HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-08-30, Page 6pAGB s 1'1 rirfri4STRIMER THE CL1NTQNN NEW ERA, asemenewesenasseeresesemalmalommmilmir atriatism l tit $E A PRACTICAL, PATRIOT -- SPEND FREELY AND WISELY MAKE YOUR OWN CLOTHES, USING E1.TTERICK PATTERNS. CALL AT THE BUTTER. ICK PATTERN DEPARTMENT. BU A d ER!C PArFER.NI D O* I T NOW BUY THEM NOW. V.ZSCPVISOM IS At Ert Ear MOM; II I Ur WOMAN'S ' ST07-tE Dry roods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Neixt to Royal Bank MISSES SAItoR DRESS JUNIORS DRESS flJUER@CK PATTER NS NUN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring Men's *Furnishings. Phone 103. O'ppositicPubl icLibrary w".'2X'6nS,9'°'••-'••"O'..==M12£14 m•mr..epy+t aM •^•••, cur...rnerr•.^:zanxss*+.. ssm r ±• &'SEWFES PR is the nn:aliin;.; of good pick'es and in order to tette good d p ckles she must have !.0,41 ; ilea and good vine •tr. Our s; less :,,re pure and have had the prones :aria,•; and proper maturing. (-)1.a• tine:.";r k of the best knaw•n brabds : i d ours 1;.;t have been fried or..". 1✓ . feel sere they are the best, Leasa- a.atr pi.a,lieg orders with us. L sn•_tli they will have careful a tri 11yoa w<add like to have .pitie Dice ,.as:ing mustard pickles to e^; adc zest to appetite this winter try this re,.eipe. Mix to a Paste 3 table spoonfuls of mustard; 1, table Spoonful of tumeric; 3a .cup of flour; 'a cup of sugar; 1 qt. vinegar; boil and pour over pickles - A McLaughlin buggy, good as new for sale. HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS A'ho .e 137 D THE STORE OF tIttlAUTY cv Sane We are cuing you to a Shoe Sale that will appeal to people not ntlto a '' nWe are White Shoes!Y ^tar_. Goon 4Vltcalling who enjoy�t e_ sale of arc accumulation of shop-worn in different quality of Footwear We are holding a Clearance Sale of White Shoes in order to close out the White Shoes we have on hand to make room for Fall 2'sons and to be able to start in next season with entire new lines of White Footwear, and its your- ifite dime u • ty l' e;.. r „ r.• 1.144 i'h'llz'sday, August 30tI1, LOCAL NEWS Post °Bice Flours As Monday is a. holiday the usual holiday hours will be observed., The mxholtlers can get their mail any- iule 1.1111 414 • Council Will Moet Tpesday, Thi regular Meeting of Town Coun- cil will be bald on Tuesday as Monday being lather Day will be a holiday, Committees meet Friday evening, Price of Stodepipee 'file price of 0 length of stovepipe has inereased from twelve to twenty- five cents a length, 'Phis is cheer- ing news as winter approaches, District Meeting The Financial District Meeting of the Goderich District wit be held in Wes- ley church,. un Thursday, Sept. 20th, Further announcement will be mange latter. C. 0, F, Will Attend Service The Clinton Court of C. O. F. will attend Divine Service in Willis Church on Sunday evening, August 260, A full attendance of the members is re- quested Have a Clinton Truck eteiecieeetoc,'imere^'f7vua Bete C4ee e WITH TEM,' CHURCHES. as lin t, i ax( GeetsiDetneesenaseeese1n, Willis Church. Rev, J, L', Hogg occupied his own pulpit last Sunday. Sunday School will meet at 2.30 p, u1, on Sunday afternoon from not,, on, St. Paul's Cbusal1, 'rhe Rector has returned from his holidays and will preach at both ser- vices next Sunady: Sunday School Is changed from the morning and will sleet at 2.30 o'clock next Sunday Holy communion at 11 a,an. Ontario Street Church. Rev. Mr, Craik, of Walton, took the services Last Sunday, exchanging with the pastor. Rev. J. A. Agnew, pastor will occupy his own pulpit on Sunday at both ser- vices flue anniversary of the Ontario St. Church will be held on Sunday, Oct. 2Sth. Rev. .1, 0, J, Millyard, of Lis- towel. will be the preacher on the occa- sion. 'file anniversary of Turner's Church will be held on Sundav Oct. 7th. Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Wingh:uu, will be the preacher. .Mar. Armstrong was a former junior past at this Church, \l'eslcy mooch. Mr, J. A, Irwin had charge of the services last Sunday. Rev, J. 0, Jones, pastor, will resume his own work on Sunday 'after' a mon- th's vacation, Al the Epworth League Meeting last Mondry evening the League entertain- ed tote Students of the Model School. ' Mr. Norman Holland, president. having - change of the Meeting. Pastor Rev. A. E. Jones :and Principal Bouck both addressed the League, The program given was composed of the, following: 1 Selection from Orchestra We mention below some of our lines of white Footwear show. hew. the Great Cut in prices. We're sure you'll find it interesting and we ask you to look over the list. LADIES LAKESIDE LADIES MAXIE PUMPS Boots laced, rubber sole, solid heel, with bow: solid rubber heels; sizes sizes 2' 1 to 6. Regular °° I 2' z to 6; regular ,1,35; ej price J1 oma 51.35. Sale price.... o sale LADIES SPORT LOOTS Laced. Heavy rubber soles and heels; sires 21 to 6. Re- 9/I9 gul:u• :3.50. Sale price.. LADIES SPORT OXFORDS White Kid strapping; sizes 2'A to 6 Regular 53.25; Sale $s'b°9 9 price G�'r1 LADIES TENNIS BOOTS Ru fiber sole; Spring heel; sizes 2?; to 5, Regular 5t 50. 'Sale $Y� tl 0 price GIRLS TENNIS EOOTn Rubber sole; spring heel; sizes 11?s to 2; Regular 51.00. Sale Bp, ssP price aY60 CHILDRENS TENNIS BOOTS Rubber soles; spring heels; sizes 6 to 40; Regular 51.00. Sale QA.0 price air LADIES SPORT OXFORDS Ifeavy rubber soles and heels; sizes 3 to 6; regular 52.00; sale price eta'°' a4.9 LADIES TENNIS OXFORDS Rubber soles; spring heels; sizes 23-.5? to 5 y ; regular 51.35; sale a�a�99 Q9t9 c price GIRLS PROMENADE Solo -by Mr James Doherty Recitation -41y Miss Daisy Neidgel Duett-by Mrs, E. East and Mr. C. Andrews, Selection front Orchestra, Violion Solo --Miss Gertrude Chiun. Selection from Orclhestra, After the program refreshments were served in the form of ice cream and cake, Next- week's League meeting will sleet on Tuesday evening on ac- count of the holiday, the topic will be "The Master's Loyallty to alis Cause," by Miss 'Turner. • A WEEK IN CLINTON Rain Postponed Game, The rain On Thursday last put a stop to the baseball match between tate Mitchell Girls and SJlinton's fair ones. Very I'ioppful Reports from day to day of Mrs, (Dr,) Bean's contrition are very hope- ful now, New skin is growing where she, wits so badly burned, and the baby is only out of the hospital. Money for Goderich and Bayfield.. The supplementary estimates show the vote fur the work at the site for the Goderich Shipbuilding Co., $5 1,,000, There is also a vote of 510,700 for re- pairs to piers et Bay'tield. Join the Ranks The Jackson Mfg. Co., have a Clin- ton truck for carrying their goods from their branch factories at Seaforth, Ex- eter and Goderich, 0 saves a lot of freight and delay at present Away at Toronto• Janes Snell & Sons have 15 sheep away at Toronto Fair, They are being judged today. Mr Snell has not de- cided if they will go to Ottawa or Loudon fairs after Toronto, Big Rally There will he a big rally at the Sal- vation Army Citadel on Friday evening of this week when Brig. Rawlings of London Division, assisted by Adjt. Ritchie will give special addresses. A hearty invitation is extended to the community to attend this meeting, Tonight Everybody should be oe "deck" to attend the Kiltie Band Garden Party and also help tate Girls Patriotic Auxi- liary,. The big list of prizes may be read on page two of this issue and somebody is going to win some good prizes, lie sure and go over to the Re- creation Park ;old enjoy the evening. Draughtsman in Uncle Sam's Army. Mr. Eugene Sheeley, son of Mrs. G. W. Sheeiey, of town, who was a toemer school boy here, has enlisted with Uncle Sam's. army as draughtsman in c . . the Aviation corps, and left lag t tt eek for San Diego, Texas, where there is a targe aeroplane plant. Eugene's old friends in town Wish him success in his new position: A Regular Clean-up James Snell & Sons, had 13 sheep at Warsaw, N, Y., fair last week and in the Leicesters took all the tirst prizes O in number, .and the two flock prizes. In the Lincolns they captured 3 firsts, t fuel: prize and two seconds. The sheep are to be shown at several other fairs including the State Fair, Syracuse. They have been already sold to 0, S. breeders. Brussels WantsLight, Brussels has a power problem on its hands in •connection with the future oris position of the electric light plant. Nothing is known of what the new own era will do with the plant, and thele is an agitation to secure Hydro for the town, Setityth is tir nearest pvt• t touched by Hydro, but is only f 6 mile away with Walton a 11011rishing little village in between which would also use hydro, • HURON W. C. A. ANNUAL MEETING The Huron War Contingent ASSoeia- Hon will hold their annual Meeting b r Dat in Wesley Church ur)„La o y Representatives from every patriotic Society in the county will be present, The following program will be pre- sented 11 a.m,-Business Meeting-laection of otlicers-Annual reports of each Society ' 1,30 p.m. --Addresses by speakers from St, Thomas and London on sub SLIPPER jeets relative to oar work. Let every person in Clinton and sur- , Ankle strap; spring heels; sizes 11 rounding districts avail themselves of to 2; regular 01.25; saleQ this opportunity to hear what Huron price oa' is doing to win the War and benefit by the addresses and discussions. H. W. C. A. NOTES LADIES REIGNSKIN PUMPS Oak tan, leather soles; Lonishecis; sizes 21.; to Cr. Regular t e4fii 53.25. Sale price , LADIES HIGH TOP Lace boots; oak tan leather; soles Louis heels; sizes 2;z to AA(ZA 5'5; regular 54; sale price 2. 98 PROMENADE SLIPPER Ankle strap; spring heels; sizes 6 to 10; regular 51,25; sale Q. price - �& GIRLS BROWNIE SANDALS Pine rubber sole; spring heels,, Sizes 11 to 2; regular 51.00; sale price t TERMS STRICTLY. CASH t NO GOODS ON 'APPROVAL Our Weeid..;. Short Story 614 PAGE FOUR - u:._ On acount of the Secretary being away from home the following report was delayed: - The supplies shipped to London on Aug. 1501 \vele:---- Bayfeld Society:( --1 1 itaitnel shirts and 14 pr socks. • Unity Club:25 slips, 9 Propel towels, .1 'pr. socks. Clinton Patriotic Socaety 13 flan- nel shirts, 00 sheets, 32 slips, 40 Fran - ch travels, 5 pyjamas, 73 pr, socks. Bethany Societyc-6 pr. socks. Turner's Church Soc•ioty:••-O pr, socks, • A Fine Graawtlt • Mr. 1.1. R. Sharp, manager of the Molsrin's Blink hits had a spmple of his tPadloius in 'W. 5, R. i'iohnes' drug store window,: 'The original height was four feet 10 inches, The slaeeies of lioiver was "IGuttcleri,'•" Tho New Era can use the dollar or two you may be arrears on your sub- scription to advantage just now. If you are paid in advance this does not apply to you. if not we would invite you/to join the ranks of the paid-in- advallce suseriber5. . Do it now Holds A Government Position Mr. G, W. Sheeley, who was form- erly Superintendent of the Clinton Knitting Co., is now 00 the Quarter- master's Staff of the United States Gov- ernment at Boston as Textile Inspect- or. Mr. Sheeley should give good sat- isfaction 111 this position Back to the Farm The Daily Expositor of Brantford, last Thursday made the following re- ference to at former Clintonian:---Geo. L. Walker, for many years a successful business man -here conducting the main line livery on Dalhousie street has pur- chased an extensive fruit farm at North Grimsby and will leave to assume his new duties shortly. While Mi'. Walker is leaving the city in person, he will leave many financial interests behind him here. While his many friends re- gret'his departure, they at the same time wish hint success in his new ad- venture and hope the things which he will leave behind may have a ten- dency towards bringing him back try Brantford^itgain to reside. Up 5 snots The run' rinks of bowlers who vikit- ed Hensail last week were up 5 shots on the .tames. Following were the scares with skips:- Afternoi,Gante Cliniutrnt ilens,dl Hovey 1 . 50 Nediger 14 Meftoilaell .. 9 Roberton . , no it nit 1n Axon 15 Bennie .... 12 Eveninggauze: Clint( (n Ileu:all Robertolt . , . 21 1lc La in iota , . 1: Uovev , titr:•11 11 Nediger Hu :pinill .. , 20 Morrish , , . , 19 Wicilesici,'s 15 lata 124 Is in The f ig I':ght, The 0,11(valng is coy ir 1 ia,oro the Fargo paper, which ret';:; to a former Clintnnian:-Corpl. George 'Twitchell, "Foronto, Ont.. ha; suc:eistully made his second trip ((versos as the service -.1 the British G-,verranan, and is vow in England, ace,: r in.. to a I,tt.t t c are(''are('from ham b.•: his aunt, Miss aaiu.)!>eth Jardine, -1310 Trout Sleet, i':u'g". 17n his first trip across the sea, Corp. Twitchell sat- sirvice asain::t til,. Goer; in South Africa. The intine- ent of which Corp. 'fwitihell is a mem- ber, was fu the centre of a tlerm:pt air May, while a England 1. v amt e n tl i ❑ , raid am ..u„ia nunlbJr of civilians were killed, no sol- di:rs were 1nil, red. C.,0 . svitcitefl is a brother of Edward R. Twitchell, to11 Tenth :avenue. North Fargo. An- other brother. Robert J. 'Twitchell, is in the Manitoba Home Guard, Both are sons of Mrs, A. Twitchell, 3 Antrim SL, St. Thomas, formerly of Clinton. Picnic Labor Day The union picnic :ma summer social under the auspices of She ladies of St. Joseph's Church will be held in Col. Rance s grove, (Bay;lield Road) on Lab- or day, afternoon and evening. There will be many booths there on the ground and a supper will be served at night. A great number of prizes are offered and the big baby contest is on the program again, with good weather an enjoyable time will be spent. Annual Meeting of C. W. C. A. The annual meeting of the Huron Red -(Toss and Canadian War Contin- gent AsSoeiatiOn will meet in Clinton on Monday, Sept. 3rd, at 11.00 a.m. Miss Robinson of St, Thomas will speak on "Field Comforts" and the question of "Conservation of Food" will also be taken up. All ladies interested in this work are invited to attend, Jean Fitton Corr. See'y. The 161st in Baseball Among the battalion notes published in the Brantford L'xpoistor about their own Battalion the, 125th we clip one of longi interest: -Our brass band ball team defeated the lotst battalion i0u5- icians at baseball, 14-4. t)ur'b:fseball team defeated the tri t• st nine Thursday evening, Big Dick Tasker played Ih•st base, 1'he alway smiling Pete Isaacs umpired the game. The previous time we played the 161- 01 Dick 'raster had our boys 6 to 0, put they pounded out seven runs in the last innings. Poor old Dick 'guys a Clinton Truck. Last Thursday morning as Mr, Dart. Laois was bringing back a new Chev- rolet from Oshawa, while passing zinc hamburg, a gentleman called to him and asked if he was going up the line? Bart replied lie was, and when the fel- low was seared, asked hint how far he was going and Bart told hint to Clinton the stranger replied ';why that's where l'nt going!' The strap ea' was 51r. ii 13. Taber; of the Wellesley Flour Mills, who purchased t hyo -ton truck from the Clinton Motor Oar Co. 11 was rather a remarkable coincidence. Tits truck was delivered Friday morn- ing.' Cost Something, Livery' line 01 a newspaper costs tite proprietor something, H it is for the benefit of the individual it should be paid for, 1f the grocer were asked to contribute groceries to one abundantly able to pay for them, be wctuid refuse, The proprietor of a newspaper must pay for tate -free advertising if 'tine Penefieiary does not, and yet it le one of the hardest things to be learn - cd by, litany, that a newspaper hag Space 10 its columns to rent, and must rent than to live. '1'o give away rent for anything less titan living rates is_ as fatal to a newspaper as for a hind - lord to faratlsh rcpt free NEW SCHEDULE Trains from East. Arrive 11.10 a.m. Leave 11.17 a.m. Arrive 5.53 p.m.. Leave 6.45 p.01, rrive 11.15 p.m. Leave 11.18 p.m. Trains from West Arrive 7.33 a.m. Leave 7.33 a.nl. rrive 2.58 5,10. Leave 2.53 p.m. Trains from South Arrive 10,30 a.m, Leave 11.10 a.111, Arrive 6.4o p.111. Leave 6.40 p.m, Trains from North Arrive 7.33 a,m. Leave 7.50 a.m. Arrive 4.15 p.m, Leave 4.15 p.111. "' i 3 a L,EW w REOPENS r L Today, . into fit 1911 The following courses are of- ferecd:- 1. THE GENERAL COURSE, 2. THE COURSE FOR TEACH- ERS. 3. JUNIOR AND HONOR MA- TRICULATION. Prospective pupils are urged to be present as far as possible on the opening day of school in order to facilitate the work of organiza- tion. For futher information ap- ply to J. W. TRELEAVEN, B. A. Principal Residence-'-Gibbings Street. 'telephone 34. li � : .......... 4142.4.44,44440.10.4,44.14414 kaut4443.4.417 Curs is the stare that ser'i'es you as geeR7i as any for Hooks ;diel perchance a little- better for General Supplies, We try to make to occasion a mutual advantage, of course;':' an advantage to us to have your trade and. we believe its an equal advantage to you.ta: secure what we offer at the price. Vat o'•jtcan h e 4,144, re D. Fair e Often Cu: eap st--Pihkt.,,ys the Beat Nm A Tested Lens --- An Accurate Shutter -- Simple Operation - Good Pictures--• -'1707n, All these are assured when you purchase aKoalak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie, It'fei have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us shove' yoie how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results--- he,13. tl' 'H. Despensing Chemist , ..., .; aa, a 7usestaS`'•' ,ani: ;a ssinax,*+' isetmtaawizi :m' tl `Int+~"�t°:,;, it1 ¢ny.R�9(tC9vin+M1rJIFaNcr4�.y, The Features 'a t' CAM � .Furniture To which we invite special at a itlor avails beauty, its assured eons sold ooustructien, and its be - t tire nsnel prices. Any one of Limn,., would be sufficient to earn preference. rined we feel s IWhenre t yoyu wti are 1 e. ,044n- that this is a furniture buyingc,ppme- Vanity you cannot uilOrd to if.IttOt •, rAint ri Fe .. ' d",QIt'S 4:1101'. •' and Funeral Director. Pomo Night and Ssnntt:ay Calls answered at Residence over Mort, 1......06ans2,a:r.-1,....4wa :a11.4.2 .,. •,-72:1=1 xae.:,• mveeameu c,wns P1umbh Heath] [fletai Work of Ali Kinds Leave your oreer now oefore advance. prices 'flios.Hawkins Plumbing and Heating ' Phone 53 Shop -oyes' Ilotrdland'N illartdw'are The 6 or seer G'rrg1Cei?y' "Live and Let Live- Work i' 'e, The Morning cup of claire How the delicious browny whets your appetite, tones up 111. ,y - teal and puts the brain it an:ditio;_ to do good work. There's lot stf good coder' is the. 'imc--- world. and you can get it ale .ry t If you go ti, right place, We Phase good coffee in abundance. Vs',' *ie'5'='' buy any thing else. The wiey, fr it treated before it reaches you its= +.. great deal to do with its goodltrss+ - FRUITS AND VEGETABLES - Oranges Lemons Bananas Peaches .Apples -' Tomatoes, Carrots, Beets Cabbage Potatoes Onion E. E. unn1t "1. its3v PHONE) 45. a•. t I I I I I 6 .VI II�,IIIIIIWIuiu6� a., I, Id.,.. i.Ir.Ilumul„IUII.I.lu,lr�li:.l ILII.ua�,lll1l III „�� ,a �,1+,�. i cai Nev's - I :''I: ;SII, iI fl i 1l iia i ' III 31 �� ship 11t' IVNYmril�� a i in,.illll � ilwh,m riiliiiil iiillilllw. ,,'I t� ltldii I I ,IIL1I ;, 611.1.,1,:, auu IaL,...IIJ � I III„Il,li.1 h'�m I Jl Vu t �, � auction sale on the 6th of Sepia .5.a cos. soon as he can close up his ttes`na'•'. he will aceuntpany his daughter, Al.Challenger back to ligerto.',-Al..-1 for a visit. Mr, Hardy has resisted .,r' this 1larnh for the past 15 years 14W4 Moffatt. who is head finisher at (ha Oa- herty. Plano Co., has decided to, s•e Back 00 the laud" and wilt tuote t.nr next month. "Blue" Meeting There will be a big Blue meeting it the L, O. L. Ball on Friday of dais week 'a'llel'e are quite a Few candidates tc,a11 through. Purchased Property. • ,lir, Arthur Stevenson, who recent- ly moved to town from the London Road, has purchased the house and lot, corner of Rattenbury :and Raglan 51, front Mr. J. Taylor and will take poss- ession as soon as possible. As tilt. Stevenson is now one of the couriers on the Rural Route, the new property is suitable as a barn is oil the premises, Col. Ham 70 Years Old Colleagues of Col George Haut, of the C.P,R., gave a banquet to him in Montreal Thursday night in honor of his seventieth birthday •annlyersa;t'y. Many of the officials of the company told of Col. Ham's splendid service, and of the characteristics which had made Hina a host of friends. Col, Ham gave several interesting reminiscences of his early career. '1'11e gatherings Nus jailed by oillclds of the Michigan Cen- tral who were visiting Montreal' C,.1+. B. Ussher presided =rite "Col." is Well-known to a great many in Clinton and is a cousin of Mrs, H, Plums/eel. Furchaeed Farts ti'Ar•S lt`lt L L Leber Day --at- CATHOLIC PICNIC St. Thomas Shamrocks vs'Cttl:gt Prize "SILVER CUP" by St. .Riseph'e'C'inuott, 1015ty .,. ton Mr, William Moffatt, or town has purchased the 50 sere firm of Mr. W. " • - Hardy on the Lonttou Road, about 1 donated mile from Clinton and lakes possession right away. Nlt•. 'lardy is holding as