HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-07-12, Page 611 PAGE 6 '., , a
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"You Sell Really Remarkable Corsets"
10111 IMI
1111 IIR II
00 SAID a lady customer the
outer day. .
is true 1We consider that
our corset department is today giv-
ing the greatest value and highest
satisfaction iu alike history,
Furthermore, we are malting it pos-
aible for ladies to enjoy groator
comfort yet receive a better fit than
ever before.
are our leading line. They are the
only exclusive high - grade corsets
made in Canada.
Wearers say that they are simply
wonderful in the figure.control they
exercise, moulding the linea positive-
ly yet comfortably.
Our corset department takes pride
in its fitting ability and cleverness
in adapting to your figure just the
corset model your type demands.
oiilillmllinrn 11111 I'i n. ni 1
1111111 111111011111011111 0 1111111111111 1101 111111111 1101'11 tap 1 III
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67
Next to Royal Bank.
II III 01 11 111110411111 10111111111111111111,111111111141111 111111111 Ip pmt nllu 11111min11un11poup111111111 11111111111mun
Tuoral 333156
erevaxerersarrecaltilanaorceezere=re=me mane.
The picnic and camping days are a,t
pleasant and favorite form of summer,
ente.tainment for both young and old.
The Lunch, however, is an important
fMet r in the successfulness of the out-
ine and -with our help you can prepare
a lunch that will be both tempting and
satisfying. .
Eggs and Ham. -Mince boiled hint
ann. .nix it with the yokes of hard boiled
err,. with a little mustard and cream.
Th.l•- fill the egg whites generously
rounding each oft`. Wrap in waxed
paper to carry. -We can supply the
latter; also the engredients.
Salmon, Olives, Pork and Beans,
Fancy Biscuits, Sardines; Pickles, Pea-
nut Butter etc., are tasty picnic supplies
Special Prices on all TEAS for this
week. It will pay you to get some of
these lines.
Pure Laundry Soap 6 bars for 25c.
d9 - , ? El) iia`` ES' ) e2) e)
e.n ,
Phone 111 1'11i11 SFPQDLCII3 5501 QV; A9,.111` 1
''i- Thomas McMillian, Liberal cand-
idate for Soudh Huron at the next Parl-
1i ornt election, underwent ant operation 1
f •r ale removal of an obstruction in
the , 'ening of the stomach, caused by
••er. at Mayo Bros. hospital, Roch-'
este ?Minnesota last week. Mr, Mee
Milan had sutfererd from this cause
a i ... boyhood, but a trip to the Old
so0.5 years ago and subse-
quently a trip to the coast brought a
9PeS9ooseoca9boNbC-0ftJoeoc'.,i;'('3f mpee
'Local Nevq
Wigle, of Goderich has been
re-elected by acclamation as member
of the coupon of ,the' Ontario College
of Pharmacy. He represents the
district comprising the counties of
Huron, Bruce and Grey, f
New Print Profits.
Before the Pringle Commission last
week a representative, of tike E. B.
Eddy Co., admitted that sulphite, which
enters into the composition of paper,
cost 945 to $50 per ton to produce,
and is sold, at 970 to 9100, This ex-
plains, to some extent, the high cost of
paper which has forced so many papers
to raise their subscription rate.
Former Goderich Baptist
Minister Injured.
Rev. W. R. 'Wrighton, pastor of
Park Baptist Church, Brantford, and
formerly of Goderich, received inter-
nal injuries when run into by •a car
•driven by Mr. Chamberlain, of Toronto,
as he was stepping from a street car.
The autoist, it is alleged; throve past
the standing car, striking the clergy-
man as the latter alighted.
Who Stole the Booze?
Rev, E. G, Powell, Ifuron Count
Inspector for the enforcement of liquor
laws, made a seizure of liquor last week
at Exeter, and put it inside of his grip,
which he deposited in his motor car.
While he was stopping at the residence
of another citizen, some one took the
grip and the whisky. Apparently the
inspector was watched, and some thir-
sty soul retrieved the wet -goods.
' the specialists at Rochester, who deem-
ed an operation necessary. • This was
! successfully perfo4med and he is mak-
ing splendid recovery and would be
fully restored to health in the course
of a few' weeks. This will be good
news to his many friends throughout
the riding who are looking on .him as
their next representative in the Dom-
inion Parliament, a position which his
recognized abilities justly entitle hint.
measure of relief, In 1910 and again
ip 1914 he had a recurrence of the
trouble from which, however, he te4n-
porarily recovered and was about with
his usual energy until some six or
eight weeks ago, On June 5th, he de-
livered an exceptionally able speech at
the annual meeting of the South Huron
Liberal Association held in Hensall and
although his ill appearance was general_
ly remarked, few it any realized the
physical disadvantage under which he
labored, Since then his condition not
improving, hee was advised to consult
Wroxeter News: -The food Control-
er for Canada is none other than the
Canadian Agent for the Standard Oil,
Co., one of the biggest monopolies on
Earth. We may now look for the price
of coal oil to go down at about the
same rate that recruiting has gone up
since Sir Sant went out of office,
Trains from East.
Arrive 11.10 a.m. Leave 11.17 a.m.
Arrive 5.53 p.nt. Leave 6.45 p.m.
rrive 11,18 p,51. Leave 11.18 p.m.
Trains from West
Arrive 7.33 a.m. Leave 7.33 a.m.
Arrive 2.58 p.m. Leave 2.5$ p.m,
Trains from South
Arrive 1 0,3 0 a.m, Leave 11.10 a.m.
Arrive 6,40 p.m. Leave 6.40 p.m,
Trains from North
7.33 a.m. Leave 7.50 a.m,
4.15 p.01. Leave 4.15 p.m.
Quick Hauling to Market
ST think of the time the Foord saves a busy farmer in hauling
milk to the cheese factory --vegetables, butter ,eggs and
poultry to market -fruit to the railway station. One fruit grower,
last season, made four trips a day to the railway station, a total of
1.44 miles and carried as high as 72 crates of 45 quarts each on a trip. He
• couldn't have made more than one 36 mile trip a day with a team.
The Ford soon pays for itself in the time it saves the farmer, With help
so scarce, every farmer needs to make use of every precious minute of his time.
To him the Ford car is a real necessity. Indeed, some farmers tell us that it is
doubtful if they cotald carry on their farm work under present lafior conditions
if it wasn't for the time the Ford saves them.
No farmer need be witl out a Ford. In fact, the average farmer could
affolid one if it were double the price. ft is as easy to drive as a horse, three
times as fast, and costs less per mile to run. Why not order one today?
TOURING : $495. RUNABOUT -- --4
'� - r• 'f-tk,^,t r,. r yet,. r, .3, % t+«�"t
Bert Langford
Fhone4E3 Clinton, Ont. '
Thursday, July 12th, 1957.
1 , 'y i,f S'.t.r w. sser `1053; rimei7a":';'nGik>uatramknat
The forst Base Bali match of the
season will be played on the Recrea loo
Park, C'inton, under the Auspices of
the French Flag Day, on Friday, July
13th, Zurich vs, Clinton, Both teams
are playing excellent ball and a good
game may be 'expected. Game called
at 6 o'clock. Admission 25c; ladies
Minor Locals.
Thursday (to -day) is the glorious
t 2th.
The 4doth anniversary of the Great
Reformation will be celebrated on Oct -
tuber 31st.
The talk fest is over in parliament.
Now for action.
Speaking of meat, the Port Hope
Guide ways even the barbers have a-
bandoned cheap cuts,
"'Things that never happen' a man
who loves to pay his taxes.
"We find that Tarvia roadways seem
to wear the best and are easiet to re-
pair," says Councillor L. H. Collard,
Chairman of tb Good Roads' Commit-
tee of the County of Lincoln.
The price of anthracite coal in
New York is said to once again be
normal and that last winter's prices
are not likely to occur again. In On-
tario, because of failure of government
action, the situat4on seems as hopeless
as ever.
OM AN No lager
ClassEd idiots
New High School Principal.
Mr, C. L. Brown of Toronto has beefs
engaged as principal of the Wiugham
tilgh school at a sblary of 91,800.
In Two Weeks
The Entrance Reports are expected
to be published in about two weeks.
The papers have to be sent to Toronto
to be passed by the Educational De-
Has Purchased. a Car
Goderich Signal: -"Mr. Thos. Leckie
has purchased a handsome MacLaugltin
car from Messrs. Kelly &. MacEwaut."
Mr. Leckie was manager of the New Era
when Mr, Robt, Holmes, former pro-
prietor, was.serving at Ottawa as Mem-
ber of West Huron,
Mrs, Gordon Wright Speaks Of
Women's Suffrage In Adiress-
ing Huron W. 0, T. U,
Goderich, Jtily 5. -'rhe Annual Con•
vention of the IIuron County W. C. T. U.
which has been in Session at Knox
Church here the last two days, closed
at noon to 'day. and was the most
successful yet held, both in attendance
and interest taken.
Mayor Mannings gave a short address
of welcome do the Delegates, Rev. Mr.
McDerntid acted as Chairman at last
night's meeting, at which a large number
of townspeople were present. Mrs.
Cordon Wright, Of London, was tine
speaker of the evening. Her subject
'was "Women's .Place In the War". She
congratulated the women on their
enfranchisement, and said they werd no
longer classed 'it% h idiots and criminals as
being unfit to vote. She spoke in terms
of the highest praise of the women of
France and Belguim, and said that the
Canadian women are also holding their
own in this sacrifical year. I-Ier address
was listened to with the greatest atten-
tion by all present.
The contest for the gold medals for
singing and elocution wail also held.
Miss M. Brown, of Blyth. winning the
medal for singing, For elocution, Miss
Rhienbart, of Goderich, and James Allen,
of Wingham, were tied, and both will
receive medals,
At this morning's session the follow-
ing officers were elected for the coming
year: -President, Mrs. Flooper, of Ex-
eter ; Secretary. Mts. Cooper:, of Clinton ;
Traasurer, Mrs, Sharpe, of Exeter.
White Middlings per
Bran per
Shorts per
Low Oracle per
North Star (Manitoba) $6 25
Growing Serious
Unless the exceedingly wet weather
we have been having soon ceases much
damage will be done the crops, A;
itis ceans and peas have suffered con-
siderably, and corn and root crops
have not done well, unless the groound
was well drained.
The Big Contest
Saturday's issue of the London Ad-
vertiser gave the first shushing 1,1 the
candidates in the big contest put on
by the London paper. For Huron and
Perth District, No. 7 -Mrs. J. W, Men-
ing leads with a total of 22,000 votes.
Mr. John Ransford of town is also in
good standing and has 9,200 votes to
his credit.
Seven Cars Derailed
Seven cars were derailed at Bright
Monday afternoon on the Grand Trunk.
The train known as the Port
Erie way freight was in charge
of Conductor W. McDonald
and Engineer W, McCarthy of Strat-
ford. The Hamilton auxiliary cleared
the wreckage. The midnight train did
not get into Clinton until nearly 2
o cbek, Tuesday night it was 12.45
when it arrived, waiting for connections
was the explanation offered.
A Splendid Edition
To mark the inauguration of Welland
asa city, and to commemorate it along
with the Soth anniversary of Confed-
eration, The Welland Telegraph, of
which Mr. Louis Duff', an old iduron
boy and a former C. C, 1, s4udent, is
editor and publishes' issued a special
number, which contains a great deal of
information in readable form of On-
tario's new city. The edition 1s well
illustrated with the pictures slf its pub-
lic mein. The Editor of the Telegraph
and his staff are to be congratulated
upon this splendid edition,
Minor Locals.
Keep your eyes on those potato
bugs. They will account for your
entire crop if you don't.
Eggs are now down in price. Bet-
ter start packing 1115111 11 you don't
the cold storage fellows will and next
winter you will be paying them for
their foresight.
A elan who sent a dollar for a "po-
tato bug killer". received two blocks
of wood with the following directions:
"Tarte the block which is No, 1 in the
right hand, place the bug on No, 2
and press them together. Remove the
unfortunate and peoceed as befosc."
Want Representative
At the annual meeting of the dir-
ectors of South Ihu'on Board of Ag-
riculture, held in fiensall of Jens 26,
it was decided to (told Judging Con-
tests this yar at Varna, Credition and
Kirkton, and meetings at Exel'er, Hen -
salt, Brucelield, Zurich and Grand Bend.
The question of a District Rpresenta-
tive was considered and it was decided
to again send a resolution to the Co.
Council, askialg them to again consider
the grant toward a distriet representa-
tive, The officers for this Year area
President, Geo, Penhale; Vice -press
dent, Fred Elleringtoua Sec'y-''rens.,
A H. Doupe; Executive, Mrs, A, 1last-
ings, 1), 11. McNaughton, Jas. T. Keys,
W. R. Eliott, Alex, Buchanan,
per hundred
Cream ndofred Wheat $6.25
per hu
VERANDAH SHADES -Shut out the Sun; Admit the Cooling Breeze.
Seclusion, with plenty of fresh ale is titch foremost. claim, They
add a cool rouur to your house.
Often the eheapest--Xtiturays the Best
- mgaz^ =r1 EdLISI kr.I 1 ""Mv EUES•nm•• ,mmsarrm,M,,,GIME TIME++ .•K.,,,v9.^"Ts=su•�
Mal111=1 ,tea..-,JIREMZ,a.-,Z•„°.. sae ^ - A.^.a rcaMM•.E,sa
A Tested Lens---
An Accurate Shutter--- '
'Simple Operation -
Good Pictures -
All these are assured when you purchase aKodak
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We
} have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you
how easy they are to use.
-We do developing and printing and guarantee good results -
Pi m :: -7147Z
Maple Leaf (Blended) $6.Q0
per hundred
Snow Flake (Pastry), $5.80
per hundred ...,,
Phone No. 8
Despensing Chemist
Ak,„mranot £1x6�:3C3: FI s111a2Y?1113=7.1it:kS=. 1442=13., 5.'1d:d:-• .251l4i' %
The following,Hurol1 men. returned
to Canada being invalided
James 0, 0, Habkirk, loo{in, Walton,
Ont., goitre disease.
P, W. J, Smitham, traesferred from
33rd to 4th, Goderich, gun shot wound
in left leg, was wounded on the Somme
las( November,
The Featanwes of Our
' .rnit jje, Vim,.
'1'o which we,1nvite special attention
are its beauty, its assured comfort, its
solid construction, anti its below the
nlit0l prices. Any one of these points
would be suffinient to ell 50 it your
preference, When they are all com-
bined we feel sore you wilt realize
that, this is a furniture buying oppor-
tuuityyou cannot u2ord to ignore,
QD N '2
1T,relertalcer .fuel Funeral Director. Phone 28.
Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store
The eorrner Grocezy
Piunibinge "Lige and set Live"
Work of
We have had the experience and we
know just what you will find handy,
healthy, nourishing and wholesome.
Our stocks of canned goods have
been specially selected for their quality
and purity; and in fact everythiing we
suggest to you will have yot4r un-
qualified approval.
Check from this list the goods you
know you want. Come in and let us
p lip, i ,9 s show You others:-
&& SSit SiYt. 4ggdaat Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Beans
etc., concentrated packet and canned.
soups; meat extracts; canned presesves
cave your oruer now oeforerices and Jams; bacon; all kinds of cooked
p breakfast foods; condensed milk; cof-
dvance, fee and cocoa; canned salmon; sar-
dines; kippered herring; oranges
lemons; bananas; strawberries tomatoes
and watermelon.
Thos awkh s ��1t .. Ott
Plumbing and Heating 1 a jg��7 . tunniford
Phone 53
Shop- over Rowland's hardware
We've lines of Cool Footwear for Men, Women and
Children! In Camp, at Tennis, on the Bowling Green dr just
at Horne, You'll need a pair of these Foot Coolers.
There are Tan leathers, Buck, and Canvas Shoes! I-1.igh o4
low Cut, as you prefer.
Rubber Sole Shoes with the Low Rubber Heels are the
For Men or Women at $1.00, $1.35, $1.50, $4.00
For the Children at .85c, $1.00 and $1.25
Come in and Select a pair of these ideal Summer Foot Com-
forters and we will fat them to your Feet Perfectly.
Quick. Shoe Repairs