HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-07-19, Page 37.7 Page Three fi z,l, •p.-,. THE CLINTON NEW ,ERA, Give the in a Ci1011ce to Increase Prthcthi r- 13reed, - Feed - and - Weed, - Now that the breeding season is over is the time to sell the Roosters and others to save their feed, 1000 Broilers Wanted and 300 Ducklings per week. .Also a large quanityof fat liens t g i< top r N• �r /prices. ..;. Call us up for prices before you sell elsewhere. & Co., Limit i The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone 190 111AAAAAAAi,AAmB3.sdAAALB®444 speciai values inArt p :. Cases 0 D 9 a' • • 11. 4 tY P. D E See `nee and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, -ba Pianos and organs rent ed. Uhoice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. 4 C. Hoare � f tT �Fhc6'i"';r'FV ,„„vv 9'i Music E1mmporiuIll IKAAAkieeke~eeeeenAetAeueuvveA • C Plumbing Heating 1 Tinsmithing Repairs promptly at - Itended to, • • A number of Eland Heaters • repair, By am & Sutter Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. 1S. Second in good YVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVetereekete Bette- Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a. fair price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the most economical. That has been said an often that everybody by this time should know it -and yet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -If you would like to miss that sort;altogether- COME HERI If you would like to bny where nothing but high qualities are dealt in-OOMN.E HERE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair W.R. counter Jeweler and optician; Issuer of Marriage Licenses FORD & McLEOD We're now selling* Timothy Seed (Government Standara.). We aleo have, 012 hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose (Wheat, Peas, Earley and Feed Corn IBigheiat Midarket ell Prices] paid for Etay FORD & MeL.EOD W, B.IL1;).0 Ift. ',RItIBTk1R SOLICITOIt NOTARY 2M3LetO, ETC enemies E, iMIl4L13 Oonneyenee, Notary Public, Commissioner, ete, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Huron St„ Clinton, H. T. RAtNCE Notary Public, Convayanoer, Financial and Real'Lstate INSURANCE AOIANT-Representtug 1d Eire In surauna Corunanies, (Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to In- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano toping, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 81, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on very Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made, CfYice hours from 0 a.m, to B p m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointmentsfor Mr, Cameron. Medik,a(. Int IL 1)1. T&HOMPS1 Physician, Surgeon. Hto sweat attention given to diseases of the Eye, ilex, Throat. and Noss, Eyes 'erully manned, and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors wow of the Coruu1orelal Hato Theron St. DES, Qw>i?l and CA,AIIJ111 Dr. W. Gunn, L.12. C, P., L. E. C. d.. Eat Dr. Conn's onhco at residence Rigb Street Dr .D. C. Candler. J1. A. MB, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight Dana at resideaoe, Rattenbarr 8t, or at hospital DDR, P. 14.AXON • 195:iTAsT Crown and Bridge W,,rlt n Specialty, Gradecte or C.O.D.S..i CLicaro, and R,O,D.P, Toronto. Boyaeld on trawl ars, Mar tit to AI DR. H. FOWLER, p'z ArrisT. OSioee over O'NEIL'S store. Spaoial caro taken to make dental trer e mens as painless se poedible. THOMAS GUNDI 'Y Live stock and general Auction+. GODERICK ONT Sas In stosa sales a anemia), Bidets rt NEW ERA office, Clinton, pn,mrt,y alt,,nn, to. Terms reasonable, Farmers. sale ro• discounted hss. €leo, c.& M. E. Whitley it eilelllibllfl Osteopathic Pity. Specialists In Women's and Children's Disees'ee Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbusy Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p,m, 13, D. McTaggart M. Le McTaggar ALBERT ST , CLINTON Cie»sisal 'Banking Bnntmeaa transacted eIOTEB DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits `elle IMlieiciliop Mutual Fire Insurance eo. Perm and Isolated Town grope arty Only insured. Dead Office-Seaforth, Ont Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex. Leitch, No. t, Clinton; Edward Hinchley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney Eg- hnondvitlle; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jarmutly Brodhagen. Directors Wm. Rion, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben. newels, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; James Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Or eve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Geo. McCertne, No. 3, Seaforth A Carload or Canada POrlinq CORM Phone us lilac' prices It will i>ay, you Joh , Hutton LONDESBORO Just glance at your label and see what it says. If yon have not renewed, well be pleased to have you do 30. u"arms `s aiad her hand Viet.:r1 r It School e`y i tl� C A l il0ne 4 ii1 ,r•. . orir.0 dxita ate C+o`etnti si Se tx1at' toJit lelg P .,r t e ,111' ne'I'f'tte.'. • t .En r anyf J. W. Wdate`rvelf, Principal PERSONALS. Wellrknowa Women. Chathaml.Ont.-- ], was sick fur about lour yanrsGob very wade could not cab to amount to anything, I got very thin and had no strength at all, I was very much discouraged at eines-thought I was never going to 4 get butter, s I r could not walk a `f block without feel- eI400klsliffere int ' medicines but did pot get tho help I needed. A friend of mine advised me to try Dr. Pjeree'e Fav- orite Prescription. I began to take it with the 'Pleasant Pellets' and by the time 1 had token two bottles I was well on the road to recovery, and in six months I was entirely well, My appetite camp back and I gained in flesh. Now I am as strong and healthy as any one could wish to be. I owe it all to Dr. Pierce',a med- icines and I am glad of the opportunity to give testimony in their favor; they have done wonders for me," -Mies TnsLMA FemL➢me, 141 E. fling St. Chatham; Ont, -"I have taken Dr. Pierce's medicine with geed results. I was weak and run down' lost my appetite and got very thin. 1' took 'Favorite Prescription' and 'Pleasant Pellets' and these two medicines built me up,in a very Short space of time so that 1 folt as well as over. I found them to be all that is recommended of thclli.; they are good."-- Mits. ood."-Mits. Wpr. Wrssss, Cor. Taylor do Grand Ave., E., Chatham, Ont. Every woman who has backache, head; ache, low spirits, sleepless nights, owes it to herself to speedily overcome the trouble before a breakdown causes prostration. Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription is g non-alcoholic remedy that any ailing woman can safely tako because it is pre- pared from roots and herbs with pure glycerine, containing tonic properties. My Demonstration , , Thursday, July 19th, 1917, "1 Y, M. C, A FUND PASSES WHEN YOUR GiON f WEH. $1,000,000 MARK Toronto July 10'-',Iospec- 151 1Cr l ilii t a g meeting of the. Natlonttl Military Committee, of the Y.M.C.A. Capt. C. W, Bishop, General Secretary, announc- ed tient the results of the Y.M,C.,',, ap, peal for its military and other n,uiooai work had reachedthegrand total of ris,002,000, The amount tbtlt was asked in the budget was 11150,000., so this response is undoubtedly an expres- sion of confidence in Y.M.C.A, service to the soldiers, and indicates an expect- ation of still latrger service in the future The reports presented ;tt the meet- ing showed that nearly ail the cities and towns in which campaigns had been held had exceeded the amount request- ed, in these $892,000 had been sub- scribed, .Grants of Provincial Govern- ments totalled $38,000, and in addition contributions sent in directly by orgsn- izations and individuals exceeded $70,- 000. The meeting, placed on record its appreciation of the generous eespunse to the appeal, and of the services of those who had assisted in the local carr- paigns. It was decided as a result of the over -subscribing of the fund, to ex- tend the work beyond the line contem- plated in the original budget. These will include the reaching of detached units; increasing the number of con- certs sold entertainments, developing educational lectures, a.l.t extending re- igluus and evaegel'stic „a:t, with the best available worker; anis speakers. Work in London for Cu;adialrs on leave will be opened up, while in Canada local "Red 'Triangle" Clubs will be started for the soldiers, and a larger service un- dertaken in the Military hospitals, Plans are already under way for in- auguarating a popular Perm of educat- ional work among Canadian soldiers in England during the long period of de- mobilization, to fit them for a return to civilian life,•and an educationalist will leave shortly to spend three months in England and France in organizing this phase of Y.M.C.A. activity. When a •' W ,i Ixi--o a t ou; --- 1, r v i uh !i n skier d ' cO I itl' lachog, when ter cheeks and lips I grew pale, end she gels short of breath easily and ibex, heart palpitates after slight exertion, or under 111e least ex- citement, it means that she is suffer- ing from anaemia -thin, watery blood, Headache and backache fre- quently ncconapagy this condition, and nervousness is often present. The reuledy for this condition Is to bulli; up the blood, and for this pur- pose there -is 110 medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, They build up and renew the blood, bring bright- ness to the eyes, color to the cheeks, and a general feeling of renewed health and energy, The only other trealtnent needed is plenty of sunlight, moderate exercise and good, plain food, The girl or woman who gives this treat - anent a fair trial will soon find herself enjoying perfect health. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mail postpaid at 50 cents a box 01' six boxes for 52.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. x •x' „ •x• . +, ar is n a e * o a• ,y to Canned Vegetables For Soup w m x' c a w tr re .f w a e• m 0 tr Can you get panned soup "two for a quarter" any more? You cannot, and the price is going up. Canning nixed vegetables for soups is a war -tinge econ- omic idea. Vegetables are popularly supposed to be hard to can because of their ex- treme susceptibility to spoilage. This is true -- unless you know exactly how to can thele. Try doing it this way: Soak 6 pounds of linea beans and 4 pounds of dry peas overnight. Boil each one-half hour. Blanch t 6 pounds of carrots, 6 pounds of cabbage, 3 pounds of celery, 6 pounds of turnips, B 4 pounds of okra, 3 pound of onions, Being the Story of s Driver's First min - s Thrills, s, Emotions and utas and dip in cold water quickly. Adventures, Prepare the vegetables and chop l Cir'Recoveredonions and celery extra fine. Mix all (Ottawa Journal) of the vegetables together thoroughly Ne wrote 'i 'h••aue• and season to taste. Clergyman and 4 pounds of parsley for three Lesson -Hi h 11 GA 1 them into small cubes. Chop the S 'd 'TI Pack in glass jars or tin cans. fill And noir, he owns A motor car. a> , fere you are, AI'tr notch deep reasoning the pur- chaser that the first thing necessary was to learn how to make it go. So the boss, a clever, well -feed look- ing gentleman with a cloth cap told one man to 1141 out and fetch in an- other titan to "give her a spin around the block." At last the messenger returned with a handsome man whom the new car owner took to be a doctor; but he was- n't, Ile was a DEMONST'RA'TOR. 'rhe demonstrator's face shone with the radiance of a new gasoline can as he looked over his victim in glee- ful appt•oxintation. So we got in. "Keep your nerve," said he, it's just as easy As rolling over a cliff when you klaow howl Then he threw on the throttle to give "her" more gas, With this confronting reassuranceewe of out•non a lot dodged red in and as 6g drays, motors and garbage carts, and every, tine he edged the throttle down a bit "she" jumped ahead anti snorted, The nett, owner enjoyed all the thrills of •t man being shoved along to the scaffold by the hangman, "'!here is a good road out towards the cemetery," suggested the demon- strator, "and then there is a smooth road out along the canal." I thought the thing over a bit and decided to1 go to the canal first and not to the cemetey until later on. Some people prefer being drowned to being squashed and the arrange- ment seenhd to please my tutor. We.* sped along towards the canal. In an hour 1 was the plaster of the machine, The firm employs good de- monstrations and that is a big thing in the automobile business. That night 1 didn't sleep because I was repeatedly throwing on an ima- ginary break lust as the car seemed about to plunge over a cliff. J. S. C. Children, Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA $5,000,000 to War. Announcement is made by Hon, T. W. McGarry, Provincial Treasurer, that Since the outbreak of war the Province of Ontario . has contributed slightly more than $5,000,000 for all purposes, Conscription bill passed by a major- ity of 631 Thus dooes Canada respond to the S.O.S. signal from her sots at the front, A WORD FOR MOTHERS It is a grave mistake for mothers to neg. lett their aches and pains and suffer in silence -this Deily leads to chronic sick- ness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves are excitable; if yon feel languid weary or depressed, you should know tbat Scott8e 1$mulsion overcomes jeat fetch co editione. It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the thence, nourish the nerves Ind build atrengtel Scott's to strengthening thousands oi' mothers -'-and will help you. Try it. 1. soon tk Pointe, 880181lo. Ont. WasUnable to Fill Appointments and Greatly Discouraged by Continued III -health Gananoque ,Ont„ July 19th, 191 7 - The nriny friends of Rev. George Alton are pleased to learn of Itis re- covery alter a lung reriod of ill-ilealth from biliousness, stomach troubles and severe headaches. Mr. Alton had become very much discouraged over his inability to ob- tain relief, and thought he would have to quit the ministry, when fortunately he read about Dr. Chase's Kidney- Llver Pills and began thier use. He tells the particulars of his case in this interesting letter: Rev. George Alton, Gan:uu,gltd Ont., writes: "I had been suffering from bilious attacks for CUl l )ears. i was very weak, had headaches, and my stomach was so bad that 1 could hardly eat anything without being troubled by it. 1 had tried wary cures, herbs, pills and salts, and was under the doctor's c:e'e for sante time, but instead of getting better i seemed to get weaker. i was tenable to ful- fill my appointments on Sabbath and had to secure help. 1 used to take dizzy spells and could not walk across the floor straight, 1 had almost given up all hope, and my wife said that if 1 dirt not get better we would have to quit the work of the 11118as:. Ilotc- ever in looking over the ..British Whig," the well-known Kingston paper, 1 saw Dr. Chases advertise- ments in it, and read how Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills had helped others who were troubled as 1 was. 1 re- solved and ' sarta ase Put- a d to give the solve in I I must say that in a shirt time obtained relief. i continued taking them for some time, and now 1 am able to resume my work again. from the benefit I have obtained from these pills, I would recommend then to all who suffer as I did." tt t Rev. C. Cunningham, t24 First avenue, Toronto; "This is to certify that 1 ;un personally acquainted with Rev. George Alton, of Gunanoque, and believe his statement with reference to Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills to be true and correct." Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, one pili a dose, 25c a box, 5 for $1,00, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates Fe Co., Limited, Toronto. NEW CANADIAN P. O. CARDS In Commemoration of Canada's Jubilee , -A Three -Cent Stamp Coming Also. • Ottawa, Ont., July 13 —The Post - Office Department are issuing a post- card In commemoration of the tiftietti anniversary of Confederation, The card used is the ordinary postcard with an insert containing information of the various Provinces existing in 1867 and now, and also statical in- formation in regard to the area, popu- lation, general development, and in- dustry of the country since 1867. The department has also in con- templation, the issuing of a comme- morative three -cent stomp, to consist of an engraved reproduction of Har- ris' aHon.."11ttIt>g \vi11'1 etready 01) Augusts of d1 t Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST•.OR,IA Potash Experiments a Failure. The Toronto Saturday Night, writing of the present stahrfding of the National Portland Cenheitt Company of Durham, Ont„ says the management was en- tirely changed on May 1, It is said the company has had a disastrous ex- perience with the atempt to produce potash from feldspar. •The present management say the experiments con- ducted at the. plant were an elute and utter failure and cost tate company some 620,000. Tiley are looking to Align Gravel, of. Kitclhener, Ont,, to reimburse the company, for the ex- perhditete. The company lost int last ear's usiness iron 1180,000 to 90,000 i i' if is said, Tlha company is completely overleguling the 11101 and chahtging it into the rock system' In place of Inert, and officials say they hope to..lie rutsning about August 1, with boiling water, Partially seal glass jars. (Cap and tip tin cans.) Process ninety minutes of using a hot- water bath outfit; sixty minutes if using a water -sial outfit, or a five - 'pound stealn-pressure uutiit;, forty- five minutes of using a pressure -cook- er outfit. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA OFFICERS RESERVE C. E. F. Surplus Wil Be Given Chance to Serve. S t n Militia Edward Kemp, Minister f , blitia and Defence, announced the formation of "a reserve of officers for the Can- adian Expeditionary Force." His an- nouncement says: "There are many officers who, for no other reason than that there were vacant no suitable appointments which could be offered then in Can- ada, have from time to time been struck off the strength of the Cana- dian Expeditionary Force. They are now to be restored to it, with the rank and seniority which they held therein. "They, as well as officers who here- after may cease to do duty with the Canadian Expeditionary Forces in Canada, and officers for whom, on I their return• from overseas, employ- ment in Canada cannot be provided, will he placed on a special reserve, which will appearar in the quarterly militia list, "Reserve officers of the C,.i.. F. will not he entitled as such, to pay and allowance; this without preju- dice to any pension, or to any leave withpay and allowances, which has been, or may be granted to them. On the other hand, they will be the first to . be considered when appointments which they are suitable to till fall vacant; and preference will be given to those of them who have seen active service at the front. vTW'QOaES d:hos17I1051318i 77,e Great L+h,giistrg>Rrn,esf5, Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Owes Ne,•oouo Debility, Mental ani, Brain Worry, Despon- dency, Loos of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failirul Jtrenaory. Price Sl per box, six for Sao One will please, six will eurei Solrl.by all druggists orr, mulled in plain pkg. on receipt of M prier. CO.. i0RONTD. ONT l Enema* newt E COU, 17,688,225 Tons of Rain. The 'Toronto Telegram figures it out that during the month of June and July to date -forty days 1,1 aN-Toronto has had within a fraction of eight inches of rain, or 17,688,224 tons in alll 20 rainy days in June gave five inches, and the rest was made up of downpours of July 1 st, 7th and gift. The twenty - story Royal Bank building could have been filled 252% times with the rain that fell. YOU CAN CURE C:i:hiSTI ATION RTP THE USE OF Milburn's Laza-Liver . Pills. A free motion of the bowels daily should be the rule of everyone, for if they do not move regularly constipation is sure to follow, and bring in its tram many otleer troubles when the bowels become clogged up. Miss Ermtna E. Melanson, Halifax, N.S., writes: "I am now 20 years of age, and since I was 3.13 I have been greatly troubled witti constipation, so much so that at times I would be in bed 3 or 4 days a month. I tried all the old fashioned remedies, castor oil, cascara, etc with , only temporary relief until my sister iia- ia.w gave me some of Milburlh's Laxa- 1 rvcr, Pills. FromFromthe first they seemed beneficial, and I gave diem a fair trial. This was two years ago, and with aft occasional close I have kept entirely free from constipation for the period men- tioned." Milburn's Laite-Liver Pills are 25e. a vial et all deaie,is or mailed direct On. receipt of price by The T, lttiilbuftl Co., Liatited, Toronto, Ont, Three Classes' Put Together Under Changes ora Ceerspulsion • Cl e. ass s, 1, 2 and 3 Will be Called tit- gether-lop to 35 Years,. Then, Come Married Men. Ottawe, July 82 -'there has been a readpustmeut of the classes of Can- adians to be called for military service, The announcement was made by the solicitor -general just before the House rose at in tlte•ntorniug, Classes one, two and three of the bill are thrown together and made one class. This in- cludes all unm:u'ied hien and widow- ers without children between the ages B'f 2O altd. 34, Classes four five and, six are made class two, and includes married men between the ages of 20 and 34. This means that unmarried men and widowers 10 the age of 34 will be call ed out together as the first class, and that married sten to the age of 34 will be called for service next as the second class. The classes of older men ra- mie with the original separation of years, CASTOR IA. ForInfants and Childreu In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears��-.•-� the i�Lr. .4; i4�L Signature of 1 DON'T CARE Ma says I got a dirty neck, I don't n care, Says my clothing is a wreck, I don't care, 1 don't holler till I'm hurt, Au' my neck don't feel the dirt, What if 1 have torn my shirt? I don't care, Ma says I've got dirty ears, I don't care, Till with them she interferes, I don't care, Girls can print and make a fuss, Dirt is good for boys like us, Give us clothes that we can muss, I don't care, But when nut gets after ole, Then I care Gets ole in between each knee, Then I care When she scrubs my collar -band, Pukes into my ears for sand, You can bet 1 holler, and Then I care . ANOTHER PILOT Dr.. Theobald Frederic Alfred von Bethnlann-ilolhveg, until his selection DR. VON SETHMANN HOLWEG German Imperial Chancellor as Chancellor of the German Empire, 5 was Mioister of tate Interior, the fo1)5915 since Bismarck Ile has been account,. able, under the c, usM utiau only t the Emperor, having been a fellowts - dent of the Kaiseral Bu , teculnl entry itltu the' war was in the use of .he words "Scrap of to his final Interview with the iiritisis • Ambassador, ile was born Noveulbtee 29, 31150,• Glorious Twelfth Royally Observed in Western Townra of the order, which he said had. he - come a great power in the country.. Jt stood for equal rights for all. "111 peace we stood loyally for kind and country fuel in ,war many of oar members have shouldered the rifle and have fought and died on blood-stained fields of France and Flanders," sant the speaker. Rev, G.A. McKenzie, Congregational church, compared the Orangemen to sentries, whose duty it was to chal- lenge the enemy. Their duty would he to challenge anyone who sought to es- tablish foreign power dere. Freedoms of the Bible was one thing he. stood for, and he challenged anyone who sought to deprive him of it. Rev, W,i1, Graham, of the Central Methodist Church, declared that Or- angemen as a dtiIss Stood against special privileges for anyone. Rev- William Lowe, Lucan, grand chaplain of the Black Knights, poln1e3I out some of the betterments inauguar- •ited by the lodges, chief of which was banishment of liquor. Members ad- dieted to this habit were now expelled The order had become a power in Par- liament. Every Orangemen who dill not practice the principles of the order a r tv s not worthy t ,v ui membership. John Dunbar, of St. Marys, deputy county master, also spoke briefly. 400 Thrown from Wingham Grandstand/. Winghani, July 12 --Collapse of R temporary grandstand erected in Vic- toria Park fur the accommodation of the Orange Lodge 121h of July sports today, nearly 400 spectators to the ground, and injured three, John Stacey, Toronto, had his leg broken, and two Winghanl women, Miss Bettis., Rhodus and Mrs. Garrett, are suffer- ing from shock as a result. A e191r.- her of others suffered minor breis._( and cuts, but the accident was provi- dentially not serious. The accident delayed the progra rn nti spurts for half an hour or more, bar it was resumed when it was tr m>3; that it 15115 not serious. Staee•. was looked after by Dr. 111, C. Redmond:, and will be taken to his hone in Toe onto on the early morning train. About 800 were present for the da';<: celebration, many >uu'un.n:e. in ftoz: the surrounding district There we,a no outside Incises participating. thea, of rhe district going to either Lon1,'s Jr Stratford, The sports program was an i•,teresr-• ing one. in the baseball lame be- tween the Brussels and Belerave gine. the former won 59 to 6. An unused! feature was the football game between Wroxeter girls and a girls' team Trona town, The locals went down to rte-. feat 2-0. o foryears C,r uy n, 60 y s y. member of the L.O.L. won the prize, for the oldest Orangeman on the grounds. It was his mother who gave• the site of the present Orange Hall, and the deed stipulates that no other building save an Orange Hail, can be erected thereon. Following the sports program the Orangemen repaired to the local hale, where an entertinnlent and concert was put on. The proceeds will be divided between the Red Cross, Patri- otic and Orphans' Home at Picture funds. ?i. a1 , ,i.. �wh!s�3.2-,;i..,�,..,',e.• rCj:. �k;r .r r n;e w�. III :Tit I�Lr�1I11�imao�jliI ll' 11 11 1,11 -IlII�i.tIIIVT i',,III _ II 1I I L7.1II���' x attab..r lT is 1 J 101111 �,. THE GREATLY DI CREASED PURCHAS- INGi POWER °FOUR INCOMES DEMANDS THAT WE CONCENTRATE ATE OUR FOOD PURCHASES UPON SUBSTANCES OF HIGH FOOD VALUE. , with its stored up wealth of nutriment, the perfectll milled product of the sturdy wheat of Canada's famous wheat lands, furnishes the thrifty housewife with the logical solution of her problems in•meotlug•tke expensive living of these days. With her delicious, even -textured bread; tasty, light, white castes and crisp, flaky pastry she satisfies the appetites of her family, while economically furnishing them with the nutriment necessary to their health and strength. BartzumxwaaRANNOLINCEIVIENTED I'Iandsomely bound in arov and aold thb PURITY i,'LOtJR COOTC BOOB offers 180 pages of the latest tried Information upon the melioration of all manner of nutritimts dishes -from dofielous and strength -giving somas fo dainty. tasty desserts. A work from the pan of Mies R, Warner, Evasion/it on food preparation J 1 famous Macdonald. e caroms xt 10la th cit, and earring the approval o tib Ga�leac, its fait 1s to the easily understood m,<7 non-tcahnieal lnriffunae of the Immo kitchen, Maned oastpafd on receipt of SO abuts. WESTERN CANADAFLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED TORONTO WINNIPEG 121,