HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-09-13, Page 43145 IIIIIIIIIHI IIIIIIIIIII III III1111III IIIIIIIIII II III (III IIVIIII I I IIIA(((( III (III I II IIIII1111U11111111
By Will D
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Local News
mos 4 ... r.,T. r,l'> 11 dpirril�
4X `Ac.',)rY
Par more effective than Sticky Fly
Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by
Iliruggists and Grocers everywhere.
It was moving day in Mrs. Smith's
?home, or rather, what she had called
home. The ugly dismantled look of her
apartment gave no hint of its former
coziness. Barrels and pacging cases
usurped neatness and order, and chaos
reigned supreme. But the worst was
:now over; only one day nhore and the
moving van evould back up to her door
and take away all goods and chattels
to a place of safe keeping for the sum-
mer, while she hied herself away for a
long vacation.
A hurdy-gurdy outside started to
play "Ful On My Way." and Mrs.
Smith, opening the window, recklessly
threw the munificent suis of a diene to
the unoffending son of Italy. "Take
it," she called out gaily to the sur-
prised man. This dime has been
welting for you, YOuI music is 'tel'Y .
appropriate, 1'151 011 my 115) YOU bet
1'ni on my way; and the best of It is,
nobody Can stop me until '1'111 wei-
conied-in my holes town.' Does the
Hest mauled lisppe11 to be in your reper-
toire? If so, kindly reel it oft', as it
will lift the burden from my heart,
also my s nuIdc
ls Mid
the Willett,
I not comprehending the nonsense but
In e0111111011 with his race catching the
infectious gait), of it dl smiled de-
lightedly displaying a set of pearls
that it would be hard to rival.
IFinally, tired out, site sat down
wearily on the stove, She fondly inl-
agmed it was the table, and, as there ■
I was no ire in the range, her Mistake, w
fortunately, did not become apparent, w
But in a little while she ;arose quickly, X
"'Phis will never do," she said. I
have a thousand and one things to ac- r
i complish, and I most get to work." So, lil
, presently she was in the midst of it
packing again, and her immaculate ap- m
parttime was soon a thing of the past. is
When she was tate busiest the bell
1' musta the ex -
sharply. l b
preempa n for my rugs," she thought, ■
"Well," she called down the speaking et
tube. Up the tube Heated a voice: "Du r
you want to buy tickets for the ploy ■
given by The ParentsAssociation, to w
be given in Town Hall next Wednes- sa
day night, ma'am?" it pleaded. "No; , 11
I do not," answered Mrs• Smith, r,
quickly. "But it's Shakespeare, ma'am.' tx
the plaintive voice went on, as if to la
clinch the argument. . sa
"Shakespeare by amateurs!" groan- ; re
ed the little lady, inaudibly. Aloud: ; te
"No; I fear 1 shall have to forego the m
pleasure of this Shakesperian revival. ,y
I ani too busy to go." And as she bus- ea
lied back to work, she could sense the ++ u
acute disappointment of the advance I re
agent of the immortal baud. ut
More work, more hustle. Avon had
been forgotten, also Ann Hathaway. ' in
The bell rang again, more sharply e,
than before. "Ah my rugs this time, i a iagrplgptppp;owsu slttMw&ImteastRRtrYi
surely," thought the little housewife
Succeeded Where
Operation (Failed!
Joramne, Que. M
" During August Inst 1 went to Mont ■
real to consult a specialist ns l had been re
suffering^ terribly with Stone In the
Bladder. Ile had decided on an opera- •
ttsassisted b another doctor,
tion and w
a bean
the 0 entrains was strand they
n could
nod too hard to, crush and they
couldnot tyke it WGIrernna
mended by a friend to try Gin Pills,
1 bought a bog and found relief from M.
the pain 0t once. .1 did nut expect
that they would relieve me of tate M
atone, but to my great joy I passed the r
Moue on October and and am now a
wall Mau and very happy.
J. AI,lalxT T,BsSAIA" p
Gin Pills are the greatest solvent ■
for uric acid ever offered. Profit
by Mr. Lessard's example if you II
have Stone or Gravel, Rheuma-
tisnt or other ICiduey or Bladder Bri
Sold al all dealers at soc a box or
6 boxes for $'r.,5o.
Sample free if you write G1
National Drug & Chemical Co. R
of Canada, Limited, . Toronto.
U. S. Address: Na-Drn-Co., las, 1
202 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. 114
OU can de-
e penal on the
mothers t0
think of the little
things which will be ap-
thin„ 1
reciated by the bey in fit. ` ,,•'�' v
the camp or trenches.
.till 0115 article whiny many
a mother has given her boy at the last moment is 'Dr.
C'hase's Ointment.
There are so many ways that Dr. Chase's (Nutmeat is
useful to the soldier that it becomes invaluable to him. It
is used for chafing and skin irritation resulting from heavy
clothing and equipment. It brings comfort to sore, scalded
feet after the long march. Applied to wounds it ,prevents
bloodenoisoning and heals the skin. And it should never
be forgotten'that-Dr, Ohase's Ointment is the most effective
treatment obtainable for piles, a distressing ailment which
results from contact with the cold earth, whether in clamp
or trench.
The ,Canadian soldiers have been well supplied with this
standard ointment, and, judging by their many letters of
appreciation, there seems to be few tbings more keenly ap-
preciated. Just try it in the next parcels you send to the
r,Chase ,s g. ' intment
GOc a box, all dealers, or Ldmenson, 'Bates 8c Co., Ltd.,
Toronto. Refuse to accept substitutes, for they only dis-
Again tate speaking tube was brought
into requisition. This time a voice, al-
most supernatural, breathed. "Have
good laces, madam. Sell ureas very
cheap. At bargain. uuld wish to
see?" but madam was post seeing Any-
thing but her monument of work. She
cut off conversation sharply. Would
things ever right themselves? She was
on the point of becoming discouraged
when she caught herself up, quickly,
What was the sense of becoming so
childish? Other women had gone
through this sort of thing before, And,
a result of her mercurial tempera-
ment she became as optimistic as she
had been pessimistic a moment before.
"All this disagreeableness will soon
be over," she assured herself. "and
then i know that the sun will shine on
tie, alone, for a little while, He will
forget everybody else, to repay tie for
all this horrid old time I have had to
"Height)," she continued, gaily
stldetchiug her runts out into space.
with a gesture that bespoke latent his-
trionic talent, "I love the world, and
the world loves the. i ant never going
to he hateful again." And in this
exalted nurcod she brought her toe up
sharply against a huge packing case.
She emitted a veritable howl of
pain. Good resolutions were forgot-
ten, and things spiritual. The phys-
ical turniented her with pang after
pang. It seemed as it a million nee-
dles were prodding. And then, in the
midst of her misery, the doorbell rang,
again. She jumped up, in a blind
rage, and hopped to the tube,' "No,"
she yelled down. "I do not wish any
laces, nor am I in need of soap, pow-
der or needles. I also am not in the
market for culture as evidenced by
Shakespearian revivals. But what I do
need, and demand, is immunity from
"There," she ejaculated, wrathfully,
"1 guess that will do for this time."
Horrors, what had she done? from
the depths of the cosmopolitan tube
came a voice urbane, suave, courteous
to the last degress. "t s this Mrs.
v l' , dip
COURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may
travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford
owner you can get it. You are always "among friends".
There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through-
out Canada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners
for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or
motor adjustments.
The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of
the car itself. Nineteen of the most called for parts cost only
$5.40. Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other
cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford.
Runabout — $475
Touring - - $495
Coupelet A - $695
Sedan - $890
P ®..B. FORD, ONT.
Bert Langford, Dealer Clinton
Thursday, Sep'thrher 13111, 1917
..Muhl It asked Ibis iy, Mr, Court -
cm,. 1 ;um making a few calls 1111.(1
morning on ow 0001h/tiers."
Mrg, Sinith faintly itcknowledged her
identity, 'and invited the new minister
into her home. Site w plainecl the sit-
uation, And the theologian joined her
Ina hearty. Iftugh. Still, she was not
ease. She tried bravely 10 bear
up under tis huiIliating conditions,
but it was very hard Air, cGurtenay
proved to be very interesting and tin-
der different clren nstanees his parlslt-
ioner would have enjoyed his call, but
now it was very different.
And to crown It till•, Mrs, Smith fen-
ded she could sense 11 restrained mirth
in him, Not that any visible plan of it
was given, but that lie was distinctly
amused became apparent to her intui-
tive mind,
She tried to collect (herself; then
became nervous, and finally indulged
in verbosity, and airy persiflage. Fall-
ing to impress by these methods, and
Actuated by a little feeling of spite, she
Legan'to talk learnedly of the different
beliefs of thosopey, and the glories of
reincarnation; but, although the
per -
feet courtesy of her caller never wav-
ered, keenly alive to ridicule or criti-
cism, she still sensed Mr, Courtenay's
restraint over his risibilities. Finally,
however, he arose, and after bidding
her 'good day,' he departed, greatly to
her relief,
The eternal eve sprang into life.
"What is the shatter with ale?" she
questioned. She hastily looked Into
the nearest mirror, which was leaning
against the pantry door. And then, at
Last, she knew.
Her face bore tate perfect imprint of
her hand, where she had pressedit,
warm, and very black, against ?ter
cheek. Aud that wits not all. In her
hurry, when she had released her
silken locks from their bondage that
morning, slie now realized that she had
forgotten two, one on each side of her
head, and these two "horns" stuck out
belligerently, as if daring anybody to
disagree with her.
And the worst w'as yet to conte. As
her gaze wandered to Mother Earth,
she shrieked with dismay. For on one
of her shapely limbs clung lovingly a
visite stocking, which had developed
huge black spots; while the other
rousted '1 bright tan. And in these
habihuhents she had dared to discuss,
earuedly, the profound thoughts of
ire! No wonder the minister had
leen :unused. That Ise had not howled,
outright, labelled him a good sport.
She struggled between tears and
laughter won, And when the tempest
had passed, she resolved that if ever
she shoved again, and the door bell
rang, it would be her move—away
from it.
So Bad sf im Kidneys
Would Faint Away.
Mrs. Albert Williams, Edam, Sask.,
writes: "1 have tate greatest pleasure in
telling you what Doan's .Kidney Pills
did for me.
Ten years ago I was so bad with my
kidneys that I would faint away and
could not stand to do anything. I had
been that way for two years, and had
done all I could, but did nut -get any
better until one day some Otte put a
little book iu our door, and I saw how
another young girl hull suffered like I
was their, so I thought f'wrouldtry them,
and I am glad to say that altar taking
four boxes I have never had the sante
thirig again, thanks to L)oafl's."
Doau's Kidney Pills are the original
pill for all kidney troubles. They art
Put up in an oblong grey box, and hem
the trade mark of a "Magic Leaf ". Se,
that you get "DOaree" when you ask tar
Price IlIe. per box at ail tlkaict,,
mailed direct on rec•r.•ii;t 1 rr.L1 by '111:
T. Milburn Co., ',motet!, '1 „r, ulo, 01,,
Military Cross Hero
CAPT. William Stewart Merrier,
who was reported yesterday to
have been awarded the Milt.
retry Cress for gallantry in the firing
bee, is the son at Mr, A. 1). MacTler,
general managed' or eastern linos of
the Canadian Nettie Railway. Capt,
7-lae'rler went, to the front with the
first Canadian Cobthhgont and has
been twice wounded, the first time at
Ypres, and lately at Vimy Ridge. At
the outbreak of the war, Capt. Mac -
Tier was on the ocean returning from
klurope, and imrnediately on landing
joined the Tbirtetuatb Battalion, un-
der Lieut. -Col. (row Brigadier -Gen-
eral) Loomis, D.S.O. 1:le went to the
front with that telt and fought with
it when it covered Itself with glory
at Ypres are leestubert, He was then
wounded by shrapnel and returned to
Montreal to convalesce. On return,
seg 'to the front be was attached to
Brigadior•General Lnotnie' staff, he
having taken num. the 01111 11111,1111 of a
brigade in the mean time. At the
serving Its this ceinteity for a short
time one of his feet Salve (1111 1111(1 an
operation was es essary. On his re•
turn to the 1r0nt on this occasion hyo
was transferred to a Montreal High -
toad Battalion and .Ipgomloted to lhip
Pledge Cards In September.
The week begutning Septentber 17
has been. set as the appointed thee
for the driye of the Women's Aux-
iliary in the Provincial campaign for
seetil'ing signatures to the pledge cards
issued by the. Dominion food Controll-
er, according to a statement issued by
Dr 1•l, 1'j, Abbot, secretary of the Or-
gan Nation
g isiahtiotf of the to oulcee Content
tee. ,, , . .i.+•0.va.'6114
d.esson XII. --Third Quarter, For
Sept. 16. 1917.
Text of the Lesson, Dan, ill, 16.27,
Memory Verses, 17, 18—G61den Text,
lea, x1111, 2—Commentary Prepared by
Rev. D. I41. Stearns.
Wo shall not underetltnd this third
Shapter of Mittel apices we nave grasp-
ed in some osmium the secmud chapter.
Elie Bible must be studied as a whole,'
and well book its u whole, and yet each
as an essential part of the whole reve-
lation of God's eternal purpose by Ills
Spirit. As the heavenly bodied of our
solar system and all the systems In the
aniverso move in circles, so is it also
with God's heaveuly truths. The last
two chapters to the Bible complete the
;bele, which begins with the first two,
telling of this earth without sin or sor-
row or death. The third chapter from
the eud (Rev. xxi completes the circle
which began with Oen. iii, telling Of the
groat adversary, his beginning its rela-
tion to the earth and man and his end.
We have seen in resent lessons that
we have come in the Bible story to the
beginning at what is known as the
times of the gentiles, but this book of
Daniel covers the whole period and tells
us of the end of tblacc times, which we
taro now in the history ot'the world ap-
proaching or ere already in.
In chapter ii we have God's revela-
tion to Nebuchadnezzar cru the whole
period which began with film end will
end with the setting up of the kingdom
of heaven after the times of the gen-
tilts, a kingdom which shall never be
destroyed, hut shall stand forever, and
these things aro certain and sure (Llan.
ii, 44, 45). In tempter vii we pare the
saute period covered In 11 vision given
to Daniel and ending in the saline con-
summation (Dan. vii, 13, 1i. 271. To
a 1111/11 of the world like Ncburlm,i Isz-
ear the ,inion was eiseinatine, as are
the things represented uy gold and sil-
ver and brass 11110 10111 10 such people,
but to a wan of that like Daniel the
whole thing was represented by wild
beasts devouring eneh at bor. Chapters
iii and vi are another pair showing
what it costs to stand t'or• God in these
evil times, while chapters iv and v are
another (hair showing how God will
humble all pride, to bring to repentance
if at all possible or. If not, to bring to
everlasting punishment.
The vision of empire given to Neb-
uchadnezzar so aft'eetti that that in-
stead of making hire humble by the
honor thus conferred upon bins by the
God of heaven be bee:11110 filled with
pride and had a great image of gold
made and set up in We plain of Dura
and caused all the people of his king-
dom to assemble to worship it, threat-
ening with death in the fiery furnace
any who would dare to refuse to wor-
ship tlse image which he lead set lip.
Now here is another strange circle of
truth, for at the very end of the times
of the gentiles during the last three
and a half years after the ehurch has
been taken away there wilt he another
linage set up by the world power that
shall then be. and all who will not
worship that linage shall Ise killed
(Rev. xii1, 14181. The pride end blas-
phemy of the king of Babylon are seen
in such a saying as "Who is that God
that shall deliver you oat oe my
hands'?"- (1l1, 15.i But it will be ex-
ceeded by the biasphemy of the anti-
christ of the last days before tie shall
be sent alive to the lake of lire (Rev.
xjii and xix, 10, 201. Of all the multi-
tudes who were assembled on the plain
of Dura that day only three young
Jews dared to refuse to bow down to
the image, and that was because they
knew and worshiped the only Living
and True God. When offered a sec-
ecand opportunity to bow down and thus
spare their lives they utast decidedly
refused in the glorious words of verses
17, 18. May our hearts ever cry, "Our
God whops we serve is able."
Bound hi their clothing they were
east into the burning fiery furnace,
which had been treated seven times
totter than usual, so that the flames
slew the men who east them in. But
the three young men walked about in
the furnace, unharmed, because the
Son of God was with these, and they
lost nothing but their bonds. 1 do most
heartily believe what the king's coun-
selors and great men saw when these
three came out of the furnace—that
there was no smell of fire upon them,
nor was a hair of their bead singed
(verse 27). So it will be in the last
days when some shall refuse to re-
ceive the mark of the beast or worship
him (Rev. xv). See hat verses 25-30 of
our lesson how God was glorified in
these men by the decree of tlse king
that no one should dare to speak any-
thing amiss against a God who could
deliver in this way.
The only place where Gtxl was seen
that day was bat the burning fiery ter-
nace, and wbeu God allows any of lois
pegple to pass through fiery trials of
any kind it ie that Ile may be welt
with us and in us, and Ifo will fulfill
the words of our Golden Text. In
chapter iv we see this proud king hu-
miliated, and the last word in his
worldwide epistle is "Those that walk
in pride De is able to abase" (iv, 37).
We would do well to adopt as our
own 1118 words of Paul in II Tim. iv,
18, "The Lord shall deliver me from
every evil work and will preserve me
unto fits heavenly kingdom." We
should renumber also that it is the
purpose of the Lord to atau the print
of all glory and bring into contempt
all the honorable of the earth that the
Lord 111011e may be exalted Ma. xxlii,
O1 it, 11, 17).
r - 0n1or1tvoOuoy 1',hmo
The elreed lnat
Tbnasad tvugonkasnw Bhoia
in cid erne. Qorta 1vn•vora
J)ebflabry Meftet arui ,n WarrW, DA ox-
deitgd Lesu AJ JSte.oei, Pride 51 +aro oy 1F6
Jfehrt. FatlfafjS ,atfetnnrn• Prv,a 41 prr bas, ail
fet;$i,.0ao ir:Ili knmo, aiic a it m.m,410ald by all
pdp�rruSuosl,s ulir� m8, od it ola:e pkr.• on reooi t of
sit rr IIMIkIc* e?after east. 1111E Mlttila
BLIT. Get* MlladuX.?
"Nothing But Leaves"
Not Tea Leaves intermixed with Dust, :.
Dirt and Steens but all Virgin Leaves.
'las the reputation of being the cleanest,
and most perfect tea sold. ' - P tea
Use Big Stamps
Postoftice officials ask that where -
ever there is an option between the
use of one or more large -denomina-
tion stamps and several small -deno-
mination stamps on mail, preference
should always be given to the former.
A Dangerous Practice
The practice of carrying children on
the handle bars of a bicycle should
be clone with great caution. A four-
year-old boy, Gordon Kennedy, of
Ailsa Craig was severely injured the
other day when the chain of the bic-
ycle broke.
Cannot Use Canned Stuff
Housewives who used canned corn,
tomatoes and peas that they have on
hand violate the recent law passed by
the food controller, as surely as those
who huy them from the grocer, tion.
W. J. Hanna explained Friday and there
is a line of 320(1 under the war mea-
sures act for every offence.
It Might Work Well.
One of the unpleasant jolts which
all publishers of local papers get is
when a former acquaintance who has
(neglected to keep Isis subcription paid
up and while thus in arrears, gives or-
ders to have the paper discontinued
without making good the arrears, or
perhaps hooves to ;another postofMice
thus evading payment. The iterakt-
Times has decided to in future publisk
such little interesting Incidents witk
name of the delinquent.—Walkertes
Herald -Times,
Children Cry
When first you drive your motor car
One thought will sure disturb;
You stretch your neck, as you turn
the wheel—
"Now where is that damcurb?"
You think you're right upon tke
Aud all your doubts dismiss,
You believe that the wheels and curb
A retogetherj ustlikethis.
But when you leave the car you find
Instead of being near,
The curb is But the wheels
where you are over
thought it stere
When the Ther'mmomet.er.,
Registers This
Sold el Grocers
Cafes, Hotels,
or direct from
the Brewery.
Special Ale
Will Make It
Seem Like This mors
Ton can't Sil
it without u
smack of
John Labatt, Limited, Est. 1832, L,tnC.lon, Canada
Little iia
Makes The Whole World Kin!
This famous chewing
gum aids appetite and di-
gestion, quenches thirst,
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Fresh, clean, wholesome
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No wonder WMLEIr$p is
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ever and wherever people
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