HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-04, Page 2PADS 2
'4° 14g4nrrr@xes• 11.+"4 "W4164%4
Ready to
Dry Goods
and Houoe
Select Your New
Auturnli Suit
Now ,
You will find it a. pleasure to
selectvilect your new Autumn Suit
from a collection of suits such as
we have now on display. A most
impressiveshowing of Women's
sinartest suits, in the models and
materials accepted as correct by
the foremost designers and very
reasonably priced. Over forty
different styles to choose from.
Everybody .knows the kind
of Coats we carry but nobody
has known such prices as will
be given this season. This
branch of our business glows
every year. Such results never
come by chance. Tile latest
novelties, the best values are
always found in our stock.
Over One Hundred and fifty
styles to choose from.
Order Your New
Fall Hat
We can give better attention
to your order now. Our mil-
liners are creating new designs
all the time, always something
fresh to see here. You'll en-
joy a look through the depart -
went even if you don't decide
on your new hat now, but we
urge the advantage of decision
—This Store for High Class
G 3'
Li ccnrx ,.tz
- Coats
SPr 4,1.1 A.1..rt AL1 .w7
le a magic o 1 that : l t the path of eeciste".-c. It's rich,
pc -s, spar'..! e and l- •,:ith ti,e (6.1 -time Labatt
flavor that maike:i - -•a re u y.0 have the rigl L beverage,
fl 'iClt9IILIor
\n•;I:i6-.. ehe teen
the pili.. (1• any3,i.I).
Drial: 1'I toil :`.nt, 1.abatt's Special Ale is os pore as the
'ileuitt„i.l brook.
Ala on rare at Cafe;, Rotolo}, and in caro lots direct front the Brewery.
cls � 7 • �. LAB TT, LIMITED
LONDON, ONT., and No. 4 St. Helen Street, MONTREAL
' 136
1[(,1160x, N,S,
"About eight months ego, l: rend your
odvertiscmerrt to one of the 10(1;600 Papers
offering a free sample of Cern Pills for the'
Kidneys. - 1 land been a martyr for yours tq in-
tense piles across, the bock. Before 1 bad
finished the third boo 18ound myself perfectly
free from pain,” Yours sincerely,
(Mas.) jeers P1:RCY.
District News.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's Institute will be held in the
Foresters' Hall, Thursday, Oct. 11ti1.'
The Single ladies entertain the married
la}ifas. Discussion on Cake slaking,
Phis Society have completed three
handsome quilts to be donated to the
military hospital at Byron.
Messrs Geo, Barr and T. Kirkconnell
motored to London ,on Saturday,
Rev, Mr. Ahrey, Moderator of the
Huron Presbytery, presided at the in.
ductions of Rev. Air Ross at Auburn,
and ;Rev. fir, McConnell at 111115 11
last week.
The Thanksgiving services in con-
nection with the Londesboro Methodist
church will be held of Sunday and
Monday, October 7 and Sth Services
will be preached on Sunday at 10 a.m.
and 7 p.m. by Rev. J. A, Agnew, of
Ontario Street 'Methodist church, Clin-
ton, Chairman of the District Special
collection at each service, On Monday
night ('Thafnlsgiving Day) a splendid
Thanksgiving supper will be served in
the basement from 6 to S o'clock. Fol.
lowing the supper an excellent pro-
gram 1vi11 be given in the church, con-
sisting of addresses by Revs, Abrey,
Londesboro Agnew of Clinton, Mc-
Cormick, of Blv'th. The Ontario St.
Methodist Church Quartette, of Clin-
ton, will furnish the musical part of the
program. Alma Norsworthy, eloCut-
ionis't of St. Thomas, will be present
and entertain in her most excellent
planner and violin ;elections by Mr.
Robt, Ashton of Corrie.
Rev, t C' . Rvotl, Rector of Kirk -
ton, will preach In Middleton and Hole
ntesville Anglican churches on Sunday
Rev, Mr Moulton p neles the
Harvest Thanksgiving Ing services in Kirk-
Alt, Robert C. haves, of (loderieh,
accompanied by his sisters, Misses
Doris 'led Eleanor, and Miss Nairn,
motored to Mr, Robert Cole's one day
Miss Flossie Whitmore has taken a
position to Sheppal'd's grocery store
in Clinton. •
The farmers are busy with their bean
crops and hope for dry weather,
The anniversary services of the
ilolmesville Methodist church will be
held on Sunday next at the usual hours.
Air. and Mrs.. Harry Johns r oho received
word on Wednesday that their son.,
Pte. L. E. Johns, had been killed in
action, Pte. Johns enlisted with the
Huron Battalion, Exeter, and went over
seas last November.
it %vas learned that, following the
report• of experts who examined the
land in this neighborhood last spring
for oil and natural gas prospects about
ten thousand acres around Winghlun
and Belgrave Have been leased in order
to secure the required charter. It is
said that drilling will soon continence.
Rev. J. A. McConnell, of Toronto,
was formally inducted as pastor of Car-
mel Presbyterian Clover here Friday
evening at a meeting of the Presbytery
of Ilurnn. The induction Wits large-
ly attended. The -first part of the
service was taken by Rev. Mr. Ross,
of Auburn, who was Himself inducted
on Wednesday, He gave a line sermon
after which the Choir, under the lead-
ership of Milne Rennie, rendered an
anthem. The remainder of the ser-
vice was in charge of the Moderator,
Rev, ,41r. Abery. of Londeshoro, as-
by Rev. Dr. Fletcher, of Thames
Road; Rev. Mir. Larkin of Seaforth,
I • nd Rev, Mr. MclJlu•ntid, of Goderich.
For his services as moderator during
the vacancy. Rev, Dr, Fletcher was
4 presented by Elder 'llenry 011 behalf
of the congregation with a purse, The
Julies of the congregation then served
parr^ace!rzammmtxca3,===rsrsw ,sr..amr rrc r===..9-1=2=0., rsz=anroar+,a .+' IMIna mcoz:,,-xwtsnrrzrartnit w rn.xn.:101. anaroae:•nvw.,—,-.laalza
An advertisement by
The 13e11 Telephone Co.
of Canada to improve
Co-operation e Each subscriber ' should cooperate
to better the service on his line. The practices !suggested- below
have been found to greatly improve party -line service
1. Before calling, find out whether
the line is in use. If it is, hang
up your receiver promptly.
2. Emergencies will arise. If a
party -line subscriber desires to
make an emergency call, the
persons using it should give up
the line temporarily.
3. Do not allow children or others
to listen or interrupt your..
neighbor's conversation when
the line is in use.
4. Make your calls as 'brief as
possible. Short talks will keep
the line open and make the
service of most value to every-
5. Answer promptly when you
hear your ring.
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada
"G'oed service i "'out' trite`iin'teitt,"
Mrs, D. Sutherland left on Monday
for Toronto on account of the Illness of
her daughter,
Miss Mamie :and Bernard Ilali motor-
ed to London on Saturday, returning
on Sunday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield McMichael and
family spent Sunday the guests of Mrs,
D. Sutherland.
Mr. Campbell Sutherland had an
auction stile of the things in the
blacksmith shop on Friday.
Mr. Campbell, Sutherland left on
Tuesday for Sarnia where he has se-
cured a position.
Miss Mary Snell left for her position
at the Hamilton Hospital on Monday.
Wm. Stevens, sr„ of Clinton spent ;t
few days with James Callison.
Aiiss Etta Brown spent Saturday and
Sunday with her friend, Miss Olive
Gale of Clinton.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
St. Andrew's manse, Blyth, when Rev.
George Telford united In marriage Miss
Rhoda, eldest daughter of Wnl. Phillips
lend Win. Bowes, a prosperous young
farmer of 11ullett. The bride was as-
sisted by her sister, Miss Susan, and
the groins by Norman 'Taylor. Im-
mediately after the ceremony the
happy couple ultoed to Walton and
caught the train for Toronto, where
they will spend a short time before
settling on the groom's farm,
Rev, F. H. Larkin, M.A., of the First
Presbyterian Church Isere, left for Mon.
treat Monday, where the degree of
Doctor of Divinty will be conferred
uPoll ltilll by his Alma Mater, the Pres-
byterian College. He crone here from
Chatham eighteen years ago and has
enjoyed a successful ministry during:
all this period, •
Thursday, October 4th, 1917,
Rev, Mr Johnston, of Verne, conduct••
est the funeral services, while the cas-
ket was beautifully (tomcatted with
wreaths 01 dowers contributed from.
the many friends. The next to follow
was Richerd McDool, who died on Wed
nesdty last at the age of 92 years, The
late 11. M4Daol was born h1 Ireland but
migrated to this country when A younlr
man and spent most of 1115 time about
this village, For considerable time •he
was devoted to the Salvation Army and
litre 1e. Trinity church tie was also
greatly devoted to the Orange Order,
the same .taking part h1 the burial •ser•
vices with the, Rev, Mr, Hinde, The
deceased leaves a wife and two suds to
mourn Itis, toss,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Hewitt of Mitchell
spent Sunday at C), W. Potter's.
Mrs. Mole and children of Seaforth,
spent Sunday at Wesley Vanderburglt's
Miiss Campbell of Barrie has been en-
gaged as leacher for S. S. No, 5,
319. F. E. Start and sisters and W. D,
51611111 16)161 daughter of Curries motor-
-ed up on Saturday and spent a couple
•of days at
O W, Potter's.
Rally service will be held t Sun-
day morning in Bethel church in con-
nection with the morning. service.
Mr 11 Livermore received the odi-
cial word from Ottawa that his son.
Gunner Albert Livermore, had re-
ceived It gunshot wound in his thigh,
and full particulars would be sent :as
soon as received, 01(1111er Livermore
only got into the trenches al out Aug-
ust, fiis o'd friends here will hope
that no serious trouble will arise from
the wound,
Mr, Caldwell, east of Hensel], has
purchased the lot' acre farm of 'Phos.
Fraser on the 211d. Mr, Fraser has not
decided yet when he will locate,
The anniversary services of 'Tur-
ner's Methodist church will be held on
Sunday, when Rev. E,.. F. Armstrong,
of \Hingham, and a former Junior pas-
tor of this charge will preach 111 it a,
in., and 7.30 p,m, The 'Trustees ate
asking for a liberal offering,:
Brussels Post:—Vernon . and Miss
Nettie Terrvberry,, 'ruckersmith, :and
Fred and Mrs, Pepper and children of
the slide 'locality, were visitors with
Goo, 11nd Mrs.. Henderson, Brussels,
during the past week.
or, Woods has secured a G•)v':'rn•
meat position at Stratford for the pur-
poee of examining recruits for the
army. This leaves our town without a
doctor where once tltree made an easy
Rev. Mlr, McVarl111,5 15 on his vaaat-
iou at Collingwoud„ visiting his sister,
while Air, .Couper of Clinton preached
a temperance sermon on Sunday last
Death has been a visitor on two uc•
anions during the past week when two
ni our very worthy citizens were re-
nlovad. The first was John 'Tough,
who had been a re 11 red farmer for sev-
eral years. The late John Tough leas
born in Scotland; w1s a devoted Pres-
byterian and Liberal in politics. Hie
life was mostly spent as a farmer in
Stanley. The Foresters together With
lead litvgd Dr2
Last >v w wanes.
Suffered Two l ny s, A11t1 Rights.
Fowler's; Cued Hera
Rey, Mr. Madden, of Elora, is visit-
in) at the hone of his sou, Mr, Madden
of our village.
John Walker left on Saturday to
visit his daughter, Mrs, Mctougsld, of
James Bowie is visiting relatives at
Rev. Wn1. 13e11 is visiting at the home
of his sister, Mrs, James Allen.
fanners have started to harvest
their beans. The crop is very slow in
Geo, Brack and family have moved in
to our village. We welcome then!.
Dr. Rodgers has resumed his practice
in our village.
Children's day was observed is the
Presbyterian church on Sabbath morn
ing. 'A good exercise was given by tit
scholars, also an address by the super-
intendent, Mr. iliggins and Rev, 11 1.
Woods, •
A patriotic dance "vas given on Fri-
day last in Walker's tall. A number
from S.:314.0.11 were Present.
otgee repainted and Will move LJs
shoe stuck early next year into the
Children Cry
c A `r O Ff 1 A.
Miss Marion Hibbs who has been
working in a Munition factory in
Toronto is home at present.
The beaus harvest is now on and the
farmers are hoping for dry weather for
a few days.
Mr_ Lavergne Churchill who left for
the West some months ago is Duly
teaching nut there, 11e is a son of
David Churchill of the 14th eon.
.Messrs. Barber and Johnson were in
this district. t
11r, and Airs, Walter P. dicks, Chest-
nut farm, Goderich township, ao
pounce the engagement of their daugh-
ter. Clarice Irene. to tlr. Albert R'_,v
Oke, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Once,. Benntiller, the marriage to take
• al,.
place in
The ladv mentioned in the following
iteral, which is taken from the Aber-
deen S. D., News, is Mrs. Robin Elliott,
who formerly had her home on the 71111
con., of Goderich township, near
Sharon church. She is en aunt ('1
161 n. Robert ;McLean, of Goderich, and
of Mesdames lames and John Cox, of
Goderich Township. and is Well known
among the older residents of the to V1-
511111. She wen( to ''01i1h Dalota with
two of her sous on the death of her
husband some thirty e cars ago. Tile
Heal was sent by Alt. Wm. Cox, of
South Dakota, to his brother, Amos D.
of Chicago. 1t reads as follows: Fire
of patriotism burns blight in '?o -year-
old knitter, Here's a little gem yc
patriotism, ''Grandn,an" Elliott,
year std,—everybody knows and loves
"Grandma"—is in bed at her hone to-
day after a patriotic effort to do her
bit. Yesterday site started to knit
socks for the soldiers but her feeble
0ar6:ngth gave way when she had one
heti liuisilee. "1 would have been so
glad to have done snmetiing for the
b s." Grandma wistfully said today.
A Distressing Accident.
A week ago Tuesday while boys were
playing Mltst..1 Cyril Hale, the S -year-
old son of Mr, and Airs, C:has. B. Hale
was struck In the left eye with a piece
of hard mud or a stone, and has lost
the sight of it. The young boy was
taken in Victoria Hospital, 00inton,
were the doctor's hope. to tie able to
save the outer eye.
Centre Huron S.' S. Convention,
Centre Huron Sunday School work-
ers will .meet for their annual cunven-
(ton in the Presbyterian church, Au-
burn, Tuesday, October 16th, for
which a splendid program has been pre
pared, Rev. D. 11, Wing, who is on
the staff of the Ontario Sunday school
Association will give addresses during
the afternoon and evening, as well as
the local pastors and County workers.
Each Sunday school of Centre Huron
ere asked to send delegates. Mr, Cleo,
Raithb,y of Auburn, is the 1917 13res-
ident'ot' this association,
Another Horonian Makes Good,
On Bathurst St. Toronto, a short
distance below College, on laud that
Is worth between 5250 and 5300 a
foot, stands a fine •brick building that
bears across its front the sign "Fow-
ler's Veterirary Infirmary". This be•
longs to Dr. W. S. 14. Fowler, for a time
a resident of Clinton, •511(1 -also well
known its a native of Ilullett, The
(1016016' 69:55 formerly one of the lect-
urers in the Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege, bet sometime ago Gave this up
and started on his own behalf, and now
has a profitable practice. He has dune
well since moving to Toronto, and has
a most attractive home on Pacific Ave ,
one of the exclusive suburban streets.
A1rs, Fowler is also a former Iluronian,
being a dauaghter of the lade Joseph
Izzard, of Goderich 6 wnship. Their
many old friends will be pleased to
know of their prosperity,
There is no other kind of disease conies
on one so quickly and with so little warn-
ing as•an attack of cramps, colic or bowel
complaint in one form or another.
A person may retire at night in the hest
of health, and before morning be awak
cued by terrific equal's followed by
diarrhoea or dysentery.
At this season of the year when bowel
troubles are 140 prevaleelt, it wool, be
wise to take the prem autiou of having a
bottle of Dr. I7awlcr's i,xtract of Wild
Strawberry in tate house, ready for any
Airs. It. IVIartin, I3nutdoly,
writes: "Last summer, i n the 1101 weather,
I was taken very sick in the middle of the
night with awful cramps. T suffered
two days and nights when the doctor was
called in, He prescribed pills and pow-
ders which gave little or no relief. A
friend said that if elle were in my place
she would order a bottle of Dr. Fowler's
1$xtract of Wild Strawberry. 1t came
about noon, and the next afternoon 1 Ws$
(1111 to sit up, 1 highly recommend
`Dr. Xiowler's' above anything else, for
1 Dave proved it to be the best bowel
complaint remedy I know of."
Dr., .Powlr'r's " has been cm the mat.:et.,
fol' 72 years, Be sire and get the gen-
uine Whet you asp;, for it. Price 15c,
Manttfactttred only by Tho T. Milburn
Cu., 1 hnited, Toronto, Ont.
A pleasant event occurred in the
.home of .Mr, and Mrs. Moffatt last
week when their youngest daughter,
Catharine, w'as united in marriage to
Mr. Rohl, McKay, both of Tuckersnlitlt
Rev. J. E. tones. of Varna, pastor of
the bride 1'ertornlad the cerem'uy. The
hai'pv c0ttpte.,lel) the 5a3ile alteulooa
for Saskatchewan.
miss :Mct;reeor, of Ilensall, visited
her friend, Mrs, Johnston, this ween:.
Mr, Fr:ulk Graham's brother from
Vancouver visited here last week.
Miss Whiteman lel 'Toronto after
spending a pleasant two weeks' visit
under the parental roof returned to
Toronto this week.
1111 are sorry to hear 11111 airs. Wnl.
Iv!son isn't at all Well at present. but
hope for a speedy recovery for her.
• err many were greatly surprised
111)11 :111 Were grieved in hear that Mr,
Geo. Alar, who had been 111 only a few
Jaye had passed away on Monday night
the 24th insl. A very slight cold • 3e'
)'eloped into pneumonia) and in spite of
the doctor's best skill resulted fatally.
A severe attack of the sante disease,
some fifteen years ago had left his
lungs weak. The late Mr, Ala11' was
a quiet, kindly elan well -beloved by all
the neighborhood, He was 6S years
old and was born in iiallint'uld County.
lo 1:177 he mored to Stanley where he
resided ever since. 1n l `t7 t he 9016
married to (Mary Ann drover, who
survives hint. Their children, live dalu-
,)htels, Mr;,, P.laklns, of letroii1 Mrs.
Webber, of London; Mrs, Adam Steell,
of Goderieh township; and Miss Dora
art home 5,.1'91912 11101 while Mits, Jinks
diets a few years :ago, Two sty's, David
nl Port Colborne and Melvin of Detroit
are also living. Ali were( pres'eentthers at
the feneral on Thursday.
were present from a distance were
three sisters of the deceased anal Meir
husbands viz: Mr, and Mrs. 1, Dick -
bout, of 131tnneille: wlr, and Mrs. Jn(.
Sixsnlitll and Mrs. Rowe frons Inger-
soll, and 141r, and Mrs. Allen Makins
from Detroit.
inn a
We've mad; Would nihil.
it hot for to make
quite it hot
a few -- for you
We've 'made it hot for a lot of folks
wino were looking for satisfactory coal,
and if you will place your spring order
with u5, we would be pleased to give
you the good coal and two thousand
pounds to the ton.
A coal heater, practically new, to
be seen at Elliott's Livery Barn.
Containing ail, act')') of good clay
loans for agriculture or grass, beim;
jot 77 Mart luoi r'un„ Uu,lt'riel> tnlyn
,hip 5 acre, of (Moire hardwood 1)11,11
and a never -railing ip1'i1:4 creek raon
lug through. ,\11 under grass at pre-
sent.. Possession can be given at once,
Apply to W111. 13'1io11l•, 11...11. NO. 2,
Clinton. Phone 12 on 1 1.2.
'i'He exterior of M,claggat't Bros,,
block has been brightened up with a
Coat of paint.
Mr, I'red, Jackson is having the store
t'ecenlly used as the 161st" Reoruihiug
Owner may Ila\'l` x711111? r,v proving'
prop11.1y and paying for this aadve'rtis
'tient. Apply to Acton hello zit',
Townsend street.
A, J. ridoway
Office Phone 3
A first class bed room suite for pri-
vate sale as well as other articles of
furniture at residence on Ontario St.
Gold tilled gents' watch chain with
;Masonic Key stone set in solid gold at-
tached. Finder please leave at New
Era odice and get reward,
Auction Sale,
to 111e Clinton Motor Car Co, Shops
when it needs attention, 4v'e will give
you good service and our price moiler -
11 cern also store your car when
11(11 In use.
We have for a quick sale 2 light de-
livery ';'rucks, that have only been
used for a short time and will be sold
ata very low price, •
The undersigned has iustlructed T.
Gundry to sell by public auction on
Wednesday, October, 10th, at 1 o'clock
sharp at Lot, South 1, :i1 and 32,
Huron, Rd, Survey Tuckersnith.
Stock—Team gelding, four and 5 years
old; 1 cow. clue to calve about time of
sale; 1 cow milking. cones in next
spring; 2 steers rising two yeti's;
heifers, 15 months old; 2 calves;
pigs; scouting driving colt, bred "Red
knot•lem,eilis-Massey-Ilarris plower 5 ee"
feet; :Massey -Harris to hole drill; .Mass-
ey -harries cultivator; Alassev-llarris roll
er; to -feel tilcl:ornlick rake; National
eani plow: 1leuily plow No, 21; Buggie
nearly new; Cutter nearly new; Wagon
with 110x; Cockshutt (1ise; Set of Har-
rows; sleigh with log bunks; hay rack;
stock ruck; gunning mill; scales 2000111
B.agholdcr with truck; Set of team har-
ness, new; Single harness, new: Stone -
boat: Daisy churn, No, 2; De Laval
Cream Separator, No. 1o; 25 font lad-
der; No, of Horse collar's. blankets. rob-
es, chains, shovels, f'rkes. 2 (IV!, grain
bags. and other articles too numerous
to mention.. A quanity of Hay and
Taros -I t mouths credit on approv-
ed joint notes ori cents oft straight for
cash. 11.6y, Grain and Pigs, cash,
No reserve as the proprietor has sold
his farm.
'I hos, Gudry, Atm. John Thos, Crich
1-9' roomed house, all modern con-
vencilaces; and a live roomed cottage,
both on James street, For other part-
iculars apply lei -
Alex, F. Cudmore, Clinton
A number of good reliable men can
secure steady employment an Munition
work, Apply to,
The Robt. Bell Engine et Thresher Co.,
Seaforth, Ontario,
Pla('e Your 0r110,1'
for' some of our Western Oats, which
we have Just received and we will
charge you no more than it they were
Just the ordinary .grade of Oats.
It you Wish t0 soeure sane of these
Oats place your order early a8 they
al'o going fast.
We always have a full stock of
Flour and hoed.
Illiigiiest Prices P101•(1 for Gamin
A women for general housework in
a family of three without children.
Box M. C101 ton.
Pkeas 199. Residetlee 4 oa illi
loo acres on Mill Road, 4 miles.
from Seaforth and 2 miles from Bruce-
lield. All cleared and in good state of
cultivation. Brick house with furnace.
Basement Barn, Cement Silo, Spring
water piped to barn, good well at house
Rural Mail and Phone.
For further particulars apply to own-
er, Alex. A \Vatt, 119 Ontario Street,
Guelph, or John I4ankin, Read. Estate
and Insuurance Brocker, Seaforthh, Out.
Sines or
This mill has been used 1,y the Doh-
erty Piano Co„ and who !night purchase
the entire output annually : is in fairly
good condition. Capacity S to 10 thous-
and feet per day. Free use of the 1t. R.
siding. Abundance of yard room. Slabs
would nearly pay running expenses.
a hook
8'. flaohert • G
to Tr y,
House, !or S011f"•
A one and a half storey frame
house, 12 rooms, situated on Mary
street, barn, % acre of garden and
orchard; waterworks and electric
light Apply to
W BRYDONI3, Clinton,
Strav ill
(From lot 64, con 6, Hullett. a
yearling heifer with a mark on
dewlap. A suitable reward will be
pard for informn:tion leading to
its recovery—Thos. Tighe, R R.
No• 1,Clinton. Phone 181tn R.
For Sale or to Rent
The brick house on Ra)12n street,
nolo occupied by J, 13. Doherty, for sale
or to rent. Electric light and town
water; 2 acres of land. with stable. A11
in good repair.
Apply to David Cantelon.
'Q'la• yr T o%..
The Home of the. Bed Deer and the
Deer—November Isi to November
lj1 nclu'vc.
Moore—NSti'50)i111,r 1st b' Ntvenibe0
...t Sth inclusive. in some of the
Northern Db•t•icts of Clutario, in-
cluding '1'imaeani, the open se won is
fr„111 November 1st 1,, November 3Ctit
Write for cony DI "I'la1'tt'rounds
-The Haunts (11 Fish and Gane.”
Ovine.. CJanl61 Laws, ;ninon,'' Re-
ealta1i'11S, etc., t11 C, l:, llornitllr.
Union Station, 'Toronto, Ont.
1tatedord 6: Son. coy pasaell-
^:'r a'xl 'ricket Agrnts. phone 67
i (1 1•aff°•,r1 mati•,0'a201>>
The sufferer front dyspepsia and in-
digestion who has to pick and choose his
food, is the most miserable of all teen -
blven the little 115 does eat causes such
torture, and is digested so imperfectly
that it does him little good.
What dyspeptics need is not artificial
digestion but something that will pat
their stomach right so it will olallufacture
its own digestive ferments.
Burdock Blood Bitters restores the
stomach to a normal, healthy condition
so that food no longer distresses, but is.
thoroughly digested and assimilated.
Miss Ella McDotlalcl, Charlottetown..
P.11.I0 writes: "I have used Burdock
BloodG3itters, and find that few medicines
can. give such relief in dyspepsia and
stomach troubles. I was troubled for
three years with dyspepsia and could not
get anything to do ale any good until
took B.B.B. I took four bottles, and
I can honestly say X ant now cared, and
caveat anything without it hurting rte."
53,33,13. is nianufaet:ured only by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.