HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-07-19, Page 6; P4Q2 6 '''''71'7:1.4.117777 I timemeantessostrassinateausiaasie_. eseramessatineamo .d.mxxertamieseciseseve...,,,w,ermermaii illkillIn01=000=4110=011.=111/0011111101011.13111=0=03!)/111.041940/11)20W f THE CLINTON NEW ERA• alteXaMaleMISeleaSenenner ack [C. & J. BONNET'S MAKE] is on a Is WOMAN'S STORE Pry Goods and llouse Uurnishings• Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank at MEN'S STORE. Custom, Tailoring Men's sFurnMhings, Phone 103. OppositePubticLibrary -1.42MVEMOSZTCW5===1E111351=208==12.a OrdWanigi=947=71=M92:2=MIMMERM=1=002===n1 CUSLUX=1=CMIIMMIMMCMIZMIStifr samp !,icnic and Camping days are a pleasant, and favorite form of summer ...,,...taiument for both young and old. 3:2 Lunch, however, is :5 imgortant f:, in the -successfulness of the ma- in- vith our help you can prepare a l,tr eh that will be both tempting and satisfying. Eggs and Ham.—Mmce holled hiun ano ;1 with the yokes of hard boded a little mustard and cream, • till the egg whites generously ' To be Used Any Day. And still another day of most ..re- freshing showers." Spread of Good Roads. rounding each off. Wrap in waxed paper to carry.—We can supply the latter; also the engreclients. Salmon, Olives, Pork and Beans. Fancy Biscuits, Sardines, Pickles, Pea- nut Butter etc., are tasty picnic supplies Special Prices on all TEAS for this week. It will pay you to get some of these lines. Pure Laundry Soap 6 bars for 25c. HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS j ' Phone 113 E.) TUE STORE OF Q %takITY l Seven counties will take over the good roads scheme this year as a result of the vote at the June sessions, They are Huron, Grey, Bruce, Ontario, Ren- frew, Norfolk and Liufferin. Another Increase in the H. C. of Living The' local Chinese Laundry put on a new schedule of rates this week, owing to the high cost of living, no doubt for water has been plentiful dur- ing the past month. Wedding Stationery 1 When in need of Wedding Station- ery of any kind be sure and see our new and up-to-date lines before placing !, your order elsewhere. .411 work neatly ' ! and promptly executed and at moderate prices. Call up the New Era. i . liyi:v.) GE. • Subject to Change. ' , Of Interest to Motorists Hydro fas off foa short time on All picnic engagements this summerJan. After t st 1918 head -lights on Tuesday just before dinner, It was are being made with the reservation: _„ .r rect rays do not rise more than .12 automobilesma,t be soarranged that 11 • 'rintik out for those who have "weather permitting." m ; inches from the ground measured 75 an el...ctric cooker. Londesboro Can Now Hoist Royal Flag, 1 ft. or more ahead of the car when 021 level surface S lot -lights and search - I -12,1,f1.17, the Red Cross. The village of Londesboro has added lightforbidden..i-i distinction coming to it just now from • - - --. are C derich Star:—The peonies and the fact that a grand daughter of Lord Nephew Wounded :.-ale at Porter's book store, the Londesboro, after whoth the village was proceeds of which go to the Red Thursday's Brantford Expoistor:— named, is about to marry Prince Alex, Cross Society, were donated by Mr. Word was received in the city to -day of Battenburg, a Cousin of King George. Wm. Coats. The village was founded about 45 years that Sapper George Robert Collins, ago by a former tenant of the late Lord 5011 of Mr. and Mrs. J. C C Alois kMount Pleasant Road, has been admitt- Loof Londesboro, Yorshire, Run Down by Bicyclist. George Brown, of 47 , Laws street, of Toronto and mother of Mrs. J.1. Lerr, whilst crossing Dundas street at tl:h Park aventle on Saturday night, • 1...locked down by a bicycle Aden ndesboro, b.- a England. ed to a hospital suffering from.gunshot wounw d. Ile ent- overseas with the Form is Changed. Canadian Engineers, The young sold - Have you ever served in any naval ier has been at the front since the war She sustained several bruises " broke out, lie is a nephew of Mr, W. or military force?". This is one of the a.m ,t nasty cut on the chin, and \vasquestions to be answered by the recruit R. Counter, of town. taken to her home in a passing motor . vhen filling out his attestation paper Death of Mrs, Dinsley. or enlistment in the anadian Exp di- c:.r, The bicyclist continued on hiS There passed away on Saturday tionary Force. The question formerly wk. without leaving his name and ad- re afternoon last, at her home of her dre ad "Have you ever served in any mil - brother -in -taw, Mr, J. A. IncLean, a itary force?" and the word "naval" has • highly esteemed resident of Wingham in the person of Mary Dinsley, relict of the late John Dinsley in her 68-th year. Mrs. Dinsley had not been en- joying good health for some Ulna aid recently returned from Detroit and had beep able to be around until a few days prior to her death. She had resided in Wingham for upwards of forty years and had seen many changes in the town during that time. She was 111056 highly esteemed by a large circle of friends and will be most highly remembered. Mrs. Dinsley is survived by three sons and one daughter. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon and inter- ment Was made in the family plot in the Wingham cemetery. — Wingham Times—The late Mr. Dinsley was a nat- ive of Clinton, being the second son of the late Edward Dinsley, and his widow was also a resident of Clinton for a number of years. Her maiden name was Patterson, her father being the pro- prietor of the Commercial Hotel. Minor Locals Tabes up new Duties been inserted, in order to ascertain runt -ford Expoitor:—Capt. (Rev.) whether the man joining has had exper- C. L. Jenkins, pastor of St. Jude's! lence in the navy as well as in the army, chur,.11 it; this city, who was overseas Each man signing the attestation form as ,plain of the 58th battalion, and15 60 initial this change;in wording, to who as obliged to return home owing show that he has understood the ques- t.. attered nerves, having recently tion, • -...d the appointment of senior elle- Must Make Tests in Driving Auto. iOr the military camp at Camp • left for that place Tuesday to The new mOtor vehicile regulations 110:;;;,....e his mew duties in that capacity have been received in the town and a tiov,....er, owing to the difficulty ex- per1,1;ced in securing a supply for his here, Capt. Jenkins will return to the city each week -end and occupy the 1 Mpit of St, Jude's church each He is the president for On- tario r the Great War Veteran's As- somA of Canada, and ever since the number of changes have been madeinthem, in them, which local motorists would do well to observe, After this no one under the age of 16 may drive a motor car. The age limit has thus been re- duced from I 8, and many youths in the town will welcome the change. There is, however, one obstacle to this war ,2-,uto out has been a zealous work. Those over 16 and under IS must try er al:mg military lines„ an examination and go through the same tests as a taxicab driver, and if With Evcrywonian's World they prove they are competent to drive, The following notice in the June will be given 13 permit to do so. The of Printer and Publisher will tines imposed for failure to observe be read with interest as it refers to one 1 these laws will be severe. The police (.1 former well-known lieutenants in the le tst Battalion, Robertson Y. IvicLean now has charge of the sales chylskm of the advertising department for Lverywomen's World, Mr, Mac- Lean ia well known to Canadian adver- tising ,aen and manufactures, especially in the hardwaTe line, -from his old coliac..iimi with Hardware and Metal. For two years Mr, MacLean was ad- verto.ng manager for the Green -Joyce Go., e.partmental store in Columbus, Oh trom which business lie resigned to 3.100 ,)t a commission 111 the C. 15, F. Mr. MarLean'a father, the late M. Y. MacLean, was well-known to all news- pepelfoan In connection with weekly pap..,!, .31 Seaforth and Picton, MORE HURON BOYS HOME The following Iluron Boys arrived back is L011d0/1 011 Monday from Eng- land and the Bring Pte, W. E. Barr, Blyth 161st, deform- ity. Pie. T. A. Beattie, Seaforth, i6tst, theunst:ltra. P. McLeod, Walton, was on the Somme in October last when he 'was shot through the leg by a 1110,..11i0e gun 'bullet as he WaS 2110unt- ing the parapet of a Gerniait trent:h. His brf thee, Jellies Still ola active Ser- vicp l'rance, Wak.'inelitidned ±21 lIaig4,s dispataes recently 55, haVing been awarded the Military'. Inedalfor bravery on the eeld. 0 here if they followed instruction of law would see that there are infringe- ment of the statute in this regard. right in Clinton, without mentioning. any names. LEGAL QUERIES J. C., Clinton.—Several years ago 1 sold and conveyed some real estate to a joint stock company, taking the note of the company in payment. The company went into liquidation and the note is not paid. The property was deeded by the company to the town. Two members of the company were town councillors, Was the transac- tion legal? (2) Can I recover my pro- perty or the amount Of the note front the town ? Ans.—(1) The fact that two of the directors of the company were town Councillors at the time the property was conveyed to the 'corporation did not render the transaction void. The contract of sale was made between the company and the municipal corpora- tion, and sectionS .53" and 54 of the Municipal Act do not; render Such a traniaction void or voidable. 0 the two COUilbillors, voted for the PurellaSe of the property they should tiot have done se, (2) Yeti sold rod conitoyed ttid property to the compiny, 'You would therbiete be Stepped by yOur OM/11 do* di claiming it poW. You aCcepled th,e protnissory note of the eompany paynient, Thefefoie y'612 cannet claire pgyment (rem anybody elSe. Good reading on every page. New Era Want Ads. bring Results. Live merchants are live advertisers, Britain is spending on war $58,300,- 000 a day. Owing to so much rain 11 11 not help- ing the tarvitt. The Windsor Weekly Record gave up the ghost last week.. The Entrance Results have been both ering the young pupils, There will be no daylight saving Act in Canada this year, Don't worry about next winter's fuel, This coal question is going to be strai- ghtened c ut. Making your dollar go as far as pos- sible shouldn't mean sending it out of town, It will mean money In your pockets to read the merchantS' advertisinents in this week's New Era, Office Stationery! Poe nice stationery printed from new type at moderate prices, try the New Eta. The weather Mall. seems to think this is a "wet" community by the amount Of rain we are getting, Five cups of Satada cost only one cent. ' The ecotwnly is obvious when compared 'With the yield from ,low-pric. ohdinary tea. Weed Cutting IS the.next thing 011 the program. Iffidburdocks are toIiow- 11)31 the slalitn "more production" this year, by Ole looks of Some yards, The Ford Motor Co,, announces that Aire will he do reduction in priee of Their cars Off August I as in the past, but an, increase will take place at an early date, Mon Wanted for Bintilitiera Work. A nunrber of good reliable 113011 Can secure steady employment on munition work. Apply to Tlie Rubt, lieli Engine ar, Thresher Co. Ltd., Setiforth Ont, A WEEK IN CLINTON NO ENTRANCE REPORTS YET Byer), school has had its entrance report except the Clinton. School. No word hasbeen received as far as The New Era dim 11114 out. Had ,a Fine Day St. Paul's S. S. picnic was held on had a fine day for their outing, Shell Out Wed II:such:3,u tro dBoaiyi flaresIdg aodg. I 11 e scholars Like water thru a sieve. Keeps us scratching smartly Tu get some more to give, Ontario St, Picnic The congregational and S. S. picnic of the Ontario St, Methodist Church will be held on Wednesday of next weekto Bayfield. • Institute Picnic The Women's Institute held their annual picnic to Goderich on Tuesday and the afternoon was anything but enjoyable, as a hailstorm was mixed up with the down pour, A pleasant Evening . The annual garden party of the Bap- tist Church, was held on Wednesday evening on the church lawn, and a pleasant evening was spent, The Kittle Band was in attendance. Sought House This week Mr, George David closed rail estate deal whereby he becomes owner of the house and lot of Mr, Isaac Barr on Victoria Street, Mr. David gets possession about the end of Oct- ober. Lost Game Here The baseball match due to be played last Friday night was postponed until Monday, owing to the showery weath- er. Zurich and Clinton have played many tight games but this one see -saw- ed along until the visitors took the lead in the 8 111 and Clinton was unable to score. The game was called on ac- count of the darkness, The score by Innings Was;— Clinton-2 3 1 (1 0 0 0 0-6 Zurich —4 1 0 1 0 2 t 3-9 St, Swithin's Day If there be any truth in the old adage concerning rain on St. Swithin's day. the weatherman has forty days of the wet kind in store for this town as it was showery on Sunday and a re- gular old deluge on Tuesday, though Monday and Wednesday were line sum- mer days and today has all the ear- marks of another hoe day. For the comfort of thosewho believe in the almanac and the old saws. 0 may be stated that, rain fell here last St. Swit- hill's day, but the prediction of forty following days of rain did not hold good 13 13 13 13 • * * * * 13 PASSINGS THOUGHTS BY THE WAYFARER * * * 13 13 13 13 0 13 • There should be plenty of water in the watermelons this year, Unlike Carolina, in this district it is not a long time between drinks, showers considered. The exemption of divinity students Imp military service is prompted by whom? Many clergymen are already against it. Premier Borden owes it to the country to justify his recent a- mendment to the bill. --es-- Canada does not want an election just now. If this country is to be torn by internal strife at a time when it ought to be attending to the busi- ness of winning the war,. an election will do it, --OS-- Judging from Mr. O'Connor's report the meat packers have not been losing money during war time. They appear to have been taking all the profits the business would stand. Potatoes are growing hereabout like lilac bushes—all on top and nothing below, A little sunshine is needed. --SO-- Anyway, the fact that Sir Joseph ['layette endowed a chair of Hebrew at Victoria University shows that lie does not cherish resentment hgainst those who do not buy his bacon. The Military Service Act is about ready for its third reading. And then—shall Canada be true to its obligations or 5111111 we have an election? Arrive Arrive rrive .Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrbte NEW SCHEDULE Trains from East. 34,30 a.m. Leave 3-1.175.111, 5.53 9.01, Leave 6.45 p.m, 11.18 pan, Leave 11.18 pan. Trains from Woo 7,31 5211, Leave 7.33 5.211. 2.58 p.m. Leave 2,58 Trains from South 10.30 a.m. Leave 11.10 a.m. 6.40 p.m, Leave 6,40 pan, Trains from North 7,31 a.m. Leave 7.50 0,211, 4,35 P.na, Leave 4,15 pan, Thursday: July 191h, 1917. 00o000o0900000000(400e00,060 or.O2===.744,11==re"...MM5r4r,:29r,191=TinriZif l03)013W115516010 Local News , oc,00inoocoonoccesooriozoc.oi, The Fruit Scar,00 111 this fruit and vegetable season people should eat what they can And what they ean't, can, Can Fill Out Passports.' Canadians of military age, who may wish to visit the 01111011 States on busi- ness, can have all passports tilled out 17:55 Lieut,..A . J. Grigg. Thn There are o charges in connection with this busl- 1 W. 0. T. U. The regular meeting of the W,C.T. U, 30111 be held at the home of Mrs, .A, T. Cooper on Thursday 505ning (to- night) at 8 o'clock. Miss Porter will give her report of the recent conven- ti(OL Brother Killed Miss EVit &Wiles, Clerk at Chas, Con- nor's bakery •and restaurant, received the sad news, that her brother, Pte. George E. Maines, of Blyth, who was a member of the 1 61st 135tt1„ had been killed in action, Miss Maine§ spent a few days at the parental home in Blyth. Must Label ail Liquor. Instrdetions will be issued this Week by the. Ontario License Board far the beneliit of their inspectors governing the delivery of packages containing li- quors must be plainly labeled so 101 to show their actual contents and the name and address of ,the consignor. Section No, 3 of the act provides a pen- ;;;Ity of from $50 to 8200 or imprison- ment up to Six months, or both, for sending liquor improperly labelled to a fictitious person or address. Lost Pocketbook • Exeter Advocate:—Dr, flyndman found a grip up the London Road on Thursday, and seeing an •auto doing a little speeding in front of him conduct- ed that the grip had fallen from the car, When the car stoped lie gave the grip to the boys, who took it, Later it was found that the grip contained 12 in money and other possessions the property of Mrs, (Rev.) Powell, and fell from their car after being left accidently on the outside. We understand that Mrs. Powell has since recovered the grip and ctuitents, Says Public Cheated: George Connors of Parkhill, Dom- inion fruit inspector, was a visitor in London Monday on his way to Leam- ington, -The strawberry growers are not filling their boxes as they should," said Mr. Connors. "I find that all ilm berry boxes that I have examined Dun the district have been but 1)0o -thirds full, 1 have warned a number 31 men some On your 00,11 Market, and 1h,- 11500 got 11live up to the law. When the public are paying for a full box, they should get a box with the ber- ries even with the top. There were few berries in the stores today, but 1 out not iind a crate that had every box tilled properly. However, as I said before the growers have received their warning, and it is up to them front now on. 1 will be back later in the week to look over the market again." The County Rate for The last 14 Years. We give below the county paid from this town for the years; - 1 904 " 1905 1039.45 100)1 1 23 1.9 2 1 907 1026.3,0 1008 1263.50 1909 1095.05 1 91 0 102(1.00 101 2 2 163.50 .1922 1231.90 1923 1300,35 19t4 1403.00 1915 t 45,3.3 5 1926 145-1.35 1927 2533.28 The ratepayers can see where a good share of their taxes go each year, 'rhe Provincial War Tax for 1 9 1.5, 1926, 2927 is 5684.40 annually and paid to county treasurer. Patriotic Garden Party. Next Thursday evening in the Re- creation Park, a garden party will be held under thte auspices of the Young Ladies' Patriotic Auxiliary. The Clin- ton Kittle Band will be in attendance and there will be seueral tither attract- ions. A drama, acted in Moving - picture form, will be produced by local talent. The title, "Wrongs Righted" gives a little idea of the intricate plot in which the heroine, Gwendolyn La Baronne de Witte is forced by her stern parent to give up her true lover and ma-rry a rich count. The events is- suing from this unhappy marriage are tense with interest and excitment, The caste will be published in detail next week. Besides the play, Madame Jerome will exhibit her famous collect- ion of life-size mechanical toys. A large number of noted characters will be shown. No one should miss this opportunity for self-improvement of- Tered by the visit to town of this fain - o05 lady. Refreshments will be sold on the grounds It is hoped that there will be a large attendance. rate for 9:351 14 CLINTON FLOUR MILLS —es -- HAVE YOU TRIED OUR MILL FEEDS LATELY? NEVER .WEREBETTER White Middlings per 1,011 $48.00 Bran per $36.00 ton Shorts per $44.00 Low Grade Per $54.00 6011 North Star (Manitoba) $6 °444-P per hundred "-r Cream of Wheat $6.25 per hundred Maple Leaf (Blended) ...... $6„00 per hundred SIIQW Flake (Pastry per hundred JOHN SCHOENHALS CLINTON 2 ; ONT. Phone No, 8 31, , VERANDAH SHADES,—Shut out the Sun; Admit the Cooling Breeze, Seclusion, with. plenty of 6541113 1375 is their foremost. claim. They (214 31 pool room 1.0 your house, 37,4 ty-A e. Ar. , 130 1r' ill ir 0 0 11 Often the eheapest—Atways th*Best 0g.5um11ymeama5 ossassamomarsonwooraimattsammeozatrorassms;zta ny.xitr.oice.s.mrara.eravam..mrammtrawacomascarnmonnvalorxruntatymovenreAmemomenasur..trumsts•mon! A Tested Lens— An Accurate Shutter—. Simple Operation— Geed Pictures— All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you how easy they are to de. —We do developing and printing and guarantee good results— Cr" Ta:077-11.7Y' Despensing Chemist ratortosim,:-.ranmrszsavumiosmustw.,,, lusamussarosonms-,:11=atir.W.112 t„,,= ..,,,ram=1221M.Falita01.2371.24.17,,C,212.17.41W.W.IMMI 1417.14,51.1V.,51,21r6-13=1£0.---MSMICC=OLIt==.82t61.16, id • zu 3,41 The Features (If? Our Furniture which we invite special attention sre its beauty, its assured comfort, Its solid cobstruction, and it's below the ma, 16 prices. Ally one of these points would be nuflioient to earn it your preference, When they are all com- bined we feel sure you will realize that this is a furniture buying °ppm., tunit y you cannot afford to ignore, DEIN CR. rniteitaker and runerni Director.Phone 2S. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store Work of All Kinds Prices Leave your outer now before advance, Ill &Hawkins T Cornier Grocery , "Live and Lei Live" LET US SELECT THE EATABLES FOR. YOUR CAMPING TRIP— We have had the experience 2114 we know just what you will tind handy, healthy, nourishing and wholesome. 1 Our stocks of canned goods have been specially selected for their quality and purity; and in fact everything we suggest to you will have your un- qualified approval. Check from this list the goods you know you want. Come in and let 115 5110W you others:— Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Beans etc., concentrated packet and canned soups; moat extracts; canned presesves and Jams; bacon; all kinds of cooked breakfast foods; condensed milk; cof- fee and cocoa; canned salmon; sar., dines; lcippered herring.; oranges lemons; bananas; strawberries tomatoes and watermelon. E. E. littnnafoi-ct Plumbing, and Pleating Phone 53 Shop—over N ONVIalld'S Hardware PHONE 45. ealle.,mai,MEINEentelarmo We've lines of Cool Footwear for Men, Women and Children! 111 Camp, at Tennis, on the Bowling Green or just at Home, necd a pair of these Foot Coolers. There are Tan leathers, Buck, and Canvas Shoes! High or low Cut, as you prefer. Rubber Sole Shoes with the Low Rubber Heels are the favorites 1 3. For Men 01 Women at $1,00, $1.35, $1.50, $4.00 .85c, $1.00 and $1.25 For the Children at Come in and Select a pair of these ideal Summer Foot CON1- f orters and we will fit them to your Feet PerfeCtly. FRW. illeKSON QUick Shot Repairs