HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-05-31, Page 3Thursday, May Slat 1917 THE CLINTON,NEW E ' THE BRITISH EMPIRE CALLS FOR More Eggs and Poultry—, It is therefore our duty to increase production in these tines, and prices promise to be exceedingly high for all poultry products during this present year. Our incubators are giving the beat satisfaction and why not buy one and pay for It in poultry next fall? Fat Hens Wanted at 18c per f6, Our waggons will call for your eggs as usual during the summer months, paying top prices in cash or orders given on the town stores, Gauo-Langlois & Co., Limited The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch ]Phone 190 4 41 4 V I 5 1 4 N to*.e dpi :4 4 4 4 14 4 4 4 Punas See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, .special values in Fart Gases Pianos and organs rent ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. bIusic Emporium C. Hoare Peex.urs.;NrtewiN2.,eNa'wM.A".0 Plumbing Heating b Tinssmittin , Repairs promptly at- tended to. A number of Second hand Beaters 4 repair, in good a's .arses rZ ya m`'Sutter SSannte:try Plumbers Phone 7, Ven,rwe00vVtStdM'vvt,MR !VMYa0v4Me/ao-vr etter Pay The Price Don't he tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Far better to pay a fair price and know exactly what von are getting, Yon will never he sorry—for as a matter of money, it is easily the most economical. That has been said so often that everybody by this time should know it—and vet there is no scarcity of cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal—If z ou would like to miss that sortialtogether— CONIS 13181E If yon would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in—OOi\l iD HERE And even at that, no person ever said our princes were unfair W. '•r o n er timelier and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses Fog» & McIEOD 'We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Stan darn.), We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand —Goose (Wheat, Pews, Barley and Feed Corn IHi:l hest Market Prieee said ter Plias and e31 Online FURD MoL}M1) W. GXW,)O31' I31 BABH1E'i,"L31T4 St/T.40I7'QAA .NOTARY PWJ13I40, roc) oralrnroN .071.0.07,74.70007. 6]#1111 i.EI b. . BRLB 'f)onneyance, Notary Publie, Oornritiesioneti, oto, IR13AL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Isener of Marriage Lieeneee,, .Huron' St„ Olinton, H. T. RANOE Notary Publics, Conveyancer, Financial rind Beal Estate INSURANOC Agt)N71—Ropreseeting 1t Vire In 4814004 Companies, ilDivision Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piapo tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 51, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron,1LO. Barrister, Solicitor, Oonveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper, In Olinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 0 p in. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will make any oppointmentsfor Mr, Oameron. Medi.,ai. OR T. W. R'AOMPSOI Physician. Surgeon. Etc eneoial attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose, Eyes n otully ,,awinod• and suitable glasses mosey wed. Orrice and Residence. Two doors wear, or the Commercial Ilett Sharon Bt. ORS. CVNN gird CA. 1111 It Dr. W. Leann, L. II, C. P.. L. 44. C. 1.. N•,tt Dr, Cunu's ofilco at residence High Street Dr .1. 0. dandier. ILA. 55.14, Office- Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls at resideuoe, Rattenbor' St. or at hospital DR. P. R. +1Xei1V tissnICT Crown and 'Bridge Warn a Specialty. Gradate of C.0,0.5... Chicago, and 2,0,0.1 Toronto, Hayfield on Mondays. Mar 1st 10 0 FOWLt''lt, iD'r~NTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Bpsnia' care taken to make dental treys ...eels 81 itemises es noseible, THOMAS GUNDR' Live stork and general Auction.e• CODERIOH ONT b atm stooa sales a epeetalt Y, U1 Care 44 v Nicw Etta canoe, Clinton, pram' ty acts no to. Terme reasonable, Farmers' sale 008 discounted Drs. Geo, ez M. E. Whitley s�k('i':CIH dirt osteopathic thy. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Bye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, CONSULTATION FREE. Office—Ratten bury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday. T to 11 p.m. G. D. McTaggart M. D. McTaggar MeTagmarc Br s, STINKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON teener:al '!Banking l3nalneale transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drain issued, Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutual utu l Fire Insurance eon Perm and Isolated Town Prept erty Only inaa'i^ed. kgend (Doles—Seaforth, Oat Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex, Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; `Edward Hinchley, Seaforth; Wnt. Chesney, Eg- mondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jarmutlm, Brodhagen, Directors Wrn. Rion, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newels, Brodhagen; Janes Evans, Beech- wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; James Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Geo. McCartne, No. 3, Seaforth, A Careoald 04 CRma(1R PERFECT HEALTH XS EVERY WOMAN'S BIRTHRIGHT. A Preperiptjon' That Ferorn Girlhood to Old Age Ilan Been a Blessing to Womankind. When al,irl becomes a woman, when a woman Names a mother, when a woman passes through middle life, are the three periods of life when health and strength are most needed to withstand the pain and distress often caused by severe organio disturbances. At these critical times women are best fortified by the use of Dr, P101'00'13Favorite Prescription, an old remedy of proved worth that keeps the entire womanly system in excellent eonditiog. Mothers if your daughters are weak, lack ambition, are troubled with head- acDrh.es,•Pilassitudeoree'e andFavorite are palePrescripandi4sicklygnrs , just what they need to surely bring the bloom of health to their cheeks and mhke thein strong and healthy. For all ailing women Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription is just the right medicine. During the last fifty years it has banished from the lives of tens of thousands of women pain, misery and distress. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. If you are a sufferer, if your daugghe ter, mother, sister, need help,. get Thr. Pierce's) Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet form from any medicine dealer to -day. Then address Dr. Pierce In- valids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and get confidential medical advice entirely free. Every woman should be Careful that the liver is active and the poisons are not, allowed to dog the system—get rid of these poisons by taking Dr. Pierce's Pellets,t Which regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. TCeep the body clean inside as well as outside! How to preserve health and beauty is told in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medi- cal Adviser. It is; free. Send Doctor Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., fifty cents or stamps to cover wrapping and mailing only. 1.0NT IO I AFFAIRS 4 ........C•OS®4046 ©.m�J.O�09t� ALL GET A CHANCE TO EXPRESS VIEWS Oemocratic Nature of North Bay Con. ference—North Country and the War Democracy for men and women with an opportunity for presenting Llieir views on public questions, was the outstanding characteristic of the Northern Ontario Liberal Conference held in North Bay. A number of int - portant matters of particular interest to the North country were introduced by delegates and debated vigorously. A number of public Wren, including Newton Rowell, the lion, Rodolphe Lemieux, Hon. Geo. P. Graham, Sam. Carter, M.P.P., and Z. 1lateau, M.P.P., were present and gave excellent speeches, but the fullest opportunity was also given private citizens who availed themselves of the chance to express their views. The appointment of a non-political and independent Food Controller was ably urged by a group of delegates and a resolution to this effect was car- ried unanimously and enthusiastical- ly. That pensions of disabled officers and men in the Canadian Army s]\puld beequali zed was another her resoldti n passed. The Government's method of spending money for colonization roads in New Ontario was condemned. Time expenditure of the money, the confer- ence felt, should be controlled by the municipalities and not by party work- ers. It was contended also that legis- lation should be introduced to enable the Hydro Electric Commission to de- velop Northern Ontario water powers without application from municipal or- ganizations. Encouragement by the Government of prospecting and de- veloping of mineral lands with the building of a Customs smelter for smaller holders, was advocated and also the construction of observation towersn e d the exclusive.n e nployment of expert fire r•eingera. Mr, Lemieux, Mr. Graham and Mr. Rowell all urged, in this time of crisis, the necessity of concerted adieu by all Canadians, ir- respective of rectal origin, in the fur- therance of the war. Attempts to cause internal divisions at title time, were deplored, "Wear Canada needs at the present moment," said I111'. Lemieux during the course of an elo- quent speech, "is a leader who can lead, and an honest Government." Mr. Graham complained of the failure of Sir Robert Borden in the critical times of the war to take into consulta- tion Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Mr. Rowell, hiaddition to discussing the war, promised that when the Liberals came into power in Ontario they would take tho biggest men that could be found to tackle the problem of the develop- ment and settlement of New Ontario commensurate with the possibilities of that great country, R-71 O M E S E K i= R S' [EXCURSIONS Phone its tor prices It will pay you ohr uttin LONDESBORO Just glance at your label and: see what it says. >d you have not renewed, we'll be pleased to have yen do so. MAY' Sth TO OCTOBER 3Gth Every "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER "Great Lakes Routes" (Season Navigation) Your Future its lin the West Tho fertile preirios have put Western Canada an the map. There are 0111 thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a home and prosperity.. Take advantage of Lew Ratio and travel via Canadian Pacific k htir1 r Information from W. Jeri:son, Clinton or W. E. Howard, District Passenger WOMAN MAKES BIG • SPEECH IN NORTH Women spealtel's of front -rani( abih ity are being unearthed at almost every Liberal mooting held these days in Ontario. The latent dlsgoyery is Mrs, George S. Souter, President of 4110 Women's Liberal Club of North Bar. At the banquet in oonneetfon with the Liberal Conference hold in that to'Svn, Mrs. Souter, in competition with outstanding titan of tate Liberal (darty with years of training in public speaking, measured up to the !Agile* standard and trade What was acknowl^ edgod to be the speech of 1110 evening, Mrs. Souter in a clear-cut style, free from affectation. Dither of nervousness or o1' bi'avadc, sounded a clarion call for clean politics and competent vigor- ous gavernioenf. "So long as the Lib- oral Party," she said, "lines up for good government, you will have the loyal support of all the Liberal women in our district and oi' many a good Conservative, too," "The women of Ontario," she Continued, "are not go- ing to poll an illiterate vote, In New Ontario we women are going to study and study hard along the lines of good, Olean govehllntent, and I tell you we women will get the good clean gov- ernment we demand. 11 used to be said that women did not have time to take an interest in public affairs, but with the coming of the war we have discovered that many of the matters which claimed our attention were needless and useless and'tihat for real public service we 00111 and we must secure the necessary time." Fully half of those present at the North Bay banquet were women, some of whom came in from quite distant points In the North. Nerves Weak Had Hysterics Orillia Lady Tells of Her Pitable Condition When The Nerves Gave Way and She Became Sleepless, Irritable and Excited. Orillia, Ont. May 31. 1917—Tlhere is an abundance of proof found right here in Orillia that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is unrivalled as a means of forming new, rich blood and building up the exhausted nervous system, At this season almost everybody feels the need of restorative, tonic treatment to keep up vitality and ward off the tired, languid feelings. This letter will give you some idea of the splendid results to be obtained by using this great food cure:— Mrs. Percy Moulding, 28 West street, Orilife, Ont„ writes:— "Some years ago my nerves got the better of me, I became so bad that oh •one occasion, during a thunderstorm, 1 had a severe attack of hysterics. Then I became anxious about limy con- dition. It was sleeplessness and ner- vous debility that were my trouble. Some nights it would be 1 o'clock before 1 could get to sleep. Knowing the good result's obtained from the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 1 commenced a treatment. 1 took about seven boxes, and. gradually 1 coula feel my nerves becoming steady and Why appetite returning. 1 could sleep well, and stay alone without any di113- culty. Some little time ago 1 coin- menced losing in weight, and 1 began using, time Nerve, Food again as a tonic. 1 used only two boxes and re- covered the weight I , g had lost. 1 can I not speak too highly of Dr. Chase's !Nerve Food, and when I see anyone looking ill or nervous 1 say, "Get busy and use some Nerve Food." �Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, a full treatment of 6 boxes for 1 52.50, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Do not be talked into accepting a substi- tute. Imitations only disappoint, NOTES OF THE WEEK , Sir William Hearst spoke on "The machinery of Provincial Government," at Convocation Hall. Sir William gave an historical survey of provincial history from the lime of the Treaty of Paris, and pointed out the distribu- tion of power between federal and Provincial Governments. Denunciation of suer time racing was made by Rev. J. W. Aikens, of the ,Metropolitan Methodist Church, To- ronto. "It is a scandalous thing," he said, "that the Ontario Government re- cently Issued another license,inereas- ing this sin of gambling." Mr. Newton Rowell at the North Bay Canadian Club, urged the forma- tion of a war cabinet for the Domin- ion. Sir Adam Beck is inclined to think that the Government hvculd be jnati- • fled in electrifying at least the main lines of the Grand Trunk and the Canadian Northern it they take them ;over. He says that electrification of eteam railways in the United States is proceeding rapidly, That Ontario women should have the right to sit in the, legislature is one of the planks of the New Ontario Citizens' I:eague. • FOR 6 LEt J ESS" Li E EVEILlS JI A'S LAXA-LIVE PILLS THEY HEVER FAL TO DO GOOD, Mrs. J. Shellsworth, Ilalifax, N.S., writes: I take pleasure in writing you concerning the great value I have re.. ceivcd by using your Milburn's I,axee Liver Pills for a sluggish liver. When my liver got bad I would have severe head- aches, but after using a couple of vials,. of your pills I have not been bothered with the headaches any more." - Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills clean away allwaste and poisonous matter from the system, and prevent as well as cure all complaints arising from a liver which has become inactive. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25e. a vial or 13 vials for $1.00, at ail dealers, ov mailed direct on receipt of price by The `C, M11.ao&rt Co., J,rn!rraty Immo, *44, O Agent, Toronto. umpumompurommatm Page 'I'three, bAE" THE HENS ARE NOT ON STRIKII (Wienipeg free Press) What is the matter W ne natter with the Canadian hen? With the cost of living always on the up -grade it is no inconsiderable factor that eggs seli at about forty cents a dozen with no prospect of the cus- tomary spring reduction. 7^his, is al- most double the price In mid-May of last year. The hens have not gone on strike, It is 15031ro b a l p b U.e that there has been such fan increase in the export or eggs as to warrant present prices. There are those who intimate that the price of eggs has been boosted by the unlimited demand for them for storage purposes—that they are being bought up 111 great quantities for next winter's sale, If his would mean the equalization of `prices throughout the year there would be no objection, but unless unexpected steps are taken In official quarters eggs and many other articles will touch new records next winter. It i5 not at time when any per- son or company Should desire to, or should be permitted to, make undue profit as a middleman in the handling of foodstuffs and provisions. The cost of living is a very serious problem in most !homes and a problem which deserves the attention of the best brains of the country. President Wilson, in Isis war econ- onhics proclamation, said, addressing the middlemen of the United States; "The country expects you . .. to forego unusual profits, to organize and ex- pedite shipments of supplies of every kind, but especially of food," As much is expected of middlemen In Canada. CANADA'S HEART AND HAND (Philadelphia Ledger) Tine victory of the Canadians at vinry Ridge, with the taking of perhaps 4,000 prisoners, merely writes one chapter more in the lengthening, glorious story that began even before Ypres. As Sir Thomas Tait has been telling Philadel- phians, the Canadians ]hold ten miles of the front, and are ready to add 50,000 more to the 300,000 men al- ready' sent from a country with about the population of Pennsylvania. Before the war some of us may have imagined that Canada was lukewarm in her al- t legiance to the eghpire. When the hour struck, Canada proved herself the right arrn of Imperial dependence. The national debt has risen from 542 to 596 11 per capita. Every great city and many i tiny hamlet is a ]house of mourning I for the Clower of youth that has fallen. Canada has withheld nothing. They have made the supreme sacrifice with light hearts—they have gone to their "rendezvous with death" often with a laugh and a'sohg The world cannot forget them or their inspiriting pattern of (heroism. PACKING ROUSES ACTIVE The following letter is taken from the Winnipeg Free Press and was Mind- ed to The New Ern by one of Clinton's red hot Conservatives who stated that unless the Borden Government do not soon step in and stop tine high cost of living, he was through with the party. The letter while it deals with the troub- le in the west, is also a sample of what is going on in Ontario Editor Press Press Evening 13ulletin— As a travelling salesman my duties take ane to the towns of Gretna, Altotta, Winkler and Plum Coulee, situated in Southern Manitoba, approximately 60 miles from Winnipeg, and on being in the district this week t observed what 1 consider one of the causes of the high cost of living, in two commodities, namely eggs and butter. '?'here 1 saw in the towns above mentioned two buyers representing two well known Winnipeg packinghouses buying huge quantities. 1 say in huge quantities, for in one town alone 200 cases, of 3o dozen each, of edits were shipped as well as a large amount of butter. I was given to understand by merchants that the price paid for eggs was 27 cents a dozen, if these are for the use of the boys fighting our battles, well and good; but I doubt it. It is web known that May eggs are the best for putting down, and these eggs will in all probability be candled by the packers and sold to us, say in November or Dec- ember, through the retail merchants at from 60 cents to 70 cents a dozen. If this is legitmate profit 1 for one fait to see U. Take 200 cases of eggs, 6000, at '27 cents; allow 2 cents a dozen for cand- ling, freight, etc., a total cost 01 51,740. These will be sold at 60 cents a dozen which gives a total of 53,600, This leaves a margin of profit of 51,860. My solution with regard to breaking up these food trusts would be for time grocers, butchers and other retailers to waken up to the fact that they can also get these eomuodities at the same price as the trusts. There are other food- stuff's such as dressed neat, veal, pork, etc., as well as poultry later in the sea- son, which can be purchasd in the same way. With reference to poultry, ad soon as the fall is with us the trusts will be in the country again grabbing up all they can for the Christmas trade and when the festive season arrives they will be again the dictators and time pub- lic the victims. Wake up, you merchants, and get in touch with men in the same line of business as myself, who, I know will be only too glad to give you wanes of persons in the country who can supply your wants and help to beat out the trusts whose claws are clinging around you and also us. I know any fellow travellers will cer- tify to my remarks. A TRAVELLER. 4 4 4 4 4, 4, A' 4 4 4 4 4 4 DO YOU KNOW? 4 4 4 4 .t .t 4 8 4' 4 S That cherry and Currant shades will be favorite colors in straw millinery for sadly spring, 'Ihat several totting London Clubs have adopted a e ea Ow day eau* Week, end one has'' That separate skirts .u'd Louses have taken on a new vogue, for never have the separate skirts been so at- tractive as this year, Ora II q5 II "" zr �Fayette ,PYhe,n,kd t ^WIPP I ti 1 1404:= The Prepr etarporP i'enl ieedicissislS AVegelabiePrep l al laifsr.. similatintalte rood ar„[!lz".t ' ' ain;lths%hnn41311S J13a to {{�,i. rn;fO Y 114^t'.. GSA Promotes Digasliuf Cliter 11CSS 5513bisl to lti e.:: ' Opium,Mbrphilia per ll.,:.s.•,j ,itO 0Ln GY i I, 1a, en!'(i, � p..,s .. �1 7 tri, .�t., ,r..� li/Y f ' r Jtd J/r 3n,m't Y AYraelbs %nprtrirf • 4 I, lJMmenr G":n c Arun s'?'0 II .'t C/nN xY Jir,r` , N Aret:0 F c. A crfe rt r+ 'en. reg 11041 Sc r SIOra1c' inter*' %turns FC'.CF'St10nsaa" Loss or°�L'"rr* genii do 5i3o, ui- This CCKTAthlt0.1 Ayr- TdONT11tiAL 141 pC* n .f::7e.t Y Sin 1. 'Children* w,+w x!.n.e....a.uu.annv. Mothers 's i rrnw That l�m � " yl i a. „" tri°. , tt1� p .. '��p �Wl Wr" M G 'tu aA ^4� Always rY n e, the f 'v g"1 a c "n b..v�1..G�uLcs1. u+ of Use For (Nei' Thirty Years Enact Copy of Wrapper. .__ r ami.Y s .m. et ,. ,.f!tOiAPP'i"i..aX,7i�ift That Miss Talbut, reputed to be the a flock of hens will do well to plant a. richest woman in the United King- few rows of vegetables to provide food don, has invested 5320,000 in the war for his birds next winter. In this way loan' the can save something on his grain bill, That Paris is using much soft satin 'which is certain to be high. Probobly meteor as a background for head and the best vegetable to grow is the nian- soutaclhe embroideries• gel wurzel beet, although some poultry - That 1,000 women are to take war melt prefer the common red beet of the training at a summer camp at Wash -garden. Cabbage can be planted, of ington• course, bet they are difficult to keep •and likely to make the eggs thin. Rape }a z i ci r e rt t r Y i will supply the birds with green food FOR FLETCHER'S during the sumnner, and a little kale' C A s 1»' o R f R I will last therm until late in the fall. Three plants which may well find a That the finest cure in the worldplace in the very small garden are Swiss for rheumatism is to go in training chard, New Zealand spinach, and the with the V.T.C., said Mr. Weber at a Silesian lettuce. A short row of each Shoreditch tribunal recently. will supply a family practically all sum - That voile will be a favorite fabric ' mer. Most plants are remove entire for thin summer frocks, but last year's when needed for the table, but if the organdies are no longer good for the leaves of these three are removed, new straight lines of the new silhouette. . growth will quickly replace them. Sile- sian lettuce should be cut so that the Ohi1 c. ren Cry crown is not injured. This is time only FOR FLETCHER'Slettuce that renews itself steadily, and s a 'it is not at all hard to grow. CIS 1 0 R f a' A I One way to protect squashes, cu - That in a notably handsome collec- cambers, and melons from striped Ueete tion at her Paris opening Madame les fs to throw al handful of coal ashes Jenny almost disregards the bulging or tobacco into the hills when the seeds silhouette and shows straight lines, are planted. Another way is to use and narrow skirts. 1 tobacco dust liberally on the ground That puddings, hitherto unknown in at the base of the plants, but an eves Paris, is becoming the most popular more effective plan is to rover the "sweet" since pastry was barred two plant with a box having neither top days each week; tapioca pudding being ir nor bottece tut with a strip of os - a prune favorite. i quito netting tacked over time top. Amateurs are often puzzled to know how much fertilized to use on a somal{ plot, as time directs given usually refer tto acres. One hundred pounds pet' I acre will equal one pound for a plot 1 THE OLD GARDNER I 10x43 feet. Two hundred pounds per —SAYS acre will equal one pound for a plot 10 I x2 1 feet. 6 e same ratio, Pnllowin � tU ssm ' It is found that four hundered pound Iiacrper , e e equals one pound for a plot iox11 feet, while it five hundred lbs Every back yard gardener who keeps I per lsinerpe ounred for a ploti10x91feetbe ¢qu1r __ - 9'WSElBa05St,YP,31 Sgt{, : ;•' s on the y t ',.8 in The farmer does not have to spend his hard-earned profits on expensive leather boots, these days. He and his Wife wear FLEET FOOT SHOES. Easy on the feet and the pocketbook; light, springy, sturdy, comfortable, sensible, inexpensive. Banish hot, heavy leather boots—and wear easy FLEET FOOT SHOES this summer. Your dealer has, or will get, the styles you should wear. ,e5Ai8 r4541� 84 EVERYDAY 209 ATHLETE DAL survittsuntavassessuctombtstdmtl.