HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-08-23, Page 3IIIIIIIIIVI@IIIlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll OUR SNORT STOfiY HOW AUNT SAMANTHA WON OUT, By Will Seaton _ llI IIVI IIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !III 111111 III III 111111 IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII !III IIVIIIII IIIIIIIIIVI IIIIIIIIII I IIL�I ' PAGE 4 v1Ta,� sl, l'"""17 TIM SIS HEART IADIL 't May Cross Border, An order has been issued permit- ting soldiers in uniform to cross into the United States upon the presentat tion of an order from a commanding officer, such as Is giving when men go On leave, , Mines Call in Cars, , Orders issued by all Canadian railroads make it imperative that all United States owned coal cars be at once returned to the mines and tn- der no consideration are these cars to be used fur local transportation purposes when empty, Prise Chicks for Belgians The Canadian Poultrymen's Belgian Relief Association has decided to pro- vide 3,000 prize birds for the re -stock- ing of Belgian farms after the war. The necessary funds will be raised either in cash or birds, which will be auct- tioned in various places The first sale will be held at the Exhibition on Labor Day. Lithographic Merger. Rolph Clark, Limited, and Stone, Limited, of Toronto, two leading com- panies in the lithographic trade, have •naigramated, the new company hav- ing a capital of $3,000,000, Officers are: honorary president, Prank Rolph; president, William Stone; vice- president and managing director, F. A. Rolph; general manager and secre- tary, F. W, Stone. • AFF[CT[D 'fruit -a -fives" Soon Relieved Thos Dangerous Condition 633 Gttitltattn $T, Eas't', 1.'cato v'ro, "Tor two years, I was a victim of Acute Indigestion and Gas In The 6tomaoh. It afterwards a/laaGed my Heart and 1 had pains all over my body, so that I could hardly move around. . 3 tried all kinds of Biedietne but none of thorn did me any good., At last, I decided to try "Fruit -a -fives". I bought the first box last June, and now I am well, afler using only f/tree boxes. I recommend "Truit-a-tires" to anyone suffering from Indigestion". FRED J. CAVEEN. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size, Vie. At all dealers or'sent postpaid by I'ruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa.^-- `— eeseeeeeeseeeoeeeeseueeme a• Local News IaJ soneeesoisti oeoisoms ®®sasoostoota .No Sugar for Overseas. has ftice department Tete post o ad- vised that as the Importation of sac- charin into the United Kingdom by post is not permited, packages con- taining saccharin received in mails from Canada are being seized by the British customs authorities. `You may be Fined for. Bringing "booze" to town. ' "Scorching" with your car. Bicycling on the sidewalks. Driving on the boulevards. Using profane language. Leaving your auto I:unps unlighted after dark. HY C5 1; .1 ' Head Ache? Headaches, sick or other kinds, don't happen to people whose livers are busy and whose bowels are as regular as a dock. Thousands of folks who used to have headaches say this is the way they removed the cause: One pill at bedtime, regu- larly. Largerdose if there's a suspicion of biliousness or constipation. CARTE! 5 ITTLE IVER P1LLS Eenufne bears 'Signature 1 Colorless faces often show the absence of Irose in the blood. CARTER'S IRON PILLS will hel-13:0118 condition. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA Advertising Must Pay. Speaking r of advertising, here is What some of the publishers charge for space; Ladies' Home Journal, $8 a line or $504 per inch; the back cover sells for $10,000. A full page adver- tisement in the Saturday Evening Post sells for $5,000, and the hack cover sells for 57,000; the centre page in colors is ;12,000. As this advertis- ing space is always tilled, it is evident that advertising pays even at these prices. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Minimum Set. The railway companies have ad- vised the provincial government that they will not agree to a single fare return rate for men sent to Ontario harvest fields where the fare col- lected is under 51. For short -dis- tance trips where the single return fare would be under 55 the usual .return fares will be charged. As most of the farm help being sent out from Toronto goes to places 30 or 40 utiles from the city, the new de- cision adversely effects the sending out of men. Material Advances. The firms that supply ready set matter for weekly newspapers, com- monly known as boiler plate, have jumped the price from 20c to 27 c a column. Increased cost of metals is the reason given for advance but. the service is hardly worth the new rate and will quite probably result in papers dependent on it, either being required to cut down their size, or go 'stronger' on the local news which is much more appreciated.—Since the above was written one of the supply houses has quit all together on the plate business. Operating Electric Furnace. The Collingwood Bulletin The electric furnace at the big plant of the Willian Kennedy & Sons was started in the early part of this week. There was no fuss or feathers in re- gard to the opening. The installation, which has been going on for several weeks, was completed last week, and on the following day, the current equal to one thousand horse -power, was turned on. Soon there was a mol - 1 ten mass of liquid metal, the rapidity of the change surprising the inexper- t ienced individuals who were privileged I to be present and witnessed It. Since the initial operation, the furnace has After a Strenuous Round of Golf— Nothing o f Nothing is more refreshing or satisfying than a cool glass of sparkling, invigorating Special ,Ale You can't sip it without a smack of satisfaction. Its the drink of efficiency. It makes clear heads, steady nerves, endurance and "pep" in the pinches. Your Gr Cer Sells It Order a bottle or two today 76 44640 Special Ale Brings the freshness and snap of October mornings to overcome the languidness of dog -day heat. 410 if John ���n� , Limited, E7i8321 .® doli, Canada THE CLINTON NEW EISA. You will find relief In Zam-Buk it eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zan(.. Bub, means cure: Why not prove this 7 1A Drui oa'bw a ,toms. -- been continuously in commission, though not working to full capacity, owing to the shortage of electric cur- rent. Its product is pig iron, a very large quantity of which Is daily used by the company in the ,other depart4 ments of their large industry, Chi.ictren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR R IA Minor Locals. Two beefless and baeontess days a week will not inconvenience most peo- ple while present prices last Look over your business station- ery and see what you need. August is a good monthto replenish your stock. September and October are always busy months for the printer, and sometimes lie has to keep cus- tomers waiting longer than they like Get your work done in August and avoid delay. What is that pleasing noise? 'Tis the sound of lion, W. J. Hanna's iish horn. For three years commencing 'Sept. 14tis, 1917, the purchase or sale of snipe, quail, woodcock or partridge - is prohibited in Ontario. LAXA-LIIIER PILLS Sweeten The Breath. They stimulate the s' uggish liver, clean the coated tongue, sweeten the breath, clear away all waste and poisonous mat - crisis from the system in nature's easy manner, and prevent as well as cure constipation, heartburn, catarrh of the stomach, sour stomach, water brash,' floating specks'before the eye, jattnd:ce, sallow or muddy complexion, and all dtscases arising from a disordered or diseased condition of the liver. As an "after dinner" pal they are most valuable, rcliw:m; tit-tt "lent or bloated feeling" and preventing in- digestion. Milburn's bass -Liver Pills are 25e. per vial, at all c .il_rs c•r trailed dir-ct 011 receipt of price Ly The T. aLi..: Co., Limited, Toronto, O,'. HOT WEATHER HiNTS FOR BUSY FOLK Don't Bother About the Thermometer —Eat No More than You Have to- -Drink Water and Buttermilk. Avoid talking about the heat, and, as far as possible, avoid thinking about ii. Hall of the discomfort of hot weather is due to mental sug- gestion. People talk each other into misery. Don't rush to the thermometer to find out how the temperature is in- creasing. Don't exclaim: "We're in for another scorcher." The less you know about the height to which the mercury is rising, the better you will feel. Keep you mind actively employed. Don't stake the hot weather an ex- cuse for loafing, Eat no more than you have to Avoid solids, such as meat, eggs, fats, and other heat producers. Eat fruit, vegetables and cereals. 11 you can endure hunger, it is better to eat nothing. Water and buttermilk are the best liquids to drink. Don't worry about excessive per- spiration; it is a sign that the sys- tem is holding its own against the temperature, Perspiration produces thirst. Thirst produces perspiration. Thus the body works in perpteut motion. To keep your house cool, close the windows and doors on the east and south sides of the house at S o'clock a.m., and leave the north and west windows open. In the afternoon re- verse 'the process. 0 5 r * * * * a:• s• * g e. DO YOU KNOW? „ * a5 5 5 5 5 i5 * * 5 That 12.4 per cent of New York working women are married. That all the great houses of Paris are favoring short skirts That pumpkin is s favorite color for sports clothes That life is just one focal staple af- ter another soaring clear out of sight, l'hat since Madame Jenny is featur- ing grey in various shades little doubt is left that it will be a favorite shade. That sea shell tints Include lovely yellowish and flesh color batistes, That the Chinese pongees do not lend themselves to dye and we owe to the French designing of this last mouth the trick of using the string shade pongee with a color that conies next to the skin. That classes in auto driving, canteen cooking and wireless have been begun in New York by the National League for Woolen's Service. That "Russian cat" is at present di- viding the honors with monkey fur as a trimming for jerseys Made of bright- colored satin or crepe de chine. That the British War Office Is ap- pealing for 1,000 women as cooks and waitresses for duty with various units; age 13=45, salary, A26 per an- num, free unifot'in after probation, laundry allowance, itlsurande, fares That the "robe Chen -Ilse" of last year has steadily growtl in popularity in Paris, and it Is doub't'ful If the openings oaf the grattdes centuries 6101 show anything fu the way of a gown that witl be so universally liked, Thursday, August 23rd, SUNDAY EFL OL Lesson !X.—Third Quarter, For Aug. 26, 1917. 'THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, 11 Kings xxv, 1.21. Memory Verses, 1o, 11—Golden Text, Lsek. xxxili, 11—Commentary Pro - pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. The topic of this lesson is the cal- tivity of Judah, for, although such (nett as Elezekhth and Josiah slid what they could to turn the people from thelr sins to the Lord, the results were only par- tial and tempot'ary, and their sins In- creased. The Lord God had compas- sion on them, notwithstanding their rebellion against Him, and seat thein Ills messengers, His servants the prophets, to tell them of llis love and His readiness to forgive them and bless them if only they would turn to flits with the whole heart, but they mocked the messenger's of God and despised His words and misused His prophets until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people. till there was no remedy (II Chrou. xxxvi, 15, 101. Many times Ole had told them in the beginning of their notional history how Ile would bless thein in the land He had givou them if only they would obey E(m and honor Mtn and keep them- selves from the idolatries of other na- tions. See for example Lev. xxvi, 1-10. Lie told them just us plainly what Ole would do to them aid (tow Ile would punish them if they would not hearken to Idiot ttud keep Ills com- mandments (l,ev. asci, 1.1.81. 'three times in that chapter IIe told them. that if they persisted 111 disot;edleuee Ile would punish or chastise theta seven times for their sins. 00 expres- sion which we will consider Tater in our lesson If.ev. xxvi, 113, 24, Lite,, Nut only during their wilderness Journey, but also tvbile the judges ruled, cud afterward when Ile give them Idn;s, Ife many is time forgave their iniquity and delivered then( and raved thew fur llis name's sake (1's, Ixxviii.:P5; eve, 8, 131, but the time heal come when there was 00 (remedy but the captivity. ,1 sinti was sar•rced' 1 by four kings, three sons and n grandson, each of whom did evtl he leis sight of the Lord, and during the twenty-two year's of their reigns Judah \vas 'milled into captivity in three different companies until all but the very poorest were car- ried away. The fourth year or Jeliuia• tdm was the first year of Nebuchad- nezzar, and in that scar. which would be about 000 13. C., some of 1.110 princes, including Daniel anal others, and part of the vessels of the house of God were carried to Babylon (Jer. xxv, 1; Dan. i, 1.3). About seven years later Jehofakltn, who reigned only three months, was taken to Babylon, with his mother and servants and princes and officers and 10,000 others (perhaps 15,000) II Kings xxiv, S, 16), and this was the second deportation. Eleven years later, in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar, the captivity of Judah was completed by the carrying away of Zedekiah and the rest of the people, except the poor, who were left to be vinedressers and husbandmen. Then was the house of the Lord burned and the remaining vessels destroyed or car - tied away (II Dings xxv, 1-17). Then was fu1011ed the strange prediction through Ezekiel concerning Zedelciah, "I will bring him to Babylon, yet shall he not see it," for after his sons were slain before his eyes they put out his eyes and bound mint and carried him to Babylon ()leek. xil, 13; Mugs xxv, 7). However seemingly impossible any prediction of the Lord may appear, it will surely be literally fulfilled in His time, either by a near or a far distant fulfillment, or ofttimes by both, for as one has said, prophecy may have many a germinal fulfillment, while the full accomplishment may be still in the futureThe Lord had said through Jeremiah that this punishment of au- dah would continue seventy years and that then they would return, and so it came to pass, as we shall see hi fa- ture lessons (Tor. xxv, 12; II Chron. xxxvi, 20-231. Because Israel rejected their Messiah, when in the fullness of time He came to them, they have ever since been scattered among all nations, aid He said that Jerusalem would be trodden down by the gentiles until the ttmes of the gentiles be fulfilled (Luke xxi, 24). The times of the gentiles began with Nebuchadnezzar, 606 B. 0., and col, respond with the seven times already referred to in this lesson, during which God said that He would punish 'Israel for their sins. According to Dan. 13, margin, times are years, and in Num. sty, 84, there is tt way of the Lord revealed, wherein Ile used years for days. Seven times 860, the days in a Scriptural year, equals 2,520, which seems to cover the seven (hues of Is- rael's pimistmsoot in Lev. xxvi, or the times of the gentiles. Now, G00 B. C., added to 1014, the year in which the present European war began, gives 2,520, and there seems therefore to be good reason for believing that the times of the gentiles began to run out in 101.4. As they began gradually with the three deportations of Judah re- ferred to in this lesson, so it may re- quire eighteen years, more to less, to end then, Sine°, then, we are already in the beginning of the end of these times, how fully occupied we should be 1.0 giving tit° gospel to help com- plete the church, the hotly of Christ, and hasten the coming of the kingdom or righteousness and peace, always ex-' potting to be caught up any day and yet ready to continue here In His sere. ice or be absent from the body and'• breseut with tate Lord. Do tine best you can. You will pro- hobly not break any valuable records. anyway. Sonne people make a bluf at hiding their light udder a bushel who never had a itght. Pessimists are misfortune tellers. However, lovers should never be too good to be true. Bartenders always have a smile for meta with the coin,. _ _,...... Far more effective than Sticky Ply Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Of all the Blackwell fancily, Aunt Samantha was the most unimportant member. She was 66. She had never for a moment known the pleasure of being Important to anyone. She was not altogether useless in her brother's family. On Mondays she accented as her share the washing of the men's shirts, heavy with sweat and stiff with dirt from the fields. Tuesdays site stood all day pressing out a tiresome succession of towels and sheets, for she was never allowed to iron anything pretty, not even the baby's dresses, Duringpreserving se vm(Inc t she se i a l t n corner with the children and stoned cherries or hulled strawberries until her fingers were dyed red to the bone. The Blaekwells were not unkind to their aunt. They were very fond of her, but site was an old maid, depen- dent in a very busy fancily and was an insigniliean( figure in their lives Even as a girl she had been clever at mak- ing bedquilts. During years of devo- tion to one art she had accumulated a store of quilting patterns. She never knew how her great idea came to her. Even when she finished drawing the design, site gazed at it in wonder, not daring to believe it was her own handi- work. Finally she said to herself that she would make just one square, just to see how it lvould look. Accustomed to the most complete dependence on her brother and his wife, she dared nut even do this with- out first asking permission With a heart full of hope, she ap- proached the mistress of the house. Sophia listened 10 her sister -ill -law's petition. y Wh, yes. Samantha, start a quilt if you want to. 1've got some pieces from the spring sewing which will work in real good." Samantha tried to make her see that this would be no common quilt, but Sophia replied, with impatience: "Oh, there! Don't bother me, 1 don't care what pattern you g" I'y.,' Samantha rushed up the steep attic stairs to her roost, convinced that she hail invented a pattern beyond which I)() patchwork quilt could go. She had but little (Inc: for she was too con- scientioous to shirk even the smallest share of the work of the house. She rushed through the work with a speed which left her panting as she climbed to her little room. One evening she ventured to bring her work down beside the tire where the family sat. She was on the last corner of the first square and her nee- dle new with great rapidity. No one noticed her and by bedtime she had but a few more stitches to add. As she stood up with the others the square fell an the table. Sophia glanced at it carelessly. "Is that the new quilt you're begin- ning?" she asked with a yawn. "It looks like a real pretty pattern. Let's see it." And with• that Sophia proceed- ed to look over the work. "Land sakesi" said the sister -hr -law, looking at the many -colored square. "Why, Samantha Blackwell, where did you get that pattern?" "I made it up," replied Samantha. "Did you? Girls, come and see what your aunt Samantha is doing." 'rhe three daughters turned reluctantly from the stairs. "I don't take much interest in patch- work said one. "Nor 1 either," replied Sophia; "but a stone image would take an interest in this pattern. Land, look at all those tiny squinchy seams," The girls echoed their mother' ex- clamations and Mr. Blackwell ' came over to see what they were discussing. ) "Well, 1 declare," he said, "'!'hat beats old Mrs 'Taylor's quilt that got the blue ribbons so many tines at the county fair. The next day her sister-in-law amazed her by taking iter pan of po- tatoes from her lap, saying: "Don't you want to go on with that quiltin' pattern? 1 would like to see how you are gain' to make the grape vine design out on the corner, At the end of the semnter the fam- ily's Interest had risen so high that Samantha was given a little stand in the sitting room where she could keep her work—and work at odd moments, She appreciated this kindness, and through the longest task of washing ncilkpaus there rouse a rainbow of promise with her varigated work. I'he family felt quite proud of Aunt Samantha, Minister Cressy and his wife has said it was as line a piece of work as they had ever seen, One day some strangers from the next town drove up and asked if they could inspect the wonderful quilt which they had heard of. Samantha's quilt became one of the town sights. The Blaekwells saw to it that their aunt was better dressed than site had ever been before and one of the girls made her a pretty cap to wear on her thin white hair. A year passed and a quarter of the quiit was finished, A second year passed and it was half done, The third year, Samantha tray ill with pneumo- nia, For weeks she lay overcome with terror lest she would die before her work was completed, The fourth year 11(106, One 901114 see the grandure of the whole design, And —lis September of the fifth year Samantha quilted the last stitches 10 her creation, The girls held it up by the four cor- ners and they looked at it In solemn Silence. Thu Mr. Blackwell smote One horny hand within the other and exclaimed; 'By binger1 '!'mat's goin' to the county fair!" The family agreed and one of the boys was sent to the house of a neigh- bor who was chairman of the commit- tee for the village, Samantha felt a pang of separation ss the bulky package was carried out of the house. One of the neighbors, who took the long journey to the fair, reported that the quilt was hung In a place of honor in a glass case in Agricultural Nall, But that meant little to Samantha, for she felt absolutely lost without her work, The fancily noticed tete old woman's depression and one day Sophia spoke softly and kindly: "You feel lost without your quilt, don't you Samantha?" .'..'They took it away so quick," she replied, "that I hardly had a good look at it myself"' Mr. Blackwell made no comment, but a few days later announced that Thomas Wood, tc neighbor, was going to drive Samantha to the fair and bring her back again. "You don't mean iti" she exclaimed, "Yes, I mean it," he replied. 'rhe next scorning, when the buggy drove up to the door, they all stood to- gether and waved good-bye to her as she drove out of the yard. On her return that evening 8 she was so tired and stiff that Iter brotherhad to lift her out of the buggy. But her NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in Mature life. This is shown in so many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. Vor all such n}tildren we say wit( unmistakable earnestness They nevi► Scott'sattulsion,. and 'need it mow. It possesses in concenlxateel farm the very fled efciments to enrich their faked, It aniline weakness to strength; it *sites than shindy and strong andoldie. Snett & 39wre,'Iprlt * O: tips were set in. a blissful smile. She drew a long breath. "It was _°e+ A just perfect," she said, "You see, t went to the room where the quilt was,, and while there the head of the hulk concern conte in and Pinned 'First Prize' right in the middle of the quilt The entire Blackwell family were pleased. Aunt Samantha sat by the fireside and mused: "1 tell you, it looked fine," and she gut, staring into the lire, and upon her, tired old face was the look of supreme content of an artist who has realized his ideal. ,v,WOos's rhOS +lhOd,3B®; 'f'he Great Buglish811lie„ud1pI. Tones and invigorates the whole aorveuseystpm, makes pew Blond in old Vales Ceres es Debility, Mental and Brain Nervous Worrti, Despon- dency, Loss of 6nerssh Fatpiir lion. of the Heart ?ailing Memory. Price 81 per bus, sig for $6.01 Ona will please, iia will oure,3Sold.by all 1 e.pkg.'en rtes t of: or mailed in n,p druggists P ss Ell'EDIC I(ME 0�•0.., TORONTO. ON7 tree. tfamr E Wawa IMI'LES and skin eruptions alway's seem to come where they are the most noticeable, and consequently 'most embarrassing to the person so unfortunate as to have them. The most satisfactory treatment for pimples and skin eruptions is Dr. Chase's Ointment: applied at night after bathing the skin in warm water. instead of clog iug the pores, as do powders, Dr. Chase's Ointment cleanse; them and promotes the healthy action of the pores of the skin. By its antiseptic action this ointment destroys poisonous germs, and thereby prevents the development of eczema. There are. scores of ways in which Dr. Chase's ointment is useful in every home. PIMPLES AND I;LACKJIEADS. Miss Carrie Aitwater, Bittern Lake, Alta., writes :—"1 was entirely Cured of pimples sad binekb,•ads voter au,n Li,, n;ro by using Dr. C'hase's Olntmes!. As I have also found this oint- ment a splendid treatmentfor sunburn and chapped kande, I would not be without it in the house. It Is the best I aver used: r �•� ° Dr. {,. > s{l 9 s O b tr ent 600 a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co„ Ltd., Toronto. Be suspicious of the druggist who offers a substitute in- stead of handing out what you ask for. aTAVIFl ry eta work, study or play N Take GUM a;T ezntrsyxfrk.rsas is a welcome help. Teeth, breath, appe- tite, digestion and spirits are the bet. ter for it. pal !ARLEY''S makes the next pipe OY cigar taste better. It pleasantly sweetens and soothes !mouth and throat. Mime Lastiog Ham edg Th 1,Y"tpntrot4,1, r Las Node eel, dbsalesf tight—LTOpt right tie stere ilre WL leak? ti arL ° ery meal" 23