HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-09-13, Page 21 Ready to Wear Garments eanszaseetenteateeneetneestinaeateletenennemeeasentauseanessteasea Dry' Goods and (House f rni hin s u s .6• PHONE 78 Fall Opening Display Thursday Dept. t. lith lind Following Days d The Women of Clinton and surrounding country are invited to view our charming display of Autumn hats, Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dresses, Waists and Furs The charm of the models shown this season should be of unusual interest and can be de- pended upon as being exclusive The New Autumn Suits We are now introducing ad- vanced styles in new Autumn Suits.. ' They are smart and com- fortable looking with the long coat and slightly narrower skirts, large collars with silk stitching and Braid trimming. Over fifty differ- ent styles to choose from. New Autumn Coats Over 100 different styles to choose from, which comprise all the leading style changes, larger sleeves, large collar's, belted or slightly incurved at the waist line in all the new cloths and shades. THE STORE THAT SHOWS THE NEW THINGS FIRST. Pil=lne=e1=9:10*.® s9s®a MILITARY SERVICE BILL day of July, 19 1 7, shall he deemed to be unmarried. (3) Any class, except Class 1, shall include sten who are transferred there- to from another class as hereinafter provided, and hien who have come within Class 1 since the previous class was called out. (4) The order in which the classes are described in this section shall he the order in which they may be called out on active service, provided the Governor in Council may divide any -class into sub -classes, in which case the sub -classes shall be called out in order of age beginning with the young- , est 4. (t) The Governor in Council may from time to time by proclama- tion call out on active service as afore- said for the defence of Canada, either in Canada or beyond Canada, any class or sub -class of men described in section three, and all men within the class or sub -class so called out shall, from the date of such proclamation, be deemed to be soldiers enlisted in the Military forces of Canada and_subject to military law for the duration of the present war, and of demobilization thereafter, save as hereinafter provid- ed (2) Men so called out shall report and shall be placed on active service in the Canadian Expeditionary Force us may be set out in such proclama- tion or in regulaltions, but until an placed on active service shat be deem- ed to be on absence without pay, (3) Any man who is called out, and who, without reasonable excuse, fails to rennet as aforesaid, shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liableon summary conviction to imprisonment for any terns not exceeding five years, with hard labor, 5. (1) There shall be established in the manner hereinafter set out, the following tribunals:— (a) Local Tribunals; (b) Appeal 'Tribunals; (e) A Central Appeal Judge. (2) Any tribunal may hear evidence on oath or otherwise as it may deers expedient, and for the performance of its duties shall have all the powers vested in a Commissloner under Part 1 of the inquires Act, (3) The Governor in Council may upon the racontnteudation of the Cen- tral Appeal Judge, make regulations with respect to the establishment, con- stitution, functions and Procedure of the said tribunals, and Such regulations may contain provisions for securing uniformity in the application of lois Act. (4) In so far as provision is not otherwise made, the procedure of the Tribunal shall be such as is deter - milled by the Tribunal, (5) No member of any Tribunal shall be responsible at law for any- thing done by hint in good faith in Ole performance of his duties under this act, and no action shall be taken against any member'of a local tribunal or An appeal tribunal in respect of the performance or non-performance, of his duties unddr this Act, except with the written consent of the Central Appeal Judge, (6) No• proceeding authorized or pending before any tribunal, and no decision of any Tribunal, shall by means of an h0n0011, prohibition, mandamus, oar tirrarf, habeas torpus, r or other process, whetherof the tike kind or otherwise issuing out of any court, be enjoined, restrained, stayed, removed or subje'fod to review or consideration,, upon any grntYtd, v/heftier, arising oat of alleged .alt- senee of jurisdiction In the Tribunal, nullity, defect or irregularity of the proceedings, or any other cause what- soever, nor shall any such proceeding or decision be questioned, reviewed or considered collaterally in any ac- tion or proceeding, civil or criminal. LOCAL TRIBUNALS. 6, (1) The Minister may from time to time, by proclamation or other- wise, establish local tribunals at such places as he deems necessary, and give each an approciate designation. (2) The Ministeray after a local tribunal is established, order, by proclamation or otherwise, the removal of such local tribunal from place to place within the sante Province, (3) Each local tribunal shall con- sist of two members. One member shall be appointed by a Board of Se- lection to be established by joint re- solution of the Senate and house of Commons; tate other member shall be appointed by the following authori- ty:— I. In those Provinces in which there are country courts or district courts, the county court judges district court Judge, or, if More than one, the senior Judge for the county or district in which a local tribunal is established, or when the place at which it local tribunal is to be estab- lished is not in the 'territorial limits of any country court or district court, then by such Judge as may be deter- mined by the Mlnister The Judge making the appointment may appoint himself or any other Judge having -jurisdiction in the coun- ty or district, For the purposes of this section, "county court Judge" or "district court Judge" includes any deputy Judge authorized by law to act for the time being fol' any such Judge. mud also includes any acting Judge so authorized. II. in the Province of Quebec:— (a) uebec;(a) in the judicial districts of Mont- real and Quebec, ;My Judge of. the Supreme Court of the Province of Quebec who is authorized by the..Chief Justice of the said Court, or authorized by the Judge appointed to perform the duties of Chief Justice in the ju- dicial district, (b) In the other judicial districts the Judge of the Superior Court of the Province of Quebec assigned to the local trfbunial is established, III. In the Yukon Territory:-- The Judge of the Territorial Court or the person appointed under the provisions of the Yukon Act to act in place of such Judge and iV, in the Northwest Territhries:— ' h The Commissioner of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, (•I) (a) The names and addresses of all persons appointed on a local tribunal shall, es may be provided by regulations, be communicated to the Minister, • (b) The Minister may by telegraph or otherwise appoint one or both mem- bers, as the case may be, of any local tribunal, if he has not received; with- in such period before the tribunal iS to sit as may be fixed by regulation, the navies and addresses of members duly appointed, (c) A vacancy occurring shall be filled by the authority who at,potrited the member vacating, and if hot so tilled, or if conhluunicition of Settle AS aforesaid has not been received by the Minister within eueli period as (tray se fixed byregulation, thee Min- Wee may till such vacttlhcy. , (5) Each member of a iotal•tri- buns! Shalt, unless' Ire be a ,fudge, make oath 01' affirttilttirrn that he will THE CLINTON NEW ERA. • r, R OYA L YEAST CAKES Mrt • a, mE wxtr lt'1f ux a. I s rl rx fb . e ROYA L , HASSEEN E. N CANADA'S FAVORITE YEAST FOR MORE THAN 3O, YEARS t�1tICE.PERFECT ' ''B.READ.61llERCDMPANYUMIitg HiaNl T0xo5 o,MONr55ci'• 'MADE'IN CANADA, yEAST4CAKEs faithfully sld' impartially perforni' his duties as such 51ewsti'er. Such oath or affirmation may be made before a Judge, a Justice of the Pence, it•conl- missioner l'or taking affidavits, or be- fore such other person as in any spe- cial case Ole Minister may 'direct, ' (6) Any person duly appolwted a meinber of a lard trihun l shall, un- less relieved in writing by the authori- ty appointing hint, perform his duties as such member, and any person who, without reasonable excuse, fails so to do shill be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to im- prisonment for any tern, nut exceed- ing two years and not lass than three months, (7) Each local tribunal shall. hear and decide applications for certifi- cates of exemption made to such tri- bunal as provided in section eleven. APPEAL TRIBUNALS 7, The Chief Justice of the court of last resort in each Province, or in case of his absence or failure to act, thou a Judge of that court designated by the Minister. shall establish for such Province at sufficient number of Appeal Tribunals, and shall assign to each such tribunal in the Province of Quebec one Judge of the Court of King's Bench or Superior Court of said Province, and in .the other Pro- vinces one Judge of any court of such Province, and shall distribute among sue h tribunals all appeals from, and caves slated under sub -section two of section ten by local tribunals, of which the Regis- trar has notice, and such Appeal'Tri- bunals shall severally hear and de- cide the same; Provided that appeals from a local tribunal on which sits one or more Judges shall be heard and derided by an appeal tribunal constitut- ed of a .fudge of a higher court, FINAL TRIBUNAL, 8, The Governor ill Council may appoint one of the Judges of the Su- preme Court 1,1 Canada to be the Cen- tral Appeal Judge. REGISTRARS 9, A Registrar for each Province may be appointed by the Guvernnr in Council. to. (1) Any person • aggrieved by the decision of a local tribunal, and any person authorized hs' the Minister of Militia and Defence, may appears against any such decision. (2) if the two members of a lucal tribunal cannot agree as to any de- cision to be made by them, they shall forthwith state in writing the case to be decided, and corse the statement to be sent to the Register for the Pro- vince in which the tribunal is esta- blished, (3) (a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this subsection, there shall be an appeal from any appeal tribunal to the Central Appeal Judge, • (b) The Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Central Appeal Judge, may stake regulations governing tit right to and fixing the conditions of appeal from an appeal tribunal to the Central Appeal Judge, (4) The Central Appeal Judge shall be the tribunal of last -'resort, and the Governor in Council may, on his re- commendation, appoint one or more other Judges of any superior court to assist the said Central Appeal Judge in the discharge of his duties, and de- fine their powers, EXEMPTIONS. 'I t. (1) At any time before a date to be fixed in the proclamation mentioned in section four, an applica- tion may be made, by or in respect of any man in the class or sub -class called out by such proclamation, to a local tribunal established in the Pro- vince, in which such man ordinarily resides, for a certificate of excemption on any of the following grounds:— (a) That it is expedient in the na- tional interest that the man should instead of being employed in 1nil;tary service, be engaged Its other work in which he is habitually engaged. (b) That it is expedient in the na- tional interest that the ratan should instead of being employed in military Continued on Page 3. • I DIARRHOEAn OMI LETTER FROM "TED" RICSBY De;u' Dad, --to write a l'eelly inter- esting letter nowadays is impossible, hut to sort of make one's number is it much ester thing to do, 11 is up tel t to make. y number,as I have o re- ceived two letters from you since 1 have written. But If you were here 1 am sure your letters w'ouuld soon strop off' it lot, 'There are.%) many things one could say that would be interesting .but are strictly forbidden, thiit it is doubly difiicult to tell n Story at all and leave it all out. No doubt elle Germans gel a lot of Information still !Trout on. - land somehow, flow It is dope is a mystery, but I ain satisfied it is not from lower deck gossip, itis baffling to conceive where the leaks really are or can be: There would be ;, lot of sat- isfaction in massacring such a elan as would sell his country. Personally 1 should take a keen interest in being "told oft" for the job. i haven't seen Cosgrove for along lime, but (lope to be near him this fall If all goes well, He is in the hottest spot for scrapping that the navy has,"on tap," Well, we will enjoy it when it comes, When we have a good "mix up" there'll he no side-stepping. The tall: about the end of the war has about ceased. We don't worry any more If it lasts a cell. tory. What we Want .15 to win, not to get out of it. Never have we been mora. deteripined nor of such unity of spirit iii that respect than now. With love, TFD. CURED BY DRe FOWLE 'S Extract of Wild Strawbon'ya 'I'he paid anti suf,'ering, the weakr, ss and oftentimes collapse associated with' an attack of diarrhoea, especially when violent vomiting occurs, make it tt disease to be dreaded, told for which prompt 58, lief and a ready cure are greatly to be du r.::d, The salutary action of Dr,, I5owler's Extract of ''Wild Strawberry in giving almost instant relief from. the pain, checking the too frequent and irritating stools, settling the stomach 51151 bracing up the weakened heart, reedcr it without aI� r for the treatment of all bowel complaints of young or old. Mr Jtunen 0, Vanduser, hlcdora, Man, writes: ' We shave tiled 3)r, Pew- ter's Extract of 13,11 5.1 eltrawberry, and have {mend it to be the most satisfactory remedy of its sort, I was troubled with diarrhoea and vomiting for a long tinme. At last I purehnsed a bottle of your grand remedy, Bend after I had Med but a quarter of it I was completely cured, Under no tercuhnstances would I be without a bottle of Dr. Fowler's !Retract of Wiled Strawberry." "Dr, 1 Owlnr'S" is an ofd )Incl reliable remedy, having been on the market for the past 72 years. You do not experiment when yott buy it. rebs Stores. They may be Refuse s t Y dangerous, Price, BGe, Mi)%ifactitred only' by The T, Milt burn Lo„ Linked. Toronto, Ont, E DUDINEDD Today, more than ever before, is woman's opportunity. Maury net, oc- cupations are now opened to her; which, before the war, she was deemed unfitted lu ifll, And truth to tell she has risen to the opportunity, and now shares many business responsibilities in former Hines confined to sten. But, as women are subject to more fre- quent fluctuations of health than Wren, many will be handicapped early, if they regard their health requirements too lightly. The nervous strain. lung hours and proinnged mental oe physical fatigue thin the blind and weaken the nerves. Such cowd;tione. as women are now called upon to undergo can only he en- dured by a full-htoeded -constitution. This is as true for hien as for women, only sealer women suffer soonest. The woman worker, in env line, re- quires her .blued replenished 1requent- Iv. She needs new. sial blond to keep her health, under the trying condi- tions of business life, and to fortify her system against the effects of overwork, This applies also to Ole woman in the home, who, perhaps, has more worries and anxieties than usual. So let all girls and women take heed and renew their blood promptly at the first ap- proach of pallor, lack of appetite, head- ache. or backache, This can he best and most effectively accomplished by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which make new, rich blood and tlitis help womankind so perfectly, No woman need fear failure of health if they take these pills occasionally to keep Brent well,' or glve them a fair trial if they find themselves rundown. You can get Dr, Williams' Pink Pills through any medicine deader or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 62.50 from The Dr. Wiliams' Medioine Co., Brockville, Ont, REV. ALEX. K. BIRKS, B.A,s An appreciation by R. D. Hamilton. In the sudden passing of our friend and brother, A, K. Birks, we all receiv- ed a shock from which the shall not soon recover, and we find ourselves asking, what does fife mean, and these processes through which it is called to p(Iss, and the final result in luno thought and action? It is worth while when we have to face this inevitable? And in the knowlege of our holy Chris- tianity we are able to look up and say we believe, We believe the divine state- ment, "No man liveth unto himself," So this life so suddenly translscted from our midst to another sphere -just as his sun was at Its meridian—before the shadows had lengthened far„ yet he has been here long enough that his life has spoken some lessons to us. And he being dead yet lives, and speaks to us who remain—in the high ideals for which he lived and Labored Purity of life, transparency of char- acter, faithfulness of ministry, thought- fulness of others, a helping hand out- stretched to the weak tied needy, a message of cheer for the sick shut 111, a loyal devotion to Church and State, to the things of the kingdom, and the things of the Empire in this great tra- gic struggle for righteousness and dem- ocracy. Bro, Birks was born at All, Forest, Sept, 24th, 1861, and passed out at Niagara Falls, on the morning of June 27th, 1917. He was the son of the parsonage. His parents were among the early pioneers of our beloved Meth- odism in this fair province of Ontario After a successful probation, lie was ordained in Seaforth in ,lune 1858. Ile travelled successively in the following circuitst'I'hunsesford, Durham, '1'eeswa- ter, Stratford ('Trinity), London (Col- borne St.), and from there was trans - fared 1100 the Hamilton Conference and was stationed rel Dunchts and Niagara Falls, At the memorial sefevice conducted in the Morison St, Methodist Church, Niagara Falls, every circuit where he represented ' Veale as pastor was e had travelled 1 p p with perhaps one exception. This alone is a tribute that speaks more than lan- guage of the place he held n1 the affec- tion of the people among whom he liv- ed and labored He graduated front Victoria Colege its Arts in 1 886 and took his LL.13, standing in 1900, He was not only appreciated on his various fields of la- bor, but he was speeially,.honored by his Conferenoe in the office of secre- tary, chairman of districts, secretary of lixattlfning Board, representative to General Conference, and president of Conference, The end cense with alarming sudden- ness, but his work was done and stale den death meant for our brothel' sad- den glorification, Rev, J, A, McLacls- lin, I3, C, president of Conference, con, Ills re - dent service in s memorial do dude ne cent church, which was Iargerly et- tended by the citizens of Niagara Bat's and many from outside, Rev. 5, L. Marshall assisted in the deyotion11 Ser - vices, Rev, 1), A. Mair, a former pSSlur of lire Ghtlrcit spoke among the line 01 kisb suss tuned Sae a congregation, 'Rev, DI, Barber (Presby.), represented the ,hllnisteriet Association, and Rev. R. 3, Hamilton a life-long associate, spoke of the life and services of Bro, Birks, 'Phe 'awl service va • a tribute ' whole sc i was i b o a beautiful loan useful life, In which em- phasis fell upon his thoughtfulness Its a preacher, his faithfulness 10 a pastor, ;to ideal husband,an indulgent ,flltlter, and a real home nutkei, a friend and a brother beloved by all whose good for- tune it was 10 know tiler. '1'lie note of evangelisnh had ti L'o'ge place in an ef- fective and efficient Ministry. Who can estimate the teal value of such a min- istry which he has left his devoted wife and noble boys, elso the church and the world, 'which is a heritage to be eovei-' ed, He lives because he planted the seeds of the best things in the lives of other's. Ile honored the high calling of his ministry and reflected every- where the spirit of the Master ' Interment was made in Ml, Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, where 14 fitting service was conducted by several of his ministerial brethren, where now he sleeps awaiting the resurrection morn, and we bay upon his bier our gerl;tnd of appreciation:— "Servant of God, well done; Life's race well run, Life's work well done, Life's crown well won—then comes rest." Thursday, September 13th, 1917 WHEAT PRICE IS FIXED AT $2.21. Announcement Coincides With Prices et Minneapolis, Other Grades to be. Fixed by Grain Supervisors. Ottawa, Sept. 1 1.—Uniform prices for this year's wheat crop in Canada and the United States have been fixed jointly by the Canadian board of grain supervisors and similar authorities al Washington. These bases of prices in Canada are Part William and Port Arthur and in the United States at Du- luth and Minneapolis. The decision follows negotiations en the progress for the Last few weeks and the co-oper- ative e'ff'ort will remove tiny difficulty which would arise front dissimilarity in prices. The comparative schedules O'tlnty: Canadian Prices Nor''. tlawitnurtb;t— herli 2 21 No. 2 norther„ 32.18 No. 3 northern 2.11 No. 1 Alberta red wheat 32.21 No. 2 Alberta red winter 32.111 No. 3 Alberta red wint.r +2, L i United States Prices No, 1 dark spring northern ... .22.21 No. 2 dark spring northern x2.18 No. i dark spring northern , , ;it -n.15 No 1 dark hard western ....' . 52.21 NO, 2 dark lewd western s".. 15 No. 1 dark hard western x2.15 For the other Caiadiaut grades prices will be fixed as soon as the requisite infermaLion is obtained by the grain board atethurity Is given millers t„ par up to one cent above the maximum prices for division charge, TO WIN THE WAR Cin Tuesday afternoon next about two o'clock the ladies of the town will he called upon and asked to till out the Fund Service Pledge. Every household should he pledged to carry out conscientiously the ad- vice and directions of the Food Con- troller. Help the Fighteri to Win. Save Wheat—Great Britain and our Allies must have 460,000,000 bushels from Canada and the United States. Normal consumption must be reduced by at least 25% to meet war needs. Save Beef and Bacon—Normal con- sumption must be reduced by al least 25% to sheet war needs, The demand for these cowwiodilies is imperative, The men in the trench- es will go hungry if you fail them. Will you let them light for you and not light for then,? You can use Substitutes—such aS other wheats, fish, eggs, milk, oatmeal, parley, etc„ with benefit to health. You betray your Country's Cause when You waste Food.—Over 550,000,000 worth of foodstuff's goes into the gar- bage waggons of Canada every year. Such waste do 811111illte is 11 cringe J051 loyalty Is measurable by your saving. Eat Perishable Products.—Preserve dry, can, and store the garden truck which has been produced so abundant- ly this year. By doing so yon prevent waste and release storable foods for export, VICTORY IS DEPENDENT UPON THE EXTENT OF YOUR FOOD SERVICE, W. J. HANNA, Food Controller, FOOD SERVICE PLEDGE Realizing the gravity of the fund sit- uation and knowing that Great Britain and our Allies look to Canada Lu help to shelter Germany's threat of starve - tion, I pledge myself and Why honsehild to carry out conscientiously the advice and directions of the food Controller that requisite foodstuffs may be re- leased for export lo the Canadian Div- isions, the British forces and people and the Allied armies and nst1ians. Sign,'d fly Address No, in household ' The representative of the Prnvin• tial Committee of the heal Controller's Office, who is making this, household canvass, will lorwttrd the copy mf the pledge to the Provincial ;lcadq,arlcrs as a recrird and for the creation of the Provincial Mailing List. e bya cord or a i Hang your pledge g ribbon in the dining room w•iwre your household can see it daily. Place your Win -the -War card prom- inently In your window where the pub- lic cam see it and where the members of the (household can read the impe alive re115055 for food saving set forth on the back. INDUCTIONS OF NEW RECTORS IN IIIJRON COUNTY. The induction of Rev. Horace W. Snell, 13.A., as rector of Sl, Paul's church, Wingiiatni, look place in the presence of a large and Interested cors gregation on Thursday evening. The following clergy were present: Ven- erable J. B, Richardson, MCL, arch. Yidoity L t lib Rev, Ja1 res Ro ii v, deacon t if London; son, i41, A., Rarest death of Huron; Rev. A, L. G. Clarke, St, Gwo ge s church, Oodetich; Rev, 1a. Cornish, Forests ltev Arthur' CerliSle, 13. 3.., All Saints' church, Windsor: Rev. Il, Roberts, Gorrie; Rev, Percy Herding, Waterloos Res, John liccleslone, Ltickunty, with the rector -elect, Archdencan Rich udson officiated ill the induction eeremanf, assisted by 1 Messrs, Richard and (rank V u alorre , Its. church wardens. 'rile sermon was preached by Rev. A. Carlisle from Romans 1., first verse: '1 am a debtor both to the Jew and also the Greek," and WAS an earnest setting forth of the responsibilities of the. Christahi minister and concluding with a most hind personal reference to the newts Inducted pastor told his many qualities and gifts for elle adtce. A full and well -organized choir led the praises of the congregeltnw, After the service a social gathering of the people was held under the auspices of the A. 1', P. A, of the parish, when the new rector wits l'ornlerly. introduced. to the members of the congregation, Last Friday evening a similar service was held in 'Trinity church, Bayfield. Rev, W. Asher hverest •was duly install- ed as pastor of the church by Vener- able Archdeacon Rlchal'dson Rev, Rural Dean Robinson, of Clinton, and Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, of Goder,ich, assisted in the services. - The archdeacon preached on "The Gate of Heaven," and pointed out the more prominent features of church worship and blessing. Messrs, W, El- liott and Joint Tippett performed the duties of wardens and presented the church keys to the rector. Notwith- standing the rain there was a large et tendauce. We've made Would llilolti 't bottler to necks KING COM. quite it .hot a few 4Nfor you We've madeait hot for a lot of folk✓; ' who were locking for satisfactory coal, and if you will place your spring order - witih us, we would be pleased to give you the good coal and two thousand poundls to the ton, EXETER. Corp. Edward Wvgolcd who went overseas with the 135th Battalion, has been killed in action, according to in- formation received by Miss Cuddy, of London. Corp. Wygold enlisted at Parkhill, and previous to enlisting lived at lixeter. 1 -le was a young Eng- lishman and had only leen in Canada a few years. 'There passed away at his home, Main street, Sunday afternoon, Mr, Samuel Sanders, aged seventy-nine years. He was the earliest surviving resident of lixeter, having lived Isere for seventy- eight years, and the story of his life is the histoy of the village. ile lived to see the stump patch 01 his boy- hood days the business heart of a pro- gressive town. A native cd England, horn in Devonshire un December 23, 1835, he rune to Canada with his parent; one and a half years later and settled in Exeter, and resided here ever since, For some ',ears he had suffered from bronchitis, but was able to attend to his duties until a sheet time ago. Ile has been agent for the (3, N. W. 'i'ele- graph Company for more than fen)._ eight years; was Assistant Postmaster for a number of years, and was also Treasurer ul Exeter for a number of years, In ;'',litics he was a Conserva- tive, and ;01 adherent of James Street Methodist Church. Besides his wife he is survived by one daughter, :Mame, at hone, also one brother, Robert of this town. FARM FOR SALE tui) acres un A1i11 Road. 4 utiles from Seaforth and 2 miles front Bruce - field. All cleared and in good state nl' cultivation. Brick house with furnace Basement Barn, Cement Silo, Spring water piped to barn, good well at house Rural Mail and Phone, For further particulars apply to own- er, Atex. A Watt, Ito Ontario Street, Guelph, or John Rankin, Peal Estate and insuurance Brucker. Seaforth, Ont, HENS AND CHICKENS WANTED A. J.olloway Office Phone 3 A first class bed room suite for pri- vate sale as well as other articles of furniture at residence on Ontario St. Highest market price paid. Special prices will be given tip to Thursday, Sept. 13th, for stens weigh- ing 5 pounds and over. Phone 14-166 W. MAlt(,I,UIS,_ ,— Clinton FOR SALE OR TO LET (louse occupied by Mr, Edgar East un Maria St, House in good repair, new furnace, garden and fruit trees. First class chicken house on premises. Possession 20th inst. Apply to Phone 40. H. WILTSE, For Sale One Art Souvvenir heater and two small heaters, as good at new. Ap- ply to J, G. Chowen, 1'uwnteLid St. — Auction Sale. The frame house owned lo Mrs. Bristowe, i'rederick St, tsith all eon- veniences, electric light. 15 first class repair, 1111 , ar;r of Lulai with ,aunt 11ee1, Also live And chick,`❑ haaise. Will be surd ht ',Milli au:lian ori Sat- in -Clay, Sell( 0111i,01 the 1 tfll .11 2 pen. on easy terms, MEN WANTED FOR MUNITION WORK. A number of gaol ieli.tble Wren can secure steady eulplaynlenl on Munition work. Apply 10. The Robt. Bell Engine & 'Thresher Co., Scatirlh, 1)Iltario, Noe Voarir Ortht^l• for some of our Western Oats, which WO 11E1,0 Net received and eve will charge y011 110 M01'e diet 11 they were just tho ordi+.laey grade of Oats. 1f you wish to soeuro some of these Oats place your order early as they aro going fast, We always have a fail stock of Flour and Feed. fliglaetrt Prices issdtt l'or Gritlss `__e�i�. ions & on Plane alb, ie81tlsoce on l411 BRING YOUR MOTOR CAR to the Clinton Motor Car Co, Shops when it needs attention, we will give you good service and our price moder- ate We• can also store your car when out in use. We have for a quick sale 2 light de- livery 'Trucks, that have only been used for a short time and will be sold at a very low price. a a s THE CLINTON MOTOR CAR CO. FOR SALE 1-9 roomed house, all modern con- venciuces; and a five roomed cottage, both on James street. For other part- iculars apply to Alex. F. Cudrnore, Clinton Wanted. A woolen for general housework in a family of three without children. Box M, Clinton. House for Sale. S -roost house, on Huron •Street, for- merly occupied by the lilte Rev. J. Greene. All modern conveniences. Good frame stable situated on pre- Nether re- I'u'111 r particulars apply to 1)r. C. W, Thompson, Clinton. saw Ere sat Tine mill has been used by the Doh- erty Piano Co„ and who might purchase the entire output annually ; is in fairly good condition. Capacity h to 10 thous• and feet per day. Free use of tate 11. R, sidfug. Abundance of yarrl room. Slabs would nearly pay running expenses. ,Apply to W. Doherty, 9)itntost House for Stale A ono and a half storey frame house, 13 rooms, situated on Mary street, barn, ;i acre of garden and orchard; waterworks and electric light Apply to W BRYDONE, Clinton, Strayed From lot 24, con 0, Hullett. a yearling heifer with a mark on dewlap. A suitable reward will 'bei paid for information leading to its recovery—Thos. Tighe, R. 'It, No, 1, Clinton. Phone 18 gin 105. For Sala or to Rent The brick house on Raglan street, now occupied by 3, E. Doherty, for sale or to rent. Electric light and town water; 2 acres of land. with stable. All in good repair. Apply to David Cantelon. RAID -`K' SY. ta1 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Round trip tickets to certain points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcon- tinental Route, or via Chicago and St. P,lul on sale each Tuesday until Oct. 30th., inclusive, at low fares, Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to 11'INNiPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 10.45 p.m., no change mf cars, via Transcontin- ent;tl Route, Return limit, two months, exclusive of date of sale, Berth resery;tted and full particulars at all Grand Trunk tick- et offices, or write C P, HORNING, Union Station, Toronto, Ont, Jahn llansford & Son, city pnssen- ,;rt' and '.Picket Agents, phone 57 151111 i>,o.,1. etatiuu 1110,•115 CO�p°.�ytO1C �uui0. y7 CAN CURE O{`• STrl P1'1711 ai j@, 811 THE USE Off p pp iNalitilirli's LCda^..�i-:1,mor t)iiia, A free motion the 'bowels Y shnnld lie the rule of everyone, l r yone, tin' if they do 001 ntu, regairly ,. la,liivi11,:n -s sure to follow. and brine in its 1.18..11 many other troubles when the trowels become clogged lip, Miss lemma Ty. M lanson, Halifax, N.1., "1 am unw 20 years of age, and since 1 was DD3 I have been greatly troubled with constipation, so touch so that at tinter I would be in led li or 4 chtye a month. I tried all tate old fashioned remedies, castor oil, cascara, oto., 'with only temporary relief -until my slater -in- law gave me smile of Mtlbttre's i,axa- Liver Pitts. bine the first they Retorted thetleticial, and I gave therm a fair trial. This was two years nage, and with salt occasional dose I have kept entirely free front constipation for the perlod. meu- tiotted," Nlilliuti a twat -Liver Piths are 2w c. a l Vial at ani dealers or mailed direct art receipt of peace by The 1'. Milburn Co,. fiiuited, Toronto, Ont,