HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-09-20, Page 6PAGE G g 1" "l" gi„wy %� ;17
uy Blue Serge Now
o day We Offer Four Qui itie
At The.:. Following Prices
2.45 $2.70.
We Reserve The Right 'To Limit
The Sale Of These Goods To
One Suit Length ; Only To One
Dry Goods and.
House Furnishings
Phone 67.
Neixt to Royal 'Bank P rt ,ps
is the snaking of ,good pickles and in
order to have good pickles she must
have good spices and good vinegar.
Our spices are pure and have had the
proper curing and proper maturing.
Our vinegar is of the best known
brands and ours that have been tried
out. We feel sure they are the best.
Leave your pickling orders with us.
Large or Smell they will have careful
attention if you ' would like to have
some nice tasting mustard pickles to
Custom` Tailoring
111 nn's eur'nishings.
Phone 303.
Senn.-, firma
add zest to appetite t is winter try this
Mix to a Paste
o table spoonfuls of mustard; 34 table
spoonful of tutneric; fee cup of flour;
cup of sugar; 1 qt. vinegar; boil
and pour over pickles,
A McLaughlin boggy, good as new
for sale.
l'Itoao 111
Model Eighty -Five Four
o erful
®, m a w✓as :s ,sl
eal Fax t t
We know through years of experience
that a thirty-five horsepower motor placed
in a car of proper weight, makes an ideal
driving combination for all but the most
radical speed demons.
Year after year for many years the de-
xnand for the thirty -hive horsepower Over-
land models has increased in Canada and
this year the sales of the Model Eighty -
Five have eclipsed all previous records.
You can have your choice in this
Eighty -Five Model of either a four or a
six cylinder motor. The wheelbase of the
Four is 112 inches -that of the Six 116
Both are comfortable easy riding cars.
Each represents what we believe to be
the best motor car value for the money
in Canada.
Come in and see thein. Ask for a
demonstration. We are at your service.
If you prefer a closed car, we have a
wide variety of types to choose from
, in Light Fours, Model 85 -Fours, Light
Sixes, Willys Sixes and Willys-Knights
E.; RA A Irk
Willys-Overland, Limited
Wftlyc-I ,,inlet and overland Motor Cars and
Light Commercial Wagons
Head Office and Works, West Toronto, Ontario
•s y, ,
Royal Arch Meeting,
There. will he 8 big Arch Meeting on
Fr14,1133Sfvaniug, Sep t,28th,in the LO.
LI 'opine Dere is Il bigechtes to take
the long, long trail that night.. No,
doubt there will be a Targe attendance
at this meeting.' ,
Movi.9g Back,te Clinton.
Mr, ', J.• Watt, Who has been re-
siding lis' Win ghanr,.'bought the brick
house aiid lot °front Rev. Mr: Snowden
011 14s1tenbury street, end will move le
the near ISture. , Aire And 'Mrs. 1"hitt.
will be welcome"hack; to town,.
Women!a, Institute. • • ",. •
. The September sleeting of the
Women's, institute le to be held at the
home. of Mrs Chas. I•loIIhnd on Sept.'
27th, at 3 o'clock, This will beau in-
tresting meeting. Mrs. Roy, Ball will
give a paper on "The, • Monter as a
Nurse", Mrs. Fowler will take up "'fine
duties and responsibilities 01 C2.nadian
The C, C. 1, has one of the largest
attendances for many years. Besides
there are several girls who have been
picking fruit and quite 't number of
boys who are still working 0n the
At a meeting of the boys, the Athlet-
ic Association was reorganized with tine
following otlicers:- -
Presideul-Mr, l', S. 11. Graham
Vice -Pres, --IJ. Rance
Sec. Treas.-W, Townshend
Representatives, -
Form 1-A, McKenzie
Forms 2,-S, Jackson
Foran 3-11. Lawrence
roriu 1-11. Stewart
alto ons aC3e0Ci:50OCrsIVViaM
is 0
000000000000000000 000
Baptist. Church.
Yee. .'1. 1„ Siple of Osliwegeu, will
preach in tine Baptist church nest Sun-
Thursday, September 20 h, 1017
Locai,. News
Yl�tp�+N dr4Yp@kaf34+bisib®Gldfdtacntucyvard,d,5(;J,� fiV
Picniclred at Bayfield
The School of Commerce, Staff and
pupils held a Picnic at Bayfield on Tue-
sday afternoon, The day'was ideal and
everyone Ishd a tine time,
Something Yet) Don'tSee Every Pay,
In the window of Cline Connor's
bakery Last week was to be seen five
wedding cakes. This is it sight yen'
don't See every day,
Were at Seaforth
A number from here were at Sett -
forth on MandaY to attend the liquor
case of Thomas Stephens, Magistrate
Greig presided. over the case.
Walkini Club
The Clinton Walking Club held their
first walk on Ttiedity evening and af-
terwards went to Willis Church where
the Girl's Cluj) served lunch to the
"tired" walkere.
Weight of.Breed.
By the new law note 'in force in
all the in;;nicipalties in the Province
cif Ontario, the oinimeOs line which
can be inspSsed by a police magistrate
on a baker for selling short weight
bread.is t;t0, while the maximum for
the tirst.offense is $too, .Fdr the se-
cond offence the minimum is now $25
and the maxinnift $200ff. Formerly the
maximum fine was $5 and costs.
Huron County Ps Best
At a recent sleeting of the Methodist
Social Service Conference at 'Toronto'
Rev, J. P. Knight, M.A., 13.D., of Hen-
sel,, reported that conditions through-
out Huron County are probably better
than any county in Huron. The coun-
ty was under the Canada temperance
act a year ago, but the passage of the
Ontario act had greatly helped the en-
forcement of law, The temperance
forces of the county have an organ-
ization fur lacy enforcement with a paid
secretary. Drunkenness -has been re-
duced to a minimum," said Air. Knight,
Huron to Have Three Tractors.
As a result of a depulatiop consist-
ing of Warden Milne and A. 11, Mus-
grove of Huron. haying waited upon
the Provincial Minister of Agriculture,
three tractors are to be sent into
Huron county will he operllteds.frons
the following centres: Seaforth, Exeter
and Wingham. Details o1 operation,
including methods of supervision, are
under ,lir, C. F. Bailey, deputy minister
of agriculture. The Government pays
all expense, while those using the
tractor pay 15 cents per hour and
board the operator. The. tractors :4.
to he sent to the fellowine• Peeve
Stewart, o1 Seaforth; Reeve Llli,d1, ai
Stephen• 'Township, and Reeve 1>i'islcr-
01 Weigls.;m.
Ontario St. Church.
Rev, C. W, Baker, B.D., of Crediton
wilt preech in Ontario St. Church, on
Sunday morning and evening, The
pastor, Rev. J. A. Agnew will preach
anniversary sermons at Creclitoo.
The League meeting was in charge
of the Literary Department. Miss
Claris addressed the league on "1101' 1
spent my vacation." Miss Vesta
Snyder rendered a piano solo. Mrs.
B. Jervis and Miss Marion Gibbings
sang a duet,
Next week the League is going to
entertain the Students of tise School of
• Commerce and the Model Class. Every
One welcome.
Willis Churc'lt.
There was a meeting of the Church
Trustees on Monday night. •
On Sunday evening Mr. George
Speedie, general secretary of the Up-
per Canada 'Tract Society will preach,
Wesley Church.
On Sunday morning Mr. George
Speedie, general secretary of tate Up-
per Canada Tract Society will preach.
The subject "Resolved that those
who stay at hone and engage in pro-
dutcion pursuits are serving the Em-
pire as well as those who go 10 the
front" will be debated next Monday
night in Wesley church Epworth Lea-
The pastor's subject 00 Sunday even-
ing will be "The Elder Brother."
Rally Day will observed by a union
Sunday school service in Wesley church
by the two Methodist churches on Sun-
day, Sept, 3011),
b dt
Patriotic Notes
2 000frStL^dSQa000eedP0P.`®000OdDtS1®000
As a result of the business meeting
held by the W, P. S. last Friday, the
ladies are asked to keep in mind the
following itenns:
tet -Tire Annual Meeting will be
held a week from Friday, September
28th. A nominations committee 0051 -
posed of the Presidents of the Ladles
Aid of each church will have charge of
the duction of officers.
2nd -The Society will always he
pleased to give socks to any mother
who wishes to send'them to her boy at
the front.
3rd -Om' monthly' collections have
decreased to such an extent that it is
felt some new system will have to be
adopted to meet our financial require-
ments. From Oct. 1915 to August
1916, the amount collected was
111012.00, '!'Isis year for the sante
period only $659,.5 hag been received.
'The ladies are asked to consider this
matter and 10 come with suggestions
to the annual meeting, '
4ltt-There will be no meeting this
At Goderich Feir,
The special detachment of soldiers
at the London camp, which had given
the musical ride al the London Fair,
last week, wiil .appear at the Goderich
Valli' next week, 'rile appearafhee of the
London troopers 15 eagerly watched
for there,
iluys Farm in Morris Township
The Brussels Post reports the sale of
't fares as follows: -The Jas. McCraken
farm 5th line, has been sold to a Mr.
Cook from Clinton locality, who gets
possession this fall,
Mr. Ernie Jackson, who has suld
his home on lasac street, has rented
Mrs A. Beacon's house on the corner
of Ontario and Wiliam Street and
will "take possession shortly,
Made Favorable. Impression
Kincardine Reporter: -11, C. D. Bris-
towe, A.L.C.141., late of Clinton, the
new organist and choir leader of Knox
church,. presided at the organ last
Sabbath at both services, and made a
very fevs,rable impression
Purchased House
Mr, John T. Crich, of Tuckersnith,
who bas s,dd his farm has purchased
the house and lot of Mr. Ernie Jack-
son, Issac street, and will take posses-
sion next month. The New Era wel-
comes them to town,
Send in The !'dews,
The New Era welcomes news items
tri its columns. If you know of any-
thing t".l spicing in your l .lip, gat
us know sand we will este4m it a plea-
sure. The letter Ilex k ,u.::n•s at your
dtspesel. 1\'e .. e here to pul'hat the
ne w's.
Gots to Indiana Church:
Saugeen presbytery met at Bengston
on friday- and granted translation to
Rev. W. T. Pearcy, 11.,1.. from Guthrie
church, Iiarristou, and formerly of 1...n.
desebsn-o Church, to the lirst 1'i e I
terian church, New Albany. hu na. t
delegate from Guthrie church told of
the faithful service of Mr Pearce ds
ing his pastorate of nearly ik,o
and id their 1(1:.11 1.1 retain 111111 s
their minister, but in view of the raider
field offered, they Screed to release
him. Members of the presbytery told
of their esteem for the col proal yter,
and of what his fellowship hal Meant
to them, Mr. Pearcy is released fr, ns
Isis charge the 23rd inst. Rev, .1, 11.
Lemon, B, A., of Clifford, was ,tppoitn-
ed intehim moderator at the request of
the congregation.
A -Patriotic Bazaar.
The Poring Ladies Patriotic Auxiliary
purpose holding a Wester in the 'Town
Hall, on Nov, loth, the proceeds t., be
used in expenditure fur Xmas parcels
to be sent to Clinton buys overseas.
Many new and attractive features will
be offered, one of them being a rum-
mage sale to be held in the Council
Chamber. Any "white elephants"
readers may have stored away, will be
gladly received by the Soeie[v for their
rummage sale, acceptable articles arti-
cles ranging all the way tron1 a piunalo
to. knitting needles. further particul-
ars regarding the Bazaar will be given
On the interests of our boys over-
seas, a sock shower will be held by the
Society. A committee has been form-
ed to canvas the town, and wool will
be supplied to all available knitters,
the socks to be handed in by October
25th. The town will be divided into
two pawls, one half competing against
the other for the lamest showing of
socks knitted. The losing side will be
forced to pay a forfeit in the form of a
lea served to the winners. St, And-
rew's and St. James' wards will Have
socks tied with blue ribbon; and St.
George's and St. John's with red rib-
A pleasant feature of the meeting,
Sept. 13th, was a handkerchief shower
for Miss Olive Couper, the edicient ex -
President of the Society, prior to her
departure for California. Miss Cooper
in a few words of thanks showed her
delight in the surprise and in the ap-
preciation of the Young Ladies for her
efforts during the past year.
All members of the Society are es-
pecially asked to be present at the
next meeting when appmintnnents 10 the
different committees 101 the Bazaar are
to be made.
Huron Co. Red Cross and War C. A.
D.ec, 1916 County Grant. , . , $ 25.00
June 1917 Countygrant,,,, 100.00
c, 1916, Mrs, Fitton, Sec...115.
c. 1916, Mrs, Hamilton, Pres 10.
ne 1917, Miss Essery, Exeter 5.
Miss Alien, Goderich 4.
Mrs, Axon, Clinio;t 12,
Mrs. Gardiner, Blyth 6.
Miss Brown, Tress 2.
Delegates dinner,,, 3.
ly 01 Mrs. Fitfols, Sec :. 5.
'total 1163131
Aug t917 tial, on hand #01.19
Byron .rlenitarin%a Fsssut
Total receipts #1042,71
Total expenditure . , 1000.00
Bel, 031 hand 1 42.77
Guerra 1?, Brown,
• Treasurer.
A Pere of Gula.
Mrs, Le l'cn.eli'l •.:11, 11,44 he:n :n
,.live ,,.oleo iu :,t i'1•1, 'burin
choir, e..s prey.eseed 'ells a leve „1
e.,1,1 1, the e h u r h m .. r, t e•
1 recieli l of ther t, d her
net' 1111' a niline ,01 in :.ii cher'h ,
fa.. .`.Ir:, Le Pe ,tier '1 „-est
in Pee Pre,:bste,lais chose!! .at t,cat-I
T-- ol:ere' Coav : ion Here
c,,neeielee 1':.•t
lip; 'fiaceer. •
h,•.; in , •Neto 1
Mee Cb 'er 1101 ane 5141.1
1 riecipa I 5l, ti t u tate
t.,,, t, will be er.e..eni .0. ,1 tke
thlr. titoit 1
h, ,10 :ir,aed l.0 tae :.t Ih
. essi,nl.
Ennw Clinton
While one 01 y,eine
men were Si.uuiinr, ,u tl1'
atd•.n v.hile lee t'.lint 1 t ilti; f nd
was lmine up for its p;:sutc , .t:.i-, •1'
ahnl:lside flim Seised -(:here is th.tt
n:1.1 from." on being, told Clinton, 111.1
stranger said " 'Clinton!' lth vee that's
where .1n1n lbautrlorct
what did he leo., reference t..:
District Meeting Today,
The Goderich District meeting .,1 the
Methodist church is tieing held in Wes-
ley church today. Sessions are at o.3u
and 2 O'clock. NO,. Mr. Sasw'ell, of
Toronto, representing the Educational
Department of the church is to be one
of the speakers of the day. Rev, .1. A.
Agnew, 01 the Ontario St. church,
Chairman of the District is in charge.
U. C. Bible Society
Rev. Air, ilassard, representative of
the Upper Canada Bible Society ad-
dressed a public meeting in Wesley
(:!lurch on Hondaevening, Ile gave
sante facts frees first knowledge in re-
gard to the great work the Society
is doing in aiding missions, in trans-
lation of the Bible into different ton-
gues, in free distribution and by sales
at cost fur the spread of the Scriptures.
Routley -Cook Wedding.
A pretty wedding took place on Wed
nesday nl Ibis week when Atiss Gladys
youngest daughter of Mr. anti Mrs.
Frederick Cook of town was united In
marriage to Air, Guy Everett Routley,
G."I',R, agent at Bright. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. J, E. Nogg.
The ,Young couple were attended by
sirs. A. Steep, of 'Toronto and Mr.
Ma tsslield S. Cook, of town, The New
Era extends congratulations to the
young couple.
Married in Goderich.
Wednesday 'limping of this week,
at the Knox church manse, Goderich,
Rev. 14, C. McDernsid, united in mar-
riage Miss Alma M. Walters, second
daughter of \1r. and Mrs, Charles Wal-
ters, Goderich, and Mr. Bert T. Reid,
of Clinton. The bride wore her trav-
elling dress of navy blue with hat to
match. After the wedding dinner at
the home of the bride's parents, the
happy couple left on 5 motor trip to
Toronto, Oshawa, Niagara Falls and
other places. The bride received a
large number of beautiful presents. A-
mong those in town for the event were
Miss Gladys Mann and 31r. William
Walters of London and Air, Robert
11eid of Clinton, father of the groom.
Go their return the happy couple will
reside in Clinton.
Trains from East.
rrive 11,10 8,511, Leave 11.17 a, m,
rrive 5.5 3 p.m, Leave (1,45 p.m.
rrive 11.18 p.m, Leave 11,18 p.m,
Trains from West
rrive 7.33 a.m. Leave .7.33 2.01.
rrive 2.58 p,1xt. Leave 2.58 p.n1,
Trains Pon South
Arrive 10,30 a,t¢1. Leave 11.10 5,151,
Arrive 6.40 $tam. Leave (1.40 p.m,
Trains from North
Arrive 7.33 Soret. Leave 7.50 Sats.
Arrive 4.15 pail. Leave 4.15 p.m.
r'' i1 n
Ours is' the store that serves you as goo&
tis any for Books and perchance a little bettor
for General Supplies. We try to make titin {;
occasion a mutual advantage, of course,. 1' t
an advantage to us to have your trade and. -'
believe its 141 equal advantage to you to sectrIl t
What we oiler at the price..
maaassassesemousammastouversamassramassewo vn •x�nx.t:«
Often the eheapest- Riiway'R the
F1asaaA' ata ssawnmmiv
0 :.�P».,..,,,., mesa mmrceiner.
A Tested Lens -
An Accurate Shutter --
Simple Operation --
Good Pictures ----
Ail these are assured when you purchase aKoltalo
Anybody can take good pictures with &Kodak or Brownie. foie:
have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show yo :
how easy they are to use.
-We do developing and printing and guarantee good results. -
T. E .. ... 077`.,.,
Despensing Chemist
tmr �r unsin s�+sasNivosctaemat ^a`sue ay: v::rorrra,veorgrrr.-•
„mama,P.Y:%Ty R4'd1LiG'CSY!:91GIL6^JC4}9)50.�,95*M:314G[I¢ST.9'16'0115:YG'161'¢l-YMlIIS1Cr6A,'CJPl4-"^'^�"'�'^^"^°`M11CIlF>i4NM1M1•YVDyM.
The Features cit, ! r::2;°
u l rre,a,
T'0 \phiclt we invite epeeia,l
are its beauty, its 1t.:sure 1 ns+rn;-seas.
!olid ru1,slructicn, end as 1
timed prices. Any one :,l' t:' ..-
could i„' culiieient 11 ear ':
pt•e orence." Jhe they eve
tweet we feel .tot loft r
that. this is a furniture b15311;„ ,.
trinity you ce.nnot .'r:oed to ig : .. .
et r ee t�'• ^t.� Ella
r1"ereetker and Funeral 1101s-et'ta". 8°3s01e '3*Y
7:'.;,b•;1,t ;'.rift ,: nodal} Calls answered at Resid/'nco over Btmi
,n• 7}� f (M
fl had �'r i Et fa, n
Work 0
"Live a ad L,ea
1 The In rninC cup of Sae ee
Bow the delicious broe eee.e.
whets your appetite. tones u3• s.o i
tent and puts the brain in eoee :eer
to do good wore..
There's hat of good cull
world, and pill can get it ev I
if you ten to right place. 1L.: 11.rv"
gond coffee in abundance. Nee.
buy any thine eke. The we.. 1:•
treated before it reaches your rear .
great deal to do with its g,:,,•w:, r';
All iflds I()n=,ns
Leave your artier now oefore prices i
Thosalt4d4wkllltcl A:3
OM, •t1
Plumbing land Heating o o
&'Rorie 53 PRONE 26.
Shop -over Iltoe7'latnd's Hardware
This House Of Good Shoes
Asks The Consideration of
People Who Care For Shoes
ij f Special Merit And The
Best Of Shoe Values At Any..
Stated Price
motto` ilMS•CuwtfdSrufi.SaPRPis'4'A,T.4R;O ORSAII 8bIM:u014 XILIT'DE1iESl1^,SSn7tt4'fEl SZTMO,MITZL ST.in
h i ,ie J'P+1e r 4aSON,
Satisfactory Shoes
Quick Shoe Repairs