in and let us show yesit,, how casy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results-.-. 0".iorr Despensing Chemist WI= 911111MES,1711A7=1:1==31702.11==0241====braP613.,,, ,arevemmorr.memum=zrastxa,rox The Features or eta • Furniture 0. To which we invite special 5,01 7ajt,r are ita beauty, its assnred earn -11, -01 solid coLatruction, and its 5e1.0 155 usual priceS. Any G112,of thea vvould he sufficient to mum pre,Vel•enee. Who; -.1 tbey are aIlt rrlf, (dried we feel sure you wil that this is a furniture hny:ng tunity 7ot:cannot afford to igoors D Undertaker and Funeral Itirector. Pllone 'Night and Nunday Calls answered at Residence over store' . • um t ill eta! Work of All Kinds ing 4-* Leave your oraer now oefore prices advance. Thos.flawkin Th 4,1 Oorner Groccry "Live and Let Live.' The Thanksgiving, Dessert lisi-::11 5150 inight ail: when - 1;1.a.101111.s1o11,•.• 11 o1,171. piing -ight, giL iig 11 th.• ,•,,110:oe• 111 appal izing 11.11;4,4. •1111 TIVIIII:,,g1V1111; 1'01.134.5 . CRISCO For frying, ftirelleetening,, and cake Making. Use C'risvo foe shiteleiting 13' OtlO 1Vi,11 1.11e lightest, 111,W,1. pastry you 1.551'.1111,. C1.11430 is km 1111 Vegetable produet, !Lying nei- ther (..1(.1 um, taste, It is tbe 'renin, edible oil. p /1.,h• are; :le, 1 kat:: awl gives only rieltriess ten foods. Home grown peaches trri, al their best. now. Call and letroe your order Plumbing and Heating E. E. 111.1111111 Orti, Pkone 53 Shop -over Rowland's flardware PHONE 45, EVE 1' SHOE HfrilHEMENT OATIIVIE0 This House Of Good Shoes Asks The Consideration of People Who Care For Shoes Of Special Merit And The Best Of Shoe Values At Any - Stated Price ! iesseraminger ,seecostmeezestontatteimaramtverinitimiesemmerinatimecietemietieneet, 1. h. BD. J7-IeKSON Satisfactory Shoes Quick Shoe Repairs