HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-04, Page 3oiti sep(t. lst to s he ., getter see§ bol t , , Westervelt, PrinciN.al Thi rstlay ;O.etober 9th, 1 91 7. ece 'Prices Prices , I1'lli be paid by us during the balance of September for----•. FAT HENS FAT CHICKENS And FAT DUCKS Our ,position in Montreal enables us to meet all competition in poultry ;prices for the Jewish 'feasts which will last fpr the balance of the month, We want ALL your lige poultry at top prices, Sell NOW while prices are high. The high prices that are expected for new Laid eggs this winter will pay you for the necesary care of your flock of hens, idol-Iloogtois & Co., mites The up-to-date Firth iMi ton Branch Phone 100 KAAAAAAAAAAAA41AAAAAAAA4614 ► 1 pianos See and here our' finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, .special values In Art Cases Pianos and organs rent ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety ;foods. 191! a1( Eil/PDA DOD C. k s oare t♦:Q7�@3''T,'MPG It1trwO'o''ro'vww en, d NMtROVtfh "AAA Via oats Is the thole to likwe your Furnace overhauled or a new one installed. A number of second hand stoves in good repaf. Electric Wiring and Fixtures Byam & Sutter Plumbers and Electricians Phone 7. wvovv V vv+v~earewsawvw®m.# Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what von are getting, Yon will never be sorry—for as a matter of money, it is easily the most economical. That has been said en often that everybody by this time should know ib—and vet there is bo scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal—If you would like to miss chat sortialtogether— CO.ii'IE 13P,RI If you would like to buy where nothing bat high qualities are dealt in—COME Ht51uE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair W®®counter Jeweler and (Optician: ssltcr of Marriage Licenses FOiliD tt MeltAIIDD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standara.j. 'We also have on band, Alfalfa, k Bike, and Rod Clover. Roe always have on hand--t#oese Wheat, Pears, .Earley and Feed Coen ifillKhast Merket ?Medd paid. far Reil and .foal Orates, FORD & MeLEOD W. .Kat DONE 13ARlt1STER ' SOI,IOITOki NOTARY PD13I.fO, PITO aret4'1 ON foal $, 4 S lit 11 41.13 Oonnoyauce, Notary Public, Oommieeloner, eto. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 'setter of Marriage Licenses, Huron St„ Clinton, H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, leinanoial and Real Estate I NSORANOE AGENT—Representing 14 Flre sureness Oooupee., In Divlslgiie Cotlrt Ottleo. Piano Tatung VoilasYs Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that be ie pre- pared to dq fine piano tuning, ti<ue regulating,� and repairing. Orders left at W. DCherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention, M. G. CalliPrORl, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Eto Olaoe on Albert Street; aocupied ey Mr, Hooper. In Clinton on O'ery Thursday, and on anv day for which appointments are made, Office home from 8 a.m. to ll p m. A good Vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointneebt for Mr. Cameron. Medial• OR ce. W. THOMPSON Physiolan. Burgeon, Eto mental attention given to diseases cl Jibe Eye, Aar, Throat, and Nose. Eyes n ernily mouthed, and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and Residence, Two doors Weet or Ibe Commercial Haa Huron SO. • DNS. t '1 id end CASHIER Or. W. (span, L. 0. C. IP., L. n. C. S.. Ed1 Dr. Coon's Oleo at residence $igb Street Or .1 C. Ilandler. 1t.A. ALB, 001oe-Ontario Street, Clinton, Night onus at residence, Bettonberr St. or at begpital DR. F. IL AXON a6ENTIST crow a d 'triage work n specialty, It tV R Dacia 1. Graduate or Chicago. and 2,0,0.8 Toronto. Lt„yllelil on Met dat't, Day Litt. 10 r1 FO a$ L D>, DENTIST. Ofiioee over O'NEIL'S store, Spooled este taken to make dental Jirert outset as premises ss possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auctioneee GODERiOH-I ONT 5 ay:n stela sates a spartan,., Unoes9 ,1 • axw ERA odice, Olfaton prt,m, t,y [totems4 to. 'erms reasonable. 'E'armers. sale 000 dasconnted Drs. alio, it M. E. Width') 3"t ifenta.ttts osteopathic Pity. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chromic, and Nervous Dihorders Eye, Bar, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office—Ratteeibury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday., 7 to 11 p.m, G. D. Mo agg,trs M. D. MoTaggar q. i9 ;a1 't 0 It h G ;r ns Utz p FI1Y1VhET ALBEIRT ST , CLINTON • Qr.ent rat 'Edanirieq 8uela les transacted clowns DJSOOIIN1IE1 Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits The Meilcillop Muth Fire Insurance (o. Peres and lsotated Town fPrelte aorty Only insured. Head QYtlice—Seaforth, Rani; Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas, Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. ' Agents Alex. Leitch, No. t, Clinton; Edward Hinckley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondvil,• J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jarniuth, firodhagen. Directors Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben. newels, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech. wood; M. McEwen, Clinton; James Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, No, 3, Seaforth; J, G, Grieve, No, 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Hariock; Geo. McCertne, No, 3, Seaforth. A Carload or Canada Por110eu Cement Phone us for prices It MN pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO Shirtwaists can frequently be Cut down to be used in theedresses of small children. enAD ALMosT GIVEN UP," Barna, Ont. --"About 27 years ago 1 Was taken very bad, my bloed, too, was ea bad eltape, I got so T had to go to bed andiT was there for over three Months T Doul dof R eat a d suffered cd mn ztotd ai,'eny, I had three of the boat doctors I could get but it 1046 seemed notating was gulag' to help me, 1 had almost given up, 1 thought I would never be any better and was willing to give up and die rather than suffer as I wee. A neighbor of mine told me of Dr, Pieree'e wonderful remedies and I decided to use then My husband bought me six bottles of 'Favorite Pre• aoriptien' I had not taken it long Until I felt better. In less talon six weeks T WAS outof bed, and in less then six montlte I was ou}ed and'hade been well ever side°. Do ell my own work. I have raised three data htere, two are married and have children. 'rimy 'lave Used it aged thhy are healthy, 'so are their children'. I am er re at was ell OP account of my having them eve the me eine, "I keep all�pf� D. Pierce's medicines in the house. Have `Favorite Prescxip. Nen,' 'Golden Medical DisSovery' and 'Sheet:Weed'-anything prepared, by Dr. Pieide 1e glod. I ileo hayv'a' .. pof the People s Caramels Seesp Medical Adviser, which'I levee bad 26 yeara;'it has Been very valuable to Mae J. Wuu, 232 Ontsrio Se, Sarnia, Ont. If you are a sufferer, if your daughter, Mother, slater' need help, get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet form from any medicine dealer to -day. l'hen edelrees Dr. Pierce, Invalids'' hotel, Buffalo; N. Y•, and get confidential nredi- cal advice entirely free. A most valuable boo in any home is Dr. Pierce's • Common Sense Medical Adviser, A splendid 100S -page volume, with engravings and colored platea, A Copy will be sent to anyone sending fifty cents in stamps, to pay the cost of wrap- ping and nailing only, to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr, Pierce's Pleasant ',effete are the original it i h tie liver ver i its first p put u l P near 50 care a Y Y o. g % X. +�. .% .. +R k i4 i6 Yr F N ODESSA a x 'se The Jews, who at first were con- siderably alarmed, have now taken heart, t, but are quiet and wisely abstain from serious provocation. One day, indeed, It Jew, seated in a tramcar, blew smoke in the face of his neigh- bor, a Russian colonel, with -the re- sult that his own face was slapped by a soldier who sat opposite; but the exceptional incident had no conse- quences. At Elizbethgrad an influen- tian rabbi appeared before his congre- gation with a stout stick in his hand an threatened d t toned with condign punish_' ment anyone who should be guilty of provocative conduct by demanding extortionate prices. As in 1905, the Jews, are, no doubt, armed, but under the old regime the possession of arms was forbidden; now it is allowed to alt_ 'rhe Jewish problem lends a spe- A Schoolmaster Recommends idIILBURN'S LAXII-LIVER PILLS. Men and women in all walks of life who occupy sedentary positions are more liable to liver troubles than those who are active from morning till night. When you don't get the proper exer- cise the bowels do not move regularly, your liver becomes sluggish; the breath becomes foul, specks float before the eyes, everything turns black, constipation sets in and brings in its train numerous troubles that could be prevented if the bowels were only tooled after properly. Milbum's i.axa-Liver Pills will and do regulate the bowels, and keep you in a state of excellent health. Mr, 3. G. Hamilton, Schoolmaster, Cornwall, Ont., writes: "I have great pleasure in recommending MMMilburn's I,axa-Liver Pills. I am a teacher, and all the time I do not get the requisite amount of exercise I need, so I was troubled with sour stomach, yellow eyes, and specks floating before my eyes. 1 purchased 5 vials of your pills, and have just finished then!. Now I am feeling all right." Milburn's Laxa-Li ver Pins are 25 cent, a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Miiburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Qat. fli THE CLINTON NEW 'sr.0.' • BA, Vele clan interest to the situation at e)desse, e: e : K .. For the 'moment the Jews await froth F the revolution She atataintnellt of cote. Mete political equality, and this will Inevitably entail the emancipation o their race in 51eigatboring Rountan al50, Latterly they have received a soonest of the satiSiitction of one their claim front M, Kerensky, who, during his 'visit thee, declared that free ldussite knew no distinction of. races and dominated the lirst Jewish lieutenant In the Russian arm. No pro- test has foiloved on the part of the troops, who, it was said, had vowed that they would never subunit to the orders of a Hebrew officer. Odessa is tranquil and sober, but it would be a mistake to suppose that it is silent, On the contrary, the town has been visited by a cataclysm of eloquence—which possibly may be a blessing in disguise, as various ener- gies which might otherwise be dan- gerous find "t safely -valve in words. Apart from the congresses, conferee, cos, and committee meetings already alluded to, reunions of all kinds repre- senting various interests, guilds, trade Mons, professions atnd occupations, legitimate and illicit, are continually held, as many as 20 or 30 of these be- ing often announced for a single day in the newspapers. Even the pickpockets have had their conferences, at one of which a selfdenying ordinance was pass- ed imposing abstinence from their lu- crative activity during the May Day de- monstrations. On the following day a member of the confraternity called at the police court to enquire whether his colleagues had observed the regula- tion. The convicts, who by some mysteri- ous agency were liberated from prison on the day of the proclamation of the revolution, also hadd their meeting, which was attended by representa- tives of the press. They passed a reso- lution to amend theirlives,he' and their Y 1 president, who i p t, t tis said hard commit- ted -10 murders, called on the editors of the various newspapers which had sent reporters to 11 1 Romani o PERSON' t ASN then appeared on the stage of the operas house, where he sold 1115 hand- cuffs by auction for 0100—and sub- sequently proposed to the government to send hien on a special 111155ion to Kishineff, where some disturbances had occurred,viewf his' in "great .. is- o eat 6 thence" with t v ih the to ulutiuu of that place.—London Times. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S•-S O A S C O R I A Col. Molloy Loses Mother. Kingston, Sept,, 21—Lieut.-Col. L. 1V. 00Iulloy, of the Royal Military Cul lege slab', is at his home at Win- chester, tent., where his mother dyed tills morning at the age of eighty- two. Another son, Frederick, a civil engineer has been with the Caaa- dian Pioneers on the Western front fur the past two years. Col, Mutiny's wife was 015111 to Seattle, Wash., last week owing to the critical illness „f her fouler. Chrl.aren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S, CAS'.l'.OiRIA MEN MUST CARRY MILITARY PAPERS. Those Affected by Compulsion Act Must Have Record Men of Canada who are affected by the Aiilttary Service Act, are to be re- quired to carry their examination pap- ers wills them on the street or \\mese they leave their homes. I The Toronto Stan' was informed by the COM Mandl ng Deicer of a Toronto regiment that this provision would be the amain point of a new Order -in - Council, soon to come out. The object is that any man when questioned will be utile to show his status under the Military Service Act. ;g. After Taking Only One Box Of "gulf-a-tiwes" • EAST 5012 HAn17OUR, N. S. . "Itis with great pleasure that 1 write' to toll you of the worrderfal benefits 1 have received from taking '`Fruit-a- truest,For years, T was a dreadful sufferer from Censlipafion .and Head- aches, and I was miserable in every way. Nothing in the way of medicines seemed to help me. Then I finally tt'ied "Fruit -skives" and the effect was splendid. After taking one box, I feel like a new person, to have relief from those sickening Headaches". 1vgas. MARTHA DEWOLFE. 50e, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. At all deniers or sent postpaid by Fruit. a'thvee Limited, Ottawa. WILL BE FULLY POSTED ON MEATLESS DAYS Hotels Will Have Regulations of Food Controller Posted Up Mr. Joint I). Flavelle, chairman of the Provincial Licefase Commission, has sent out copies of the regulations in regard to meatless days affecting hotel - keepers and restaurants with instructe Notts to have 1110111 posted in all hotels. Inspector J. Torrance has received cop- ies and will at once proceed to post them in the Notes. These regulations have all ready been published in the presst notices wilt call the indivihu these \\''Idual attention of all hot el keepers to the necessity for observance of the regulations. t.", f, 1300 see Page', Tree � m STILL AF1:0 „ .,. AT Another Letter from "Tod" R'isgisy, has near milestones whe t11xt sea. time days came and go without anything to mark thelr progress, Sven Sunday is only a slight variation from the routine and all'le0 three years it, too, passes "its a tale that is told," We have no blue Mondays to remember, nor any great Joys or sorrows to punctuate our life, It is all a very humdrum/ ex- istence. I never forget, however, that you like to hear from me, so I feel hadly If 1 neglect to write something home. . This has been it very strange ex- perience, considered as a whole, What the effect wilt be is too much to say. The only satisfaction wilt lie of duty performed, whether 1 can say I have done it well or not, initiative is to it great degree killed, temporarily, under yet that is the outcome of the form of organization, etc. 1 shall have plenty. to ruminate upon after the war, and a host of axioms of, what not to do stored up in my mind, i hope you understand that it would take a life- time to kill a real maw's originality and character, I heard the other day that Wesley Cosgrove received the D. S. O. as lieut- enant in charge of the monitor Paul Sault, Let us hope that it is true and comes out in the daily papers soots, 1 hope it was not a reward for the supreme sacrifice. I wrote hint my congratulations, The Yankees are getting down to "brass ds tacks," s t t 5 something hl), It has taken us a long time to accomplish. Red tape has been more in our line. Geddes is one who will clean out a lot of rubbish, 1 hope. Oh, for more of his stamp! 1 saw amerchant skipper to-daywho had four torpedoes tired at him cross- ing the "western" ocean this trip, He was wild. as he bad to follow orders, instead of his 0011 devices regarding speed, etc. lie came home safe in spite of all, i figure we are in the "safety first" battalion compared with those "who U go down to t the sea in ships, 1 would prefer either "deans or glory" personally, however, for we have lived a century since the war st•st r e d.with eve, Your son, TED II. M. S, Inconstant, Note --Lieut, Cosgrove Is a brother sf Miss May Musgrove, a teacher at he Muncey Indian Institute, I It Inst , 1t'� e v l noticed that the � penalty P r for infraction is not Less than SLUo nor more than $500, 00 not more than i M0111115' inpris0unteut, or [moth tine and inprisonment. The clause relating to the manufact- ure of alcohol from wheat, other than for insnufacturing purposes, is includ- ed in the regulations contained in the poster. WEAN DM AND GIRLS 1t is a mistake to think that anaemia I's only a girl's complaint. Girls prob- ably show the effect of freak, watery blood more plainly than buys, De - laved development, pale faces, head- aches, palpitation, and a feeling of listlessness, _call -attention to weal. blood in the case of girls, But inane boos in their teens grow thin and -weedy" and have pimples on the face, showing that they Pave not enough blood, The anaemic boy is Just as I'ikelo to become a victim of consump- tion as the pale, breathless girl with iter headaches and worn-out look. Lel fhc bay, in this condition catch cold :Wit he will lose his strength and his health become precarious prevent serious disaster to those of the rising generation, let both buys and girls be given the new rich blood which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are fa- mous the world over for slaking, When given these pills watch hots, soon the appetite returns and the languid girl or the weak bay becomes full of activity and high spirits. Remember that the boy has to develop, too, if Ise is to make a strung healthy man. Give both the boys and girls a fair dhance to develop strongly through the new, rich Moil Dr. Williams Pink Pills actual- ly make. You will then see active boI I' e i f kl • I t es an gir s, sus eat U wee y l' 1 i - dress around you. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be ob- tained by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 front The Dr. Wit- starved by the piratical Huns. Ger- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ninny's last hope is gone. BUSINESS MEN.R A E INTERESTED Employers have been Quick to See Practical Advantages of Military Service Act Otte Sept, 29—Canadians busin- ess Wren express themselves as highly pleased with the provision by the Military Service. Act of :iledical Boards for the early medical examina- tion of men liable to be drafted under the Alilitary Service Act. This intro- duction of systenm and order into the 11 ethod of raising men for military ;rr vice has commended itself to the busi- ness conmmunity throughout the comp try, sss- try, according to all reports received here. Hearty promises of cu -operation um havislg an early report made by all nava in the various classes are also cooling to hand, and this co -opera. tion promises to simply the work- ing ,sf the Act. The vast mainrit•; of sten iii the various classes can he reached through the ,business houses where they are •ompee Jit, Sn tsr as the Cities are concerned at least. A new force getting behind the Act is the business Instinct of 0557- 5loyers WIC, under the volunteering system, have had some unsatisfactory expet'iences through the barna/Aril da•uppillg off of 'their employees. All the Military Service Act re:lly does is to get the country's military system down to 1 business basis ats well as to make It more denu,cratic and satisfactory in every particular. The kernel of Lloyd George's state- ment on the food situation to Britain is that "the tight little isle" cannot be MAKE PERFECT BREAD ROYAL, YEAST -CAKE `tea! MADE IN CANADA THE LAUGH LINE I t A WELCOME RELIEF, Said 11e-1 sometimes feel 35 if f could die wall:Ante Said She—And every time I waltz with you I feel that. dying would he at, Welcome relief, A PERFECT MEDICINE EOR EITTLE OR Baby's (awn 'tablets are a perfect medicine for little ones. They regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach thus drive out constipation, indegistatiotr, break up colds and fevers simple t I e � I s dad. make teething ' . ' els}'. Concerning them Mrs John Babineau, Brest, N.B., writes; "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and have found them a perfect medicine' for little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box frau The Dr, Williams( Medicine Co.,CcBro - c },vine Ont. tt Canadians tied it difficult to dis- associate Sir Thomas White from the C N It group P and his proposals to have the Dominion lake over that road are nut viewed without some suspicion. tetaiiies Bird y. ` y " 1FNkt xx ST WAD CHES �,.!HANH 'You never had a head - when when you were l'J;?�td, 4 To keep well is to keep • &eaa, inside. Fw h o relieve headache, and 1 toprevent ut, keep the liver as =five and industrious and f the bowels as regular as 10. CIGOii. to T`•siogenerationsofhealthy, --i'rcrotts people have done th';s by taking one.,pill at bedtime, regularly—a larg- I'& ee dose when nature gives t the vl'lernirig. • CARTER'S I.ITTLE p9VtEl2 14S nIra $,Pnuir, a ,de.ars : ienetaro l Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron in the } blood. Co-`lRTE:WS a I•I ON PILLS will help this condition. 7 N r 3. l{gyp^ i xtj. Aia•;lvk . There is S u.F ing thes You will get One Hundred cents worth for every dollar you spend in a Suit or Overcoat of and a little extra in the Style, Fit and Workmanship. They are tailored to your measure perfect fit and satisfact- ion guaranteed. The Fall and Winter samples are selection now. here -- Make your The Morrish Clothing Co., mummaionammai Ciinton