HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-07-19, Page 2r TACE a THE CLINTON NEW Eltk, Ready to Wear Garments och &Co. PHONE 78 Dry Goods and House furnishings. nd Display of R ,i/�. a �Wrpyy�� �■+moi.•■ [� �}'� ti,',li �t:,1� I r �, t,�iRr� s:Y uasYF°uIIii■.RRell Styles in our u µ`eady ear epart® ent Style plus Quality marks our beautiful display of new Summer dresses, waists and Skirts. The styles, materials, the Quality and distinct individuality of these. New Summer dresses, skirts and Blouses are astonish- ing. Never in the history of this store has such gorgeous materials and smart styles been offered for the approval of the ladies of Clinton. Call and see these in our Ready-to-wear Department. Fancy Parsols for the Hot Weather We are showing a specially new collection in parasols in the most up to date styles in stripes, Dresden effects; others in pretty plain colors, handsome handles with gilt frames. MANY NEW NOVELTIES IN LADIES NECKWARE AND FURNISHINGS HAVE JUST ARRIVED —This store will close Wednesday afternoon during July and August and up to Sept. 49th. harts—sammoolvasse, DATES OF FALL FAIRS Blyth Oct 2-3 Brussels Oct 4-5 Goderich Sept. 26-28 Gorrie Oct 6 London (Western) Sept 7-15 Lucknow Sept. 27-28 Seaforth Sept 20-21 Teeswater Oct 2-3 Toronto (C.N,E.) Aug. 25 to Sept 10 Winghanr Oct 9-10 Zurich Sept. 19-20 Minor Locals Little drops of water Coming down intense, Make our growing garden Look like seven cents, Those devout church -goers who are opposed to conscription should take their bibles and read carefully the first chapter of Numbers. Though the garde') hose hangs limp- ly upon the outhouse door, the mower blithely shaves tate lawn and c}ickly asks for more, Thursday, July 19th, 1917, DISTRICTNKWS DUNGANNON Mrs. Shadrack Rivitt, of Dungannon, received Official notice to day from Ottawa that her son, Pte. George C. Rivitt, Infantry had been reported wounded and admitted to the Hoapital suffering from a gunshot wound in the right side and shoulder, Pte, Rivitt n enlisted in the Hurons and went to France with the Hart draft of 200. I The Presbytery of Maitland met at Lucknow in special session to deal with a call to Rev, G. Genua, of Dungannon. from the congregations of Blackstock and Nettleton, in the Presbytery of Whitby. In the absence of the repro• sentative from the latter Presbytery,wlho was detained by illness, Rev, W. A. Bradly, at the request of the congrega• tions prosecuted the call. Commission- ers from Dungannon and Port Albert appeared and spoke in the highest terms of Mr. Coruna services and desired to retain hum as their Pastor. The call was accepted, and the translation granted to take effect after the 22nd inst, on' which date Mr. Gonna will preach his farewell sermon. lieu..R. McCallum, of Lucknow, was appointed interim Moth rator during the vacancy. 1 The Password to pleasure, for the fighters abroad and workers at home is The name of the famous . Chewing Gum that has won its way everywhere. Three Rice film/ears Small in cosi— . Dig in benefit It is a Sweetmeat, a Stimulant and a Health=help all in one. It benefits teeth, breath, appetite and diges- tion. It steadies stomach and nerves. It is ever -ready refresh- ment when you're fagged. Made In Canada Sealed Tight—Kept Right The -flavour Lasts 17 EXETER. Melville Gladman, while in Toronto last week enlisted with the Arany Medi- cal Corps, and left for Camp Borden. Pte. Edmore harness, who recently returned from the front, underwent an operation at Victoria HIospital London. Mr. W. Russel was placed officially in charge of the Post Office in Exeter last week. A quiet wedding took place on July 10th at the Centralia Parsonage, when Miss Ada Rowe of Fairfield was united in marriage to Cecil Walker of the Second Concession of Stephen. They will reside on the groom's farm. W. D. Sanders of Stepten brought a stalk of barley to town to show how the spring grain is looking on his farm. When measured it was found to be 4 feet 11 inches. Mr. Sanders stated his whole field averaged about the sante length. If nothing happened between now and harvestit promises a heavy yield. S. Lamport died on Tuesday after an illness of over two years. Before coining here he was in the general store business at Clandeboye, The remains will be interred in the cemetery at Exeter. Word has been received that Pte, Wilfrid Appleton, son of Thomas Apple- ton, of Crlrighton, has been wounded in the head by a piece of shell while in action. Pte. Appleton enlisted with the IOlst Huron Battalion and was sent to France with a draft. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor received word that their son, Gordon, driver in the Imperial Service, had arrived in Toronto on short leave of absence after serving seventeen months at the front. Saturday was France's Day in Exeter. Several young ladies sold flags and but. tons. The sum realized was $169 MYTH. A cablegram from Dr, D. Allison, on Tuesday announced his safe arrival in England with the Canadian Medical Corp. Word has just been received of the death of Pte, George Edward Maines, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Maines, of town on the battlefield, Ted was a brave boy, being the first. to enlist from the Methodist Church here A Memorial service will be held in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening, July 22. All returns are now in, and 81,750 is the total amount raised here on Monday, Judy 2, for Red Cross purposes, at the bigSemi•Centennitl Celebration and Old Boys' Reunion, Over 600 people were on the grounds. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. R. Adams back to our village after an extended visit with their daughter, Mrs Dr. W. Boyce in Chicago, They were accompanied by their son IHIovard of Detroit, Mrs. 1'.. McElroy, who recently went to Lo..don to undergo an operation, is on the way to recovery. While the heavy rains are causing con- siderabis damage to the low fields which have been flooded for some time, crops are looking welf,on the well drained land and dry weather now bring chances for a good crop. There is very little hay in yet, and it will be some time before it is ripe enough for cutting. Generally it is all cut by this time Misses Mary and jean McMurchie and Misses Pond and Stothers, have gone to Beamsville, where they are engaged to help garner the berries for a farmer in that district. They have engaged for li mgnths, and they are not only picking berries, but are also having the novel experience of helping with the hoe, HENSALL Ameetingof the Congregation of the Cannel Presbyterian Church will be held ai the course of a couple of weeks to see if the people are prepared to give a call to a Minister. The onion crops in Hensall and vi- cinity, for which Hensel) is noted as a centre, are looking very promisining, and the acreage is larger than that of any former year. Some young mm who recently threw obstructions on the road beyond Zurich, nearly causing most serious consequences to Mr. Proctor and family, of Zurich. were taken to Goderich by High Con- stable Whitesides, of this village and quite heavily fined. Were it not for the help they were expected to give in the coming harvest they aright have been sent down,for a number of months. While playing near the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John John• ston, the little son of John Douglas grasped a coidult pipe, encasing hydro wires. The wet grass at his feet and the current m :de the boy's body a conductor and his hands were stuck to the pipe. Janes Hagan, a neighbor, seeing the lad's plight, ran over and managed, aftersome. difficulty to pull the little fellow away Beyond a great fright the child was uninjured, aitihough his hands were black ened by the current. G. C. Petty, Reeve, and others were in the Town 1 -Pall on Saturday and Mon- day to receive Contributions for French Flag day. The Girls' Recruiting League sold flags and 8560 was the amount col lected. Hensel] and surrounding country are always ready to respond to the Nation's call. BRUSSELS. The wounding of Pte. Leslie Perrie. who went overseas with the 161st Huron Battalion, is also reported. His injury 'was in the left arm. Miss Christina Eliea, eldest daughter of the late William McAllister of Walton, was buried on Wednesday afternoon in the Brussels Cemetery. A barn on the farm of William Arm• strong, one and one half miles from this town, was struck by lightning, and de- spite the drenching rain was burned to to the ground. Nothing was saved. Insurance in the Bowick Mutual for $600 was carried on the contents, which in- cluded hay,straw implements and poultry. William Jewitt, a resident: here for a number of years died Taesday night On Tuesday Mr. Bunter, a well known resident had a foot amputated owing to gangrene Some of the Clergymen of this locality purpose spending their vacation working on nearby farms to aid their farmer friends and members of the Congregation. School Fair Prize lists have been issued for both Walton and Monkton Fairs. Both will be held in September, and the programs marked out are elaborate. Brussels Girl Guides wen` to Wintgham on Tidy 12111, and played a baseball game witch the girls from Belgrave. The Guides won easily. f�IIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIII�IIIII81111111111111111gIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIiIINNIIIIINIINI�IIItlVI@IIRI�III BRUCEFIELD. Miss J. Mustard, of Brooklyn, New York, is spending her vacation at tate parental home near Brucefield. Offerings are being taken in the village and our neighborhood for the French Red Cross Fund. Subscription lists are in the stores. Everyone help There will be a Iced Cross Social this evening (Friday) on Mr. Madden's lawn. The Kittle Band will be on hand from Clinton. Everybody come. Mr. and Mrs. James Grassi( k attended the funeral of Mrs. Grassick's father, Mr. Johnstone, of Goderich Township Last week. O'here is a good crop of hay in this vicinity but some find there has been much of it spoiled owing to rain. Miss Addison, of Londesboro, is the guest of her brother, Joseph Addison. Mrs. Glanfield, of Jarvis, who has been visiting her son, Dr. Glanfield has returned home. Mrs. L. Elgie and family was last week the guest of Mrs. S. Johnston. Mr. N. C. Landesborough and son Arnold, of Toronto, is the guest of James McQueen, of Stanley. A number of the recent storms have passed over us but the rain on Tuesday came to us in full measure, The rain fall from 12 at noon until evening about 2i inches fell. Our side walks weave covered with water, gardens were like little lakes. The rain carte over the roads and many fields of beans were coy ered with water and are destroyed. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Lots of rain. Many were at Stratford lastThursday for the 12th.. Mr. Arthur Powell and daughter Miss Annie and his sister, Mrs. M. McKellar. all of Niagara halls are visiting Mr, Frank Powell. Mrs Bert Lobb and little sons visited the past week with friends and relatives of Mitchell and vicinity. Miss Grace Tebbutt is this week visit ing her aunt, Mrs. A. Wilkin. Miss Beryl Huck spent the week end visiting her friend, lliss Nellie Townsend of Hullett. Mise Florence Bamberger, of Detroit, Miss Grace Lobb, of Saginaw, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, of Niagara Falls are visitors at the hone of Mr. William H. Lobb. e * * x• e as :r HULLETT Miss Olive Cole, of Clinton, is en- gaged as teacher for School Section Ntun- bcr 5. Mrs. Austin Dexter and baby, of Constance spent a few days with inc parents Mr. and Mrs Henry Adams. Miss Gertie Quinnie is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Father- gill. Mr. A. W. Beacom( of I-Iullett, had the misfortune to loosea valuable horse on Monday, presumed to have been killed by lightning Mr. John Barr shipped to Stratford this week, a pure bred Scotch Short, morn buil for which he received $500. Mr, Poster Brigham and wife of the West are visiting at the home of the formner's father, Mr. Nut Brighaan, It is 15 years since he left home there, He was in attendance at the General Assent. bty of the Presbyterian Church held in Montreal and accepted . the opportunity of visiting Itis old home , o ie * * * * A e e District News on Page 5 ••••e•rosaRompoesa®•r•voaa • • Over The Teacups • •••••es•••••r•••oe••••••am Mr. John Wiseman was a St. Marys visitor on Sundag, Miss Lilian Fairfull was visiting old friends in Stratford, Councillor Nediger was a Stratford visitor on Wednesday. Miss Carling,. of Toronto, is the guest of Miss E. Chidley, Mr, McDonagh, of Toronto, was a week -end visitor in town, Mr, George Dies, of the Piano Co. Staff is in town this week. IV1r, W, Brydoue shade a business trip to London on Monday. Captain Fairfull, of Kingston, was visiting in town this week. Mr, and Mrs. Tebbutt, of Goderich, spent the week end in town, Miss Cora McGuire was a Stratford visitor last week with friends, Mr. Rus. Brown, of Toronto, is visit - his sister, Mrs, J. Leslie Kerr. Mrs. G. D. McTaggart and family are now at their cottage at Bayfield. Mr. Bert Langford shade n business trip to the Ford plant at Detroit. Miss Ray Andrews, of Auburn, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Argent. Mr, and Mrs, Alex Cud+htore visited with relatives in Stratford last week. MrS. Cardiff, of Brussels, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Bart}iff, Miss Madeline Shaw was a recent visitor at the hotel Sunset, Goderich. Miss Mary Cartwright, of Hullett, fs the ghest of her aunt Mrs, Argent, Miss Lucile Grant is visiting relatives and friends in the Western provinces. Miss Wylie, of Toronto, was a week- end visitor with her sister Mrs.• (Rev.) Hogg, Mars, J. Addison and children, of Brucefeid, spent last week a1 Mrs, J. Seeley, Mr, Alex. McLennan, o£ Seaforth, Was tailinig oti friends in towh on Saturday MEN and EVENT$ Inn IIulullllllIIIIIIIUIIIIl lllllllIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IItillII@Itlllllllllllllll6 COMMANDER OF CANADIANS Sir Arthur Currie, was knighted by King George upon the battle Geld giving the honor bf Knight Com- mander in the.Order of St, Michael and St, George, • Wants Chain Horst Will the person who borrowed tate chain hoist from the Waterworks Power Ftelnse please return the legs for it and oblige, H. B. Chant, Superintendent. LOST W, N. Glazier lost his number off car No. 38513, one day last week. Please leave at office, WESTERN UNIVERSITY LONDON Three, More, New. Professors Equal to any in Canada Stu1ents can now obtain as good an education in Arts and Medi- cine at the Western as anywhere President E. E. Braithwaite, M.A., Ph.D. Teacher Wanted Female teacher for S. S. No, 5, Hullett. Duties to commence Sept. 3. Apply stating salary and qualifications to Sec,-Treas., J. G. Gibbings, R. R., No. 1, Clinton. SOW Mill For Sale evening. Miss Pearl Shipley has taken a posi- tion in the office of the Clinton Knitt- ing Co. Miss Olive Floody, of Toronto, is visiting with relatives and friends In Clinton. Miss Tennantg of Lucknow, was the guest of Miss, Jennie Holmes during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Courtice, of ilam- ilton, ere visiting at the parental home of the former, Miss Bernice Morrish, of Oxbow, Sask., is visiting with her uncle, Mr. A. J, Morrish, Miss Chant, nurse, and sister of Mr. H. B. Chant of town, is now head nurse at Camp Borden. Editor Elliott of the Blyth Standard and Miss Gertrude, gave The New Era a call on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. McGill and daughters, of Mitchell were week -end visitors with Dr. and Mrs, Axon. Mr. and MrS. Chas. Bell, of Blyth, were tine guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollynnan last week. Rev, and Mrs. J. E. Fogg, and daugh- ters are away to Cedar Beach, Lake Erie to spend their vacation. Mrs. D. Cantelon and Miss Dorothy returned from their Western trip on Thursday evening last. , Mrs, George Thedford, of Chicago, 111., is visiting at the home of her bro- ther, Mr. John Stephenson. MISS Lizzie BunSCh and Miss Florence Beattie of Seaforth, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Paxnhan. Mrs. Lattornell and daughter Edith, and Miss M. Combe, of St. Thomas are visiting old friends in town, Mrs. Robert Sweet and daughter, Myrtle are spending the summer holi- days with Mr. Sweet at Sarnia. Mrs. (Rev.) McLeod, of Montreal, is the guest of her parents, Er. and Mrs. R. Tiplady, Ontario Street, Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown, and Children, of Brantford, were here visiting Mr send firs. William East, of town. St. hiary's Journal:— Mr, Walter lieppler of Clinton spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Noice. Mrs. A. Couch and Miss Helen Ross were home for the week -end and re- turned to Bayfield this week again. Mrs. Argent has been visiting her father, Mr. James Cartwright, sr., who is seriously ill at his hone in Hullett. Miss Ethel M'Ksy, and Miss Muriel Harvey of Peterborough are visiting at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Court - i ce, Mrs, R. I. Colquhoun and children of Winnipeg have been visiting at the home of Mrs. E. Kennedy, Ontario Street. Mr. and Mrs, Libby spent Sunday iu Winghann with their son, Mr. Frank Libby, manager of the Knitting Fact- ory there, Mr, and Mrs. William Hecker and daughter, Vera, of Debuc, Sask„ were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Ale - Murray while in town. Misses Dorothy and Edyth Mason, daughters of Mr, and Mrs, W, Mason, of town, are visiting their grandmother Mrs. tledennan, of Exeter, They intend staying about a month. Mr, and Mrs. M, T. Corless and fam- ily return to their home in Tevask, to- day, after spending some weeks visiting Mrs, Corless' sisters and mother, Mrs. Margaret Colquhoun, Ontario Street. The old friends of Mrs, Henry Plum - steel will be sorry to learn that she has been confined to her room for the past week, under the doctor's care, but all hope that she may have a' speedy recovery. Rev. Robinson, Grand Chaplain, of Ontario of the I. 0. 0. F, and Messrs, F, Watson, T, J. Monaghan, E. G. Hell, and Bert Reed were at St. Marys on Sifnday attending the i, 0. 0. f, de• coratlon service there. The Toronto News in its locals on the •t2th parade Makes the following re- ference of ani old Hurouiter—Dr. Sloan, the veteran bowler of Parkdale, march. ed once again with 207. Fie has been an Orangeman for 60 years. Peralta all this moisture is a ben- eficent gift of nature, to counteract the etsibargo on strong waters, This mill has been used by the Doh. erty Piano Co„ and who might purchase the entire output annually ; is in fairly goon condition. Capacity 8 to 10 thous• and feet per day. Free use of the R. R. siding. Abundance of yard room. Slabs would nearly pay running expenses. Apply to W. Doherty. Clinton For Sale or Rent. Wye anade Would lhkS it hot for to muiw ,ICING COAL quite ie hot a Few • for you We've made It hot for a lot of folks who were looking for satisfactory coal, and if you will plane your spring order with us, we would be pleased to give you the good goat and two thousand pounds to the ton, House. for Sale or to Rent, on Isaac Street. Apply to Oliver Johnson, Box 463. Goderich, Ont. For Sale A matched team of heavy carriage horses, roans, extra good roadsters, sound and true. Will sell reasonable for quick sale, as we are replacing them with a motor truck. Nall & Co, Constance. It. H. No. 2. Seaforth For Sale or to Rent The brick house on Raglan street, now occupied by J, E. Doherty, for sale or to rent. Electric light and town water; 2 acres of land, with stable. All in good repair. Apply to David Cantelon. A. J. Holloway Office Phone 3 A first class bed room suite for pri- vate sale as well as other articles of furniture at residence on Ontario St.. CREAM—PRODUCTION and THRIFT Consists in producing all the cream you can and shipping it to The L. J. .ILooby Creamery. We furnish cans and pay express We pay the highest prices for cream and wt pay twice a month. We gave the most up-to-date Cream- ery in Western Ontario. Write us The L. J. Looby Creamery Du blip, Ontario. Hoose for Sale A one and ahalf storey frame house, 142 rooms, situated on Mary street, barn, % acre of garden and orchard; waterworks and electric light Apply to W BRYDONE, Clinton Place Your Order for some of our Western Oats, which we have just received and we will charge you no more than•it they were Just the ordinary grade of Oats. If you wish to secure some of these Oats place your order early as they are going fast. We always have a full . stook of Flour and Feed. highest Prices paid for Grain W.Jenkins&tSon Phone 199. Residence f on 142 GRAND TRUNK n "' ; Attractive Trips to MUSKOKA LAKES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE OF BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY Round trip tourist tickets now on sale from stations in Ontario at very low fares, with liberal stop overs. GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE Berth reservations and full iufortuahion at all Grand Trunk Ticket offices, or write: C B. HORNING, 'Union Station, Toronto, (ant John Ransford &Son, city passen- ger and 'Picket Agents, phone 67 A.O. F,atttson, station agent DUNURE GARTLY (9221) Enroilment,No• 92. ;; Will have the following route for 191: Monday—Will leave lits own stable, West end Tuckersmith, and go north by way of the Huron Road to the Graham house, Clinton, for noon; then by way, of the 16th con., Goderich township, to Mr. Bert Lobb's for night. Tuesday—By way of Maitland con., to Wm. Durst & Son for noon; then by, way of Bethel and Benmiller to Win. Long's for night. Wednesday—By way of the 6th and 8th con. to Wm. Cunningham's for, noon; then by way of the 8th con. to Fred Quaid's, Dunlop, for night. Thursday—By way of Goderich and 1st coot. to Mr. George Andrew's for noon; and 4th con, and then to Huron Road to Mr. Wilmot Haackie, for night. Friday—By way of 7th coot. and Cat line to Mr. Fred Pickard's for noon; then by way of Cut line and 9 and 11th con. to Mr. James Graham & Son's for, night. Saturday—By way of Bayfield line to James Jackson's 2nd of Stanley fog noon; then to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday, morning. G.W. NOTT T. Carr Proprietor Manager Two of the highest class, most beau- tiful, royally bred horses ever offered for the consideration of breeders in this community. in the stud season 1917. Inspected and enrolled The Grand Circuit Champion Elmer Dickson 51526 A.G.R., 2.06%, 1916 Race Re- cord, one of .the most beautiful and fastest horses ever seen on lite Grand Circuit. Elmer Dickson went the third mile at Columbus, Ohio, in 2.05 with the last half in one minute in 1916. Ise is bred in the purple with show horse finish. Will stand tills season at his own barn at Blyth, excepting that on tThursday afternoon he will go to Wing - ham, Swartz's Hotel, for night; Friday Hall's liotel, Bluevale for noon; Mc- Donald's hotel, Brussels for nights Saturdayhome to his own barn for noon where he will remain until the following Thursday afternoon, Inspected and enrolled Ike Medium 51522 A.T.R., the unbeaten show horse. Little need be said of Ike Medium, as everyone has seen or hgard of kim. He is a champion bred horse and a cham- pion show horse, with size, quality, speed and breeding, and further is stamping his colts with his own re- markable characteristics. He will leave his own barn at Blyth on Monday morn- ing proceed to Auburn, Peffer s hotel for noon; Smith's Hill for night; Tues- day to Groderich, Colborne Hotel, where he will remain until Wednesday morn- ing; Wednesday, Holinesville, Del Gar- dfiner's for noon, then to Clinton, Gra- ham's Hotel for night; Thursday home to,his own barn at Blyth where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Write for bills and further in- formation. Phone 112, Thos. J. Coulter, Blyth, Ont. To Rent A cottage on High St. Apply to J. Scott, Postoffice. strayed tFrom lot 24, con 6, Hullett. a yearling heifer with a mark en dewlap, A suitable reward will be paid for information leading tq its recovery—Thos, Tighe, R. R. No, 1, Clinton. Phone 18 pn 166. So Bad With Kidneys Would Faint Away. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED PIER. Mrs, Albert Williams, Edam, Sask., writes: "I have the greatest pleasure in telling you what Doan's Kidney Pills did for me. Ten years ago I was so bad with my kidneys that I would faint away and could not stand to do anything. I had been that way for two years, and had done all I could, but did not get any better until due day some one put a little book in oar door, and I saw host another young girl had suffered like T was then, so I thought I would try them, and I am glad to say that after taking four boxes I have never had the same thing again, thanks to Doan's." Doan's Kidney fills are the original pill for all kidney troubles. They are put up in an oblong grey box, and bear the trade nark of a "Maple Leaf ". See that yott get "Doan's" when you ask for theta. Price 6Oc, per box et all dealeid or mailed direot oin receipt rf trice by The T, Milburn Co„ Waited, Toronto, Ont,