The Clinton New Era, 1917-08-30, Page 2I'AG0 2
Reedy to
Dry Goods
an House
furnishings.` .
New fall and Winter Coats
Women who choose to pay
$15.00; $18.00, $20.00 $25.
$35.00 and up to $45.00 for a
new Fall and Winter Coat can
fund a selection here at those
prices, that will measure up to
the most exacting requirements
of correctioness of style, with
Quality that will give a good
account of itself in day to day
wear. Over 75 different
styles to choose from in our
Mantle Department.
Ides ad misses New NH Suits
Our stock of Ladies' and Misses
Suits this season is even more com-
plete than ever before and shows a
large variety in the very latest
styles and materials including Broad-
cloth, Velour, Chinchilla Cheviots,
and fancy tweeds having made a i
careful study of the wants and wishes
of our trade. We feel confident that
we can satisfy every wish and meet
every requirement. Over 40 dif-
ferent styles to choose from. •
We like to say good things about
our Suits, Coats and Dresses—BUT
We like better to have you try themA_
on and tell us the good things your- COI
self. " '""
* 4: ,s k :k 4: :k
:k 4i
1; >r I a •
1-50 lbs. Flour
2—Box of Cigars
3-2 Pan -rubber heels,
4—Brownie Camera
6—Ladies Work Bag W.
7-500 lbs, of Coal
6—Fount:0 Pen
9—Bottle of "Booster"
10—Fountain Pen
11—Silver pickle dish
12—Bottle of "Haines Oil" Ford & McLeod
13—Year's Subscription to The New Era W. 11. Kerr & Son
14—t lb. Salada Tea H. Wiltse
15—Box of Cigars
16—Box of Patterson Chocolates S S Cooper
17—Box of Cigars A. McKinnon
18—Box of Bon -bons Geo, McLennan
19 -:-Umbrella Couch & Co.
20—Box of bonbons Chas, Connor
21—Pr, Running slippers Fred Jackson
22-3 lb. Roast S. G, Castle
23—Fern J, Cunninghaute
24—house plant A Friend
25—Box cigars R Graham
26—Men's Shirt Plunisteel Bros.
E, G, Hall
J. Schoenhals
Cantelon Bros.
H. Bartliff
Wnh, Jenkins & Son
J. J. McCaughey
A, Wilkin
W. S. R, Holmes
E. E. Hunnieford
D. Fair & Co..
A. J. Holloway
J. E. Hovey
J. Medd
H. Johnson
W. R. Counter
• Robt, Marshall
27—Year's Subscription to News -Record
28-50 lbs. Flour
29-1 Ib, Salida Tea
30-13ox Lowney's Chocolates
31—Tea Set W. iI. llelly'ar
52-13uggy whip A, McKeown
33-3,5 doz. silver tea spoons R. Rowland
34—Bottle of Olives W, T. O'Neil
35—Unmbrella 13ro en's Store
36—Felt Hat A 1. Morrish
37—Card Plate A, T Cooper
38—Cake Plate G. A. Bradshaw
39-3. doz. bottles machine oil A, limper
40—Pr. Ladies Running Shoes Cluff & Co.
41—Cut Glass Bowl i-larland Bros-
42—Picture Jas, Danford
43-500 lbs of coal Chas. Twitchell
44—Picture 13511 & Atkinson
45-12 pairs of fvlen's Socks Clinton Knitting Co.
4.6—Pr, Boys' Knickers Jackson Mfg, Co.
47—Piano Bench, 'Phos. McNeil, Agent Doherty Plano
48-2 Bottles of Catsup J, P, Siheppard •& Go.
49 --Box of Self cure Patches, Bert, Langford
50-10 tickets • Princess Theatre
51—Fiashlight• 3 1,1. Paxnutn
52-51.00 A Friend
Lee Wee
Jas, Lovett's
J. Ransford
Ed. Johnson
Wilson Elliott
D, N. Watson
The general orders of the Canadian
Militia of July -12th, 1917, announce
that Major J. W. Shaw of the 33551
lluron Regiment has been granted the
honorary rank of Lieut, -Colonel, 'Phis
is a well deserved promotion as he
has served ten years as major in the
While overseas he is, of course still
major, as the militia Orders do not
effect the C. L". F.
Huron Go.
WIC C.a�
Witley Camp, Surrey, England.
July 31st, 1J17
'Mrs. F, A. Axon,
Clinton, .
ato tit Or arto .
Dear friend,-'-
We have received to -day 436 pairs
of sucks from your branch of the Her-
on Women's Society for wlaich on be-
half of the men please accept My sin-
cerest tluutks, We also had socks from
other parts of the County.
I wish you could have been in 1
position to have watched the faces of
the different bays as they received
their pair of socks and 1 think your so-
ciety would have considered they had
been paid for the puny weary hours
spent in the knitting of each pair of
socks; you cannot imagise how much
the boys prize anything that conies
from !home, it brings back to them the
feeling that they are not forgotten
by the people 1n the dear old land
that they are •fighting for
We expect It all goes well to be in
France before long and don't be sur-
prised if you hear from me regularly
from there,• for nothing is nicer or
has a better effect up on the men, for
they conte out of the trenches after
a hard innings than to be able to hand
out to them something that has been
sent from Monte, believe me, it touches
the spot and it would do your heart
good to see them get it.
We have in our battahohk about 400
sten who were not of the original Hur-
ons mostly of the 149th, Lambtou Bat-
tallion, who are alt good fellows and
we are trying our best to make them
feel that they are not outsiders and
that they are a part of the battalion
for they are going over to uphold the
honour of the Huron Battalion. Any
of these fellows who were in need of a
pair of socks were given a pair, this
was done after careful consideration
by the ()dicers of the Battn,
1 an, writing to Lampton county to
Prof. Zeilger, of Hamilton, Indiana,
the world's greatest rigling castrator
was in Blyth assisting Dr, Blackall in
perforating a number of difficult ope-
rations. fis left here tor Erie, Penn.,
to fallow the sante work there
Mr. C. Hartleih, of Zurich, has taken
his son -in -Law, Mr. S. E. Faust, as ;a
partner in the hardware business.
which he has so successfully conducted
for many years. The style of the firm
will be known as Ifartlieb & Faust.
Mr. Daniel Gash° has received the
appointment for another year as cour-
ier for mail route number 2, Zurich.
Dr. Hagan, of South Dakota, re-
cently visited his mother and other
relatives near Hillsgreen. reen. Ile has join-
j i1 -ed the
American army assurgeona and
expects to go overseas shortly. Dr,
Hagan is well known to residents in
Zurich having been on the staff of
teachers of the school a number of
years ago.
As Mr. and Mrs, Taylor, of Gurrie,
were out milking, one of the cows in
some way knocked Mrs, Taylor over;
she fell, striking her head n the floor
and was rendered unconscious. Mr.
Taylor heard her fall and carried her
to the house and medical aid was at
once summoned. Although no bones
were broken Mrs. Taylor is in a very
precarious condition.
Mrs. R, A. Spotton, of Gorrie, who
has been a great sufferer from an effec-
tion of the eye, underwent a critical
operation. in the Mt. Forest hospital
last week, At last•reports she was pro-
gressing very favorably.
There died in McKillop on Wednes-
day, August t5th, one of the oldest re-
sidents of the township in the person
of Mrs Robert Gibson, who passed
away in her 93rd year.
The Exeter Fair Board has engaged
the Juvenile Highland Band of London
for Fair Day. Highland Pipers, fancy
dancers, etc„ should stake a special
feature for the Fair.
Mr, Dave Hall has returned to De-
troit after visiting his parents, Mr, nad
Mrs, 1, Hall, Exeter North. Mr. Hall
who for several years has been a re-
sident of the United States, has been
drafted into the army and on his return
was to report for duty,
5 --Pkg. of Pratt's Poultry Regulator a
................ W, J go
60 --Box-
.... ....,......,...W. Johnson
d0 ---Bora of (JliOcotates
,i;;Id,, :,i Booths ,it the Grottltscls
Cook's Cotton Root Cetipouad.
d safe, reliable ,•c naalind
medicine, Sold io three dc.
grecs of Strength -No, 1. $1.:
No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per boa.
Sold by all druggists, or sent
prepaid on receipt of price
Free pamphlet. Address;
4. TORONTO. ONT. (Dim* Ehialer.)
John McKay, of Mensal!, Loses Life at
Bayfield, Aug. 27.— John McKay, of
Hensall was drowned Isere Sunday
while bathing. The water was a little
rougher than usual, and it is thought
he succumbed to heart failure while
struggling with the waves.
John McKay was brother of Wm.
McKay, principal of Hensall school,
and had come to Bayfield with the for-
mer Sud' his family on Thursday to
camp at Deer Lodge Park for a few days
On Sunday with his two nephews and
a.friend, he .went in bathing. When
75 feet from shore he suddznly wens
down without warning' and did not
come up again.
The relatives and others nearby
searched all afternoon and ninht, but
v,'ere unsuccessful in locating the body
until this morning, when it was found
about a utile from the spot where the
drowning occurred,
Mr, McKay had lived in Australia, in
Dakotas, and before coning to Hensall
four years ago liad been in Montana
conducting -a drug store. He lost his
sight and accepted his brother's in-
vitation to come to liensall, Ire was a
man of unusual attainments and was
universally liked
11 is'Ihelieved that either heart failure
or cramps caused hint to go down, as
he was tin unusually good swimmer,
and those near him did not ,have a
Chance to effect a rescue
T51yth Oct 2-3
Brussels Oct 4--'5.
Ciodericlh Sept. 26-28
Gorrie ... .Oct 6
London 'Western).. .Sept7-15
Lueknoa , ... , . ' .. ; . Sept. 27-2s
Seafortlt Sept 50-2,1
Tee'awa;ter Oat 5--•3
WIirgklm .Oct 9 --to
4Z11t16 . , ..... , ....Sept, 19-20
ask them 1)ot to forget the boys who
are with us and if you happen to know
anybody in Lambtou who is engaged
in this work you would do me a favor
to get in touch with them and you
might be able to work jointly, Any
future gifts which may be sent to this
Battu. will be gratefully received and
distributed to the best possible advan-
Again thanking you for your generous
I ata, Yours 'very truly
W, B. Allen, Captain
Quartermaster 16tst Huron Battalion
Thursday, August 3Otos,
Clinton School is under good uauhage-
ntent and looks for larger classes this
Fall and•Wlnler.
Minor Locals.
Good evening --have yos received
the Oiler of a portfolio in the Union
Government yet?
Nev iaiepork is $19 per h und
pounds, num, vain n;n, feels
ant on being told that he Is rig -beaded,
Monday is Labor Day,
Saturday Is September 1st.
The schools will reopen 0a Tuesday,
September 411,.
Not Extdod
Phe sconhools of the province will
open on Tuesday, Sept, .4th, according
to the decision of Department of Ed-
ucation. Several applications were re.
celved from employers of hibor asking
for an extension of the vacatlo, period
in order to give the students a chance
to help out with the harvest, but it was
not thought advisable to extend the
Beat the Campers
On Wednesday a rink of Baytield
campers were stere playing a friendly
game with a Clinton rink. During the
progress o1• the game the ladies who
accompanied them had a game by them
selves, The players and scores of the,
men were:—
Clinton Campers
L, huller .. .. Rev. J. 11, Boyd
T, hardy , . J, Miller
D, L. MacPherson Rev. McFarlane.
J. Miller, sk..22 C. S. Kerr, sk, .8
Clinton Won.
The base hall match on Wednesday
evening between the Mitchell lassies
and our own girls resulted in a win for
Clinton by a score of 12-11. Thos,
Hawkins had a hard time scoring the
runs and calling balls and strikes. 5
innings were played. Those taking
part were:—
Mitcirelt—J, Nicholls, p; G. Thorn,
5; E Balfour, tib; A. Cook, 211; O.
Brooks, 3b; D, Robinson, ss; P. Cook,
cf; N. Belfour, rf; 0, Barndale, If,
Clinton—C. Jones, 3b; D. Schoen-
hals, ss; L. Flynn, ib; D. Copp, p; M.
'l'aylur, rf; i, Cole, 211; M. Schoenh;ls,
c; S. Bawden, If; K. McConnell, rf,
Clinton . , —0 3 4 4 1--12
Mftcltelt —3 3 10 4 5-11
Dr. John McLennan of the Uni-
versity of Toronto, Former
Resident of Clinton.
There is one among the list of those
who have received imperial honors
whom Clinton people will rejoice to
see in the list, Dr. John C. McLennan,
son of the late D. McLennan and Mrs.
McLennan William street, Stratford, re-
ceives the new Order of the British
Empire as the despatch announcing
the list his name and other Canadians
(Stratford Beacon)
There is one who has received im-
perial honors as announced in today's
news from Stratford people will con-
gratulate, Dr. John C. McLennan, pro-
fessor of physics in the University of
Toronto, the chairman of the Cana-
dian Commission on Chemical Re-
search. Dr . McLennan, as is well
known, spend his boyhod days in
Stratford, attending the public schools
and Collegiate institute, His distin-
guished career Inas been watched with
interest by the people of Stratford, and
though it is well known the Beacon
does •does mot ,place ntucih value on imperial
honors, It can say that in all cases
they were as well deserved as in this
one, there would be less complaint to
he made in regard to their bestowal.
The doctor was a resident of Clin-
ton in itis hoyhoods.when this parents
resided here prior to moving to Strat-
°al '
e610000000 00 0QOv3 n n em o t£ruf3iD 0GT>
Base Ball Labor Day.
A good baseball game will he played
on Labor Day at the Catholic Picnic
between the St.'I'homas Shamrocks and
the Clinton team, St. Joseph's church
has donated a Silver Caul for the win-
ners. The game is called for 2 p.m.
Makes Grant of $25.
At the meeting of the Horticultural
Directors on 'Tuesday evening a grant
of $25.00 was shade to be devoted in
helping fax up the Library grounds, in
conjunction with the other committees
Owing to the season late and
flowers not at their best it was decided
not to hold the flower show at present,
Not otir School.
The Editorial note of last week, re
Business Colleges, had no reference
whatever to Clinton School of Gout-
tnerce, as what was said did tot re-
late to it. Hein referred to a "scrap"
in another town , where rival colleges
Were belittiing the respeef vb staffs.
M. :3
War F`
to e
Pure 'Blood
You can keep your blood in
good condition ---have a clear
skin, and bright eyes, by taking
Largest Sato of Any Modicine in the World.
Sold everywhere, le bezel,. 251. -,
has been permitted to resign his tem-
porary appointment its acting principal
chaplain of Military District No. 2.
Miss Buller of Blyth is the Guest of
her mother, Mrs, 'Monty,
Miss Zeutila and Ida Cornish are visit
ing friends in and near London.
Miss Jessie Suddick, of London, was
the guest of tate Misses Bowden,
Miss Hazel Covey, of Strathroy, was
a visitor with the Misses Bowden,
Mr, W. Thompson, of Toronto is re-
newing old acquaintances in town,
Mr. Joynt, formerly Principal of the
Blyth Public School, was in town on
Mr. Leu, And'ersou, of Dungannon,
spent the week with Mrs. Argent and
also friends in Iloinesvitle,
Mrs. Howard Hunmphrey's, who ]las
been residing at Jacksonville, Fla., is
now residing in Buffalo. Iter son is
now a Y.M.C.A, instructs' in that city.
Mrs, Humphreys expects ti> visit stere
in the near future.
Miss ii'lariuht Gibbings is visiting in
Miss siva Cluff was a visitor :at Ham-
ilton Lns • k.
, t week.
Mr. J. C. Greig. if 5eaf-n
iiia was in
town on :Monday.
Mr. Ortwein, of 1lerisall, was in
town on Monday.
Mr. T. A. Greigg was a visitor rot
Be:unsville for a few days.
Mr. Thos, Jackson made a business
trip to Toronto this week.
Miss Laura Fair of Bervie, is visiting
friends in and around Clinton,
Miss Elva Lavis, of Toronto, was
hone for a few days last week,
Miss Ila Bawden is attending the
Millinery openings at Toronto.
Mr, A. I1, Musgrove, M. P. P. of
Wingbam was in town on Wednesday.
Rev, E. G. Powell and Master Earl,
of London, were in town can Monday.
Miss Cook of London, spent the
week end with Mr and Mrs Wnt, Miller.
Miss Lizzie Cardiff, of Brussels, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs.tiarry Bart -
Mr. J. Taylor, of Toronto, is attend-
ing to his office business here this
Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Medd and family
of Exeter, `were visitors in town on
Mrs. (Rev,) Westgate and baby, of
Sandwich, is visiting with, her mother,
Mrs. Kitty.
Miss Eva Brown 'of Brantford is visit
ing with relatives and friends in town
this week.
Miss Logan who has been visiting
Mr. and Mrs, 1, R. Rattenbury, is visit-
ing to Goderich.
Mr. Robert McMillan, of Seafortlt,
Co. Constable, was in town on Satur-
day and Monday.
Rev.F,W. Hovey and little 1Misn Mary
of Burlington, are •visiting with the
fornter's father in town.
Mr. Allan Sylvester, of Toronto, was
a week end visitor last week at the
home of Mr. George Lavis.
Prin. Wm, Robb left on Monday to
vvisit ;at Toronto and Pickering. Mr.
Robb went down last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Kemp returned to
their home in London after visiting
with their son, Mr. S, Kemp.
Mrs, John A, Cooper and children
returned to their home in Toronto al-
ter spending some weeks in town.
81;'. 11, 13, Chant, Superintendent of
the Public Utilities, is in Toronto this
week attending the big Hydro meeting.
Miss Clete Ford was hostess at a
.Miscellaneous shower for Miss Rah}
Kilts•, a bride-to-be, on Wednesday
Dr, and Mrs. Lindsay and children of
London, are visiting with the former's
mother in town and other relatives in
the vicinity.
11, R..11, the Princess Patricia at a
recent Red Cross sale in London, gave
a bracelet set with diamonds, rubies
and sapphires. `i
Mr, Charlie Cantelon was in Toronto
over the week end. Ile Is leaving the
Molson's Bank in a week or so for an-
other position.
Rev, J. A, and Mrs, Agnew and child-
ren returned home last week from
their vacation. The Rev, gentleman
pat in his vacation in the harvest fields.
Miss Louie McKinnon, who is a
nurse -in -training at the Toronto Gener-
al Hospital spent a few days with lier
parents, Mr. a*tl Mt's. A, McKinnon at
the Rattienbery House,
Hon, Capt. C. E. Jeakins, formerly
rector of St, Nag Church,'Vinton,
:l $
We've made
it hot ,for
would to
to wok.
quite it hot
a few for you
We've made it hot for a lot of folks
who were looking for satisfactory cosh:
and will place your spring Order,
with us, We would be pleased to give
you the good coal and two thousand
pounds to the ton,
The death occurred Wednesday
morning of Earl Grey, who was Gov-
ernor-General of Canada from 1904 to
19u9, and who continued to take a
somewhat active interest in Canadian
events until his l;tst illness.
A, J. Holloway
Office Phone 3
A first class bed room suite for prl-
vote sale as well as other articles of
furniture at residence on Ontario St.
to the Clinton Motor Car Co. Shops
when it needs attention, we will give
,you good service and our price moder-
We can also store your air when
not in use,
We have for a quick sale 2 light de-
livery Trucks, that have only been
used for a short time and will be sold
at a very low price.
1-9 roomedhouse, all modern con-
venCinees; and a live roosted cottage,
both on James street. For other part-
iculars apply to
Alex. F. Cudmore, Clinton
For Sale
One Art Souvvenir heater and two
small heaters, as good as new. Ap-
ply to J. G. Chowen, Townsend St.
Auction Sale. •
The frame house owned by Mrs,
Bristowe, Frederick St, with all con-
veniences, electric light. In first class
repair, on % acre of land with fruit
trees. Also barn and chicken house,
Will be sold by public auction on Sat-
urday, September the t51.11 at 2 p.m. on
easy terms.
On Saturday, Augugst 25th, about
half past •t t a.m., one small black
hand satchel, with light leather lining
contents one pair spectacles and odd
shaped leather purse containing $5.00.
Finder will please leave at postofice.
Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Im-
plements, household furniture, etc.,
Lot 49, London Road, 1 utile south of
Clinton, on Thursday Sept, 60, at 1.30
o'clock. Terns: 12 months on ap-
proved joint notes; S% straight off for
G. E. Elliott, W. Hardy,
..Auctioneer,' Proprietor
A number of good reliable men can
secure steady employment on Munition
work, Apply to,
The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co„
Seaford), Ontario,
j 1
t 7
V '.'
^., GI
-.- ''
oil ee Your Order
for some of our Western Oats, which
we have just received and we will
rhargo you no more than, it they were
Just the ordinary grade of Oats,
If you wish to secure some of these
Oats place your order early as they
are going fast.
'We always have a full stock of
Flour and Feed. .
V Kt
, Dighest Prices paid for Grain
Domestic Wanted
Female llelp Wanted, Good Wages.
attenbury House
Phone 198. 1tesldentlli tl oft 142
A women for general housework in
a family of three without children.
Box M. Clinton,
House for Sale.
8 -room house, on Huron Street, for-
merly occupied by the late 155ev. J:
Greene. All modern conveniences.
Good frame stable situated on pre-
mises, Further particulars apply to
Dr. C. W. Thompson, Clinton."
W. 11. Glazier lost his number off car.
No, 3S513, one day last week,. Please
leave at Office.
SOW fie MC
' mill has been used
b the
This Y
r base
erns I nano Co„ and who might purchase
the entire output annually ; is in fairly
good condition. Capacity 8 t� 10 thous-
and feet per day. Free use of the R. R.
siding. tlhundance of yard room, Slabs
would nearly pay runningex p
Apply to W. 11Doiherty,, Clinton.
House for Salty
A one and a, half storey frame
house, 12 rgwls, situated on Mary
street, barn,', acre of gardenand
orchard; waterworks and electric
Light AppW BRYDON'R, Clinton,
From lot 24, con. 6, Hullett. a
yearling heifer with a mark on
dewlap, A suitable reward will be
paid for information leading tet
its recovery—Thos. Tighe, R. R,'
No. 1, Clinton. Phone 18 31n 166.
For Sale or to Rent
The brick house on Raglan street,
now occupied by J, E. Doherty, for sale,
or to rent. Electric light and tows
water; 2 acres of land, with. stable. AU
in good repair.
Apply to David Cantelon.
Round trip tickets to certain points
in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcon-
tinental Route, or via Chicago and .SL
Paul on sale each Tuesday until Oct.
30th., inclusive, at low fares.
Through Tourist Sleeping Cars
to WINNIPEG on above dates, .
leaving Toronto 10,45 p.m., no
change of cm's, vitt Transcontin-
ental Route,
Return limit, two months, exclusive
of date of sale. Berth' reservated and
full particulars at all Grand Trunk tick-
et offices, or write
Union Station,
Toronto, Ont,
John Rainsford & Son, city passen-
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57
Palrienn, station agent
Eift)1JLD !{' 1( UP Sab"JORCilf&
i�o��lllr>Rla' Heart and time Pins
Cared Mier.
Mrs. A. M. Powell, Norval, Ont.,
writes: "1 cannot speak too highly of
Milbursi's heart and Nerve Pills. 1
suffered for five years with my heart and
nerves, but the last two years I have
suffered terribly. If I went to .bed Y
would wake up as if i was smothering.
I did not gat one night's sleep out of
seven. I got so very weak that the
doctor was called in, and he said it was
my heart, and that I must take great
care of myself. I naw your advertise-
ment in your almanac for 5,tilburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills, and said 5 would
try them. I have only taken two boxes
of therm and I feel a new woman. I will
recomnhethd them to anyone afflicted
with heart trouble,"
Milburn's heart end Nerve Pills are
Elk. per box, at all dealers or mailed
direct on receipt of price by the T.
Milburn Co., !„united, Toronto, Ont; ,