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Dry Goods
and House
1=2 Price
Just 8 Ladies Spring Coats left.
All new this season in all the newest
styles and colors including Paddy
Green, Rose, Mustard, Black and
white check, Sizes 16, 18, 36 and
Your choice of the 8 Coats 1/2 Price.
les ,v...9 fi a Its
W2 Brie
After the best season this store
has had in this Department we have
,just 5 Suits left, Navy and Black on-
ly; mostly large sizes. Your choice
of any suit /- price.
tot Price
1 dozen only Children's coats.
All new this season. Sizes 4 years' to
14 years. Your Choice 1/2 Price.
Shower Proof
a d
Dnst eozits
6 only Ladies Coats all \vool cloth
Just what you need for a shower or
dust coat. Last season styles. Val •
ues up to 59.00 for $1.98
This store will close Wednesday
afternoon during July and August
and up to the 19th of September.
London Advertiser Prize Contest
Help the Clinton Young Women's
Patriotic Auxiliary to win' the Grand
Gash Prize of et000 by saving the
Note Coupons. Free tickets, to Prin-
cess Theatre for coupons, Reewal and
New Subscriptions. Bring coupons
to theatre any day, ail must be in by
.Aatgust 23rd. Write your friends oat
alf town to send you their subscrip-
tions and coupoons. Don't pvt off
until next week, what you can do this
week, get the added advantage of cou-
pons by subscribing now. NOW. This
Is a worthy cause and needs your sup-
"Remember that the eyes of the po-
tato are upon you," says the Boston
Transcript,. Yes, and remember also
that the eyes of the bugs are upon
the potatoes.
atxrJ,< n.-,r11111fsa
A Lillie Stick
This�.N am�ol r.-4 chewing
gum aids S4C,' y"x6t -%.:e and �-2i
gesttion, quenches .;i'�'.'t4'a'�.s� thir'3t,
keeps the teeth clean
andbreath C a7eet.
Fresh, clean,1-71b.th,,soiree
andd lieiW'"�.,',w
No wonder i.' a wC f .t t+"'! is
used around the world, when-
ever and wherever people
want lasting re- c. gat :eInt.
ON S.d'LE 7.3YER, :."WIliERE
.xr P2',gym,L 42..
T_&5FF.CT 1i1/M'
SnLel PS IN 5_11,7:F.:
Steep—•Lliwood Wedding,—A
quiet wedding took place on Saturday
when Miss Mary Ellwood, of (3oderich
Township, was married to Milton Steep,
of Godertah,the Ceremony being perform.
eel by 'Rev, W. 13 Moulton, inctuebent
of St.Jatnes' (Middleton)English Llturch.
The !sappy couple left on a •motor trip,
and will mettle to Godericlt, The bride
was the recipient 'of 'two chairs .and a
teapot from the- •Congregation of St.
James' Churoh,
Mr, HerbJenkins motored down to
Toronto last week. Mr' and I41rs. Nixon
Welsh accompanied him on. his return.
They intend .to spend the summer vacs•
tion in this neighborhood.
The celebration in Goderich, Blyth and
Bayfield were well patronized by the
young people of this vicinity. Nearly
everybody took a holiday.
The vary heavy rains of late are likely
to hurt the bean crop. Some farmers
have already been obliged to plough up
their fields. Those that were planted
earlier and are now up are nut likely to
be hurt as ,tach, however.
1.1 is not likely that as many people as
usual will take in the 12th of •July. Cele•
bration this year as it is too far away.
Alvin Leonard left this week to spend
a couple of weeks with friends and rola•
Lives in Brantford and Mitchell.
Don't "forget the Unity Club's Social
on Mr, \Vcs, Steven's on the base Line
A teacher from Harriston has been
engaged for S. S. No 4 School on the
:Friends from London paid a short
visit at Harry Tompsons,
Mrs. E. IL. Swing, of Atwood, visited
at Harry Thompson.
Mrs, E. H. Swing. of Atwood, visited
at the horse of her cousin, Mr. Crooks,
being here to attend the Crooks—Aiken
A Patriotic Garden party will he held
at the home of William Wise, Concession
11 on July 100. A good time is assured.
Mr. George Cooper, who has been so
long sick, is now able to move around
again with two canes. Mr. Cooper has
had a hard time of it this winter. He is
now getting to be an old man.
L. U. L. Lodges, Numbers 145, 4th
Concession and 180, 7th Concession will
celebrate the 12th of July by holding a
picnic at Bayfield, All will be cordially
welcome to participate in the event.
Death of_John George Steep—An
old and respected resident passed 1
away on Wednesday after a prolonged i
illness in the person of John George
Steep at the age of 60 Nears, 1 month
and 7 days, lie is survived by a grown'
up family. The funeral will take place
on Friday ' afternoon front his late 11
School Report—The following is the
report of S. S. No. II,Goderich 'Township'e
for June, Senior IV Class—Elsie Fergu
son 88 per cent, Francis Powell 78, Pearl
Churchill 76, Ruby Churchill 75. Class
B—Glenn Ferguson 7(1. Bruce Holland
72. Junior IV—Clifford Castle 60, How
and Currie 41. Junior III—Elmer Trick
64. Senior II—Laura Currie 63; Oliver
Ferguson (10. Part If—Verna Colclough
(35, Melvin !Elliott 65, Ada .Riggin 00.
Primer—Viola Holland, Mervyn Batkin,
Laurie Biggdn, Willie Batkin. The best
spellers for the month are:—Senior IV—
Class A—Ruby Churchill, Class!—Olean
Ferguson Junior IV—Clifford Castle.
Junior Ill—filler Trick. Senior 1I •
Laura Currie. Part 11—VernaColclouge.
Erma Diehl, Teacher
The remains of lairs. Marshall B'loo m
field, whos death oec u•red as a result of
the shock caused by lightning, was held
to Exeter Cemetery yesterday. The
funeral was largely attended and was
conducted by RV. lb1r. Finley of the
Methodist Church, The pallbearers were
Messrs. J. Simpson hi. Simpson, H.
Mills, C. Baskerville, W. Luker, E. Cald•
well. A husband and four sons survive. f
They are Will, Fred and Russell, all of
Exeter and Howard of Centralia,
Miss Elsie Button, of Seadorth, spent
the -holiday week end at the hoose of
Mr, Henry Adams.
Mrs: W. Williamson and two little
boys of Brampton and Mr. and Mrs.
Will Vodden, of Clinton sundayed at
the home of their cousin, Mr. Henry
Adams. .
School Section No. 2 held their Annual
School .Picnic and Entertainment on Fri.
day afternoon of last week under the
leadership, of the most efficient School
teacher 14Ir.Charles1e.11a
nd. The
entertainment cmc
a t nt and picnic waseven better
vn ettr
than last year and everyone enjoyed
Girl ' Club
Girls' of Mullett ti held
successful LawnSocialthe at klarlock
schoolhouse, when diet-, was taken in at
the gate, This is to be used in providing
comforts for the soldiers. . A good pro-
gram was rendered, including a number
of selections by the Blyth Band. Dr.
Shortreed, a former resident, but now in
the West, delivered an address on
'•War• and Conscription."
Coed Cattle — On Friday - morning
last, Mr. Thomas IvlcMillan, of Hullett,
delivered at the Seaforth Stock yards
34 head of cattle that for quality and
size will in all probability long remain a
record for the County One pair weighed
3,570 pounds, another.pair weighed 3,460
and the 34 head averaged 1,502 pounds
Mr McMillan received 12icents per
pound,the 34 headrestlizng 56,5 06,
The cattle were purchased for the
Buffalo market by Mr. R. 13. Wilkin•
son of Toronto, a buyer widely known
in Ontario and the Western Provinces,
who pronounced thea s the finest in Can
arta. in fact the finest bunch he had ever
seen. On Thursday morning Mr. Wilk-
inson brought up a party of well known
breeders and feeders from Waterloo
County to see his purchase, the party
comprising Masers, John :Fisher, Abra
hani Snyder, A, Gruff and Cleason
Schantz, of Waterloo ; G. Guthrie, Wm.
Guthrie and John Shutt:'.; New Uusdee ;
S. ILoar, Cleat ; Henry Miller, John, Abe
and Davit! 1[onsberger, Mr Fowler and
Mr. Russell, of Bocce, and James Crerar,
Shakespeare, After dinner at the Dick
House, Mr. Wilkinson and Isis guests
motored out to IVIr, 1blcMillan's farm,
where they spent an enjoyhble after-
noon looking over his beautiftd farm and
fine stock, The Visitors were delighted
with their trip and with this part of the
Mr. lotto Hoare lets purchased a Ford
ane from hire J, Brown, of Myth.
Mr, and Ivirs Joseph Carter, of Port
Elgin is spending this week with' friends
Me. Jcritu Mclk'night Is getting tnal:mini
on the ground for a new kitchen Which
he Intends banding '30053,
If your business slackens, nine t
tittles opt of ten you are a Slsieker 1 p
far advertising, The New Era Is the I
Metalat your doors to brieg you good
Thursday, Juty, 5tll, 1917.
WBirths, Merril/gel; IFc 13ea#hs,
The members of Seaforth Orange
Lodge, No, 703, will attend Divine Ser'
v]r e at St. Thomas' Church on Sunday
evening, July Sth.
Iiev, Father White, who hag been
Pester� ]
't t of St, Columbian parish for the
east five
Years, leavesshortly to go over
seas as a Chaplain with the Canadian
her. Anclrew Patrick; a former well
known resident of Seaforth, died at the
home of his son William, in Hibbert
Township, In his 81st year. He made
his horns with his son since the death of
itie wife three years ago.
The many friends of Rev, A. IC. Birks
were shocked to learn of his sudden death
at Niagara Falls. Ile was Pastor of the
Methodist Church here some years and
during his incumbency the Church made
much progress, the present line parson
age being one of the results of his elforts.
Mr, Birks is survived by his widow and
four sons : Rev, W. H. Birks, of Sar
nia ; Rev. R 'I'. lurks, a 1\'1iesionery in
China and two boys at hone,
i Plant—Stewart.---A pretty June wed-
ding was solemnised at the home of Mrs.
. David Stewart in Seaforth on Wednes-
' day, Juue 27111, when her eldest daugh•
; ter, Hazel W. Stewart, was united in
marriage to Mr. William Plant, G '1', 11.
Station Agent at Seaforth The dere-
ntnty was performed at one o'clock noon
by Rev. jr, Ii. Larkin in the presence
of only the immediate family relatives.
After the wedding dinner the young
couple left on the afternoon train on a
trip down the St. Lawrence and to
points in the United States, which will
occupy some weeks, and on their return
they will reside at the station. The
best wishes of a host of friends is extend.
ed to lir, and Mrs. Plant for a happy
married life.
Do not forget theMethodist .Lawn
Social Friday evening, July tint. A good
time is expected.
Nearly all our Londesboro people took
in the celebration in Blyth on Monoay
and were all glad to hear that Blyth
cleared over 51,000 to be given to Pat
xiotic work. We congratulate Blyth
folks for their ambition.
Mrs,ll, Bell is having her house painted
this week,
The heavy down pour of rain on Satur
day last swept away a number of bridges.
Airs. Walters, of London, is visiting
her mother at present.
Miss Christley, of Delhi, is visiting her
sister, Mrs, Foundberry.
Our village was well represented in
lllyth,l'or the celebration.
Mrs. Robert Acheson returned Tues
day from Winona accompanied by her
daughter, Mrs. Calbick,
Rev. A. Sinclair lett Wednesday for
Sarnia his former charge to conduct a
funeral in (be absence of their own
The re opening of the Methodist
Church held on July 1st was favored
with a goodly number being present and
two very able and muck appreciated
sermons were preached by Rev. Mr.
Agnew, of Clinton, Miss LuI» Lobb
sang a solo in the Morning and Mr.
Clarence Potter one in the evening both
es (ding greatly to the services. The free
will offering of 8I50 which was asked for
to partly cover the expense of decorat
mg was in excess 530.
Rev. C. C Couzens, of South London,
formerly of [-Lolmesvilie, has returned
frons Woodslee, Essex County, where
for some months he has been filling the
nuignts of \Voodelee and Ruscorsb. On
Friday last a large gathering assembled
in the \Voodslee Church to tender a
farewell to Mr. Couzens and a reception
to the new Pastor and his (amity. After
supper Dr. Millon t,),we a eulogistic
address of the work of Rev. Mr. Couzens
Sr,, anti Mr, Thomas Pram, ex warden
of Essex County, gave nu address of
welcome to the new Pastor, Rev. ?1'Ir.
Couzens, Jr., and his fancily.The new
Pastor is the son of the retiring Pastor.
Local News i
Wedding at St. Josdph's Ph's Church
A very pretty wedding took place early
Wednesday morning in St. Joseph Church
when Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John S
ani of Hallett
Township, was united i
marriage to
Mr. frank McCaughey. The bride
was attended by her sister, Aliss Anna.,
the groom was assisted by Mr, A V.
Quigley. Father Bogan performer) the
ceremony before a large number of
friends of the contracting parties. Miss
Edna McCaughey played the weddMg
music, and Miss Mary Yesbec sang "All
Joy Bc Thine" very sweetly during ate
signing of the•regisier. The bride was
becomingly attired in a grey Behvnrp
serge beaded ninon waist and leghorn hat
and carrier' a bouquet or orchitis. The
bridencaid's costume was of sand colored
serge anti black nsilan sailor and wore a
corsage of sweet peas. The groom's gift
to the maid of honor was a pearl neck
lace, to the best man a t earl tie pin
and to Miss !:dna McCaughey who
played the wedding matte a gold rosary.
The best wishes go with the young couple
through life, '1'1'e happy couple left nn
the scorning train for Toronto, Hamilton
and other points,
Military Badges.
The following memorandum teas
Issued by the Minister of Mflltia:—"As
a number of ingttiries have appeared
from time to time with reference to
badges for discharged soldiers and men
who have applied for service and been
rejected for various reasons, in which
it has been intimated that thesc.badges
were to he issued or sold by private'or-
ganizatinx:s or concerns, it is considered
desirable to point out that an order -
in -Council has been prepared and
will shortly be promulgated dealing
with Ibe whole subject, 'Alis order
will provide for. the free issue of edi-
ctal Government badges to all who
are entitled to such by reams of be-
ing honorably discharged soldiers, or
having been rejected for 01' exempted
from Service With tlx forces, The
order 'will also provide that no per-
sons other than those to whom
cadges have been duly issued shall
wear tiny sueh badge, and it will be
illegal tee ncanafacture, sell, pur
chase or wear any other badges pity-
poetiifg to be for such purposes its
rovided for irr the order-in•Couneil,
Leavy penalties will be provided for
hffugefeents of the order.".
CLIFTON -1 a Stanley, on June 2701,
to Mr, and Mrs; Clifton, n son.
DENTl3It---1n Mullett on June 17th,
to Me. and Mrs. Austin Dexter, a son
S'E'EP—ELLWOOD-1n Clinton on
S• •urd a
yT tate 30th
by W. Rev, v
, iss Mary J
llwood, of Gad
erich Township to Milton Steep, . of
1'Vednesday JulyIEY- 411s,inf fIAS1. JoselrAILANhCicurohn
by Father gegen, Elizabeth, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, John Shanahan, of Mullett
to Mr. Pranks McCacighey, of Clinton.
STEEP—In Cedariolt Township, on
Wednesday July Ith, John George, Steep,
aged 60 years, 1 month and 7 days,
eXte tetet3teenee§tbel®('SMeReffenteeneet$
W' a
r The MOMS
Mr. Prank Vaustnne, of Winghaus,
was iu town on Wednesday,
Mr. John Wiseman, Customs 011icer
spent Dominion Day in Toronto with
his sort, Mr, Jack Wiseman,
Miss Mary Chidley had a patriotic
party at iter home last Friday evening.
Rev, and Mrs. W. L. Rutledge left
town last Friday afternoon to make
their home in the Co, town.
Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr is visiting her
parents at 'Toronto,
Mrs, J, K. Fairfull and Miss Lillian
leave shortly to make their hone at
Kingston, while Capt. Fairfull is attend-
ing to his military duties, The Mission
Circle of the Baptist church presented.
Mrs. Fairfull with some pieces of lint-
oges china as a token of esteem in
which she was held by the ladies.
Mr. Rus, Sleep spent the holiday in
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warren and
children, of Hamilton, spent the let is
town with I\Ir, and Airs. W.T. Hawkins,
Miss Jean McTaggart was a visitor in
Toronto for a few days.
Mrs. Spencer, of Kingston, is the guest
of Mr, and AL•s. it( tMarshall,ltattenbury
Mrs. Thomas Hawkins and children
are away for a visit to Hamilton.
kir. Bert Johnson returned [roan Port
Burwell where he has been teaching
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pugh and fancily
and dirs. Ham, of Sarnia motored up to
Clinton and spent Sunday and Monday
calling on old friends.
Mr, Gordon Waldron was elected
President of the Liberal Association at
Nor4h West Riding, of Toronto, Mr,
Waldron is a brother of ;Hiss Waldron, of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Murch, of
Toronto are the guests of Rev. and Mrs.
Sinclair, of Holmesvillc and other friends
in and around Clinton. The ladies are
il3russcls Posta--Mrs. Tuckey, London
and Rev. E. U. and Airs. Powell and
children, of Clinton, were visitors with
Chester and Mrs. Armstrong 10th Con.
The former is Mrs. Armstrong's and Mrs.
Powell's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. leinlay McKcvcher, of
aeaforth announce the engagement of
their sister, M. Eva Sperling, to Mr, E.
Dean W. Courtiee, 13 A. Sc.,of Ilancilton
son of Mr. and Mrs. E' G. Courtiee, of
Clinton. The marriage will take place
early in July.
More Daylight
-Tice Daylight Saving scheme is not,
as some people seers to think, a scheme
of thecapitalists, a rtalis
is nor yet f
p to the leisure
class It
.a ore •
is 1 econnond
purely c measure
note widely adopted for the purpose
of makint the greatest possible use of
daSli du e'
tits summer months,
thus increasing efficiency and reducing
expense. The benefits are many
when the system is in Universal use,
and about the only ineonvience is
that workingnser have to retire before
dark, and are thus apt to lose some
Real Cross in England Kind to Wounded
Stri kilig proof of th e waren-hearted
hospitality of the people of England
to the Candian soldiers is given in a
letter received by Lieut. Howard
Cluff, son of Rev. W. 1', Ctuff and
Mrs. Club', Stratford, and well known
10 Clinton, front Lady Drummond, pres-
ident of the Red Cross Society, London,
Eng. Lieut. Clutf, having been stricken
with trench fever, was in in France for
n month and then was Invalided to
England to recuperate for a few weeks.
While so engaged, Howard received the
stthjoineil .kindly letter front Lady
Dear Sir,—We feel that the services
we can render to an officer are small
but we should like you to know that
they are at your cumntanci One of us
would be glad to call at any time if de-
sired, or we can send you almost any
.Can ace an newspaper. If you wish for
a (:rive at any time, we will be pleased
to send you a car, if you will let us
Three, More. New. Professors
Equal to any in Canada
Students can now obtain as good
an education in Arts and Medi-
eine at the Western as anywhere
11 Braithwaite, M.A., Ph.D,
know the .day before by telephone.
We have had invitations form many
charming country houses for Canadian
officers rut leave, We shall be glad
to !feat from you, if you care to a0-
ceJat this hospitality.
If et .present there is nothing we
can do, please accept this assurance
without feeling under an obligation to
Yours faithfully,
Further Evidence
Another indication of this same hos-
pitality is given in the following addi-
tional statement:
We should like all Candia n officers
to be informed of the opportunities
they have, througll this Bureau, to see
be:uttrful parts of the United King-
dom in a very pleasant manner, during
furlough on sick leave. There are
many charming country houses where
they are always welcome., as well as'
homes, such as Lord Milner's, near
Canterbury, which have been placed
entirely at their disposal,
- In several of these places massage
may be had either from a resident
unrse or at a neighboring hospital.
Should a preference be expressed
for any particular spot where, at the
time, 00 hospitality is available, It is
our pleasure to arrange for the officer,
as the guest of this society, at a
private hotel,
Teacher Wanted
Female teacher for S. S. No. 5,
Hulled. Duties to cunutseuce Sept, 3.
Apply stating salary and quelific,ltions
to Sec.-Treas., J. G. Gibbings, R, R.,
Nu. 1, Cliatus,
sow aim Dr gale
This still has been used by the Dal;
erty Piano Co„ and who might purchase
the entire output annually ; is in fairly
good condition. Capacity 8 to 10 thous•
and feet ner dw. Free use of the R. lj.
siding. Abundance of yard room Slabs
would nearly pay running expenses.
Apply to 91'. Doherty, Clisetele
For Sale or Rent.
House for Sale or to Rent, on Isaac
Street. Apply to
Oliver Johnson,
Box 463, Goderich, Ont.
For Sale
A latched team of heavy carriaige
horses, roans, extra good roadsters, sound
and true, Will sell reasonable for quick
sale, as we are replacing them with a
motor truck.
385311 m5 Co, Constance.
He .11. No. 2. Seaforth
For Sale or to Pont
The brick house on Raglan street,
now occupied by J, E. Doherty, for sale
or to rent: Electric light and town
water; 2 acres of land. with stable. All
in good repair.
Apply to David Cantelon.
Consists in producing nil the cream
you can and shipping it to The L. J.
Looby Creamery. We furnish cans
and pay express We pay the highest
prices for cream and we pay twice a
We have the most up-to-date Cream-
ery in Western Ontario,
Write us
The L. J. Looby Creamery •
Dublin, Ontavia.
!souse ler Sate
A one and e. !half storey frame
house, 12 rooms, situated on Mary
street, barn, el acre of garden and
orchard; waterworks and electric
light Apply to
W BRYDONE, Clinton
Place Your Order
for some of our Western Oats, which
we have just received and we will
charge you no more than if they wore
Just the ordinary grade of Gate,
If you wish to secure some of these
Oats place your order early as they
GM going fast.
We always have a full stock of
Flour and Feed,
!!Highest Prices genu] for Gratin
Phone 109. Residence R on 142
Attrt cU$ve
Round trip tourist tickets now on sale
• frons stations in Ontario at very tow
fares, with liberal stop overs.
Berth reservations and full information
at all Grand Trunk 'Ticket offices, or
write: r
0 a 13OIINiN(1;
Union Station,
Toronto. 'Ont.
,Tole Rabeford &Son, city p111111611 -
ger and Ticket Agents, plydlte 67
A, 0, Pattison, etatton agent
We've made
it hot for
Would like
to tat►ke
quit. it hot
a few for you
We've suade It !tot for a lot of folks
who were looking for satisfactory coal,
and if yo,u will place your spring order
with us, we would be pleased to givt
you the good coal and two thousand
pounds to the ton.
A, J. Holloway
Office Phone 3
A first class bed room suite for pri-
vate sale as well as other articles of
furniture at residence on Ontario St,
(9221) Enrollment No, 92. ,
Will have the following route for 19171
Monday—Will leave his own stable,
West end Tuckersncith, and go north by
way of tlse Huron Road to the Graham
house, Clinton, for noon; then by way
of the 16th con., Godericlt township,
to Mr. Bert Lobb's for night.
Tuesday—By way of Maitland con.,
to Wns. Durst & Son for noon; then by
way of Beticel and Benmiller to Wm.
Long's for night.
Wednesday—By way of the 6th and
Sth con. to Win. Cunningham's for
no011; then by way of the 8th con. to
Fred Quail's, Dunlop, for night.
Thursday—By way of GoderIch and
1st can. to Mr, George Andrew's for
noon; and 4th con, and then to Huron
Road to Mr. Wilmot Haackie, for night.
Friday—By way of 7th con. and Cut
line to Mr. Fred Pickard's for noon;
then by way of Cut line and 9 and 11th
ncon,ight. to Mr. James Graham & Son's for.
Saturday—By way of Bayfield line to
Janes Jackson's 2nd of Stanley for
noon; then to his own stable where he
will remain until the following Monday
ProprietorOTT T. Carr Manager
Two of the highest class, most beau-
tiful, royally bred horses ever offered
for the consideration of breeders in this
community. In the stud season 1917.
Inspected and enrolled
The •Grand Circuit Champion
Elmer Dickson
51536 A.G.R., 2.0635, 1916 Race Re-
cord, one of the most beautiful and
fastest horses ever seen on the Grand
Circuit. Elmer Dickson went the third
mile at Columbus, Ohio, in 2.05 with
the last half in one minute in 1916. Ile
is bred in the purple with show horse
finish. Willestand this season,at his
own barn at Blyth, excepting that on
Thursday afternoon he will go to Wing -
ham, Swarte's hotel, for night; Friday
(fall's lintel, Bluevale for noon; Mc.
-Donatd's hotel, Brussels for night,
Saturdayhoin,e to his own barn for noon
where he will remain until the following
Thursday afternoon.
inspected and enrolled
Ike Medium
5(522 A.T.F., tlse unbeaten show horse.
Little need be said of Ike Medium, as
everyone has seen or heard of him. He
is a champion bred horse and a cham-
pion show ]corse, with size, quality,
speed and breeding, and further is
stamping kis colts with his own re-
markable characteristics. He will leave
his own barn at Blyth on Monday morn-
ing proceed to Auburn, Peffer's hotel
for noon; Smith's Hill fol' night; Tues -
da o r'
day to G de nth Colborne bo ne t3oMe1
heill n
w remain until Wednesday morn-
ing; Wednesday, llolrnesville, Del Gar-
diner' for
Gar -
diner's noon,1
thet to Clinton, Gra-
ham's s l' foie! forht• i
Thursday home
g ,
to his own baro at Blyth where he will
remain until the following Monday
scorning. Write for bills and further in-
formation. Phone 512.
Thos. J. Coulter,
Blyth, Ont:
To Ront'..—__-..___.
A cottage on high St. Apply to
J. Scott, Postoffice.
&Prom lot e4, con 8, Hallett. a
yearling heifer with a mark on
dewlap. A suitable reward will be
paid tor information leading to,
its recovery—Thos, Tighe, R. R.
No, 1, Clinton. Phone 18 nn 166.
I er `ed with Kidneys
C+ idll &lud y Sleep.
No woman can be strong and well'
unless the kidney's are well, for when the
kidneys are 111 the whole body is iii.
Dottn's hidney Pills are a specific for
all kidney troubles. They begin by
expelling all the poisonous matter from
the kidneys, and then !seal the delicate
membranes and make their action re-
gular and natural.
Miss A, Parks, Fast 1\liddle La have.
N.so with kidney troubles I cor hree o dsufferehardly
sleep at night. I nasi all sorts of kidney
medicine; some helped me for a white;
others, which I gave a fair trial, did not
help me at alt. I was very sallow and
had polling under my eyes, I made
op my mind I would try Done's Kidney
Pills, sad on t:akistg two boxes I found
I was getting better, so I kept on rising
two more, and today I don't know I
ever bad kidney trouble. I awe all the
praise to Deane Kidney Tilts."
"Doan's" are put up in alt oblong
f}; mark "'rho 5Oc, per box, et dealers
or mailed direct on receipt of price by
Tho T. Milburn Co., limited, Torodttna