The Clinton New Era, 1917-08-16, Page 1• a, •
Established 1865, Vol. 52, No, 7 CLI r47' O N, O NT A R I O, THURSDAY AUGUST 16th, 1917, W. H, Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers,
It is Px ected that Military 'Service Act will Be Law this meek
vwvvViwvvmvvvv vwvwn AAN.,#~nAAAAA AAN,
Just now is the time of year when nature is at its best.
Enjoy it to the full with a KODAK.
We have a good assortment at all prices
Let us show you some of the'fine'points in ourKODAKS
and how to use them,
Developing and Printing Properly and Promptly Done
at the Rexall Store.
W.. S. 1RJ.. 3E10 LIVI3336 Phm.B,
Ti!e royal Bapk
incorporated 1869.
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up . 12,900,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits '14;300,000
Total Assets -270,000,000
400 B R A N C H E S—With World-wide Connection
Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits.
General Banking Business Transacted.
R. E. MANNING, Manager . Clinton Branch
INCORPORATED 1355 ,.. deee...11'. •...:�
98 Branches in Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate
H. R. SHARP, Acting Manager Clinton
heady -to -Wear
ort w,svm.. a _-.o ' .••-1
d+R,5t+ 5 m1 n+ da #.
t ii\ r d a
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what�ry}Ii�•�7It, 4
,j 1/r 1 r� lis `� '� � MS
if 46F
=MM. flIddilliTtl
The ,orr sh Globin,. ;,,
Agent ter C. P. R. Telegraph (Jo,
A square geld tow Every Man
And Camp Borden is to be Training
Centre For Canada!
TORONTO, Aug, 12—"Tile con-
scripright• tionaway." blit will be put into, force
This was the emphatic announce-
ment of Sir Edward Kent's, minister
of militia, at Camp Borden yesterday.
He added that he did not think the
Senate amendments would cause much
Sir Edward was visiting Camp Bor-
den for the Grist time this season
and a story given out by a Conser-
vative party press agent who accom-
panied hint contains this paragraph.
"With the prospect of a large body
in Canada and for training and the
need to relieve ocean transport by
conducting that training as far as poss-
ible in Canada, the question 'of train-
ing facilities becomes inmportant. Camp
Borden is the Central military training
ground for Ontario and having regard
to its situation, extent and equipment
it has cone to be regarded as (he prin-
cipal training ground for the whole Do-
Girl'and Woman Who Went to Assis-
tance Die.
Two lives were lost, one in a futile
attempt at rescue, in a small creek
through the Govier farm, two ladles
from Auburn, on Saturday afternoon,
The dead are Mrs, 11. Govier and Miss
Elsie Lockhart, t t -year-old daughter
of Thomas Lockhart, of Auburn,
In company with four others, Elsie
Lockhart, who was playing at the Gov-
ier home, went to the creek to bathe.
It is believed that she slipped into a
deep hole and went down without a
sound. When the other children left
the water they noticed the absence of
!Elsie, and ran frantically to the
farmhouse for Mrs. Govier. Mrs. Gov-
ier ran to the creek, and, fully dress
ed, dashed into ,the water in an effort
to find the missing child. She too fell
into the treacherous hole and tt'as
it was an hour before any amen were
found, and half an hour later both
bodies were recovered from the stream
by the use of garden rakes,
Mrs, Cuvier is survived by her hus-
band and two children.
Air, Thomas Churchill of town is a
brother of Mrs. • Govier, Mrs, D.
Livermore of town is also a sister of
Over The TeamCups
Mrs. NlcGarva'is visiting 5t Paisley
for a few weeks,
The Misses Cluff were Bayfield visit-
ors on Wednesday, -
Mr. Sam. Burke, of, Wingham, was
in town on Monday.
Judge Dickson, of Goderich, was in
of the late Dr. Bean,
Mr, P, 1-I, MacKenzie, of Lucknow,
was here atendiug the funeral of. his
sister, Mrs. McLennan.
Mrs ,James Watson, of Seakirth,
was a guest of her sister, Mrs, W. D.
Fair over tate wek end.
town on Wednesday, Misses, E. Chidley andD. O'Neil
Mr, S. S. Cooper attended the races were visitors with Mrs. Constantine
at Listowel on Monday,
at Teeswater last week.
Barrister Vanstone of Winghatn, was Mr. and Mrs. J, Torrance and the
in town on Wednesday, Misses Torrance returned after spend -
Mr, Thos. Jackson made a business lug a mouth at Goderich.
trip to Montreal last week, Mrs. 1i. E. Paul, of Alviston, is here
Miss Mattis Biggins was a visifor at
visting with friends for a week or so.
She is a welcome visitor.
Vern t with friends '
Mrs, Janes Sinus, 01 Blyth, was a Brien were recent visitors 'at Blyth
Clinton visitor on Wednesday,
Mr, N. Ball and Master Harry,- are with Mrs. herb McElroy.
spending to few days in Toronto, Mr, F, Clatsworthy and family, of
Mrs, Arthur Forbes was a visitor at Ailsa Craig, wece here attending the
Seaforth with friends last week. funeral of the late Dr, Bean.
Mr. John Rice, of London, was in Mrs. Alf, Torrance and daughter re-
turned to Toronto on Sunday after
Misses Merle Moore and Etta Mc -
town for a few clays last week. , riding their holidays here.
Miss lava Stephenson is visiting spending y
Mrs. M. Y, McLean at Seaforth. Mrs, R. N. Rowe and Mrs. Tylomas
Mrs. (Dr.) Axon is spending the Disney of Exeter, spent Monday with
week at Chesley with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. lionoavaa
AIr. Will. Southgate, of Seaforth, Zurich Herald:—Mr. Qrind John -
was 1 visitor in town on Sunday. ston, bank clerk, of Kirkton is spend -
Miss hazel Johnston, of Stratford lug his holidays at his home here.
is visiting her sister, Mrs. RyanZ Mr, and Mrs. R. Rowland are on a
Master Leo Reynolds visited his holiday trip to Buffalo and will also
grandmother in Beechwood for a week.. take a trip dawn the St, Lawrance.
Mrs, J. Seeley and children of town Miss Hazel Byatt who has been the
spent last week with friends at Varna, guest of her brother, Mr, Byant, re-
Mr, Pollock, of Montreal, is at pros- huhed to her home at Port in charge of the Doherty Plano Co, Miss Ruby Kitty returned home last
Miss Mountcastle is very slowly re- week attar visiting with her sister,
covering from a long :std serious ill- Mrs, (Rev') Westgate at Sandwich.
Mrs. Dayunund and children of Bois-
11ess' sevain, Man„ are visiting with tine for -
Mrs. W.R. Counter was visiting Mrs, mer's brother, Mr. 'Phomas Murphy.
Geu, E. Henderson, at Seaforth last Exeter Advocate:—Mrs. L. Crew and
week' daughter, of Clinton visited over Sun -
Miss Grace Cleft', of Toronto, is
spending her vacation at the parental Illy with Mr. and Mrs, Richard Mur -
n thy.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Brydoue left on Band.
Mrs, (Rev.) of Paisley, was visiting Monday spend a few to sd teweeks at The old friends of Mr. Thomas Aic-
iter mother, Mrs. M. McGarva last }
Huntsville and in among the Aluskoka Aifiiul were gl:ul to see him in town
week' lakes, en Wednesday. lir. McMillen is ra-
Alr. and Mrs, Harry flays, of Detroit, Mr, Eddie ,Stiller, of Hamilton, and
are visiting relatives in and around platy regaining his strength from his
a former employee of The New Era, is
Temperance work,
We are pleased to see Mr. George
Humble out again after his runaway
accident a few weeks ago. George got
a great shaking up,
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew.Forester and
young son, of Hamilton, are visiting
with the former's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. D. A. Forester,
Mr, W. F. Vanstone and the Misses
Vanstone of Winghatin, and Mrs, For-
ester, of Columbia, Tenn,, were visit-
ors in town on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. F. McGill, of Chesley,
were visitors with Dr, and Mrs, F, A.
Axon this week, Mrs. Axon returned
with them to Chesley.
Mr, and Mrs, McGill, of Langdon,
Sask., were guests of Dr. and Mrs, F. A.
Axon this week. Mr. McGill is a
brother of Mrs. Axon.
Mr, and Mrs, E, Bender and son and
Rev, R. J. McCormick, of Blyth, paid
Clinton a visit last week and called at
the County House of Refuge.
Miss A. Wallace and neice, Miss
Florence Diehl, of Paisley, left last Fri-
day for Norwich, Conn., where they
will visit relatives for a few weeks,
Goderich Star Mr, Arthur Cook
and Mrs. Wm, Cantelon, of Clinton,
motored to town Sunday, visiting their
relatives, Mr, and Mrs, R. H. Johnston.
Mr, 11. Hewitt, hook -keeper at the
Doherty Piano Cu. leaves this week for
England where he will visit for a short
time and bring back his wife and fam-
Mr. and Airs. Adair and their two
sons of Peterbor 1, who have been visit-
ing Mrs. Adair's sister, Mrs. Edward
Rndaway left on Tuesday for their
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Al iTaggart and
children, of Blyth, were visitors in
town. Accompanied by ,hiss 'Thom-
pson they spent Sunday at Grand
Clinton. spending a few days at the parental
Mr. .1. A, Irwin took the services in home.
the Blyth Methodist Church out Sunday
I The following students of Clinton
Collegiate Institute have been success-
ful in their exantinatioons for Alatricul-
Honour and Scholarship Matriculat-
ion including Faculty Entrance Part 11
—Katherine MacGregor (Edward Blake
Scholarship in Modern Languages and
Honour hlatrieulttion:—
E P. Scutt—French I,
H. F, R. Shaw—Latin Ill., German 1,
Janet 11. Snaith—I itin 11,
Gertrude Wallis—German Ill., Chem
istry 111.
Pass Junior Matriculation:—
Mary L. Chidley, Elvin M. Church -
hill, Myrtle II. Crich, Ella J. Grainger,
Elinor Kemp, Alvin K, Leonard, Mar-
jorie McMath, Ruth Melt/lath, Mary A.
McMurchie, Harvey F. Potter, Etlie M.
Stoltz, lona J. Struthers, Julie Ross
in addition to the above list, the fol-
lowing have been granted Matricula-
tion standing on the recommendation
of tate principal, on account of farm
employment or enlistment:—Eva Car-
ter Erskine Evans, Leslie Manley, Ralph
Hawkins, Harold Kitty, Helen Morrison,
Stella Nelson, Enniee Reid, Harvey
Stuart, Roy Thomson, Wm. Town-
On Friday, August 2Ith at 3 o'clock
there will be a mass meeting, held in
the town hall, to which all women are
urged to attend, This sleeting is
Food Con -
held at the request of there d
servation Executive, and the Clinton
delegates, who attended the Food Con-
vention in Toronto will give their re-
port, Literature of interest will be
distributed, and the whole afternoon's
program will be both instructive and
profitable. Let every women consid-
er it a duty to cone to this meeting
and hely "Win the War,",
..i .t 1. J�Ne s
r The dew �r:
or Job Work in ..
rush Cod and Haddock
at 12 cents per ib.
"fe O"NEIL
BUB G Cott
Phone d8
1 "d
Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of Goderich, was
Mr, and Mrs. Cnlins of Toronto,: here on Sunday afternoon conducting u•day, and i, now preparing for the
the funeral services of the tali Ur. M lei I which ens on
recent operation.
Mr. C. D. Bruck, who has been
teaching at the Summer .Model School
at Bracebridge. arrived home last Sat -
were calling on old friands in
last week.
.".Liss Bessie Gatley of Mount Forest.
spent the week end the guest of Mrs.
J. G. Medd.'
'Irs, K. Citowen and Miss Betty re-
turned to their house in Hamilton on
Tuesday last,
Mr. and Mrs. (1. V, Holmes and Miss
E. Perkins, of Corrie, were recent
visitors in town.
Mrs, A, J. Grigg and Miss Helen left
Tuesday morning for Winnipeg on a
two months' visit,
Little Vera Cook returned with Miss
W 1lwortlt to Melbourne to spend a
couple „f weeks.
Miss Barbara Mclvor returned last
week from her visit with the C. C. 1.
girls at Beantsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Aikeuhead, of London,
were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Chas.
Bartlitf on Monday.
Miss Jessie Ford, of Goderich, was
here on Sunday attending the funeral
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Patriotic itotEs
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The Women's Patriotic Society hist
their monthly business meeting I
Friday, and will not meet again until
the second Friday in September, but
supplies can always be obtained from
the different Convenors,
The Society beg to'acknowledge the
following donations for July:—
Miss E. Doan and pupils of Blau
wood School, BufTalo,N.\'. et0.00
Miss Wallace
License Board Lacks Power to Enforce
New Act.
TORONTO, Aug, 15,—The Ontario
Board of License Commissioners is
taking counsel with its legal advisers
with a view towards -establishing S the
right to enforce the recent Federal leg-
islation which prohibits the publishing
of liquor advertising in papers cir-
culating i11 prohibition provinces, J. W.
Favelle, chairman of the board, snid
yesterday that he had not as yet seen
an official copy of the new Federal Act,
and was not able to define the"prov-
ince's power's in the matter. It appeal's
Haat seeliun 53 of the Ontario Temper-
ance Antendnietlt Act makes no pro-
visions for penalties to be imposed up-
on offenders against the legislation for-
bidding tate publication of liquor ad-
vertising, and it is likely that further
f,nr.iucial legislation must be. passed
beto:c the board le in a proper pnsltinti
to e, f„100 foe' new law.
Need do go to Lando*,
The Clinton Kiltie Band has signed
up 'ti putty at the Westerht ,Fair on
3, Sept,
12th, TheBani
trade its first appearance late year acid
the -Fair Matnagatuent were well satin.
(led with the Band and ware an •
to .hate them back (kis year.
et a term Here tv nc t up
Bean. Monday next.
The Misses Holmes, of St. Cathar- Mr, Will Harland, of Guelph, was fa
Ines, who have been visiting Mrs. H. town on Wednesday. Ile reports that
B. Chant, returned to their home last fosse!!, his eldest son, who has been
*Pt g44yE**��*D�IT'OR*I.AL
Canada needs an Oliver Cromwell.
Get ready to dry some apples for
next Winter's use,
Keep up with the procession and
then you will not have to catch up.
Win-the-war first. It is costing Can-
ada $850,000 a day now to help carry
it on.
Get your exhibits ready in good
Bine for the Fall Exhibitions. It pays
if you are after the awards,
C, N, R. will prove a bone of con-
tention and more wish -bone than
"funny" bone, we guess.
Sheep are yielding good returns this
year with the increased price of woog
and the good market for lambs,
There are more than the aviators up
in the air at present and some of theta
appear to have lost their postotliee ad-
Somebody who is not busy should
use the pulmotor on the Dominion
authorities who are travelling a snail's
pace in helping the Empire. ,
Legal requirements of fruit baskets
should not be overlooked. There is s
kind or basket Whose bottom corner,
alarmingly close to the top and cer-
tainly is not in line with what the law
narks out.
"Many are the hearts that are weary
Waiting tor the war to cease,
Arany are the hearts that are looking
to the right
To see the dawn of Peace."
This 0 the season for the annual iter::
"The sound of the steam thresher is
once more heard in the land." It pro-
mises to be a lively Fall campaign fees
which ave are all grateful, no doubt.
Whack the weeds, bang tine potato
bugs and nay the tly. This is a triple:
way to aid increased production :t*n5
within the :ability of everybody and is:
tar more important than people think,
Judging by their actions.
Between turning turtle and collisions
the ;automobile is harvesting a very
gond crop tar the doctors :and under -
Friday, ill be. sometime is now on orderly duty takers. A 30 mile an hour clip on. the
Lieut. Wm. itic(1uen, who has been in England, white Harvey is still in the ordinary highway in Ontario is likely
invalided home and who is now hold- fight. Both boys went through the to continue to carry on the business,
ing a government job, was in town on \'ituy hinge tight. —0—
rtresaay. It all prisoners in Germany were On Saturday August 25th the Cann -
Mrs J. C. Armour, formerly a re- treated as well as some musicians ap- dila! National Exhibition, Toronto, so
silent of Clinton, but naw residing in parently are, their friends would have well known to thousands, will swine:
Detroit, spent a few slays in lawn with little e, worry about. For instance, open its doors and will continue unlit
old friends. Benjamin Dale, a teacher at the Royal September 1ot11. Are you planning;
Mrs. T. A. Greig left last week to Academy, London, who was visiting in to let the young full: ser the sights?
spend the remainder of the time the Germany when the warbroke out and —O—
tI. C. 1. girls are at eeamsville on the has since been "in residence" at the A well knows public Man passed
fruit Laren. interment camp at Ruhleben, has had o(1 this stage of action last week. in the
Sergt. Geo, Trick and his sister (Miss charge of the music department of the person of Sir Richard McBride, whose
Angeline, of Th edford, have been visit- school in the camp and has had nearly political tield of operation was British
ing at Mr. A. L. Trick's and otiher•re- at hundred purlls studying under him Columbia for a number of years. lie
latives this week. during the past year. Local interest
Mr. A. T. Cooper, will conduct ser- is given to this iteral by the fact that
vices in the Blyth Methodist church Ernest MacMilimn, line Toronto nrg:ul-
un Sunday in the interests of the ist, is Mr, Dale's room -mate.
' a9atmoseeatmeotdoccesese eGaos was to the effect that they had beaten
T+�'`}y�7 n and d r ' their horse to such au extent that it
.i3 �l �l t °y had to be destroyed.
Miss Scott, of Seaforth, has been en -
- gaged as organist of North Street Meth
leerp28tageTetteglat6lteeteseteiseet eiNge I °dist Church.
The committee of the County Council
GODI;RICH, j of Huron, to which was referred the
Mrs Elizabeth Irvine received word purchase of a suitable property for a
From Ottawa that her son, Pte, Williamchildren's shelter for the County, has
1-1. Irvine, infantry, has been reported; decided to recommend u property on
admitted to the 1iospitnl suffering from ; West Street in town as desirable and
gas poisoning. Pte. Irvine enlisted in suitable. The property known as the
the pais! Battalion going to Primers1 St. Lawrence has been suggested, but
with the first theft of `200. ; after investigation the Committee decided
Rev. f)r, bleldrum, of Cleveland, who that the West Street site would be more
is spending his annual holiday in (Soder.; suitable, although it will cast *300 more
ich at present, preached at both services than it had been decided to spend. The
on Sunday at Knox Church. There Committee's report will come before the
II I t' b tl December session of the Council
!was a epeGa }} alge congregation
ohs o n ,
occassions to hear the eminent divine, 1 About ti.3o \Vednesday evening the
At the evening service 13ert Cutt, organ , Chevrolet garage, run by George John -
01 and Choir director at Elora, sang stun, on Colborne street, was noticed
"Open the Gates” by- request. Air.' to be on line. The firemen made a
Cult is a Goderich boy, son of ht. 11.1 quick response and after half an hour's
Cu 11, of towns. j good work had tate blaze out. The ha -
In a violent thunderstorm Monday terior wits practically gutted, Two ears
morning the residence of J. P. Hume, 1 and one truck were in the building at
Principal of the Goderich Collegiate hot the time. One of then(, owned by the
stitute was struck by lightning, and proprietor, was gotten out but not be -
considerable damage done. The bolt fore it was badly damaged. The origin
struck the chimney, knocked off a few of the tire is unknown, everything lee -
bricks at the top, and lower down in the ing all right when the place was lock -
attic shattered it badly, knocking out I ed up shortly after G o'clock. 'rite IosS
one side of it. Part of the bolt scents to is nut known yet, last will be fully
have followed one of the rafters to the' covered by insurance.
waste pipe, and gone down this knocking'.
off a few shingles where it passed through I MORRIS
the roof, The main bolt continued on
'down the chimney; knocking off plaster, 1 Mrs. 11. Suneltre', of Illuevalo, visited
making several !toles through the ceiling at Mr, William Clegg's last week,
into the hallway upstairs, and blowing Mrs. Edgar, Mrs. .1.- Casemore and
out both panes of the window at the Mary Casemore visited at '!'hostas
back of the hall. Stoppers in the china- ; Abraham's last week. •
Hey in Mr, kla i e's study, where he was Min's Annie 1(letott 0visiting her sin -
seated at the,tinte, amain the cellar,were ter, Miss Nellie 1(lston on the 2nd line.
blown out and soot scattered across the Mr, and Mrs. Roberti Colley, Mr, and
study !fortunately no ane was hurt, .Mrs. Will Robertson and. Mr W. Shoe,
Alts. 1'hune,and her daughter ,were in bottom motored to iline'artline last Stn.
the kitchen; The electric lights ut this day. •
ver e affected, use s a t
pportion of tie town t f Mr phont is A •,t 1 am spoil a rotr;le
' hioc+ks' beitt 'blown @td: t' slutttered in a of flays with has son, Mr. .rAlirahmn
number of houses,,' int fadt all over 'Gray,
towh (he,liggltt* want: out for p short. Mrs, R. Alston who has been visiting
time. Mrs, Cox, tyho lives near Mt'. her sister, Pits. !Harry Bosnian `left for
l'lama's was ,stunned for: a time, but her !tome in xlie - We@t on Tuesday.
soon recovered ' ' 1 Mr. Earle Aitchison, of Oakville, and
Mr F edea Aitchison, ofI.luevale
Gltaries I3ell and !elan IvIaGosit, of ss ,_
g P
this town, were fired tfiiU and costs each visited tiles sister, Mrs. William Abra•
Ittcte for enmity sty dtarses., .Phe, z videnee lianas tuns week.
died in England of Bright's disease
which had bothered hint for some time_
"i'hree. K's much in the public eye
are Premier Kerensky, General Komi'.
off and Kaiser Bill. The second men-
tioned is the new commandant of the
1055ian1 army. We hope he'll not
leave oaf until he succeeds in making
the German -Austrian armies move ,all''
b, defeat.
Western Liberals, as voiced ha the
Winnipeg Convention, do net consider
Sir Wilfrid Laurier a down and out as
his opponents undertake to make out
but affirm they are ready to endorse
his policies. This looks good. no
doubt, to the Chief on 'the eve of a
general election,
—0 --
Uncle Sam. sats the Wane,! dates
will have 1 million men under amts
nut get:
cannot by September 1st :and they r.
into the fray a minute 'ton soon qtr
Great Britain, France and Italy havt
stood the brunt for the past years
in a manner that has Icon the adnnir.t-
Continued on Page 3.
yt.a�n•-.rvlxsrn--F"'"..ert..,,,sV.,a•.W ..nswg�i
is1. xY
�•sa, nom^.?.
of life our Clnst.ified Want :los,
will help you.
If you vk nt a lx,suhon you can
. reach the bast employers
s gnat ern it'M't115
Most efficirut..
Money to lean or stoney to boo
roe, Want Ads sewer the entire field
,M a a.YeMO' •
�'• ;�=�,'�"tw a ",M',' ,. aht(i 511 Y.,i5 ,l5( 4.,.t,"11: