HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-08-23, Page 4THE CLINTON NEW ERA, , aro tit* x - Eire the lien a Chance to In.crease Production .-- Breed, -- Feed — and Weed, Now that the breeding season is over is the time to sell the Roosters and others •to save their feed: 1000 Broilers Wanted and 300 Ducklings per week. Also a large quanity of fat hens at top 4 prices. ata; p Call us up for prices before you sell elsewhere. Gunh1-Lloglois & Co., vimiteu —1st The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone, 190 elrrr®rrrrrrrrrsareaAAALAAAA 4 4 .41 z idliOS See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, .specia•I values in Airt Cases • Pianos and organs rent i ed. Choice new Edison • • phonographs, Music & variety goods. tti Lame Emporium .1141 b Alctl_Y+?Git"rIXV' TI'IreverVvverWTTV®OVe C. Hoare 3 Repairs promptly at- P.urbiug Heating Tinsmithing tended to, ee Eland Heade'r's A Member of Second in good 1 repair. 1 " yam St Sutter w. BRY.DONE. BAftld18'r'ktLi 13ODI01TOB NOTARY PUBLIC, PTO 1 Marron iofr.ARLBS 1i. i1>Llt ()opneyauete Notary L''ttblie, Ooennueeioner, etc, RRAri INSTATE AND 1NSIIHANOB ismer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St., Clllnton, H. T, RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate INSURANOE AGENT—Representing 14 Vire In mance Conmauioe. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that be is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone Si, will receive prompt attention; M. G. Cameron, Barrister, Solicitor, 0ouveyancer, Pte Office on Albert Street, occupied ty Mr. Hooper, In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Cti3oe hours From 0 a.rn, to 8 p m. A. good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week entsfor Mr, Oameron,Mr. Hooper will make any pPoe tm Mediu&• DB '. W. pp11OMVSON ',brelolan. Burgeon. Rh, eneoial attention given to diseases of the Reye. Ear, Throat, and Nose, Oyes , dully ,antined, and suitable glasses proscribed, opine and Residence. Two doors west of the Cetewerelal Meta (furan SI,, Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. IONS, GINN all (1 CA.1/41111.11 asr. vV. ((exon, L. R. C. P., lG. 51 C, 8.. OH Dr. 0 unn's office at residence High Street Dr J. *1, smuttier. et..1 51.11. oaks -Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight eonsat residence, Ratteabnrs St, or hoanital OR. P. l . AXON DII KT1dT e:rawn and Itritigc it'orh 0 Cpeelarly. Graduate of O,C,D.S.., Chicago, and 11,0,D,E, Toronto. Cn!'tle141 nu alaltda VO,:lay intto la DR. II. FOWLEIR., DENTIST. 0lifoes over O'NEIL'S store, Special one taken to make dental tr:r' mast as painless as possible. her,a0,04,,,,,,NYVVVYVt^AftlettankeVtdtarePAIM Better Pay The Price THOMAS GUMD V Live stook and general Auction •ee GODERIOH ONT Bat T stot.t sales a apeman a• °tests -, Ntcw ERA otHce, ClIntonk pri m' i paleest' ,' to. Terme reasonable, disconnted — -• Misery in Back, Headache and Pain in Limbs. Ticar Arr. ,Ta'ditor—Foe more than a year X suffered with misery in the back, dull headache, pulp in the limbs, was sofnewhat constipated and slept poorly at night until I was about ready to col- delapse. on- lful quantum man account of the of t°Auutio,'+ pre paxed by. Doctor Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y , I sent for a box, and before using the whole box I felt and still feel unproved, My sleep is refreshing, misery reduced and life Ie not the drag it was before. most cheerfully recommend this remedy to sufferers from like ailments, Yours truly, W. A. ROBERrs. Ceo 1 ellcc£lll4.ild0 Osteopathic Pity. Specialists in Women's d Childrlme1Diseaaet r is and Nervous Acute, e Chronic, Disorders Eye, NSULTATIONd' FREE.t Office—Rattenbuiy Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to' 1.1 p.m. Cr. D, McTaggart [v1, D. McTaggao NOTE: You've all undoubtedly heard Of the famous Dr. Pierce and his well- known medicines, Well, this prescrip- tion is one that has been successfully used for many years by the physicians and specialists of Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel andefiurgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y., for kidney complaints, and dis- eases arising from dtstardors of the kidneys and bladder, such as backache, weak bask, rheumatism, dropsy, con- gestion of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, scalding urine, and urinary troubles. ITJp to this time, "Anuric" has not been on sale to the public, but by the persuasion of many patients and the increased demand for this wonderful healing Tablet, Dr. Pierce has finally decided to put it into the drug stores of this country within immediate reach of all sufferers. 1 know of one or two leading drug- gists in town who have managed to procure a supply of n Anuria for their anxious euetomers in and around this locality. If not obtainable send one dime by mail to Dr. Pierce for trial package or 80 cents for full treatment. EDITOR—Please insert this letter in Dome conspicuous place in your paper. Me:Taggirt BIr°Pit 'SPINNERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON r erier:4 flanking neseinaP(• transacted VOTES DISOOIINTED Drafts issued. Interest &hewed n denoeits Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair erica and know exactly what you are getting, 'ton will never be sorry—for as a matter of stoney, it is easily the meet economical. That has been said so often that everybody by this time should know it—and yet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the lend Now to set personal—If you would lilee to miss chat sort;altogether— COME 1HEIRN', If you would like to bay where nothing but high qualities are dealt in—OOMP HERE .And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair Then .i C II II)p r�t dillaeaiw,€ re'ire Insurance • o. . m iter Jeweler and Optician; Itssticr 0 AI.arriazc Licenses FORD t9r,'illeL3 01) THE AUSTRALIAN TRANSCONTINENTAL. Fstrtn sad laoiated Town Peape erty Only Insured. Head Oflicc—Saxtl'orth, Ont I lharatifl 'altlrnthlg THE ,PARwrir POSTAL SERVICE lAY the dry, . X 1 t etlnshiee of the Australian'. hinterland, A Wonderful Machine. I The Zine presents few problems of I engleeering eonsf'uetgop, 'l'he diI- ficulties are rattler those of trens- (From the New East) The famous 'Transcontinental—the East-West or Trims-Australian—rail- way is designed to connect Western with East coast Australia. it is 1,000 miles long and is built to the 4 ft. 3'% in. world's standard gauge. The line is of the best workmanship, and, so far as passenger accom- modation is concerned, the engineers of the Commonwealth have been scouring the world for the latest ideas in travelling luxury. The line has been built directly by the Gov- ernment without the aid of con- tractors "The Maneh'ester Guardian" says, Water difficulties were im- mense. Throughout the whole .5,000 utiles there was 00 surface water. When construction commenced at feast S00 miles of the route was un- inhabited, save by nomadic blacks. 400 Miles From Civilization, • Organization was necessary of a kind unheard of in ordinary rail- way construction. It meant prac- tically the maintenance of an army of workmen at the head of an ever -lengthening line of COMM11111- eation. And everything had to be duplicated. for the line was pushed out westward from Port Augusta and eastward froln Kalgoorlie. " Not only had the engineers to transport material, water, and other supplies 'I'11e Government had to provide the stores and personal necessities of the workmen and their families. set up n in , be Boarding liaises had to which the workmen might live With the line went post and telegraph mikes and Governntelrt savings banks, medical stores and lield hospitals and kinemas. A thousand men are work ing at each railhead. There is a town of tents, yet a town with this pecular- ity; that every twenty days the whole thing stoves. forward '141 inexorable obedience to the railhead progress Of one mile per clay. Here \YRS a com- munity of oven who were 400 miles from civilization. Laborers were earn- ing 13e a day. And the whole lot of them were being fed in a moveable Government restaurant at the rate of 25s at week. Eight hundred miles from the coast they frequently had fresh fish. They had milk with their break- fast. They ate tomatoes and fresh fruit like tourists. This community had Its cricket, its reading -rooms, its newspapers, its churches, and over all port, The camel --bred in thousands in South Australia has largely solvedd o torary water tremble, The the temporary line is inaelitne-quite. The sleepers are at once noticeable, They are of enormous length, Long sleepers save ballast. The forntgtion is carried on only a few yards ahead of the rails, The rails are lald by a machine of Won- derous simplicity yet wierdly and hid - 80051y ugly, The "track -Myer" heads a half -mile trails of construc- tion trucks, and swings nlont'ous arms like A giitut lobster. From its rattling sides It delivers its alternate rails and sleepers with mechanical regularity. Go the work must, The machine lays the tracks and then wakof �thseo"tr;tckla,yer." 11 ier the, That s lthe the method of rtilWay construction, 4,000 Miles in the Train For 33'0 utiles the line runs with- out a curve—the longest "straight" in the world. The great undertaking renders possible one of the longest railway runs in the world. From tropical Townsville tate traveller may soon huts by way of Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide to Perth on the surf -beaten shores of the Indian Ocean—a run of 4,000 miles, He may do this in the run- ning time of 150 hours. Every foot of the track Is owned by the State. It is the pioneer of many great simi- lar projects which are aimed at the internal development of a continent.• it provides for the military defence of the country by tete priceless ad- vantage of rapid mobilization on in- terior lines. It has been undertaken he live millions of Australian (From the London Tit -1311s.) "'rite army postal, service," said the Poatentst'er-General to lite, when I call- ed upon Binh et St, Martin's -le -Grand, •. ,t serviceWhich, V a'e proud. 1 s lvl of t l td Itdoesits 'bit'—avery I,ig'bi—t'e- sidering tret machinery trul of ldesCon- sidering ion lurking and prowling,on nsand sea, to make all its best -laid schemes ab- ortive, to bring them to naught, it le Miming that it should be able to carry on at all. Yet it does Its work smooth- ly and with comparatively Tittle loss. The army postal service proper consists of eighty-lve officers and 1,000 non-coms, and men. In London in addition to the regular postal staff it requires about 140 discharged sol- diers and 700 temporary women sor- ters to deal with army requirements alone, The army postal service is under the military authorities, but it is recruited 'entirely from servants of the P. 0. 'Figures are1 of course, quite in- adequate to the task of gluing any real conception of what the army postal service is called upon to face and tackle but even the mere figures are arrest- ing. indeed, to anyone who can bring a little Imagination to illuminate them, they are almost staggering For in- stance, a bag of parcels of all sizes and shapes is pretty bulky yet 90,000 of these big bags are dealt with every week. In the safite short period 40,000 letter -bags contanidg some 90,000,000 letters, pass through the army post. "These are big figures, and when multiplied by fifty-two for the year - 10,000,000 letters becoming 520,- 000,000, and the parcels 46,000,000— 000— even more impressive, though not a lot more easily realized or grasped. "it is one of the wonderful devel- opmentsof this wholly abnarund war - people, out f their own resources time that there are today over 500 e, o t British post offices in Prance! 'These with the courage that has subdued p the wilderness and in the calm con- fidence in the future that is the heritage of their race. AN AGE Of Iff SAA NERVE "No heart for anything" is .the cry of thousands of men and woolen who might be made well by the new, red blood Dr. Williams Pink Pills actually stake. Misery day and night is the lot of hosts of men -and women who are to- day the victims of weak nerves. Their pale, drawn faces and dejected attitude tell a stud tale, for nervous weakness means being tortured b0 lits of depression. These sufferers are Painfully sensitive and easily agitated by some chance renmark•leepless- ness rots then of energy and. strength; their eyes are esin their tremble, appetite is poor amemory often fails, This nervous exhaustion is one of the most serious evils af- fecting men and women of to -day. The only way to bring hack sound, vigorous health is to feed the starved Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex, Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward Hlnchley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondvi;l. J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Directors Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Bon-, newels, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; James Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Geo. McCartne, No. 3, Sealfo'rth. We're now eellii Timothy Seed tGovernment Standard.), We alae have on hand., Alfalfa, Aleike, and Red Clover. We alw,aye have on hand--,Ikeone tWbmlet, Peas, Bewley and Heed Ootrai • altghaat said et Prieee paid Aran Hely FORD & oLEOD A Carload of I'a illa.dl.a P01111 I3110110 1.19 11)1' IDl']t'd:S It. oviII Italy Yo John Hutton LON DESBORO Shirtwaists can frequently be cut down to be used in the dresses of small children. ' t t, idbrtt Oilt:at'ia 'College in'Session Sepj lstto'Jftll?` Catalogue Frees Fater ' ny,ttTfi4 W. Westervelt. Principal CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION nerves which are clamoring for new, rich red blood. This new, good blood can be had through the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which fact accounts fur the thousands of cures 4 nervous diseases brought about by this power- send anything 01 a very pensh:dtle fel blond builder and nerve restorer t r, to Salonfht. Through the fair use of this medicine thousands of despondent people 11804 been (lade bright. active and strong. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by •111 dealers in medicine, or may he had by mail at 50 cents a lox or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr, Williams' Med- icine Cu., Brockville, Ont. are just'n1s truly part and parcel of the G. 9, 0, 115 if they were in Surrey in- stead of Picardy, in Purley instead of Pozieres. It gives one some idea of the number of sten we have in France, too, compared with such a great force even as that at Saloniki, or the one in Mes- opotamia, when 1 tell you that of the above totals for a week, 500,000 par- cels, weighing 1,300 tons, and 9,000,- 000 letter's, weighing 350 tons, re- present the share of our Expedition- ary force in France and Flanders. This weekly quota of correspondence and 'comforts'—clothing, sweets, food, cigarettes, mainly—is distributed over six ships. "Yes, of course, there is a big rise in these statistics at Christmas. if you will multiply the letters by three and the parcels by six you will arrive at an average post for Christmas at the front. Whoever else may be overlook- ed and forgotten at the festive season, the boy at the front is remembered. Ile must have a bit of Christmas, w•h"soever goes without. "Of the other main theatres of war, outside of Prance, Saloniki is tete most important in the eyes of the P 0, It receives three or tour despatches a week. Letters take twelve day's to get to their destination even when Mil things work together for expedition, and the fates are favorable; and par - eels, which go once a week, require three weeks. Thus it is well not to • Aug. 25 - TORONTO Sept. 10 On a More Than Ordinarily Progressive Scale MOBILIZATION OF NATIONAL RESOURCES Constructive and Destructive Needs for War CONFEDERATION SPEC TA. CLL' 1200—PERFORMERS-1200 Canada's Story from Birth to Nationhood Dramatically Told The very Apex of Spectacular Achievement 'AGRICULTURAL LIVE-STOCK DISPLAY Judging Competitions for Young Farmers - - New Farm Crop Com- petitions - - Extended Classifications and Innovations in All Departments * IMMENSE EXHIBITS OF TRACTORS AND FARM LABOR SAVING DEVICES RIPPLES ANIS RAPS Most of us have loose purse strings --when the purse is empty. The easier a man takes things the easier it is for him to let them slide. What would the world do without women? Nine -tenths of the dry goods stores would go out of business, for one thing. Few men live long enough to dis- cover how much their friends appre- ciate then. ART—Italian, It French, Persian American and Canadian Masterpieces MUSIC—Innes' Famous Soloists and a score of other leading organizations. ENTIRE NEW MIDWAY NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW FIRST STOWING. OF 1918 MODELS Girls who marry for love often get a gold brick. Among office seekers the proportion of the elect is small. The master key to wisdom is know- ledge of your ignorance. A widow usually selects a different sort of man the next time. Most married couples fool themsel- ves longer than they do their neigh- bors. The man who judges his ftltuoe by his past is apt to become discouraged. It might be well for a woolen to re- member that a frown begets more wrinkles than a smite, Marriage is a lotery—except for the poverty striken nobleman who mar- ries an American heiress. A married man imagines he is hav- ing a good time when he does anything he knows his wife wouldn't approve of. It sometimes happens that an old bachelor loves little children, although they probably worry (nim as much as women do. Many people are either rich or happy, but few are both. The way of the transgressor often leads to another's pocket. Greatly •enlarged Government ant other Exhibits - - - War in all its phases - - Model Camp - - Artillery Drive Aeroplane Flights - - Scores of, surprises in store for old friends and a thousand thrills Tor new' ones. REDUCED FARESON ALL 'LINES OF TRAVEL Burdock Blood Bitters Cured @t�,.�pRad Case of na u'e "Mesopotamia has a weekly post which takes 200,000 letters and 10,- 000 parcels—certainly tete biggest post by far that 'ancient part of the globe has, ever had:—and even Last Africa has •10,000 letters and 1,000 parcels in its weekly post, without any reference to the vast numbers additional, both of letters and parcels, from South Africa and outer places outside Great Britain. "1 know there are complaints. Some- times three months elapse between the despatch of a parcel or letter anti the, acknowledgement of its safe arrival. 'rhesalne people who complain of these things complain of the quality of war - bread, of the shortage of potatoes, of enhanced prices of commodities gen- erally. Blame is always more voci- ferous than praise. The grumbler is the big drum in the nation's band, heard above, all the rest. The right attitude to\Fards these things is, "How 11151211 worse things might have been!" and and pltrcstelsevrrergetnnto their desti ninicle tat uts s ion at all!" 0 Zg.. 44.• rc li %IMauiliii n 0)u hVo .. ?he Proprietary or Patent Medienolat; ---- AVe iable S m lalinglhel+.oudandllegu e. j' tiling lle6toafachsond Quwgls of, Promo l Ct0''f5r; 1 nese anal RestLnntotns p Opiufn,Morphinf nor Mineral., ,.NOT NARCOT .. Awl of U(dOr•SLYUlL//r da /t fof3,al , y raea,a• .t,y,,fe,rr.'ft Non Sareif.teU Ory lor %It/( (Men Y „ Aperfect Remedy farCcnallps'< lion. Sour 5101nacit, Warriors,. Worms, Peveristtness I:OSSOFSi.LOP. Plc Sinitic Siylrslurc of 4I Tile CENTAUR CONPAUitfl• MON r..mug. 'or Infants qn . Children. Mothers KH®w That Genuine Castwl'ia Always Bears the Signature of •: Ci Use For Over Yearn, iT Exact Copy of Wrapper. C.1,17,1-111 COMPANY. ,.,.W • OAK CITY 9 All skin diseases such as eczema, salt rheum, tetter, rash. boils, pimples and itching skin eruptions am always caused from the blood being in a bud condition, and it is impassible to eradicate them front the system unless you put your blood into good shape, This you can easily do by taking that old and well known bad blood eradicater, Burdock Blood sitters. Miss _Mary V, Chambers, Anagance Ridge, N.B., writes; "1 used Burdock Blood Bitters for eczema, I had. it when an infant, but it left tie. 'two years ago it came back, I Beeth doctore' medicine, but it dill good only while 3 used it, At last my tnde Lytle nothing but a miming sore. I saw in the mown; what B.B.B, did for people, so I took it, and to-dav X ata free from Mutt terrible disease. When X began to use it my sores be.. came soft alai dry, and then only n slight rash until it disappeared altogether, 1 ant thankful to -day for w1g t it has done for me." B.B.B. is madttiaetered only 1y. The F. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Out, CAGY' GliUAT HANGER BERING RGI FIAT LMA LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS ITS THIRTY -7TH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER SEVENTEEN: NINETEEN HUNDRED & SEVENTEEN Thnrotr{1t courses 01 Alusic, ,orf, Oratory, High School, Bu.rfneas Colley, G'wnestic Science and Superior Physical Training. FCR TERMS, ADDRESS • 9, i, VJP.i.NE M.A.. D. D., Preci• ons, 5t. -;hens:, 08td, More little ones die during the sum- mer than at any other time of the your. Diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera in- fanium without warning ilgr stomach when disorders medicme ine Is not at hand to give promptly the short delay too frequently means that the child has passed beyond aid.'. Baby's ()wit Tablets sltolrld aiwttys be kept in tete home where there are young children. An ocacstonal dose of the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or If the trouble comes sudTab- lets wil ctinea theprompt (» bbyt Mrs. Chas. Anderson, tlifnda, Alta., says; "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine for little ones who are suffering m 80y 111 a weak stomach, They when suffering from stomach com- plaint and have made her tt line healthy child," 1lle,Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers iv by nail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wiltlittnts' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Any man who has not one or two 9011110 bugs navigating his coat collar is not considered tt true patriot. American women are advised that they any help rentingin lleir wastevar of food b Germany by preventing malarial. --Mt-- Universal military training and compulsory military service in the United States Is assured. --tar.-- Nllety college presidents met in Chicago to plan army service. In none of these collages is military training n part of the curl'ice tote �,� T O For infants and Claildiea an Use For Over 30 Years Always beats the Si1natnre ag. ,y��'�e�i'•"a�....:u::s,,:�.�r`"�Y,.c_„t.>:,:..�'.�'s�._.: Win: `i._.7"'i'� N 0.0 tl 11 trat • /- err • . \ Y� "--' ��M—so.a,-, the Efficient Flour The real baking foundation for white, oven -textured bread; delicious, dainty cakes and light, flaky, mouth -melting pastry. High in food values and distinctively pleasing to the taste. SPECIAL 1321701131711EIMMI The Purity Flour Cook Book the latest publication on ,modern kitchen practice; n laa.page de lase, general purpose, kitchen encyelopadin, carrying between its covers reliable and tried recipes for all manner of dishes for 111e ordinary mauls. ns well as oconomlcaf Instructions for the preparation of dainty desserts and delicious confections for specie/ occasions. Mailed postpaid on roeolpt of 20 cents. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LIMiTTED TORONTO WINNIPEG Have Your Ads. in New Era