HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-07-26, Page 3Page Three • THE CLINTON NEW ERA, Give the Hen a Chalice to Increase Prth!ctci Breed, — Feed — and .-- Weed. -- Now that the breeding season is over is the time to sell the Roosters and others to save their feed. 3000 Broilers Wanted and 300 Ducklings per week, Also a large 'quanity of fat hens at top prices. • ,'id..t'tid. Call us up for prices before you sell elsewhere. Oeen-Langlois & Co., Limited The up-to-date Firm Milton Branch Phone 190 att/►e®oaeoeletaeaaA:a.ar ®as♦ A.A 4 PIllIOS 4 te 4 See and here our finest el New Stylish designs of E Doherty Pianos and C 1 Organs, G 1 .gpeeial values ill Art to c Cast• •Is • Pianos and organs rent a eed. ' Choice new Edison • it- $ phonographs, Music & k r. variety goods. 4to 1 Music Emporiumet to 4 P 4 P 1 or 4 p 4 C. Hoare t4 D 1 `EClire 9 T'RJvvvvvvonvvvvvi 1 ti Plumbing Heating TinSualthing Repairs promptly at- tended to, lo A number of nand Beaters irepair, Second in good } } a ��l Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Inoue 7. MJseL'W neVbreeLAd et ter Pay The Pince Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will ueyer be sorry -for as a matter of moray, it is easily the remit eoonotuical, That has been said so often that everybody by this time should knew it -and yet there ie ue scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to gat personal -If you would like to miss that eort;altogether- (JOIVM.E HIRE 1'f you would like to buy where nothing hut high qualities�are dealt in -COME HERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair W.R6 counter Jeweler and Optician; Issuer of Marriage Licenses FO'IU) a ii McLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standial'a.). We a1 o have on hand, Alfalfa, A1eike Red and Red C er, We always Metre oat hand e-taooee Wheat, retie, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Priem( pN:id dos Hal nada ell Amine. FORD & !eLEOD 1316aleese IJs ' BARRISTER HQL1O1Tt71t 1r OTARY PII.t3X LG itlTo UL,tenr09 ua>t I.es 11L Nims Oonneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, oto. STEAL IISTAT.H AND 111SURAN019 Issuer of MarriageLicensee, Baron St., Clinton, H. T. RANCE Notary Pub)io, Conveyancer, A'ineneiat•I and. Real ltetate INSURANCE AGENT-Reproeentins 191rlre In suranee Companies. Dibision Colu't Office, ' Piano Tal ung; Mr, James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that` he le pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, K.C.. Barrister, Solicitor Oouve atcer Lto , a y Office on Albert Street, occupied ied b Mr. Hooper, In Clinton onevery Thursday, and on ate day for which appointmente are made, Mice hours from 9 a.m, to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the offee. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppofntmentsfor Mr. Oatnerott. MY.iedi.,al. DR 1. W. T1'1O141Fie5rd Physician, Snrgnon, Eto coolattention given to dieeasee of the Eye, Eer, Throat, and Noso, I9yes , °fully samined and suitable gleam' preserihed. Wee and Residence. rwo doors weal, of the Commercial Hots Dorm. Rt. IONS. Gt11N' aal(r, LA Ail 113 Dr, W. Cann, L. It. O, 1'.. L. D. 0, B.. Edt Dr, Conn's orneo at residence Nigh Street Dr d. 0. (Sandler. It,A. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls at residence, ilatt.nhnr, St, or at hoanital DR. ire :'9, AXON orarasT Crown End bridge lt'or;c a Speelnity. Graduate or 0.0,D.5.,. Chicago, and P,O,D.5, Porout,. enytleld on Menders, afar est to 0 In. IL FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'f' store. Special oars taken to make dental tray' t meat as painless es possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general .Auction ter GODERIOH ONT Pat m atOtx sales a apemrl.1, Orders iL r NEW EitA office, rt.•mrsiy amen.. to. Terms reasonable, Clinton,'Farmers' sale u"r. discounted / - n r• f Whitley � , . Va, 1 t . itI .i . 9 r� .. _ M. E. �' 1 . y Helielltatto Osteopathic P'hy. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chromic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose. and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattgnibury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, i to 11 p.m. G.D. M. 1.). irloPa D. =arc B6 F'Sar M:e eloggar '" r os: 'BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTOE (general lentellIng Bnrsineae t: anraa.eted VOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts emend. Interest allowed a deposits The 1VIcKillop b'i11tual Fire Insurance eo. Perm rand 5esofaptod Town Props erty Only insured. Head 011ie°-t eaforth, Ont Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas, Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward, Hinchley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- nwndeille; J. W, Yeo, Goderich; R, G. Jarrneth, Brodhagen, Directors Wm. Rion, No. 2, Seafoeth; John Ben - newels, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; James Coneolly, Godetich; D. 5, McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Geo. McCertne, No. 3, Seaforth, A Car9o,d or Canada MUM Ce elm 15.h(bile day iti3r ibises It will pay you John iutt.on LONDESDORO Shirtwaists can frequently be cut down to be used in the dresses of small children. •. London, Ontario 3.'. l Co. ides • } , „ .`� slbrl`Sept. 1st to Ji]ijlf' CafalokutseP4ef: , Ener any time. 4. W. Wee ' estorvolt, Pr,rroTpal wow INSURANOiu /R/1'�ntir,it er iia all j e,9 Against Sudden .Deaf i . Before an Insurance Company will take a risk on your life the examining physician will test the urine and report whether yon are a good. risk. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog, yoq suffer from backache, siok-hoad- ache, dizzy spells, or the twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatisia and gout. The urine is often cloudy, full of sediment; ohannels often got sore and sleep is disturbed two or three times a night. This ds the time you should consult some physician of wide experience-suoh ae Dr. Pierce of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Send him 10 cents for sample package of hia new discovery, ^Anuric." Write him your symptoms and send a sample of urine for test. Experience has taught Dr. Pierce that "Aaurlo" is the most powerful agent in dissolving uric acid, as hot water melte sugar; besides being absolutely harmless it is endowed with other properties, for it preserves the kidneys tnia healthy condition by thoroughly ci n iea sn ` them Being many times more active than th, it clears the heart valves a vee of anysandy substances which may clogthorn and checks the degeneration othe blood-vessels,aa well as regulating blood pressure. «Anuric" is a regular insurance and lifesaver for alt big meat eaters and those who deposit lime -salts in their joints. Ask the druggist for "Anuric" put up by Dr. Pierce, in 50 -cent packages. STRENGTH AND BEAUTY Como with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This is a blood cleanser and alterative tbat starts the liver and stom- ach Into vigorous action, It thus assists thebo d manufacture Y to rleh red blood which fends the heart, nerves, brain and organs of the body.Tho organs work smoothly like machinery running In all. Yon feat clean, strong and strenuous in- stead of tired, weak and faint. J. Austen Chamberlain, Secretary Of State for India, who resigt ed from the British Coalttiail Cabinet be- cause of revelations in the Mesopo- tamia report. THE STORY OF THE sus, Every.time you go up stairs you can test your state of health—the condi- tion of your blood, Do you arrive at the top of the stairs breathless and distressed? Does your heart palpitate violently? Do you have pain in your side? Perhaps you even have to stop half way up, with limbs trembling and head dizzy, too exhausted to go farther with- out resting. These are unfailing signs of anaemia, As soon as your blood be- comes impoverished or impure the stair -case becomes an instrument of torture, 'When this is so you are un- fit for work; your blood is watery and your nerves exhausted, you are losing the Joy of an active life and paving the way for a further break down and de- cline. In t ibis condition only one thing can save'au You ou must put new, rich, blood in your vents without fur- ther delay and so build up your health anew. To get this new, rich blood give Dr, Williams Pink Pills a fair trf+al and they will give you new vitality, sound health, and the power to resist and throw off disease. For more than a generation this favorite medicine has been in use throughout the world and has made many thousands of weak, de- spondent men and women bright, act- ive and strong. You can get Dr, Williams Pink Piths through any dealer in medicine, or bye mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 2.50 from the Dr, Williams Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. HOUSEHOLD HINTS I 1 Never use gasoline in a roon With fire or light, A cup inverted in the centre of a meat pie will keep the juice From run- ning over. • Buckwheat makes an excellent breakfast cereal, New potatoes are most delicious baked than old ones. Fruit used in frozen fruit sleeted always 'be cut or mash d. Fish is excellent fo d and not eaten 5 e 0 nearly often enough. 9 The most economical way of prepar- c ing fish is by steaming. 1 Potato salad with sardines and 1. olives is an agreeable change. ti All the water should be drawta from the tub before the ice cream is packed Carrots scrubbed clean and sha•ed- ded raw are good added to a hot dish like soup Dont regard ' 'arty time -saving method of doing houseworrk as shift- less; it isn't. A tightly rolled piece of cloth is an excellent thing for rubbing spots 09 clothing. If children eat enough at meals they are fess apt to nibble betweeta than. Leas; n V.—Third Quarter, For July 29, 1917. THE 'INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, lea, Iv, 1,13 -Mem- ory Versos, 1, 2 -Golden Text, lea. Iv, 6 -commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. The last pr'a't or Isaiah, chapters xl to !xvi, may be said to begin And end with comfort for els people, Israel, In connection with 111s coming in glory (al, 1, 2, 10, 11, Ixvi, 18, 15, 18), and as then will be ttie overthrow or their en. enies there is an easy commotion be- tween the lust lesson null this, Those Inst twenty-seven chapters of lsainh are easily divided into three nines, the figs n first and second orh w lch end with the sante words, "No peace, salt.b the Lord or suite ni Goa to the w •k Y iced'x Ivl tl 22; Jell, 21). Oer 1espen today is in the middle nine, and tate tniddle chapter of this nine in the fifty-third, which tells of the only way of pence for any sinner or for all semen. The next chapter tells of God's unchanging loving kind- ness for Israel and of their future es• tablishm[ot in righteousness by their Redeemer, the God of the whole earth (liv, 5.111, Today's lesson chapter is n cry to all who thirst to come to the God or Israel, the fountain of living waters 1.105, II, 13), Atl that is repro sen red by living tenter, %vine and mills has been provided fully at Infinite cost and is offered freely to whomever will, according to Rev, xxi, (17 exit. 17; ,fohn iv, 14; vii, 37. Love cullet be bought, nor can any of the gifts of boli, but Ile says, "1 will heal their backsliding, 1 will love them freely" (floe, xis, 4; S. of Sol. silt• 7; ttou, 111, 241. Spending money for that which is not bread reminds us of 11Is words to the 5,000, "Labor not fur the meat welch peristtettt, but for Ihut stent which enclm'eth unto everlasting life, welch the Son 0f elan shall give unto you" (John vi, 27). I'he words "heart.• en diligently unto 11e, * * *treat• end your soul shall eve" %verses 2, 31, are ver? like .101111 v, 24, where we learn that hearing met be!levlug f31s word give everlasting life and the nssur• tutee o)' nos coming Into judgment for aur sins, In lite s=tudy 0f alt prophecy nee must renleuthet' that Ills 1 110 51 5 55 arta Hirst for 1st nel and then rot all na. tions, but there is al,vnys a messn.e for every Individual believer, whether Jew nl' gentile, as we have already seen. The sure mercies of David take us to the covenant ordered in all things and sure which comforted Da- vid in bis dying bongs (Ii Sam. exill, 5; vii, 10). There Is only one Leader and Com- mander who can rule lsrael, even the one who brought them out or Egypt and put them in the promised land and gave them judges and kings and always delivered them when they cried unto IIim-Ile or whom the Lord said to Jeremiah, "l will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a Hing shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth; " ° * Ups name shall be called the Lord Our Righteousness ider.. exile 5, 0). See also Isa. ix, 0, 7; Luke 1, 31-33. Natinus have never yet In all the his- tory of the world turned to the Lord as nations, but when lsrael shall have become ccs c n righteous natio by n teceiv ing their Messiah at IIis corning again in power and glory then shall be ful- filled such words as theism "The na- t:lous shall come to Thy light and kings to the brightness of Thy rising;" "Siug and •rejoice, 0 daughter of Zion, for, to, I come, and 1 will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord, and many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day and shall be illy Deo. plc" (Ise. xxv, 8, 9; Ix, 1.3; Zech. 11, 10, 11). Lesson versos 0, 7, seem to be a call to individuals now and at all times, and what great enc0uragemeut there is to all sinners to turn to the Lord In the otter of abundant pardon and merry! The .Lord loves to do all things abundantly, whether it be giving life or an entrance into His kingdom or supplying a present need, and if we will only deal rightly witb Him Ile promises more blessing than we can receive (John x, 10; II Pet, 1, 11; Matt, xis, 20; Mal. Ili, 10). ' The seeking means earliest, per- sistent, whole hearted turning to Him (,Ter. xxlv, 7; axle, 13). Verses 8, 9, should teach us the folly of our thougbte and ways, Inasmuch as His are as far above oars as the heavens are higher than the earth, Yet there are so many who know not the thoughts of the Lord, either concern- ing His groat and free salvation or Ells nrpose in this age and the ages to 0me (5511c. iv, 12; Eye. iii, 11). Verses 0, 11, are especially grand words for ainy or snowy days, but good nt all les, Wben I have given tho Lord's message I am continually comforted by the assurance tbat it always ac- complishes His pietisnro and never re- turns to Him void and that results are sure, whether we see thein or not. Words that go well with tbese are, 'I will watch over my- word to per- form it" and "No word from Cod shall be void of power" (Jer, 1, 12,, a, Se; Luke 1, 87, R. V.), . It only we am the Lord's messengers with the Lord's; message (Hag, 1, 13) we can nlways go on our wn,5' snyitg, Tbanit God, tbnt will work, Some look for so many souls from n service or other definite results of their own de sire. hitt It seems to toe better to give the message and leave l'astilt's to Ulm. always expeeling diem anti sere of theta, but leaving It 10 turn to /MOM. 511180 111 1t1e11:451riy unci knowing that in due time rlc '''111) wee of the trove!' o1 Ills s,, i sod lie tint isnot (lilt, 111. KEEP CHILDREN WEII RIDING HOT WEATHER Every Brother knows how fatal the summer t hot a s n e m h o ti5s are to small Ch i- dre . Chorlera infantum,diarrhoea, dysantry and stomach troubles are rite at this time and often a precious little life is lost after only u' few hoots illness, 'The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels safe. The occasional use of the Tablets pre- vents stomach and bowel troubles, or If trouble conies suddenly—as it gen- erally does --the Tablets will bring the baby safely through, They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from 'The Or, Williams' Medi- cine Co,, Srockvilie, Ont. ,n' 7"tioL,bu ei3p1'tg+a� The (7v'eet .5lnfitiefteRemzerl J. Tones and invigorntoo the whole nervous o otem,makesnowkloed in old point, Ouree Neo'eoue 15abiltit?I .Mental and .Brain W.5', 5 , Dessiovt' 3cna)l+ foea of lu'Levt3Jy. Petivi(atiaa at the ead'E Faith 1(lttta . Prion t':erbo °)Y Xi x rf/ S Patting n tui•S6,otOnewail1dIn alkwilt shim g,Mt twiner, Cdbyall knee,tikaaaists at CPmailed.cat ind00 MDIINkCo.,1e8ON.ONT. f5ltnt,LWln9st: Tlturaday, Jelly 26th, }pix 15 You will find relief in Zaln•Suk I it oases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zan1- Huh, Meant% Wily not prove this 7 dA Dr ro om b Stores. -- tit '1 a�ffi"R3SY.�.@!Yt°nY,+Iswune,,,a-..ia1 TOBACCO GREATEST REVENUE PRODUCER. Ottawa, July 20,—The operation of Prohibition has put the liquor traffic in second place as a producer of internal revenue, Tobacco is now at the top, Returns for the month of June last issued by the inland revenue depart. ment show that the duties colected on tobacco amounted l032 19 ,687 and on cigars to 162,145, The ditties collected on spirits amounted to7 52 059.52. Those on malt liquor to 110,532.70 and those on malt to 5167,816, Special war taxation netted 1121,513.78. The total receipts of the inland revenue depart- ment during June were 12,146,095, as compared with 52,105,592 in June, 1 91 6. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 3®Years Always bears the ��!eeerW Sir -nature of , THE FISH PROBLEM lull Mr. G. Frank Beer, who is one of the Fish Commissioners appointed by Icon, Mr, Hanna, is a past President of the Toronto branch of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, 'and at the present time is the President of the Toronto Housing Co., in the latter cap_ acity having done much unselfish work for the welfare of the city, and for the better living conditions of its in- habitants. Coon Cotg®fiRoot � t, fid- A safe, reliable rein °tin„ medicine. said in LLMC d:- tt;;reee of strength -Nu. 1, Sir 140. S, 33; No, 3, 85 p^r hos Sold by all druggist.., or son; prepaid on receipt al ',ries veer, pamphlet. Ad,lraes; THE COoa( MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONT. trarmcrl. W wlnr,i FOR THE COUNTRY i cannot go to the Front, For my feet won't pass the test; A neither er c' an m "hub •' b ' y 'hubby"; Ile's too narrow across the chest. 13pt we must be patriotic And try and be of use, So our slogan for the future Is "Produce), Producel Producel" The Material now is costly, But of this you may be sure— These shells are all inspected And won't explode premature. We have laid these facts before you To use as you see fit, And by making this Ammunition We are doing our little bit. '—Caleadian Hen. Chiictren Cry FOR HITCHER'S CASTOR A THE BOY WHO DIDN'T PASS A sad -faced little fellow sits alone en deep disgrace, There's a lump arising in his throat and tears Stream down his face; He wandered from his playmates, for he doesr"r want to hear, Their shouts of merry laughter since the world has lost its cheer, And his heart is fairly breaking; he's the boy who didn't pass, In the apple tree the robin sines a cheery little song, But he doesn't seem to hear it, show- ing plainly something's wrong; Cones his playful tittle spaniel for a romp tad bit of,p.lay, But the troubled little 1e5Jrw sternly bids him go away. And alone he sits in sorrow, with bin Burdock Blood Bitters Cured�/EA ad Case ,of E Cr Z iib "i` A • All skin' diseases such as eczema, salt rheum, tatter, rash, boils, pimples ansa' itching skin eruptions are always caused from the blood being in a bad condition, and it is impossible to eradicate there 'frown the system unless you put your• blood into good shape. This you can easily do by taking that old and well known bad blood eradicator, Burdock Blood Bitters. Miss Mary D, Chambers, Anagance Ridge, N.D., writes: "I used Burdock Blood Bitters for eczema, I had it when. anirt fent ' b .t' lett me Two years ago it came back. I used doctora' medicine, but it cite good only white I used it. At, last my face was nothing but a running sore. I saw in the papers What 13.1333. diel :far people, so 5 took it, and to -day I am free front that terrible disease, When I began to We it nip sores be- tamesoft . ft and dry, and alien only nslifrlrt rash until it disappeared altogether. 1 to thankful a rkt ] o 'e or to 1 f 'what it has >s Y c for me," , is ihant faetured only by The T. Milburn Cor ]milted, Zeolite, Oat, ty,„, t4 ahPfi'. e'ialf)tfleeih5551L151l ell.. *1 r am telt udltt�'I>IIM:N^^ T,w--.-..''. 1,1V 4g The Proprietary orPetereMelitintele AsimclntingI hCr rat antillecab iheStmas.h,andlO rlst( a fir/ Prornoies i)i4;Cslicn.(lsucci nes sand lies( Contains: Ater Opium,Mor, huts nor.`.ntertl 1e1OT NARCOTIC /r4 (frit ,r^a iln,arf,il. /l lr �l,vrnr •JAun Trac .11.e 'a r 417tr . ; Aperfect limed.; far rose tst liana, ;Mir Slaniacn, ul t d -Ltd 1, brms, Ee'lerislitiec';•,••d Fnr5imdr Signature of uK, �. Tttr Ct:NTAlln CnMnn, `MONTREAL`.-C1V Y��t .''zt`'nnt3 and Children. tt`�IyY Afla dhiirrs K4MVL uta That Casteria tl--i Nr ay3 i. r.,�• rr Beam th Egn u•ilie of 1)1 .4t U s e Fir Over hiny Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. v,r,19110.1i CcNTALIN COMPANY, wow yoNK hair a tangled mass, And his eyes are red with weeping; he's the boy who didn't pass, 015, you who boast a laughing son and speak of him as bright, 1 And you - who love a little girl who comes to you to -night With smiling eyes and dancing feet, with honors from her school, Turn to that lonely boy who thinks he is a fool, And take him kindly by tate hand, the dullest in the class; He is the one who most needs love— the boy who didst,5't pass. Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS.TO R lA I • CULL THE FLOCK The urgent need of conservation de- mands that all poultry not paying its way in either eggs or worth be killed for eating, The present high prices of feed also stake the keeping of such classes of poultry decidedly uttpro)itable, as well as unpatriotic. Therefore for your own good and for the gond of the country. kiH them. There are in every poultry yard birds that have outlived their useful- ness and others t rs tdt• ,tt W111 i never pay p.t their way. "Phase might profitably be finished and marketed, not necessarily all at once, but as soon as practicable, taking into account the market, etc. 111 these classes might be mention- ed, in the order in which they should be disposed of, the following; 1. Male Birds.—The breeding season being over, all males should be flesh- ed and killed. It will cost 52. or over to keep each male until next breeding season; therefore get rid of them, It will also be better for the layers, the eggs and the growing chickens. 2. Turkeys and Waterfowl.—Toms and 'Turkey hens, geese and ducks, not absolutely needed for next year's breeding, should he disposed of, 3. Hens,. -All hens of the heavier classes that are two years aid and over might better be marketed 110w. )n even tthe light classes many of this age ought to go. Others that are lay- ing but I hat are not worth keeping for another year should be kept until the egg yeild does not pay for the feed. Better still, keep culling out those that show signs of easly moult- ing as you go along. The best of the one and two -year- olds of the lightest breeds night pay to keep ail summer, but only the year-olds should be kept over ,viu51'r and even these will stand culling fair- ly closely. 4. Broilers,—Lf broilers are early it pays best to sell the cockerels when two or three pounds in weight, rather than to keep 'until heavier. This is es- pecially so when the sexes cannot be separated and where the runs are small The pullets will soon require all the room and green feed available. Lighf- breed'cockerels should be sold early-; it seldom pays to feed them to mat- urity." 5,.Roasters.—Don't leave the mar- keting of •all roasters till late in the fall. Distribute this sale over as long a period as possible. Never nmrkei wehout finishing. Nat re's Way h Best Nature's laxative is bile, If your liver is sending the bile on its way as it should, you'll never be constipated. Keep the liver tuned right up to its work. Take one pill regularly (more only if necessary) until your bowels act reg- ularly, freely, naturally. CARTERS ITTLF- 1�'Ef3 PILLS Enu/ne tears 'Signature. Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron in the blood. Carter's Iron Pins will help this condition. AANccascactrnacrai 51 .sat-coraiva:reimestm cansse z ars5tstsiametnaamsoreaas.,arn, StN (1 2.1,MA LADIES' COLLEG3 OPENS iTS THIRTY ...7TH ern YEAR ON SEPTEMBt'?", SEVENTEEN NiNETP.EN HUNDRED & SEVEENT'E,'; Thorough corm..? in Music, Art, Orafory, 11tgh School, lJu-inc;es College, Domestic ,"'Lienee and Sttp,;rior Physical .Traiinr.i;. FOR TERMS. ADDRESS , R, 1. 1,'V APNER, 1'l. A.. D. D., Prc.;ent. St. Toon:tit, Gn., r1-saa1ea,ro+T'.a;.A, .._•..�., NmemppemgaimemPONce When Tired and Nervous If the end of the day finds you weary or irri- table,with aching head and frayed nerves,you need something to tone and strengthen the system. are a remedy whiali quickly helps in restoring normal conditions. They act on the stomach, liver and bowels, and so renew the strength and steady the nerves. A few closes of these world. famed family pills will e w Erin.. Welcome Relief Preparation's, Ise Morons Oleechum, St, felon Laecaeblre, anolsad, Sold eves ywhore 130 CEHatla and U..8. Area kik, la boxer, 26 cents. •