HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-09-20, Page 2t, PAGE 2 Ready to Wear (Garments Couch &Co. Dry Goods and 1101188 furnishings. Fall Opening Display, Thursday Sept. 70th And Fallowing Days The Warren of Clinton and surrounding country are invited to view our charming display of Autumn hats,` Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dresses, Waists and Furs The charm of the models shown this season should be of unusual interest and can be de- pended upon as being exclusive The New Autumn Suits We are now introducing ad- vanced styles in new Autumn Stilts.. They are smart and com- fortable looking with the 'long coat and slightly narrower skirts, large collars with silk stitching and Braid trimming. Over fifty differ- ent styles to choose frost, New Autumn , Coats Over 100 difcr ent styles to cSo osW� from, ,whao comprise all the lea:iing style c , n:es, larger sleeves, large colla -s, bellied or slightly incurved at the waist line in ail the new cloths and shades. 0100 9( �i"GARMENTS fey w THE STORE THAT SHOWS THE NEW THINGS FIRST. ",romreceemoieasa _. r'...:_" t8..enta'JtrL12'tamncs^n",'"3409isacc,"= rur•.a"•a•n'rn-moe 3.1.1.-71=0.7x .z,�,••nns.>maser m •---�-- ,•_ •smog•- „-,-,-•....•,mmm ....•«.wenn Att' Chas. Rinker, of 1oashtvood, 11.1,1 \h'. Jas. strew. Inspector of School the mist's pie t, have several ribs i.t.l.is for three of the western pr broken by beimg caught in a felt while ince:.. a firmer Exeter Old Buy, was at work in the flax rill.. n Exeter Saturday and Sunday shaking The sale .of the estate of the latehands with rid friends and viewing Samuel Ili::::,, was held )n Saturday some of the old scenes of his hos l.,ad The two suns purchased Jon of the docs. It as over thirty-five years since 350 acres in U31`urne, The other 5o Mr. Drew left Exeter, was nut sold n +r was tete residence in At Victoria St. .\leth„dist parsonage Exeter. Gderieh, on Wednesday evening, Sept. t)urn' the past ten days tool: 12th by Rev. J. 1!. nsterhout, Edward Bros.. of sold semen 1918 seven James VniStny gond Ada Maud Pethiek passenger Studebaker touring cars. both of Seato,rth. '.', a•`1`.'.0rib`.r� dhi'M- 3rv.1'",i.' ie ereter..,11S'..�.�"'"` 1' s: iz�i:+9'd't. `lr5ii +` `�.• mos"•. "Make Pien?y of Jelly this Year" t.t arc 'tot's Extra tl a'Ge:A,Raeil Children must have sweets, and the most wholesome and economical sweets yon can pro- vide for them and the whole family 4'e delicious home-made preserves and. jellies made with ".Pure and Uncolored!' 2 and 5-1ll. Cartons; 10, 20 and 100.1b. Sacks LANTIC SUGAR is a pure cane sugar of "FINl" granula- tion spneially suitable for preserving as it dissolves instantly and haloes a clear sparkling syrup PRESF,RV1NG LABELS .PRIM Send es a reel ball trade -mark cat from a bag or carton of 150115 Sugar rind we will send you a hook of 84,, printed and gummed labels all ready for use. Address Atlantic Sugar Ilefineries, Limited Power Building, Montreal vas CANADA 1 . F I CIC BAKING POWDER CONTAINS NO 1\LUM 1018111.48111000.0111111111111111164161110 1111.119 aid( Country aa®aaaaraegnaasomaooaseetaao BENMILLER Pte. Verne Gledhill, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Gledhill, Benutiller, attended nt lldershot on July 25th for investiture by His Majesty the King with the Dis- tinguished Conduct Medal, it will be remembered that some time ago Pte. Gledhill was mentioned in despatches for gallantry, Al the time he was in the 1st Battalion, with which he went overseas. Soon afterwards he became a sniper and was engaged for several months in this dangerous work—dan- gerous because the average sniper sel- dom lasts more than a week. At the end of the period he was attached to the intelligence corps of his battalion. (fere it was necessary for him to go out to the wire entanglements every night and often to go still closer to the enemy to see what they were doing in the trenches. In his letters Pte, Gled- hill tells Of many narrow escapes stmt of exciting meetings with German pa- trols, Owing to itk nerves playing out he was sent to "Blighty" about a year ago and after a rest he joined the Army Service Corps, to which ire still be- longs. Part of the time has been spent in I`r;utce, but at present he is in Lng- I:utd, 11e is very modest about his dis- tinction and has not sent Rome any description ,d his appearance before royalty, but pictures since received from him shay the medal on his breast. ':.ODERICH TOWNSHIP 'phis t nt n It " was well represented a. Loud -n f i r last week. Goderieh lair will be the big ;tt- tractium next week. The MacLaren 1ti:pe.rial Cheese Go., lakes ,neer the fliilmesville Cheese tact `ri on tile 1st oo1 1)etober. Goeierish Si nal. --Air. Junes Con- nolly. ou- i • •a grass n Iv of 1 has sold his tit- ,t n l farms, on thr [hr7th concession ot Gnd- u It t :w.lshtl, t:, Mr. 1dntes Bond of ti dcrich 551 his scut. disports Bond, n1 tit tterich township. 'These farms have been a :attic pa:'ture for twenty -live years ,..r more and slu.utu grow •t genii crop of anything. Mr. (Richard Brod has got rnssesS:on naw' a ld is rrerar- ed ;, m a th; ,,id t;.d ,siIl plow 1,, .eta bulge po ti 5 ie it rends tar 51011. .Phis is c rt.tu1iv a step in the right dir- ection—ar.+. tel er ,15511 :. (1t1 . 'nl:a o: int ]atrnass of the harvest o::1F, a m.,ll quantity of wheat will be ': n this Hiss 1Ninn!t 51lierr. „t 'Toronto, is spending her in Itdac•: a it'u hes parents. 1lr. mid Airs. George. hiller. the I t...tnte- n t is thrown or a bait .,f ,,.tin ,:.t5 da, rceently and re - 1 1 serir,,l painful bruises. Larxe numbers took 1,, the London lair L,,:` esel 1.1 people motored dt„vn. .Alvin 1 eon aril intended the S.O.S. conrerlt - 1 to Se Borth last Saturday. 111 I crop has already been touched slightly with the frust and it \rill pot be hog before the beau oriel' \rill l.e,!ie 1 v—re n ant Mrs. Cliff Lt !,b of the 1641i e. .:ere in Seaforth an Sttnrdtt\ I.. t. Ft:ry tangier should 11,lp solve the world wheat short.t»e hr planting as eiut'h v.'hc.t :,s p' :Ill.. .5 8, M t:L.o e t Intl e r'.: Cheese V, blob i. 151,.1.1i; 1.1551the 11 dntesville t ' t. tn�•; I.oldinc a public nieetHt, I1 H0151Flail on M nd•ty evening Sept. 21111 to meet the patrons rt the tactor, mid 11 suss matters of me .t to bath. See .ttlec in another C.1011111, I.,stnhilte Stirling of P,iyteld silent the ve.'1. :ofd at Deter `Ir.Detu- gall. 1Jn:l,' a number took in the l_nn- oon Fair last w:e1., .All report :t good one this s ear. Mr. Oran Russell, of TieigCave spent the week end visiting friends in tine neighborhood, .Sir. stud Mrs. A Steam col Blyth, visit eel ,!antes Stirling on Sunday, 11r..114 airs. IL Clark and chil,.treu are yi stint the latter's lather, :Mr, A. llctiuire. School Scents, No. 8, held their an. noel picnic Saturday at the lake. A11 report a very CJtjIY,tlle time. ME FIN TROUBLES E '. 114 TON NEW EitI'L Mr. and h'll'L Boyce visited at Mr. H. Weston's on Sunday. Mr, and Airs, '1', Lane and Iuuily of S.eaforth motored to Mr, .A MgGuire'S on Sunday, LQN1W-SIBORO. The department of Agriculture have arranged with Miss D. M, Sutherland to give a demonstration in Canning and the conserving of foots stuffs, This nteethtg will be held ,in the Forester's Hall in the afternoon of Sept. 25th. All the women and girls in the neighbor- hood are Invited and a Targe attendance is looked for, The following is a list of the goods shipped from the i.ondeshoro branch of the Red Cross Society from May 1st to August 31st, and also the Treasur- er's statement for the sante period:— Shirts, 46; socks, 148 pairs; 43 pairs •of which carne from the Ladies Aid of Burns' Church and 28 pairs from the D.A.M.1.D.K. Club of Hariock. Receipts—May 1st balance on hand, $120.07; Wnt, Webster, $1; Mrs. Susan Crawford $2; Miss Watt, $3.50; Mrs. Geo. Crawford $1; Mrs. John Grainger proceeds of a t0c tea, $2.85; J Camp- bell $t; John Grainger $1; sale of ice cream $19,20; sale ,of waste paper 86; concert given by the Beigrave Dramatic Club $100.20; Mullett Council $75; total $332.82. Expenditures—Flannel $29.56; to Capt, Fingland for Y.M.C.A, work in France $75; Belgium Relief Fund $50.17; boxes sent. to boys, $79.60; wool yarn $22,20; sundries, 835,81; balance $106.08. Aran': people, both men and wo- men, suffer from skill troubles, such as ecreo:a. blotches, pimples and irrita- tion that a word of advice Is neces- sary. It is a great mistake for 'such sufferers mina these with bad complex- ions to smear themselves with atreasv uintrnents niter they could not do 5115(1ing worse, for the grease clogs the ports of the troubled ::kin and their condition actually becomes worse. When there arc pimples or erup- tions, or an irritating or itching rash, a soothing boracic sulntion may help to allay the irritation, but of course that does not cure the trouble. Skin complaints come trt.ttt an impure con- dition of the blood and will persist un- til the blood is thoroughly purified 11 is well known that 1)r, Williams fink Pills have affeeletcl the best results in many forms of skin disorders and blemishes, This Is due to the fact that these ills stake new, ricb binodd, and that this new blood attacks the impuri- ties that give rise to skit troubles and disperses them; so that 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills cure skin disorders front within the system—the only sure way. It should be added that Dr, Williams Pink Pills have a beneficial effect upon the general health, They increase the appetite. and energy and cure disease that arise ft'ottt impure blood. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by trail at 50 cents a box of six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr Wiliiains' Medicine• Co., Brockville, Tut, BRUCEFIELD. Rev. H. I. Woods gave in his resig- nation to the Session of the Presbyter- i:m church, On ticcouit of his lack of hearing he will give up the Ministry for a time. He expects to go on a farm near Petrolia. Mrs. Little and daughter, Miss Kate, of Goderieh, visited at the hone of Mrs, Murdock last week. They attend- ed the funeral of the late Clarence Kaiser. A large number of our neighborhood attended the London Fair. Airs. A. Davidson and daughter Helen have returned from the West where they 'spent the summer. LONDON ROAD. A1r. \Vm. Staubury lost a valuable cow last week. Mr, Joe, Shipley attended the Fair a'f I.nndun last week. Those who are 11rowiIt (notch Sets reports that they are .t poor crop, H. Livermore has a bruised lett hav- ing been kicEed by one .4 11 : houses. TUCKERSMITH. Se.tfsrth l air will be the altraawn this I rittap. l..n went to Ld,: It b-• ttte.1:1 the fair Thr sshni,: is keeping eve- :n: .\ire ]not T. ielt ha, s lot his; i1 11 and will hold a sale on Oct. ta:th. Sae ache. rad wpa}. 5','. I:ri.lt v. ll 0 5', to (muton. Huth `•lc anti .Mis Cinch will be n:i,sed in this . scti ,u they hate been resldents her1.,1 ...:onlber '1 vtars. PORTER'S HILL 51-, and and `lira. S. Hewitt. of Mit- chell spent Sunday at Charles McPhail's. (,suite a number itt.sneled the Fair at Lnnd,,^ I:.:•t'week. Leslie is:r:t, .Burrow 'ticU,ni:ail, (1. t,'. Potter motored down in their cars. Mrs, re 1 :lodges and ,oat 01 Luck - 111, ,.ire. 5 5 11); at (15,•055 Caudcr- l'urt:h's. .iolun Pickard is vicitin•5 his brother r. C. Pick and Miss Herman, of Clinton. spent Sun- day at Weider \,lndcrl'u: rh'.. The Ladies Aid (wilt 111551 at the home +11 Airs. w'rl. 1„hus ,n o„ Fue:- d1y, September lith Ai_i3URN. Uu Sitt,lda nrtl.u. s 't.n'I-;r 15th at 15 1tr .tot F :ai 1 1 �b,t •list mauls:, 1110 Clara Alhart.t. :.f., r_ht rr o.:t the IA., it `i illru•i Bairn:rel. of , at'uro t' , 1 • .Al. N F. 5,lU `v.-,, ui tlr':ieri:h he corn ' .1 5 wa5, :o,nducte:j by .e . Junes Wilson. 1 lie ',rid,: \'',15 her n avellili r suit of •,.••11 5 selour, 1r, 55th trimmings gs of 1 1 I,,,•1 ,s '1. I umed iah•Iw after lit, carer;'.,, Aa aed 11i'• Sallo'ss left for a trip to AI..- tci t Park. nn their return they s 1! reside ie (i Marsch, SEATORTH. Mrs. W. R. S: 1iliz has received official word that her con Lieut. \\ iili,tnt Robert Smillie. infantry. 1.,4 been ad- mitted to the hospital at Rouen ,,n Sept antl'er 6, suffering trout t ; poisoning The Seaforth iioriiccltuna Society held its 511115al Bower show int smut. - day. it w•as n to til tile snot NI ever held, :fid was attended b•. large crowds during the day ;end even - Mg. i'he exhibits were sold this year int the interests 14 the: 1net1 Red Cross 5uciets. The amount realized was Ste, WING & 3AM. On Saturday night a putt in a motor car coning home from Preston st.,n whe n near Palmerston turned out on the side of the road to let ,,1 maul carrier pass, when the auto upset badly iniurin ; four of the passeneri. The injured were: H. i;,•nail, t1155 rii,s broken: Abe Small, badly cut about the head. requiring eighteen stitches to close the wound C. Anderson. also eat als.eat the head, and the chaudTeur, A. Pit .u1 hurt about the body when the c:tn turned on tap of him. While crossing Josephine street ,'urs .luhestun was struck and knocked down by an auto (!riven by Miss Ken- nedy, who was driving in10 her father's garage. Mrs. ,inlins(on did not notice the car, She Was 1'adly bruised, but eo buttes were broken. L'ecause of the illse::s of los sister in itelleville. Rey. .1, f, Din^Hurn, of the baptist church has been hurriedly ,galled to the eastern city. During his absence on Sunday the pulpit was taken nn Sunday morning' by A. T. Cooper of Clinton and by Mr. Kerr, 01 Brussels in the evening. The choir rendered special Music. Births, Marriages & Deaths Births BRAUN—in Clinton, on Friday, Sept, 14th, 10 Mr. and Mrs, .1. Braun, a daughter. 5 Deaths C14APMAN.—in Stanley Township, on Sunday, Sept, 16(bt Wifiiam Chap - aged 82 years and 10 months, Thursday, Sep ember loth, 1017 nm ;Cs.' t< iIOI. 'e 011n 0 .. 1 u 1W51 Ia01111a1 : n OIIIIN muni"o wa rn rr:i:I SAlVtetuogtntiebtaryaPaarl;e glhcltts ar.tmomnntwtMli by ooilenltLfourtha' Nt ttn0tcSiem111.dBOWCIS9111111111Wolwl�1 t„� . • t�r1� �t `�idlTXl+t'jll�'�f'I TlterebyRmmotittdlricstio "GiteerCdtRcsattndAes Isco e►i 3 neither 0 iu1R,ilorp Minixal, No't NAMMOOTx Tat;at0Alli firl'lC 1767/111 .Bonsai+ Arc' Arise Sen.li Rltmdunrfu.farla, Tiann Mvl �Rll� qn Rrn)' tonstipallOaan Dityiri[eeal' and lrcverit,itdcilS ant" 1,0 85 OV 1 riaC fancy;' Stain gth refrce-gillafg TacSimil°Sigaetu0) Tits CZ n ComPrtrr EtONT5a11 8. NSV-Y(3RYr Enact Copy of Wrapper. Per Wants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of • In Use For Over Thiriy Peers .N,. CP.NTR„N GOSI Aerr. New VOPI,. CITY. P(.5141-,.,, t,.'o,: 1 11 REID—WAL'TERS.—In Goderich at shrapnel Inas been removed or who is Knu5 church manse, by Rev, Mr. Mc- in charge of hint. Derntid, Aiiss Alma A1, Walters, second Trusting he will honor God, his daughter of Mr.: and Mrs. Charles. Wal- friends and Country ters, to .11r. Gert '1', Reid, of Clinton. comrades how to lira. R111111.II1—11ti((K.— In Clinton un W. Doherty Wednesday, Sept, tolh, by Rev. ,1, E. and show his Hogg, Miss Gladys youngest daughter 1 isle,. and fills. Frederick took, to Mr. Guy (Routley. of Bright. SCII( NIIALS—S'TEWART, — At the bride's home in Goderieh township n 1\':dnesdSy, Sept. atilt. by Rev, Mr. \'.c+;.r•..u't. -11, le: Schoenhals nt Clinton 1t -.:+ins Eh' a. daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. John Stewart. OUR LETTER, BOX GODEPICH FALL FAIR Greater Premiums. • Mounted Military ntanouvres New Poultry house and enlarged poultry lists. New merry-go-round for the child- ren r and pa.0m other speed Splendid rico. t is ;n tour ecenisevents..1 liberal purses. All district horsemen invited Letttentb:r the dates, Wednesday 26, Thursday 27, and friday, 28th of Sept - r'* ember. laem;e:.ea about Members C.E.F. The 1,,litor of the New Era, I.,lilit.l'. Om. Lear .• r .-- 1 .5311 1,e ublived o, you it s',tl will 1.irl.11 • brio.... to the attention o1 your rider.-; the ((:ct that enquiries con. cer:dne medu'cr, 01 the t'anadian Ex- peditionary force should not be sent to 5 1511151. All moldable information eiispatclied from London, C:ucl;u;d. be cable eild stalled 1, the lie „rel ('it - t do i ntac,:1. (1 ! equcntl ' the Roo- rd i kion, in most instances is able to impart the sante information from two weeks t'' a month earlier then ,old be done by the autho titles a\tr. u1.511 en.u.'rier, theretl,re, cruicer'un¢ s'elle'rr ut th' i'aoadl.ul 1..peditiu11- r•. I.,,,.. ,,a,:,.oa 1•.• ,,:.:t an•:r;a, t„ 1511 ri yi lie'tdqu.uters :old will Lie tr.t':.�ntil,'1 h• r)tt.lt:,t, immediatsls, er.ti, '5. Yours truly, Walter Jones Brown I.leet -Clot Sept. 1 5th. 1'tt 7 1 `,sores ro /1555001 Wounds, 1'I'nton. Sept liearall We yish etLiseyouthaiwsIoe heled trian my _ i Victor, through Al. 1i: h,.' ;h. ini,lortune to receive 1 shrap:tel „•,ands in his back some- where in Trance on August 2uth. he l:,•: tau 1 t hours it, a shell hole 1-goreha :...is picked up, they placed hint in the 20t!1 ('ieneid Hospital in France, where he is reported 41111/1/ well. We do u:. ,:now whether .111y of the T all h ,�, ' 7 if ,.i 1`% a � n cgia5v na _> �.::. >i•,Knn l�T TWO MEI 1j -,N1�li �agl gr J'` tsa c 4,9d' Dysentery manifest, itself syhtiny,:rung degrees of inten,ity, 11.1,t't well cases the attack ire c. 1, r:n!y pre.vt't,l by loss of apia life, poo some an ,11n1 sf diarrhoea, which 501111,11': ili,:rcas:5 is severity, and is aceem.t:.:nicd with grip- ing pains in the elido I(. . i'5,s Alis• chanes from the 1,0,AtIs SlieCiS,C1 emit other with great fol e ucy, toll first resemble those cf ordinary dl:nrb test soon chunk their cfttacicr. 1''.' beetinting scanty, mucous or :.luny, and 11:ba.c- quently mixed with, or consisting wholly of blood. Never neglect whist at first nor:ears to be a slight: attack of ;i;artlinett or dysen- tery may set in. Curthe first symp- toms by the fisc of Dr. howler's Extract of Wild StrawIelr,. Mrs. J. Purdy, Lrask, Sask., write -s: "I have used Dr. Fowler's listr:let of Wild Sttawhevey in my family for 1tntndy dysentery with perfect results. I think, without a doubt bad 1 not been able to procure a bottle just when I did, 1 would have lost two of my children." "Dr. rowler's"has been on the market for the past 72 years, and its reputation is such that there me maty preparations on the market claiming to take titesarne cures as "Dr, Fowler's." These no Pante, no reputation strawberry com- pounds may he dangerous to your healthy, So demand and insist on being given "Dr.1"owlet's" wliett you ask forit. reicc 35e. bfanufaetrlted ottly by 'The T. M11• Writ Cb., Limited; Toronto, Ont. Saturday ,vas an ideal fall day. .Those "September morns" really dzH;li1tul. A PUBLIC MEETING. are We've ma+e W..M tilri: it hot for to ttylitO KING COAL quite It het a few for you We've made It hot for a lot of folks who were looking for satisfactory coal, and if you will place your spring order with us, we would be pleased to give you the good coal and two thousand, pounds to the ton. Will be held at Holmes' Hall, Holmes - title. 1111 s- wtll5 on Sept, 24 tit, at 8 o'clock, of the Patrons of the Holtnesville Cheese 'ractory to meet the new manager and als., tar discuss matters pertaining to the milk supply olid other matters that is n( interest to the Patrons. MacLaren Imperial Cheese Co. FARM FOR SALE —� too aures on Mill Road. 4 miles fres Sr,tt,.rth and. 2 stiles from Bruce - Ad cleared and in good state of ulfiv.ttio.. Brick house with furnace 511 11 Bars, Gement Silo. Sprang water pipes to brn, eioil :,ell at house Rural 11;111 and Phone, i„r further ii-U.14:ulars apply to own - Alex, A Watt. tll' (luLtric, Street, (-iaelpll, or John Rankin, Real Estate and ltluurnice Brooker. Seaf;,rth. (jut };'ENS AND CHICKENS WANTED lli•lhest market Price paid. uper;al pricos will be given up 10 Thursday Sept. 13th, for ileus weigh - Mg 5 pounds and over. Phone 1 -t -too W. imLIDQUIS, Clinton •?O1i SALE OR TO LET !louse occupied by Mr, Edgar 1'.1St on Maria St. House in good repair. neW furnace, garden and fruit trees. First class chicken house on premises. Possession 20th inst. Apply 10 Phone do. 1i. WILTSE. MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK. A number of good reliable men can secure steady employment on Munition svu:k. Apply 10. Tho Rohi. Boll Engine & Thresher Co., S,•afotth, Ontario.. °:'s7.' °. our 1'v1t':°5'3' fol' some of our Western Oats, which. wo have •dont revolved and wog will charge you no more than it they wore just tho ordinary grade of tats. If you wish to secut'a some of those Oats placer your order early as they are going east. We always have a full stock oT Fiout' and mild, 1111 tsdst Price8 paid fon Gran W.Jenkmns i$on Phone tis, Resideneo a Oa, 149 A.. J. Holloway Office Phone 3 A first class bed room suite for pri- vate sale as well as other articles el furniture at residence on Ontario St. BRING YOUR MOTOR OAR to the Clinton Motor Car Co. Shops when it needs attention, we will give you good service and our price moder- ate We can also store your car when not in use. We have for a quick sale 2 Tight de- livery Trucks, that have, only been used for a short time and will be sold at a very low price. -4.-- 0 - THE CLINTON MOTOR CAR CO. FOR SALE 1-9 roomed house, all modern eon- vencinces; and a five roomed cottage, both on James street. For other part- iculars apply 10 Atex. F, Cudmore, Clinton Wanted. A women for general housework in a fancily of three without _children. Box M. Clinton. House for Sale. 8 -room house, on Huron Street, for- merly occupied by the late Rev. J. Greene. All modern conveniences. Good frame stable situated on pre- mises. Further particulars apply to Dr. G. W. Thompson, Clinton. Sa talc This mill has been usecl by the Doh- erty, Piano Co„ and who might purchase the entire output annually : is, hi fairly r 11) thous- and l > ) odcondition. g of > Pr � ttu ul the R. R. sail f, er per day e,. siding. Abundance of rant room. Slabs would nearly pay ,•ur.nim; echeoses. ,Apply to 16', 3✓oherty. 111•nt+sl i'i 4 nae 31:1' A one and a half storey frame house, 12 roams, situated on 8lary street, barn, Z; ac.'e of garden and orchard;' waterworks and electric light Apply to W BRYDONE, Clinton ;qtr la',17c1 ,From lot 5.1, con 5, Hullr•tt. a yearling heifer with a mark on dewap, A suitable reward will be paidfor information leading to its recovery—Thos. Tighe, B. P:, No. 1, Clinton. Phone 18 en 165_ For Salo or to Rent The brick hoes,: on :'aclan street, now occupied by .1, 1i. Doherty, for sale or to rent. Electric light and town water; 2 acres of land, with :,table. All in good repair. Apply to David Cant"sloia. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS i ,l1t1i tickets to eert tIn points Alanib,bii, Saskatchewan and Alberto via Not t t Day, Ceschrane and !'nanscon- tin:nt.d Route. or vet Chicago and St. Paul un sale, each 1'ttesdh• until Oct. 1/11'., inclusive, at low fares. -1.5!.,'•ugh tourist Sleeping Cars t:o li li\\lPiiii nit above dates, : 1'.nin Poison„ 10.45 p.11., n0 citylce of tan, via Transcontin- ental !:••lift. lir:t t? 1111111, two months, exclusive of slate 0f sale. Berth reservated and hall Particulars .0 all eiran,i 1 rusk tick- et otlices, or Brite C E. HORNING, Union Station, Toronto, Ont, n h i n d Si 11 coy pasaeo- 1 a ti rakee .11111:5 phone 5i l.;l. (':1 .'5,1 :1 ('1,01 air ,ryr Elt�§t L r� , 't rq 9 0 i� ..4. ht.:iy, 3 L A Xr- Ia 0 l l [ 9,S,';"1 n en tai"i:.cul They stitmtlate the • 1ar••i,h !`:yet, Oran the Coated tong:::, 1<w,rtc11. ti." breath, clear awdy :111 Nv.tri, and poi: .0motts taat- erl,tis front the sy•,•eu in nature's easy manner, and prevent ay well as cure constipation, hearth urn, catarrh of the Stomach, sour stomach, water brash, floating specks before the eyes, jaundice, sallow or muddy complexion, and all diseases arising front a disordered or diseased condition of the liver. As ant "after dinner" pill they are Most valuable, relieving that "full or bloated feeling” nod preventing in digestion, T•Iilbtun's Lata -liver Pills Are 28c, per vial, at all dealers or mailed ditviet en receipt of price. by 01555 T. Stitbt.alit Co., Limited, T,srotae, Out, (h et 1