HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-08-09, Page 1400000?1,000,010000.00.0000000.000,,00000.0.0......00.00.00. E CLINTON NEW ERA Established 1865, Vol. 52, No. 6 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY AUGUST 9th, 1917, W, Kerr 8z SOala Editors and Puhlisher _ — s. It is Expected that Military Service Act will 13e Law this -Week k\,,,rwoosmovvyyvvvvvywwwww.NAAAA.A,NmAAAAAmAmANIA (GETTING NEXT TO .NATEIRE 1 Just now is the time of year when nature is at its best, Enjoy it to the full with a KODAK. We have a good assortment at all prices Let us show you some of the fine points in ourKODAKS and how to use them. Developing and Printing Properly and Promptly Done et the,Rexall Store. BEST.,QUAL1TY, DRUG. STORE w. S. i E10 raiN/IMIS Phm.B. tovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv...wvvvvyvvyvvvvy NIMIOMMUIPOR134.114n..2111111,Monl 11••••••.•••••••=1.M.P01.. Ti)e Royal Ben* Capital Authorized Capital Paid-up 12,900,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,300,000 Total Assets 270,000,000 400 B R A N C H E S—With World-wide Connection Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking Business Transacted, R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch OF CANADA Incorporated i 869. $25,000,000 MU14116.17.161.01GISEMNS46171.2.44. ....120.00+00001.3001.,.000.00:00.5000.. INCORPORATED-075PS- 111__ CAPIITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 93 Branches in Canada A General Bani:eng Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rake H. R. SHARP, Acting Manager Clinton Geederuel Ready-Ie.:Wear clothing Clothiag, • Te.=.—er'a.e.....eree==eeseereeees Quality is what we claim for our Clothes, for Clothes 'without Quality are always unsatisfactory. Quality attracts buyers at this store, builds up our trade and causes our patrons to speak well of our clothing. Prices are right, too, lint a garment might be dear at any price, when quality is considered. • Have you seen our $15.00 Suits, It will 13e to your interest to look them over, as they cannot be duplicated under $20.00. ill111111111111MINIIIIIIIIMINIIIRle111111111111111111111111110111111311111111111111111111111111111111111,111811111111111111111111111121111111,111111111 6 only Men's two piece suits $5.0 to clear @ IlliiIIIII111111111i11101811=11111ii11111101111111111181111111011111IIIIIIMIHRENImilonimmiloMM 2.114"..1"01.7.:91p....11.61/ • fp•.=41.190. The MorrishCi °thing (79., Agent -ler C. P. R. Telegraph Co. A SItiliare Deal lior every Map Try The New Era 1917 for Job Work in A WEEK IN CLINTON A Good Attendance There was a good attendance at the band concert last Thursday evening. No Coal Oil Saturday night saw a coal oil famine In town, With oil at Sc2a gallon here you would imagine there would be lots of oil. Making Improvements Reeeve Ford has had a verandah erected at his house and also had a new summer kitchen built. The reeve has a pretty tidy place now, Like Old Times To see Sandy Rattans on Hunele- ford's delivery wagon On Saturday af- ternoon, seemed like old times again. Mr. Neilans was helping out owing to the holiday rush. Gets School Miss Olive Cole, daughter of Mr. Willliem Cole, of town, was the suc- cessful applicaet at No, 5 school, nut- let Township. Miss Cole ought to do well in this school. To Feed the Fishes. • , Magistrate Andrews instructed the Co. Constables to pour some good booze down the sewers last Friday, which had been siezed in 1110145 WWII - ship. Fines were also imposed upon the two farmers. House Struck Last Wednesday afternoon during a electrical storm that passed over the town, the house of Mr, Ben. Cole was struck by lightni»g, and some plaster was knocked off. Fortunately the house did not catch lire, Attending Grand Lodge Those from Clinton who arc Grand Lodge at Toronto this week of the I. 0. '0. F. are:—Rev. .1. A. Robinson, Grand Chaplain. and Air. Frank. Watson. Past Noble Grand. Mr, Watson is ale:, on ante 5 the Com- mittees, Press Le!roks As The Now Era was .iniehineup tat hursday, ofta drive shalt broee on the big press and we hed to finish ::er run and the inside runof this issue on The News -Record preis. The machinist was here and Law part was installed this we.ek. Greatly Improved Air. W. J. Elliott has made a bie impaovement to the frame liouee, at the corner of Klee and Isuelop streeta. The house has been raked and a cement block foundation put under it. It has been nowev boarded and painted and a verandah erected at the tom. Logit Lyea a irehots reur riek, bowl,ra eee'a sal:f- ella an immiday Stetii it. lutsuffer_ ed defeat at Eli,: hands ittteen Triaelly holders I,y a ',ease! of an to 55. The akleaand scoree weeee— Mitchell Clinton Cole, sle '11 Rol.ertsen, alt.... 11 Lliott sk . Hovey, sk 11 Hord, sk 21 Axon, sk Ilurritt, sic 25 Morrish, el: It Total s,1 Total Making His Way, Mr. James O'Neill, of Beanttemd. fermerly of town, is making his ware as a writer of special articles, In edition to his regular work on The Brantford Expoistor, he contributes to other publications, two tel his recent articles being one on "The Indian and Greater Production," in The Toronto Star Weekly, and one in the Farmer's Alagazine on "A Dairy Farm in Brant" Air. O'Neill writes imereetinety and his articles are it vahmable contribution to current literature. 15 Death of George Sharman, After an illness of several years, Air, George Sharman, soh of the late Wil- li= Sharman, of Goderih, died at Yorkton, Sask., 00 Thursday„luly at',. For m.lny y.aara Mr. Sharman followed his chosen psofesaiest, that of' leaching. and before g'oing out West,he occupied positions as :re:let:int ni" principal rn several Ontario high t,,I model schools He held poaltions 00 dideeent occa- sions in Cnnneetion Mill the. Goderieh . schools. Ile wes also for a time a resident of Clinton. lie leaves a widoe, and one son, Herbert, at Yorkton, Sask, :Hrs. Sharman's- maiden name was Lottie Holmes, ami she is a sister of Miss Jennie _Holmes of town. Mr. and Airs. Sharmanspent the summer in Clinton and Goderich e year or so ago, A.000.1.00000. MY --They are so delicious—SO . refreshing and just the thing for Picnics, We have a large new assort- ment from 10c to 35c bottles, Mo Olive Oil In all sizes —OLIVES. AND OLIVE OIL—. inn.000000.0000* Wf O'NEL pm RUB GROCER Plume Over Tlw Te;1 Culcs •••••Jarane.lia..1mIMPantlORW* Miss 13, 11111, is visiting with friend at .CollingWOOCI. M. Bert Deeves, of Ayr, was home for Civic Holiday.' Rev, Fr, Hogan was a Teeswater visit or on Civic Holiday. Miss Mae Davies is visiting at De- troit with relatives. Miss Stella Copp, of Toronto, was a holiday visitor in town, It Mrs, Seigner, of London, was a Civic Holiday visitor in town. Rev. E., G. Powell, of London, was in town on Friday last. Sergt. Geo, Webber of London spent the week end in town Co. Constable Whitesicles of Hensel!, was in town on Monday. Mr, S. S, Cooper took in the Races at 'reeswater on Monday, Mr and Mrs, Jack Watts, of Bolton, were here for a few clays. , Councillor Paisley was a visitor at Teeswater for a few days, Miss Dora Barr is the guest of Mrs. R. 11. Stewart at Stratford. Mr, J. IC, Wise was a holiday visitor at Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Master Clyde Kennedy is visiting with relatives at Sts.atford. Miss la Waldron is visiting with re- latives and friends at Sarnia, Mrs, T. Jackson, jr., and childree, are spending August at Baytield, Miss Margaret Alahaffy has taken a position in the Clinton postotlice. Air. and Mrs. W. Biggart and child- ren were holiday visitors at Brunn.r Master Regele McCoy, of London, 15 visiting hie era:MI:Wier, Air, A, Wilkin. Rev. and Mrs, Eastman were holiday visitors at their edd home at Thedford. Mrs. Fred Cooper and daughter Lucy ).r ',r ones., were helidav vialtors here Mrs, J. Hunter :and Master le.,bin at'L vkiiina' at Gralski•Liend fur L v;Lnak orye; * 1>11 4 ) * -0 0' 0 PREMIER APPEALS FOR HARVEST HELP * " The subjoined appeal was re- * ceived by Mayor Thompson * from Premier Hearst. It Is self- * * explanatory: Ai " "The extreme need for men * * to harvest the Ontario crops * 0 forces me to ,esk you to release * every possible corporation em- ployee for this work and to in- * terest yourself in the orgailize- * lion of your municipality to se- * * cure harvest help." * 44 0 it it * * • Mrs, Greig, sr., is visiting at the home of her son Mr. J, C. Greig at Seafortle Miss Ruby Irwin, of Toronto, was a visitor at the parental home over the week end, Mr. le E. East who is !Tow employed at OallaWn, was home for aver the week end. Miss Flossie Becker, of Kitchener, is visiting Iter cousin, Miss Maggie Schoenhals, Mr, Robert Johnston, of Woodstock was in town last week and called at Dr, Thompson's, Miss Hunnieford, of Detroit, is the guest of her brother, Mr, E. E. Fiunnieford, Miss Beryl Cooper has been the guest of her unele, Mr, A. J, Cooper s her holiclay trip to Cleveland and ooh points 50 visit relatives, Miss Wellworth, of Melhourne, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Jtish Coo for a couple of weeks. EDITORIAL 4ii+44+3+4444449144(144 Eillargect visibility is wOrth,,wasata, er Flegwaving is 1105 enough to win the war is k Don't always kick against the Unipire's decisions. He may often be 11. correct. Myth Standard—Mrs, Moss and da ghter, Margaret, of Clinton, is visitit her mother, Mrs. Fawcett. Miss Daisy Copp was visiting fr ends at Brighton. Misr Copp taug at that place for one term. Mrs. Huhnieford, of Thedford, the guest of her son, Mr, E, E. Hui nieford over the week end. Mr. leeppler, accountant at the Ro al Bank, spent Civic Holiday at tl parental home in Stratford, Mrs. Ayers returned to her home i Belmar, N, J., after visiting with h sister, Mrs, John Ransford. Master Nesbitt Cook returned hdn last week from Toronto, where he ha been visiting for two weeks. County Treasurer Holmes has bee rather 'Seriously ill for a few days la week butds now improving. Mrs, Fraser returned to her 110111 in lientsville after visiting with he parents, Air. and Mrs. R. Walton. Mrs. W. .R. Counter and >Maste Rosman returned last week after spen ng the month of July at Baylleld. Mitis r , 05 Toronto, 1 'kiting at the home of Mr. and Mr W. S. Ilarland and also at Baytield. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Dark, of Londo pent the week end with Lieut. an a etter speak ,,for your Aeroplane *15 —0 -- If it conies right down to herd para the Allies can win the war without the Russians but it would be an easier fist to have them help. Y - right away as the rush will be on wh the war Is over. ht That Coalition Government is a long time ' letting up housekeeping, Glf er course It is a good topic for passing; chat and will give the weather a brie holiday. te 0 st r cl s. ti 51 at theleriels. Airs. Holmes and Aiiss Loise are lion- daying et Port Itinem and other Amer- ( ican points. N Biltlitt, of Myth, spent the week end with her soother, Mrs. 'runny, Huron Street. t Allei Eva Steveisson, of jacksam r>,, A J, er gg, the ladies are sister mr. and Mrs, Thomaa and babe, an :apt. le, R. and Mrs, Sloan, of Blyth were in town on Pride), for a few hour mr. A, T. Cooper took the service e n Sunday at Cranbrook and Ethel, is he interests of the Temperance move Thele, is v:siting her sister Airs. J. Aline Margaret Carter spent Sundae (‘•unin ehaine. and eireelea• at h-',• 55. .,„ weetti„1,1. C. aeaaieli. Star:—Aliss Elsie Farquhar eeecial sTeest,,K, pen„„., ,,a (•,;„0„. ,,f 0iieton, has bee,' visiting her frie ,. rice, ,,,,:a a %,..isor in ten ,,,, Friday e:eis in bean. last. ', Fay. ..ed eirs. Robinson aretwav ' a Mr :led Aire. !., Las -it and farollv, of I,. 51ark,1,110 mid .,ther points for a Wi:oi,.un, wer, h. didee vi ei tors in"" ''115+.5 5.4%115''". 1: zov.e. i Air. Laverne C4,41.. of \Vito/Wee, 1-: . .. Elieet, ,,s• serelera:1,, cend„ • arentlieg lea vacation with his father, .1 resea Aid Aeeet, v. as in t,...ell Gil 1.:'Ir• -1,11. Cook• Airs. H. Smellie, of Chic:tele was th uest for a few days with Lieut. :Inc Irs. A. J. Grigg. The ladies ar isters. Miss K, Crandall, of Harriston, ant leinir milliner with >'‚5o55Co. pent a fee' ilea:: the t;'55 of Aire, A .11+,Wieeleiten. er., and grand,,, Lister Jack retureed last week from 13e wise and wear a cabbage or bur- doch leaf in your hat when the ther- mometer is kicking the beam stroun4I, the 100 mark. It may save a call ore the underteker, —0-- Poor old China,' is having ti scrappy time. They can change rulers there LI, a lively rate and can kick up a des' over very little that would out -51e: eel old time Irish Fair. Economy is being praotieed by eai s- ing the trench rats for their fur. Tv,,' slackers are not even yieldizte teee much but we suppose they three they are saving their skin. If you intend exhibiting your .tuee..-• dock leaf In your hat when the onto Fair it is time you were (et: the nes in its hair as time is geadeee. alone and nature! curls ate a bill itt bill. contest of this kind, or inenU,er :Lind on inneediac.: 1",,here tine5 YOU ti serirtion of men and money anli inion Pr. hibition of the liquor Het "1,:r." They might es well face it tiaso last as the teeleer capes; always doeee e Sir (7.1iffoitt Sifton 15 being toeeee. 1 by some newspapers as the cont Premi • If " l' I" ' s an .. „ e ,ei he trill stay on the ouiside •:e lip.:11tief as it will eive him 't 1 chance to jeg those he turns his tu.4tlee —0-- '5 .5)15, evening daily papers booated their subsaviption rates e2.50 to seem, while the morer, papers have advanced from 53, ,0 •e; et.ote Few lines of bUSilleSS 5551 1 been bumned harder than newspapeel. by the sear, I In the Potaua contest conducted be sociation the Irish the intario Vegecte,lbebietrir‘,..,:las,e;s1.s;5 ,,,,,12,; faverite. It's :t ditlicult task to mode: the Emerald Isle no matter colivreiiiinn is. Hurrah for the Idt.t.. Cobbler, may their flunk be tient: ar small nor poor. —0-- A German crisis is predicted. • eie.a. itarism has bereft Kaiserland it wee> a brave fellow who was trained in tee wrong school when instructed Alight Is Right. lie got the cart 5'> - fore the horse, as the Fatherland ssetiti,,etritesoddeaa,r‘'Ii‘geleit.hope, when h'ielit nie tl Itt 1> 1.'Ar, Edeae reae. of I, elisses 0:orie met Ella Akam, of T4,-. 0a1 a 11051‘,1 With his br,q11::1', Mr, F. r..ree. are via:e:rs with their mother Holleman, of km It. d in t..wn. else Frank Watson is attending Pev. J. E. and Airs teerte Godo. Grand Ll'* of tee L 0 se te at seek weae eee,ta :dies Rudd while this we•A• in tewn. ;ore. 0, Humbati, hat: returned after yi eir. Kine, teller of Alolsone Bank. Spe.!;1. Civic Holiday at his htnt 5 Si * * * 0 • 0 "' 0 !lannall /Went wit, is eniploy- ot your visitors by hay- ed in Toronto, was here over ev( ing their names appear in the * tete viait with Mrs. W. T. S•eftly at A. an.1 "era. Agnew and chil- 1 ell aro awe.' 5..r their sileati."11 at Ohti011. 1.01111'01h and other pinta t'' 01 aouth Air. and Mrs. Luke. Lawson and ester.; Harold and Gordon were heti- ay viS11,,55 at Stratford with relatives 11 friend,. Mr. ui>1 Mrs. Alarsh and ,laster Norman and Mrs, Philips, of Detroit, wore visitors with Alr, and AirS, Geo. leolniay. " peramal column of The Now'..' Davies List aeeee, Air. and Mrs, w,'5. wuts, of Strat- * Era. How can we know of " " them unless you tell us? * Alise olive Brooks, of Alitchell, awl ford, were visitors in t, wit over Civic „ 0 a former Alodelite is visiting her grand Battey, * * .1 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 1 0 Continued on Page 2. .......,.......--_,.............,....---..---,,,,•-•.-------*.w.,..................,..............,....,-,,.......,,,,,,,,,,,,..........................-..-....-....-........... ,........-..---.........,...,......................,...-,...,............. 7 7a 7:1 r---) PICTURES . .• On the British Western Front in rrance.—Firing a long range g":.n. TO go_ Y 4...whunktutilfratititaWitat.iiliek44........“....---...-▪ . • h 24, ta ba°— cimtioo .21 ,114 k • tlae tr0110hell 4 • United Statos Bureau of eislicrie, ureing the use of and 5051.,,;s.: meat ler heman toed, 11 te.sted on the Parini Guest and vs-,tr. say the strong fishy USW is not te found. Some fellows have "a whele a time" but sometimes more, drinelee than eating associated with it. Winning the war and savine the. IT- tegrity of the Empire is a more worthy endeavor than all the hidebound raft, politics and politicians' exploits that can be leathered together. The fornase is broad, generous strut ennobliee while the latter shows sellishness, set, rowness and meanness. BrotIhn-h,,,,-.1 is leagues in advance of a little eileee Continued op Page 5. nsga1, `. coe'ef?; 4.410 eve/came, 554 After the thrheyor000ll dic dale when alettioatila ite,a• becomes praclact.55 Vast AO, la me ova mall sabre tater ircleletn, EssIrOlo pesos weal want; employnient aapreacIste Its vaiss ind %Intuit oiaan waritod,^ ads: 00000 krs'SmoSS, t.