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The Clinton New Era, 1917-05-31, Page 6
P.ag'0 Si>r Transfer 10623 Waist 9120 Suttee -kik Shu+ 9129 . Paiierns Miss Spring -Time Dons agarden tiatwith stream- ers, underneath which blooms a love of a„frock with a surplice jumper affair that comes right to the front with its gracefully looped sash. It is • candidly proud of its • bell- shaped sleeves and the skirt that fulfils: its promise by tieing simply a skirt with a soft ful- ness at the waistline. The skirt is cut in three or four pieces, and for the dress you can use silk, satin, taffeta, char- meuse, mescaline, crepe de Chine or gros do Londres. mssu nsrxsenewar wase 711 THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Make If Yourself= ,Be Patriotic. And Fashionable Do something. Be productive. That is. the 'dine way to serve your country in war -times. Do things yourself that release other hands for other work, , Make your own clothes at'honle.. This is the example set by the fashionable women of Europe, Use Butterick Patterns and dress in the smart, simple styles worn by Paris. The Illustrated Instructions with each But- terick Pattern show you just"how easy it is, Make yotir selection now at our EUTTERICK PATTERN DEPARTMENT SEE OUR GUARANTEED FADELESS : INDIGO ; SERGE Sold at WOMAN'S •STT �J2 Dry Goods and FIouse Furnishings Phone ,67. N'e'st to Royal Bank -Fr. rtr.esemrm•,e=:rsss,s. D es Your Appetite Need ����fln,;? As this is the time of year we desire rotnething in the line of relish to help ur appetite during the busy season of ousecieaning and seeding time. A glance at our window and you will •ee a line of Relishes that Trill soon reate an appetite. Yoe will see — i.'weet Pickles Tomato Soap. Llixed Pickles Tomato Chutney. Olives' Tomato Chili Sauce. Horse Radish. etc. , PINEAPPLES Leave your erder•for your supply of 'this Healthful Juicy Luscious Fruit, with ld ITry our Green Tea at 25 cents per th HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS AD NS !Phone 11 5r2fl STORE OF ee+04$6rC•4e4e•4®'4$+fGC 4•d•44M-04z4 ii tri e'0`9 g ..-44-,4-4+4;+.4 +.44++ VARNA. Beatty l3res.,laere ourchaded a traction' plow and are at work with it on the tiitchen farm in Stanley they have ,eared. Word has been received from Pte. luhn McKenzie from England, who is M ,the hospital teat he isrecovering from is wounds. IIe has lately had a bullett le noved from his breast that could nor' 1.e done at the time of injury. Our :.•eedonn comes at a great expense to our oldiers. EXETER. Thomas Dinner last week sold his 50 Cres of land ata the 10th Line, Stephen, u his brother, Chris Dinny, .the price lying ng $2,500. The monthly meeting of the James !etreet Methodist Church Woman's Mis• sionary Society, the members of the `eeziety, after he regular business ' pre. seated- the pastor, ttev. Mr. Baird with n address aid an honorary life mem !,,•rship certificate. The funeral of Mrs. William Tapp, ' wee held train iter residence to the E"x• e or Cemetery. Mrs. Tapp is survived he her husband, one daughter, Mary e at hame, and one son, Thomas, of \'; ii nrpeg, Two sisters, Mrs. Spearing, • ,..Llarys, and Mrs, LVestcott, of Dalcote, i..,1 four brothers, Thomas Iiartoa, of eedon, George of Manitou, Manitoba, • ,try, of Michigan, and Christopher, of !,ho, also survive. She was 05 years During the heavy rainstorm, accorn- 1 •nieo by thunder and severe lightning, w hick passee over thin section last, Sat• u d.ty evening about 5 o'clock, the tower oe James Street Alethodist Church was struck and some brickwork ivas•torn Ont an the west side,but otherwise no damage w is done, Mr. Samuel !licks, a well known frmer, of the Township of Usborne, who rn•,ided about a mile and a quarter east Centralia, was struck and instantly keled. He and his sons had been work ie.: around the barn and, while standing the doorway of the barn, was struclt. 1 fa was 57 years old. Beeicles a widow ire.le survived by two suns and two reetehters. Word has been received from several, r,' the Exeter boys of the Huron Bette, I •n that they have been in the Vimy I3 tale, have seen some heavy fighting. a 1 I havo secured eeveral relics. • HOUSEHOLD HINTS I I :Mussels, Cooked wtbh e. little garlic is the water, can 'be served with a t:, elted butter sauce. A little turpentine put into the water 3 ,t' washing wi1dotes or mirrors is an eee.ellent method. A drove of garlic Bided to the wafter in which lamab'stongues are cooked improves tine flavor, Pure glycerine will remove peach ;.tains !rogue table linen. Leave the ,giy cerine on the statin for a short While and then ' wash the linea in clean, w; "nn Water, Peeled custard fa greatly improved by stirring maeshreallows into it; al- low six or eight to each plat of milk and two eggs, Stir until tine eggs A Musical Treat. On Monday evening, June 4th at S.15 in the home of Dr, and Mrs. Guars,, Mr; Ray Davidson will give a piano recital Mr. Davidson is a pupil'bf Mrs. McHardy Smith, of the London Conservatory oe Music, and secured the. prize of $50e offered by this.Conservatory, last year. The recital is given udder the patron- age of the Clinton Travel Ciisb. Admis- sion 25c. Everyone come for this Musical treat. Mr; Davidson is a very youthful pianist who plays remarkably well ,,and has every promise that the future 'may see him a renowned artist. The proceeds of this evening wile be used en patriotic work. "- Poultry Association Officers. Huron County Poultry and Pet Stock Association re -organized on Saturday evening, May 19th, when the following officers were elected; viz.: Officers— President, Win, Carter, Londeseboro; vice-president; J. W. Newcombe, Code - rich; sec, -treasurer, M. 1:. Lyniburner, Goderich. Directors—John Webb, T. Y.. L. P. A. Notes. W. Bell, Thos. 1-loggart, J. S. I•lotvrie, Owing to the inclement weather, of Win. Doak, J. 13, Knight, of. Goderich; isat week, the Tennis tournament has Edward Daley, Seaforth; W, J, Ham- been poetpoied until Saturday of this blyn, Chas• Hlyar, Clinton; W. 11. H. week. A ten cent tea to which the public is invited will be held at the home of Mrs, John Gibbings during the afternoon. The girls are arrainging to nerd an- other set of parcels to Clinton sten in. France the second week in Jute, and would like to have as many socks es possible knit during the next two weeks Semi -Annual Meeting. The semi-annual meeting of the South Huron L.O.L. District will be leld le ,tLinton on Friday, June Sth at 1,30 p,m, Important business is before them. Leads the 160th Bettl. Lt. -Col. Sutherland, who has been ttyiceinvalided to Canada with wounds, now caminands the 160th Battle Bruce Co., and takes the place of Lt. Coi. Weir, who retires. Going Back to Fight. Mrs. Sewell has received word from her husband that lie is out of the hospi- tal and was going to join the 'Sth Batt] and get back.into•the trenches. Serge. Sewell had an attack of fever, but is o. k. again. C. 0. F. Meeting Tonight. Mr. Rebt. Elliott, of Brantford, and High Secretary of the 0.0.F. and Mr. J. 13. Campbell, ti. C. 0. of Chesley, will address a Meeting' at the C.O.F. Hall tonight (Thursday) on matters per- taining to the welfare of the Society. "Jerry J." Sold. Last 'Thursday bit'. Ed. Johnston, of Mullett, sold 'his entire carriage horse, Jerry J. to a horse breeder at 'Coho- cionib, Ont. • Air. Johnston raised the horse in North Dakota, and brought hina to Ontario with him when he catea backto Ilullett. Ile got a good price for him,' Remembered Their Associate. The members of Wesley Church choir and teeclsers of the S. S. went cut to the home of Mr and Mrs, Geo. Holland last Friday evening and pre- sented Mies Mandena, 4 bride-to-be, with a egaserole, as a token of respect for, her services in Wesley church choir and Sunday School. Deering, J. IL Grieve, Exeter; Fred Smallactembe, Hensel]; Thos. Bower, W. F. Angus, Winghnin, - ILIST WILL BE CORRECTED NEXT WEEK. Owing to extra work The New Era has been unable to get the subscription list corrected so that the label on the paper would show the proper elate for those who have recently renewed. We will have our list corrected for next week and on June 15th will send lists i561 all owing us to the Collecting Agency at Ottawa, Many hcwe taken advantage of pay- ing up at $1.00 par year in Canada, bet others have not and also our readers lis the United States have not bestirred themselves to pay” up at $1.50 a year, and on June 15th their manes will go.ha to the Agency at $2.00 a year. We are forced to pay, 1 cent a week on all the papers going to the States, So that is tiie reason the price is $1.50, After June 15th the Collecting Agency will collectectt the rete of $1,50 10 Canada per year and 02.00 in the States per year, • Educes. W1NGHAM. What might have prove, a serious accident took place here last week. As Tindal Ritchie, drayman, was ta.nder the Norge derricks at the Jebesou Marlele Works, waititt•g ter the derrick to put the stone up011 his dray the derrick collepsed,•pianing Mr, Ritchie under it. Men rushed rapidly to his rescue and Mr, Rltdliie was at. Duce taken to hie home and medical assistance 'hurriedly summoned. . The worst injuries were to the neck and back, The inluired Haan was uncon- solve. scions for a conslderabe tithe, Patriotic Lecture. TheYoung Ladies Patriotic Auxiliary consider themselves very fortunate in having been able to secure Mr, Newton Wylie, of Toronto, to deliver a lecture on "The Food Problem in Great Britain" inset Tuesday evening in the Town ball. Mr. Wylie is 1 brother of Mrs. (Rev.) Hogg, elf town. He is perhaps hest known as having been the General. Secretary of the Committee of One Hun dyed and copses to tis with the reputat- ion of being a speaker of aunrsual attrac- tion, Capt, le, le, Sloan, who has Juste returned on furlough from the front will also stake a short address, Women's lnstitnte Officers. The Local Brunch of the Women's 'Institute held its annual meeting on Tetesday of this 'week at The home of Mrs. Jas, ripen, Mrs. Munroe gave a very interesting paper' on Knitting. The election of ollicers for the year; resulted as fie llotvs:— Hon, !'resident ---Mrs, Kearns, ?resident—Mrs. Munroe, 1st Vico-President—Mrs. Paisley. 2nd Vice-President—Mrs, •T, E. Mc- Keezte.. Secretary—Mrs, Fowler, As:ii$taast Secretary—Mre.G.J.Helyar, Treasures'—Mrs, Flynn, Assistant'Tfeafufer—:iVit's, tPaxmaii. • • A WEEK" IN CLINTON Council Monday; dire regular meeting of Cog -hell will 'be held al Mocftlay evening 'of next Week. What About the Oil? With the streets watered (spasniodi- cally) the dust is frightful!' on towards evening. Everybody js yvoitdering when the oil will gel. here. We Gan Help.` Are you going to be married 111 June? The Neiv Era can supply the invitations, ;usuounes,ents•and wedd- ing cards if you say the word, Medal Contest Tonight, The Silver Medal Contest under the auspices 'of tite,Clinton W,C.T.U, will be held in Wesley church tonight (Thursday) and an interesting program is' prepared. Barn Social Friday Night. The Bern Social to be given at the barn of Reeve Lobb, Goderich Township on the 24th, was postponed on account of the inclement weather and will take place on Friday. evening, June 1st. A good profsr'arn will be 'given. Graduating June 6th. The New Era Editor has received a invitation' to attend the graduating ex- ercises of the Class of 1917 of Victoria Hospital Nurses on Wednesday after- noon, 'June Gth. Miss Annice Bartliff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Ii. Bart - Ontario St., is graduating this year. Card of Thanks. Mr, Samuel A. Brown and family de- sire to express to their many kind friends their deep appreciation of the kindness and sympathy extended to them its their recent bereavement. They have been touched by the abiding in- terest evidenced, the more so since they Italie been absent from the community for some years, Keep the Flags Plying. Many flags were hoisted on Victoria Day, the 24th of May, in remembrance of Queen Victoria the Good. Why not keep then floating now tell the end of the war? Whether we do so or not there are many clays coming soon on which the flag may well be displayed. Dineen Mary's birthday was on May 26, King George's is on June 3, the Prince of Wales' June 23, Dominion Day July -1, The flag is worthy of being honor- ed note" every day. Let the people know that we are conscious of fighting for a great cause. Second Son Fails. Friday's Stratford Beacon reports the loss of the second son of Mrs, C. Car- ter of that city, who along with her family were former residents of Clinton: —Mrs. C. Carter, 103 St, David street, was officially notified 'oat Thursday morning of the death its action of her son, Pte, Tom Carter, on May 9. This is the second son of Mrs. Carter that has been killed, Pte. William I. Carter having gives up his life in January last. Pte. Carter eil'isted with the 71st Battalion with his brother and was but 19 years of age. He was born in Clin- ton, Huron County, and had lived in the city for about six years, worl.i-g as a• candynaaker at the Mooney Bis- cuit end Candy Company. Ile was weli known among the younger set in the city, and was a general favorite with all his friends.' Besides his mother he leaves to mourn his loss three brothers and two sisters; John W., out west; David W., and Roy at hare; Della and Pearl at house. David has been in Taranto with the 2511 13a4ia- lion, out was discharged on account of his 'age. The late Pte. Carter was Wounded ita November last ape, had just returned to the trenches when he received Isis fatal blow. Capt. Dancey Dropped From C.E.F. Capt. Dancey who was one of the vigorous recruiting speakers in aid of 'the 161st, has been dropped from the Overseas force. The following ap- peared in the press from Ottawa Capt S. N. Dancey, late 0. C., 2nd Battalion Reinforcing Draft, has been discharged from the Canadian Expeditionary Farces NCW TRAIN SERVICE SATISFIES CLINTON, lite G:T.R.Iagents have been uo Iled of the mproved rellway'servicti- u on tile Stratford to Goderich line, ,which took ell'eet Monday, The morning erten from Toronto, that was formerly held at Stratford for en !lour and au half, will now Come right through to Goderich and will have a parlorcru• att;telia and the train arriving here formerly its 6.40, will also' be•;i through train from Toronto, ar- riving in Clinton aboht. 5,45. The mayor of Seaford, and the pres- ident of the Eoarcl of Trede at Mitchell expressed their hearty approval of the changes, which will give a much bet- ter service to these towns. The Officers of the Clinton Board of Trade, who. started tite agitation for better service, are quite pleased and are looking for additional improvements in the near future, A person` can now go to the county town and have three hours he •which to do business; whereas, formerly It was almost impossible to go and come the sante day, The G. T. R. is, by these changes, giving about a five-hour run from To- ronto to Goderich, instead of six and } half as formerly. The morning papers from London and Toronto will now reach the towns on this line about an hour and a half earlier, than previously, with a corre- sponding increase in the mail service. One Year Ago. May 31st, 1916, was the great naval battle (won by the Germans?) of Jut- land, The German navy, has failed to appear since then. Forms are here. The local post office is in receipt of the necessary forms for the conveni- ence of travellers wishing to cross the border into the United States. Train was late. The L.H. es B. evening train was over two hours late on Saturday waiting in connecting at Lucan Crossing, when the Sarnia train left the track near Ailsa Craig. There were only two passengers injured. Has Reached the 100 Mark. With the applications put tis last Friday, Murphy Lodge, L. 0. L. No. 716, .has reached the century mark in membership. It has been a success- ful year and W. M•, W. Walker and the other officers and members are to be con r:Iulated spon t1 success that has attended their effort. They Were Disgusted. The small boy was thoroughly dis- gusted at the Weatherman tut the 24th. ilo could it have his usual enjoyment with the fire crackers as the ground was too wet; he couldn't go fishing as it was too cold,—and to think it was a holiday and nothing to do but stay at home. The picture show at night re- lieved some of the sorrow, Rented House. Mr. R. C. Willis, who has been for some years Western Manager of the Doherty Piano Co.. has taken charge of the plant here, and has rented Mrs. Beacon's house, corner of Ontario and William streets, anti will move his fanc- ily here in' a week or s;,, Mr. Ulan, who is the new seperintendant at the Pune factory, has rented Mrs. Dowd- ing's home and takes possession the first of June. The New Era welcomes the nese visitors' to Clinton, Rough Stuff. Killing time Roasting a friend, Hanging, a picture. Ripping out an oath. • Jumping of to an offender, Choking oR a phonograpt. Knocking a public man. Smashing a record. Hitting the high places. Mashing young women. Breaking into a dance. Cuttiig an acquaintance. Minor Locals. It will pay you to read the ads. Who are your visitors? How does the label on your paper read? Read the advertisenseets and save though orders of 13r1. -Gen. T. D, R. money Henning, 0. C., M. D., No. 3,. Capt. Dancey was for some .veelts attached to the 207th Carleton county Battalion in the capacity of recruiting officer. When the unit left the capital he was given eoanniand of a reinforcing draft for the 2nd Battalion. The ap- pointment was made by militia authori- ties at Ottawa. He enlisted amber of men for the draft and led them to Bali. on fax, Capt. Dancey was recalled to King- stto explain natters brow slit to the attention of the military authorities. He has been in Kingston for several weeks. Thursday's divisional orders cgtiveled•tlte announcement of his dis- charge from the C. E. F. He was known particularly far the vigorous recreiting methods he adopted and to which objection was often made. He served M France with the 0, E. F. early in Ole war. CLINTON FLOUR MILLS When buying Flour ask your Dealer for ,"North Star," "Maple Leaf," or "Snow Flake" Brands, do not let your dealer sell you any oth©r brands till you try out the above, when once used always used. r. A Share of the public Patronage Solicited. :iOHN SCIHOENHALS • CLINTON. ONT. Phone No, 3 OMMI 1 XIUT, O.F. and the Odtlfellews' Resief Associe ��..,...•..,w.�b..,v.i, � afloat are distinct organizations," Friday of this week ushers in the month of June. Council meets on Monday evening of next week. The departmental exams, will soon be Isere. The song of the lawn mower is once more heard in the land. 'Co. Council meets next Tuesday at Goderich. W.C.T.U. medal contest tonight (Thursday) in Wesley church. Tuesday was the third anniversary of the loss of the "Empress of Ireland" in the St. Lawrence River. Early to bed and early to wake, An hour or two with the hoe aid rake, Pay your debts, and tell no lies -- Then you'll be healthy, •,vealthy and wise. ODDS' ELLOWS GET NEWS OF RCP :fait:;:". Big Jump Made in Rates of Odd Fellows' Relief Association. Clinton members of the Oddfcllows' Relief Association were amazed when they received notices from the tread office in Kingston that their insurance rates maty he vastly increased at 'the an- nual meeting of the directors, which will be held on July 25111, in nanny cases the proposed rate ad- vance will be five times the amount of the original monthly assessment, and in these instances, the members declare,. it means not merely their eliminative from the association, but the total fes of all the money they have paid into it, `lite notices which are coming from headquarters state that to justify anti maintain the old rate would re- quire actual assets of approxmiately $8,000,000. The association's assets by the end of 1917 will not exceed $1,700,000. Titus, a readjustment of the businessoof the association is im- perative, A prominent member of the. Inde- pendent Order of Oddfeilews made this explanation about the relief society: "The Oeldfellows' Relief Association," geld he, "neither itas, nor claims any official eounectiotf with the 1.0.0.?. It is it business organie.atioe confining its fitembership to Oddfeflows, but all t members its officers and a err are inemten of the 1,0.0,0. i11 other words, tk T.Q. Thursday, May 3lst, 1917 Spritisis iIIIIIIIIIIIIpiIIIIIIlU119VIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIII@IIIiIIVIIUIIVIIIIIIIIIilllllllll111111VIluIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlIIIIIIIIIIIflIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU HOUSE CLEANI'NG WILL SOON COMMENCE-- "OH! OMMENCE—."O'H! SUCH A LOT TO DO" Get your Wall Decorating done and it will be a good advancement. We have in{{ Wails Paper the variety and range of selectiori'. hich we hope will satisfy your taste. We can surely assert with safety that in our numerous patterns so varied in design, colouring and character, you will conveniently find that which will pro- vide for any ordinary demand, esor•^-..r,. -i'.tasa zzaztnsi SUS Fair •'' ' 3. Rent that Cheapeslt'-141waRys the Best reSSMOSSISIESSISI • A Tested Lens— An Accurate Shutter--. Simple Operation— Good Pictures— All ,these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We have them from $1.00 up. Come -in and let us show you how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results - 11 4 Despensing Chemist TiIgpww55270'S,17se,TTS'rtf+4=5,/.;rii'LMo1•teSl'1'R"".+^.e�.._ rm.2.^022 r, ortse•,-,.,'^"'. .i7~' r- -11-1-7 j ' { 4as 5i v y 45 The Features Off Dint!` Furniture. To which we invite special nttenti,,; are its beauty, its a-ssured comfort, ite solid coestruction, and its below the u.nal prices. Any ono of these pointe would he suflh:ient to earn it your preference. When they, are an. COM, lined we feel sure you will realeee that thie is a furniture buyime 00pwt- 180117 you menet afford to ignore. ie RD "Undertaker and Funeral $hireetor. Plaosie 2R, 'Night and Sunday Collis answered at 'Residence over store Camcgraz. mea 9asszsa' parwar -'^•^ -"- NvCnaces.ACTlP ^•..6551 n Ieatim s. et Work of The Oos'sat`.r Gxroee y "Uve and Leet Live" HOLMCOMFORTS l Are you puzzled as to what to send. the boys at the Front? We suggest— ; Reindeer Coffee Reindeer Cocoa ' G. Washington Coffee I Chocolate Chocolate in cakes Cowan's Milk Chocolate Nut Bars Bovril Oxo Cubes Cream Cheese Pork and Beans Chewing Gum All Kinds t rs Caaned Fish and Meats Leave your order now before advance. • SPECIAL prices1 • Pineapples Oranges Lemons Bananas Lettuce Rhubarb —highest market price for Butter and Eggs. Thos.! ! tWkn. if Plumbingand Hecttin Plume U$ l E. E. Hurano Alsop–over itowland's Her dwnre P.EONIS 45. d 'cot Com For, Conservative Men. Men who travel in the middle of the Road of Footwear Fashions, and who appreciate the limit of Foot Comfort we have Special Shoes! Shoes that are Dignified and Good Looming, but built for Com- fort! Shoes that are made so perfectly that they cause hien to say as soon as their feet are inside of them "Well! that's the best feeling shoe I ever had on in my life!" • We're at Your Splice, Sir if You looldrg for Foo: ERR The leathers are blacks, tans, patents, very soft and pliable. Low flat heels, self supporting arch and easy tread. $4.00, $5.00, $6,00 to $9.00 We fit these Comfortable Shoes with the greatest care and a man's Foot troubles are gone forever! osannrcesnaisrausscaosuccercinuncicaccmccussanocanumsm FRED. R h'2 n A D A r,, Fl Rt i e, a 5 O N ,SHOE SPECIALLIST