HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-05-31, Page 4PACE 4 THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Thursday, May 31st, 1917 ,0, ...+ar>-r.Riitelw,te!dlPnr RalnRnrsaW. eaangenna. . ..._ -.. ._._..; or ,W1( p LIMITED TCO -A ILLETT 1"1x7. C �. SUNDAY SC�LWrIOi� Lesson X.--Seoena Quarter, For June 3, 1917. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES, Text of the Lesoon, John xvili, 1.12. Memory Versos, 10, 11—Golden -text, Isa. 1111, 3—Commentary Prepared Rov, P. M. Stearns, \1'e cortntilly have today In many - I , lesson, iii )6 possible Ic a tit imI respects r ----_" Sable for u5 to gresti. or undcrstat:d or The Mail and Empire 011 Saturday lied the following legal note from Clin- ton:- 1. R., Clinton.—Call a noun work On his land on Sunday for the production ui fund without being liable to a fine? (2) Would that be classed as work necessity'? Fighting continues on Sun- days, and the munition factories are in operation on Sundays, and the produc- tion of food is just inmportant. Ans.—It was held by the Privy Coun- cil In 4003 that the Lord's Day Act which at that time was chap.246 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, a897) wag ultra vires and vciid. The effect of that decisldl was to restore the old Lord's Day Act, which is chap. 104 of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Can- ada, That Act makes it unlawful for manifest liim to others; lit v01505 11, 13, that Ls why the 11 re Imre In the world in Ills stead. In verses 3, 21.23, (le gives eternal life and the glory which the Plater gave to IIluh, that the world may believe trod knew, end .inion as to what works can be elle secret of all is in the last three opinion p words of ais Prayer, in 1hem," On that last evening, it 1 hnve counted c'urrectly, Ile spoke of Die [''tither or to His Father over fifty tunes, remind- h)g its that Lie lived by the leather, the Living Father 'who had seat Ilam, end 13e would have _us live (bus by Wm (John vi, 071. lr redeemed by Ws precious blood we are given to HIM by the Father and can look up :nal say "Our Pother." and that should deliver us from all care and anxiety eta] lead us to say, as Us did: "Even so, Pathe, for so it seemeth good in Thy sight" Matt. v1, e.:5•,13; xi, 20i. I1•ein;a made children of God and juiut heirs with Jews Christ, we must be eoitent to suffer with Him this little while, according to Phil, 1, 29; Ill, 10, but always looking onward to the .0uny (glom, viii, 'IS; II Cor, iv, 17, 1 Si. Turning to our lesson ebrlpler, we see Him going forth from the upper thorn over the brook Cedron to the gar- den or Gethsemane bemuse of the re- bellion of His son isrnel tEx. iv, 22; isa. 1. 2), and we think of David cross- ing the same brook because of the re- bellion of 1115 5011 (II Sam. xv, 23, 30). But David returned mud reigned, and so will the Son of Devitt in dee time. Darld also seems to have written of the betrayal by Judos in Ps. all, 9. nod 11.1 acts I, 20, Peter says that Ps. lxix, 23, referred to Judas. Notice lu lesson verses 2-8 the power of the groat name I AM, and see bow just two words from Him sent the Romau soldiers to the ground, from which they never would lure risen again but by His permission. See the greatness of that name in Ex. Hl, 54, 15. Note the sword in the bond of Peter (verses 10: 11) and see his misuse of it. for Swords are not for disciples. else two would 1101 have been enough for twelve 'Luke xxii,8S,5U,511. How often we 11 any measure enter into its real Si(,,- ulliounee. Brit we tau believe it and stand in awe and, bowing low, Adore, Tee first sentence. "When ,lasts had 8[)00011 Wiese words," takes us back urge His discourse m,1( prayer in the upper room that hist eveuin3, giviee us truth t0 be pondered overt' doe and Leer until we shall ace lIlul tuce to face, aid then t0 be ilgderstood .tad appreciated DS 110)01' b1I'Ore. It de0W;4 a great pity 1101 to have n lesson on His inimitable prayer In wblc•ll tie poured out Ills bead: to Itis [rather tor Himself and for that little 0001 patty tot( for US. Lo 110t tail 10 110. Hee in verse 5 that He w'ns truly nue with the leather before the world was; in verses •4; U, 20, teat Ills um:e Alia 013 earth Wits 10 glorify the Pettier and any tradesman, mechanic, workman, lab- orer, or other person to do business, or work, on his ordinary calling, on the day commonly called Sunday. Works 1(1 `necessity' and works sit charity are expected. There has been a difference -lassed as works of 'necessity.' It has been held that selling cigars, keeping open a barber shop and unloading' ,t cargo were not works of necessity. 24 - Out. L.R. 77. Time Dominion Lord's Day Act, R.S.O., chap. 153, says "re- ceiving, transmitting, or delivering tele- phone messages, or starting or maintain ing fires, making repair- to furnaces, In :..aces of emergency where such works are essential on account. of the con- tinuous nature of the industry which 01111lot be stopped without serious in- jury, are excepted, and any work with respect to the operation of electric cur- rent, Tight, heat, water or gas contin- uously supplied for lawful purposes, al- so the continuance to their destination AA trains and vessels in transit, the load - Ing and unloading of merchandise at in- termediate points of ocean-going ves- sels, the caring for milk, cheese, or live animals and perishable products, the hiring of horses, carriages, or small boats for the personal use of the hirer or his family, and other similar works are classed as works of necessity, and .excepted from the prohibitions of the Act. There are numerous other excep- tions. But the Act should be amended so as to allow all kinds of agricultural labor on Sunday; leaving farmers free to work or remain idle un that day, as they may think proper. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA • .0 e. 41 .. 11 44} ,. ;} ti 11 '11 DRAG THE ROADS. 4} e u s * k * When the smiles of spring ap- pear * Drag the roads; ISERABLE FRO MOMAC ac TML Fell Wretoiled UhiIil Hoe Slash"011 To Take "Fruit -a -tubo D" " \Vhen the sunnier time is here, ,6 *} Drag the roads; figuratively cut off people's ears, or, in • When the corn is in the ear, ,•; other words, prevent theism trona hear - • in the winter cold teed drear, 4} * Every season of the year, `} +1 Drag the roads; * When you've nothing else to do, i1 Drag the roads; , *1 If but for an hour or two, '•" *1 Drag the roads; i1 it will keep them good as new, a ' With a purpose firm and true i1 Pall in line; it's up to you--- * ou—* Drag the roads; '} —'1110 Kansas lndustrialist, 0' r. K. t1 * ;t 4} 4) 4, ;1 t) ,. t} Bargain hunters should take ad- vantage of the live columns of The - ations where the Lord Jesus is not Clinton New Era. You save dollars honored, unless by going here and by reading the advertisenments of our there we can magnify Him. What a iocai merchants, as they appeer in comfort it is to us weak ones that the each week's issue.' Lord loved Peter through it all, prayed for him, brought him true penitence by that loving, searching look, gave him a special personal interview on the resurrection day and later some special words by the sea of Galilee. In verses 12 to 14 we see Jesus allow- ing the soldiers to take 811m and bind Him and lead Flim away because the time had come for Him to suffer. To she litim consenting to be led from one to the other and be so ill treated by Annus, and Caiphas, and Herod, and PBate, and so patlent before all, leav- ing us un example of how we should act as His representatives before ICUs enemies and ours, is something that we should constantly consider (1 Pet. Li, 10-24; tleb, xii, 8, 4), Ilow grand was Eris reply to the high priest when asked concerning His teaching: "I spake openly to the world. * * * In secret have I said nothing. * * Ask them which heard mo what I have said unto them, Behold! They know what 1 said" (verses 19-21). Notice how they struck Him and called )aim an evildoer, yet Pilnte testified three limes, "I Ond no fault in Ulm" (verses 22, 80, 88; xix, 4.0). Elis saying to Pi- late, "afy kingdom is not of this world; * * * now is My kingdom not from hence" (verse 86), has been taken to mean that EIe will never have a literal Itingdpm on this earth, but only in the hearts of Ells people, Let Such as think so read and believe Dan, tit, 18, 14, 27; lea, is, 1.8; ]xtl, 14; lel', Hi. 171.rxiit. 5. 8: Luke 1. 8/411, 594 C.11.01l`l,A1N 51'., Mo8T1111en, "Vier two years, I was a n ldnrable sulleror from P.hruntali sot Cru! S:;':a:yls ?'ratable, I had frequent, /)r :.y Spells, ahld. when I took food, felt wret.el,e1 and sleepy, I sat.erc i'from Rheu- matism theu- iu m t m dreadfully, with pains y mn is back and joints, and 10)' halide swollen. A. friend advised "1011111'114111011" ant from the outset, they did hue geode Alter llrefirst box, ?jell wa.r,0dllls.; well. and T can truthfully say ti1ii "Fruita-tives" is the only neeli •nue tlhatlhelpe<lme" LOUIS I AP, 1,I1:. 50e. a box, b for 9122.50, trial i.: , :>, o• At all dealers or sent posipaielby Prnit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ALBERTA ELECTIONS. 11111111111UIIIIp11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 71 ?YIir'N and EVENTS Ii 1111111$111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111g EX -AMBASSADOR OF The Alberta Legislature has been dissolved and polling will take place on ;June 7. 1t is interesting to note in this connection that the first Legis- lature of the Province consisted of 37 Liberals, two Conservatives, one Inde- pendent Conservative and one Socia list. 'fife second Legislature consisted of 33 Liberals, seven Conservatives and one Socialist, and the third Legislature, that just dissolved of 38 Liberals and 18 Conservatives. A novel feature of he present election is that eleven of the members of the Legislature who are overseas have been confirmed in their seats by legislation, and consequently will not have to seek re-election. 'the next house will have two addi- tional members, who will be elected to represent the soldiers from Alberta serving overseas. John A. Reid, Al- berta's agent general in London, has been appointed returning officer for this purpose, For the first time i11 Alberta, women will vote in this election and the power and extent of their vote is indcated by the fact that Mrs. Nellie McClung, the noted temperance orator, will open the campaign with Premier Sifton at Calgary on Wednesday night, Mrs. McClung has made 11p her mind to work for government, although some time ago she announced she would take no part in politics. So far ars indications go, the Sifton government has lost nothing of its popularity and is pretty certain of a return to power with an undiminished majority. Mg the voice of Jesus by our zeal or lack of zeal or bungling of some sortl We next see Peter with the servants, warming himself at their fire and then denying that he knew the Lord (verses 15-18, 25.27). This is the man who said, "Lord, I will lay down my life for Thy sake" (xill, 37), Flo meant well, but did not know himself. He was boastful, unwise, overzealous, fol- lowed afar off and got into bad com- pany. And there are so many liken him! If we . warm ourselves at the warming places of the world we shall surely get into trouble. The only way is to follow fully and avoid all associ- Two Splendid lungs One One is plenty of open- air exercise. if you can't get all of that your should, it's all the more important that you should have the other tried-and-true rem- edy for a torpid liver and bowels that don't act freely and naturally. Take one pill every night; more only when you're sure it's necessary. CARTERS' ITTLE. tI!VER Ii PILLS CetfliMe boors 1.57ei nitro •Ige..erer4 Colorlcsitfacee often dhow tine absence of Iron in the blood. Carter's Ironpills will help this condition ...oelesangitsit CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use isorQver3OYears Always heats the Signature of Had PnemmOnval DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PONE SYRUP CURED HIM. U, S. 1N LONDON DEAD. IF. ft ILL IN BED MOST OF TIME Her Health Restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Indianapolis, Indiana, -- "My health was so poor and my constitution so run down that I could notrk. was wo X thin, pale and weak, weighed but 109 pounds and was in bed most of the time. I began tak- ing Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound and five months later I weighed 133 pounds. I do all the house- work and washing for eleven and I can 'truthfully say Lyd a E. Pinkham's Veg- etable.Compound has been a godsend to me for I would have been in my grave today but for it. I. would tell all wo- men suffering as I was to try your valu- able remedy."—Mrs. WM. GREEN, 882 S. Addison Street, Indianapolis,Indiana. There is hardly a neighborhood in this country, wherein some woman has not found health by using this good old- fashioned root and herb remedy. If there is anything about which you would like special advice, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. • FiTf71�.rJOS.F.(t,l-:: 'E Joseph H. Choate, who was -a leading American lawyer, and throughout the present war was it strong ad- vocate of the Allied cause. CROSS SICKLY SABIIS, Sickly babies—those who are cross and fretful; whose little stomach and bowels are out of order; who suffer from constipation, indigestion, colds or any other of the minor ills of little ones—can be promptly cured by Baby's Own Tablets, Concerning then! Mrs. Jean Paradis, St. Bruno, Que., writes: "My baby was very ill and vomited all his food. Ile was cross and cried night and day and nothing helped hint till I began using Baby's Own Tablets. They soon set hint right and now he is a big, healthy boy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box frau The Dr, Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A cough is an early symptom of pneu- monia. It is at first frequent and hacking, end is accompanied with a little tough, colorless expectoration, which soon, however, becomes more copious and of a rusty red color, the lungs be- come congested and the bronchial tubes filled with phlegm. making it hard for the sufferer to breathe. Males are more com- monly attacked than females, and a previous attack seems to give a special liability to another. On the first sign of a cold or cough you should get a bottle of Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine Syrup and thus prevent the cold from developing into some serious lung trouble. Mrs. h. Charles, North Toronto, Ont., writes: i"Two years ago my husbaud had a very bad attack of pneumonia, and the doctors said he was getting consumption. A friend came in to see me and told Inc to get Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I got three bottles, and they seemed to quite clear leis,chest of the phlegm, and now he is flue and well. I shall never be without it in the house as it is a very valuable medicine." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade nark ; price 25e. and 86c, The genuine is manufactured only by Tun) T, Nlth,nusN Co., Lisu'reu, Torouto, Ont. Booksellers Complain State Grievanoes in Current issue Of the {,Bookseller and Stationer". Tells [l= Caaack Victory 1U Vimy Cloderich, May 14.—The' following is an extract from a. letter from Capt. C. R. Carrie, of the Canadian Y. el. C. A„ who has been in France since the war began. 11 is dated on the field and in describing the battle of Vimy Ridge he writes : ''Easter Sunday was a lovely day,' but everywhere we felt the tension of preparation of the attach before dhwn. You will have seen by the papers the great work the Canadians have done the past week at Vimy Ridge. It certainly was a glorious victory for our troops. As a matter of fact, the whole movement took only a few hours' work by the infantry, although the artillery work lasted much longer. It certainly was magnificent the way the manoeuvres were carried out. I do not wonder the German were glad to retreat. \Vc caugh them quite unawares and took many prisoners. 1t certainly was a more stupenrlous•affai1 than the.Somme; and theground afterwards was a terrible sight. Those seriously wounded were sent back to the hospitals in the rear E10 soon as first aid. had been rendered. Those who, alter having their wounds attended to, could still walk or sit up, gathered in excited (croups talking about the great victory. They were elated and most cheerful at having done so well. Every one here is quite hopeful as to an early conclusion of the war, especially after the recent successes. The troops are delighted to hear of the United States entry into the war, and it will snake quite a difference in the war. Wilson's speech was certainly a master niece. President Falconer, of Toronto University, says all the Varsity omen must enlist, but I think they are noarly all here now." In the current issue of "Bookseller and Stationer" irritation is freely ex pressed by Provincial booksellers at the way the school books are being imitated by the Ontario Depnrsmcnt of biducabion. One bookseller Ivlr. A. T. ('Doper, of Clinton wrote a letter to the Department in which a lumber of per. tinent: questions were asked one griev- ance being that the booksellers were not notified when new books were about to be issued, with resultant loss to the booksellers as the teachers and children naturally prefer the latest text books, Plow the department is encouraging the Mail Order houses to the detriment of the growth or the smaller towns and cities is shown in the following questions asked by the same bookseller who objects to the school books being used for the exploitation of a private commercial en- terprise 1 "Is it not correct that time Robert Simpson Co., lose directly on every arithmetic sold in Ontario ' Is it not true that the Robert Simpson Co. charge up this 1099 to advertising ?n The booksellers ask for a conference with the Government regarding the school book question but this request has not been greeted. Thrifty housekeepers react the ads. Aylmer carried hydro by an almost unanimous vote. You can grow onions in n plot a yard square, The trouble is to get the seed 01116111 et present prices, If you take The Never Eta eh) Its 11 little favor ----just neconiii end it to a neighbor wlio doesn't know how 300(1 it,ls., ._.......,... 'Mon no y: O.1z% 2'ho Great , Enoli*1l5 5Rawa . Tonus and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes now Blood in old Veins, O114c8 Narrow Debility, Mental and Brain TWWorrt/, De on- dcuav, Lose of lento(/, Palpitation qT the Heart, Palling Afemorv. Price $1 per box. six for $e.ci Ono will please, six will ourom Bold by all druggists or mailed in ninth pkg. on reerint of prier. Nrto 7nrenpblet mailed: free. TIRE '11000 1515080181E CO..011IONTO.ONT. tfwmca s Windsor' fore Iturned my horse to come back to You," `then sighed softly, In the face of such vehemence as this, there Seemed rlotlleg left fol' her to say, No argu- Ine10 would beat bank lits stubborn at- tack. 1111111111111111111!111111111111111111111111111111111111!IIIIIIII11i11111111111i11111911111!III1111111111111!1:II 1 OUR NEW SERIAL STORY eeel j THE 'TRUE LOVE OF AARON BURR by Louise Kennedy Mable III1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI11111111111111111i111111111111111111111•:11111111111C11111i1111G11$111i111iI1111111i111fi (Continued from las: week) "If you command it, madam." There was eager pleading in her eyes. "1 do command it" She said firmly, and he dropped her hand at once. THE CHURCH AND PRODUCTION To the Pastors and Trusseos of the Methodist Churches in Canada, New- foundland and Bermuda. r'I am certain now that 1 should not accept your service in the matter of the letter, site said at last. tie wheeled. to Iter again, blank aston- isl1ntent upon his face. "And why not, madam? This con- fession of mime alters not the argtnlai case, 1 have promised you the letter. You shalt have it." • "And your reward, sir?" she. said faintly, "You would not expect—de- "How basely )'OU think of me, Mis- tress Prevost- 'there was no reason of reward, 1 va d, 1 think. 1 ani 1101 a barterer of ladies' hands, to demand 'yourself against your will, if you did not wish to conte, 1 would never receive you.' "But if I did? she put in suddenly, in spite of herself, (le started, "if you did," he whis- pered coming slowly near her again; if there were a chance that you did —you send me wild with joys" "Indeed, 1 said nothing, sit', 1 did not sa) "You did not say—you thought! My little saint) You do not guess the tenacity you have put within me," He leaned over and looked for a long mo- ment into her eyes. "It is a determi- nation fixed in my mind to marry you, my darling." Ire straightened suddenly. "Minor Bellwood --what of him?" His voice was businesslike. "I -Ie was sent by sea to the Phila- delphia army. h -le will return w011111 the month. He writes that my answer must be ready. He Is to visit me one month from the date of the letter," said Theo. "And the date?" "Was the twelth of December. Two weeks are already gone and my answer tis still unready." We will have it awaiting him, never fear!" Bur flung his coat over one arm and took up Itis hat, 'Then the came back to her again. "Alack, 1 must tear myself from Paradise," he said. `9 may come again on that night?" he asked appealing, and then, when she did not answer, stooped and very lovingly kissed tier hand. She blushed rosy as he did so, for there are various fashions, even in so simple a matter as kissing a lady's hand "You have had no wine," she said. Turning, 11e poured a glass and held it out to her, but she shook her head. Then he did a daring thing. With eyes fixed upon hers and head thing back, he held the glass high. "'To my future wife!" he said, and drained it to the bottom, lie walked to the mantel -shelf and leaned itis arum upon it, standing 111 un- mannerly fashion, with his back to the lady. He rubbed his eyes swiftly with his hand, A quiet settled upon the room. Theo lay lay back in her chair with eyes closed. She could not say that the thing was wholly unexpected. Some such idea had lain unacknowledged in her mind since her first meeting with him, But the feeling he had aroused In herself confessed and puzzled her. It was entirely new—a thing world§ apart from the comfortable affection which she had given her dead husband. This new emotion she could not analyse, it took away her power of action of thought, of resistance. It was as if something was drawing her to the man, and all struggle wv,ere futile. His voice had gone through her with a shock of delight. iiis lips had burned her hand, and were still burning it. She could not think with him near her, and think she must, She opened her e)'es all drew herself up straight, "Colonel Burr!" she said, and he wheeled about, facing her. "1 am sen- sible that you have done much in com- ing here tonight. I thank you for year interest in our affairs. I regret that }ou—" "Ah, do not condemn me thus, mad- anml" he broke in, "I know what you would sty—that you would bid ole 30, and never show my face to you again, I beg you not to answer me to -night 1 offer you not so much as others, per- heps; but no ane could love you, every smallest part of ,you, what you say 011(1 do and are, better than 1. Body and soul, 1 love you ,Theo!" lie stood stilt'where Ile was. It was plain that he Was in deadly earnest. "Yon do not rea.lite whet you say, sir," she said, tr,'ying to Speak calmly. "You are infatsafed now, perhaps — ar think you are—but you will get over it. I am a widow, older, than you, Ah, ,do you logk 10 me so, sir! You scatter my thoughts." s, "Thank. God for tihat, if they be hard ones.' "If you will look at the tire," she said in a hesitating voice, "1 will finish quickly." lie turned his profile towards her, and stood facing the logs. "1 regret that you have so spoken to me, Colonel B.urr," she began again. "1 will glory it to my last hour " he broke in, still facing the 'fire. "You cannot love nmol" cried Theo, forced at last from her calm, "You have seen me but twice," "1 have dreamed of you ail my life," he said, "I have loved you from the moment I saw you beside the conch with the boy in your arms. I loved you be - Dear Brethern,—The stress that is upon the world, and the certainy of great and perhaps, at the present time, unimaginable scarity of provisions in the world, and the consequent dire suf- fering that will almost certainly ensue, ends me to urge you to consider wheth- er you may not make the land connect- ed with our churches everywhere free to the people for culitivation, either by municipal action or by individual labor. The contributions our church can make in that way will be ample reward for the sacrifice of any artistic or natural beauty it may entail, and will be an eminently Christian act. 1 trust this appeal may sleet with immediate and very general response. Sincerely yours, S. D. C11OWN, General Superintendent. o3ik.ii @ eti° Rost co,trpound. ol; d safe, reziatee 2'4111-,05i71{) mediotcle, sold in three de, roes of strongth—No. 1 $1� Shoo. 2,58; No, a, $e per sent Sold by ung receipt, a or nest nIrmo tl on roeorpt eF price, Irmo pOmphlot. Menne: Tag COOK MEDICII4E CO., sr. TORONTO, OP. (Fe,00rly lilosiore A Call to Prayer An appeal has been sent to the churches in Canada to hold services for confession, repentance and prayer fur victory at least mouthy until ,the close of the war, Special Services are also suggested for Bnnpire Day; and July, 1st. .,.. O you ever U ave the 9.s � 1?_ls That discouraged feeling often comes from a disordered stom- ach, or an inactive liver. Get your digestion in shape and the bile acting properly—then the "blues" will disappear. You will soon be cheerful, if you take the people's remedy for fife's common ailments. They act thoroughly' on the stomach, liver and bowels, and soon reg- ulate and strengthen these im- portant organs. Purely vege- table—contain no harmful drugs. Whenever you feel despondent a few doses will MakeThings look Brighter oSolBele evetiwhAnere,Medicine easel zoo, World. id. Has Noticing. to Hide Now that the : Government has absolutely prohibited the use of any artificial coloring sugar,tell you tri we ate n m again that we Jattve; —never ztsed Beets —never used Ultramarine Blue —never used Aniline Dyes —never used Vegetable Dyes in refining any of our sugars. This means that every pound in. the holds of your grocer is pure and uncolored. So—why take chances? Why not insist on having Lantic-- the Sugars that have always,been pure, and cost no . more than 'any other? Look for MO' Red Ball Trade-rnarle on eeety. Carton and Sack. 124 You are not offended—past re - calif he ventured, almost timidly. "Sir,you have a high handed fash- ion1 first you act, and then ask per-. mission,' she answered w111 some spirit., "But 1 may come—on that night?" he persisted. "'If the British clo not kill you or capture you, and the Hudson does not swallaw you, I suppose you may come 00 that night," she said, being some- what angered by his last offense. "But 1 have given no permission," she added hastily. And so Burr 1 rally dragged himself away, stableward, won upon Tarquiu's back, and was away in a rush. The lady sat long, gazing at pictures in the fire. Continued next Week. LUNGS �„•E D ' : a 'lir Overwork, lac!: of fresh air, mental strain or any sickness. coughs tear and weer disturbs � their functions. Stubborn g the sensitive lung tissues. should be taken promptly for hard coughs, unyielding colds, or when strength is lowered from any cause. its high I nutritive value creates resistive force to ward off sick- ness. The rich cod liver oil improves the quality of the blood to relieve the cold and the glycerine is' soothing and healing to the lung tissues. Refuse Malefic Substihates Which Exclude the Cod Liver Cil. ,a.a ) ,.. Nem'"and si Three of a kind Keep them in mind As toothsome as the name implies,. Deliciollas,long. lasting. The third of the Wrigley tri R�) ©f refreshing confections. Good for teeth, breath, appe- tite, digestion. Sealed Tight— Kept Night! ®Ch�eQwp it after every ery nPeal MADn IN CANADA ON SALE WHEREVER CONFECTIONS ARE SOLD The Flavour Lasts 33' P.