HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-05-24, Page 7- Page Six x,ts> •� sty>"';lh°+.Ra`,� le 1 ft.11/{f/ird F-r.M,.,._;„..,, TIME CLINTON NEW ERA. ii111101 dii 1'MN p18lllii'C oliii"Pr4C rte 18i1NllllJlll t YoueNew"Sprine Suit, , will fool better, wear better and be more satis- factory if it is made of .Priestley? Dress Goods. ri(Diserlminating women the world over for years have boon asking and insisting upon ipriestleys' .-- the Dress Goods of Fashion —'They know that Priestley's on the selvedge is their guarantee of quality in material and color. this year comae in a variety of fabrics and color. Among the most popular cloths are Salisbury Serge, Mohair Serge, Wool San Toy, Wool Sebastopol, etc. From the large showing we have you will have no difficulty in choosing a cloth and a color that will be entirely appropriate for your new spring suit. We would advise an early visit while our lines are still complete. To come too late means disappointment. Look for aha name en the selvedge. SEE OUR NEW SPRING COATSandCOATINGS .�Nilil l H ,H _ 'r?rtm,.m•,:;aeye - ,.::, .;�'.sali�"s"ai;;;ila;•iefai:rp;t'y i:;, iii, #!iii'. ' �:. i•.f:IP:.il ':''j,..�.,.:, ,,a C'f�'F1�P 'E' °:f�lG,ts.:,.i•I: tlxuL,;.a;!t`h'-'��:;':�I:,lul�F°f��'jd�t I!ifu�imt...,l .JrS aitlil,a,�iifis4,�I�I�LI�Mhlfflai:d� �i;:.�,.-•>�"J�-..... .,... u -ca_. MEN'S WEAR SUITINGS ARE A SPECIAL FEATURE OF OUR DRESS GOODS STOCK MEN'S STORE. Custom Tailoring Men's evurniehings. Phone 103. OppositoPuelisLi hrary WOMAN'S STO.r;E •n Dry Goods and House Siurraishings Phone 67. Next to Royal Bank taif^=SertIT'.:'' ITZS.nnMMLe.eral...=.rut:n';s^irmiternzaa eiemear -=.� s Does Your t Need or:' :Lite s this is the time of year we desire ouaetistng in the line of relish to help llr appetite during the busy season of eousecleaning and seeding time. A glance at our window and you will tee a line of Relishes that will soon .reate an appetite. You 1 see-- will `tweet Pickles Tomato Soap. Llixed Pickles Tomato Chutney. lthority,, of' the state should be invoked to provide reinforcement nepessary to I A WEED IN GLINTON sustllin the galhtnt mein at -the front who have held the lines for mouths, caul who have proved (llenlselve$ more Ural e .... a match for tit best troops that the enemy 0001d e send Against them and June Meeting• of County Council, who are fighting in I';'1ts.ee sand Belgium The June session of the Co. Council that Ciunatda may live in the future. will meet in Goderieh on Ttescldy, June HELP IS NEEDED, 5th at 3 o'clock, Na one wino hilt se s p Medal Contest. The W, C. T. 11, will hold 4 silver medal contest on Thursday evening May 31st, In Wesley church when a number of the boys and girls of town will try for the medal. Attending District Meeting, 11ev. Dr, Rutledge, Rev, J. A. Agnew, and Messrs. W, H, l-lellyar, J. A. truth, L, 'Tyndall and A, Hooper are atiendinii the Goderich Meeting being held at Varna. There will be a number ofi charges in this district whn. Confer- ence meets at Lonclon. North Huron Liberals. , The Annual meeting of North 1•luroe Liberal isssociatlnl: will be held in the T. em. I'Iiall, \gingham, on Tuesday, 29th Inst„ at 1.30 pm, A prominent Lib- eral' M.P. from Ottawa is expected to address the gathering and a large and representive turn -out is:asked for, en the positions which our men have taken, whether at Vim), Ridge, Courcellette, or elsewhere, can realize' the magnitude of the task that is before them Or the splendid resourcefulness which its accomplish. meet demanded. Nor can anyone real- ize the conditions uncler which the War Is being carried on.'.1 have been somewhat in the midst of things at the front. Yet 1 know that I cannot Yet realize what the life in the trenches means and I can realize It better than loose who have not been as near the front 1 bring back to the people of Canada front these men it message that they need our help, that they need to be supported, that reinforcements must be seat them. Thousands of them have made the supreme sacrifice for our liberty and preservation. Common gratitude, apart from all other con- siderations, should bring the whole force of this nation behind them. South Huron Liberals, A Joint annual meeting of South Hur- on Liberals will be field in llensall Town Hall on Tuesday, June Sia. Addresses will be "delivered by Thos. McMillan Liberal Candidate of South Huron and William McDonald, M. P. P. of North Bruce. A very cordial inviation is ex- tended to the ladies. Improvements. Mr, 11. Baker las had a new cement walk put down at his residence. A cement foundation and cellar have been put under the frame cottage next door to C. D. Bouck's on High Street. A cement floor has been completed in the garage of J, 1-1, Paxman. This gives a big floor spapce now. New Teller. I The Royal Bank here has 'the dis- tinction of having a lady teller now, Miss Walkinshaw, being promoted to the tellership last week. People wont mind now if they do get short change once in a while now. A Quiet Wedding, Olives Tomato Chili Sauce. A very quiet wedding took place in Horse Radish. etc. Hensall last Monday when 141Iss Gert - PINEAPPLES rude Kaiser of that village was united Leave your order for your supply of this Healthful Juicy Luscious Fruit, with us. e a 25 cents per tri e Tea t Tryour Green p HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS R.1011131 in marriage to Mr. Thos. Sharp also o that place and a former resident of Clinton, Mr. Sharp is a nephew of Mrs. A. Canelon. Band was Out. The Kiltie Band imide its 1917 ap- pearance last Thursday evening when they paraded down the main street playing several stirring marches. The Band is in good shape this year and Phone 111 T€0L STORE O1'• QpHl,A1LVEY looks as if they were worth the 5150,00 they asked for from the council, vmar ..,_ate, Our Mistake. Conscription Should have In our report of Willis Anniversary we inadvertently failed to make re- ference to the solo by Mrs, J. G. Chow - en at the evening service. Her number was frons Oratorio " Elizah" "0 rest in the Lord" and was very appropriate' to the Sermon preached by Rev, Mr, McGregor. Can any Reader Oblige? We would like three New Era's of April 19th, some of these papers were dated Aiiril 12th, but number 43 is on them. 1f any of our' readers can Oblige it will bea favor to the editor. ' HELP TO 13E GIVEN. !have promised insofar as' I am concerned that this help will be given I should feel myself unworthy of the responsibility evolving upon nae if 1 did not fulfill that pledge. I bring a mes- sage from then}, yes, a message from the men in the hospitals, who have cone back from the very valleys of the shadow of death, many of them mained for life. I saw one of them who had lost both legs pretty well up to the ]sip andbe was as bright and .cheerful, as brave and as confident of the future as any one of the members of this House, a splendid, brave boy— but, is there not some other message, is there not a call to us from those who have passed from thshadow sadow into who the liltlst of perfect day, have fallen in France and Belgium, front those who have died that Canada may live, is there not a call to us that tlseir sacrifice shall not be in vain?" W. C. T. U. Officers. • • Last 'Thursday evening the annual election of odiicers of the W. C. T. U. was held at the house of Mrs, H. Plum - steel, and following were elected for another year:— President—Mrs. C. 1 Wallis Vice-presidents—Resident Ministers' wives. Cor-Sec,—Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Treasurer—Mrs, E. G. Courtice. The various superiutenclants will be elected at a later date. Minor Locals. the Dominion. of Canada its conviction (a) That elle, duty of fighting for one's counry in a riglseous war in defence of the highest ideals of civilization, such as that in which we are now engaged, is' the -supreme duty cast upon all subjects of a nation and furthermore; (b) That the burden of such 'service should, so -far as practicable .(having due regard to the requirments of our national life), be bore equally by all the properly qualified Mee 'of the nation,'and-this Synod desires to express the ap- proval of the Church of Englund in this Diocese, of any scheme, whether !aider the Militia Act or the defence of tlse Realm Act otherwise for the coin- elete and effectual. mobilization of tlse entire' re- sources of Canada in men and material. Which is the Opinion of this Synod ought to be placed u1n- reservedly at the disposal 00 our country and Em- pire.” Thslrrday, .May ?4tii., 1911, p" +,: is ere ! . omumii vimiiouummmdimiimiimiimiuiiimim vimrmmiiiuiimosmmilimiiuiiuiiiimmmmmuiiiiiiilmumimiiiiiimmmmmmm DOUSE CLEANING WILL SOON 'COMMENCE. "0H! SUCH, A LOT TO DO" Get your Wall Decorating done and it will be a good advancement, We have : in Wall Paper the variety and range of selection which we hope will satisfy your taste. We canrrely assert with safety that in our numerous patterns so varied in design, •colouring and character, you will conveniently find that which will pro- vide for any ordinary demand. pp ,+.0OUV UMUG rmrnen,e vm,L^i. === "^• 2^�.. 13 "-+ 57V :r The tt'wtl! Fair eo Often the ehea)iatiHt--Always the Bes Lirrumter "aP•SIIll.IffiY1m Mtaitaaieueaniai arrive -uric} 'reulpc9uormatertato�, , nIM... :a>~211M/11=1311=4VII. *• CMHZ •.s_x= .+ v::. EIMI ail eat DOES NOT SHRINK. "I have had to take these matters into consideration and 1 have given them my. consideration. 1 realize that the responsibility is a serious one, but a do not shrink from it. Therefore it is � nay duty' to announce to the House that ' early proposals will be made on the part of the Government to provide, by compulsory military enlistment of a se- lective basis, such reinforcements as nsay be aecessary to 1115111 the Canadian army today in the field as One of the finest lighting units of the empire. The number of men required will not be less than 50,000, and will pe probably 100,- 000. These proposals have been formu- lated in part and will be presented to the House with the greatest expedition that circumstances will permit. I Isope that when they are submitted all the members of the House will receive then with a full sense of the greatness of tlse issue involved in this war, with a deep realization of tlse sacrifice we have already made, of tlse purpose for whicis it has been made and with a firm de- termination on our part that we will do our duty in this great struggle to the very end, whatever it may be." 1 WHAT Ti'IE MILITIA ACT PROVIDES. Hydro "flickered" on Friday after- noon tor a few minutes, both power and light service were off. Part of the service was out of commission after the stores on Saturday, Batik lioliday tomorrow, (Thursday.) If you have any 24th visitors let The New Era known who they are. Clean up. Time Now Era gives the news. Do you owe for it? Thursday of this week is a public holiday and all the business places will be closed. Wedding invitations and announce- ments in the latest correct styles of type and stationery may be produced on short notice and at right prices at The New Era Publishing House. New Junior On Monday of this week Mr.,•Ilarold Hill commenced duties as Junior at the Royal Bank. Mr. Flynn, is now promot- ed to the ledger. Artifici l C.ioring of Sugar Prohibited by the Government 1-17,1;1jOR many years the Canadian Public has been eating Artificially Colored Sugars. Government reports show that some refineries have used Ultramarine Blue to make their granulated sugar look • better than it actually is. Others Made use of Aniline and Vegetable Dyes to, give a brilliant appearance to their soft or yellow sugars. The use of dyes or coloring matter of any kind is unnecessary in refining Cane Sugar. This is emphasized in a notification sent to all refiners by the Dominion Government prohibit- ing the coloring of sugar, and in cased where it is found, prosecution proal ceedings will be entered under then Adulteration of Foods Act. e Wish the Public to Know that we Have Never Use& Coloring Matter in Lantic Pure Can Sugar and Never Will Lantic Pure Cane Sugar was first put on the market about two years ago. Since that time over 200,000,000 lbs. have been consumed by the Canadian Public, and we are now turning out 750,000 lbs. of Pure Cane Sugar each day. The reason for this enormous busi- ness is not hard to explain. It means lthatthe discriminating consumer has . !learned by setual use that Lantic Pure Cane Sugar is superior to all others. flavin gerectedthe most modern sugar refinery in the world, costing over 54,000,000, we steadfastly ' adhered to our original policy of making only absolutely Pure Cane el Sugared highest quality, in wh ch NO BEETS ARJ*J USED NO ULTRA MARINE I3LUEIS USED NO ANILINE DIES ARE USED. .NO V'EGET'ABLE DYES ARE USED During the last two years we were told that we could increase our business in cer- tain ertain sections of Canada, if we would color our yellow soft sugars, as the public ware accustomed to the more brilliant color. We refused and are glad wedidi so. The recent action of the Govern• mentlsas since vindicated our iudg- ment. Look for the Red Ball Trade-rrfark To be absolutely certain of get. ting Letitia Pure. Cane Sugar,, see that the Red Ball Trade-marlc:is ' on every bag or carton. 11isiour guaranty to you of Canada's Purest' Sugar. Your grocer has Lantic Sugar in•sioek or will get it for you if youinsist. 1Kontreta, Vitae. Atlantic Sugar Refiir eries, Limited (St. John, lii733A • 116; Selective Cons ;ripti olate voluntary recruiting still remains to be made I would like to know what, it is. The people have co-operated with the Government in a most splen- did manner along the line of volun- tary enlistment. Men and women alike have interested themselves in filing up the ranks of regiments that were or- ganized. • Everything has been done, it seems to 1118, 'slung the line of volun- tary enlistment. FIGHT FOR LIBERTY, "Aha citizens ai'e liable to military service for tlseir defense of their coun- try, and I can see tlse battles of Cana- dian liberity and economy are being fought to -clay on the •plains of France and Belgium. There are other places besides the soil of a country itself. where the battles of this liberty or the existencce for its 'institutions can be fought; and 1 venture to, think, that if this war shodlel end in defeat, Canada in all the years to some, would be under the shadow of German military domination, That is the very lowest to which we•c1n put it, 1 believe that fact cannot be gainsaid, MUST SUSTAIN MEN. "Now the questioFs arises as to what s our duty. 1 repeat once more a grave respousibility rests upon those who are interested with the administration of public affairs. But they are not fit to be entrusted with the adniuistratiou of public affairs if they shrink from any the defence thereof, at any time when responsibility which the occasion calls• it appears advisable so to do by reason A Tested Lens --- An Accurate Shutter Simple Operation— Good Pictures— All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show you how easy they are to use, —We do developing and printing and guarantee good results— %T. -.3a o Despensing Chemist The Militia Act provides that ''all male inhabitants of Canada of the age of 15 years and upwards, and under 60, not exempt or disqualified -by law, and being British subjects, shall be lia- ble to service." Those exempt frons service are enumerated. The nsale pop- ulation liable to service are divided into four classes: "(1) The Just class shall comprise all those of the age of 15 years and upwards, but under 30 years, who are unmarried or widowers without child- ren. (2) That second class shall conn - prise all those of the age cif 30 years and upwards, but under 45 years, who are unmarried or widowers without children. '(3) The third class shall comprise all those of the. age of 18 years and upwards, but under 45, who are nsar- 1 rigid or widowers with children. "(4) The fourth class 511111 com- prise all those of the age of 40 years and upwards, but under 6o years." The Militia Act provides that the Governor in Council shall make all re-' gulations necessary for the enrollment of persons liable for military service. may divide the country into districts. and call for a • quota of men, and "if enough do not volunteer to complete the quota required the men liable to serve shall he drafted by ballot," lection 69 of the act says: "(un) The Governor in Council may. place the militia or any part thereof on active. service anywhere in Canada, AND ALSO BEYOND CANADA, for for, if the cause for which we fight is what we believe it to be, if the issues involved are tlsose which have been re-, peatedly declared by all our public men and in all he press of;. Canada 1 be- lieve the time has come when the au - mem CLINTON FLOUR MILLS When buying Flour ask your Dealer for "North Star," "Maple Leaf," or "Snow Flake" Brands, do not let your dealer sell you any outer brands till you try out the above, when once used always used. A Share of the public Patronage Solicited. JOHN SCHOENHALS @LiNTON a ONT. ' Phone No. it —. - of emergency. These quotations are taken from the Militia Act, passed in 190.1, when Sir Wilfrid Laurier was Prince Minister of Canada, Torontis, May 111—New enrollment for all Canada will probably be the first step by the Dominion Geeern- meut in carrying out the couscripttion proposals, according to.Colonel C. H. Williams, chief recruiting officer for Canada, who is here today, Col. Williams held that the nat- ional registration lists would not do. The Dominion Government would prob- ably ask the municipalities to make an entirely new enrollment of man- hood for selective draft purposes. Af- ter the enrollment was made, Colonel Williams said the selection should, be made entirely on industrial and social value, and not on material basis. "It cannot be worked out equitable on single man basis," said Williams, "because the age of which melt mar- ry in one province is different mater- ially front Others"' CREDIT GIVEN FOR THOSE SENT, Col, Williams said credit would be given various localities for men already sent•. According to this arrangeulent quotas to be still supplied front the various eastern military districts Inc as fol- lows: No 1—London, 8,800; No, 2—Toronto 17,200. No, 35 -•Kn ,0 Nos. 5 andingsto6—Mo10nt6real0. and Quebec 27,, C800ol. Williams said no distinction would be made between single leen and men who have married since the.war be- gat, There night be Some consideration in regard to the nuniber in the family. MiLlInaniV7Zal 7,112=0,1V.. The Features of Our Furniture e no which we invite special attention are its f beauty,s assured oaro o rt solid couslruittion, and its below' its the os,ss l prices. Any one of these points - would be sufficient to earn it your preference. When they are all cons - pined we feel sure yon will realise that this is a furnitisre buying oppor- tunity you cannot afford to ignore,,,,,,,! 7 ^ k, 1' R Iiiindertater and Funeral Director. Phone 25. Night and Sunday palls answered at Residence over store i`� • F9uming ieating work of Ali Kind Leave your order now before advance, The eorner Grocery "Live and Let Live" 101111ER 6IL@ Are you puzzled as be what to send 1 the boys at the Front? We suggest--, Rdeer Coffee Reindeer Cocoa G. Washington Coffee Chocolate Chocolate in cakes Cowan's Ntak Chocolate INut Bars Bovril i Oso CubesCreean Cheese [Pork and Beans Chewing Gum 0 I Canned Fish and Meats I SPECIAL prices) i• Pineapples Oranges Lemonrs IBananas Lettuce • Rhubarb I--Higiaest market price for Butter and I Eggs, I yRhos mlawkbi Plumbing and Heating, Phone C3 Shop—over Rowlaaaiel's Hardware -^5 r tae !i , o` PHONE 45, 1431•=1... ,:,,,TATA. Comfort For Conservative Men. Men who travel in the middle of the Road of Footwear Fashions, and who appreciate the limit of Foot Comfort we have Special Shoes! Shoes that are Dignified and Good Looking, but built for Com. fort! Shoes that are evade so perfectly that they cause men to, say as soon as their feet are inside of them ``Well! that's th4 best feeling shoe I ever had on in my life!" f' INO'r.11 YET Service, 1r If Y011.011 lion in For Foot Ease The leathers are 'blacks, tans, patents, very soft and pliable. Low flat heels, self supporting arch and easy tread. $4.O0, $5.00, $ .00 to $9.O0 . We fit these Comfortable Shoes with the neatest care and a man's Foot troubles are gone forever! sateraireverassolosireineensimumensenamsesesmiereciumemmeeteraneasamenallentasent. FRED, �72,1K7S€'N SHOE SPECIALIIST