HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-08-02, Page 3Thursday, August Znd, 1917 THE CLINTON NEW ERA, Cine the Hee a Chance to Increase Production Breed, -. Feed •- end Weed. Now that the breeding season is over 15 the time to sell the Roosters and others to save their feed. 1000 Broilers Wanted end 300 Ducklings per week. Also a large quanity of fat hens at top prices. A ell 1tie ti Call us up for prices before you sell elsewhere. G�n�-Langlois & CU,, Limited The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone 190 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PkIIIOS• See and here our finest i New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, 1 tel .146 I ore • • • • m .special values in 'Art Cases Pianos and organs rent ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. :Sinf4Si1 �.Ili�l(3CIEllll C. Hoare Kiai~,`i9eFaAd4dtdQ6MlWS6NV✓i.0WLAA el V 1 Plumbing 1 i FFeat.ing Tinsmithing Repairs promptly at- tended tee A number of Second l,zand ll<eateres in good repair. eM =_.tsar'me,..,-=mxNI'.rm.mo'mvmn^t yam & Suttee Sau.nitary Plumbers Phone 7. WWYStedsdsreseineeinietwanneesientiedkeseeeteee Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far batter to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, You will never be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the most economical. That has been said no often that everybody by tbis time should know it -and yet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -If you would like to miss shat sortjaltogether- UOMC HERB IF you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in -coma HERE And even at that, 'no person ever said our prices were unfair W.R. eI'i iter Jeweler and OPtieiaall; issuer 01 Marriage Licenses FORD tali McLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government S'tand:e a.). We also have on hand, Attalla, Aleike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose etWhcat, Peas,.eariey and, Feed Corn fathom Market Frites peld foe' Haji and all :Grab*, M'LE 011 Vtr, Bit b'IDIeNfil BARRISTER 1301:I0ITUR NOTARY PIIEI,IQ, 3'1'O eIi1N101:11 4 elfilmeLias id, IMPALE f)onneyance, Notary ,Public, Commissioner, etc. IUTAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE issuer of Marriage Licenses, Huron St., Clinton, H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, inancial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT -Representing 14 Fire le surenee Calupanles.. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that be is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty'e phone 61, will receive vrompt attention, M. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitgr, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Rooper, In Clioton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are shade. Ctfice hours from 9 a,m.'to 0 p m. A good vault in connection with the office, Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Cameron. MediLtal. OR . W. TAOAIP5Qlll Physician. Burgeon. Eta eneoia' attention given to diseases of the Eye, Eat, Throat, and Nose, Eyes ,• efully rumbaed, and suitable glasses prescribed, Office and Residence. TWO doors West or the COnwneretel nets ,Paan, gt. IRIS, Gfli10 and CAAJIIIII neem W. Gunn, L. it O, P., L. ILO. e.. lads Dr. Quon's aloe at residence High Street 5)r .1 C. Candler. LA. NCB, Office - Ontario Street, Clinton. Night onus at residence, Rettenbnrs St. or at bo,pital OR. 9'. E. itX©19N PRIFFISF Crown and Bridge Wick aShcolaaty. Graduate of 0.0.D,S..; Chicago. and B4O,D.t Toronto, Ihlylield on )londnvN, Nov 1st to 11 IDR. R. FO Yl LIiR, DENTIST. Maces over O'NEIL'S store, Special este taken to make dental tree mens as painless as poedible. THOMAS GUNDRV Live stook and general Auction 'e" GODERIOH ONT ire al stere sales a epeciali,, lh,ess a r Niew ERA office, rbmrtir atter". to, Terme reasonable. Clinton,'e'armers. sale uo' discounted Drs, . GiM), tt, M. E. I'l7iticy i'l€itcniaitil Osteopathic Pity. Specialists in Women's and - Childrem's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Oftice-Rattonbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m, G. D. McTaggars M. L. MoTagger McTaggart Bros, >;tR.fd5TERS ALBERT ,ST , CLINTON' Gaaorrcf Blanking Bushmen transacted SOTES Di1300IINPED Drafts issued, Internet allowed e deposits The lileggillop Mutual Fire insurance ea. Fermi and Isolated Town Preps arty Only /asrared. Head 4)t[ice-4eatorth, Ont Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Plays, Seafonth, Secretary - Treasurer, Agents Alex, Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward Hinchley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Directors Wm, Rlnn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Bee - newels, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. McEwan, James Connolly, Goderich; D. F. Clinton;McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Geo. McCartne, No. 3, Seaforth. A Carload of Canada NSW Gene Phone us im' prices It lii'dil pay yon , John Hutton LO,NDESBORO Shirtwaists tan frequently be cut Bowe to be used in the dresses of small children. B'i .i its and , Shorthand Westervelt Schu i 'Y. M. CA. Building London, Ontario d , O tario Gollege in Session Sept -1st to July, Catalogue Free• Enter atly.'Eirne. t W. Westervelt. Principal 14 A IP1tOMINBN':Q" NURSE IsuRDAy s , ,T- womEm many 1Vursea in Canada and Else -1 Chatham, Ont. -"Being a Wine I Lesson�I.—Third Quarter, For ave a occasion to use Dr Pierae's tion quite a lot, 7 always reapmmond it to my patients and it bee been,a wonderful help to many of them. I never knew of a sero where it failed. I have a patient who is Using it now and she is I' doing fine since Lak- ing it. I have taken it myself and got the yory best re- sults. I consider it the hest medicine there is to -day for women who are ailing." -Mita. Einem Moon, 30 Degge Ste Chatham, Ont. THAT WEAK BACK Accompanied by pain here and there - extreme nervousness--sleeplessness-may- be ervousness-sleeplessness-may be faint spells, chills or spasms -all are signals of distress for a woman. She. may be growing from girlhood into womanhood -pdseiug from womanhood to mother- hood --or later suffering " during middle life, which leaves so many wrecks of women. At any or all of these , periods of a woman's life she elsoeld take a tonic and nervine prescribed for just such cases by a physician of vast experience in the diseases from which women suffer. 'Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has successfully y ire aced more cases in the past 50 years than any other known remedy. ft can now bo had in sugar-coated oated t abler well liquid, form as as in the gg' ui q d, Sold by medicine dealers or trial box by mail on receipt of 50 cents in stamps. 15r. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, 13uffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the somploxion. who's Say the Same, h h d Aug. 5, 1917. Favorite Presori P• Returning Thanks 4r 4%y) `4 Magistrate (discharging prisoner): " would advise you to keep away from bad company!" "Thank you, sir! You won't see me here again!" BAD SATO M AND CONSTIPATION CURED BY MIL'w MsEkrs LAXAnLI R,j ER PILLS Mr. Sylvester Clements, Galt, Ont., writes: I wish to express my heartfelt thanks for what Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills have done for me. I have been suffering from a bad stomach and con- stipation, and would be oft' work for 4 or 5 mouths a year. I was hardly able to be inside without getting a severe head- ache. I tried doctor's medicine and other remedies, but got no relief until a friend advised me to use Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills. Now I can work inside without any headaches or pain, I would not be without your remedy for anything. I write this so that anyone suffering the sauce as I did may use them aed be cured." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial. For sale at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. CA \DIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug. 25 - TORONTO. Sept. 10 On a More Than Ordinarily Progressive Scale MOBILIZATION OF' NATIONAL RESOURCES Constructive and Destructive Needs, for War CONFEDERATION SPECTACLE • 1200—PERFORMERS-1200 Canada's Story from Birth to Nationhood Dramatically Told The very Apex of Spectacular Achievement GIANT LIVE -STOCK AND n t AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY Judging Competitions for Young ha Farmers - - New Farm 'Crop Com- m petitions - - Extended Classifications and Innovations. in All Departments THE INTERNATIONAL. SERI Text of the Lesson, 1I Chroh, xx 1 -20 -•Memory Versees, 12, 13 -Got Text, Ise. Iv, 7 -Commentary Prepar- ed by Rev. 0. M. Stearns, There are so ninny thtugs 91 the af- fairs of this world which we cannot uederstand that we can only find 1 in remembering teat the Lord lir find De is not discouraged, and shall finally subdue all things 11 Himself. It therefore becomes us rest in .the Lord and wait patiently Ilius (isa. clil, 4; Rev. Evil, 14; azxvii, 7; Phil. 111, 10, 21). That A should be such n wickets king, He kiah, his son, such a good king e illnnasseh, Ids sou, such a moustros of iniquity is surely a strange segue of events, which 1 certainly do profess to begin to understand, bit rest in aim who foresees and ov rules all things, There is' somethi worthy of prayerful consideration the fact that I3ezektati had lifts years added to his life after his serio illness Ise •s (Ise. ,. still 5),but 010 not • t 1 der to God for this extension of tis as i h :she s ould have a e done (tl Chro xxxin I. .) Mnunsseb must here been born "bout three years after that Hitless. ne he was twelve years old when he beg reign (xxxiil, 1), and the question pi emits itself. Was it a real blessing Flezek!ab to have his life than pro- longed? When we are del ermined to have our own way God sometimes he dulges ns, even though He knows it is not the best thing for us. as when Hu gas a Israel their request, but sent lea nese into their soul (Ps. cls, 151,, mother once tole! rue that when h two boys were very young they wei sick unto death, but site would not glt them up, and God let them live. Ili they grew up to give her it broke heart. Whole !cabled submission t the perfect will of God Is the bette away. Contrast the Lord ;testis iL' tl age of*twelve about Elis Father's tins 11000'0110 returning to the lowly him at Nazareth, there to be subject t 11lary "or the next eighteen years (Luke ii, 12.12,, hfanassnh's reign was the longest of any of the kings of Judah, fifty -Ove years, and part of it was the rory worst, accordinfeto the record in lesson verses 3.10. Ile wrought much evil in the sigbt of the Lord and caused 1u - dab and Jerusalem to err and to do worse than the heathen Whom the Lord bad destroyed before the children of Israel, and. though the Lord spake to him and to his people, they would not hearken (verses 2, 0, 0, 10). ]3e was surely controlled by the devil during that part or his reign. The Lord permitted the kings of As- syria to take him and bind him and carry him to Babylon, and there in his affliction he humbled himself greatly before God and prayed unto Chin, and God heard him and brought bim again to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then 10 kne\v that Jehovah was God (verses 11.13), It the Apocrypha there Is a prayer recorded as his, part of which 0: "Thou, 0 Lord, according to Thy great goodness, hast promised repent- ince and •forgiveness in Hite that save Sinned agaiust Thee. * * * I late sinned above the number of the ands of the sen; * * * 1 have set up bominatious and have multiplied oe- enses. 0 Lord, 1 Ware sinned, and I cknowledge mine iniquities, where - ore, I humbly beseech Thee, forgive me, 0 Lord, forgive me, and destroy nee not with mine iniquities." Whatever' his actual prayer was, oil, who reads tile heart, saw that he was sincere and abundantly pardoned him, according to Ise. iv, 7. Whatever encouragement there 1s hi this and iu the couverslon of Saul of Tarsus and or tbe'penitent thief for any and every sinner, however great, to turn to the Lord, for Ile came to save sinners, and His word ever stands, "Flim that cometh to Inc I will in nowise east out" (John vi, 37). IIs is not willing that any should perish and has no pleasure in the death of the wicked (II Pet. tit, 0; Beek, xxxill, 11>. Fife cry to sinners is, Look unto Inc and be saved; incline your ear and come ento me, hear and your soul shall live. And to 131e own wbo have wandered He cries: 0 that they were wise, that they would consider their latter endl 0 that my people had hearkened unto me and Israel had walked in my waysl (Isa. xlv, 22; iv, 8; Dent. xx�i, 29; Ps. lxxxi, 13). When restored to Jeru- salem and to his kingdom he endeavor- ed to right some of the wrongs be had done and to bring forth fruits meet for repentance, He offered peace offer. lugs and thank offerings unto the Lord fid commanded. Judah to serve the Lord God of Israel (verses 14-17). Such a change in such a man must ve impressed many and turned any to the Lord, but we shall see as e go on in our lessons that the turn• g of the people ,away from God was cry desperate, and it was not long tin Judah was carried into captivity r her sins. The turning away from cel and His word in oar clay is as ocl foresaw Slut it wonid be (II Tim. 1-5; iv. 3, 4; 1I Pot, 111, 3, 4; Luke '11, 20.801, hilt FIe will built] M s ureh and take her to Illmself and iiig her back with Illus In glory and reel shall then welcome Him, and ey shill never be unrighteous tiny ore.• bet. shall be a blessing to fill na- ps, and the earth shall he fitted Withle glol;y through tartlet, Efts chosen ess0'ugdrs, according to 1'.a, le %L Page Three WRITE LETTERS To Lydia E, JFinkham Medi - eine Co. x111 ' Women who are well often ask "Are den the letters whieh the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co, are continually publishing, genuine?" "Are they truthful?" " Why do women write such letters?" In answer we say that never have we 'est published a fictitious letter or name, 0th, Never, knowingly, have we published Ere an untruthful letter, or one Without the nto full and written consent of the woman to who wrote it. for Ps, hag ze- nd ity neo not tf er- placements, inflammation, ulceration, ng . irregularities, nervousness, weakness, in stomach troubles and from the blues. eu It is impossible for any woman who US en- ne The reason that thousands of women from all parts of the country write such grateful letters to the Lydia E. Pink. ham Medicine Co. is that Lydia E, Pink - ham 's ink.ham's Vegetable Compound has brought health and happiness into their lives, once burdened with pain and suffering. It has relieved women from some of the worst forms of female ills, from dis- u. is well and who has never suffered h to realize how these s Ps wo- mensuffering- menfeel when re- stored to health; their keen desire to n help other women e who arc suffering as to they did. IMMENSE EXHIBITS OF TRACTORS AND FARM LABOR SAVING DEVICES ART—Italian, ',French, Persian American and Canadian Masterpieces MUSIC—Innes' Famous Soloists and a score of other leading organizations. ENTIRE NEW MIDWAY. NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW FIRST SI30VVI1'lG OF 1918 MOTELS Greatly "enlar(;ed Government and t other Eic iibits - War in all its phases .' -Model Gallie - « Artillery Drive • -, :Aeroplane"Plithts - -' Scores of su('jiriats 1115 atdl'o'14W old friends and a tl(tih'sand tlit°tlld for' new onds. I EbUR CED FA HS . !t*.)N ALL LINES OF' TRAVEL w in r ti f0 G 0 x ch br Is tit in do 11 m 'Tal ljreii6'' 4(,lio *Jtclu'eq)wy, s �, ;"l'oncanu>ldni4gbrh'teo tiel.wtoh, norvbu a obs nake05taw31084 105 Bid Vohihlhfr ireA Nsa'trn a) dehetiEderaf weer ,ppelf ge, ,)Keap4 ap Bi'a frP rat n, fr 5et,^a%Ii�9 *5tl9r9ptl,,cr t3fOSgixuOcte mOl�aor ,\1�µ'iF5k5mflTBSW an1Y�euNetnec2hSio�aeat�etfntAriiNI:dir Our Flag in the Church The flag in the church is purely the outcome of war. When the martial fever of the Boer War subsided it was .taken down and relegated to disuse side by side with the frayed Maio and 911 the other tokens of ;ears. After this struggle is'ove1' the probabilities are that the same will be done again. Patriotism a'td religion are so closely '.intertwined that the I3ouse of God is ;honored in the slag oven as the flag Is honored in the }louse of God, end there is no reason why .the Union Jack should not for ever occupy a proud place in the churches of the Dominions where it holds sway. From Trollies to Eternal Snow Qn the hottest days in summer a flying man may bo in the Arctic re- gions in tan minutes by mounting to a height et 10,000 feet, just as the oliallaer Fait/ pass garough all the ol1acdes of tot peraturo by climbing =lime-NJ/ire, that giant peak which rises above the snow lino from the Equator. life commences with the tropical jungle and ends amid eterna: now. 'MARE Y0115RlF BIRO i r People with strong constitutions es- cape must of the minors Ills that make life miserable for others' Don't you envy the friend who does not know what a headache is, whose digestion is perfect, and who steeps soundly at night? slow far do you come from this description? Have you ever made an earnest effort to strengthen your co>lstitution,to build up your system to ward off discomfort and disease? Unless you have an organic disease it is generally possible to improve your physical coudit!on that perfect health win be yours, The first thing to be done is to build up your blood as poor blood the source of physical weakness. T.build up the blood Dr, Williams Pink Pills is just the medicine you need. Every dose helps to snake new blood which reaches every part of the body, bringing color to the cheeks, brightness to the eyes, a steadiness to the hands, a good appetite and a spendid energy. Thousands throughout the country whose condition once made ahem de- spair, owe this present good health to this medicine. If you are one of tlse weak and ailing give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and note the daily gain in new health and abounding vit- ality. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail post paid at 5o cents a box or six boxes for 32.50 from The Dr Wiliams Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. Third Year of War Brings Foe's the British? What h.a it to. set against the capture of more than 75,- 000 German troops and more than 400 guns? What has it to show be- yond the fact that its line has not yet been pierced and that by retreat- ing it has preserved the continuity of its lines from Flanders to Switzerland? The answer is tbis:—A few. days ago two British battalions north of the \'ser river, temporarily deprived of a British fleet, were ann!hllated'hy n sudden Ger- man attack after their bridges had been cut behind then. The German official report claims the capture of 1,250 British, with a certain amount of ma- terial, This is the greatest German capture of the year against the British It is the most considerable gain made by a Genian offensive against the Brit- ish, and it measured less than a mile in depth. Up to this moment no British gun had been captured in more than two years, and no British force as a unit had been taken since the second Ypres, here, after all, frankly recngisizing the complete success 'of this particular German operation, is the measure of German offensive achievement in a year of terrific struggle. Perhaps before this article reaches the reader's hand we shall have another British attack, Every sign points to lei Unless the conditions have entirely changed we shall see an: attack more successful than those of the past, be- cause eacli Brinal,' tteek laas'b�een more slldcefful theh'ihd on0'pree90fhg, The tifiylr "tl)'hty•(edit now break the German stile With ,a suddoo;,,tht'ust. seepls to Meu(ll hely a'Eakkiter, than ;impossible In the past year, the Britt i army has worn' 'dot y mord' '`l9'trif silly' titan eh* i(1tfririen,ltati'ucilnsider4d poss- Bible, •add this as ,;coeds pot,jpt British 000smeejy but it> .the, ;capture reports.' pt'dheral Sufi Wig A belie"111 the tittle of tlie`Sohithe hfeld• Marsfiai Sir Doug- las liaig fetid Me 11105 between July anis 1'ebrilary the Germans has, used 13 1 f divisops on the western Irent. Tile number has gone far beyond this now, in the furnace of the So)ilnte all that was best in the German army was gro- und up, and after the Soflmne the Ger- man army has never d!spleycd'the sante spirit 1n 1t5 conflicts with the British, QERIVIAN MORALE FAILING 11 we keep our eyes fixed on trench lines and accept the German formula that every engagement is a German victory ,yf11ch does not result in the piercing of the tae Ge lr r l sus lines anti the rupture of the German front, and does not result in a general retreat, we shall totally misunderstand what has taken place .on the British front and some day will be bewildered by what does take place. 'fhe British army has de- monstrated its superiorly in all respects over the German, The extent of this superiority has not yet led to a Leip- zig, to a Sedan, or to a Waterloo, bit; it has led to German defeats more de- structive of German confidence in the ranks than any Napoleonic failure be- fore Leipzig, ; fhe invincibility of the German army has been demonstrated to be a legend by the new army of Great Britain and the dominions In one short year and I believe firmly that if the war continues with unchanged conditions on the western front for another year •we shall see a German disaster comparable with that of Lee which he endeavored to hold too long to his trenches before Richmond. If the Germans again retreat to escape such a disaster the meaning will be un - escapable, In British h 5 liistor the third bate of Ypres will rank with the first,, The first was s the success of a little t e arcts y, lacking in every ]neclianical weapon only their rifles, outnumbered, out- gunned, three to one, five to one, It was the story of an army which died on the spot, leaving a few survivors barely holding on. The third Ypres was the triumphy of a new British army, possessing all the material de- vices of modern warfare and possessing technical efficiency In their use, it possessed all the qualities needed to demonstrate that England had arrived and passed her foe, whose chief, three years before, had sneered at "the con- temptible little British army." THE RUSSIAN FRONT Turning now to the Russian front, there have been interesting incidents since 1 closed my review of last week, TRY THE The next time you suffer wii111s headache, indigestion, bilious. ness• or loss of appetite, tri— P. J r Lorded Salo of ADP Medicioo in the Wisri$t Sold overyavlrero, la baits., 28c. without any great or decisive change. As 1 closed my article of last week, 3t will be recalled that 1 commented upon the success of the Russians south of the Dniester and in the direction of Hake. This was on July 9, During the next four days this Russian enters grew and spread, until' It seemed to be a grave Menace to the whole Gemara position in Galicia' between the Styr and the Carpathians. On this front the situation was ,as follows:—The Austro -German army was standing in front of Lemberg and some 40 miles to the eastward of the town. Its northern flank rested upon the Styr river, its centre was pushed] forward along the Zlopa Lipa river, its southern flank curved back from the Zlota Lipa to a point just east and northln of the monalh of the Dniestes opposite tlallca, Southward of the Dniester the Austro -German army stood al the By- stritza river, straight southward to the Carpathian mountain 7 he on 1 town Y of importance region tante in this was the small city of Stanislau, which had been captured by the Russians last Decmber and this narked the extreme southern point of their advance in their cam- paign of last year, The two armies of the Central Pow- ers standing north and south of the Dniester, made contract not far from Continued on Page 5. Cook's Colima Root Compoilfl : u<n A safe, reliable repafiay medicine. Sold is three de. frocs 05 stru„gth-No, 1, 94: Poo: 2, 53; No. 3, 01 por Sear, Sold by all druggists, or cent/ pprepaid receipt t of ppule,. Pres pamphlet,ldet. THE COOK MEDICINE 05:1„ 'a TORONTO, 050. iFirmeot Wl.dirrt. LMA LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS ITS THIRTY -7TH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER SEVENTEEN: NINETEEN HUNDRED & SEVENTEEN Thorough courses in Music, Art, Oratory, .Nigh School, ,f3;/"incss College, Domestic Science and Superior Physical Training, FOR TERMS, ADDRESS R, 1, 'WARNER, I.1. A.. D, D„ President, St. Thongs, Ones.-io ri^S�@i',F�'Eb�2]:^ti:E^•a^3:ULL�'; 5; le L Baked from om CANADA'S BEST BREAD AND PASTRY est :.., tile r 11:111 w L`u . Cw' C u'Aih V*-G•i a1:0 b,i1'3eat �,' t71=i ,:s 1PE72Z-.3 1 T .'.7 =Mx -2=Z 1.:,321.19 NOW ^x r , , ; 1702 .ls. ',riS TiaEiLIFi3?i:I 7511E Pll:Art FI CUR C?OI; f4.101:. --it general purpose publlea."so on the e>r:iso,l r1 t rtnii:ng nsi,,eta its hood.erl, trey nod geld covers the lutes!: eat ce en :,a tI pTOparOtila. A real rt v!eo to rho housewife, NO1 a nutliceton to exploit the tale of way ere 1nee gnoduet, hot a reflection of tried raid totted recipes frac rho pan s! if,tss L. Warner, foal specialist Anil Domestic 511,61, o l;xpnrt, for tlin propnvatial of 011 spanner of dishes for the daily moue, as well ae oaonomfral suggestions for preparing delicious coafcctlaua and dainty dirket, which add tate neceaeary variety to tau: ordinary meal. Main i1 liaetpaltl to any address for 20 cents, WESTERN CANADA 1 LOUR MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED TORONTO WINNIPEG as