The Clinton New Era, 1917-09-27, Page 5Thursday, September 27th, 19'17. THE: CLINTON 4.4.44444.44 - es YOUNG VAR MY AVOW PAIN Need Only Trust. ,to Lydia Es, Pinkbarn's Vegetable CODfl' Oeund, says Mrs. Kurtz eg. Btlfra.10, My daughter, whose picture is herewithe was Much troubled with pains 'in her back and sides every month and they would sometimes be so had that it would seem like acute in- flammation of some organ. She read your advertisement in the newspapers and tried' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vee - table Compound, She praises it higl ly as she has been re ieved of all these pains by its use. A 1 mothers should know of this remedy, and all young girls who suffer should try it."—Mrs. MATILDA KuaTZWEGe529 High St., Buffalo, N. Y. Young women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backaehe, headache, dragging -down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion, should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been re- stored to health by this root and herb remedy. If you know of any young wo- man who is sick and needs help- ful advice, ask her to write to the Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Only women will receive her letter, and it will be • held in strictest confidence. With nothing but first quality mates. Asia used k1 every detail of their construction, it •is small wonder 'that REGINA WATCHES have attained so high a repute. Mon for perma- nent reliability. ELLY AR • MESIDENT WILSON AND THE BIBLE President Wilson has written the ''mg in seri p tio n to accompany afbles that are being presented to the soldier. tioysi= 'mit lame is the Word of Life. 1 ba Om you willreact it uict End this out for yourselves. Read, not little Snatches here and there, but long pas- eage% Shad will readily be the road to ; heal t of it. have wondered about and been troubled about all your life, as men have been always, and the more you read the more it will become plain to you what things are worth while and what are not: what things Make men happs— loyalty, right dealings, speaking the truth', readiness to give everything for what they think their duty, and, most of all, the wish that they may have the real approval of the Christ, Who gave everything for them; and the things that are guaranteed to make men un- happy—selfishness, cowardice, greed and everything that is low and mean, "When you have read the Hible you will know that it is the Word of God, because you will have found it the key to your own heart, your own happin- ess, and your own duty." 'You will not only tied it full of real PRESIDENT WILSON aamum and women, but also of things you Cost More To See The optical trade throughout Can- ada has been notified of the mater- ial increase in the price of spectacle lenses, to take effect at once. For the first time in Use history of the trade the manufactures have found it eeces- sary to cancel all orders on band at former prices, giving for their reason the scarcity of labor and the tremedoas increase in the price of the raw mater- ial, in some instances over 200%. Hydro at Zurich. Zurich Herald;—Since last Thursday the streets and houses of Zurich have been lit with power supplied IsV the bli dro Electric. Commission of Ontario. Every street in our village is now bril- liantly lighted, the lights burning from 7 o'clock in the evening fo 6 olclock in the morning. They go on and off automatically, a time switch doing the work. Many of the houses are now using hydro power, and it will not be long before most of our citizens will use it for ironing, cooking etc., as the cost is small if used with care. .1.12112,721.111.11.Wl(0241711 The Mem-well actrac.11:; efg71.3 !A profit for you. Webster defines profit. as ff.0110WS: "Accession of good; .vahriibia resulthi useful consequences; bertefit." An automobile saves your time and energy. And et Maxwell motor car action!, plishes that saving on an outlay of only $2 a week to run the car. We kno'vv of no MOM profitable method of investineg $2 a Week. No man in ordinary circumstances can afford net to own a Maxwell. •"i/A4g:irr,4-1A, „. rAmesle$ "s$Y, hhyW extfliZtl, „„ttire .0.1.312eYniii;Jszfabl.'” Towing Cab' $1045 Roadster $1045; Coope Ofg.$0: Vartine $2.140: Sedan $1540. An prices Windsor Bartliff & Seeley Clinton Phone 1 FOR STYLE ONLY-- rSo iot isSoS thiel norma license edvertliesient, but set the assn. of the Letet Desist sa nodrly ad nbasible M this Woofiraphiaal sfyik ....")97.017".03/- eeeeeeeeeedieneeeeeecietialimee 'fawn undo Country fittaesE0)01004eStMatianDIScadattursEn ' The Stratford Dallies go op in price, Huth Stratford tinily papers announce that owing to the great increase tn Cost of production their subs'eriptIon rates will be In creamed from $2.00 to, $2,50 00 August 5 3th with a "still further increase to $3.00 per year 00 Noy. 1st COunterfeit $1O Bilis, • It is understood thttt there are d num her of oninterfeli $10 Imperial Rask bills being eireulated in the province at the present time, stud managers of banks are Warned to be, on the lookout for theist. ,They are said to be';an ex- cellent imitatiom Bought a Home St, Mary's Journal:Mr,-1).• L. Gibb, Grocer, Waiter $t„ has purchased from Miss Alice McKay, (Jttawa,- through L. 1). Stanley, Real Estate Agent, the home on Jones St., West Ward in which he has been living for some years.—Mr. Gelb, ran the grocery store now owned by Mr. B. 13. Hunnieford a few years ago prior to moving back to St. Marys. The Warning of Fall • The list of fell fair dates in the newspapers is only one of the many signs of the near approach of Au- tumn. The grain fields will soon be bare as the harvest is being gathered. The live shack witt sow be receiv- ing extra attention with expectation of carrying off the prise tickets at the fairs Bothwell Mao Called The presbytery of Maitland met Friday in Wingham, , Few elders were present, owing to the harvest oper- lions. A call from Dungannon aint Port Albert was Presented in favor of M. P. Craig, of Bothwell, in the Presbytery of Chatham, In case of Itis acceptance his induCtion will take place on the 18th isst. Hunters Must go "Dry." Ontario hunting parties this fall must be "dry," according to the opin- ion expressed by the chairman of the Ontario License Hoard. It will be a- gainst the law for a hunting party to pool their funds and buy liquor and have it in possession, On the other hand, a Inas owning at hunting lodge might legally have liquor 1. serve 11 to Itis guests. Not Much News A newspaper man could go seven days in a week. seven times a day,, and ask different persons tor the news' and each time to be tol4 there is ab- solutely nothing going on in this lo- cality. When these people get the pa- per they sometimes say: ---"11— there's not much news this week," and then recall an item or two and wonder why they were omitted. When you know of anything of importance that Isis transpired tell us every time. That's what we are in the business for. To publish the news. Ontario's Voters' hist • Instructions have been given the law clerk of the Legislature to prepare the forms of dedlarations to be made in connection with the enrolment of vot- ers upon the new Ontario voters' list. This, however, does not mean that a new. Ontario list will be used in the expected Federal elections. Attothey- General Lucas says the Dominic's Gov- ernment may mals.e it list of its own, 'We have no idea what Ottawa intends to do, and are only taking the first steps toward getting out own list ready,' he said, 'Mils will take two or three months at least." Parcel Delivery Needed In at good many towns, the mer- chants have handed over the delivery of parcels 'to a genbral delivery, which is able to handle the parcels at less cost than formerly; and with greater sat- isfaction to the customers. Delivery is made at certain hours three or four times a. day and the housewife knows in advance to within a few minutes when the go cls will arrive, When help is as scarce as it is at present, and the cost of delivery constantly rising, we believe the merchants of Chubut would find it to their advan- tage to organize It delivery system. The public would appreciate it too, for after all the high c(ist of deliver- (it,suglergsoods hats to be paid by the cust- Minor Locals Order your daily papers through The New Era. • All parcels given 10 mail couriers must be stamped Beechnuts will be an unusually large crop this fall. The trees everywhere are heavily loaded. "Sure sign of a long, cold winter," say an old farmer, 'Tomatoes and other vegetables are being "canned" until Oat, 1 5th by the Food Controller, W. I, Hanna. Nand In the atones of your visitors to The New Era. Special values are soffered in the ad- vertising columns of The New Era this week which no housewife should miss. If boys under 18 years of age are en- listed in the Canadian army the officer or N. C. O. through whom he WAS recruited will be held responsible, and Will be dealt with severely. Tills announcement is made in camp orders. If you have any items of news don't wait until press day, bring them at once. Our phone nuMber is 30, House 95: There are forty thousand Jews in the British army "Daddy, what did you do in the great harvest of 19171" Weed Pest in Huron, it has just been discovered that stink weed, so common in the Western Provinces, has made its appearance in Huron County. Wm. Andrews who spent many years in the West and is quite familiar with the weed discovered Et plant of it iti Stephen Township. It was a healthy and vigorous specie show. its that it will grow ;sad thrive in ()n- ano soil. it grows in rather bushy form has very few leaves but bears an abund' ante of pods, which contains anywhere from 50 to 21) seeds each. It was evident. ly given the name of stink weed because of Its offensive smell, resembling very much that of a skunk, Cattle sometimes est it and whenever they do and it happqnsto be a Mitch cow the milk for days is not fit for use, fteither is the bream fit for buttermaking. Mn, Anti. Mies says it is the worst weed they hmrsc in,the West and lie warns farmers to keep a strict Watch over their fields and barn yards, particularly, those farm, ors, who nave been using IA/estern grait for feed and seed purposes, NEW. ERA. Use in Millions of Tea P ts twannowa4,4444.444,414avar4mcoglamita.444.44.4r4444,444.44444.44,44444444444m444,44.4.444.44.444.4.4444.44. Leaf is Pure 441,44.44.4444mpu4144.rw444.44.44144.014.44,41ratv Every finfusisa is alike 15 tSS lack, Green) Sealed Packets rualye or Mixed 1' • isTRIcir NEWS WINGHAM.• " Mr. NV. 11, Willis, shoe metchitin of town, received word that Isis son, Har- vey, who went overseas with the A.M. C., was lying dangerously ill in a hos- pital in England. Air. A. IL Wilford, produce merchant of this town, several days ego made all assignment to his creditors and this week 4handed in his resignation as town councillor fOr the year of 5 917, which was unanimously accepted. Action will at once be taken to secure another councillor to take Isis place and hill the vacancy for the balance of the year. Sad news came to the home of Mr, and Airs. Marshall, telling them that their son, Willie, had been killed in action in France, llis home was near Reinsure, but Ise was visiting friends near Sudbury when Ise enlisted. BL,YTH. Air., Joseph Johnston of East Wawa - nosh, Isis purchased the 50 -acre farm, of Charles Rouse, the price being' ;i3,S4)o. This farm is well situated, bzinv close to the village and handy for shipping purposes. Master James Sims met with a nasty accident while playing on Saturday ile was p laving ;intend a rc:tst and int. the tie Chain in his Mouth, ;old in some unaccountable war the end of the chain caught in his cheek and made a gash right through the cheek. which made it necessary kir the doctor to se's' it oit both the inside and out- side of the cheek. Mr. and Airs, Charles Hurling ‘vere "'really pleased on Saturday when their son, Pte. Wm. Burling, arrived home. lle enlisted with a Toronto battalion and get to England, but fin account of an attack (4 rheumatism he was sent ternoon to Maitland Cemetery. A rousing reception was tendered Corp J. Reginald Platt, son of Mr. 3, E. Platt, of town, when he stepped eff the 7.10 traits Saturday night from London. 'Lite Tows Council attended in a body, land there were some forty autos and many citizens, A proce'esion waS form- ed, and he was taken down town, ai:ounct the square, to his home on , victieitt street. " Doc." as he is (mull- iarly known, is a popular young Mall. ; He enlisted in the Toronto University Corps in Alarcls, 1915, joining the t heavy artillery, going overseas some months later. In December, 1915, he was slightly wounded in action, Early lin 5957 Ise Was again wounded, neces- ' sitating his removal to hospitals Its Eitgland, where he has been ever sloce. GODERICH. The town enimeii at its regular meet- ing passed a bylaw levying a rate of 37 mills for 5917 (27 millsfor general purposes, 6 ' mills for school purpos- es, 2 Ai mills for collegiate institute purposes, and 3.1 null war. tax tor 1917 2% discount is allowed if taxes are paid before October 15; lq if paid be- fore November 5, and 2' is added if not paid before December 15, and if not paid before January 1, 1918. The rate will yield 572,-1 784. rhe Council has decided to engage two men 0 boys to tear down and destroy the cocoons of the tussock months from the trees in the parks and streets, there being fear of a pest (,1 them next year if they are not de- troyted. There died at noon Sunday, one of Goderich's oldest and 1Pahly respected citizens in the person of William Rod- erick Robertson, at the age of 63. He was born at Churchill, Nova Scotia, in 1831, and Came to Upper Canada, Alt was called then, in 1858, settling at Caledonia. A little later Ise went 1' California. where he spent three years in mining In 1870 he came to Geier. ich, and Is ad been Isere practically ever sinac, conducting a general store for IL ;Ill Mber 01 years, and for the past 20 years had carried on an estensive insurance business. Ile waS an active member of North Street Methodist Church, being for years on the board management. He was also a charter member (4 the Meal 4 O. lj. W. in IStot he was married to Fanny A Smith, of Caledonia. and raised a family of eight children, his wife and one daug- ter and one son having died a few years ago, Two daughters. Mary, in. the Windsor public school staff, and Margaret at home, and four sonS, John, clean of Victoria College, and Robert, barrister, both 14 Toronto; Wil- liam (-4 the Goderich Signal, and A, AL, of the local Collegiate staff, survive. The funeral look place op Tuesday at - I RR 511 WAS SO BAD. Thought She Would Lose Child. During the laot weather young children are very much subject to diarrhoea, i,1 fad, more so than adults, on account of the more delicate construction of their constitution. It behooves every mother to look after her children on the first sigri of any looseness of the bowels, for if they do not same serious bowel trouble such as diarrhoea, dysentery. cholera infan- , turn, cholera morbus, summer complaint, etc, is liable to follow, and they will perhaps, loose their little one by not taking the precaution to check this loose- ness of the bowels by using Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. IVIrs, R. J. St. Mary's, Ont., writes: "My little girl was so bad with diarrhoea the doctor could not ettre her, and we were sure Nye were going to lose her.' A friend of mine told me to use Dr. Vowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry( so I sett for a bottle right away, and by the time I had given her one bottle else was able to sit op, and before I had the second bottle tilted she. was clued. I tell every- body about this sure eitre. The price is M. a bottle, bin it is well worth it. 1118 11 years since 5 first tried it, tvud will always keep it rei hand. It is. good for old and young alike," " Dr. Vowler'e "has beattem tise market . for the past 72 years, so if yeti -wain to be o15 the gate side his sure sod see that you get''Pewter's" when yeti mile for it. The genuine is teenufactured,ortly by The 'r, mutatCo,, utaitdd, Torottro, Ont, . f 111111011. The nerva system is the g',."cerning system of the whole body, Controlling theheart, lungs. digestion and brain; so it is ltd surprising that nervous disturbances should cause acute dis- tress, tirst star;es of nervous de. hility aro noted by irritability and rest- lessness, in which the victims seem to he oppressed by the nerves. The in.ttter requires immediate attention. 1.,n- nothing but suitable treatment will prevent a complete breakdown. The hou.ever, need not dispair for even $rvao nervous disorders may be cured by improving the condition of the hlood. It k because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new. rich blood that this medicine has cured ex- treme nervous disorders after all oth- er treatment had failed. The nerves thrive on the new blood made be these Pills: the appetite improves, 41_ Cestion is better, sleeplessness no long- er troubles the former nerve shattered victim, and life generally takes on 3 cheerful aspect. Every sufferer from nerve troubles, no matter how slight should Ise no time in giving Hr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills it fitir trial, thus re- kaiiiing their uld time health and" cOM- tort. You can get kr. Williams Pink Pills through ;My dealer in medicine, or by mail at so cep ts a box or .six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr, Williams' Mali- cia 0.o., Brockville, Ont. eisaiseecieseeeeeiseeeeetimovaci IlLron County News eeeeeseizooksiteeeeneseeeeee 71 r, Earl Hall, son of Mr. Theo. Hall, of Pasadena, Cali.; and tormerly editor of the Winch:on Advance. has lined the Signal Corps in Pasadeoa. m's. w. VanEgmond of liemond- vill, died at her home on Monday after a short illness at the age of 57 years. She leaves a husband and two children, a son and a daughter. Rev. Alr. Voss (4 Peterhof.° Preshy. .,..teeeeeieeis e_se, 14taralalanaaillal="11.10raantablinIaltrablingillail MOB 5 '"PrinFlifirintir.14; NOVI is the ti e far a Dm IT: of IHINEOP 300g') • • With the prices•steadily advancing, these lines will • be found good buying. .• We must make room for the new Fall and Winter goods now coming into stock, About 2 doz House Dresses, mostly sizes 31 uiad 3s worth 3,1.50 to $1.75, your choice for 21)0 yards Dress ("Anglian's, • plaids and stripes, worth 20 and 25 cents a yard 15c A few Wash Skirts left in White and Stripes. ligular $1.19 $2.000 for About 2 dozen • Children's Dresses, worth $1,00 for • • 63c 3 Dozen 'Ladies' Gowns; long or short sleeves, nice tine cambric and well trimmed. Extra value al $1.25 Odd Lines of Shoes to Clear at remarkably attractive Prices nr.reWast=rametaWma&M=knrameziasusemnse.ennanna=malanmsu=0 $1.50 for • P 111 ill St iSinahl Profits tt- Phone 25. r()so More BUSiziess mlift=15211EXffiaMODZVEUMSTEETZZLEIMMIL======r4.1arra=.17Wift,..41.14, LoonactutsoactaucelszanuneWowt..444arnaratent444;4,42.4=m04144.4.44.4m444* tery,, received a unanimous call from the congregations of Knox church, Au- burn and at Smith's Hill, at the congre- gational meetings. The name (4 Pis, W. E. Smith, son of Airs. Smith of appeared in the Casualty lists during the past week as wounded. 'This was the tirst intim- ation his mother received as official wand ltd not been received !nun Ot- tawa. Pte. Smith enlisted with the. Simon Battalion and has been in the trenches for :tbout nine months, During the heavy storm last Sois. day morning, lightning struck the bars on INirs. 'Thomas Murray's farnoon the t oth concession McKillop, The struct- ure, tog,11, her with twenty acres of hay, u•as completely Liestroyed. Work is proceeding at the re-arrallv- big of the Poultry Feeding qation at the 0,13,15, nrusseis, and R. Thomson will soon have things ready for the Fallftush. A well has 1:,'y drilled anti everything will be lilted up alter most modern plan. John McNatighton, 'rurnberry, re. ceived official word that his son. Sergi. Janes McNaughton, was slit -faring irons gun shot wigsinds in the right arrn This is the first mishap in 18 months spent at the Irwin. Last Sunday nu,rning about 3.30 CICICk, the line bank barn t'l Council- lor Win. Fraser, near Molesworth, svaS destroyed by lightning. It was. noticed tv MiSs Ella FraSer. Who. heard the sharp report and afterwards almost intmediatels saw the light (4 the burn- ing ltuitclings reelected on her bile,,, window. (11' course it was imroSSible to save the bars and it tout the driving shed were Soon a tssass ,3f burning. embers. In the barn were 6 acres 01 wheat, 5 of barks, 30 loads c.)f hay, etc Implements. cutter. harness. a bunch of pigs alas fell a prey. The horses were got out. There was' s1oo0 in- surance 1,11 building and -'.10tin 00 ''5 - hill i n Elmo Mutual Co, Alt, Genii is Day, of Wing113111, while digging his early potatoes came across a hill that had seventv-live potatoes in. wingham Citi/ens' Band aiIi furnish music on the second day of Ripley's l'air, Sept. 26th, Efforts are being made to locate a Ittiscreant who , s, Thursday, while the owner was at dinner, entered the field t4 Mr. King. a Morrie farmer, and completely smashed Itis binder. When he returned he found the implement completely,,wrecked and there were no traces..ia the person resnyusible. lir and Mrs, Elisha Walker, Wing- liam, announce the, engagement ot their only -daughter (tars !ilia to Mr. Thomas Imo in, Winch:um the marriage to take ia.,o in September. 11. McLatighlin, 6mked Away to the great beyond an Friday last about to a.min his 76th Year, Ile had been a great sufferer for three or four months, 'The funeral a Inch was largely attended took place 1.,11 Monday to the Presbyterian church ,of which he had been an elder for a number of years, Rev. Mr. Laing con- ducted the set Vice. • Interment in the Gorrie cemetery. He leaves a widow, three s0114 and three daughters to, CASTOR A, For Infants and Children. En Use For Over 30 Years Always beats 00 "Arie;--7 71Z - Signature of av„ DATES OF FALL FAIRS Goderich Sept. 26-38 Lucknow sent. 27-28 Teeswater Oct 2-3 tateth Oct 2-3 Brussels Oct 4-5 Gorrie Oct 6 Wingharn Oct 9—t0 HAVE youWEAK LUGS? 520 colds settle on, your chest or in your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang an, or are you subject to throat troubles? s. Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the rare curative powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pure codliver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res- piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and 'heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special- ists. You can get it at any drug store. 1 11, MEDICAL BOARD 3l07*.*10 These Men Will Are you liable to be selected for service under the Military Service Ad? The answer to this question is being made readily available for you. Remember that the filet class to be. called includes only men between the ages of 20 and 34, both inclusive, who are unmarried or widowers with. out children, those married after July 6, 1917, being deemed single for the purposes of the Act. Medical Boards are now being established throughout Canada.These Boards will examine, free of charge and obligation, all men who wish to be examined as to their physical fitness for military service, They will tell you in a very short time whether your `, elp Y ecide physical condition absolves you from the call or makes you liable for selection. It is important that you obtain • this information as soon as possible. A certificate of unfitness from a Medical Board will secure for you freedom from responsibility under the Military Service Act from any Exemp. tiiin Tribunal. A certificate of fitness will not preclude an appeal for exemption on any ground. In order that you may be able to plan your future with certainty visit a Medical Board at soon as possible and find out if you are liable to be selected, Your tinnily and your employer are interested. as well as yourselt hared by The Miliary Serticb Coursed. tat 50 1'