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The Clinton New Era, 1917-09-20, Page 5
$408tla,>t,• Sep'tpialber alibi, 1917 With ,nothing but first quality meter- ':elaused In every detail :of their •construction, It 15 smelt wonder that sIlt'LGINA W A T•C t •11 S have attained so high As repute - tion ,for •perma- nent reliability. 1811 tSff1 TABLETS I nesday last sustaining some very pain- ful bruises and also breaking one of his hips. Mr. Isaac 13ruttII, who has been the agent for the Ford car here for a num- ber „t ye;irs, has quit the business and Messrs. ,Moore. ik 'Taylor, who have had a •<ara t, her ee for some tune,' have taken the agency, Thele is likely to he trouble in con- nection with the, seizure of liquor at the residen•cv of Mr. dames Burn some time ago. V,'hen the case cone latera Magistrate Andre`,vs, ut Clinton, h,• dis!i issea it, and n,gilered the liqu'.rr returned to Burns. who now tLo,utit his solicitor, Air. Uanccy. of riod+•rich, has issued uriic against ,11a;sr; t sit' t;liu1.'n X. McMillian. i,t Se.t- torth; in.d V✓. Fellow. of Goderich, for unstated damages, and the else will et+iite up at the fall ;,sits' at lis -.(oriels. 5 i sty tediting- - was s solemsigel at St. Andrew'smanse. Sloth. on Tues- day afternoon, when R., George fordu i. ea ,a marriage to BessieC •,:c, eldest daughter of 'sir. Junes Wells. a liullctt,Mr. cleorge 1. McCall, .d Morris. After the ceremony the h'ayp•, couple went 0n .01 .11110 trip to London and ,cher places. When they return they will live- on the grot1115 farm in Morris. 'ihe bride .vasa ver: p0putar and always took an active part in chw•:h .,ud patriotic work, THE tLJN.TO.N NEW ERA. DI T: I T NEWS WIN.GHAM Dr. R L, Stewart who recentlyun dement an operation is taking t two weeks holiday. His condition is sat- isfactory, A lady demonstrator from the On- tarso department of agriculture will give a demonstration in canning fruits and vegetables in the Council chamber uu the afternoon of Monday, Sept, 24 at 3 o'clock. EXETER. Mr. E. Knight; of Usborne, received I word that his son, Trooper Reg. Knight h'ld been seriously wounded. Pte, Fred Shaddock, son of James Shaddock, of London, formerly of Ex- eter, is reported 'to be suffering from gas poisoning. Mr, J.A, Stewart received two letters from his son, Pte, Douglass Stewart, who was reported as gassed and`wound- ed, hi the letters the young soldier says his wound is near the knee and is slight. He expects to be oti' duty only a short time. BRUSSELS. • Ideal weather favored the Walton School•Fair held Wednesday afternoon and as a result there was a very large crowd in attendance. 'There was a good entry list and keen competition was displayed in all the children's games. In the evening a good concert was held in the church sheds, Capt. Barclay, of London took the church services in St. John's church on Sunday. The following Sunday the . new rector, Rev. Mr. Sinith, is expect- ed to be here. Archie McLean, of Grey township, received an official message stating that his son, Pte. Allan McLean, died on September 41h as the result of wounds received some time previously, He was a member of the 161st Battalion, - SLYTH. Councillor Henry ilorney had the misfortune to fall from •t load of grain while working on his farm on wed- �6 E S x:. l:ug,nc Vaillano-aurt, St. Ma - writes. My baby suffered 9Nasty from constipation so t began .ossa;:; ?.::,by's Own Tablets. 1 was sur- "'is,:n.$ with the prompt relief they gave 1111W 1 •always keep them in tiiti• ?`+:.s•.' Lance a mother has used LaYu`w >:ntvn Tablets for iter little ones cz: 4:--.-av: 1:1•,n; a supply on hard for !dad a'a:.t trial c"uvincos her there is n:arr.n 1n.e.la:'l them is keeping her r_s^t}0' wall. 'The Tablet, are sold i'•'tineiFeina .:was or 1••, ui;il at 2L` u% lite I1: William's' ,'oci:sille. tint, A his ri!••seetad resident <ICred-. tcos persini Ia the late 'Airs. Wit- !M.-dz. sassed to the great be- .er103 at the advanced age of 3o years 211• : asolin: flax puller which liielt- W.i's,:'^ ti0111ins are using this sea- st.151.1,,mund Crediton is givieg excellent • ausiteni,,n. Ind will nodoubt, replace hr. .hand pulling in the neighborhood 211•. rc tone. ' 'Ilia inrilltn, lames Riley, who eacap- »$ 1:a a ct-.ustahie : t liansall Si; by 15 tltpin5 truss tate 'ms been arrested in `"rnlat and HULLS s T tit$:.r to i..,n%ion in stand his trial for Getter +..•t read; for the t is t1 s iEet:.. aaali;,,. oy ,til attend the Sealer.. Fair Now in Good Health Thr ' ugh t se r f Lydia Eo Pi khami's Vegetable Compound. Say it is Household Ne essity. Doctor Called it a Miracle„ .All women ought to know the wonderful effects of ^.'mking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on °.csse.\rho seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases: Harrisburg, Penn.—" When I was single I suf- fered a great deal from female wealutess because my work compelled me to stand all day. I took Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound ler that and was made stronger by its use. .Ater I was married I took the Compound again for a female trouble and after three months 1 massed what the doctor called a growth. He said it was a miracle that it came away as one generally goes ,under w the knife to have them removed. I never ant to be without your Compound in the house"—Mrs. FRANK KNOBL, 1642 Fulton St., Harrisburg, Penn. aredIy Able to Move. Albert Lea,1Iinn.—" For about a year I had sharp pains across • any back and hips and was hardly able to 'novo around the house. ",kg, bead would ache and I was dizzy and had no appetite. After ...:Ikitig 1rydia'E. Pinkhann's Vegetable Compound and Laver Pills I zra feeling stronger than for years. I have a little boy eight months .aiwl. owes am doing my work all alone. I would not be without your 'ten's*.*'Jigs in the' house as there are none like them."—Mrs. F. E. 17' r, 61.1 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn. Three Doctors Gave Her Up. Biu Pittsburg, Penn.—" Your medicine has helped :l asxir aonderfttl1p. When I was a girt 1.8 years old I was always sickly and delicate and suffered. from :aa'ettilarities. Three doctors gave me up and-satd. would go into oonstunption. 1 took Lydia H, • "f.silrham's Vegetable Compound and with the third 'kale began to feel better. I soon became regular • ,tsiard l: got strong and shortly after I was married. Now I have two nice stout healthyehildron and am ,sfts £o work hard every clay."-Msn.•Cnr isxmu'iA .3:11:4rixnrtro,84Gardner St.,Proylfill,l'ittsburg1t'onm A.lt wotnion aro invited to write to the Lydia M.1Plnlirhaiw Medi. 141kiro Co., Lynn, m[Rse., rtor sipeoial 10,4•0ko,—it will be eoinitd©ntial on 'Tuesday, London was the centre of attraction Mr. Win. Stevens had a serious loss last Thursday night when he had three horses killed by the special train for London. The horses broke out of the field and got onto the track Mr, Thomas McMichael, the well- known horseman of this township, has been appointed Government Judge to act at the fall fair in Essex on Sep- tember 20th, at Brigden fair; on Oct- ober 2nd and also at, Alvinston fair on October 9tlt Mr, and Mrs. Joseph 11. Wheatley, of Mullett, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Elizabeth Flor- ence, to Mr. John 1'. Knox, also of Piull- ett, the marriage to take place in Sep- tember. GODERICH. Lieut. G. R. Elliott, son of Mr. G. M. Elliott, arrived home from England, and after a short visit will go to Cal- gary. Prior to enlisting Lieut. Elliott was employed in the civil service at Calgary as a civil engineer. 1•le cause East in charge of a cycle corps, and, after training at Niagara falls left for England in charge of a corps in Jan- uary, 1916, When that branch of the service was disbanded he was detailed as instructor in the signalers in the various training camps. His trip home was quite unexpected, his orders ini- CASTOR IA For Infants and Children hn Use Fur Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of ,esgOm43-ar,IERSCC. ADailyTreat— Treats— Always Acce table and. De.licous,, , LAD " The Tea of all Teas s 182 ]Back" Green I Get a package and enjoy or Mixed J a cup of Tea "In Perfect/ plyingtelling Irina to report for duty at Calgary. Just what these duties are Lieut Elliott does not say, but presum- ably it is for instruction purposes when cd'nscription comes into force. Mrs. Lucy Smith of this town, has been officially notified that her son, Pte. Leslie Clifton Singh, infrantry, has been wounded but is remaining on duty. Pte. Smith enlisted in a Toronto battalion early in the war and has been at the front since spring. HENSALL The Indian flax pullers, having fin- ished their work, left here during the past week for their homes in Muncey and neighboring places. Harvest home services were con- ducted by the rector, Rev. Mr, Moore, in St. Paul's church on Sunday. Hensel! school has been graded this tall, which, with the large number of scholars on the roll in a village of this size, will simplify the work for the teachers and will give the pupils a better service, as more time can be devoted to the classes in this man- ner. Miss Edna McDonald will shortly en- ter upon duties In- the Stirling Bank Isere. mc+mo-mranar�.vssmr_MMrf cn;7mermaroaxrumxs. During the past week a number of, business men have been out in the country assisting the farmers to har- vest the heav$I crops. The help given by the business 'men was much ap- preciated by the fitrnters. Miss Jessie Buchanan, financial sec- retary of the Rebekah Lodge, of Odd - fellows for a couple of years or so, was presented recently by' the officers of the lodge with It handsome little brass clock as a token of their appreciation of her services, She is leaving here to engage as at nurse. Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. To restore that strength andstautinathat is so essential, nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott's Umulsion, be 1 cause its strength -sustaining nounsh- i ment invigorates the blood to distribute energy throughout the body while its tonic I value sharpens the appetite and restores. health in a natural, permanent way. lc , If you are run down, tired, nervous, 1 overworked or lack strength, get Scott's I F,muision to -day. * At any drug store. Scott 3e nawne, Toronto. Out. mascraa. comae xwsnuv®oea „....... ................. l"ACxh $ '' ..,.,, ' Now is the Time for a Clean up of Summer Goods 4 , With the prices steadily advancing, these lines wilt be found good buying. We must make room for the new Fall and Winter goods now coming into stock. About 2 doz House Dresses, mostly 'sizes 34 and 36,' worth $1.50 to $1.75, your choice for $1.00 200 yards Dress Ginghamns, plaids and stripes, worth 20 and 25 cents a y,ard 15c A few Wash Skirts left in White and Stripes. Regular $1.50 for $1.19 82.00 for $1.38 About 2 dozen Children's Dresses, worth $1.00 for 63c 3 Dozen Ladies' Gowns, long or short sleeves,' nice fine cambric and well trimmed. Extra value at $1.25 Odd Lines of Shoes to Clear at remarkably attractive Prices Plumsteel Bros. Small l'rolits Phone 25. More 13nl51110N DATES OF FALL FAIRS Myth Brussels Gorrie Winghant Seaforih Sept 20-21 Goderich Sept. 26-28 Oct 2-3 Oct 4-5 Oct 6 - Oct 9-10 Lucknow Sept. 27-28 A local tennis tourney was played ' Teeswater Oct 2-3 off at the C.C.I. grounds on Saturday. -•w 4"'•••t, • /`:: I:,.,,,:m ;:rnai C'r,l' o6 tz' '> 3c Secd of ort Ypres. `f.. c rr Ypres .1.ot��p rd Ls_:h .,p. .. .. .ay r'Y� ��w,,��+.§ if. `.fin r"�J ��1: v.O `V C1,'� ...`' xsit f�'ilAt":3. 'lar gasr, attack 22, 1915, exalts all By it our men were r» 1.. :.fi•,.:gured and the ".sten y an , x n-khable Soil of Canada ......:;'rte of these Heroes of b" es tuberi1., Givenchy, Somme, ", r: -.-aye and the Death- "OM eath" 'iY Ccntemp'iibles°5-.,a +,' c beseech you, Women Of Canada, to Dedicate u'onrzelves a.nd your Faniilies to War Service by signing the F .sod Service Pledge. The sacrifice isnot great. We merely want you to ,u ns2atate other foods for part: of the white Ef'ond, be ff and bacon your family now eat. "What f: lio.va alrno - d-- e des- cription. The cn ffect of those i- o.••••t ons gases was so v;ralent as to rsr_tr-:,r he s 011ole of Ono line held by t:'ua e'?•ench Division practically in•.npa'ale c. any ati".7ii:in at ail. 'The Stand of the Canadians "The left flank of the Canadian Division was thus hit dangerously ex- posed to serious attack in flands, and e•t,i •e appeared to bo a srospect of their being o1erwhelmecl and of a successful rtl'itrpt 1',y the Gersnans to csst off, the },.taus,; troops occupying the salient to cha East. "In spite of the danger to which they were exposed the Can.;aclii.ans hold their ground with, a magnificent display of tenacity and courage; and it na not too much to say the bearing and conduct of these s lenclicl troops averted a dia. aster 'which inigbt have been attended with the shoat serious consequences." s." From Sir John French's Seventh Despatch, General Headquarters, 15tis Jenne, 1915, : verpri 71,7 T i l I '1 The e U:o'n''ryi:t Pledge of C ornc:df,t's Mothers to Her St.1hi.3. When baking age one-third oatmeal, corsa, barley or rye flour. Os', order 5017:13 IN own bread f:iom your -bi„lrea' each day, Substitute for 3.-,eof and bacon t~ foods suchsuchegi>xaYly nutritious 't� ,�i3til.a as fish, peas, lentils, potatoes, nuts, bananas, etc. Third, and this isi3io t im- portant --- positively prevent the waste of a single ounce of food in your home. A Food Service Pledge and Window Card has been or will be delivered to you. The Pledge: is your Dedication to War Service—The Window Card is your Emblem of Honour. Sign the one and display the other. moan's Auxiliary, Organization of Resources Connmittee, in Co-operation with The Hon. W. J. Hanna., Food Controller, 1 f 2Li p Servic w1e5 =e 119 is 0