HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-10-04, Page 1T E CLINT ERA Established 1865, Vol, 52, No.14 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY OCTOBER 4th, How does your Label Read, December 17? 1917 frV, H, Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers. Look '0,nd See, vwvooVVVVVVWWv wiV MAA BEW." 'ING HIGH PRIeES Every Person is aware of the prevailing High Prices. We are fortunate in being able to supply you with PALM OLIVE PREPARATIONS at the old price, and better still we will give you 2 full size cakes of Palm Olive Soap FRES with a 5Qcent purdhase of Palm Olive Goods. 'Phis offer is for 2 weeks at THE REXALL STORE. BEST,IQUALITY..DRUG. STORE W. S. MR,. PEO L1/1333S Phrn.B. 1 WVVi/YV S VVVVVVVVVVWW VVWVWWV IN Royal Bapk i l OF CANADA incorporated 1569. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,911,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,324,000 Total Assets 300,000,000 420 13 R A N C H E S -With World-wide Connection interest Allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch CAPTAIN C. E. DOWDING REPORTED WOUNDED Word was received here recently that Captain Charles E, Dowding, of Clinton, formerly paymaster of the 33 Battalion, was reported wounded one day last week, Previous to his going overseas Captain Dowding was man- ager of the Molsons Bank at Clinton, Friends here believe that he is not seriously wounded, Captain Dowding was ]lone on furlough some time ago, Ms mother resides in Clinton.. EPWORTH LEAGUERS MEET AT STRATFORD Biennial' Convention of London Con- ference League held Today and Fri- day. The twelfth biennial conference of the Loudon Conference Epworth League is being held in Trinity Meth- odist church, Stratford on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 4th and 5th. In the neighborhood of 300 delegates from all parts of Western Ontario aie expected d and are being provided for, The convention proper opens Thurs- day afternoon, presided over by Rev. A. E. Doan, of Monkton. The pro- gram for the first session includes ad- dresses by Mr. A. T, Cooper, of Clin- ton; Rev. 15, P. .Arntstrting, of Wing, haus, Mr. W. L. Clark, Leamington, and Mrs, E, R. Noxell, of Chatham, Subsequent Sessions. Thursday evening's addresses will be given by Capt. Rev. S, T. Bartlett and Rev. Dr. Daniels of Chatham. Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, of Exeter - president of London Conference, will conduct the devotional exercises at , 1 the morning session on Friday. when the reports of officers will be received and the new slate elected. Capt. Bartlett willp eak. The afternoon program will include addresses by Rev. A, J. Langford, of Mitchell; Rev. J. F. Raycraft, of Mount Bridges; and Rev. J. R. Peters. Mrs, Noxell will lead a Junior I eague Conference, The convention closes Pride; even• ing when two addresses will be given, Mr. W. L, Clark speaking; On "The World's Biggest Problem," and Rev. Mr, Saunby on Missionary enter- prises. Present Executive. The present oilicers of the Confer- ence League are: Ilon. president, Rev, S, W. Muxworthy, Exeter; president, IRev. A. E. Doan, Monktun; 1st vice- president, 35r. E. B, ]lade. Stratford; and viol -president, :Hiss L', Whiting, Highgate; 4th vice-president, Rev. W. G. Conway, Auburn; ith vice-presi- dent, Airs, E. R. Noxell, Chatham; secretary, Rev. W, E. Donnelly, 13. A., 3Ivi 15ton; treasurer, Miss Cora Smith, St. Thomas. INCORPORATED 1355 II 1 CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate H. R. SHARP, Acting Manager Clinton Ordered Clothing Really -to -Wear Clothing CI, t w T LL NG How about a New Suit ? We are showing a splendid line of snappy new models in serges, worsteds and tweeds. $12.00 to $25.00 See our special at $15.00 How about a New Raincoat? These handy, dependable garments that are always ready when you want them. $5.00 to $24.00. See our special at $7.50 How about a New Hat or Cap ? We have an immense assortment of caps in all the latest styles and cloths. 50c to $2.25 How about a New Overcoat ? Now is the time to make your selection while the assortment is at the best. See our new models in Pinch -backs, belted sacks, etc. The MorrishClothkiq (;o A.geift fel; C. P. R. Teleara,p•Ptt Q;o. Ifs S auaut°g:'1.>m aI F(J'1' OwQl'y sictaaseesen Tr, il Era foir JTob dor in 1917 NelitP8tp0000rt`)>sti eg169©eteeoGif eeiG� a ��� qa ot�.iF8 c ; t� 0 to IseZTl53tt33asel^9overosie,ag elemet,egoacm Owing to the matinee of "The Birth of a Nation," on Friday afternoon there will be no meeting of the Societk, Births, Marriages & Deaths Births WA'1TS.-in Clinton, 0,11 Monday, October 1 st, to Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Watts, a daughter. BELL -In Hullett on Sept. 1 7th, to A'1 r, and Mrs. Wn1, Bell, a son, IiOGGART-In Hullett, on Sept. 15 to 31r. and Mrs. Charles i-loggart, a son (George Alexander). McGRFGOR-In Bullett on Sept. 26th to Mr. and Mrs, Frank McGregor, a daughter. Marriages SUT'L'ER - CHANT -In Wesley Church, Clinton on Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, By Rev. Mr. Jones, Miss Frances Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. 13. Chant, to Mr, John Adam Sutter, of Clinton. Deaths STEPIII.NSON, -ll Clinton, on Tuesday, October 2nd, Martha Read, beloved wife of Mr, John Stephenson, In her 69th year, In Memoriam. CLUF1'.-i11 proud and ever loving memory of Pte, George Newnan Guff Third Divisiomtl Supply Column, C.A. S.C., only and well beloved son of Mr. and Mrsn,S. Cluff, Clinton, Ont„ who dited in 'France, October 2, 1916, aged 20 years, "Greater love hath Oo man than this that he lay down his 11fe for his friends, Mother, Father and Sisters. Whole W heat Flour For Sale at W, T. O NEIL THE HUB GROCER Phone 4$ Over Rev. W, B. Moulton is in London this week. Mr, W, Brydone was in Woodstock last Friday. • Col. Rance was a visitor in London 011 Saturday. Mrs, R, 1i, Beck, of Seaforth, was a Clinton visitor, Mrs. J. J. McCaughey visited int Blyth this week. Capt. Percy Town arrived in Clinton on Friday evening, Rev. E. G. Powell, of London, was in town on Tuesday, Mr Thos. Jackson was in Toronto this week on business, Nliss Ruby Wise returned last week from a visit at Toronto. Editor Vanattler of the Goderich Star was in town on Monday, Miss Wylie is visiting with relatives :and friends at Orangeville, 7.1 The_TeCups. Mr, Jewoit of Bayfield, tits 111 town on Wedresday, • Mr, David Cantelon was it visitor at Blyth on W'ednesdav, Rev. Mr, Robinson, Rural Desil, was at Brussels this week, Editor Naftet, of the Goderich. Star, WAS in EOM) an'Monday. Miss Edith Jago was u visitor at Goderich Fair last week. Mrs. Furniss and children were at Blyth Fair on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. C, Cook and baby were visitors at Blyth this week. Miss Kathleen Gunne, of London, is visiting old friends iu. town. Lieut, A. J. Grigg was calling on old friends at Blyth on Wednesday. Mrs. Sadie Johnston, and daughter, Isabel, left on Tuesday for Goderich. Mrs, J. Watkins and children called on old friends at Blyth on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Tunny were visitors at Mr, Wm. Stevens spent a few days Blyth Fair on Wednesday, with James Collison in Hullett Twp, Mrs. T. Greeks and Miss Mary re- turned to Toronto iast week, Mr, Mick. C1u'ter was calling on Blyth friends on Wednesday. Mr, R. Graham and Sir, Melvin Gra- ham were at Blyth on Wednesday. Mrs. King was visiting with relatives and friends at Blyth over the Fair, Airs, Campbell left for Toronto last week where site will stay for awhile. Editor W. N. Robertson, of the God- erich Signal, was in town on Monday. Miss Carhert, Victoria Street, is the new clerk in W. D. Fair's book store, Misses Rose and Edna McCaughey visited at Blyth on Wednesday of this week. Miss Etta Brown, of Hullett, spent the week end with Miss Olive Cole in town, elr, James Scutt and Miss Jean re- turned hast week from their visit at Detroit. hir and Mrs, T. E. East and son left an Saturday morning for their new 'hone in Oshawa. Mr. W. Ingles, of Stratford, gave The Editor of The New Era a cid! ou Thursday eveeing, Mr, Jahn 1'luninghame, and sun, Gor- don, have been visiting_ friends in Tor- onto and elsewhere. Mr. Ed, Moody, of Ingersoll, is vi'Sit- ing at the !tome of tSr, and Mrs, 11, B. ,Cheat and either friends, Mr, henry W. Pollock, Manager at the Doherty Piano Co„ was in Toronto this week for a few days. Miss Emma Stephenson of Port 1 Arthur, is Mame owing. to the death of Iher mother, the late Mrs. Stephenson. pig, A, 1'. Cooper is at Stratford to- ' day attending the Epworth League con- vention. He has a topic on the pro- gram. duction services at Auburn and 1lensall Rev. J. E, Hogg attended the in - 1 last week of the new Presbyterian min- ister's, Miss Flossie Whitmore, of Goderich Township, has taken a position in J. P. Sheppard's & Co,'s Grocery store in i town. Mrs. Ed. Floody of Ingersoll, was a visitor at the parental home for a fete 1 days to be here kir the Sutter -Chant wedding. Misses E. Plumsteel and Cornish are the delegates from the Ontario Street Church league at the convention at Stratford, Miss Annice Bartlif, nurse, arrived home on Monday evening having tini5h- Ied a successful course at Victoria Hos- J pital, London, Irvin an: Misses R. Powell and M, ; i' delegates from Wesley church league' to the Epworth League convention atStratford this week. Miss Gunne, of London, is spending a few days with Mrs, Charlie McKin- non before the latter leaves to join Mr. McKinnon at the Soo, Mrs. Patterson and Mrs, Dixon, of ' Kingston, are here on account of the serious illness of their father Mr. David McConnell, Mary street. Mrs. Steep and Miss Winnifred, from Michigan, were visiting with Mr, enc Mrs. Geo, Levis in town and other re- latives around 1101n1esville. Gr, D. Ifelstrope, who is with the I University Corps at Toronto, was call- ing 011 old friends over the week end, By Isis looks soldiering agrees with him. Rev, .1, A. Robinson, Rector of St Paul's church, too is 'Thanksg°vi is ser- !!! vices et Christ's church and the Church of the Redeemer at London last Sun- day. Listowel Banner: -Dr, and Mrs. 11, Fowler, of Clinton, and children, Ger- trude and Fred, were the guests, on Sunday, of Mr and Mrs. Wesley Stew- art, of Wallace, Rev., Canon Gonne and Mrs, Gunne, of London, were -welcome visitors in town over Sunday while the former took the Thanksgiving •services at St. Paul's Church, his old charge. Mrs, Samuel Sparkes, Bi•alttford, an- nounces the ebgagement of her eldest ' daughter, Easily Cllaroilette,' to Rev. William Barber Moulton, of Clinton, incumbent of St. .larges- church; Mid- dleton, and twin sou of Mr. and Mrs John Manton, •Loudon, Tile m'tt~riage• to take place quietly ifi, Novelhber. Rev J. A. Agnew is at Stratford at. tending lhr Epworth League conven- tion. • Mr, George Robertson was renewing old acquaintances at Blyth on' Wed- nesday, :Hiss Kathaleen East returned to Toronto lust week to resume her posi- tion there. Mrs. H. B. Combe and son, and Miss Z. Bawden were visitors et Blyth on Wednesday. Seaforth News: -Mr. and Mrs. Glen, of Clinton, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Smithery. Mr. and Mrs, J, B, McKillop, of Lon- don, were visitors in town at the Rat- tenbury house over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Gillesn, on Lan- don were guests at the Rattenbury (louse over the week end. Mr, Patrick O'Connell, of the Rat- tenbury !louse„ was calling on old fri- ends at Goderich during the Fair. Seaforth Expositor Mr. :old AL's, Glew, of Clinton, were visiting Mr. and Mrs, William Smothers this week. Mr, William Sterling and wife re- turned to their hone in Jackson, :Bich on Monday after visiting with the for- mer's parents in town. Mr. and Mrs, John Stephenson and sun, of London, were called home ow- ing to the. death of the former's mother the late Mrs. John Stephenson. Goderich Star Rev. Dr, .and Mrs. Rutledge, on their 1 eturn Hien their visit in South Bend, Ind., brought with them little Mester Wt 1(510 t<nue ng Shillington for a visit here. Mrs. McClo y, daughter of Mrs, Jas. Twitchell. who has been living in Ed- monton for some time, has moved to Calgary, her husband being traveller for a wholesale 'drill in that city. EAST HURON TEACHERS' INSTITUTE 44th Annual Meeting to be Held in the Owen Memorial Hall, Clinton, on Thursday and Friday of next week The annual meeting of the East Huron Teachers' Institute will be held in Clin- ton next Thursday and friday in Owen Memorial Hall, The program is as I'ollows:- Thur'sday. act. 1 t. t0 a,nm.-Registration; Opening ex- ercises, Rev, A, 13. Jones; Address of welcome, Mayor Thompson; records of last convention; communications; Ap- pointing committees; rgports of dele- gate to 0.15.A., George W. Holman, Eg- mondville; the Teaching of Agriculture, Thomas 0. Shillinglaw, Seaforth, Foster Fowler, Seaforth; oral composition, Miss Viola lsard, Gorrie. 1.30 p.m, -Nature study in the Public School, Miss Mabel Money Blyth devices in Arithmetic for Junior Class- es, Miss Norma Hartry, Seaforth; A talk on Physical culture, Miss Draper, Clin- ton; solos by Nliss Colina Clark, Blyth: How the War should influence our schools for effectiveness, inspector Dr, Field, B. S. Scott, Brussels; voice, body and mind, Miss M, Augusta McLeod, Clinton Coll. Inst.; committee meet- ings, Al the evening session which will be Thursday Evening held in the town hall, Dr. Silcox, Prin- cipal of Stratford Norma,! School, will give an illustrated address on "Beau- tiful Canada," and Miss Mabel Money, of Blyth, will relate some of her ex- periences on the "Arabia' when it was torpedoed. ,There will be vocal and instrumental music aid tine school children will give a couple of selections An addmission will be charged and the proceeds goes to the Red Cross fund. Friday, Oct, _20, 9 a,m.-Financial statement and election of Ol'eers;•President's address Miss M. L. Brock, Winghau11; reminis- cences, Mr. J. W. Treleaven, Principal Clinton C.1.1 the Problem of Time, Dr, Silcox; report of resolution committee. 1.30 p,m.-Question drawer; de- parintenlal regulalions, Inspector Dr, Field; School fairs, Miss Eltgabeth Dick - son, Walton; Standard tests for Public School pupils, Dr, Silcox; unfinished business, ' The Honour Roll, has the 118(1155 of former Teachers of this Inspectorate who are now. serving their King and Country ---Pie, A, L. Posing.`, Pte. -Leslie Winch, Pte, Norman Geddes, Pie. Rob - lett hoover and Pte, W, iL Stafford. Bowie Itesttil H Mr.. Clement, 43, T R operatori . has rented the house of Mr, Edgar -East a11ci is now -lsloVtlfg into it: • tl`.4 Mr. R. H. Coats,a former Clinton boy, who is now the Chief Dominion Stat- istician and Controller of the Census was calling on old friends In town last week. Ile has been visiting his brother, Registrar Coats at Gode- rich. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WOMEN'S P. S. Officers Elected and Reports Received Last Friday Afternoon The annual meeting of the W. P.S, was held on friday last, 'file following are the Officers for the 5unliar year:- Hon. Pres., Mrs. 11, .6. Combe President_. ,pigs, W' Brwdone 1st Viee, Airs. J. E. Hage 2nd Vice, Mrs. A, E. Jones 3rd Vice, Mrs. A. T. Cooper Secretay, hirs, T. Matson Treasurer, Mrs. 1. Wiseman Envelope Treas.. airs, 1, Rattenbury, Report of Secretary During' the year there were thirty general meetings and three executive meetings held. Eight teas were held also an Egg shower. That the Society has done splendid work during the year that is past will he shown by the splendid shipments es follows: -Socks 1316 pairs: shirts 214; sheets 145; trench towels 254; hospital towels 90: pyiantas 73. slips 2 1 1; old cotton 9 packages; quilts 1; helpless shirts 3r,; wash clouts 15; scarves 17; caps 4, wristlets I; total 2339 articles. The Executive wish to thank all who have helped to make this grand record and appeal for the came help for the coming year both as to work moll money as with out the funds the wort' cannot go on. Any donation will be very gratefully received, As the tally for our winter's work, the Executive would like every lady to feel that it is her duty as well as priv- ilege to come to the meetings and put in an hour's work. Treasurer's Report The following is the Treasurer's re- port for the months from. April 1st to Seeps, 30111 with the total of the first six months Carried forward, an item- ized account of these months having been published before: - Receipts Brought forward 310157,io Balance en hand 121,58 Ladles Aid, Ont, St. Church 25,00 Mrs. Ganclier , .. 5.00 Miss Wallace 10,00 Fees 1,25 W. Robb 15.00 Mrs, McGarva 50,00 Mrs. Geo, McTaggart 1,00 Mrs, l3ristowe .50 Airs, 11. Plumsteel 1,50 Plants 5,25 Teas 3 5.70 Huron County 171.80 Girls Auxiliary 150,00 Est. of Mrs. Young 10.00 Mrs, Rowland 5.00 Egg Shower 15.65 Travel Club 7.75 Miss Doan to 00 Girls Gun, Willis Chorda . , 4,00 French Tag Day 274 78 Friend . 3 00 Collections 274.0 Expenditures Wool Yawn ;n 44.9.43 1'oweliing Watch Flannelette V,'nr Stamps Printing •- Cottons ......,,,,,.•••• Flannel French Relief Fund , . , , , , , 274.78 Balance 210,37 1158,46 Abstract of Financial Statement of Women's Patriotic Society from Oct 1 1916 to Sept 30, 1917: - Receipts Oct. 1, '16, Balance on halit4 280.26 Collectisoi 1317.42 32103 158 �m Bx ititf e p d S Disbursements . ,It884.3 1 Balance , , , .... 119.37 23.70 4.00 22.53 1,00 1,00 90,64 71.71 32103.68 A WEEK IN CLINTON 1 Buys New Car, Mr. J. ']Taylor has purchased, a new Ford car front Mr, Bert Langford, when in !own last week, Showered Bride.to.be. Over fifty Epworth League members land members of Wesley Church, gath- ered at the home of Miss Gertrude Chant and presented the bride -tie -be with a miscellaneous shower of many useful and beautiful presents, A- nsoug them, being a silver tea set being given by the Wesley church league, Sunday school and orchestra, Minor Locals October. , t No coal yet, ' Cool evenings, Get ready for winter. Council met on Monday. Report elsewhere. the Birlis of a Nation" on Friday of this week. - Bayiield Fair next Wednesday. Clin- ton will be represented. A few may go to Brussels Fair to. morrow, Band at Tavistock. The Kiltie Band was at Tavistock Fair on Tuesday of this week. The correspondent of the Stratford Daily Beacon is speaking about the fair makes 'the following reference to our Band: -The Clinton Killie Band looked .quite picturesque in their costumes and dispensed excellent music during the afternoon. Rates are Going to Advance. The Goderich Editors add the Clin- ton editors held a conference on Mon- day afternoon and decided In the near future to adopt the 31.50 rate for the newspapers, owing to the high cost of production, The other Huron editors took this step over a year ago but these tour papers held out thinking things would right themselves but prices are going up higher every day and the time is cooling when the price of the weeklies will have to go back hl the 1.50 More particulars will he given tram week to week, Called Home. After an illness only extending dur- ing the past three weeks, Martha Read, beloved wife of Mr, John Stephenson, 1lurru' street passed away on Tuesday evening before six oclock in her 6918• year, Deceased was born in Forkshire, England, Sept. 13, 1849, and canoe out to Canada with her family in 5855, the family canting straight to Clinton. Dere she was a member of the old Rat- tenbury Methodist church when it ;vas first organized and ::ang in the choir with her other sisters. Wheu.a young lady she married her naw• bereft part- ner in life, and three children 508 left to hind in loving memory her kind and thoughtful manner to then. They are .Nis; Entine who teaches at Port Arthur Fred. who is in Springfield, ,Mass„ and John of London. The late Mrs. Step- henson won far herself a place in the hearts of many Clinton residents. who • will deeply grieve to learn of iter de- mise. The funeral will be held on Fri- day afternoon at 1.30 and the service at the house will be at 1 o'clock, In- terment will be made at the Clinton cemetery, Many beautiful (lowers were sent ,x110)1115 them being one from Mrs, .1, McDonald, of London, and two beau- tiful wreaths from the Sherlock -Mann- ing Co., of London. else 00 fS 000000000000000 00000 15 • COCA. NEEM%G ® 0000e000000000000000000000 Council met on Monday evening with Mayor Thompson iu'the chair and Reeve Ford and Councillors Wiltse, Miller, h•IcEwau, Paisley, Sheppard and Nediger present. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed, Communications were read by the Clerk from: - Mr, 13. L. Newcombe, Deputy Minis- ter of Justice, asking for free accom- modation for Tribunal. -This request Was grunted, From Secretary of Dominion Asso- ciation of Fire Chiefs, in regard to a. resolution adopted at Fire Chief's As- societfon meeting' regarding two Clean Up days each year. -The letter was fyted. A letter from Lies1, Governor J. L, Hendrie in regards to British -Red Cross Appeal and another from the Divisional Directors of .the Mahan Red Cross Society were read and on motion of Councillors Miller and Wiltse, the Mayer will meet the Women's Patriotic Society and the Girl's Auxiliary in re- gards to making a canvas for both the worthy Appeals. A petition for a. street light of Vic- toria street between Gordon and Walk- er streets, signed by 8 residents. -The Petition was fyled for the present. The street committee made a verbal report. Streets were cleaned; Fatten - bury drain will be opened up to see what is ,he trouble. The Mayor reported n bad tile bee side the Commercial Hotel Comment wasalso made with regards to a couple of grates on Malin street. The 'Fire and Water Committee re- ported the purchase of two ladders for Fire Brigade. Cemetery Contmibtee reported that back fence was in bad shape and Com- mittee will visit the Cemetery to see what can be done. Property Committee reported that: it little coal was g01 and Chief was op the look out for wood, Finance Report was read and adopt. ed. In regards to the Knitting Factory and Mary street drain, on motion of Sheppard and Mcl3wen, a emelt:lttee of Councillor Miller, the Mayor, Reeve end Clerk meet wiitit Mr. Libby of the Clinton Knitting Co„ in reference to the. Mary street drain etc. an I nr Paisley d On motion of Coutrctl t y Nediger the. Court of Revision will meet 011 Oat, 29t1i. 'rhe Roll has lint been returned, Council adjottrtted at 9,20,