The Clinton New Era, 1917-08-09, Page 2PAU 2
't 'r
Roady to
Dry Goods
and House
Angus Specials
Special Number
Ladies Crepe Waists
Three Dozen Ladies Silk Crepe Waists ill most all sizes,
beautiful quality crepe, Colors—pink and white $3 A9
Regular $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00, August special. ,
Special Number 2
House Dresses
2 Dozen only Ladies house dresses; made
of good quality Gingham and Chatnbrey; neat-
ly trimmed, Sizes 36, 38 and 40, Regular
$3.50 and $4.00. August $2.29
Special Number 3
Four Dozen Children's Gingham and
Chambray dresses; good washing colors. Sizes ,
4 to 10 years. Regular $1.25 and 69c
$1.50. August special
Special Number 4 MUSHIliS
500 yards dress Muslins last season's goods; good wash-
ing colors; good patterns. Regular 50c, 60c and .25c
70c a yd. August special per yd
-w e
pedal k,r � 2�' ll 1 `tl 16.14 l�i �rr yy �yyT ~L� fl 5
White Wash Bile fists
Five Dozen Ladies Wash Silk Waists; two different
styles; Sizes 36 to 42. Would be good value at
A2.50. August special
--This store will close Wednesday afternoon during
August and up to Sept. 19th.
Odds and Ends of Council
emmoo QOeseemtl0em20 oomo
Council got to work on good time
on Tuesday evening.
For street lighting the Hydro Com-
mission was paid $138.54
The cost of lighting hall was 32.75.
Lamps 70c.
--DO-- 00
The pay sheet for street work dur-
ing July 'was 5104.40.
• For the for street work S. J. An-
drews was paid $17,S5,
H, Hill, caretaker at Cemetery re-
aaker of Cemetery was paid $50,00
H, Carrick's salary for July of $50.-
00 was paid. -�
The salaries of the town officials for
the three months:—D. L, Macpherson,
5112.50; Jus. Wheatley, 5112.50; R.
Welsh, 5100.00.
The salary of 15 firemen for 6 moo -
.its was paid which amounted to
The Bell Telephone Co. had an as-
sount of 45 cents,
Chief Wheatiy reported 53.65 col-
lected at Market Scales,
H. Hill, cartelaker at Cemetery re-
ported $3t.00 from sale of cemetery
huts; S7 tux) care in perpetulty; 8-19.50
Some complaint complaint teas made that weeds
were blooming at the park,
Councils 'r Shepherd asked if any-
ehing could be done to gather up the
ti,nse Stones to the north, Upon re-
quest of Councillor Paisley
Clerk MacPherson reported that the
Street r;t mmittce lied spent 5737,95.
and as their appropriation was 5850.
There was very little to go on for the
balance of the year.
Byam N Sutter had an account of
$2.08 for work on fountain this spring,
The Municipal World had an account
for municipal roll of $4,84
47.69 was paid to W. D. Fair & Co,,
for account,
Births, Marriages & Deaths
GARDENER --iia Bayfield on August
Brit, Margaret Barrett Gardener. The
funeral will leave her tate residence
es Friday at 2.30 o'clock, Interment
at bayfieki Centaetery,
0000000400000000* --.006090
District News,
Mrs. Allan of Toronto and Mrs.
Carter of Clinton, visited last Friday
at the home of Mr. John Pepper.
The annual picnic of the second of
Stanley was held Tuesday afternoon in
the grove of Mr. Neil McGregor. The
afternoon was fine and a large num-
ber assembled. The afternoon was
spent in games of tennis, baseball, font
ball• and swinging and social inter-
course. A dainty lunch was served
by the ladies. Ail enjoyed a pleasant
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Greenway and Mrs.
John C. Casensore of Morris motored
to Hanover .on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, James Goiley motored
to Flint, Mich„ and spent a few days
with Mrs. Golley's brothers,
Mr. and Mrs, Wright, of Lakelet,
visited at Mr, Earnest Dennis' last
Mr. Charles McGuire was visiting on
the 1st line last week.
Miss Eliza,Messer, of London visit-
ed at M,r, Will Abraham's last week.
Mrs.. Edgar and Miss Mary Case -
more visited at Will Robertson's last
Miss Marion Casemore of White-
church is visiting her aunt, Mrs, John
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ba'haree, Miss
Barbaree, and Air. J. Atkinson and
daughter Jennie of Guelph, spent the
week -end with the Mathers families of
the tst line.
Mr. and Mrs, Hessian, Mr. and Mrs.
John Johnston and Miss J. Johnston
of Stratford spent the week -end with
friends on the is f
]Hiss Lottie Johnston, of Stratford,
returned horse after spending a couple
of weeks with friends here.
Mrs. Robt, Young is at present con-
fined to her room by illness.
Ur, Davis ' and wile of ,Manitoulin
island, was the finest of his cousin, 1'.
Wheeler. List week.
Mrs. 1ngraun is visiting her uncle
14obt. Young, leer husband was killed
a few weeks ago with a large piece of
machinery Ile was helping to place.
Cecil Simpson left this week far
Mrs, McNichol, of New York, is the
guest of Mrs. A. Ross of our village.
The contribution of the Red Cross
for July was 20 sets of pyjamas, 95
pairs of socks.
'the little folks knitting brigade had
their photos taken last week. There
were 14 (one boy). They are fine
knitters, aged from about 7 to 12
years, All doing their bit for King and
Miss Catharine Taylor, of Detroit is
the guest of, her sister, Mrs. Snider.
Andrew Murdock and family of De-
troit, are the guests .of the parents of.
Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Murdock of our
e x c. .x• a av x• •a• ra t• * 41
1t 41
4, District News on Page 5� M
ae * sl ao 4 '11 * * * Y O.
Local News
No Casualties
• Up to press time there have been no
casualties reported amongst our Hur-
on Co, boys, 13y this we can infer
the Canadian boys are taking- a rest
from the light,
Has Contract,
Jack McCosla, the umbrella mender
has the contract of painting .the Clin-
ton standpipe. Fle will start 115 60011 as
the paint gels here,
Bowlers at Rooter.
Hooey's rink was in the Association
Thursday morning Surd Nediger's colts
had dropped to the Consolation. Both
rinks went back to finish up the
The Paxman garage is undergoing a
clean-up with the painter's brush,
The cement block, occupied by Mr,
11. Bartliff and Mr. Jas, Duuford, was
in Ole hands of the painters last week,
Police Court.
Several liquor cases have beep be-
fore Police Magistrate Andrews and al-
so a case of a father beating his 10
year old son up. This case was ad-
journed for a week, Crown Attorney
Seager appeared for the Crown.
Badly Wounded.
Frank O'Neil of Moose Jaw, Sask.,
received the news from the front that
his soil,, Lieut. Clausen O'Neil, was
badly wounded, it 0 thought that he
will recover. Lt. O'Neil is a nephew
of W, T. O'Neil of town and an old
A Narrow Escape.
Last Sunday afternoon while Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Neal and child, of the Base
Line, were in the funeral procession
of the Late 51rs. Hardy, the horse he
'teas driving, took fright at an auto
standing on M?11 street next J. Schoe-
nhat'e office, and bolted. When Aar
Neal pulled the horse up the breeching
broke, the buggy r;us onto the horse's
heels and the fireworks started. The
horse kept running and kicking until it
upset the buggy and occupants in front
of Mrs. Warren's house, The horse
kept on its mad flight with only the
shafts. Mr. and Mrs, Neal and child
escaped without any serious damage
except a few bruises and shuck. It
was at narrow escape for them, as the
top was up at the time.
No Canadians Released,
It is understood that .the new ar-
rangements between the British and
German Governments concerning the
return of prisoners is unlikely to a-
ffect Canadian prisoners for some time
at least. There will be many prisoners
.from English sources such as those
taken at Muss, who will receive con-
sideration first, therefore, although
many Canadians have been in captivity
almost a couple of yeses, they cannot
he dealt w'itls for some time,
Wedded at St. Joseph
Quietly at St. Joseph's Church, Clin-
ton, on Wednesday was the marriage
solemnized by Rev. Fr, Hogan of El1az
Lotise, daughter of Mr. Andrew Mc-
Guire, of Goderich 'Township, to Mr.
John E. Reehill, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Reehill, of Toronto, The bride
who was escorted to the altar by
her father wore her travellifig suit of
grey faille silk with black Paris hat
and corsage boquet of sweetheart roses
She was attended by her sister Miss
Anna, who wore purple gabardine suit
with white satin hat, while the groom
was Supported by Mr. Jack Rudolph,
of Toronto, Miss Edna McCaughey
played the wedding music while Miss
Mary Yesbec sang OAll Joy Be Thine"
during the signing of the register.
The happy couple left on the three
o'clock train for .Toronto, where they
will leave for a trip through the 1000
Islands on their return they will reside
in Toronto.
Vo Dealing in Creals or Potatoes
Mayor M. D. McTaggart, Paymaster
of Ole 161st Bata sent the following
clipping from an English paper in re-
gards to 1917 crops:—
By an .order issued under the De-
fence of the Realm Act the Food Con-
troller directs that—No person shall
without a permit issued under the
authority of the Food Controller either
00 iris own behalf or on behalf of any
other person,
(a) buy, sell or deal in; or
(b) offer, or invite an offer, or pro-
pose to buy o rsell or deal in; or
(c) enter into negotiations for the
sale or purchase of or other deal-
ing in
any wheat, barely, oats, or rye of the
1917 crap grown in the United King-
dom, or any potatoes of the 1917 crop,
grown in the United Kingdom other
than first and second cartes. Except
in the case of contracts for the sale
of any part of these crops are cancell-
$850,000 DAILY
OTTAWA, August 711a. -- Caisada'^,
war expenditure neiw totals 5SSi,00u
a day, the expenditure up to .luly
20 being 5623,000,000, including the
upkeep of tlse Canadian troops in
France, for which the amount es-
timated to be owed threat Britain for
this being 5272,0110,000. The advance
to the munitions board amounted to
5285,000,000, and 822,000,000 was
spent for cheese, hay, flour, etc, Can-
ada is finding about ten million dollars
a. month for the purchase of cheese
and contributing $25,000,000 a month
to the imperil treasury for the pur-
chase of munitions in Canada,'
Considerable interest is being taken
in the outcome of the final stages in
the famous Seafortlt liquor case, where
the defendant swore that twelve barrels
of whisky, siezed by the officers, was
purchased by himself, with the lniteit-
floe of insuring a life supply of drinks.
The case 1£as been before the courtt
for some months, and in the 050410-
time the siezed liquor is still being
kept, a final judgement never having
been given for its eontiseation or re.
urn The defendant a
k i) er silt has bale to
the re.-
minister of.justice, lio.
G, J. Doherty, The olateM ee of Mr,
Doherty's deltberetlans on the case are
being eagerly watched, both by the
temperance party and those who are
an the opposite side of the fence,
®AOib400bBOAYl9iD604tEb6UAr5fbsDCG m
over The Teacu s
0000,00000 OFi00110,000041640 6
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wn. Cantelon,
and other friends,
Miss Flory Page, of eWingham, was
a,visitor in town.
Croton Attorney Seager was in town
on Wednesday:
Mr. Kenneth Pope, of Dutton spent
the holiday with Misses Bite/den,
License Inspector Mitchell, of Wing
haul, was in town on Wednesday.
Miss Irene Pope, of Brandon, Man„
is visiting with the Misses Bawden.
Miss Florence Diehl, of Paisley, is
the guest of her grandmother, Mrs.
Mrs. Holmes, sr., Raglan street, was
visilting with her sister, Mrs. Archi-
bald at Seitforth.
Miss Margaret McLaughlin, nurse,
of London, ryas the guess' of Mrs, Chas,
Bartlitl', last Friday.
Mrs, John Wiseman returned hone
Saturday after her .holiday outing at
Bayfield during July.
Mr, and Mrs, frank Holtman and
little slaughter, Dorothy spent Civic
holiday fn Lucknnw,
Miss Grace Thompson who has been
the guest of her cousin, Mrs. 11. E.
llunnieford, returned to her home in
Toronto on Friday.
Mr, ani Mrs. W. S. F, ilolmes and
children were holiday visitors at Ham-
ilton over Civic Holiday. They went
by the "Overland" way.
Por. and Mrs. Joel McLeod, of Lon-
don, and former Chin1,nians, were
holiday visitors in town. '!'heir many
friends were glad to seem them.
!Hiss Richards, of Stratford, was the
guest of Mrs. A. F. Cudmore. She
was accompanied back to the Classie
City by little Margaret Cudnnure.
Mrs, 'Thornton Mustard and little
.daughter, of Toronto, spent hest week
with the former's parents ;tlr. and Mrs.
Donald McDonald, Raglan street.
Welland Telegraph:—Dr. :MarlaLt, of
Hamilton, is relieving, Dr, McBride in
his practice, while the Dr. is enjoying
a holiday in the Georgian !day district,
Kincardine Reporter, Rev. Mr,
Hawke, Tiverton, preached in the
Baptist Ch•ele here on Sunday after -
noun. Ills sermon was greatly ap-
Miss Edna Levis, who teaches in To-
ronto, arrived home Last week after
taking a spcial summer course and
will spend the remainder of the holi-
days at the parental home.
The engagement is announced of
Vra, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McDowell. Belgrare, f>nt., to
Mr. Frank Kershaw, Toronto, the mar-
riage to take place in August.
Mi'. 1, Hunnieford and son, Mr, W.
Nutt and Mrs. A. Randall, all of 'CIsed-
ford district, were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. E. E, Hunieford over Sun-
day. They cavae up by auto,
Mr, and Mrs, W. T. O'Neil arrived
home last Friday night from their West
ern trip and enjoyed their outing im-
mensely. They were as far west as
Banff and called on nearly every old
Clintonian within reach,
St. Mary's Argus:—Dr. Allen Thump
son, Principal of Hamilton Collegiate
Institute, is at his old home in the
west ward convalescing after a serious
illness of some months' duration.—The.
Dr. is a brother of Mayor 'Thompson of
Mr. and Mrs, B, J. Gibbings and
Mr, and Mrs. A. 3. Holloway acomn-
panied Mr. Ike Rattenbury in his car
to Lapeer,,Mich., where they spent the
week end with relatives and friends.
,Mrs. Itattenbury and Miss Dorothy also
took the trip.
Bandmaster S. Grant of the Division-
al, staff. London, was in town on Wed-
nesday looking up recruits for a new
divisional bald of 50 players to be or-
ganized in London. Tire Bandmaster
was the leader of , the 161st Huron
Datil., from its formation until it went
overseas and the hand Is a credit to
hint. His old friends were glad to see
Mr, F. Metcalf, Blyth, tvho.has been
engaged for the past few years as Do-
minion fruit inspector of, apples. left
last week tor. Sask:ttcliewan, where he
will spend the next few months attend-
ing to his official duties. 'Last year ise
looked after this section of Ontario,
but on account of the scat'eity of apples
in this section this year Itis services are
net required
Goderich Star: —.Rev, and Mrs,
Ford are now settled in their new home
earner of Lighthouse and Wellington
streets. Mrs, lord's receiving day is
the second Wednesday in each month,
Mr, and Mrs. William Warnock, of
Godgrich, announce the engagement of
their daughter, Isabel Grace, to Mr,
Spencer C. G nest, of Winnipeg, the
marriage to take place in Ole latter
part of August,
Mr, James Snell, the well-known
stockman of FlulIett, was at Denfield,
London and Woodstock the latter part
of last week, looking for some nsaore
Sheep for the Western Governments.
Mr. Snell has been doing their buying
for some years now and always gives
Thursday, August 9th, 5911
�', ..4460efroOlti, id'o-ue e,..elfsimsdoil ot,,f
Chiller Cry frer ° ett:hers
vlq�rCY-0+",y ,� �`w
e'C_ t,a'.,. ,... 'r+,. h:�..:e.. W..x.
The Kind You liars rAllve Bought, and wlsieb jars been
' in -rise -ler over ever 80 yo.r:2„ P21 has borne the signature of
M - ...,. and has boon StaaWJ til.dnr his per-
w�- sola% supervision since its 'infancy.
's' r` Itm no offal to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, I itatloi ,, and 0 Stant-az-clod l7 are bot
Experiments that trifle and endanger the health of
Infanta and Child oa--;W: perianeo against Experiment.
nese 11
Oastoria is a harmless Etta tit uto for Castor' Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 13 11 1 ant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphins nor ot'icr nc.rcott3 substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years It has
bean in constant use for tho relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allying 7'ovsrish:iess arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Chiidrea'o Panacea—The Isictiaer1s Friend.
GE U t
1L'�eei-,.M„t",, L»:2 2igz?.zit'Crie of
i" 0 ,0
hi Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always E3ought
g'.I:S�„"+S,7cilY �i'.'fly'/'•i�'� NE,I.,S .• Jr'. „'�!'.'J�'E
Judge John A. Jackson, of the At the thine of his death Sir Richard
Alberta Supreme Court, was in town was high commissioner for British
on Saturday while waiting for train Columbia, in England.
connections for Blyth. 't'lse Editor of
The Naw Era was glad to meet him
and talk over old football games when
"Stoney" Jackson used to help out the
old Brussels team when both played on
that team.
Sir Leh, McBride
in England
Fortner Premier of British Columbia
A Victim of Bright's Disease.
Vancouver, Aug. 6.—A private cable
announces the death of Sir Richard
McBride in London at 6 o'clock this
mornings Death is said to have been
due to Bright's disease, from which the
hlrnser premier of this province had
been suffering for several years. Lady
McBride and fancily are at present in
England. Sir Richard and family were
on the eve of sailing.
It is not yet decided whether the
burial will be in i:ngland or British
Sir Richard McBride was born at New
Westminister, B.C. December 15, 1570
Ile was educated at Dalhousie Uni-
versity, Halifax, N. S. lie w'e»t west
and started to practice law. In 1898 he
became P.P„ for Dewdney and was
returned In 1900 and 1903. Ile had
been in the House from 1898 to 1916.
In 1000 Ile was made minister of mines
and from 1903 until 1916 was premier
of British Columbia, He was made K.
C„ in 1905 and created K.C.M.G. in
Prices of Sale Bills, etc.
Owing to increased costs of pro-
duction, prices for Dodgers, Entertain-
ment Posters and Sale and Route Bills
will be as follows until further not-
Sixteenth Sheet (6x9)
100 02.00
250 2.50
500 3.00
1 000 4.00
Eighth Sheet (9x12)
too 02 50
250 3,00
Soo 4.110
1000 5.00
Quarter Shoats (12x18)
50 53.00
IOD 3.50
Add hundreds 1.00
Half Sheets (18x24)
50 54.00
100 5.0o
Add hundreds 1.50
100 01 51,
250 7.110
500 2.50
1000 3.50
Each extra toms 2.50
Twelfth Sheet (6x171)
100 „1,75
250 2.25
500 . ., . 2.75
1000 3.75
Each extra 1000 2,75
Eighths (9 12)
100 02.00
250 2.50
500 3.50
1000 4.50
Each extra 1000 .. 3.00
Quarter Sheets (12x18)
50d , ,•..... .$2.50.
100 3.00
200 4.00
%ash extra 100. .. , , 1.00
Half Sheets (18x24)
50 43.50
100 4,00
200 5,00
Bach extra 1o0 1,59
Whole Sheet (24x36)
50 . , , $5,50
100 ,,,.• 7,00
200 .',. 8,50
Piano Tuneing.
John Rice, Piano Tuner, will be in
town to do some tuning. Anybody
wishing to have piano tuned, may leave
their order at The New Era office. from
August 9, for a few days.
For S. S, No. 3, Goderich 'Township
(liolnnesville School) duties to com-
mence Sept. 3rd, Applicant state sal -
;try and experience also qualification.
Applications to be in by Aug, 18111,
Edgar J. Trewartha, Sec. Treas.
Holmesville P, O., Ont.
A women for general housework in
a family of three without children.
Box A1, Clinton.
House for Sale,
8 -roost house, on Huron Street, for-
merly occupied by the late Rev. J.
Greene. All modern conveniences.
Good frame stable situated nn pre-
mises. Further particulars apply to
Dr, C. W, Thompson, Clinton.'
Wants Chain Hoist
Will the person who borrowed the
chain hoist frons the Waterworks Power
House please return the legs for it and
H. B. Chant, Superintendent.
W. 11. Glazier lost his number off car
No. 35513, one day last week. Please
leave at o8ice. --- --_
This mill has been used by the Dols.
erty Piano Co„ and who might purchase
the entire output annually ; is in fairly
good condition. Capacity 8 to 11) thous-
and feet per day. Free use of the it. R.
siding. Abundance of yard rooni. Slabs
would nearly pay running expenses.
Apply to W. Doherty, Clinton
House 101 lir
A ono and a half storey frame
house, 12 rooms, situnted on Mary
street, barn, y acre of garden and
orchard; water'w'orks and electric
light Apply to
W BRYDONE, Clinton
1 ,F5•;
1 1
Piave Your Order
for some 0f our Western Oats. wttt'h
we have just received and we will
charge you no more than if they wore
just the ordinary grade Of 'oats.
If y00 wish to secure some of these
Oats place yotu' order early as they
are going fast.
We always have a full stoeit ot.
Flour and reed.
Itigkost iPri@es paid fot- !Grams
W' Je
�t .
Pholse 386, ISesidetitls _$ Ori i4S
We've trade Would l ki
it hot for ' to make
quito it hot
a few for you
We've trade it hot for a lot of folk;
tubo were looking for satisfactory coal,
and if you will place your spring order
with us, we would be pleased to give
you the good coal and two thousand
pounds to the ton,
A. J. Holloway
Office Phone 3
A first class bed room suite for pri-
vate sale as well as other articles of
furniture at residence on Ontario St.
Two of the highest class, most beau-
tiful, royally bred horses ever offered
fdr the consideration of breeders in this
community. In the stud season 1917,
Inspected and enrolled d
The Graiid Circuit Champion t
Eimer Dickson
51526 A,G.R., 2.06 4, 1916 Race Re-
cord, one of the most beautiful and
fastest horses ever seen on the Grand
Circuit. Elmer Dickson went the third
mite at Columbus, Ohio, in 2.05 with
the last half in one minute in 1916. He
is bred in the purple with show horse
finish. Will stand this season at his
own barn at Blyth, excepting that on
Thursday afternoon he will go to Wing -
ham, Swartz's liotel, for night; Friday
Hall's' hotel, Bluevale for noon; Mc-
Donald's hotel, Brussels for nighty
Saturdayhonle to his own barn for noon
where he will remain until the following
Thursday afternoon.
Inspected and enrolled
Ike Medium
51522 A.T.R., the unbeaten show horse.
Little need be said of Ike Medium, as
everyone has seen or heard of him. He
is a champion bred (horse and a cham-
pion show horse, with size, quality;
speed and breeding, and further is
stamping his colts svitli his osvn re-
markable characteristics. He will leave
his own barn at Blyth on Monday morn-
ing proceed to Auburn, Peffer's hotel
for noon; Smith's hull for night; Tues-
day to Goderich, Colborne Hotel, where
he will remain until Wednesday morn-
ing; Wednesday, Holmesville, Del Gar -
diner's for noon, theft to Clinton, Gra-
ham's Hotel for night; Thursday home
to 110 own barn at Blyth where he will
remain until the following AI'onday
morning. Write for bilis and further in-
formation. Phone 112.
Thos. J, Coulter,
Blyth, Onte
aS'I,Plit d
From lot '24, con 6, Rullett. a
yearling. heifer with a mark on
dewlap, A suitable reward will be
paid for information lending tci
its recovery—Thos. Tighe, R. R.
No. 1, Clinton. Phone 18 on 165.
For Sale or to Rent
The brick house on Raglan streets
bow occupied by J, E, Doherty, for sale
or to rent. Electric light and town
water; 2 acres of land. with stable, All
in good repair.
Apply to David Cantelon.
omit :t`
12.00 to Winnipeg
August 21st and 3uth From Sta#1o48
Lyn, lint., and West to Toronto in-
August 23rd and 30th from Stations
Tor,nt,., :old West in Ontario.
For particulars as to tickets West of
Winnipeg etc, apply to any Grand
Trunk 'Picket :teem.
Union Statical,
Toronto, Ont;
i:ancfn0,l e'1 Uti, t^ty patten-
. are? , ,_„ t :se o. p0 no h7
.61.000 PATTERS
Tho sufferer fr'in yspel,:,1 and 111-
dige.stion who has to .: d . t:...._,• his
food, is the most miser,:bn; , , ,.,i man-
li'v'en the little It: ,i,'es r at a.g
torture, and is dt,•sl. a .:y.,.:�-.•tiy
that it doe4 Stint 11111
What dyspeptics:1 a last
digestion but s:emc•tl.' e1 w . rut
theirstonlalrlt riot ❑ 011 :c:d.:::.:xallttt
its 0011 digestive feemeee'
Burdock llToo,i lO000* ooe,osee the
5f0ttutett to is 11,'t11oe, ItesOclo. -`. L1 tlti0n
so that 0014110 t,n;n.. ,t but kt
thazmugitly digwstr 1 •..1 a 'it,wSttCet,
Miss Hili:s O i. e„i:1,ltettetowit.
1.11.1., tvtstrc' "1 ltavr t o',i llutdcicic
Med It,tl*sat, amt ti0el t hat tete i sseliesinea.
rain give .melt tette( +n .l5OTKlssht and
stmuuelt ttcultslee. 1 WAR troubled for
three l`'asesa *ills de vomits end could trot
gt;t, attvtltittg' Os oto uta Any putt' suatil X
toot 11.11.11. 'f teak fetor bottles, and
t Ctattt licluswtl'r eft}' l nut 11015 nilcod, and
Cattt3ati%ntttytltilt$t virga int 11, utilrtilsg ole.
51,0,15, is tntnl1110.e nird only by't'hei
T. A.11burit Co„ limn—fed, Toronto. Ont.