HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-09-13, Page 61'AOE d ,..,,rt.,»,, ,lxtbM;s. 111 THE CLINTON NEW ERA., lue Serge Now To day We Offs Four Q alities At The Following Prices $1.95 $2o20 $2.45 2.70. We Reserve The Right To Limit The Sale Of These Goods To One Suit Length ; Only ; To One Fa.milyT. ar,t: *>, ami ••....,.,n,Y.,�,.....:;uras�: WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and. House Furnishings Rhone Ncieet to Royal Bank HE NOUSE is the tasking of good pickles and in order to have good pickles she must have good spices and good vinegar. Our spices are pure and have had the proper curia; and proper maturing. Our vin'0,ar is of the best known brands and or,rs that h: ve been tried out, We ieel sure they are the best. Leave eeeur pick Ii t.r orders with us. Large or i' Ill they will have careful attention it yon would like to have some Mee i:etine mustard pick ees to teg ft.t Phone 113 ism,,aaxe MEN'S STORE, Custom Tailoring Men'e Furnishings, PIrono 103, Opp osiyepu bl icLibrary :m.mo,acmr, > FE'S PRfE add zest to appetite t tis winter try this reoeipe, Mix to a Paste 3 table spoonfuls of nmsterd; ,z table spoonful of tumeric; ee cup of flour; ;$ cup of sugar; 1 qt. vinegar; boil and pour over pickles, A McLaughlin buggy, good as new for sale. HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS TIRE STORE 'IOP QeUALIITY Light Four Touring Canal, $. h: ice' Few of the highways and byways in the Dornirsion are strangers to the Overland Light Four touring car. The popular demand for this model has made it a familiar sight from Nova Scotia to British Colus nbia. And its popularity is growing greater every day. For it has the style and beauty usually found only in cars selling for a much higher figure. Moreover, it is dependable —a real family car, one that will carry five people in comfort and safety. The motor is powerful, quiet and of sturdy construction. Soft cushions, long resilient cantilever rear springs and large four inch tires absorb practically all jolts and jars of the road. Drop in and see this car. Let us show you real four cylinder performance. A dent- onstration will convince you as it has thousands of others. R. G ra h a m Local Dealer Clinton. Willys–Over and, Limited Willyise Kmight shat'! Overland Motor Cat's and Light Commercial Wagons: Head Office and Works, West Toronto, Ontario {ta�..�4r�•�1�,. 1 JOINS THE AMERICAN NURSES FOR OVERSEAS DUTIES Olt Monday evening Sept, 10th, a large gathering assembled at the home of Mrs, John Gilmour, on the 2nd Concession of Stanley, The occasion was the cumin;; departure of Miss Jean Mustard, for overseas, as a nurse in the American forces. The com- munity wished to give her some idea of the high esteem in which she was held by all and so presented her with an address, a steamer rug, a line wrist watch and a purse of stoney. The ad- dress was read by Mr. Thomas Baird Jr. and the presentations were made by Miss Kate Thomson, Miss Mary Gil- mour and Mrs, John MacFarlane. A suitable reply was made by Mise Jean Mustard after which the.crcnvd betook 'themselves to alllusenteuts cards, danc- ing etc. Lunch, provided by the ladies tins served ,in the course of the evening and all parted wishing Miss Mustard a safe ,tourney and a speedy return. Following was the address read:— Miss Jean Mustard: We, your appreciative friends and neighbors, having learned of your in- tended departure from our midst in answer to the call of duty, that you may aid our brother ally across the line have suet here this evening to try to give expression to the mingled pride and regret we cannot help but feel in parting with so dear a friend, You must not think that we do this in the fear that you may otherwise for- get us, or that your memories of us will not be of friends, but rather that we du it so thatyou may have e some tangible token to ren» ed you of your Stanley friends :Ind the associations. which cluster round them, We feel proud Rethink that a person who spent so many years of her life in serving the people of Stanley,' and who by her position necessarily, helped to mould the character of many of the youth of our community, is willing to sever Auer connections with what we hope are dem. associations, in order to do her bit by helping allay the terrible suf- fering of our own heroic boys in France and also of the boys in grey from our gallant neighbour country. in the hope that while they may al- ways bring to you sweet memories of the friends w11011) you are leaving be- hind you in Stanley, you may et the same time rind them useful, we prof- fer these gifts. We trust that you will value them not for their material worth but rather because of the Incnand es- teem which, through then, we are try- ing to express. May they ever remind you that you leave behind you ap- preciative friends, on whom you 1nay, always depend, and who will gladly try to db anything in their power by which you 11153' profit. You may rest assured that while we part from you with regret we are look- ing forward with pleased anticipation to the time, when you will be return- ing; and ,you may also be quite confi- dent that during your absence you will not be forgotten. You will ever be present in our minds, and the thought that one of our number is doing her duty so nobly will be a continual in- centive to us to give of the best that it in us to the cause of our King and Empire. • AUBURN. Rev, F. O'Kell, J. Wilson, Sr., and G. Raithby attended a meeting of the Executive of the County. Sunday School Association held in Clutton on Monday of last week. The community received 0 real treat on Sunday night when Rev. Harvey Stillwell. of Toronto, gave an interesting address in the Baptist Church on Mission work in India. A good number from here have been in attendance at London it'air this week, Mr. A. C, Jackson and. family moved to Goderich on Tuesday. Mr. Albert Xing who bas purchased the mill pro- perty moved into Mr. ,Jackson's house tette same day. STANLEY. Miss Amy 1'lowson, of Clinton, and Mrs. Fergesoi, of Kencardine called at the hong of Mr, Geo. Baird on the first of the Week. Mr, Metcalf of London• visited at tile ho,ite of Jir "rhos, Campbell this Week, Mrs. Moorehtrttse, of Bayfield, is visiting at the h0uie of Mrs. John Gil - MOM itt present, EXE`T'ER, iOfrs, Edith (Tandy, of this town received the sad news from Ottawa that her only son, Pte,, George Handy, has been reported [tilled In action, ' Pte, 1Iitndy enlisted in British Columbia, where he went about four years ago in the first Battalion that went to the Front from the West. The young man was about Sd years old and leaves to survive hire, "besides itis parents, two sister's at home. Mrs, Margeret k, Fry was officially notified that her husband, Pte. Thomas William Fry, infantry, is suffering from gunshot wound in the hand, Pte. Fry enlisted in the 161st Battalion and went to Franco in the Spring with a draft from the Battalion. 13efore enlisting he was employed as fireman at the Western Canada (''lour Mills here, BRUCEFIELLD. Miss lla'rel. Eleoat has returned to resume her duties 'in the Cobourg Coll- egiate' institute Staff, Lieut, Vitilliant McQueen visited at his home last week, Be will go to 'Ver- meil, Iowa, to a college who will give lectures and drill its military worts, It is a good position for a returned soldier as he is a Toronto University Gradu- ate, he will no doubt fill the position successfully. Lieut. Stewart Knox left this week for Whitby where he takes a position in drilling in a college. During his vacation he studied in London for a Lieutenant. I -le is honorably discharged and will not return to the tear. Rev. Mr. Hart has returned from visiting friends at Toronto. A feeling of sadness came' to our village on Saturday last in learning of the death ee one of our village boys, Clarence Kaiser, second son of John Kaiser o1 our village passed away in an hospital in Topeka, Kansas, after a short Illness of typhoid fever. On learn ing that he could not recover, his father left on Saturday morning last but was too late to see him, life was gone. 1 -.le was a general favorite in our village, a member of the Presbyterian •C ht.u'ch and Sunday school while here. Mticlt sym- pathy is felt for the bereaved parents and brothers. The funeral took place Wednesday on \\ ednesday afternoon from the Presbyterian Church. ll'lany gathered glow.pay the last respect to the young fri Ott 0 U117.2ops . 0 Miss G.• Chant was a visitor at Lou- don this week. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Toll, of Blyth, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mildred Blanche, to Mr. Harry W, Grasby, of Morris, the min niage to take place quietly in Septem- ber, Airs. Wm. Robb returned from her visit to "Toronto and other points on Wednesday evening. Mrs, Wm. Glenn returned on Wed- nesday from her Western visit. Mr. ;out Mrs, J. H. Paxman and Mr. and Airs. Li. Kaiser attended tite funeral of the late Clarence Kliser at Bruce- -field on Wednesday. Mr, Fred Stephenson retuned to his position at Springfield, Mass., to- day, after a visit at the parental home. '1r, Albert Mit 1,ell left 1111. Satuntiay for Itis fall trip commencing at the Soo, in the interests .1t the Jackson Mfg, Co. Rev, L. W. Diehl, of Paisley is, in town tod: e'. Mr. Darold Blackstone, of Goderich, teas a Clinton visitor today. Master Jack Seeley returned home Wednesday eveningn after spending 1 e ding u couple of days at the London Fair, Air, and 'lis, 11.Schoenhals and child ren, of Port Albert are visiting the fornter's parents, 01 r, and Mrs. John Schoenhalt, :Master Willie Mutest spent a couple of days at the Western Fair this week. Mr, "'foots" West spent Wednesday at Los don fair, Master Bert Sioman was at London Fair this week. Capt. pox and Lieut. Leight, of the Goderich S. A. Forces, were in town on Monday. Capt. frond and Lieut. Saunders, of the Seaforth Corps Inc:visiting the local S. A. officers. MR. ROWELL URGES 'STOPPING WASTE OF PUBLIC MONEY. Government Lavish in Expenditure Cannot. Preach Thrift. ''1 do not believe that percept with- out practice will arouse the enthusi- asm of the Canadian People, and if our Government wants the people to save their money, they should not spend stoney on public enterprises which are iutt absolutely needed till after the war, Surely, in the day of a great crisis which the people of the allied countries are facing—if the con- clusion is not reachect by sante other reason than a military reason—it is apparent that we in Canada must save and eliminate extravagance in every instance possible," Stich .was the inspiring appeal to the people of Cauutd;t in their effort to fur- nish their fair share of tinance to- wards the maintenance of the war, of Mr, N. W. Dowell, M. P. P., the only speaker last Friday at the Exhibition I3Irectors' luncheon in lite Adminis- iration Lisilding, Air, Rowell's utter- ances were received with rillg'iltg cheers. Referring to tlie'announ001tnint or Sir Thomas White, Minister of Fine mice, that between now 1uu1 Novenl- ben a nation-wide organization would be instiluted to make the fourth do ntestic was' 101111 a great success, Mr, Rowell spoke of the enormous expenditures Great t3rliatn had make for herself and her allies, and the prospective expenciilures she faced, Britain is giving her orders for mit • nitions to the United Stale. idol ou' workers are threatened with rcoslng down. For Why? Rosette clt'cal ltri. tain has stow conte to a pnhii where she Canon! possibly pay in gold alter the great assistance she bias given 111 the Allies, lutd she utast purchase o0 credit. The United States eau 'Self her on these cernditiolts, 1111(1 why alululd not Ganda be agile to do likewise? "(his war is the 111051 gigantic 1/110. 'bless undertaking our humanity has Veer known," • said Mr, Rowell, "MO! Tell THANKSGIVING DAY ON OCTOBER. 8. Ottawa, Sept, 'IL—Thanksgiving tatty will fall on Monday, October 8. 'Phis was the 0010131 declgretIon of the Secretary of stats given out today, Ow. Ing to Sullte IniSuntlerSlafltling 00 the part of department officials or news- paper men, It was announced In many of the papers that Thanksgiving Day would be on October 1, However, the (Oficial statement of the state depart- ment shows this to have been an error, 00000, o-8NQ;1Q9091@17f 000ee 0dh1$'W 0 ' aN 0 WITH THE CHURCHES, 0 0 11 •0000.00000.0000000000 Willis Church. Miss L, Govenlock, of Seaforth, had .charge of the organ on Stulda}' last and wiii preside next Sunday also, Wesley Church. Rev, A; L', Jones will (five 11 brief series of three sermons from tits pulpit in Wesley Church on Sunday evenings as follows. Sept, 1tlth—"The Prodigal Son," Sept, 231.11—"`i'he Elder Brother," Oct, 7th --"The Bereaved lather" All are cordially invited to these Ser- vices. Ontario St. Church; On Monday evening the League Meeting was a Missincu'y one. Miss Wiltse took up the topic,' "Canada as a Stragetic Base," Miss Stevens gave a very Suitable reading "You have known so long and never told it," The pastor's subject for this Sun- day evening Is 'The Battle Field of Life,' WYLIE'S NEW POSITION Former Secretary of Committee of One Hundred Becomes Organizer of English Societies London, Sept, f 1.—Tits Canadian Press learns that Newton Wylie, for- merlymerly secret:try of the Citizen's Com- mittee of One Hundred, in Ontario, has accepted a position as secretary and or- gagn!zer' of the new temperance eine- Igamati,.ut, comprising thirty-three so- cieties, which proposes a vigorous cam- paign here during the continuance of the war and for the period of demob- ilization. Newton Wylie has been actived\' identified with temperance r'..,k in "Toronto for some time. 110 is the founder of the Ontario Young Man- hood Asociati„n, and is a graduate of the University „t Toronto. Mr, Wylie is a brother of Aire. .i, 1:, Virga :111(1 :Miss Wylie 1,1 Clinton. A WEEK IN CLINTON Pledg,e Cat'cia Here. The loud eledee cards ha - e •0n 1,'cea'J be the h 11:..11 sreeoueees 0,111,11i c :old .lrrtIli onncil h ivo 1'eeu III ad0 to have Lisa di tributlou tai:; plata on i'ue:day, Huron College Scholarships Two scholarships of 5I iu being otl'ered by Huron C.,llea, •:Dung 1110(1 members of the 111111,!1' 1.1 011111111 \\Jul hove obteined tiler malls. culation and who will at;wee for three years in the diocese or Buren following their t'radeati u. .the e.tan1- 1u:ttions are to be held on Soot. 'Jth, '['hese scholrehipz ora proisiol from the Bishop 1:rnnyn meneerial fund. Moreton—Kitty Wedding. A pretty wedding 'vas s„lenueeed in St. Paul's chinch, t,lintou, on Sept- ember 5, when Ruby Irene, younger , daughter •r , 4 1 1110 lite Ree, (i, \!, Billy, of Clinton, was united in marriage with Alfred Moreton, of S:utdwich, son of Mr, :utd :Airs, Alfred Moreton, of 'galore heath !louse, Davenham, Lint; land, The ceremony was performed by Rev, II, P. Westgate, of S:utdw•ieh, brothel' -in -lair of the bride. assisted by Rev, .1, A. Rubinson, rector of St. Paul's church, Tractors for l'luron A large number o1 the farmers of this section have made application thru the, Seaforth Fuad Production Asscoia- tion, a branch of the Ontario Resources Conuuittlee, to the Agricultural Dee pertinent for the use of a government farm tr;tetor to enable them to do their fall ploughing, but through the count} of Huron not being represented by a county representative of the 1)c'tnt- ntent of Agriculture there exists con - solo able difficulty in seeming the tra- ctors. in order to overcome this dif- ficulty a deputation from the food Ih•o- duction Asiatincuuipuid '1 Reeve I, 'A, St,'w:u'tocn NOelin,swere present at a meeting of the Warden's Committee, assembled in 0111110,1 o 1 'l'ueschtee last and impressed upon the members the urgent necessity of secur- ing the use of the farm tractors for the farmers of the county and We are pleased to announce their efforts have been rewar,ted by an unanimous reso- lution of the committee through the appointment of Dr. Milne, of lilvth, warden of the county, Mr, Musgrove, M.P.P. for North Duron; W. Proudtoot, M. P. 1', for Centre Duron and II. Felber. M, 1', P„ for South 1l uron, t1 deputation to interview the Ontario Government and present the claims of the farmers of Huron for tile immediate use of tarns tractor's as supplied by the Agricultural Department of On- tario. It is sincerely hoped lite depu- tation may be Sll 0ess1ul in inducing the government to send the tractors to the county es it means a vastly increased acreage for crop next year. Along patriotic service lines the far- mers of l;:ulada should he rendered every available slid in pt'olutiug a wdn- the.wer crop (nil' 1el;;, —Seaforth lHx- pnislor, NEW SCHEDULE '.linitis from East. ' I'l lye 1 1.111 11.111. Leave 11.1 i a.m. Arrive 5,5t pan, Leave 0.45 p,nt, wive t 1.18 p.m, Leave 01.18 P.M. Trains from West Arrive 7.13 tem. Leave 7,35 e.m, rt9ve 2.58 p, m. Leavy 2.50 p.m. 1'r,'Iitt from South Arrive 10,30 1.Mn, Leave 1 1.1 0 2.111, Arrive 0.40 p.m. Leave 6.40 p.m, Traiens from (dearth Arrive 7.33 11,111. Leave 7.50 a. 111. :Arrive 4.13 p, hi. Leave 4.15 p,tn, Thursday, September13th, 1917 or Scho5t ,I 0 f'a Ours is the store that serves you as good as any for Books and perchance a little better- fur General Supplies. We fry to make the occasion a mutual advantage, of course, 1 i an advantage to us to have your 'trade snit t: believe its an equal advantage to you to'secui'e what we offer' at the price, 0 OTten the eheapest—Altways &3 s' est m's0a02YaTf"°2222.2`sstia61 ni w'eatsmlmis 5511» A Tested Lens— An Accurate Shutter— Simple Operation— Good Picttres=— Alii these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. have them from $1.00 up. Come in and Iet us show you how easy they are to use. —We do developing and printing and guarantee good results. T. J-% M Despensing Chemist : 1 T:: TZTeverV t211ic,” 5tav_:X34: :,0#•2122221 dost L•=ma9Acat"srn, C'119 ,IlL^D:u'#f6d:,L`^-.�„^II,o^�16/CLQ?^,-�CiAFSIDi4Cf ..,.++w-mr.w,a...,.....mv.� • AONMNiPI'4'tYtll til The Features or Our Frn 20 C> ur ,” '9 Hyl 7.'o which we invite special 6tttt.t( are its beauty, its assured comfort, solid ❑ot,st.rucvt1011, and its hers the u.uel prides. Any one of these po17. is tvoald be sufl1"ient to earn it vu:' preference. When they are ail leen toned Nv}te feel sura you will r , c that tide. is t turnitt1a'e built tunity you cannot afford to igeone. Vetelertalier tend Ccstnneraal A:ineetog. Phone 21:1. Night and iait&;duty Culls aaatstvrrod at Resedenete over stalt•lo s+s."^_..'.! ssamara�1'e,•r5n•' ORI.e arver niemssFammorn om.11FL m The eooi stir Grocery a6 , •{��,j7i {'r.'�9 (`y`� +t,�a1 "Live and Let Uwe' , YA LW �1Y. � � 8! rl. YL Yv 1% o irI eadnir Melal Work of Ai Kinds' ()1 101 1 )ns Bananas Peaches The morning cup of settee' Flow tate delicious brown ne,'to:. whets your appetite, hnte5 up the s.c• I tent and puts the brant in con;liti,, t, d,, ,t work, , , ofd 'i'here's lot of good coffee to tile world, :ttld you can get it evert ant -.- if you go to right place. We good coffee in abundance. We r'ot'e'. buy any thing else. The war • I treated before it reaches you has <: i great deal to do with its gooefeeee FRUITS AND VEGETABLES-- Leave your oraer now oeforc prices f :Apples Tomatoes advance. 1 Carrots, Beets Cabeuge Potatoes ()moue 1 Ali i fo'r'e og5la CI' klliigci' I Ea PI MUMDMM 5(115(1 Heating' Phone 53 Shop–•over lltorrlanal's dliarchva re --5 E. PHONE 45. very Shoe Requirement Satisfied This Hlh'use Of Good Shoes Asks The Consideration of People Who Care For Shoe; . Of Special. '.erit: And The Best Of Shoe Values At Any.. Stated Price eameummeetanceeemeenteetterowfwaseereermaxermatunaelle JPieliSON Satisfactory Shoes. Quick Shoe Repair's