HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-08-09, Page 3RIhurertuY, August 9kh, 1917 THE CLINTON NEW ERA, Page Three , GIYt the Hen a Chalice t0 BARRISTER BsO LIOITO1iDNOTARY PUBLIC, eEx4 OGTNTON Increase Production P— Breed,--- Feed —land — Weed, — Vowthat the breeding season isj over is the time to sell the Roosters and others to save their feed. 1000 Broilers Wanted and 300 Ducklings per week, :Also a large quanity of at hens at top prices. zw tetfeig Call us up for prices before you sell elsewhere. Giaii-b niglois & Co,, Limited ( The up-to-date Firm Clanton Branch Phone 190 MIALALAAAAIJIAA►AAA►AAA A A Al See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, .special values in Art Cases Pianos and organs rent ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. Music Emporium C. Hoare PeTAAAAMAAAAAAAevtevtAeteneentapape Plu mbing Heating Ttusmitbing Repairs promptly at- tended to. A number of Seco>fld Hand Heaters in good repair. Byam & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. i Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to cbnose cheap jewelers,. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, You will never be sorry—for as a matter of money, it is easily the most economical. That has been said so diten that everybody by this time should know it—and yet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now eo get personal—If you would like to miss that sortlaltogether— COME HERE 4 If you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in—COME HERE And even at that, no person ever said our price's were unfair W.R. Counter Jeweler and Optician: Issuer of Marriage Licenses FORD dt McLEOD rWe're now seining Timothy by Seed 1Qovernment Standard.), We also have on hand, 'Alfalfa, iAlsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand —Goose Wheat, Peas, Banter and Feed Cohn 1131grhelt Market 'lyrleee paid lar Hay and! all Grai e. FORD & MoLEOD !111111LEs B. HALE Oonne'yganoe, Notary Public, UOmmieeioner, etc. REAL ESTATE U AN INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St., Clinton, H. T. RANCE Notary, Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate INSUTRANCE AGENT—Representing 1d Fire To • Barium Companies,. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning, Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 81, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any appointments for Mr. Cameron, Medit,al. DR 1. W. T110RPSON . Physician. Surgeon. ISte genial attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose, Eyes s efnliy xamined. and suitable glasses Prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doers west of the Commercial Uste nuron 88, tDItS. 1i1NN and GA/BIER Br. W. Gann, L. 8. a, P,. L. B. O. L. Eat Dr. CUnn'e office at residence "High Street Dr. J,13, Dandier. B.A. DEB, Offlee—Ontarlo Street, Clinton. Night calla at residence, Battenlmer St, or at hospital DR. P. A. AXON DELIMIT Crown and Bridge Work a Specla55'e Graduate of O,O,D,S,.a'Ohicago, and B4O,D.B Toronto, Yeayaeld en Mondays, May Tet to D DR. H. FOWLER,. DENTi8T. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental trent meat as painless as possible, THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ser GODERIOH ONT B•atm etocs: sales a spocraZes. (Whits sr a Naw ERA office, Olinton prt.meuy attend,. to. Terms reasonable, 'Farmers' Bale not, discounted Drs. Geo. d H. E. Whitley Ileilemanu Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in Womee's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE, Office—Rattonbury Hotel, Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. 43. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTOill . General Banking Bllalttpar transected a5OTES DISCOUNTED Drafts ioanad, Interest allowed n deo:eita The McKillop NitatuM Fire Insurance eoe Perm and isolated Town Popo arty Only insured. Bead Office—Seaforth, Ont Officers J, Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward Hinchley, 'Seaforth; Wm. Chesney Eg- mondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; ii. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Directors Wm. }Zinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Gen. newels, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; James Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. . Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Hariock; Geo. McCartne, No. 3, Seaforth. A Carload of Canada PorIIao1 Cement Phone us for prices It wilt pay you John Hutton LONDESBORO Shirtwaists can frequently be cut down to be used in the dresses of small children. Busiriss and Shorthand Westervelt School Y. M. C.A. Building itl London, Ontario College in Session Sept, let to July. Catalogue Free, Enter any time, J. W, Westervelt, Principal THE NEWEST REt'11 D'Y FOB Backache, Rheumatist» and Dropsy. Kidney, Bladder and Uric Acid troubles bring misery to man , When the kidnbys aro weak 0e' diseased these natural Biters do not cleanse the blood suielolitly and the poisons are carried to all parts of the body. There follow depression, aches and pains hoaelnoss, drowsiness irrita- bility, hefidaches, chilliness and rheu- mali9m. In some people there are sharp pains in the back and loins, distressing bladder disorders and sometimes' gbstin. ate dropsy, The uric acid sometimes forms into gravel or kidney stones, When the uric acid affects the muscles and joints, It causes lumbago, rheumatism, gout or sciatica. This Is the time to try Anuric." Send Jac, for trial package, During digestion uric acid Is absorbed into the system from meat eaten, and even from some vegetables. The poor kidneys got tired and backache begins. theTnow discovery ry time to Pierce for Kid- ney trouble and Backache,.. Neglected kidney trouble is responsible for many deaths, and Insurance Company examin- ing doctors always test the water of an applicant before a policy will be issued. Have you ever set aside a bottle of water for twenty-four hours? A heavy sedi- ment or settling sometimes indicates kld- ney trouble The true nature and char- acter of diseases, especially those of the kidneys and urinary organs, can often be determined by a careful chemical an- alysis and microscopical examination— dtftelis'�tltIfMedicalSsff ohInvads'Hoe. yon wish to know your condition send a sample of your water to Doctor Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and de- scribe your symptoms. It will be ex- amined without any expense to you, and Physicians Pierce inform you otruthfullj SNOw THYSELF Read all about yourself, your system, physiology, anatomy, hygiene, simple home cures etc„ in he "Common Sense Medical Adviser " a book of 1008 pages. Send to Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, al. 'Y., 10 cents in one -cent stamps for a cloth- bound copy. Customs prepaid. THE UPLIFT The elevator paused awhile, The door then slammed in stalwart style, The officer said, with a smile, "Going up!" The grocer next 1 interviewed, I said, "How is the price of food?" His usual statement he renewed, "Going upl", The weather is a topic sure, I ventured, "How's the temperature?" The answer echoed, all secure, "Going upl" With wild explosives fiercely hurled, 1 fear to ask about the world, Lest this same sign should be unfurled, "Going upl" —Washington Star. to feel FreshandFit- -you must keep your stow. ach well, your liver active, the bowels regular, and your Wood pure. Your physical condition depends on the health of these organs. When anything goes wrong just take a few doses of Beecham's Pills ' and avoid any serious illness. They are a fine corrective and tonic for the system, and a 1 great help in maintaining good 1 health. A single box will prove the remedial value of DELL PI rLastlest Selo of Any Medicine in the World. Sold sverrwhero, In bozee, BSc. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug. 25 - TORONTO . Sept. 10 On a More Than Ordinarily Progressive Scale MOBILIZATION OF NATIONAL RESOURCES Constructive and Destructive Needs for War (CONFEDERATION SPECTACLE 1200—PERFORMERS-4200 Canada's Story from Birth to Nationhood Dramatically Told The very Apex of Spectacular Achievement GIANT LIVE -STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL IDISPLAY Iudging Competitions for Young Farmers - - New Farm Crop Com- petitions - - Extended Classifications and Innovations in All Departments IMMENSE EXHIBITS OF TRACTORS AND FARM LABOR SAVING DEVICES ART—Italian, tFrench, Persian American and Canadian Masterpieces MUSIC—Innes' Famous Soloists and a score of other leading organisations, ENTIRE NEW MIDWAY NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW FIRST SHOWING OF 1918 MODELS Greatly enlarged Government an( other Exhibits — - - War in all its phases - Model Camp - - Artillery Drive - - Aeroplane Flights - • Scores of surprises in store for old friends and a thousand thrills for new ottes, REDUCED FARES "ON ALL., LINES C7P TRAVRL,' THE C. N, R. SYSTEM 'HOW MRS BEAN I1e' giving connection between Mon- treal, Quebec and points in Quebec Below is the chronology of the / Province. system us u has grown since the first 7 354.2 utiles iu. operation at end retie was built in 1890;— of 7, tr 1396 MET THE CRISIS i 1915 t Construction commenced north front Jmnuary 23th, last spike driven at Gladstone, in central Manitoba, upon Basque, 13, C,, 182 miles east of Port first mile line of the system, l CursOdFely Through Cutin Mann, In transcattute 1897 of late by I,.ydia E. Pinlritaiaur� Quebec and Vancover, Gladstone -Winnipegosis section Vegetable Compound. Approximately 10,000 miles in op - opened for traffic January 3rd, 123.4 moon, miles 1917 Winnipeg -Lake Superior line com- menced, 1898 November 28th, Winnlpeg-Port Ar- thur line, between Si, Boniface and Marchand, opened for traffic, 45,4 tulles, '1899 November 15, Sifton Junction -Swan River line opened for traffic, Candian Northern Railway Cons- pany incorporated, 252,6 miles in operation at close of 1899, and frilly 500 miles under construction. 1900 Swan River -Prince Albert line, as far as Erwood, opened for traffic, a distance of 92.5 miles, Sir William Mackenzie was born of Scotish parents on October 30th, *1849, in Kirkfield, Ontario, He was educated in the schools of the dis- trict and Toronto Military School, After a short time spent in teaching he turned to commercial pursuits. He figured prominently in the con- struction of the Grand Trunk Sys- tem between Toronto and Nipissing, and in the C P. R. Western lines. Finishing this work he turned his attention to the C. N, 13, Sir Will- iam is President of the Toronto Rail- way Co,, and is interested in enter- prises through the West and in Mex- ico, Gilbert Plains -Grandview first sec- tion main line to Edmonton opened for traffic, 26.6 utiles, Winnipeg- Port Arthur line extend- Ld, Marchand to Beaduette, 106,1 miles. 477.5 miles in operation at end of year, 1901 Northern Pacific Railway lines in Manitoba required, Winnipeg -Port Arthur line extend- ed, Beam -tette to Fort Frances, 854,3 miles in operation at end of year. C, N. R„ elevator, capacity 1,500.- 000 bushels built on Pori Arthur wat- erfront for transference of Western Canada grain to lake vessels, 1902 Beaver -Gladstone line opened for traffic, giving through connection for lines built north and west of Glad- stone with Winnnipeg; 37.5 miles, Winnipeg -Port Arthur line opened for traffic, 1,296.9_ utiles in operation, 1901-2 James Bay Railway Junction line built out of Parry Sound to a junc- lion with Canada Atlantic Railway, 1903 Great Northern Railway and the Chateauguay & Northern Railway in Quebec acquired, Construction commenced at lines in Nova Scotia—the Halifax & South- western Railway, 1904 C. N. R. elevator at Port Arthur increased to 7,500,000 bushels capa- city, Winnipeg -Prince Albert North line extended, Erwood t;o Melort, 107.5 utiles, Sir Donald Mann was born a few miles from Acton Ont„ March 23rd, 1853, itis father was a farmer, but early in life he entered a lumber camp in Michigan, ultimately following the C. P R. to Winnipeg, lie secured contracts for getting out ties for the C. P. R., and in his contracting work mel Sir William Mackenzie, In 1895 they bought the stub line in Manitoba of the Manitoba & South- western Company, which was the progenitor of the C. N, R. in all of the companies in which Sir Don- ald is interested he has been res- ponsible chiefly for construction work. He has large mineral hold- ings in British Columbia, and is a director in over a score of com- panies. Grandview-Kantsack section of main tine opened for traffic, Winnipeg -Oak Point line opened for traffic, 54 miles, Toronto -Sudbury line commenced. 1,932.3 miles in operation at end of the year, 1905 Main line, Kamsack to Ectmortion, opened for tratlic, 546.3 miles, Brandon entered by line from Port- age la Prairie, 2,846.9 utiles in operation at end of year. 1006 QteAppelle, Long Lake & Saskatche- wan Railway -Regina -Saskatoon -Prince Albert—aequh-ed, Winnipeg -Prince Albert Hee, by away of Melfort, opened for traffic, 3,508.6 miles hi operation, • 1907 Lines 111 Nova Scotia opened for traffic,' 3,640,5 miles in operatfol, Brandon -Regina line, giving capital Nashville,Tenn.--"When 1 was going through the Change of Life I had a tu- mor as large as a child's be Tho • doctor said it was three years coming and gave me medi- cine for it until I was called away from the city for some time. Of course I could not go to him then, so my sister-in-law told e that she thought Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound would cure t. It helped both the Change of Life and the tumor and when I got home I did not need the doctor. I took the Pinkham remedies until the tumor was gone, the doctor said, and I have not felt it since. I tell every one how I was cured. If this letter will help others you are welcome to use it." —Mrs. E. H. BEAN, 525 Joseph Avenue, Nashville, Tenn, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, a pure remedy containing the extractive properties of good old fash- ioned roots and herbs, meets the needs of woman's system at this critical period of her life. Try it. If there is any symptom in your rase which puzzles you, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Masi. of Saskatchewan first competitive line with Winnipeg and the east, opened for traffic. Toronto-Sellwood line through Parry Sound and Sudbury opened for traffic, Quebec and Lake St, John Railway acquired, Niagara, St,. Catherines & Toronto Railway acquired. 1,361 miles in operation, 1909 Saskatoon-Cald f Nationalized by the Borden Goyim - runt, THERE ARE THREE KINDS Moustaches Are Herein Discussed With Perfect Candor. (By Hal O'Flaherty.) LONDON,—Many harrowing tales are going the rounds about army of- ficers' moustaches now, They fairly bristle with wit, Hundreds of pamphlets have been written in answer to the universally asked question: "Why is an oflicer's moustache?" Under the title of "1•lair Apparent" one article declares that compulsory service has produced a hair raising problem, as the .young officers are naturally interested in keeping a stiff upper lip. Moustaches may be grouped under three heads, or noses: Military, mag- nificent and morbid, The military brand is very curt. It assembles either a tooth brush, an eyebrow, or a demi- semi-quaver, Charlie Chaplain's are barred. The Guards, who set the standerd or lip adornment, canned the variety while it was yet a boating. The Magnificent. The magnificent moustache, not much in vogue now, obscures 'the wearer's identity. Like the stomacher it is a fashion of bygone days, discard- ed because of its heavy fringe. The most admired face foliage of the moment is the moustache morbid It combines the best of the military and magnificient yet possesses a charm peculiar to itself. Early in life it re- presents a venial sin, a faint smudge upon a clear surface, It is cultivated with abandon, and while many who prefer other types, the only thing they can do is grin and wear it, avoid mirr- ors and excitable babies and wait for a gas attack when respirators make all moustaches cgeal in the sight of men. gary Inctopens o7 . IN CANADA'S EMPLOY ? Mr. D. B. Han- na, vice-president of the Canadian Northern Railway tvho directs the operation of the system, and may remain with the tine as a Govertn- inent Official. traffic as far as Rosetown Saskatche- wan, Duluth, Rainy River & Winnipeg Railway acquired —Fort Frances to Virginia. Central Ontario Railway acquired, Hawkesbury -Ottawa line opened for traffic. 4.859,6 utiles in operation, 1910 Saskatoon -Calgary line extended to Kindersley. PrinceAlbert-Shellbrooke line opened for traffic. Bay of Quince Railway; Brockville, Westport & Northwestern Railway, ;and lrondale, Bancroft & Ottawa Railway acquired. Royal" Line Atlantic Sttamship Service inaugurated, 1911 Vegreville-Drumheller, North -and - South line, in Alberta, opened for tra- ffic, Hudson's Bay Junction -Le Pas line opened for traffic, Radville-Antar (Moose ,Jaw) line opened for traffic, Saskatoon Calgary line extened to Alsask, Shellbrook-Big River line opened for tremc, Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific line opened for traffic into Duluth. Toronto -Ottawa line opened to Des- eronto. 6,491,7 miles in operation at end of the year, 1912 Edmonton -Athabasca Landing line opened for traffic, Capacity of C. N. R, elevator at Port Arthur increased to 10,000,000 bushels. 1913 Gravelbourg and lilrose lines open- ed for traffic. Shellbrook-Denholm line opened for traffic, 6,967 miles in operation, 1914 Last spike driven in Montreal -Port Arthur line January 1, at Little White Otter River, Saskatoon -Calgary line opened for tratlic. Toronto -Ottawa line opened for tra- n glad To Sit Up To Sleep Her Heart Was So Bad. Through one cause or another a large majority of people are troubled, more or less, with some sort of heart trouble, but when it starts to beat irregularly, and every once in a while pains seem to shoot through it, then it causes anxiety and alarm, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. will give prompt and permanent relief to all those suffering front any weakness of the heart or nerves, Mrs. A. Russell, Niagara Palls, Ont,, writes: "At nights I could not sleep, and had to sit up in bed my heart would beat so fast. When I went to walk very far I would get all out of breath, and would have to aft down and rest before I could go any further. I was advised to get lsfilbdrn's heart and Nerve T ills, and before I had used two boxes I could sleep and walk as far as I liked without any trouble," Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills are 50c, pet box, at all Heaters or mailed direct on .receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORiA FIGHTING FOR HAP?IN GG When you get into it frame of mind that makes life seem one tiresome dulyafter another, with no pleasure in it; when ill -health seems to take all the joy out of life and you worry over things that are really not worth worrying about then your nervous sys- tem is becoming exhausted, and you are on the way to a general breakdown in health, in this condition your health and happiness is worth lighting for and good, rick red blood is what your system needs. It is a 'hopeless task to try to restore your health while your blood is deficient either in quan- tity or quality. And remember that no medicine can be of any use to you that does not build up your weals watery blood. I'o build up the blood and streng- then the nerves there is one remedy that isas been a household word for more than a generation—Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People... It is the actual mission of these pills to make new rich- red blood, which strengthens the nerves and tones the entire system They give you a new appetite, stake sleep refreshing, put color in the lips said cheeks, and drive away the un- natural tired feeling that oppresses so many people. If you want to experi- ence new health and happiness give Dr Williams' Pink Pills a fair 'trial. 'You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents. a box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. EXETER. Major Heaman, who went to Eng- land last fall with the 161st Huron Bat- alion, writes Monte to say he has been attached to the imperial forces, retain- ing his rank, but with less pay and er. pests to go to France at once. Exeter observed August 6th as Civic Holiday. Mr, J. A. Stewart received from Itis son, Pte. Douglas Stewart, in France, a German officer's silver ring, 00 which a black crass is cut and the regimental colors stamped. CASTOR iA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 3OYears Always bears the f , Slenature of LMA LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS ITS THIRTY -7TH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER SEVENTEEN: NINETEEN HUNDRED & SEVENTEEN Thorough courses in Music, Art, Oratory, I-ligh School. Business College, Dwnesiic Science and Superior Physical Training. FOR TERMS, ADDRESS: R, 1, WARNER, M.A.. D. D., President, St. Thomas, Ontario It Imminmeremerammema .�" •rv. ,. omalana,,.itiF9:r:,:a a Tsltl•,. 1 , ,, E EC #} NO ,,, Y DEMANDS THE USE OF MORE There is more actual food value in ONE POUND OF PURITY FLOUR than there is in One Pound of Beef, One Pound of Potatoes and One Pound of Milk COMBINED. The truly economical housewife must take advantage of this great strength in PURITY FLOUR over other food substances by serving more frequently the delicious bread and rolls, tooth- some, dainty cakes and crisp, mouth -melting pastry which are among the possibilities of this perfectly milled product of the world-famous Western Canada wheat, * * * * * * * t• The Purity Flour Cook Book 180 pages of the latest information on the culinary art. Reviewed sad approved by the DOMESTIC SCIENCE DEPARTIilFNT of the MACDONAIJ) COLLEGE, and Tarnishing tried and eceuomleal ihetractions on all Bisbee for all Meals, A'GENERAL PURPOSE HOUSEWIFE'S REFERENCE BOOK. Mailed postpaid to any address for 20 cents, WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED Tollmllt't'0 .. wants