The Clinton New Era, 1917-07-12, Page 2PAGE z' :Reedy to Wear Garments ouch PHONE 78 ><,.c.i,c0.vm41arve.rm 4 'rw Dry Goods o e and House a . furnishings. LADIES and MISSES 0 SP E.N 3 COATS 1=2 Pace Just 8 Ladies Spring Coats left, All new this season in all the newest styles and colors including Paddy Green, Rose, Mustard, Black and white check. Sizes 1 6, 1 8, 36 and 38, -Your choke of the 8 Coats 1/2 Price. m Suits uit int Price After the best season this store has had in this Department we have just 5 Suits left, Navy and Black on- ly; mostly large sizes. Your choice of any suit % price. ll ren9 eoffis 1=2 Price 1 dozen only Children's coats. All new this season. Sizes 4 years to 14 year's. Your Choice 1/2 Price. Shower Proof Dust Croats 6 only Ladies Coats all Wool cloth Just what you need for a shower or dust coat. Last season styles. Val- ues up to $9.00 for $1.98 This store wild close Wednesday afternoon during July and August and tip to the 19th of September. 1 Tk.E CLINTON NEW E11 ,,, • , DISTRICT .� • E EXETER, fMr, and Mrs Shipley sleu l S und a Y Iran wheat and barley are licacling out with Kirkton friends, anti all spring gt'afn is looiciasg well, (Jn MOuclsty' night the chimiaey of i is have s etee.� Mi'. Arthur Willingham, was Struck, but Farmers of this good l a t 110 serious dausathla was delle, haying. 11ay is a good crop and elutes ' Geo, nous next weak. better than was expected • TF weather le fas''otable this week it will see • haying Hi9I.MESVILGE. •in fall swing. h in and are - A verylargely attended service was SL'raswltelJres are coming , n g Y of a fine quality. Small fruits will be' also conducted for the L 0. L., in the plentiful here, but apples are 0 failure, , Hointesville Methodist Church, on Sum there being no early apples to speak Of. ' day evening when stirring addresses were Cherries are ripening and will soon be on delivered by Rev A. Sinclair and Rev, the market. W. 13 Moulton, • TIJCI�)rl>S"-' " • Mlss Lizzie Jerome and Mr, Len Bedour, of Courtright, and Mr, Chas, 1'Ir, Charles Riley, of the 'Pownslip of Drsydele, motored to the home of of 1'uchersmith, 'hos received- official Mr. Wm, Bedour this week, word that itis sell, Pte, Charles Henry Riley, infantry, has been admitted to Innar=='21==a=====lairAlaAWSZCFalnerin a•aauissaxrr✓= rx _ w BAYFIELD. ! cord the death of Arthur Clark, who was killed in France a short time ago. The late Mr. Clark enlisbed about one• I year ago, leaving Itis wife and a family of four living here. The oldest being only seven years, Mr$. Clark is being treated very kindly by her many friends 1 and the sympathy of the community goes out to her and her little family. Graham I Poorhouse, of Pinecoming, ' Michigan, is visiting Ins friends here. Mr. A. Thomson of Lake Charles, La. is the guest of his brother, Sae, Thau- son. Miss Gowery, of Toronto, is again ' 'one of our visitors, Miss Rankin has arrived at her -cot- tage for the summer. Mrs, Richards and son of Detroit, have also taken a cottage at the grove, George Lawrasol, who has been ser- iously ill for some weeks past died at his home on Friday last, and was buried . is the cemetery on Sunday last, The deceased being a Forester the funeral I was attended largely by that Order. We are very sorry at having to re - BRUCEFIELD. the Hospital suffering 'from gunshot A Garden Party under the auspices of wounds in the left thigh.• Pte. Lilley the Kelly Circle will be held on the lawn enlisted with the. urans and has been in of Mr, Madden's (Turner's Farm) East the trenches singe t e first of the Year, of the village on Friday evening July James Allen, •of auckersmith, received 20th, The Clinton Kilda Band will be the news by telegram that his eldest son in attendance. Proceeds are for RedHoward, had been drowned near Tux, Cross Fund foal, Saskatchewan; on Saturday. No , Rev, and Mrs. Woods visited at Lon - particulars as to the cause of death has don last week. - been received, but the remains will be, The June contribution of the Red brought here for burial, I Cross, was 107 pairs of socks and 20 A. E. Matheson had a serious loss on suits of pyjamas. Tuesday night when a brood mare and H. Rothwell and wife of Toronto colt were killed by a 0. T. R. train on visited Last week at the home of W. the Buffalo and Goderich line, This Rattenbury. They -motored from the Will be a serious loss, u L A STS ER 49tw'n tioLg " a Open the sealed end with your finger „nail `1 RISLEY I rnspc•RFECT GuM ^' s i" ush on the other end • to make sticks project 4 14i2iildPull out one - push the others back in rel; fir i f l F.a Ca U V :-= Unwrap the double Lover and soca~ how surpassingly delicious and full -fl'avo'ured it is. 7itl'ae+ee Made pea Kinds )Canada The Flavour Lasts lhevoi t aftei4 lt# ' every mea f I eP SEAFORTH. Norman Brown, for the past two years accountant in the Local Branch of the Dominion Bank, has been transferred - to Montreal. The Roxboro girls held a sale of home made cooking and ice cream on Saturday. Despite unfavorable weather the proceeds amounted to more than iy;100 in aid of the Local Red Cross. A A. Naylor, Principal of the Public School, has been made an unsolicited offer of 't similar position in one of the city. Miss Alma Gibson, of -Uxbridge, was last week the guest of Miss Jean Mur- dock, Mr. A.T. Cooper, of Clinton, preach- ed in the 'Presbyterian church on Sun- day last, in aid of Temperance Reform, lie spoke briefly and to the point. The congregation will aid in the work. On Friday last the sad news reached us of the death of Howard Allan, eldest son of James Allan, Tuckers with, who has lived in the West for some time. On 'Thursday of last week, he with a number of other boys went to a pond Windsor schools at a considerable increase to swim. Howard called tor help and in salary. went down and never came up, he be- came entangled ill weeds at the bottom BRUSSELS. and when taken out life was gone. The sad news was sent to his parents who are almost prostrate with their sad loss. Ile was 25 years of age, a member of the Presbyterian church of our village and a member of the of this place, The remains were brought from the West by Rost, :McCartney and Jas. i'ranks of Tuxford. The funeral was held on 'Tuesday from his late home. A very large number met to show their respect to the departed. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. 11. 1. Woods, at the house, at the crave ser- vices were held by the Odd Fellows. The pallbearers were his brother Odd Fellows -W. Moffatt, James Bowie, 1-I, McGregor, W. Sinclair, W. Manson, Jas. Thompson. The floral offerings were very beautiful. Among these from a U Leslie Lowery, who was reported on Monday as being wounded. is the only child) of George. and Mrs. I.owery, of town, and before enlisting with the 161st Battalion, was a clerk in the general store of G. N. McLaren. IIe was wounded by gunshot in his left thigh. PORTER'S HILL Mrs Sterling McPhail and Mary are visiting at Kippen. Mrs. 1L i\lair and children, of London, are visiting at John C ox's. Airs. A. McDougall, of London, is visit- ing at jamas Harrison's. elr. Howard Cox visited in London last weelc, Nliss Uertic Blair is holidaying at Zurich, • distance who attended tate funeral were Airs. Holdsworth rtln spent a couple of dJist-eine Burdge, ndedlton, Mrs. Alex. days this week with her daughter, Mrs. Ross, Winghans; Mr. Franks and iYlr. Charles McPhail' Ros,Mcs, of '1'uxiurd. Quite a few from the neighborhood On Wednesday last the sad news attended the service to the Orangemen cif the death by battle struck by lightn- in llolmesville las Sunday evading. 4 ing of John Jamieson. of Edinburgh, Dakota, formerly of our village reached us. The deceased was well known in our village, having lived here with iris Mrs. Stirling McPhail, of Porter's 11th people a number of ye:u•s age. llc was and daughtZr Vary are visiting their married about 25 years ago to one of another, Mrs. William ivison, our villagers, :Miss Annie Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. I:. A. King, of llowick, They had two sons, James and John. and daughter, Miss Clara, ere visiting The. deceased wits for a number of their brother•in•law, Air. Thomas Mellis years a station master at Edinburgh but Mrs. J. 13. McKay and daughter Mary for some years he lived on a farm. Ile of Goderich, are visiting Mrs. McKay's , had just returned from at4c'sdine the cousin, Airs. Johnston. funeral of his father, Mr, Jan eee. Jaum- Dr. and Airs Aitken are in London • ieson, who also lived in n'r 5111age foe this week-. a long time. He died at the home of Mr. Albert Johnston, of Toronto, is;. Ids daughter, Mrs. Margaret Corey at spending his vacation with his parents' I'.c>t1ve1'. Col., after a she. ilrnlas of here. pnatunu+sia, Ila leaves a sturowiog The Picnic held last Thursday under widow, 5 daughters and one sen, 1Vhile the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the hea•e lie was the. choir loader or ere - Presbyterian Church was n success. senior es it was then ca:ieJ, i bite Races for the children and other spores l'rer;''ieria:s church for m:,:t'i years 1sclndiel,et swiiagiitg in the wends, besides and dearly loved a good tune. His fuotb0 cued base bad were enjoyed by many old friends here are sorr; to all learn ,.1 his death. Rev. 11. jones of tine Varna Circuit Mies Roes Aikenhead, Mrs. A, D:tvid- preached again last Sunday and as on sou and ;Hiss Ethel Lane loft on Tues - the previous Sabbath made a goad im day fora vl•sit to the West. We hope pression. Ile believes in short sermons User n av have a pleasant visit. and services in the hot weather especially - when tate preaching service lollows the A Visitor for a Few Days. Sunday school session. Mr. Gray, of 'T'oronto, and daughter spent a few days last week with Isis . We are Pleased to be able to inform brother in law, Mr. William ;Moore. Alte our readers tlsat the web known Gray who is in the engineering business specialist J, Y. Egan, of 'Toronto, is paid an extended visit to n number of spending a Eew days with friends in leading American cities before conning Clinton, and should be pleased to meat here and noted everywhere that many any person suffering with rupture or large manufacturing concerns were not parents having children afflicted. Fran turning a wheel, Munition plants were our personal knowledge -this gentle - busy as they are here He thinly, every man has a worldwide reputation. Ile thing will be so out of joint when the war has numerous testimony to his skilful ends that there will be a serious reaction. and successful treatment of this serious affliction, we have been told of several in this town and vicinity, who have suffered, been treated, who speak in higest terms of praise as to his skill, and success in thea' case, Specialist may be seen by enquiring at hotel Normandie during the following three days, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, July 14, 15 and 16 from 2 to 5 pen. In tisis connection white penning the above, a well known business Haan call- ed in and said -"For what specialist has done for me, 1 would not begrudge one hundred dollars." A lady resident of this town, also told us, "tint Dr. Egan had been the swots of curing her child of a serious rupture, after many previous efforts Isud fulled, and Where a operation, as the only means towards a cure was advised." 9,46. Special Men's Services will be held on Sunday July 211th; Special ,music by Men's choir, Special invitation given to all nae, The Annual Sunday School Picnic will be held at Bayfield at Wednesday July 18th, Pupils will be given a free ride to Hayfield. A small charge will be made for Adults, Sunday School pupils are requested to be sure and attend Sunday School next Sunday morning to receive their free pass to Bayfield, Baskets are requested to be et Sunday School rooms at y; a, ns, Special-htvitalion for the adult members to attend - Maces will be held in'the afternoon. Everybody cane and enjoy a day with the kiddies. Races will be held in the afternoon and suitable prises will be given to tilt winnora. KIPPEN. Mrs. (ltev,l Barnby, of Lucan, and tf eva"td©43omeacilo ye.e3C5aA9ttacio euice(e ffif lifer e aFP T r3 161 gegeeleee leeteeteDteraleDeneee eeeteeeeeeeee Sergt. George Webber of London' Camp, tvas here over the week est, Air. Chas. S. Brown, of Los Angles, Cul., is here visiting his sister, Mrs, A. (,rete nod also his friends who have been Here for some weeks. Miss Etta Smith and Miss Erie Ste- wart, of Seaforth, are visiting the form- er's aunt, Mrs. Tilos, Mason. Miss Kathaleeu East, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, Gordon Cunninghanse. Misses Marion and Eleanor Manning, of London are visiting with - their uncle, MP, R. E. Manning. Mr. and Mrs, John Stephenson were visitors at London for a fete days. Elton and Mrs. Rozell and son Arthur ehere visiting relatives at Brussels for a few days, Mrs. James Flynn and Miss Zetta Baseden visited with Mr. Joe Reinhardt and family at Kitchener last week. Miss Ila Baseden is hone frona Wat- ford. Miss Louise Suddlck, of London, is the guest of the Misses Bawds. GODERICH TOWNSHIP James Johnston, • and old and highlY respected resident of Goderich '.Township, died at the home of his son, William, of the Huron Road, on Sunday morning. Mr. Johnston was over SO years of age end leaves six sons and five daughters, four of whom reside in Huron County, the others in the West. Ills wife pl'c• deceased hint 28 years ago. Interment took place at Clinton Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs D. Shanahan, of Sea - forth, spent Sunday at Mr. A. McGuires Mrs. Thomas Lane, and children, of ,Seaforth, is visiting at the home of her father, Fir. A. McGuire. i19es, john Torrance and Master Fraser Stirling spent a few days last weelc with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sloan, of Blyth. Air. and Mrs. Reid Torrance motored to Seaforth last week. Mr. John' Burton had the misfortune of losing a valuable hnrse last week, Mrs. A. McDougall,. of London, is renewing old acquaintances in the neighborhood A'l•. and Mlrs. George Cole and daugh- ter, Mabel, and the Rev. W. Cole and wife motored over from Flint, Michigan. They are brothers of Mr, Peter C o 1 e, Goderich Township and intend staying among their friends about a month. Death Of Harry A. Twiss-An cold Goderich Township boy has passed away in Detroit in the person of harry A.fwiss beloved husband of Agnes and father of f:iarry 0, Twiss. The funeral tookplace from his late residence, 477 Fairview Avenue on Saturday July. 7th at 2 ie. n1. and was under the auspices of Unity Lodge No. 335, 1 0. 0. F. Mr. Twiss vasa son of Henry 'fwies and Jane Proctor anti was raised ort the old' Proctor farm hear llolmcsvillt. Hewes engineer at the I.,illibridge School for the past. 16 years , • For the past 2, years Ise has limn of o r health, 'heirs. n e o been in p o . e g I1rightls disease, ELis soil Harry O. 't'wiss is' cor'respoetlent for the Saxon Motor Car Company. Mr Twiss is a ttebheet of Mr, Joseph, Proctor, of Hohnesvilte and Mrs C. W. Williams. LONDON ROAD; League meets at the house of Mr, eleilieereertetmeeteeteeeesdoiteetereeetise ct co le 'WITH T1314 CIITJRCIIi;S. a . 05 oi2D(Posioceasrt®e®olaSeies+tn (Wesley Church. The W. Ni, S., meets to night at eight o, clock. The Pastor will preach morning and evening next Sunday. 1 The Ladies' Aid meets in Wesley Hail to day at 2 o'clock, Mrs. 'l'st irchcll, Miss i rurner and 1L's, A. T. Cooper are the hostesses. Rev. A. le. Jones, the new Pastor took ae Isis morning subject:, "The Faith that ' Woalceth". His sub,icwt at night was, "The First Disciples." I ' Ontario St. Church. The Pester will preach both morning and cvcnine next Sunday. . The Chrnstain 1 -endeavor Deportment had charge of the meeting on Monday eventing last. Oliver Rands recital the Ten Cotnnnandntents. Miss Marian (11ibit ings sang "Face To Feet" Mr C. 11' Holland tools tip the topic which was the "Master's indignation." Mrs. Mc- Murray gave an uppropt'iato readiltg, St. Ptaitl'S tJllnr(11. Derieg the Mantel' snoetlis Sunday School will be held k the adorning at Thursday, July 12th, 1917., and a quarter out there and has done web, His parents are also residing in Macklin,' Mr: '!'hos Archer who Is staking his arrived In Ili Mau. , rr d home in Griswold, l Ol E J , it his dau- ghter, and is visiting lotvu last week ,u d t g s Mrs. Rath, Kirk street. Mr, Archer is here to sell his 200 acre farms if possible, Mrs, Archer was unable to conte down owing to her daughter in the West being ill with rheuntatisnt, The old friends of Mr. Archer are glad to see him in town once again, , Judge Dickson was in town on Tues- day. Rev, and Mrs. .1. -E. Hogg and daug- hters are visiting old friends at South- ampton. Stratford ilerald:-Mr. Ross Forbes, of Toronto, was in tthe city Thursday renewing old acquaintances on his way hoose to Clinton, where he will 'spend the summer vacation. Mrs. Jordan and Miss Alma were Blyth visitors last week. Airs. Adam McKenzie tend family were calling on old friends at Blyth lust week. 'They resided there for a number of years before coming to Clin- ton. Mrs, Jos. Cook and young children are visiting at Mitchell', with her sister, Mrs. Ed. flays, Mr. Andrew Taylor went up to see the Old Boys at Myth last week. Miss Margaret Carter was at Blyth last week at the "Old Boys" reunion. Mr. W. J. McCracken, of Brussels, was calling on friends in town on Thursday last. '11r. Fred Owen, of New York, was a week end visitor in tow ■with con- neceiun witls the Clinton Knitting Co. Air. ,Lanes Ballantyne, of Brussels, was a visitor in tows last week. Mr. D. J, ilay, inspector of tate Printing 'tirades Accident Prevention' Associatitw1 was in town last week. Mr. W. A. Grewal•, of Brussels, was a vifitur in town beet week. "Billy" peewee was the famous pitcher of the old Brussels "Clippers" away back in i SSS. Mr. ICeas. Chmven, of Hansiltonn, wase iu town on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. J. el, Paxusau and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ball and baby spent a feet days at Sarnia, Port Huron and Detroit. Miss Annie McConnell, of town. is visiting friends and relatives in BsiTmlo. Mrs. F. french was a visitor Is Lon- don on Friday of last week. Miss Eva McCracken, of Brussels, was n visitor in town last week. ' Mr, Russ. l'o'bes, teacher at Victoria institute, Mimico, was hoose for a few days. Mrs. A. C. Dances, of Brussels, was a visitor with Mrs, • Harry Bartli11 last Thursday. Mrs, W. 0, Fair was a visitor wills her sister,, Mrs, James Watson at Sea - forth last week. Miss Sparks, of Seaforth, was a re- cent visitor in town. Mr, W, J, Treleaven expects to at- tend the Grand Lodge of the A. le & A. 151. at Belleville next week. - Mr. James 1-1, O'Neil, son of Air. Frank O'Neil, all former residents of Clinton, is now on the reporting staff of the Brantford L-•xpusitor and is doing good work. Many happy returns to our friend, Conductor John Quirk, Wingham, who Passed his Setts milestone 011 St. John's Day, .lune 24th, The good die young. Miss Madge Sinclair C, C, I. teacher is taking at course on physical culture al ;Toronto. Miss liulda White, milliner, at the 'store of Couch & Go.; left for her hoose ill Walkerton Inst week for the summer holidays. Hamilton ,Spectotor:-Dr. R. A. Thompson, who Inas been seriously ill and confined to his roost for over a month, is n0tw able to get up for a few mets each day. -The Dr. is a brother of Mayor Thompson, M. D., of town. 1Vir. and Mrs. Newton Crich and daughters Evelyn and Mattie, of Macklin Sask„ are dere visiting Mrs. Crieh'e sloths', Mr's. George Nott, Ontario 51. Mr. Odell left bore 19 years ago Way, log a l)ogitioa at the O,T.R, and this is his first drip back. He farm a section WESTERN UNIVERSITY LONDON Three. More, New. Professors Equal to- any in Canada Students can now obtain as good an education in Arts and Medi- cine of the Western as anywhere President E. E. Braithwaite, M.A., Ph.D. Teacher Wanted female. teacher for S. S. No. 5, Mullett, Duties to commence Sept. 3. Apply stating salary and qualifications to Sec.-Treas., J. G. Gibbings, 12. R., Nu, 1, Clinton, saw mm ter sic Wove mach Would Eke it hot for to make KING COAL quits] , it hot a few for you ,of We've made it hot for a lot S who were looking for satisfactory coal, Mid if you will place your spring order with us, we would be pleased to give you the good coal and two thousand pounds to the ton. This mill has been used by the Doh erty Piano Co„ and who might purchase the entire output annually : is in fairly good condition. Capacity 11 to 11) thous• and feet per riay. Free use of the R. R. siding. Abundance of yard room. Slabs would nearly pay running expenses. Apply 10 1l'. Doherty. A:11,nta3Ju For Sale or Rent. House for Sale or to Rent, on Isaac Street. Apply to Oliver Johnsen, Box 463. Goderich, Ont, For Sale A matched trans of heavy carriage horses, roans, extra good roadsters, sound and true. Will sell reasonable fur quick sale, as we are replacing them with a motor truck. U1s11 1 Co, at'onstanee, 91. 91.3m o. -2. Seaford* • For Sale or to Rent The brick house on Raglan street, now occupied by J, E. Doherty, for sale or to rent' Electric light and town water; 2 acres of late{. with stable. A11 in good repair. Apply to David Cantelon. 'CREAM -PRODUCTION and THRIFT Consists in producing all the cream you can and shipping it to The L. J. Looby Creamery. We furnish cans and pay express We pay the highest prices for cream and we pay twice a month. We have the most up-to-date Cream- ery in Western Ontario. Write us The L. J. Looby Creamery Dublin, Ontario. Muse !or ;gale A ono and a half storey frame hoose, 12 rooms, situated on Mary street, barn, i acre of garden and orchard; waterworks and electric light Apply to W BRYDODTI1, Clinton St!' t'EED +qr BRAN A. J. Holloway Office Phone 3 A first class bed roost suite for pri- vate sale as well as other articles of furniture at residence on Ontario St. Plaice Your Order for some of our Western Oats, which we have just received and we will charge you no more than if they were just the ordinary grade of Oats. If you wish to secure some of these Oats place your order early as they are going fast. We always have a full stock of Flour and Feed. Highest Prices pati() for Grain W.Jenkrns&Beit`➢ Phone 199. Residence 9 on 149 Et Attractive rips to MUSKOKA LAKES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE OF BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY Round trip tourist tickets now on sale from stations in Ontario et very low faros* With liberal stop overs. GET YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE Berth reservations and full information at all Grand Trunk Ticket offices, or write; ; C. IL HORNING, i 'U>lion Station, Tor n !C a to, Ont John Hansford &Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agonte, phone 69 9.0. I.xattieouf Ration attest DUNURE GARTLY (9221) Enrollment No, 92. Will have the following route for 1917: Monday -Will leave his own stable, West end Tuckersmith, and go north by way of the Huron Road to the Graham mouse, Clinton, for noon; then by way of the 16th con., Goderich township, to Mr. Bert Lobb's for night. Tuesday -By way of Maitland con., to Wm. Durst & Son for noon; then by way of Bethel and Benmiller to Wm. Long's for night. Wednesday -13y way of the 6th and Ste con. to Wm. Cunningham's for noon; then by way of the Sth con. to Fred Quaid's, Dunlop, for night. - Thursday -By way of Goderich and tst con, to Mr, George Andrew's for noon; and 4th con. and then to Huron Road to Mr. Wilmot llaackle, for night. Friday -By way of 7tls con. and Cut line to Mr. Fred eickard's for noon; then by way of Cut line 5113 9 and 11th con. to Mr. James Graham & Son's for night. Saturday -By way of Bayfield line to James Jackson's end of Stanley for noon; then to Itis own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. G.W. NOTT T. Carr Proprietor Manager Two of the highest class, post beau- tiful, royally bred horses ever offered fur the consideration of breeders in this community. In the stud season 1917. Inspected and enrolled The Grand Circuit Champion Elmer Dickson 51526 A.G.R., 2.06x,$, 1916 Race Re- cord, one of the most beautiful and fastest horses ever seen an the Grand Circuit. Elmer Dickson went the third utile at Columbus, Ohio, dn'2,05 with the last half in one minute in 1916. He is bred in the purple with show horse finish. Will stand this season at Isis own barn 1t Blyth, excepting that on Thursday afternoon he will go to Wing - ham, Swartz's ll'otel, for night; Friday f&ll's hotel, Bluevale for noon; Mc- Donald's hotel, Brussels for nights Saturdayhonte to Isis own barn for noon whale he Oil remain until the following Thursday afternoon. }aspected and enrolled Ike Medium 51522 A.T,R., the unbeaten show horse. Little need be said of Ike Mediusn, as everyone has seen or heard of him. He is a champion bred horse and a cham- pion show horse, with size, quality, speed and breeding, and further is stamping Isis colts with his own re- markable characteristics. He will leave his own barn at Blyth on Monday morn- ing proceed to Auburn, Peffer's hotel for noon; Smith's 11111 for night; Tues- day eo Goderich, Colborne Hotel, where Ise will remain until Wednesday morn- ing; Wednesday, Holmesville, Del Gar - diner's for noon, then to Clinton, Gra- ham's Hotel for night; Thursday home to his own barn at Blyth where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Write for bills and further in- formation. Phone 112. Thos..). Coulter, Blyth, Ont. To Rent A cottage on high St. Apply to J. Scott, Postoffice. Strayed Prom lot 1.4, con 6, Eullett. n yearling heifer with a mark on dewlap. A suitable reward will ha paid for information lending to its recovery -Thos. Tighe, R. R. No, 1, ("!futon, Phone 18 An 165. A Schoolmaster Recommends MILBBURN'S LAX/el-LINER PILLS. Men and wooden in all walks of life who occupy .t drntary positions are more liable to liver troubles than those who are nt tive Prom morning till night. When you don't get the proper exer- cise the bowels do not move regularly, your liver becomes sluggish, the breath becomes foul, specks float before the eyes, everything turas bink, constipation sets in tend firings in its train numerous troubles that 'could be prevented if the bowels were only looked after properly. Milhurn's Laxn-Liver Pills will and do regulate the bowels, and keep you in a state of excellent health. Mr. J. 0. 'Hamiltons, Schoolmaster, Cornwall, Ont., writes: "I have great pleasure int recommending lsiilinurn's Lassa -Liver Pills. I ate a teacher, and all the time T clo not get the requisite amount of exercise I need, so 1 was troubled with sour stomach, yellow eyes, and specks floating before my eyes, I purchased 5 vials of your pills, and have Just finished them. Now 9 um feeling all right," Milburn's Laxa-Liver mills are 25 cents a vial at alt dealers, or nailed direct on receipt efprice Ivy The T, Milburn. i'o.t. Limited, Toronto, Ont. ,