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The Clinton New Era, 1917-09-20, Page 3
1 k11u'seliiy> Septeinher 2 Qua,: i9 '17 THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Fancy F a cy Prices Will be paid by us i u lltg the e heliume of September FAT .HENS LIENS FAT CHICKENS end FAT DUCKS Our position in Montreal enables us to meet all competition hs poultry prices for the Jewish feasts which will last for the balance of the month, We want ALL your live poultry at top prices. Sell NOW while prices are high. The high prices that are expected for new laid eggs this winter will pay you for the necesary care of your flock of hens, �/y�•aol-Iia �Co.,aic- & Co, Iti ited fi lalill The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone 190 <1AAAda,aa♦saaisaAa a4aapst®ttaan 41 tew P it !. Banos 4 Oi080414.4 �, See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, special values 6n Art Lases Pianos and organs rent ed. ..:`lojc:: new Edison phc:nographs, Music & va: icer e :. ds. • '.i yid' Emporium ,4▪ 1floraet'Q'. J▪ Ct�"VtiC m e reflac sesAAray+,SeiROad Artiest aPer5s4r'tl1e rg+R' W% fi 1 I therole to have your IS Furnace overhatdled or a new one installed. A number of second hand stoves in good repair, I Electric Wiring and Fixtures Byam OR Sutter Plumbers and Electricians Phone 7. eeareedveospeseeeeoeNseseseevseseeessieesee Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you ate getting, Yon veal never be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the most eronnmical. That bas been said en often that everybody by this time should know it -and yet; there is no scarcity of (abeap jewelry in the land BARRISTER Bo1,IOI 'OI3 VOTARY PUJU4O,omemo d'O R B le. H 'L_ Cie6'9HH3LiSrh 1Jonnepnnee, Neksary Public, 0 , Oo irnIstioner, etc. REAL ]ESTATE AND INSURANCE Iesoer of MarelageIacensee. Heron St., Olfnton, H. T,' R A N O q,:. Notary Polite, Oouveyanaer, Financial and Real Estate INSURANC1r AQ1aNT-B0 nreeentiue i4 Fire In enl'apoe Comt)anios., tbivision t)onrt Office. Piano Tuning Mr, James Doherty wishes to in- loran the public that he is pre- pared to do line piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, . Conveyancer, Etc Ofliee on Albert Street, occupied by £dr. Hooper, In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Office hours from P a,m. to 0 p m. A good vault in connotation with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will snake any oppointments for Mr. Cameron, Now to get personal -if you would like to mise that sort:altogether- ea)ME HERE If you would like to buy where nothing hut high qualities are dealt in -COME HN RE , And even at that, no person ever' said our prices were unfair Medi,l,aI. 31t 411. W. THOMPSONB Pbyeioian, Surgeon, .rte oneelal attention given to diseases of the Ere. Ear, Throat, and Nose. PSyeo Is otully sagsitloancr suitable glasses Once and Residence. rwo door; west or the Commercial lista Boron St, W.R. counter Jeweler and Optician; Issuer of Marriage Licenses 101tS. Oi,l.'IOfk and GA t3I3I 11 SH, vf. (.amt, L. It. C, I'., L. R. C. a.. 1441 Dr, Conn's aloe at residence High Street 1q' .1 C. Candler. BA. IU.10, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight calls at residence, Rattenhnr+ St, or at boiuital 'DR. F. pi. ANON rsk ITr:9r Croon oma uridge work 0 Specialty. Graduate of 0,0.0,0•.. Chicago, and 13,0,0.19 Toronto. IS/1311e111 nn nondays, 81st lei. tell FOlti) & 91eL1:1)D We're naw selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). OR. i4t.tlllirlt�ellG, Offices over O'NEIL'E store, Bpeoial care taken to make dental tree' meat ear painless ae possible. THOMAS GUNDP.,, Live stock cord general Aurtion.oe OO€DEF'lOH ONT I';eat0t03.0 sales a somata). (Men , " NEW ERA orfce,, rv.m, t,y aol • • `o Ternra reasonable, Clinton,k armere• sale discounted P -toff;. Gesir M. l'i ti� l9tl t'.Y [y t�i.0'tu1:1s.0 Osteopathic Flue. Speci'sliets in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office_Rattrattbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday. 7 to 11 p,m, We &leo have on hand, Alfalfa Alaike, and Ned Clover. VPs always have, on hand --Goose (Wheat, POW, Marley and I"eed Corn MOO* 'Market 'Pelee'a pia d 5or Ray end mild tCln'saians G. D. Mc'Caggers M. 15, McTaggon BANKERS ALBERT ST , Ua1NT'i,.t • • i..r41nna''al flanking, Bsaetat ee • trecentsoctoa r.4o'i ist DISCOUNTED Drafts loaned. Interest showed c denoeitg The t. lilt ) AlrilttgjJ;l Fire insurance eco Parti; and Isolated Tows pimps erty Only losa*erell. Bead ONlice-Seaforth, Ont Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents •, Alex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward Hinchtey, Seaforth; Wnt, Chesney, Eg- ntondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Directors Wm..Rtnn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newel's, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. McBwan, Clinton; James Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Geo. McCartne, No. 3, Seaforth. A Carlos' of t allatia • WHOM MIMI i'hf►ne us or prices It will pay you John 'Hutton LON DISBORO ilk SUFFER WITH PAOIKAOWIE, EOM MI hEW14TISM NQ I Letter Ma v+'.LottJ4oe1r¢J1for rreaoripttes , ,Dear ,ijcad}rre-l.f •Lean do any. goo ; n the world for others, I wish to do i1, 1sd X feel that it is In duty to writq,ah It f the war dor 1 resultsl received arum i ui 1 e r x ,1}. use f Amato o was a fI r t �) .. �i p art, Ia eh fr o kidney and bladder 'troubles, eceld4 urine, backache and rheumatism, wile fee and ankles swelled • so that at tittles' l: could nee walk. without asslslanee. Bad taken"'several different 'icitailggof kidney remedies but all failed, 1lent for a box of Dr. Pierce's newest al's- coveryy, "Anuric," which `I reetsived -ppy mail in t51)let form. I soon got better and am convinced that tins popull r new medicine is good. 1 ',p new roli- ommend it to my neighbors and :every. body suffering fromsuch troubles;. '+ Mas. Id. J. SAztensr.. Norm: You've all undoubtedly heard of the famous Dr. Pierce and his well- known• medicines. Well, this presefw p - tion' is one' that has been successfully used for many ,years by the Physicians and epeelalists at Dr. Pieroe's invalids: Hotel and'Surgloal Institute of Bu'1taio, N. Y., for kidney complaints, and. dis- eases arising from disorders of,the 'kid - nays and bladder, such as backache, weak back, rheumatism,dropsy,'conges- tion 'of the kidneys, inflmmatlon• of .the bladder, scalding .urine, and urinary troubles. Up to this, time, "Anuric" has net been on sale to the puhlle, but.. by the persuasion of many, patients. and the increased demand for this wonderful healing Tablet, Doctor Pierce has finally decided to put it into the stores, or send 10 cents for large trial• package, or 50 cents for full treatment. Simply aslc for Doctor Piercers Anuric Tablets.Tbere can be no Imitation. " Every package of "Armee is sure to be Dr, Pierce's. 'You will find the signature on the package just as you do ,on Da Pierce's Favorite'Prescriptfon, the ever- famous . friend to ailingwomen, and Dr, Pierce's, Golden Medcal Discovery, proven by years to be the greatest gen- eral tonic and reconstructor for any one, besides being the best blood -maker known. GIRLS SERVICE BADGE Three Months' Service on Farm En- titles to Honor For patriotic service on the farms of Ontario, the Government has au- thorized and will shortly issue buttons to the girls who have gone out and worked on the farms to increase pro- duction this year. truss MacRobert, of the provilciii employment bureau, London, Ont., has received a letter from Dr. Riddell, sup- erintendent of the trades and labor t branch of tit e department of public works, in Toronto, saying that the buttons for girls who have engaged in farm wurk are ready for distribu- tion and will be supplied on applica- tion. The condition on which the girls are entitled to the decoration SCsi as follows: Three niutiths school credit on ab- sence while helping on a farm during this ,)'ear I'hrse mounts active service on n f'ar'm, • Service in helping lite farmers to' pick fruit of three weeks duration. T'Ithe c tee lulu a tight ofI t v e r It i l s Gy g to clahn these badges may no so by making application to Miss. MacRobert at the Provincial Governinent employ= Intent bureau, on Dundas st, .The buttons which will be jsstierl are very--sln»liar to those recently authorised for boys and are handsome bronze badges suitably engrossed with bucolic Insignia YOUTH'S DREAM .(J. W. Plewes, Chatham) sun dreaming to -night of the golden times nen 1 spun at the web of fate, WW1 a mind attuned to pulsing rimes, Titltt seemed on my whims to Walt, When the rhythm of hope in my heart • so strong Swelled up as a full spring tide, And tit's flood of life es it surged head- long, Swept My doubts and fears aside. Then the flow of my thoughts was as wine to the soul, Giving strength that despised defeat, And the visions of victories oft would unroll Witit a splendor vivacious and sweet. But there happened a day when the rapture dispelled At the thought of a duty's demand, When. the lack of a stoutness of heart had compelled Me to give up those visions so grand. When for want of deeermined and steady control, And a steadfast conviction to win, • I betrayed the aspiring hopes of my soul - For common things. That was- any sin. And now I must pay for any guilty re - 1 . lapse From tine glorious aim to the low, No weakling endeavors, 00 fawning "Perhaps" Will avail to bring back the warn glow. May the glow and the warmth and the gladness return, With a heart and a brain all asong, Oh; to gain the lost heights where am- bition will burn, And light up my path all along. —Contributed by C. D. Bouck, Clinton. Shirtwaists can frequently .bre cut down to be used in tile dresses of small children, Busiiiltess and Shorthand Westervelt Stihl ; Y,Cf1 C Ali fu•el•- �. ., a' Y.ti&J,on, bntarib 4ilxlege rti,$es1on Sept 1st to ,1• Gataltie'ttie ?Ma, Enter adiy tang, 1, W Westorv: ; Planci•al • Burllook Blood Miters CtuliedQqA Bed Case of rr�� All skin diseases such as eczema, salt rheum, tetter, rash. boils, pitnples„and itching skin eruptions are always caused from the blood being in a bad condition, and it is impossible to eradicate thecal from the system unless you put your blood into good shape. e. Th is you can easily do by -taking that old and well known bad blood eradicator, Burdock Blood Bitters. Miss Ivlury V. Chambers, Anagance r ' Ridge, N.B., writes:' i used Burdock Blood Bitters for eczema. I had it when un infant, but it left me. Two years•ago it sante back. I used doctors' medicine, but it dad gond only utile I used it. At last my face wan nothing but a running sore. I saw in the papers what B.B.B. did for people, so I took it, and to -day I am free from that terrible disease. When I began to use it my sores lse- canle soft and dry, and then only a slight rash until it disappeared altogether. f ant thankful to -day for what it has dont for utr." B.Is 1s. is manufactured only by 'r :e T. Milburn Co., Limited, Tor':,uto, Ont. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO F'A IA HOSPITAL REPLACES TFIE PRISON FARM Former Reformatory at Guelph is Now Hardly Recognizable JO LONG YEARS SrU. "Frwt-a-Ives" Matle tam Feel As if Walking On Aar Oaterr.ie, ONT., Nov, 28th. 1014. "For over two years, I was trouhlnd with Coras<ialion, Drawsilre,ss, Lash of Appelile a,ed Headaches, One duty 1 alas, your sign Which 'reed "Fruit -a -lives make Mien feel like walking on stir," This appealed to me, sol decided to try a box. In 0 very short time, I began to feel better, and mora X/eelfia.n, I' have agood appetite, relish everything I eat, and the Headaches are gime entirely. I recomr.rtendthis pteesuart PO medicine to all my friends ". DAN MoLRAN. 60c. a box, (1 for 12.110, trial size, 20c, At all dealers or son t postpaid by Fruit - a -lives Limited, Ottawa. ded. The kitchen could not be improv- ed, huh the dining 1'Opn7 huts 130011 altered in appearadce. A separate re- creation hall is also being added, The great advantage of the institu- tion is its industrial equipment. Six- teen separate industries, Including ag- ricultural, dairying, planing mill, furn- iture shops, metal shop, bed factory, enamelling shop, welding shop, abattoir tc., are in full swing on absolutely cununercisel lines and it is in these shops that the commission, through its vocational training staff, hopes to re-educate in new occupations those Wren who have been disabled in such a manner that they cannot work at their former callings Tine 500 acres of farm land adjoin the grounds of the Ontario Agricultural College and arrangements have been made whereby the stair' of that in- stitution will co-operate in the instruc- tion work. GUdil-Pll. Ont., Aug. 25th—Septem- ber should • see occupation of the former Ontario Governnte1M institu- tion which was turned over 1' t ,Military Hospitals Commission as its chief re-education centre in Ontario for disabled soldiers. The two new wings with accommodation for 150 beds eac1 are structurally completed and equipment is on the way. The r.ld dormitories in the main building are undergoing transforma— tion. sforna- tion. Iisappearance of those portions already finished would enhpihatically be- • lie to the stranger an assertion that the bpilding had unee bergs ;t prison, All iron bars and screens and .rt n doars have been removed rov^ by the acetylene torch. Redecoration in cheery hospital tints, graceful curtains and chintz cosy-cor- of ' so altered the appearance 11� '1'S has .all 11.. ' the cells that iM is predicted there will • be keen competition anwng the pat- ients for the privelege of occupying private rooms. Of course the numb N' of these private rooms are small, as most of the former inmates slept in 30 and 10 dorntiteries with large bay windows. 'These :ds., have been re- decorated. White enamel hospital beds have been substituted for the sleeping accommodation and first class toilet and bathing equipment has bean add- °fit `; Nr; •-rseteeere ism I Wheni'y©u "feel mean" — dull, tired, nervous, bad digestion, no appe- tite— Don't you find out, atter- wards,, that your bowels were not ,rct 7g freely and naturally ? Due, of course, to a liver gone on a strike. Take two or three pills - once. that, ria:rtl •y one, arxce:.After , e until ,aur re all right. CARTE'S E►'"a tT lf»W IVER Ira PILLS lionai,7E` 4.,c@r5 'Sr,5era.S'vera 7r� s..c. Colorless faces often slow the absence of roan in the blood. CARTERS 9l'sOM(DILLS will help this Condition. Page Three 'Huron Co., Wililatn Knecbiel, of I,eadbul'y, had the misfortune b e ! hie le • an m fort of r ak n d g 6 euflering other serious • htjuries owing to the running away of the team with the hinder, Alex. I•lastie delivered to Thomas Fell at the liluevale depot here, 37 hogs for which he received a cheque for $11144,111. Pays to feed hogs. - Mrs. William McMichael, of Blue• vale, received a telegram 0n Monday ;periwig stating that her son, Lance Corp. Robert A'fcNHchael was wound- ed in France on AuguaL 21st, gunshot wounds in left thigh. Robert has been at the front since a year ago and Isis many friends trope he is not seriously wounded, 'rise Flee pulling campaign at Sea - forth resulted h) five and a third acres being pullet. The amount donated to the Jfed Cross by • workers is 527.21. The Flax Company will nay out in Seaforth and vicinity 526,000. A very pretty wedding took place at 0 A. M. on Tuesday morning in St James' Church, Seaforth, when Prather Corcoran' united in Duly Matrimony bit Harry J. Clancy, of Detroit, and Miss Rebecca Friel, of Seaforth. The Droom was formerly on the staff of the ominion 13ank. before becoming con- nected with the automobile business in Detroit, The bride is a popular young lady in Seaforth who has a host of friends. Children Cry - FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O F,I A HJENSATL,L Mrs. ,Tames Sparks was in London this week to meet her daughter, Miss Belle, who came from Brantford oe a visit here. Miss Florence Reynolds, who spent the summer vacation here with her parents, returned to Calgary last week to resume her duties as teacher, and was accompanied by her sister, Miss Beatrice, as far as London, Miss lies. sae Urquart, who also spent the sum suer vacation here with . her parents, returned tate same clay to Elon.o N. C. to resume her duties as "dean", and was accompanied to London by her sister, Miss Beatrice. WII•ICI-lAlYi. I .Mechanics from the Royal Flying Corps at Camp Borden have practically completed the loading of two airplanes which were wrecked fourteen utiles north of Winghaat. Ther• are expect- ed to return to the camp Sunday by motor trucks I a mill on Friday nor lithe. six airplanes, piloted by American aviators from the aviation branch, Am- erican Signal Corps, who were train- ing with the Royal !'lying Corps. hand- ed behind the barn on t he farm of George Caldwell, fourteen miles north • of this place, The aviators lust their way, and believed they were near the Georgian Hay when they landed. Four of the six machines effected successful • nights :after their Lending, but two were damaged, One was rising when lift: engine went dead, :tad the machine landed in ;10 apple tree. The second machine g 4 up all right, but "crashed" in a field beside the road. Both 'plates were badly damaged, bill the aviators escaped nation. 1.rute-distance cuis- nnnuka iun with ramp Horden was established, 1111l1 machulics with motor trucks were sent out to bring in the machines. Fite airplanes were taken dorm 'int Backed. LL'tle Johnston, tight year old son at Robert Johnston. alas lives 4 miles weal of Ninghun, died at Lt ,'ch c. Sunday :miming from terrible burns re. ccived Saturday afternoon. The little chap had been visiting at the home of his uncle, James Lvtle. With other hnvs he was placinc around a rubbish tire, when his clothing hecante ignited, 11rs Lvfle, hearing the screams, ran out doors, salad man:teed to smother the flames in a blanket. When, how- ever an attempt was made to remove his blouse the Ilesh fell front his budv 1n strings. Medical ,assistance was im- mediately. summoned, but despite everything which could be clone, death // They Have Brought Relief To Thousands WHY NOT YOU? 50 Cent. per box. Six boxes for $2.50 13.5 ended (be little boa's suferinge Sun- day morning._ Besides his parents the lltle boy is survived by orae brother, Elgin and one sister, biva, i : 3r0 rii Gat:. 1.64' it C5CIPJIZ ' A Bole, ret labtr, rcrm.atrn5 wnedtioine, add 1n Uwe des troa�t ,trees of etreegt1l—No. 1 TV; No. 2, 53; No. 5, 5a per b tt. Sold byoil druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of yricw, Free pamphlet. Add, int THE COOK l Eo1Cl1t5 ace, 10501170, 057. ' (formerly wloder,0 NEARLY 10,000. ol'TAWA, Sept. 10.=rite :Military hospitals commission has Issued a st- atement showing that military hospitals in Canada have a population fast tee - preaching the ten thousand stark, The last count taken un Aug. 31 shotes rhsf at that date there were on the strength of the military hospitals command 9,- 105 convalescent soldiers. Of these 7,297 are in convalescent homes, 1,606.3 in sanatoria and the remaining 341 are in general hospitals. .At the rreaent rate of return the figures of 15,0u0 sett by the authorities as the probable own - her of leen under treatment at the snit of the year will be passed by that dares. While assisting in felling tee electric light poles at Zurich Mr. Wsai, Uttlev narrowly escaped receiving sex- ious injury. Your food will continue to dis- agree lisagree with you, and cause dis- tress until you strengthen your digestive organs, and tone and sweeten the stomach. You can do this quickly and surely by promptly taking a few doses of Their natul al action relieves the stomach of undigested food„ stimulates the flow of gastric juice,icet renews news the activity oil: the liver and bowels, andl strengthens the digestive sys'i. tem. Take them with colA- dence, for 60 years' experience prove that Beecham's Pills :.re10 d fat; Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the Wov5Ji. Sold everywhere. to boxes, 25o, You will get One •Hundred cents worth for every dollar you spend in a Suit or Overcoat of and a little extra in the Style, Fit and Workmanship. They are tailored to your ion guaranteed. The Fall and Winter selection now. measure --- perfect fit and satisfact- samples are here -,.~-- Make your 1 The Morrtsh Clothing Co, Clinton r^! MNIIIMaNIMMIENIMMINIMMINM