HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-09-06, Page 1It
BstabliSheCI 1 865, Vol. 52, NO, 10 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 6th, 1917 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editor's and Publishers.
How does your Label Read, ece,na er i? Look and See.
lepalsG 1-1160/1 PRIeES
you with
PriceS. We are fortunate in being able to supply
Every Person is aware of the Prevailing High
et the old price, and better still we will give you 2
full size cakes of Palm Olive Soap FREE with a 50cent
purdhase of Palm Olive Goods.
This offer is for 2 weeks et THE REXALL STORE.
S. Po., TEO Phm.B.
wouivvvvvvvvvvvvw.www4 vt.ovvovvvvra,o.ovvvvvvogwove,av
'De Royal Bapk
Incorporated 1 869.
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 12,900,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,300,000
Total Assets
400 B R A N C H E S—With World-wide Connection
Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits.
General Banking Business Transacted.
R. E. 1V1 ANNING, Iflanager : Clinton Branch
. VUOCanseSaSAFIlamecurgrn*001.1a2C4/1"7:471,6(vOccpm,
INCORPORATED 1855 rin7ED--7--—bil
OS Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate
H. R. SHARP, Acting Manager Claton
v. wv.m. S.. 1,011k • ..iikirneernactg,W as.0,11 .. • ** we Of OA,
6111a An.M.¢¢1",
1 Ploll'A'ild.
leenti y -to -W r
• Clothing
C t
If you desire to dress the E 0 Y in a good Suit for
$5.00 come here with the money and get ihe best Suit the
rice ever bought.
Boy School Sweaters
Boys' Sweater Coats , ...$i.00 $1.50 to $3.50
Boys Pull -over Sweaters.. • .$1.00 $1.25 and $1.50
kioy School frioQe
35, 50, 75
Boy Scho
25, 35, 50 75
"he Morrish Clot c,2,
Agent for 43. P. R. Talegraph Co.
A Square Deal gor Fi'vv,ryui
Try The New Era
,for Job Work in
The 31111113i meeting of the H.W.C.A.
WAS held in Wesley Church on Labor
Day, Despite the act that the•Anglican
Deanery Convention was in session,
and St. Joseph's picnic ill progress, a
goodly number attetted, including re-
presentatives from the variouspatriotic
organizations Of Huron County.
The 1110rffing session opened at It
a111. with the President, Mrs, Hamilton
in the. chair. The minutes of the for-
mer meeting also the minutes of the
three executive 'meeting's were re.ad.
and discussed. These showed that the
officers of the H.W.C,A, have not been
idle during the year. . Almost all of
the societies are working under this
Association,. seven shipping and cen-
soring centres having been chosen,
namely, Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth,
Wingham, Exeter Blyth, and Brhssels..,
Some time ago the County Council
voted the organization a grant. of ,S1 00
per year during the war, which amount
enables them to meet the expenses in-
curred. It is clue to the efforts of the
that Huron County now has
two wards in Byron Sanitarium. They
set out to obtain $500 to lit out one
ward, the people responded, loyally
with Stu over $1.000, and thus two
cots were furnished.
The Corresponding -Secretary, Mrs,
Fitten presented her report, after
which the meeting adjourned for lunch.
Afternoon Meeting.
At two p. m. the delegates assembled
again, PrIrs. Hamilton of Goderich was
appointed delegate to attend annual
meeting of C,.W.C.A. at Hyman Hall.
The speaker of the day Miss Robin-
son, Corresponding -Secretary of the
Elgin Co. W.C.A., then took her place
and gave a most interesting address on
ways and means of carrying on the
work. Miss Robinson explained tirst
the origin of the Association—whose
head is High Commissioner in London
England—the different purposes of
war contingent work and Red Cross
work, the forme -r working entirely for
Held comforts, the latter for hospital
"Put notes in your sox" and don't
stop knitting if you don't receive an
:Inswer. These notes add interest—
but as far as answers Inc concerned
the receivers may have been killed,
wounded or in some .,vay unable to
write. Al4ss It,,bilison spoke very in-
terestingly of the work done in Elgin
for prisoners in Germany. For those
in tit,t1I'1 ,as to whether these parcels
are received. Miss Robinson told ot 0
parcel sent last Christmas to a Univer-
sity student then a prisoner. When
the parcel reached Germany, 00 ex-
chanite ,,1 prisoners had been made and
this young student had been sent to
Switzerland. Last week Miss Robinson
received word that the parcel had been
received in good condition.
The officers elected tor the follow-
ing year are:—
Hon. Pres.—Mrs, it mutton, Goder-
President—Mrs, W D. Fair, Clinton
Corr.-Sec.—Airs. Fitton, Exeter:
Secretary—Miss Consitt, 115118011
Treasurer—Miss Brown, Seaforth.
All Presidents of organizations in the
shining centres are vice-presidents.
The Treasurer's report gave an ac-
count of the money handled by the
Societies. Clinton Girl's Auxiliary
showed 0 credit of 5124 5.3 5; Clinton
Women's. Patriotic $1 21 7.11).
The meeting adjourned with the
National Anthem,
Thanksgiving Day Falls on October 8,
Day Following Natural Death of
Ottawa, Sept. 4th—The date of
Thanksgiving day has been set by
the Secretary of Stale for Monday Oct-
ober eighth.
It is a somewhat Irony fact that
Thanksgiving Day has been set for
the day after the long parliament of
Canada dies a natural death. The al-
lotted span of that parliament snaps
at midnight of October 7.
or ries
Special hi9
Ns Week -
2 U. HEBB RAISINS at 25c
2 lbs, PRIMES at 25c
3 lbs, FIGS at 2c
• .1 -.0
Phone 48
Over • The TeaCu
miss Dell O'Neil returned to Toronto Miss Ruby Wise was a Toro.ntt»,isit- Alt'. Bert. Johnson returned to his
to hersC11001. ()r, school at Port 13urwell.
Miss Quigley was a visitor at Tor- Mr,, J. Rands was a visitor at Strat-
Co.. Clerk W. Lane, of Goderich,
onto this week. fo,'d
Mr, William Miller is spending g few
clays in Toronto.
Rev J A bi I was in town on TuesdaY•
Mr. Melvin 311
Rsford. was a Toronto
visitor last week.
Miss Ai, Cooper was a visitor with
relatives at Toronto,
Miss Daisy Copp has left for her
school near Uxbridge.
.Mrs, Edgar Pattison is visiting with
old friends at Toronto.
Air, John Sutter spent Labor Day with
his parents in Stratford.
Miss G, chant was a visitor in ,the
Classic City on Labor Day, .
MI% Wm. Jackson made 11 business
trip to Toronto this week.
Mr. Harold Pickett took in the big
fair at Toronto this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCaughey were
Toronto visitors this week.
Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr is visiting at the
parental borne in Toronto.
Miss Johns, Townsend street, was a
visitor in Seaforth last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas., Connor were
week end visitors in Toronto.
Ex -Mayor Fred Jackson paid the Out
:trio Capital a visit this week.
Mr. and .Mrs. Ray 0tonball, (lode.
rich spent the holiday in town.
Miss Nellie Kemp rkurned Saturday
from a weeks' visit in Toront,•,.
Mr. Fred Cooper. of Toronto, is 0
welcome visitor in town this week.
Airs. B. J. Gibbings and Master Jack
were visitors in Seaforth last week.
Mr. 1.ounsbery, ,1 North Bay, spent
tew days at the Manse this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 11,11151111(11 10111,1
visitors at Toronto over Labor Day.
Mrs, Walter Manning returned from
her Western trip on Saturtli-.::
Mr, IL Wilts,. of Detroit spent the
holiday with his lather, Mr. 1,2V1
keV. W2Stgate anti baby. 01
SandwiA. are visiting with Mrs, Kitty.
Misses hia and Laura Within return -
their positions in Detroit on Mon -
miss FORA t.) ifc,rnt,, ;trent
the Labor Day holiday at the parental
Johnsmt and Miss Isabel re-
turned toter ,pending the Summer at
Mr. 11. Sharp, manager of the
Molson's 13ail 11, 5050a visitor at Toronto
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. West anm
d anly ot
P.,•eston. were visitors in town over the
.,,,•,e1; end.
Norman Iliilt:ihauer, of Toronto,
WA% a visitor in Clinton tor a few days
this week.
Air: and Mrs. E, E, Ilunnieford and
Miess Stella 0(1111Visitors at Toronfo
this week.
MISS May Dickson, of Port Albert is
visiting. her friend, Miss MaggieScI1lsnhabs. Schoenhak.
Air. P1111011, superintendent at the
Doherty Nano Co., spent the holiday
at Toronto.
Mr, Wesley Newcombe, of FortWilliam.
William. spent a few days at the home
of Dr. Evans.
odds Holloay, of Sault Ste,
Marie, is spending his holidays at the
parental home.
Mr. And Mrs, a McTaggart and two
youngest children are visitors in Tor-
onto this week.
Mr. L. Trouse, of Woodstock is a
visitor at his mother's home in town
f,ver Labor Day. •
- Miss Margaret Williamson of Wing -
ham, visited •Miss Rodella McKenzie
over the holiday.
Miss Matheson of Goderlch, spent
he past week with Mrs. Annie Beacom
:111(1other friends.
Mrs, 0..1. Cluff and the Misses CluIT
and Mrs, Phoenix. 55(1 50(1 spent the
holiday at 1 lensall.
Miss Margaret Main returned' to De-
troit 00 Monday after spending three
weeks visiting at her home here.
Little Bobble Doherty, son of Jas.
Doherty of town has been visiting in,
Goderich Township for a few days.
The Misses Chidley returned to Tor-
onto after spending the holidays in
Clinton, They were welcome visitors,
Mr. Elgin Mitchell and sister of Lis-
towel accompanied by Miss Fallaksty or
cobalt, motored over to Clinton and
were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, D, N.
Watson over Sunday.
Brussels Posti—Donald and Mrs.
Campbell, of Cranbrook, visited last
week at the home of George Campbell
at Clinton.
Mr. P. Vanstone, Misses Vanstone,
Wingham, and Airs, Forster, of Colum-
bia. Tenn., spent the holiday at Mr.
Chas, Baff
Air, and Mrs. .ino, 13. Stewart an
n -
otm,:e ongagenlent of their eldest
dattOter, Elea A. a to Edwin C. A.
Schounliais, the marriage to take place
about tne mlJele of September,
PArs. Tucker, of 'Toronto, who has
been in tawn the last couple of weeks
visiting her daughter returned bottle
Moitday acCoMpanied by her daughter
Lieut. Tucker of the S. A. force, who
spend the holiday in Toronto,
J. , nson tkas a s tor in
Miss Wasman returned to her school
at Myrtle.'
Mr,. and Airs. Cook were holiday visit-
ors at Paris.
kir Len Harland is taking in the
Toronto Fair.
Mr, Frank Pennabaker was a visitor
at Toronto Fair.
Mrs. Marshall, King Street, is visit-
ing at Toronto.
Air. Johnson, jeweler, spent the holi-
day at Walkerton.
Miss Eva Maines spent Labor Day at
her home in Elyth.
Mr. and Mrs, Ai, McEwen were at
Galt over the holiday.
Mr Ike Ratenbury leaves on Satur-
day for Peterboro where he MIL:inter a
large hardware business for the present
Mrs. Rattenbury and his sister, Miss
Dorothy will remain in Clinton for the
Se:tomtit, spent Labor Day
with Miss R. Al. Bentley,
Master Willie Mulch returned home
Monday evening after spending a
C011ple of days in Toronto.
Miss Amy Hellyar returned' home
Monday evening after spending about
two weeks I acation at LondoM,
Miss Thompson, of the Public
school staff, returned home from her
holiday trip Monday evening.
Zella Carter, of Westfield,
visited her sisters, Miss Margaret Car-
ter and. Mrs. Frank liallyman, of town,
Mrs. 1 W. Kilhride of Strathroy, is
siting town with old friends and
with her sister: Airs. Shanahan, of litd-
Mr. 1. .1, Lindsay Base Line, is visit-,
fjends in Brantford, Hamilton and
or.,::to, and also taking in the Exhib-
Mr. Erskine S..-Evanit returned last
Ater spending three months
on a farm at Alttinro, near l'ul-
' !Arlon.
Mr„lamei Nlitehell, 1 Goderich, re -
1)0. 10111111111 the Archive4of cam:kb
at I 1110 .1 attended Presbyter)* here on
Warden Dr. Milne, of Blyth, accom-
pailied by Mrs, Milne and -daughters
.511 '.,1'1 Mary anti Sara were in town on
Missei,s1 0. White of Walkerton,
and M. Dewitt, of Cayuga. are back to
town again with Couch & for the
fall millinery season.
Airs. Ralph Bezzo of Stratford, for-
merly of town, was a visitor+. with her
sister, Mrs. Castle, of the Bayfield Road
anci other relatives in town.
Alessrs. Lewis and Earl Darr. of Soh.
octon, Ohio, who have been visiting
for the past two weeks with Air. and
Airs, S. J. Andrews returned to their
home on Wednesday,
Air, Tony Lawson, who has been
barbering here for some years left for
Toronto where he goes into another
line of work. ,J,Irs. Lawson and child-
ren will follow in a few days,
Alr. and Mr's. Sheppard and son,
Glenn, of London, were up over Sun-
day visiting Mrs. Sheppard's sister, Airs
Castle of the Baytield Road, and her
mother, Mrs, Livermore. of town.
Miss Josie Medd. of Chatham,
spent a few days last week 31 the home
of her uncle, Mr. J. 0, Medd. She left
Saturday for Wingham where she has
been engaged as teacher on the High
School stall of that place.
Stratford Beacom—Miss L, Brown,
of Clinton and Mrs, Jeffries of London
were in St, Thomas Me week -end, visit
int Mrs. A. Twitched!, Antrim Street,
and her daughte.r, Miss Mabel Twitch-
ell, who is in Amassa Wood Hospital
with typhoid lever,
Mr, and Mrs, John Dodsworth a
family or Seaforth, spent the week end
at the home of their mother, Mrs. ,
.Mary McIntyre before leaving on a 3
months' trip to the West to visit Mrs.
Dodsworth's sisters, Mrs Beattie and
also Mrs, George Stewart of Calgary.
Airs. George Lavin returnea home
last Wednesday after an extended visit -
of over two months with relatives and ,
friends in the West, During her trip in
the West she was a visitor with her ;
sister, Mrs, Frank Garen, of 000w, I
Sask.,, and also visited Mr. Lavis' sister
Mrs, John 11111 of Oxbow and with
friends in Winnipeg. While in the West
she visirecl her two,brothers, Mr Jas ;
Jenkins, of Erie, North Dokato, and Mr.
Thomas Jenkins of elkirk, 25 miles
from Winnipeg. The latter is building 1
a handsome residence for himself this 1
season. During her visit in the West •
she was also the guest of Mrs, A.
Moore, of Pigeon Bluff. 32 miles from
Winnipeg. Mrs, 'Levis reports the
crops in Manitoba were very beautiful
and in a nourishing condition, but in
Oxbow, Sask., they were not consider-
ed good owing to the dryness prevail-
ing there this. summer. As -Mrs. Lavis' ,
two brothers and. sister each own
autos it made her visit in the West st
very delightful one,
• '
Air, Win. Sheppard spent an enjoy-
able Saturday at Hensall,
'Mn. George Irving, of Winnipeg, 5111(5a visitor in town this sveek.
Mn, Arthur 0. Baker, of Utica, N.Y.'
was a visitor In town this week.
Mr, King, teller in Molsrin's Bank,
spent the holiday at Kitchener.
Mrs. Borders, of Stratford, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs, 18 Combe.
Miss Smith, milliner, was at Toronto
attending the millinery opening's.
Mr, F. A. Johns and children of Tor-
onto, were visitors In town this -.sveek,
Mr, and Airs, Jas, Cornish spent the
week 'Sod visiting friends in Wing -
Miss Campbell who attended Miss
Kitty's wedding, went to her school at
Airs. Mille.r, who is visiting her dau-
ghter, Mrs. '1, Hawkins spent Labor
Day at !Milbank.
Mrs. Arnold Case and,daughter Mar-
, of
Word was received this week from
Ottawa, that Pte. John A. C.arter, who
joined the 161st, WILS wouilded in the
back, Pte. i:arter, went 1,1 erseas with
the Battalion and was ;titer transferred
to France on transport company and
now dont," tuts wound," 'while bring -
1110 0r IDS l provisions,
This week Mr. Geoni:e..0Asi.:Taggart
receEted a letter fe.111 hit; young son,
Lieut. C.worge It AlcTap,,:att,
that he had received the
The family (1(1,11 there 11. a letter that
must bare been written in 1001,:e that
hos nat arrived yet telling of his going
to receive the 10.10
18, Jiial 10: otlicer after a eel t the
0. 1.C, Kingston was given his t;inl-
510001,1 the 1,7‘.....11 Esttiueers of the
Imperial Arm.. Ile left Canada in
teml,er 115, and O1'.11b the winter
training at (1131 11.:111 and
lett (-or France in the Sj.
By next week further
expected trom the 0 llilg soldier.
Word Received Thursday mornin;, that
a 151st Soldier had made the
Supreme Sacrifice.
Mrs. Bristowe received word this
morning that her son. Sergi. G. 13. Se-
well, who had enlisted 01 the 161:0
Liattl., and who after the Battalion had
reached England had gone in a draft to
France had been ktlivd In action
At Christmas time he was in
the hospital sutfering from fever, but
was soon back in the trenches. Be-
sides his wife and title daughter, who
are living in Buffalo, he is survived by
his mother, Mrs. Finstowe and sister
Mrs. La Penetiere, towfl and another
sister Nurse Sewell Who is serving in
0 15
Ontario Street Church.
The pastor's subject for Sunday
evening will be "Four men in one,'
cara MEETI1E1
Council held a short session on
Tuesday evening. Alayor Thompson in
the chair and Reeve Ford and Council-
lors Wiltse, Miller, Sheppard and Nedi-
ger present.
Minutes of last meeting read and eon
A communication from the Y.L.P.A.
asking for a rebate of $1,40 for paper
weighing and Coitneil will make re-
Park Committee reported that fence
had beon repaired.
Street Committee reported that corn
plaint had been received in regards to
the Rattembury drain, After a d15 -
shin it was decided 10 go with what
was needed, as the street appropriat-
ion was over tile limit now.
'The Finance Committee made their
regular report which may be read on
another column.
The matter of the old dye question
inYthe Mary street drain was brought
up for discussion tend the following
motion of Reeve Ford and C..i31111Cilifir
‘Wiltse was read and Passedt—That the
Knitting Eactory be notified to 50111,
plete septic tank or else town will be
compelled to have. drain from factory
to Mary street drain discomfected.
On motion of Sheppard and Nediger
Councilthert adjourned.
Drink buttermilk and be happy,
Lloyd C.leottge is staying well 10111) 1135
Joh, duntyerktiowt
—0 --
This has been a delightful harvest,
and the threshing and marketing
should 'Slid to the enjoyment.
Appendicitis Is still on the program
but the season should soon be over
judging by the large number of oper-
ations th almost every countryside.
"We'll never let the old flag fall"
nor should we relax our efforts to
stand behind the brave fellows who art
representing us in the battle line oa
land, sea and ttir.
The dear old Senate still has the
happy knack of giving the bump to
sensible legislation passed by the Corn -
mons, If they depended on the vote
of the people to hold their Jai)
many of these old codgers would think
9 tittles before they woulci vote once
on many a question. As it is they Inc
one of the most irresponsible bodies
the wide world,
if lion.,Mr. Hanna will kindly till the
order of the public with line fresh fish
at a moderate price he will have the
L1 id wishes of many a household
showered upon him. We 11' pc nobody
either Grit or Tciry, will be allo.,ved to
get a 11n,1 on the tinny family or it
would be worse 111 price lifting 111311
0:11411 the cow lumped over the moon.
Some produet should surely be forth-
coming that has not a graft Libel
Next liairymen'S Convention of the
Oiltario ut Will be held at
Stratford on January 16 and 17. At
the enhalic!..1 price of milk, cream,
butter and cheese a keen interest is
manifested in the land in this 0n -
portant department. Bossy is queen
of the turf but not responsible for the
expletives offered over heavy draft
butter that still gets to market :Ind
appears to be strong enough to find the
Mono fd the customer if acquainted
v:ith the directory.
Tile New Era tenders journalistic
sympathy 1' the McLean family, Sea -
forth, over the sad but heroic death of
Lieut. Arthur S. McLean, who died at
! the Empire in France, lie was the srd
Ille early age of 3o years, serving
youngest son in the late Y. McLean,
the Huron Expositor. ,tnd had been
wounded previously but had recovered
and returned to the trenches. tits
death occurred on August 15111. Lieut_
McLean was a clever young man, held
in high esteem by a wide circle of
friends who greatly regretted .to learn
of his decease.0_Dont be a stool pigeon for fellows
who desire to violate the law. Let
them take the risk as well as the pro-
imiteilitnads 111 1e1:51rtilil(ulrunwinigpswillf
the fbaemisly4ven4amaes
p t'r served.
22 potatoes were counted in one hill
by a 0101 ton resident last week. if
this Is a fair average and tile size of the
tuber compares favorably with the
numerical quotation more than the
Emerald isle people should be happy.
A dinner table shorn of a dish Of Irish
bullets is something akin to a home
0111101 11 timepiece. There should not
be much chance this Fall or Winter to
rob the public by cornering the crop
and boosting the price.
From this time forward poultry will
be bought and sold on Stratford market
by weight. 11 a certincate of age
could be supplied there should be no
kick coming from the purchaser. The
'teen age should not be ove.rlooked in
the poultry family.
Keep an eye on your hen house
as a gang of thieves is said to be a-
broad 111 some communities who do
not invest. to be particular what the
breed is, in fact have no objection to
Continued on Page 5.
Iwoney makos iVioltay
Vern' army Mil %rad< while you
11 151511811 Il coat) Intarast,
ats,5 'c4 01111 rind safe mai satis.
iaF.,?xy barmais by simian a
1ilavy-13.12001 ov":. in our Ointtoi-
tied Want ()slum . first
mortli1513 is. a* 011:: In!) f, 001111
01/ tin) itr4Prea letwias 111
orviowiravfir. Who,