HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-09-27, Page 2I{oacly to Wear Garments HONE 78 Dry Goods, and House furnishings. sass-.,.,.-.�,..........,r.,..• Select Your New Autumn Suit Now You will find it a pleasure to selecteslect your new Autumn, Suit. from a collection of suits such as we have now on display. A most impressive showing of Women's' smartest suits, in, themodels arid materials accepted as correct by the foremost designers and 'very reasonably priced. Over forty different styles to choose from. Evei'ybody .knows the kind Of 'Coats we carry but nobody has known such prices as will be given this season. This branch of our business grows every year. Such results never come by chance. The latest novelties, the best values are always found in OUT stock. • Over One Hundred and fifty styles to choose from. Order Your New Fall Hat Now Ladies Fall Coats We can give better attention to your order now. Our mil•• liners are creating nevi designs all the time, always something fresh to see here. You'll en- joy a look through the depart- ment even if you don't decide on your new hat now, but we urge the advantage of decision now. —This Store for High Class Millinery. GLEANS-i)51NI C(S„--'USEDIVOR SdFTENiNG WATER -OR MAKING' HARD AND SOFTSOAP —I1fUL1 _DIRECTIONS' lAtIVI EACH CAI0't Tel EA:D SHORTAGE . EACING PROVINCE People Must Turn Out arida-ie1p Spread • Flax.—Situation very Serious --Lin- en Thread Eesentiol in Effective Pro- secution of War.( ' Iii,INSALL, Sept, 22 -At the meeting of the flax Growers' Association of Ontario held to Hensall the greet scar- city of labor- was discussed at some length. It waS pointed out that some- thing musi be done by the people in order to assist the tax men all •over Ont:trio to spread their flax or there will be a great scarcity of linen thread. this year. Hundreds of tons of linen thread are used every year in the manufacture of shoes, Only about 't quarter of 0 crop of flax is harvested this $'ear in Switzerland, and several of the other countries that have in the past been noted for their flax in dus- tries ace now at tear and the crops are not Leung garned at alt. Ontario has a Fairly large crop and must supply a goodly amount of linen thread for the allies. but how this is to be done unless the people turn out and assist in the spreading and threshing Of this year's crop is at present a cou- undrun. Linen thread is in greater demand than ever this year, 1l ds used in the manufacture of girths fur saddles, sold- iers' clothes and shoes, aeroplanes and in many other ways that make it nec- essary eo-essary to have the crop saved, and buts materially assist the allies. Unless it is threshed and spread within the next couple, id weeks it will be late for -this season's metiufaeture. Only about 2S''b of this year's crop is spread, and it looks as if labor cannot be secured. and unless the patriotic citizens of On- tario lend a hand there will certainly be a great scarcity of linen thread, D'o You do it Correctly? A vehicle or car wishing to pass an- other going in the sante direction should pass on the lett side. At the salve time the vehicle or car being passed should turn to the right so as to give half the travelled road. On meeting, Both vehicles or cars should turn iu hte right. It seems unneces- sary to give space to natter like this but there are ntany who do not know - yet which Way to turn. toeteFieetteme.erttotteem=seemeiteigseasesetr LL, Glinto ONE DAY ONLY et n§ , f rt } s rR 111 THE (LI1 711" .N N E MstrGct. News. 40004e44,4a04>o Yop6bW4ceSee4 ..00.4r6 on Sunday evening it memorial ser - dee for Pte, John Strang, who lva1 ;Wed to action, was held in Cavan sloe Sbj talion 0hurch. Rev. W M Mao - 1111, 13.1„ of London, 0 former Cyvon pastor, conducted the service assisted +v Rev, Dr, Fletcher, of Thames Road. Air. Martin also preached it; Cavcn Preshy'Lerlan church in the morning. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Last friday night Jim Ferguson had the misfortune to lose ills Meese by lire which is believed to have been, caused by nice ahewiug matches itnoue some bedding. Those who were sleep- Ing upstairs had to jump through a window In order to escape, With the assistance of the neighbor's who were summoned by telephone nearly all the furniture downstairs was saved ;but nothing atold be saved from up stairs.' The loss is partly covered by insurance, The !feat] harvest, has already started The line weather of lute has helped greatly in ripening the beans, Some time ago Mr, Fred Leonard measured what he thought was 0 good stock of coru. 'pie measurement was e'cactly eleven feet and a large part of his corn would average ten feet in height. 9'llis is certainly a gond record- 'fhe various local fairs are 'being well attended this week. CONSTANCE. Mr, and Mrs. F. Hall attended the funeral of a Mr. T'ay'lor of Kirkton 05 Friday. Miss Phillips, of 1.ondesborte spent a dew days the guest of Mrs. Roy Law- son. tSr. Andrew Snell spent a few days at Hamilton visitin<, friends. Mrs, Wm, Fowler, of Vancouver, 13. C, has been 115111ne relatives and friends in and around the vilitge. Quite a number around here at- tended tate anniv essay services at Burns' Church 00 Sunday. Miss Jennie Rubinson of Clint'') spent Sancho' the guest of tSr. and Mrs. f, Ball, Inspector Piad, 01 0.derich visited our school on !Monday. Rev. Mr. McI 1rmick, of til th, took the services here on Sunday, !tars. W. Pickard, of H„hnesville, and Mrs, McCormick :Led l'utehte,r salved tel Mrs. J, Tudor on Sunday, PORTER'S HILL Mr and Mrs. Love and Mrs. Marshall .f Wingham, spent a few daps at John Blair's last week, Pearl Potter left for Toronto 00 Monday to attend Faculty. Air, and Mrs, U, W. Palter and Mr. and Mrs. Sterling alcPhaii and dau- ghter Mary, motored to Lucas on Fri- day evening to attend the silver wed- ding of Mr, and Airs, Barnby, • UNDER THE AUSPICE'S OF THE GIRL'S PATRIOTIC AUXILIARY LAR The 8th W. CRANSTON PRESENTS ander o tsie g3' -ii i..f1,a . a Most S tupcndous Spectacle Mortal Mind 11 a s E V 2 r Conceived, 'leo 'tunes B ger Than The Biggest Circus, )11002 F A N The Greatest Art Conquest Since The Beginning of Civilization. More Wonderful Than Ben-Hur or any other Production. ORIGINAL MUSIC and EFF CTS THE MANAGEMENT REQUEST ---awing to the limited Seating Capacity of the Hall it would be advisable to make your Reservations Early. MATINEE ---25c, 5®c, 75c. J 1:��..et..E'VENi.NG-_-50c, 75i , $1.00 a � Fair" s Book Store Se a+� �'a� ®n Sale at � I.� A, HUL:LETT. Many are going to Godoridt fair this Week. Mr. and Mrs, Wuolot1 of Stratford, ytiunt Sunday wide Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Snell Wells fair will draw the crowd next Wednesday. Rau —Wheatley .-- On Tuesday September IS, one of dose interesting, CScll' took place when lilir.theth Flor- epc. 0011' daughter of Mr, told Mrs. ,hseell II Wheatley and Mr, John 'Loh, 11)00 1(0 W.0.51 uertetl in the Roil Bunds ttf, matrimony by Rev. O. O. Kit ,t of I t udesboro - The bride Tooted charming! in t gown of 1511113 gr dadetj satin 'with pearl :trtutin4 and blue silk: A1r, told •Mrs, Knox left during the afternoon' for :t trip to ,Tnrouto and tither eastern points, the bride travelling in a suit of cheviot and (lack with picture hat. The good wishes of a Large circle of friends go .with therm iii their married !l ares There were special reopening ser- vices 15 Burns' (hureli, llullett, un Sunday, Rev, Alexander .MacMillan, of Toronto, convenor of the General As- sembly's. Committee on. church praise, preached. at the morning service and Rev. Mr. Abery, the minister, conduct- ed the evening service. ; '('here was, special music by the choir at both Ser- vices, The congregation has, during the sununer built a new addition „to the church and the Ladies' Aid have decor- ated the eimteriar, Ott Tuesday even- ing tate ladies of the congregation held :t fowl supper followed by a sacred concert in the auditorium of church, LONDON ROAD. Mrs, James Nott visited friends at Seaforth last weed: and tool: in the fair, A big crcnvd attended the Seaforth Fair last week. They report that the crowd was bigger than the show. Amos Cartwright and wife, and Geo. Scales and daughters autoed from Mul- lett. 'and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, 11. Livermore. The weather is good and dry for the bean harvest at prestue. Blyth Fair next week. Quite a Jew intend to go. HOLMESVILLE. Guderich fair is the attraction this week.• Mr. George Proctor and son and ,Miss Emily and ,Minnie Proctor motored to Mitchell last Sunday, Air. Lewis Pn,cl.0 purchased a Chevrolet car last weak trout Gro. Levis & Son. 'fie inti friends of Ile, Holmes, co. l'rea 1rer, will be sorry f„ l,oit'n that etight hopes are held ,.ut for his re. - cover, at his home in G'110ri011. BRUSSELS. Mrs..1ohn Downing, (lora street had the misfortune t.' fall early on Thurs- day morning, fracturing her right thigh and also her right arm at the wrist. Pres. George anti John Johnston, who went overseas with the 101st 13at- Winn, are both ill with trench fever, at Hastings, England., Their brother Arthur is in France, A number of farts sales have taken place in this locality in the past fear days, laugh Lamont, jr., has bought the 200 -acre homestead, of which he has been the tenat. from his father, fur $10,.5(10. John Love purchased the ion acres from Alex McDonald, :adjoining his farm, for $5,200. Mrs. John Smith has sold her' 155 acres to Richard Jackliu for 69,500, and she In turn has secured the 100 -acre farm in Morris township owned by hlesi',1 Ham- ilton. i3russels Fall Fair will be held Thurs- day and Friday, Oct, 4 and 5. Kincar- dine Pipe Band will provide music and the Galt Maple Leaf Quartete and the Barclay children of London in national dances will be the concert talent. Thursday afternoon Clans, It, Knight a well-known farmer of Grey township, was buried. He died of typhoid fever, Ile was 61 •,years of age and is survived by 11ia wife and two daughters. J. F. Rowland, who was moved a year ago from the management of the Standard Bank, Brussels, to Tillson- burg, has now been promoted to the same office In the iatric at Kingston. A part of a motor fell on Earl Cup- ningh1um's foot in the Carter garage, breaking a hone. The crane gave way causing the accident, AY'S ON TABLETS NEB BY NMI Mrs, Henry Vanreader, Rodney, Ont.. writes; "t have used Baby's Own Tab- lets for the past live years and prize them very much. They have proved of such value to me that. 1 always keep them in the house." Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets she would use nothing else. They are thorough but mild 'in action and never fail to snake the sickly - baby well They are sold by hiedicltic'd'eale's or by mad at 25 cents a box from The DI', Wdlintits' MedicineCo„ Brockville Ont, LONDESBORO. • :Hiss Elsie Button of Seaforth, and Mr,. tV, Hagler of Hamilton, and Miss Edith Harvey, of Clinton, Sundayed at the home of Mr. Henry Adapts. Mr, iL A. Andrews, of Windsor, spent a week at the home of 21r, henry Adams, h\r, John Marshall and sisters Jean and Gerrie of 'Walton Sundayed at the home ofbir. Henry Adapts. Blyth Fair nest week, will be the big attraction for this section. Airs William I%1ley is not improving. :ter. and lairs. Norman Carter, of Seaforth visited the latter's parents on Sunday. Rios Lizzie Taylor is enjoying a visit from her soother from Toronto. The Fowl Supper glvelar at Knox Church on Tuesday night was a grand Sunday School :and col- lec• tion and proceeds of the supper amounted to et;HO, Air. and Mrs tt'• IL Lyon are visit• ing the former's ah;ecr at Camp Borden at preset]!. Tire Woman's Institute am busy at present quilting quilts for the soldiers in the huspital Mr, (inten aml family, of Blyth, spent Sunday as the guests at the hulne of 'Ernest .\darns. Airs. Will Gorier intends leaving next week fur her 1105' home , near Niagara Falls. Will Bell was in the village with a broad smile.—"It ie a boy". J. 'FbtlL'sdity, September 27th, 191.7 fenceless Mennonites area branch of the Amish Mennonites, Minor Locals • Poulry market L; livening 1113. •U its are rapidly idly growing Shorter. Good:table butter Inas been a eeeree t omnwdlit tleIs season even at the ad- v nt,ed price Ve,ZetOtmc is as tar haekward this yeesr as the 0.111 weather seems 11, he 1)10aa.ed 1301 what are WO going to du about it? 11 you receive a chain le.ter asking fur a fews cent.; to buy comforts o1 any kind for i soldiers in 1h0 fields. 151' in hospitals, lust snake, up your mice that the 11, 1 is a take and three the letter into the. 110. Various scllen1cs of this kind are huhu,. worked on the 131 odic, A Canadian journal has offered a prize of aim, for the best eugeeetion as to how to save coal ul healing, h us,";, 11 is •$,ted that 20;i, of the •ulitual coal consumption could be. stn'cat b+ •hitelti- gent use lit coal, Owing to the rot setting in people of this district ere digging,:their lathes as fast as they can. The quicker they are taken out of the ground the better. Some ,plots do not seem to be louehecl by the hlbrht. The National Service Board will is- sue a pamphlet 'glow to 1.ive in War Time." comes o1 which will be supplied to every householder 111011gh the pnstotlice. Plums, pears, peaches, apples tutd tomatoes are in evidence this week, and prices a little higher than last sea- son, when there was a more abundant crop, STANLEY. Mr. 1). Walks and wife lir and NITS. Alctiillivary 5101 fancily ,-•f Bruce motored . Isere and are visiting with relatives ;and friends Mr. 1' 1irowm, of Tiverton, is this week vi -icing relatives on the Second, bliss Kate lle(iregiir left this week for Toronto to attend the University, 9 .roc h3 sss 'lee 1.31. e oc000cto3trA:nePsamootateeata t i4:ere IN ACCIDENT .41' MITCHELL Airs ,`ours and daughter, of Clinton, anti Air. hoyie, of Toronto met with an accident at the bridge 1111 Si. Andrew0 Street at Mitrheli on Wednesday, when their cute turned turtle. They were severely shaken up and sustained a lbw bruises. '1'It.•v were takeb to the home of Rev. Dr. Alcllee, where they received every attention. \MOVING I0,t1SIL\\\':\ ll r. Edgar Last hate loon in town during Elle 1E1301 week getting lus fund• titre packed up to move to Oshawa where he holds a position with the alto worts there. lir. and Alrs, East will be much missed in town especially in \Veil*. Church, where they have been connected with the choir. Papers Away Up • On the different kinds of book paper used in a printing 1111iee increases range from 6•1;co11 newsprint to 125`ic on Eggshell book. Manillas have gone up t5o'1, on Kraft wrapping and coat- ed enamel, from of to 69%, Bond papers have increased from eo to 150 `ib, 'i'lie greatest increasee in the cost ui materials has been on ink of all grades, winch has gone from 25 t0 300 % over former prices. e A Big Drive Ontario bas launched a big drive wheat this autumn, This means an increase off 40"Je in the winter wheat acreage over hast fall, when 600,000 acres were planted. Eighty tractors are at work throughout the province and ten more halhased by the Government andvebeen will be purcbusy with- in leu days. They will be provided the additional acreage which will be got ready for fall planting of wheat. Honey Crop The Ontario honey crop this year will be much below the average, ow- ing to unfavorable weather conditions according to a statement submitted at the electing of the Honey Crop Com- mittee of the Ontario Bee -Keepers' As- sociation in Toronto. In view of the serious sugar situation, the shortage of honey may prove a grave problem in the near future„ Prices for the yield were suggested and fixed at t4 to i6 cents per pound wholesale, and to 20 cents retail Who aro the Amish People? They cause from Pennsylvania aid were part of the Pennsylvania Dutch immigration to Upper Canada. The Amish Mennonite church, which has Upwards of 13,000 members in North America, consists of the followers of Jacob Amen, who separateed from the main body ill Switzerland in 1620, The old Amish Mennonite church adhere strictly to the ancient customs and or- dinances of the sect and reject all in nnviatiots, They weal' books and eyes im tiseir clothing histeed of buttons, in order to be ns' different as possible front miiHary 1(11'11, whose dress uni- forms have a lavish of buttons, They are opposed to iillinriste and are class- ed as couscienious objectors, 'Tile De - FARM FOR SALE Containing •12 111110.01. guest clay 100111 for 11.1 01e1lltnre oe grass, being lot 77 Mnitdtunl eon„ lloderich town ship e> aerev or (t11115.0 1101,1,0 (1 11111111 and 11 tluvcr-54i1iog spring crock. ruo11 lug through. 1.11 101(100 genes at pro- sent. Ph)Bes(IO11 04111 1a, given al un)1'. Apply to VVtn. 130110111' It. IL No. 2, Clinton, Phone 1.2 on 112. OVERCOAT FOUND OW1114. 1115)' 10100 s5110' sly proving property and paying I'ur this 0ldreetis meet, A.pl+ly 111 Aaiun 0lcKenzde, Tuwu11eud street. Lost Gold tilled gents' watch chain with \laconic Key stone set in solid gold at- tached. Finder please leave at New Era .:i10e and get reward. Auction Sale,-_...� We've made Would lik!o, it hot for to mnite KING COAL quite it bot a few for you We've made it hot for a lot of folks who were looking for satisfactory coal, and if you will place your spring order with us, woe would be Pleased to give you the good emit and two thousand pounds to the ton. , J. El Illioway Office Phone 3 A first class bed roost suite for pri- vate sale as well as other articles of furniture at residence on Ontario St. The undersigned has insttru0tetl T. laundry to sell by public au0thn1 on Wednesday, October, 10th, at 1 ,i clock sharp at Lot, South ..1„1 and 32, Huron, Rd. Survey Tucker'sliiith, Stock=l',am gelding, lour and 5 years old; 1 cow, dtte to calve about time of sale; 1 clow milking, 0.1110:0 in 0051 spring: 2 steers rising two years; 2 heifers, 15 months old; 2 calves; 2 pigs; Yearling driving cult, bred "Red McKinley'. Implements—Massey—Harris mower 5'; feet; ;\lassev-Harris 1h hole drill; :\lass- ey-Ilarriss cultivator; .\lassev-Ilarris roll er; Io -feet McCormick cake; National ging plow; I'leuity plow No, 21; I1uggie nearly new; Cutter nearly new; Wagon with bus; Cockshutt disc; Set of har- rows; sleigh with log bunks: hay rack; stuck rack; fanning mill; settles 210u1b tagholder with truck; Set of team har- ness, new; Single harness, new; Stone - boat; Daisy churn, No. 2; De Laval Dream Separator. Nt.. to; 25 foot lad- der'; No. of Horse collars, blankets, elle 's, chains, shovels, 1 'rkes, 2 dor grin bags, and other articles tun numerous to mention.. A quality of Har and Brain, 'Perms -1l months credit on approv- ed joint notes or 1 cents i0 straight fur cash, flay, brain and Pigs, rash No reserve as tate proprietor has + sold itistarn,. Thos. Gudree Auc, Jell]] Thos. CCrhli Pr, ,p. FARM FOR SALE loo acres on aii11 Road. -1 nciles from Scaferth and 2 miles (nun Bruce- lield. All cleared and in good .,ale of Cultivation. Brick house Wilk lurnace Basement Barn, 1;cntent :i1.. Sprin? water Piped lu barn, 1;00d well at house Rural Mail and Phone, For further particulars apply t' own. era Alex, A Watt', 1111 Omerit, Street, a)uelpis, or .lobo Rankin, Real Estate and lnsuurunce Brocke', Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE OR TO LET Louse occupied by :tar. Edgar Gast on ;Maria St. douse in good repair, new furnace, garden and fruit trees. First class chicken house_ on premises. Possession 20th dust. Apply to Phone 40, H. WILTSE. MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK. A number 'Of good reliable item can secure steady employment on Munition work. Apply 10, The Roht. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Seaforth, Ontario, tial to 'ear Order Cor some of our Western Dais, whtch We have Just received and we will charge you no mot's than if they worn Just the ordinary grade of Gats. If yen wish t;0 secure some Of these Oats place your order early as they aro going fast. Wo always have a fon stook of Flour and Peed. Highest, rt ices paid for @1t'ainn \,Jerson Pheue 199, .itesidenee all 1411 BRING YOUR MOTO;3 GAR to. the 011111011Mot ,r ra 00. Shops wlieti 1t 'needs ,tttentiumt, we will give you good service and our price moder- ate We can also Blore your 0:tr when not di use. We have for a quick sate 2 light de- livery 'Trucks, that have only been used for a short time and will be sold at a very low price, -0-.o. O. THE CLINTON MOTOR CAR CO. FOR SALE 1-9 roosted house, all modern con- 'tltd 5 es; and a live rammed c tttage, both on James street., For other part- iculars apply to Alex. F. Cudmore, Clinton Wanted. A W0111 ell for general housework in at family u1 three without children; '— Box Al Clinton. House for Sale. 0 -room house, on Huron Street, for- merly occupied by the tate Rev. J. Greene, All modern conveniences. G..oil frame stable situated on pre- mises. Further particulars apply to Dr, C. W. Thompson, Clinton. sag] EOle This still has been used be the Doh- erty Piano Co„ and who might purchase the entire out put annually : is in fairly good condition, 1 1151 1ty 5 to Ltl thous- and feet per day. Free use of the 11. R. 'siding. 01,1ndance of yard room. Slabs would nearly pay running expenses. Apply to W. Doherty, itt,ntost House 1101• Sale A one and a half storey frame house, 12 rooms, situated on Mary street, barn, 91 acre of garden and orchard; waterworks and electric light Apply to W BRYDONE, Clinton. °.it -raved ,From lot '24, con 6, Hallett. a. yearling heifer with a mark on deWlap. A suitable reward w'lit bs paid for information leading to, its recovery—Thos. Tighe, 11. B. No, 1, Clinton. Phone 16 55n 165,T For Sale or to Rent The brick house on eagl;tn street, mole occupied by .1 ti, Doherty, tow sale or to rent. 'lilectr1c light and town water; 2 acres of Land. with stile. All in goof repair. Apply to David Cantelon. 1F+" X111-1 Fj p; 1,.,a HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Round trip ticket: to ccrtatin points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta t da North Bay. 1.7..chra ae and Transcon- tinental Route, or via Chicago and St. Paul .n sale Caeh Tuesday until Oct. tuth., inclusive, at lot' fares. 'Through 'Tourist Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG .n ;lhtn'0 dales, leaving Toronto' 10..13 p.ut.. no change 01 cars, via 'Transcontin- ental Route. Return 1111111, two months, exclusive of ditto of sale. Berth reservated and full particulars at all Grand Trunk tick- et ()dices, or write C 11. HORNING, Union Station, Toronto. Ont, John Hansford & Son. clty passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 67 1.0. Pattison. station aeenr BAD STOMACH AD CO STIPAT ON �,�IIp CURED BY t-01dll 67 L l li U R N' S L `, wA.LPIE POLLS on Mr. Sylvester Clements, Celt, Ont., writes: T wish to express my heartfelt thanks for what Milburn's Lissa-Liver Pills have done for Ino. I have been suffering from a bad stomach and con- stipation, cold would he off work for 4 or G months a year, T was hardly able to be inside without getting a severe head- ache. I tried doctor's medicine and other remedies, but got mo relief Cantil a frfeid advised me to use Milburn's taxa - Liver Pills. Now I can Work inside without any headaches or pain. I would not be without your remedy for anything, I write this so that anyone suffering the sante its 1 dfd may use them and be cured." Milburn's Laxa-:Liver Pills are 215 ccnis pee vial. :Versate at all dealers or manes" direct on receipt of price by The C,. kfilbute Co., Limited, Toronto, Out..,.'