HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-09-13, Page 3tT°ilursrlay, Septel11be1.6,0.3111, i9'I7. THE CLIN,TCN NEW ERA. t•! Pale Three 414''a1SI11fil71%7 Fancy Prices +a ill be paid by us during the balance eat September lar--- FAT HENS FAT CHICKENS anti FAT DUCKS Our position in Montreal enables us to meet all Competition in poultry prices for the Jewish feasts which will last for the balance of the month, We want ALL your live poultry at top prices. Sell NOW while prices are high. 1'he high prices that are expected for new laid eggs this winter will pay you for the necesary care of your flock of hens. Foca.-Lan lois & Co., Llluitod The tap -to -date Firm Clinton Branch Phone; 190 'anon See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, 6pccitl values hi Art Cases Pianos and organs relit ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, tvlusic & variety ;roods. IfltSte Fill )Alun C. Hoare 49'. 1311wkIDONE c B9R1$LSTER SOLICITOR bOTAI1X I'W3G4O, 17T0 oreiNTOLi tod'kll,RLDS 113, 11 aLee Oonneyauce, Notary Public, Oommieeioner, etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, , Huron St., Clinton, H.1 T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate IN$URANO1t 4GENT--itenresontiva 1e. Piro is/ sumo Compeutee,. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty'e phone 61, will receive prompt attention. M. G. Cameron; CLC. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office On Albert Street, occupied k'y Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made, Office hones from 0 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vaultin connection with the office. Oflee open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Oamel'on, Mediw,ai. DR �. 'W. TIdtOMPSilia}Iti D Physician, Surgeon, lt'to eeeeial attention given to diseases of the Eye. Ear, Throat, and Nose. Dyes o efully xamined, and suitable Classes prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial mete Huron 9t. liCN.6id' cul eirlA.A/4W'1AOVOO..A t 5 9 is the time to have your Furnace overhauled or a new 011e histaitled. A number of second hand stoves in good repair. Electric Wiring and Fixtures =ays=ters=a__s 1 By -am & Sutter Plumbers and Electricians nil 031e 7. i/Nk's9Rr1A4p}MIlNE'W W1?�AS/4!'WNOJh�e940'W Better Pay The Price Don't he .tempted to choose cheap jewelers,. Par better to pay a fair price and knew exactly what von are getting, Yon will never he sorry -for as a matter of ;money, it is easily the roost economical. Thai has been said an often that everybody by this time should know it -and vet there is no scarcity of cheap ;jewelry is the land Now to get personal-Tf yon would like to Totes that sort, mitogether- UUMF HERE If yon would. like to hay where nothing hot high qualities are dealt in -COME dERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair o J ter Jeweler and t)ptici,an; pglier 01 Marriage lJit'clise;, FORD k McLEO» 'We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, 'Alsiko, and Bed Clover. We always have an hand —Goose 'Wheat; .Peas, Barley and Feed Corn “so hiset Market Prices paid tor Hay and all Grains, FORD & :IDBS. tall. t and GA t1I1J1t 1ler. W. Cuu e, L. &. C. r.. C,. C. C. d.. suis Dr. Conn's office at residence Legh Street er .1 C, Candler. M.A. At,CS. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Sight cells at residence, Rattenhar: SS, or at hosnital DR. 11'0 R. AXON DVATIST Crow's and Bridge 6a0rk a Specialty. Graduate or C.O.D.S... Gbieaeo, awl 11,0,D.e Toronto, Mayfield on Miondays, Misr 1st 10 0 .Dao'. IL F cLV ifU' teE Ai , DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special oars taken to make dental true. t merit as painless as poaaible. THOMAS GUNDR'' Live stonit and general Auction ape GOD RIGH ONT e a, al etola males a speetalt I. ulcers .: NUM Ci A office, Clinton prwri. l.y att,•.r•^. to. Terms reasonable. 11'800lers' Hale no:. discounted Drs. Ge(D. et M. 1.1, Whitley t''i clam n pf osteopathic pity. Specialists in W'a and Childrein's Diseases Acute, Chromic, and Nervous Disordere Eye, Ear, Nose, mind Throat. CONSWLTATION FREE. Office—Battonbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p,m. O. D. Mel:aggart M. 1.t. MaTaggar ,teteTal' , ;.: r l Bros. RANKERS ALBERT ST , O ,TNT'tTh General Ranking Raratoose t; ensaacted SOTES DISOOUWL'i'V Drafts issued. Interest chewed a deposits The DieliCillop Mutual Fire Cnsurirtce eon Polyps and Isolated Town Props arty. Only Insured. Head 011ice-Seaforth, Orli Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Bays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex, Leitch, No, 1, Clinton; Edward Hinchley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jarnluth, Brodhagen. Directors Wm. Rion, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben- newels, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. Mclwan, Clinton; James Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve,!,. No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Hariock; Geo. Mccertne, No. 3, Seaforth. A Carload or Canada Penland CC CM Vh05IC us Atm. 11'ri(TS It Drill pay you John Hutt' $ LONDWSBORO Shirtwaists can frequently be cut down to be used in the dresses of small children. Of all overworked women probably the housewife is the hairiest, worked. Shu has so much to attend to, with very little help. Her work van be lightened .if slit knows the value of system and she should try and take a short rest in the daytime A physician who became famous ohnose around the world, Doctor Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., the specialist iu woman'u diseases, for many years practiced'medi. eine in a farming chatriot. Ho there ob• served the lack of system in the planning of the work. If it is a headache, a backache, a sem cation of irritability or twitching and uncontrollable nervousness, something must be wrong with the head or back, a woman naturally says, but all the time the real trouble very often centers in the organs. In nine cases out of ten the seat of the difficulty is here, and a wonau should take rational treatment for its cure. The disorder should be treated steadily and systematically with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, For diseases from which women suffe "Favorite Prescription" is a powerful re. storative. Duringthe last fifty as tyyears itMut banished from the lives of tens of thou. sands of women the pain, worry, misery and distress caused by these diseases. If you are a sufferer, get Dr. Pieree'e Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet form to -day. Then address Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and get confidential medical advice entirely free. MILITARY SERVICE BILL Service, be engaged in other work in which he wishes to be engaged and for which he has special qualifica- tions. (c) That it is expedient in the na- tional interest that, instead of being employed in military service, he should continue to Inc educated or trained fur any work for which he is then being educated or trained., (d) That serious hardship would ensue, if the nmol were placed on ac- tive service, owing to his exceptional financial or businessobligations, or domestic position: (e) 111 health or infirmity: (f) That he conscientiously objects to the undertaking of combatant ser- vice, and is prohibited from so doing by the tenets and articles of faith, ' in effect on the sixth day of July, 1917, of any organized religious denomina- tion existing' and well recognized in Canada at such date, and to which lie 111 good faith belongs: and if any of the grounds of such ap- plication be established, 0 certificate of exemption shall be granted to Such Miall. (2) (a) A certificate nuty be sou- ditioo:l as to time or otherwise, and if granted solely wi concsientious grounds, shall state that such exemp- tion is from combatant service only. (b) A certificate granted on the ground of the continuance of educa- tion ur training, or on the ground ''of exceptional financial or business ob- ligations or domestic position, shall be a conditional certificate only, (c) No certificate shall be condi- tional upon a person to .whom it is granted continuing in or entering into employment under any specified em- ployer car in :toy specified place or establishment. (d) A certificate may transfer a man to the class next in numerical order. (e) When a conditional ceetificate is granted the conditions shall be stated en the certificate. (t') It shall be the duty. of any man holding a conditional eertiticate with- in three days after the conditions'! stated therein cease to exist, or after his exemption terminates, to _give no- tice in Writing of such fact to the Registrar of the Province in which he ordinarily resides; and if he fails without re;rsonable excuse to do so he shall he guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding two. hundred and fifty dollars. (3) (a) Subject to such conditions as to application and notice as may be provided by regulations, and sub- ject also to paragraph (b) of this sub -section, a certificate may, during the currency thereof, be renewed. varied or withdrawn at 'tny time by the local tribunal issuing the sante, (h) Where a decision of a local or appeal tribunal' has been varied an appeal to an appeal tribunal or to the Central Appeal Judge, n certificate granted upon such variation shall thereafter, subject to such conditiops as to application and notice as may be provided by regulations, be renew- ed, varied, or withdrawn, but only during the carrency thereof, and only by the appeal tribunal or Judge who ;;ranted the certificate. (1) Any person who, for the pur- pose of obtaining a certificate 0; it condition in a certificate for himself or for any other person, or for the purpose of obtaining the renewal variation or withdrawal of a certifi- cate, makes any false statement or HEART TROUBLE Canoed Dinloess, leaknt:ss and Smothering Spells. When . the heart becomes affected, there ensues a feeling of a choking sen- sation, n shortness of breath, palpitation, throbbing, smothering sensation, and dizeincss and a weak, sinking, all -gone feeling of oppression and anxiety. On the first sign of the heart becoming weakened IVlilburtt's Heart and •Nerve Pills should be taken, and yon will find that they will give prompt relief and soon effect a complete cure. Mr. John Doucette, Tel River Cross- ing, N.13., writes. r' 1 sufTered greatly from heart trottble wltic)t caused dizziness, weaknees anti st» otlrrring spells. I used a great deal of doctor's medicine but received no benefit. A friend advised me to use M)Iburn'mt- hear! and Nerve Pills, and before A had fiuislted the first box I felt so muck, butter that I got an. other 0)10, and ways completely restorerl. I highly recommend these pills to every. one suffering froul heart trouble, Milhunh's 1;eart told Nerve Pills are 60e. per box at alt duelers, of studied dircit on receipt ,of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited Toronto, Ont, • representation, shall be .gui'Iiy of. an ()lienee,. and liable on summary con- viction to iniprisoiHtenl for any terns nut exceeding twelve. intlnlhs, with ur without hard labor, (5) (a) Any luau who Ravin; ap. pliedaseto to hint any of ll Icerirtibufiva! for, the is- - ocaacateapplies without leave of the Minister to any ( other ducal tribunal far e certificate, and any person who, knowing or hay- ing reason to 'believe that an appli- cation for a certificate has been made or is being made by or in respect of it elan to a local tribunal, makes of 'lids or abets in the making or estab- lishing of an application without such leave by .or in respect or such elan to another Local tribunal, shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty cd' not less than one hundred dollars and nut more than one thousand dollars. (b( All applications and all pro- ceedings liken on application for cel'lifi1lttes made without the leave of the Minister, by or in respect of a maul before a local tribunal other than the local tribu1;d before which the first application by or in respect of such elan was Glade, shall be null and void (c) Notwithstanding anything in his section contained, the Governor ill Connell may be regulations abol- ish any local tribunal and transfer its duties and powers to any other local tribunal. - (6) Any person who afters or tam- pers with It certificate or, for the pur- pose of evading this Act, falsely re- presents himself to be a person to whom a certificate has been granted. 00, if granted 1 cited a certificate,allows,for like purpose, any other prson thave possession thereof, shall be guilty of an offence, and liable on Summary conviction to imprisonment for any terns not exceeding six months, (7) When 't certificate is lust, de- stroyed or defaced, the tribunal by whom it was granted shall, upon the application of the man to whom it was granted and upon payment of a fee of fifty cents, issue to him a du- 1 plicate of such certificate. REGULATIONS 12, (1) 'Plae Governor in Council may make, regulations to secure the full, effective and expeditious opera- tion and enforcement of this Act, and in particular, but not to 111111 the generality of the foregoing, may (a) define the duties of Registers and fix their remuneration; (b) authorize officers and tribun- als to give .directions nut inconsistent with this act; (c) on the recommendation of the Central Appeal Judge prescribe the conditions as to time or otherWlse un- der which applications for certitic:ttes may be Walde, deferred applications received, appeals entered and heard and re -hearing had, and prescribe furors; (d) prescribe for the keeping 001! transmission of records; (e) appoint such peace officers nr other officers and give t11e111 such pullers and impose on them such du- ties as n1:av he deemed necessary; (f) make pnWhih) for expenses and remuneration of officers; (g) prescribe pen;lities for peace officers or other ielicers appointed under the authority of this act, who are convicted of neglect er refusal to perform duty without reasonable exe(2) All proclamations and regula- tions shall be. published forthwith -in the Canada Gazette and in such other 111:1111 ar if any, as the Govenmtn in Council may think. necesary to en- sure knowledge thereof by all persons concerned, and shall forthwith be laid before Parliament, if then in ses- 51o11, ;111d if nut i)1 session, within tem days after the nett sleeting thereof. (,5) All regulatiois shall has the sante force and effect as if they la)rn5- ed part „( this .Act. GENERAL PROVISIONS 13. (t) The 811111ia Act, the Army Act and the King's Regulations and Orders for the Army shall so far as not ineousistent therewith apply to and forum part of this Act. (2) Section twelve • nd sub -section two of section forty and the proviso to section forty-five 111' the Militia Act shall not apply to sten liable to be called out under this Act. (3) The 'Minister of ,311111ia and De- fense may transfer to the naval ser- vice :any non who has reported for duty under the provisions of this Act. (4) Unless rurlher authorized by Parliament the reinforcements pro- vided under this Act shall not exceed one hundred thousand men. (5) Nothing in .this act contained shall be held to limit or affect the punishment provided by any other Act or law for the offence of assisting the enemy nor the powers of the Gov- ernor in Council under the War Measures Act, 11)1.1, 14, if in any prosecution under this Act any question shall arise in respect of the matters hereinafter mentioned, the burden of proof shall be upon the person charged to estab- lish by salisfactery evidence. (a) 'I'I1at he does not conte with- in any specified class called out; (b) That he has duly reported in accordance with section four; (c) Thai he comes wit111lsany of the exceptions set out in the schedule hereto; (d) That he ' has been duly ex- empted under section eleven; And 111 the absence of such evi- dence this contrary shall be conclu- sively presumed. tS. (1) Every 1)1in1 within the classes described in section three shall after his class o1' subclass is re- quired to report, as provided in sec- tion four whenever required by a peace officer or by any person who has, authority for the purpose, pro- duce his certificate if he has one, and shall answer truthfully all inquiries bearing on the question of his com- pliance or non-compliance with any provision of this Act. (2) Any such man who fails to comply with this section shall In re- spect of each failure be guilty of an offence and 11111118, 011 summary col- viction to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars or to imprisonment for terns not exceeding one year. -l6, (1) Any person who comes within any of the classes set out in section three, and who contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or of regulations for which culltraveution no other penalty is herein provided, shall be guilty of an offence, and , shall be liable upon summary convic- tion to a penalty of not less than ton dollars, nor,n1Ore than live hundred donors, or to ituprisoemettt for a terns not exceeding twelve months, or to loth flee and imprisonment. Anyperson who b meattS of (2)p v y l any writt,;m or printed COm561unfea- tioe, public.tlion or article, or by any oral 'coltwttialcation or by ally THE 1EF C ARV 5Nuval service of Canada, and mem- bers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. 5,Men who w 1 have since August 4, I i 191Served ill the oliiittry or 0)55111 1( ;�ep1 5,1 � forces of Great Bn)iabi ul' (tel' allies �N ftp gip' in 110) tile;l100 of scitntl war tend have Fqos 666rrr � 6rt 888 tltl Y4dd Y5 G599 taeu honorably discharged therefrom, fi. Clergy, including members of Soft, C ear, Smooth Skin Gomes "With. any recognized urzed ord r of an exclusively The Use Of "FRUIT-A-TIVES". srilcharacter, and ministers of all religious denominations existing In Canada at the date of the passing of this Act, 7, Those persons exempted from military service by order in Council of August 13, 1873, and by order in Council of December 0, 1898, NORAH WATSON 86 Drayton'Ave„ Toronto. Nov. 10th, 1015. A beau tifu I coo plexi on is a handsome woman's 041)0 ('glory and the envy of her less fortunate rivals. Yet a soft, clear skin—glowing with health—is only th e natural result a/pure c od. "1 was troubled for a considerable time while wry unpleasant, disfiguring Rash, which coveted my face and for which I used applications and remedies without relief. After using "I''ruit-a- tivcs" for one week, the rash is com- pletely gong. I am deeply thankful fol^ the relief itntlin thefuturc, I will not be Without "fruit -a -fives". NORAII WATSON, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. .A t dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by i reit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. public speech or utterances. (a) Advises or urges that Hien de -- scribed in section three shall 0ont'a- vene this Act or regulations, or (1') -Wilfully resists or impedes or attempts wilfully to res1St or impede, or persuades or induces or attempts to persuade or induce any person or class of persons to resist or impede the operation or enforcement of this Act or (o) Nor lite purpose of resisting or impeding the enforcement or opera- tion of this Act,persuades or induces or attempts to persuade or induce any person or class of persons to re- frain front making app)icatious fl'r certificates of exemption or submit- ting evidence in respect thereof, shall be guilty of an oli'en00 and shall be liable upon indictment 00 upon sum- mary conviction to I'mmprison11)0911 for a term not less than one year nor more than live years. (3) Any nett•speper, hook. periodi- cal, pamphlet or printed publication centainiug matter prohibited by sub- section two of this section may whether the printer or publisher Cher ref he previously convicted or In)t, he summarily suppressed and further printing yr publication there- of and o1 any future issue of a news- paper or periodical which has con- tained such matter may be prohibited for any term not exceeding the dur- ation of the present war; provided no action shall he taken under this 5ub- 000111111 0' under sudise.ction two of this section without the approval of the Central Appeal Judge. (a) 'No conviction in 0 court of criminal iurdiclinn for 011 od'0uce against this Act or the regulations made thereunder shall he had sonless the prosecution has been consented to ee approved by the Attorney -Gen- eral of Canada. .(Senate amendment.) All expenditure under or for the purposes of this Act shall be paid out of such moneys as Parliament may appropriate for the purpose, SCHEDULE EXCEPTIONS, i, filen who .hidd a certificate granted under this Act and in force, other than a eertiticate of exemption from 000130tant service only. 2. Members of his 'Majesty's regue lar, or reserve, or auxiliary forces. as defined by the Army Act. 3. Members of the military forces raised by the Government of tiny of his Majesty's other dominions or by the Government of India. 4, Men serving in the Royal Navy or in the Royal Mollies, or in the Ots® Bird' These �e- n, �1Q1 'jja� •.r��, follow a lazy livera— Constipation;; Disor- dered Stomach; Head- ache; Biliousness; and other evil, painful, dangerous things. This; Good ''lid. Remedy comes to the rescue. Take two or three pills at hedtimo—once, After that, one each night; two, nowancl thenal necessary. 1TTLE: AMR DILLS ciemeoge cFarralae' Learn 'Signati'W Coloylaeifar-cn often slew the gbxs ace n Brom i;aa the Mead. Carter's ins' will help fli'e'rs condition. ONLY TWENTY YEARS AGO Ladles wore bustles, Operations . were rare.' .Nobody swatted the lly. Nobody had seen tt silo. Nobody had appendicitis, Nobody sprayed orchards. Cretan was live cents a pint. Most young men hart 'livery bills." Cantaloupes were muskmelons. You never heard of a "tin lizlie," Advertisers did not tell the truth. Nobody cared fur the price of gaso- line. Farmers cane to town for their 1111111, The hired girl drew one -fifty a week. The butcher "threw in" a chunk of liver. i'olk said pneumatic tires were a joke. Publishing a county' newspaper was pastime. not u business but a p Jules Verne was the only convert to tate submarine. You stuck tubes 1n your ears to hear a phonograph and it cost a dime, Chiictren Ory FLETCHER'S FOR CASTORiA 1I THE OLD GARDENER —SAYS— As cabbages are particularly hardy and can stand considerable frost, it will pay to give careful 8110)1tion even to very small plants, for they are likely to head up well by Oct. 1st, The only tvay, though. to keep cabbages growing is to cultivate Item continually. If the heads of older begin to burst push them over with the foul so as to break the hoots on one side, as this will check growth and stop the trouble. Catbages should be kept growing as Ion` as possible, as the are ditliicult to store until the weather is cold. Put in more lettuce seed. With the average fall it will mature in couple time for use on the table, liven if early frosts conte, it can he Saved by cover- ing it Heinle, with hay or grass clipp- ings. 11: is hest, though, to choose 0 loose -leafed kind, like Grand Rapids, rather than a heading variety. I-eetuce is especially tender and crisp ;it this time of year if it is kept well cultivated so that it will grow rapidly'. Il always thrives better in cool tli,;n in hot Bea- ther. This is the hest time to }clams the perennial, or Egyptain, union, which is hardy, although a little protection may not 010110 amiss in the northern states. small bulblets are then put into the ground about eight inches apart, f11 course no garden maker will want many to these perennial unions, but a few of them will he wel0nfe by liaise fiend of Young, rano onions in the sp- ring. Children Cry �ww FOR FLETCHER'S C A A T O R I A FINDING A SEAT FOR COL. MULLOY The idea emulating from 1)111 w'a that steps are being taken to find :111 opening for Col. .Molloy in the Can- adian House of Commons will be re- ceived Witl1 $ ;ttiom by' 1)10(1)' thousand of admtisfacires of lilthets well- kuown Canadian ligure, and it is parti- cularly appropriate that his candidate should he coupled with the suggestion of a union win -the tear nomination. Col. Lorne Mulloy, who lost his sight in action as a trooper in the South African tear. ween for himself in that sown the medal for "Distin- guished Conduct in the Field." 'From the day that Mulloy donned the khaki In 1900 hat; never ceased to fight for AFTER SIX YEARS OF SUFFER113 Woman Made Well by Ly'di>as' E. Piralcham's Vegetable Compound. Coiumbus, 01ifo,--"I had almostgivers up. I had been sick for six years with female troubles and nervousness. 1 Matic a pain in my right side and could: not eat anything with- out hurting my stomach. 1 could not drink cold water at all nor eat any kind of raw fntit, nor fresh meat nor chicken. From 175 pounds I went to 11S and would get so weak at times drat I fe 1 over. I began to take Lydia 1 Pinkh,em's Vegetable Compound, and ten days later I could eat and it did oat hurt my stomach. I have taken the medicine ever since and I feel like a new woman. I now weigh 127 pounds so you can see what it has done for sat. already. My husband says he knovslr your medicine bas saved my life."— Mrs, J. S. BAELow, 1624 South 4th St., Columbus, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound contains tains justthe Pvirtues of root; and herbs needed to restore health Ends strength• to the weakened organs of tli s: body. That is why Mrs. Barlow, s chronic invalid,recovered so completely. It pays for women suffering from any female ailments to insist upon having Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.. pound. Canada and the British Empire. cin indication 11f the iuduntitahle spirit and optimism with which Mulloy took up the broken thread of his career was furnish:'d by his speech in the Liver-. pool Cotton Exchange, NOV. 30, teem. Here hi answer to the Lend Mayor's address to a party of invalided sol- diers en route to Canada, of whom he was nue Alullny made 0 speech \vhich at the time rang tlrroughnul the British Empire; the key -Note of which was "Fur me the past has nn regrets, 1 planed the man, and 1 would do it again With tit's atilt ;i ie towards past and future, 'l'pr, Mulloy entered Queen's University in 1902, leaving alert as an honor graduate In 1006, having taken an honor c,•urse in Phiesephy and Political Economy. In 190,- he entered Balliol College, 14xfurd, 1511g., for a three year post graduate course ttevnted entirely to the study of politi- cal ecnnonn'. obtaining in Pito his tux• ford diploma fu e0'uomic5 "with dis- tinction." The Late Rt. lion. if)•. Fawcett o1 ialgiond, 10;1 his sight while a young man a; the result of an :accident at :t shouting party. Ile continued itis studies and became. Professor „f Politi- cal Economy in the liniver,ily "f Cele - bridge. From there he entered the poitci;tl liel:t :ted at his death heki the inlpufhot portfolio of postmaster -gen- eral of the British cabinet. Senator, Gore. the Democratic regressive sena- tor of Oklahoma. 11055' ill his. third term in the United Stales senate, has been blind since I,,'luiod. lie is ,.110 of the be -,I 1)51,'00 men of the Democratic par- ty. Can anyone doubt that .ytulov, the economist and keen stndent of political atrairs, could find scope and opportun- ity for genuine service to the Canadian people in our own Canadian House .of Commons!" asks lthserver in the To - neve, News, LUCKY POET TO OWN AUTO. Tall Bard—Here is where an ec0Cu•• tris poet in Indiana writes his verses while spinning through the woods in an 'automobile. • Short Bard—Ah! 1 suppose that is what you would call the "poetry of motion." The real peacemakers today Inc:at the front. rel.l1 —td keep the stomach well, the liver and bowels regular, by the timely and helpful aid of • Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the Wort&• Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25c. . R .1 '11 ,1faMEREtr'' lsiIMEAMMAd�✓R 1"': ',t, I /' Peaches 41714 Lemic pure One Sugar, with its fine granulation, is best for all presol'ving. 10, 20 and 100.111. sacks 2 and 5.1b. cartons Send us Red 5.11 'in,de.,nsrk for hep copies of our three new Cook Honks. Atlantic SugarRefineries Limited MONTREAL reatellEDIefferaBie tel rrsvvs5SSisS.:...✓50, 5: are the most valued. treasure o11 the pre- serve shelf. 'Tura and tincolnred" • 116 ""s71S11pyl:ifl; 159 cmem,nxrsnnm*rmmr+aenn�....•,+.pew®m„mane...,,w.�,�nww,.ie.s�•�.'.rm„=cmoaws..,mzximrwnawax++s,eurr,n:uncwti v :.'45ntmee arse r tere'GTinY'R1e the menePme3R'WaTYETreeetme-n wcucT3a1'!6'S::".S.Sedee:tzergezes_'a'danee: 4` .I_MA LADIES' CCLL.riC mi OPENS ITS THIRT'Y.7TH YEAR ON SEl 1 (rani..(", SEVENTEEN: N11`,IETf:i N HUNDRED & SEVENTEEN ?borough u..au'.s,'s in llfuslc, Art, Orafary, 111711 School:'1)1.•in< a College, _c.o0 he Science and Superior Physical Trad,ii,g, FOR TERMS, ADDRESS 10, 1, VJ,ARNER, Pct A,. D. D., President, Si, Theresa, Onti, ,c 1*axvc aie irtore ,s5txxer SSnaSSaixel _ sessxis ss