HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-08-09, Page 6' PAGE 6 7-17 1 , aw(7'',I • • r THE CLINTON NEW ER^A. 9-111.Ch aafrta Silk [C. & J. BONNET'S MAKE] 'his Val 9 .75 e is on a Par with ois 5c WOMA•N'S STORE , ).ry Goods and ;rause iFurnishiugs Phone 67. Vsect to Royal Bank ,Y2Ci:=MILEI=USSTEMIS=22i5e=t cera•- -,.,.-a,. MEN'S STORE'. Custom Tailoring Men's ,Purnishinge. Phone 103, Opposf ilePubl iaLibrary F'cnic and camping days are a p1:.•••• 2r t and favorite form of summer e;ement for both young and old. T4; ;.:::h h, hoti'ever, is an important , le the successfulness of the out- s.• • Ith our help you can prepare ! t, t'aat will be both tempting and 1I•lam.-Mince boiled ham - with the yokes of hard boiled. c,,, , a a little mustard and creani. Th, ;:; the egg whites generously • rounding each off. Wrap in waxed paper to carry. ---We can supply the latter; also the engredients. Salmon, Olives, Pork and Beans, Fancy Biscuits, Sardines, Pickles, Pea- nut Butter etc., are tasty picnic supplies Special Prices on all TEAS for this week. It will pay you to get some of these lines. Pure l.aandry Soav 6 bars for 25c. HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS r. Ina N,'' ,t T'9dx, t Ttlidt,lE ®t; QtriletAITY t :lone 111 t`.'.. e4btE,90oeciQFJ6s&1rbfJaocetloe 0ti • s u lue Dees SOLDIERS RETURNED The following soldiers \vho went 30."' 6r Fs i eGs t� C:Ww44 overseas from Huron Co., have return - men's Patriotic Society win eid0" n•r.. twee o'clock Friday afternot n.' •'th. A report of the 'Food, Convention will be given . 'eeate sent by this Society. welcome. Finished goods i.. - '--ought is at this tweeting so t!!.: ensors may get them ready t.:,- .. , .•,..ant, W. 11, ;Moore, Mensal!, W, llolt, Bluevale, AD Muir,Seaforth, J. 1S1.' McLeod, Seaforth, W. R, Clark, Walton. 1r' ii s ai`Y' tf'8s 11"ai !SIR IMCHARD M'BRIDE, former Pre- mier of British Columbia, who died of Bright's disease in London, Eng. Five thousand postudice clerks throughout Canada are to receive in- creases in wages ranging from $200 to $500 a year, according to the class of their clerkship. to Some of those heavy rains in Flaw- ders would prove very acceptable in Saskatchewan just now. w `e14. tt tar, a r� sro1 w., o t On the tritish Western Front in France. -.A field battery in notion. 3',.. ritish advance in the West. --Yet another instance of a crucifix escaping inlhlury iron).. Shollik .w,.vtc+,s,C. r...,,j4a jw,„iaa."'Photos 77y coaerteay of C. P, Fattier Perished, 'tether and Bebe eierely earned DR. ARTHUR BEAN, AN QLD CLIN- TON BOY BURNED TO DEATH AND WIPE SERIOUSLY BURNED. The people of this town were Indeed shocked on, Wednesdsty morning' as word wale passed around town that Dr, Arthur Bean, son of Mrs. Bean, of this phage, was burped to death at his home at Consecon, near Port Hope. The word also stated that Mr's, Bean and baby were in serious condition. The evening papers gave more par- ticulars. It appearsathat Dr, and Mrs, Bean awoke with their house all afire about 5 o'clock Wednesday morning, and they rescued the baby and put the child out of the window. Mrs, Bean managed to get out of the house, but the Dr. Was overcome by the stroke and perished. 'rite body had not been recovered by press time. Mrs. Bean is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J, E. Ford, and resided here for a number of years, and was also a teacher on the C.C.1, staff. The Doctor is survived by his aged mother, a sister, Mrs. Oliver Jervis, of the Base Line, and a brother in the States. • As The New Era goes to press Wed- nesday night no other word has been received. The heart felt sympathy goes out to the sorrowing ones, Local News r-nt'sssss 'r00-11asrse:uIC'etita Lsesalater Lost at Seaforth The four rinks of bowlers who were at Seaforth on Monday evening ost by 3 shots. 'Three rinks were up Witt the "Cults" rinf: went down to defeat. v Two Rinks at Exeter I'wo rinks of Clinton bowlers are at 'the Exeter Tourney. One rink is composed of Messrs, Hovey, Morrish, Grant and Miller ttihile'the other one is made up of Messrs, J. Neidger, 1:. Canteh,n, i13rry :Shaw .old Harry Rance Black Knight Service tile Rued Bleck Kni lits of Ireland will attend Divine Service in St, Paul's Chu rch, nn Sunday morning next at 1 a.m. They will meet in the Orange Dail et tn.30 a.m. and proceed from nice! to Si, Peals Church. A farce attendance of the Reyal Black I'rcrep- 1 ,rie:: i, expected, Cot Nose Broke We are surry t,, report that Master Fred Sch , nh tiff, eldest soh of 11r. and Mrs. II. Schoenhals, of C.k'derich, had the niistrrrtuile cm Triday of last week to break his nose while playing in ale. yard of Mr. Wm'M.Is,nt. lie was climb- ing on Mr. •t5'5 Paint Cut and humped his ase against the edge of it. Fred has been visiting here i,or two months and is not likly to enjoy his holiday, The swelling is wins' I wn now and is on the Last road to re- covery, Cultivating Roses The Blyth Standard stakes the fol- lowing reference to the roses cultivat- ed by Air, Jas. ,11cMurchic, a former Clinton boy: - W.,: doubt if there is any place in the province that can show the handsome display of ruses th:t are to be seen in Mr. Jas, McPlurchie's garden. Var- ieties of rare beauty are there in pro- fusion% Alt', Mc,Murchie takes a delight in cultivating roses and the collection of varieties which he has demonstrates that he fully understands, the culti- vation of these flowers. Back to The Land, The Editor of The New Era received a letter from Mr, W. J. Stevenson and he states he. has heard the great cry "back to the land' and has bought a 30 acre fruit farm near St. David's, Owt lie has a house about as good as the ane he had here, good barn and 22 acres of peaches and agood crop. St. David's is 2 miles from Queenston and 5 utiles from the Falls, and stetes if any Clintonians are down that way 10 call on hitt and his good wife, as a hearty welcome will await them. Mr. Stevenson expects to be up to Clinton in a Mundt or so. 0 QDRi9C)00a'J6'7€iMC04°i. QS£2E'J&t&CQe0L9gpG't4*J(00000 Council stet on Tuesday evening, Mayor "Thompson was in the chair and Reeve Ford and Councillor Wiltse, Miller, McEwan, Paisley, Shepherd, and Nediger present. Minutes of last sleeting were read and confirmed. The only communications before the Council was a telegraph front Premier Hearst In regards to the call for work- ers in the harvest fields. A letter• in regards to the appeal by Premier Hearst was also read from Albert A. Abbott, The various committees had practi- cally 510 reports to offer, The Cemetery Committee warned up the meeting to concert pitch, Coun- cillor Paisley reported that work was in good shape but Councillor Miller re- ported that he was not satisfied, Care- taker Hill trade a statement to the Council about the work, The matter wits left as before. The. Finance Committee bad their report which may be read in another column. The license free of livcry, auto, etc., 'was up for discussion and licenses will be lashed witont the extra fee of Sec. The Mayor reported that the legal column of The Mail and Empire had atxiwea'ed the question 151 regards to the town re-skreo' cltasissg. The Clerk was iultaucted to get the bills out for the taryja cost. Coettrill adjoaraudeat 4,20, C!ViC HQLCDAY WA,$ A FINE, COOL DAT Civic lioliday on Monday was a very quiet day in town, Autoes leaflet with men,wonlen and children were off early in.tlte morning for Baytield as well as carry 'tis carriages, and single buggies The Baptist Sunday School acid Con- gregational picnic was held et Clirhion's summer resort that day as well as many other picnics of our friends and our friend's friends. The 13o vley's engaged themselves In the morning with a few gtunes and in the afternoon several rinks left by cars to pay it visit with the Mitchell and Seaforth bowlers, The passenger tra0le on the train was light this year, Many other citizens took a fishing line and went fishing or with pails and went od' to the berry patch, • • C. C, 1, REPORT • • W • • • • • • • • • * Examination Results; The following students of the Middle School have passed the Normal En- trance Examination:- Mary L, Chidley Elvira M, Churchill Zerelda A. Churchill Myrtle H, Crich Dorothy I. Fowlie Ella J. Grainger Elinor Kemp Alvin K. Leonard Annie McConnell Marjorie McMath Mary A. McMurchle (Honors) Harvey F. Potter Effie M. Stoltz lona J. Stothers John Ross Taylor (Honors) in addition to the above list the following have been granted Normal Entrance standing on the recommenda- tion of the Principals Verdi Asquith Cela Beacons Eva Carter Winnie Draper Ralph Hawkins Harold Kitty Margaret Lausing Dorothy Macpounell Rebecca McGowan Helen Morrison Stella Nelson Eunice Reid Frances Reynolds Ru} Thomson W,Ih un Townshend Erskine Evans, MUSIC RESULTS AT CONSERVATORY. Results ,of the 'Toronto Couservatory of Jlusic slid -summer examinations are announced. District pupils suc- cessful are given below', LObNDE:MORO Theory, Elementary grade-Rudinunt:- Fi st class honors -Julia Brown, Kate I rrnvn, AUBURN Theory. .1 unior grade -11arlIl' mtt% coun1er- point - Honors- Laura Ai, Jackson: Ella 1. Robertson. Guderich, SE1.FORTH Pianoforte, initruledi,tte grade -Honors -Gro, B: 'Clark, Seas.'rth, Edna J. AlcCaagitey, Clinton (equal). Primary grade--Pass-A.Gray Park- er; ctrl Aberhart, William Aberih;trt (equal). Elementary grade-Pass-MarySte- wart. Theory. Intermediate grade -Furan honors - Buhl .Al. Docherty, bgmoodville; Gladys Cousins. Junior grade-llarsiony, history -- Pass - Nina Woolannhe, Goderich. Counterpoint -Pass -Gladys Cousins. Primary v'ede-11arinny, ruditnents -Honors-George B. Clark. Days begin to shorten. Automobile tourist travel is heavy. How does your s•uhhcription stand? Coutucil met on 'Tuesday evening. Report in another column, tslaekbirds are plentiful, more than tate proverbial 4 and 20 that constitut- ed the upholstering of cookery in the nursery rhyme, "There are "cherry pickers from the top limb" ;and equally Interested las raspberries, green peas, etc. Arrive Arrive rrive NEW SCHEDULE Trains from East. 11,10 a,ln, Leave 11.17 a.m. 5,53 pan. Leave 6.45 pant, 11.13 p.m. Leave as.IJ peso Trains from Wast Arrive 7.33 a nt. Leave 7,33 a.m. Arrive 2.58 pant. Leave 2,58 p.m. 'rains from South Arrive 1 0.3 0 a.m. Leave 11.10 am. Arrive 6.40 pm, Leave 6.•10 p.m, Trains from North Arrive 7.33 a,nt. Leave 7.50 a.m. A'r'rive 4.15 p.m. Leave 4.15 p.nt. CLINTON FLOUR MILLS a HAVE YOU TRIED OUR MILL FEEDS LATELY? NEVER WERE BETTER White Middlings per 011- $46000 Bran per ,Tf0 $36m ton �li7 Shorts per $�A T,m®0 ton tl �c aJ Low Grade per $52.00 ton 6. 4Na1 North Stnr (Manitoba) per hundred $6.50 Maple Leaf (Blended) $6 25 per hundred eek m aJ Snow Flake (Pastry) $6Od'1, per hundred U'} Mixed Grain per bushel $1.65 Good Chicken feed, fir 11 1Dirttnosily wileet,'' per taus,. 't)A,e JOHN SCHOEiNHALS CLINTON ONT. Plaone No. 8 Thurtclay, August 91is :1917 VERANDAH SHADES -Shut out the Sun; Admit the Cooling Breeze. Seelthsion, with plenty of fs'othh ate is theft' toretuost claim. Thi' ' add a cool routs 10 your h0n80. arts d 'iY . i .fidarc' o ¢t) Often the eh pest--:P61rways the l: est • Siel=f=a0STSMOSaelsanws2=2SSICIMS126174122= i7=srvm mssr^as� .m.r.,...mnarscr�.a+,�nmurvuv = :.. - - m'",n=caes EIPRONAMao maptuirmaramaimassrractutra M -.a__.. A Tested Lens ---- An Accurate Shutter-. Simple Operation- . Good !Picture., --- All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We; have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results-- T. esults, Tw M- - 7EIO fit' ...E,,4 " Despensing Chemist u3.uMm.t""Tuia,:m ar.zr..+TT.c',""zG,rx....e_.....ma-;,.. _'r z e..._,.,-.rzz:, '_'ra .-4f ,:..',.a . j •arca..-^ nsonvo .ideas a,�-••_ .smi�.smvsu.,....te,.cm. xrcw ' ' a-. Thr„, €tlte- Gat 62,11r (. iii .:3 WS, '4t,s• 4n .[r 1„1•t'fatty, 1..x.1. a't �• C, solid t:t,sltui'tt-'n litat -,i;* .1ir;, 51611.11-1 i> .t PI 'i'nr r1 rya 1 fn t l , \VP' n t ere sin I u t) t' fi. 111 ,1:. I1e;,,1e 1 iii,,; i t ch!tying tun ier you tau:ou11.11 Its. 1.) 0•1111 -, 4 i''ssa,atatallwes asci i?'sanesans11Dis'ector. P«sssaae ;Night and titatulaay Q;atials answered at Residence over aturc. kl Wor;(i t Kind T r and A LET U3 SELECT THE EAT -'.P,1 t S ^cy tF YOUR CAPPING T . ---- Wa have had the exreeielice knnw•.lust'that yon will 1411/1 healthy, n ri a hung and whole a _, flair stocks (1i canned been specially selected for that. and purity; and ill fact everytiti1 :, .. suggest II, you will have yore nit - qualified approval. Check fens) this list tate good..; you know you want. Conte in and 5:•t ns "' Sip ow• you others:- Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Beene ;tae concentrated racket and came soups; meat extracts; canned pre:asvea es ' and Jams; bacon; ail kinds of -na?cad breakfast foods; condensed mitre: eaf- fec and cocoa; canned salrnav; ..ar• dings; kippered herring; .,arg=es , lemons; bananas; strawberries tos:taaLae, and watermelon. Leave your ortter now cefore prig advance. t � 1111013. .�vk3 I P'Icaassltiatg and Ili entieig PlsODI c� 155:k I Shopover 1'£s19' lannnsi'u ae•y iwasa•l, PECNt , 45.• ''� e a 4Y a�•. i l i a :i 'li I "SetataxamoUlottextrarans...12.1*....cronrateroguatermnrotTM1.3.4.melesigaMity.14-41.101...32' aeMCitnno.MAarsdo t, We've litres of Cool Footwear for Men, Women alta Children! In Camp, at Tennis, on the Bowling Green or just at Hoole, You'll need a pair of these Foot Coolers. There are Tan leathers, Buck, and Canvas Shoes! High c low Cut, as you prefer. Rubber Sole Shoes with the Low Rubber Heels are tit; favorites! 11 Ig S For Men 01 Women at Por the Children at • aur vOs m MOO, $1.35, $1.50, $4,01 .85c, $1.00 and $1,^5 Conte in and Select a pair of these ideal Summer Foot (,carts forters and we will fit them to your Feet Perfectly. re:titatamitmstriitumtemzratztraisgtramtrfiraiautaiwarzasitedasmainntwrimmoritittitimitititvag t;!IMb �t J ie S@N Quick Shoe Repairs