HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-07-19, Page 4Iffidentel PAGB 4 titre eetieteeeleseeee w.f./M.01.N MAGIC K I NG PO DER CONTAINBNO ALUM al'ADE.IN CANADA., KM KU HAD ON BABi No season of the year is 310 danger- ous to the life of little ones its is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all 'human help before the mother realizes he is ill. Summer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera illfanturm dysen- try and colic are most prevalent. Any one of these troubles may prove deadly if not promptly treated. During the eummer the mothers' best friend is Baby's Own Tablets, they regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wit - Dams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, reeD CONSERVATiON 03le, 1.111le time ago the C. P. R. re.olzhee that economy in the or food ere'lliete mete an essented of trio patriotism during the -war, in:toga:rated a policy connec- tion with their dining car service whith prohibited the purchase of calvos. young lambs, little chiekeus, and ILO e, as neon of which tlieusands a those tender but Immo- tura. enimals will be conserved to :faller growth and a very material in - (reale in their value as food supply vill i. 13. aottoa was dile to the test In the f:'.•e of the 1l'Vl C: -ii sh:•rt--ie which the piesont vOrld criA9 thromoes to Mine npon es, it ;:; 511111001 to iverie an ounce Of 111 or to imluipe fti dishes liloh irerercd to -clay at L. emit a: :o- '331(11 .has la,'" 1 -tend ;ti to r all rnvirs opi-retA 15 the Pacillo, and o'l.or Caneatan -gad Americait 111111 re. ta itn-erttinee of this 1 l'u of vonserva- tion of young stock, have adopted a eoursit' • TM. Cat:Winn Pacific dining car nerefee has so contrived that the high cost of living dogs not qiite itli- safar us ti•at service in coneernA, 1, always beiag.posaible to obtain..in 'a Coordlon Paride dining sar:rt gond reel et a tari'1..1 tt‘ crit tots eeeen made possible by making a muse -.Deady of tee ,treveller's wants and .of the portions loft uneaten whirls soon convim,J the company 11101 ths ad establishet. mite= of serving els. tremaiy berg., periinna wee wastefill and extravagant, l'he result was that It hen the war 1.170kc, out and the price of foodstiin. begen to emir the ✓ mimo,r ViV•IOPOr.1 that smaller but smisfying portions at reasouable prthrs would better meet- the 'shoo - lion Ilir,n the ror•lsr isrito portions, the maintenance a which would hare ne:•essitated higher ,prioes with noich acto. The dietetic hlemiod MPUUS were then introduced. 11101 eut of sonsideratInn Inc 01 (15 illeeeticom bot .also with the economic viewpoint that it costs less to have menu entnods- •ed of a few dishes for which there is likely to be a general, demand than, It does to offer a hundred dishes the dernond for any one of which is un- rertain. This brought about the intro- duction or the single itortion or fedi, virival SPITICF. particularly for the benefit of lady travellers, who, e1 a rule, are leas heavy eaters than inen. • In tho proedratom id tirir4 Carl - Ira] and food eoneervatinn. the C. P. R. dining car syltern has gone a sten further hy Ole omission from their menus of all dishes consisting of the 1fleeh of utters yreing lambe, little ithielrens, slid baby pigs. Lamb's ifries,,swoothroarls and 'airs liver al - :so are no longer nurellasq nr tiePd in 'the C. P. R. servive, on the ground net the nevslcood animal provides more rood for tbe nation, and that !only full.crown animals seould., be ee get ered. Y —"Ism ok As U FEEL You know well enough when your liver is loafing, Constipation is the first warning; then you begin ot "feel mean all over.", Your skin soon gets the bad news, it grows dull, yellow, Muddy and, un- sightly.' 0, Violent purgatives are not what you need—just the gentle help of this old. time standard remedy. CARTER'S' ITTLE. IVER " PILLS irewm/ne bears •Signoterd Colorless facet often show the absence of hen in the blood. is Carter's Iron PHIS will help tibia Condition: SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson IV.—Third Quarter, For July 22,1917.. NE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. -Text of the Lesson, 1 1 Kings xviii, 13, to xis, 37—Memory Versos, 32, 33—Gold. en Text, Pe. xlvi, 1—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. In oar lust lesson all that we saw of Meek:tali was good, except In the Mat- ter of his 'not honoring the. Lord before the visitors from Babylon, but this les- son gives a little more insight Into tile beart of the man, who, like all the rest of us, would be nothing but sinful but for tbe grace of God. GIs great turn- ing to the Lord, with 1110 (010111 Passover and the two weeks' feast of unleavened bread and the cleansing or the lam] from Idols, was in the very beginning of his reign. But to begin 031311 18 one thing, while patient continuant:Gin well doing Is often quite another, and 11 Is 111 tlie continuance that many fail, Pau) said that, having obtained help or God, he continued (Acts xxvi, 22), and that same help is for all who really (10 - sue It. In the sixth year of trezekiab's reign the ten tribes were carried into eaptiv- ity,in Assyria by Shalmaneser in the ninth year of tbe reign or Goshen, tbeir king, because they obeyed not the voice. of tbe Lord their Clod, but transgressed all that Moses, the servant 01 1110 Lord, connoanded (xviii, 9-12). Eight years later, in the fourteenth year of Heze- klah, Seneacherib came against Judah and Jerusalem, nud at first lefezeklah tried- to buy him off by n measure or submission te him by giving him gold tied silver, even the gold from the doors and pillars of the temple (xviil, 33-1G). That was certainly not Bust- in in the Lord, as lie had done at the beginning, and gave the enemy ground to reproach God and scoff at Ilezeklab's trust (retie 22) and made them bold to blaspheme and defy and Ile, seeing, Tbe Lord said to 011, Go up against this land (lad destroy 2:31. While those who bear the name or the.,...1.erd may terribly fail, as 0111 some of the kings wee sat upon the throne of the Lord in Jerusalem, so that Jerusalem herself WAS dulled a harlot, and also Yelled Sodom and Go- merrah (100. 1, 0, 10, 21), those, who like Pharaob and Sennacherib, and the antichrist of thc) last days, openly defy God, are tbe devil in tonnan form, but all such loftiness shell be brought down, and the Lord alone shall be ex- alted (Ise. If, 11, 17), The Assyrian • generals were not far from the truth when they said that it was vain to place any reliance. upon Egypt (xviii, 10-21), for the Lord Himself had said the same thing through Isaiah, "Tbe strength of Pharaoh shall he your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confueion, -1 * Inc the Egyptians shall help in vain, and to no impose" (lea, 101010, .17), But when it clime to exalting the king of Assyria eliove the living God and puttilig llini on a level . with idols, the gods. of he nations, that was .unbearable', foul 'to web blasphemy the people held their penee, tiud 131 11)0 king's commanchlient itheivered not n Word (soil), 28-110, 133- 36). This brought Hezeltinh in hu- mility to his knees mid to the Lord in whom he so fully trusted at the begin- ning. To mere words we should be able to act according to Ps, xxxvi 1.1,111, "1 as fl dear man hoard not, and I was as a. dumb man that openeth nut his mouth." When it is a bad letter or writing of any kind, then we can spread it be- fore the Lord and commit to Him, as Ileeektall did (xix, 14. le). Our desire should always pre-eminently be that . God mien be unignilled before otbers, and 305 51101110 remember that ns crea- tor of heaven and earth nothing is too 1511111 for aim (Yix, 13.1e; Joie xxxil, 17). When the servants of Bezeklall sent to leniall 10150)1 )1 his word* from the Lord were full of comfort txie, (1, 7), "Be not Orfila of Um words which thou hast heard, with which the serv- tints or the king ot Assyrin have blas- phemed hie. Behold I will send n blast upon him, * * and 1 will close him to rail by the sword in his own land." After Ilezeidati 11511 spread ,the letter before the Lord and prayed, the Lord sod through Isitinh a grandly comforting reply, saying among other things convening Sertnacherib, "3 know thy elagle, and tby guing out, and thy voluble- in. and thy rage ogninst Ile, 1 will init my hook lo 1157 nose, and my bridle In they 111,1, and 1 will turn thee Mick by the way by whIcb thou eatneet" Then to Elezekiall Ile said, "1 will dermal this city to save ie for mine own sake, and for my servent. David's sul(e" 1 six, 27, 28, 84). The blast of which Ile spoke is deserilled in Nix, :111. It Is greed to trust MO Lor) at all times and to pour out our lime fore 11 1m, for power helme1-1h niito, God (Ps. Isle 8, 1 1 1. All the delinnee and lying and blasphemies or past ages slip wine to a head in the willful king of Dan. 011, 8, 203 xi, 2i13 W110 0011 11)11111 nutyvelous things egoinst the God or gods mid prosper for 0 time, lint he shell None to his end and mete shall help 111111 Man, si, 45 1. lie is 11)08 the man er elm the son tif perdi- tion, or 2 Thess, 1), 840, Dud the great blasphemer of Rev. xiii, 4-7, whe dim even to light notinst aoil, but lie with 1115 5011(530 1110(1, the falee propbet, ehell be sent alive to the lake or fire, et the some time that the devil shall be shot up the pit by the same Lord God, MAO heard and answered the privet, of Hezekiah (Rev. Xvil, 14; ,141, 24)),, Otttik's4 Cetton Root COMpottil. fh'gtta Sohl by en dtaggiste,:er seat peopald 00 iotottic ef pttdrl *08 A4115008) THE COOK menrcies0.00. 0 I0110dr0 Oat (Wadi 4ffaidt) THE C1,1NTON NEW ERA. Thursday, July 19th, 1917, "I FEEL ME A NET BEING" (TWIT -A -TAMS" Ih7rught The Joy Of Health 4f ter Two Years' Suffering MADAM LAPLANTE 35 St. Rose St., Montreal. .April 4th, ",Por over two years I was sick and miserable. I suffered frons constant headaches, and had Palpilatiom of the Heart so badly that IfearedI would die. There seemed to be a lump in my stomach and' the Constipation was dreadful. I suffered from Pau ire the Back and Kidney Disease, was treated by a physician for a year and a half (1,110. 11(1 did me no good at all. I tried "Fruit-a-111,es " 01 11 last resort. .After usiug three boxes, I was greatly improved and twelve boxes made me well. New I millwork all day and there aro no Headaches, no Palpitation, no 1101111 Trouble, no Constipation, no Pain or Kidney Trouble and .lfeel like a sere being—and it was "Fruit-a-tives" RIBA gave Inc back my health". MADAn ARTHUR LAPLANTE. 30c. a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaidby Fruit- e-tives Limited., Ottawa. A11111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111115111111111IN1111111111111R11111111111111 fre OUR SERIAL, STORY ri Li THE TRUE LOVE OF AARON BURR: ea" by Louise Kennedy Mabie fe.4 1111111111111111111111111111N111111111111111111111311111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111' (Continued from last , week) "Nothing that your excellency would believe," answered Burr. "Are you innocent or guilty?" "Guilty of neglecting my duty, per- haps, sir, but for a reason which, to my mind, was entirely suilitient for my con duct. Guilty, also, of a duel with Major Bellwood, there, and of taking from him HEART TROUBLE Caused Dizziness, Weakness and Smothering Spells. When the heart becomes affected, there ensues a feeling of a choking sen- sation, a shortness of breath, palpitation, throbbing, smothering sensation, and dizziness and a.,weak, sinking, all -gone feeling of oppression and anxiety. On the first sign of the heart becoming weakened Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills should be taken, and you will find that they will give prompt relief and soon effect a complete cure. Mr. John Doucette, Ed River Cross- ing, N.B. writes: "I suffered greatly from Iaoitrt trouble which caused dizziness, weakness and smothering spells. I used a great deal of !doctor's medicine but received no benefit. A friend advised ole to use Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and before I had finished the first box I felt so much better that 1got an- other one, and was completely restored. I highly recounnend these pill% to every - o(3(1 suffering from heart trouble. Milburn's Heart and N1'11.11 NIS are 50c. per box at all dealers, or mailed direct OA receipt of price by The. T. Milburn Co„ Limited TOrOntO, Ont. a paper—not stealing it, ,as itwas Inc poti2:,swael ehsepcptilopa51:12:' 1,111:12; 1, 01 1,1y e4ef 11121g412 51; i?nocent, sir, before 0041" - "A letter, your eicelleney," "Ahl livery point agrees. What were the contents 01 11311 letter?". "That 1 cannot tell you, sir. The let-, ter does not belong to me. I have never read its conteats," "A nretly talel" • cried Washington. "A believable .talel You are not clever with ,your story Colonel Burr. To, wham., does It belong?" ellistress Prevost." "Who probably has 11 at this mo- ment?" "You are entirel,, right, sir, unless she has burned it some time since, as 1 advised her," "Where lives this Mistress Prevost?" asked Washington impatiently, "At the Hermitage, near Paramus," answered Greene. "Way (1101 3010 not bring her also?" said the general fretfully, "You have no head, sir. You might have guessed her important, What is the noise without?" He motioned to the trooper at the door, "Go, you and stop the racket," and the mail went out. "nlockheads! Block-. heads!" fumed the general, stepping back and forth before the fireplace. "To go half way, and then to stop—" 0111 just here the trooper returned with a bewildered face, " 'Tis the lady herself, sir," he burst out. "What lady?" demanded Washington "Mistress Prevost, desirous of seeing General Washington." The cloud upon the general's brow cleared. "Is it so?" he said pleasantly, "Bid her enter!" Burr had sprung forward, his soul in his eyes, but Washington motioned him back. "You are not to speak a word, sir," he informed him, "nor any of you, 1 will question the lady myself." Anct SO it was amid dead silence that Mistress Prevost entered the room.She came rapidly, with Cis behind her She had thrown back her hood, and it ftn ed a dark setting to the beauty of her face and hair. She looked straight to the general, and to him only. "Sir, you do not look unkindly," shesaid. "1 beg that you will hear iny side, also of this affair." "We were wishing for your presence at moment since," was the answer. "May 1 put a few questions, madam?" -011, 11 300 would---" "I wish plain speech, madam. First, why was Colonel Burr 111 your house this evening?" Her face went red and white on the 1 instant. "May 1 commence at the beginning, sir?" she asked. "Assuredly 'tis the place to com- 111-;110-151.2.s 111 months tack, your e:thellency, Colonel Burr rescued my sister and my- self frinn a band of English milieus. 'Twas the beg,thning of our acquaint - :thee. We wore, at Hee time, almost at our wits' end, because of the ras- cally Englishman there against the wale At the general's glance Bellwood shifted uneASila,-. He was possessed of a letter of the utmost importance to me, and was try- ing to blackmail me into a marriage with him by means cif it. This we toTti Colonel Burr on the night of our meet- ing—why, I know not, save that lie was so very kindr" Von the first time she looked toward Burf, and her 14shes fell, "He volunteered the rescue of the letter. The next we heard was that he wastransferred across the Hudson. One night, two weeks back, he role to see me, at great vete' to his life nee military reputation. 1 told him ellen that Major Bellwood was coming to -night for any answer, mid he promised to be there also. It was all my fault, sie, for allow- ing it. I should have prevented him, but did not. Mine is all the blame." She 5)10111 simply and with no attempt at effect, but it crossed Washington's mind, as lae looked at her, that nevelt' were eyes so honest; neves' was a face lighted by more earliest entreaty. "Sire could not have prevented me!' cried Burr, but Washington interrupt- ed. "You are ordered to silence, sir!" he said sherply, "What happened to -night madam?" "Both men cam, and a duel was 0 AN HAD NERVOUS TROUBLE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound Helped Her. West Danby, N. Y,—"I have had nervous trouble all my life until I took Lydia E. Pinkbain's Vegetable Com- pound tor nerves and for female trou- bles and it straight- ened me out in good shape. I work nearly all the time, as we live on a farm and I have four girls. Ido all my sewing and other work with their help, so it shows that I stand it real well, 1 took the Comm:dna when my ten year old daughter came and it helped me a lot. I have also had my oldest girl take it and it did her lots of good. 1 k'eep it in the house all the time and recommend It."—Mrs. DEWITT SINGEBAUGII, West Danby, N. Y. Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil- ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen- sations, all point to female derange- rnenth which may be overcome by Lydia Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients d whlell are derived from native reels and herbs, has for forti years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. Women everywhere bear willing testi- mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, fought for the letter. Colonel Burr disarmed the major, and these people" —with a scornful wave of- her hand to the group—"entered upon their own re sponsibility and took Colonel Burr pris- oner, 01 their reasons, 1 know noth- ing. Th03- broke into my house rudely. The woman pushed herself in. 1 ant convinced they are enemies bf his. I thank you for your patience, sir," she concluded, "You are 0 surprising women, ma- dam, to tell 1 story unadorned. Ladies commonly run to embroideries. But about the letter? Whet became 0( 11?" Mistress Prevos1 held iiut her hand. Upon 11 1117 the crumpled ball of paper., ''It is here, sir," she said. "Will you take it from me?" Washington advanced to her and re- ceived the thing gravely. 'Do you mean me to read it, ntadam?' be asked. "1 must tell you that it may Ile of damage to the prisoner." "Reed it," she answered, very low. He smoothed out the paper slowly, and then held it up to the light. "Is this the paper you SIM?" he ask- ed of Alicia Wendell. "I cannot be sure, sir," she faltered,' suspecting a trap. "Woman," he thundered, "do sot perjure your soul with more false- hoods: Answer met Is this the paper? 'lit looks the sante," she admitted. 1 -le smoothed the paper once more, 11100e0 a candle nearer, and slowly read its,icontents. Without a change of expressiom, he read It once again. Thai he folded it ca'refully, and stood with it in his hand. "The Jelter is other than I ex- pected," he seed at last. He turned upon the Englishman. "You were lying?" be said. Bellwood's head huog low " -Tis not the same paper," he muttered. "I am met such a fool, sir," cried Wasleington, moved dnally to anger, "not to know a craven face when I see one! Neither do 1 often mistake honest eyes when I look into them. Once 1 was partly deceived—by you, Mistress Wendell, 1 admit thee you almost persuaded Inc once before—you remember the occasion, 1 doubt not. To -night I know better, I believe that you all—eaell and every one of you, save for this lady of the letter—are in a scheme to ruin this man by any met- hod available: Madam, you may go. 1 have no further use for you or your he rauceneLnuccorenocarrece eroe W HAT do you think of a city of 10,000 people—secure, serene, rose-vined by the blue Pacific —that has sent 13,000 soldiers to the *war for freedom, fully seventy-five per cent. of them her own native eiti. ems! Victoria, British Columbia, has given units of every needed variety from grave bespectacled and benursed hospitals to her latest utlicked bunch eof bearoubs, the 143rd Bantams. But of all the famous regiments in Can. tide, not excepting even the Montreal Highlanders, nor the Queen's Own or Toronto, not one bas outdistanced or can outdistance the record or Vim. torte's adored 50th Cordon Highland. ers, which three months ago had 2,000 of all ranks to its credit, In April, 1.013, when spring was smiling sleepily on the North .Pacitie, hiajoe P. J, Riddell succeeded in gath- ering a hundred representative men at the Emproes Hotel, and the Gor- don Highlanders were born on paper s 1-77.7.7 • nogrtarrromareanzicumFmrozn La • W...."-ts..2 :V to appear to actuality the following Spring, tinaneed te the (((00 0! $36,900 by their lIonefory LienLenaat.OoRmol W, M. Coy. We tat stiltedly imagine the blithe Sattelteesitetiei With Which the re4-letetat 00 wont Into camp three hiniered Strong that warless summer of 1914. ft looks Bo "lend ago sod far irsay," es we see It through the hazel of 'Ypres and the torn night of the Somme. Whee the *mild, is We kaeyv it, cams to ma end In August., the (10150115 vomn towed en masse, under their colonel (now Nlajor-General) A. W. Curry, and they weut to serve "Somewhere inFrance." But the Canadian "Quee21 of the Pacific" isn't the city to be contented with its 11181 year's batting average, The Bantams have just been sent tor, ward, and everywhere 00 11(111 (00 goes'frotn the swarming dockside ta the lonesome beights where) the 330- (111311011 povernment's Observatory stares at the stairs, there Is a dash of khaki in the colonial , dolor scheme. 0a.k Bee, oPed sacred to the motorist and the tea basket, how tortes part of the rept- lotion route march to harden up the troops. aft. Baker, down in the State bt Washington, trusted against the eky, looks near enough int aeroplane reeennalSance, and sniff Cindy solid to prengtre benevolent ' beetrality, The winditia drives bl Beadon Hill Bark are 111111 01 tInglinB inalore and tingling sergetteM, ithd the'great breaches 'of the 'Boug. IM firs didter to iutt Nig,* that bag% mull that plot the dark in from the ?Wilk and tuolre corantdo uot der is tar ifisueo,-., patriotism. 'It is a cloak to hide your private revenges. Allow Me to warn YOU' 111 the fitture stay at home and meddle in no man's business, save your husband's, I pity mightily.!" Continued next Week. mg OLD GARDENER One 01 1110 bast tools to ese 141 keep - 1113' the garden cultivated Is a common potato hook such as is used for digging potatoes. This device is light and can be used to stir the soil either deeply or to merely break the crust after a hard ' rain or the hot son has baked the sto- face. Moreover, it can be used very close to the plants without breaking them off. A potato digger is not ex- pensiye, and really Is much more ser- viceable than some of the higher priced implements often recommended. This is the time for setting out celery to be used in late fall or stored for winter. The one sure way to be sue- cesful Is to thoroughly soak the ground where the plants are to be set. If the soil can be made wet for a depth of two orthree inches, so much the better. The plants will get a good 811(1 then and continue to erow with emetically no check. It is better to trans off the up- per half of the leaves if the ;lents are very strong, end p. Wel 13 shear off the lower portion lee roots at the !. tele tbne. 1301.11 BoAoit m.oe..et and Pascal ere papiteer varieties, and Columbian, although not So well known, is 01 excellent sort for the home garnet,. It is a good plan to bury the runners of squash vines at frequent intervals ae they grow. This will foil the squash vilie borers, which can be combatted in' only one other way, 1111)511 10 1.1, Far moreeffective than Sticky Fly Catchers. C ean'to handle, Sold by DrUggiete and Grocers everywhere, • • ift them out, at slow process, When the vines are covered at the job* new roots are made and growth continuea in spite of the borers, if the squash vines are found to be wilted the pre- sence of borers may be suspected. The vegetable marrow Is never bothered by, borers. Moved and seconded that Gen. Brus- iloff's name he translated Brusheinoff.:, ort. ea a Box The speediest remedy for sick headache, biliousness and indi- gestion is a dose or two of 9 s Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the Worlde Sold everywhere. In bozos, 25a• ; .azoommazta.rm•-samtavnglrvmawspookr—,mar.....smcscosam.n.rmal e You can keep the fine natural color in Raspberry Preserves a IF YOU MAKE THEM WITH "Pure and Uncolored" Long cooking fades raspberries. You can avoid this by using LANTIC SUGAR which dissolves instantly on account of its "FLNE" granulation. LANTIC is the best sugar to use for all preserving account of its purity and high sweetening power. IC is a pure cane sugar equally good for the table, for general cooking and for preserving. 10, 20 and 100.1b. sacks; 2 and 5-1h. cartons. ORDER FROM ram GROCER RV NAME IN THESE POLL WEIGHT ORIGINAL PACKAGES PRESERVING LABELS FREE—Send us a red ball trade -mark cut from a bag or carton and we will send you a book of 54 ready gummed printed labels. Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Limited Power Building, Montreal 14? 11 LT4,1 3. 035111115.2.830.09.1.1111,14...130M4.41111:125”..¢IL .3.1=0.12122.1.1=01:11.1.11.ftrantanauctestaxamm Goes Press LIS 20th Please report changes required to our Local Mee, to -day. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada