HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-05-17, Page 5PAGE S Poo:f C`v, es Poor Eyes and no Glasses make Jack a dull boy Poorijjes snake backward child ren. Exhaustive tests have prov- ed this. Bad eyesight retards both mental and physical pro- ,gress. When supplied with pro- per glasses, backward children have fairly raced ahead, We make a specialty of exam- ining .children's eyes. If any trouble is developing we will prescribe the proper glasses. If the eyes are normal we will gladly tell you so. We . have a large variety of spectacles from which to select °the most satisfactory in gold- filled, alumnico, or still which ever you prefer, prices from $2 up. Jeweler and Optician e•ziesee ossoneec oosa m mere®os Odds and Ends of Council tooeeeaaaeaaaoa®aeaaea®aaa S. J. Andrews had an account of $18.04 for tile. Theelectric light account for street and hall amounted to $542.59. For work at Fire Hall, T. McKenzie shad an account of $2,80. W. T. Hawkins for repairs was paid $5.90. Property account had $17.50 charg- .ed up for coal from A. J. Holloway. `Telephone account was 55 cents for aaoonth. 'TJhe .salaries were paid for three nlonthsr— D, L. Macpherson, Clerk $142,50 J. Wheatley, Chief 412.50 Robt, Welsh, Sergt 100.00 The monthly salaries were paid to— il. Carrick $50; J, W, Shobbrook, $50. J. W. Shobbrook, Superintendent of the Cemetery announced $13.00 for sale lots; $30 for perpetuity; and $22 for work. Chief Wheatley collected $11.10 from market scales; and $10 for hall rent, tr,7a BISHOP APPEALS FOR EARNEST PRAYERS FOR BOUNTIFUL HARVEST. Rogation Days Observed by Catholic Churches This Week. . Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week were set aside in Catholic churches the world over as rogation, ort petitioning days, during which special ; prayers are said for a bountiful harvest. In addition to being days of prayer, they were in former years, days of fasting also. .A circular letter from Bishop Fallon was read in all the churches of the London diocese Sunday, in which: the bishop stated that on account of the great calamity which had fallen upon the world in the shape of the present • war, and in view of the especial need of a gond harvest this year, the roga- tion days should be this year above all other years, days of earnest prayer. i Thursday is Ascension Day, and will be celebrated as a holy day in The Ca- tholic churches, commemorating the ascension of Christ into heaven. A CHANCE FOR THOSE GOING WEST — HOMESEEKERS' EX- CURSIONS VIA C.P.R. Homeseek r e s excursion to western Canada at attractive fares, each Tuesday until October 31st, via Canadian Pacific, the pioneer route to the West. Partic., ulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent, W. Jackson, Clinton, or W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. A WEEK IN CLINTON Lost His Horse. On Wednesday morning of this week "Red Franklin" the entire horse of J.J. McCaughey passed in its checks after a sickness of less than 24 hours from acute indigestion. The loss is a heavy one for Mr, McCaughey,as he has only had him for the past three summers • THE CLINTON NEW ERA, r you sena a parcel to your moldier friend to training or at the front, don't fanget to pat in some Zam-Duk The soldlers say theY cannot get enough of it. Capt. Brooke, No, 4 Company, 7th Battalion, writing from the front, says: "Toll my friends, if they want to help ns, we should be awfully glad of some Zam-i3uk. We And it just splendid, and can use all that Is sent us," Nothing tabes the place of Zorn -Bali amongst the soldiers, They use It for rheumatism, blistered foot, sore hands, cuts, burns and scratches, Doing .antiseptic, Kam -Butt prevents festering and blood•ooisontng. For ew'ema, or any skin tronble. it is equally good, and for plias Mare is noticing to compare with Zaru-Duk. Ail dri'ggists and sores, or Krrn•3uk,Co., Toronto. 50e.• box, 2 fo,' ;;,1.25. • Huron Ministerial Associations Meet. The Ministerial associations of Center Huron met in Clinton Monday for a joint conference, on the invitation of the Clintoir Ministerial Association, The meeting was largely attended by re- presentatives of the different denom- inations from Seaforth, Blyth, Londes- boro, Seaforth, Bayfield and Clinton. Rev, J.A. Robinson, the president of the Clinton Association, presideca, and the meeting was held in the Owen Memorial Hall. One of the chief items of dis- cussion was "The Sacrament," which was introduced by Rey. W. K. Hagar, or Coderich, in which he outlined the dif- ferent views held by the various church- es on this important subject. The dis- cussion which followed was bothP ro- fitable and instructive. Luncheon was provided by the Clinton brethren, and a most enloyable time was spent. ®®m®a®oaaaeaaoaaaoaaaeaaas 4 COUNCIL MEETING e eeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeseeeeeoe•e (Intended for Last Week.) Council met on Monday evening and all members were in their places, Mayor Thompson in the chair. Minutes of last meeting and special meeting were read and confirmed. Communications The Clinton Kittle Band asked for $200 for weekly band concerts of 12 weeks. Hiram Hill tendering for the work at YOU should -give the consci- entiousness of this store a proper place in your consideration—we're conscientious in our service to you—we feel the responsibility your confidence puts upon us. It means that in you can get value and satisfaction tailored to your measure from a choice of a wide range fabrics and models. ' E have a kna'k of doing the unusual in the clothes. We put more into thein than you get in any other ` line—better style, better tailor- ing, better,y. cloth. We keep pounding away on the advisability of wearing Art Clothes—we're earnest about it—we believe in it sincerely. And when we once get you to believe, you'll have a lot of satisfaction out of your clothes, the Morrish Clothiin 2linton2 °Mari the Cemetery at $500, The Committee in Canada Of 'tile Fund for wounded men in British navy an Merahantile Relief "'tun), asking for support. The National Sanatorium Association asking for a voluntary gift. Froihl Mr. A. Case, New York State, expressing his willingness to have land around evapator used for the big pro- duction campaign. How Dealt With On proton of Councillor Paisley and Reeve Ford that the Band begiven $125 for 12 open air concerts when suitable to the band, one concert a week, The motion carried. A vote was taken on the question of Superinteadcnt at the Cemetery and Mr. Hill was elected to the position of Superintendent and a by-law was passed confirming shone. On notion of Councillors Wiltse and (rands of Councillors Miller and Paisley. The offer of Mr, Case was left in the Ford a grant of $25 was given to the Fund for Relief of British Sailors as asked for and that a subscription list fol` that purpose be placed in Clerk's office, that private subscription may be made if any, ratepayer wishes to do so. 'rhe motion carried. The request of the Muskoka hospital was fyled, Committee's Reports The Street Committee made the fol- lowing report;—That the ashes have been mostly gathered and placed on the worst parts of the back streets; the drag also has, been used on the principal parts of streets; and would recommend that no action be taken for street lights asked for until the Electric Light Com- mittee confer with the Commission for cheaper rates; that the street amen re- ceiver $2,00 per day; that we give parts of roads leading into town a light coat of dressing and get 25 or 30 loads of sand in readiness for oiling streets; re- commend that streets be cleaned as soon as possible. On motion of Councillors Miller and Shepperd the report was accepted, The Cemetery Committee reported that the trees and shrubs were ordered. Chairman Shepperd of the Property Committee brought in the following re- port 1—We have the piping to the fountain put in order and a sufficient supply of water is available. 2—We would recommend that the present roadway on south side of square be closed up; that a lattice fence be placed between the Library and fire hall that we curb that part on Albert St., now used in crossing square. 3—We would recommend that before such work is done that a door be put in East end of fire hall to allow hose reels to be taken out and a proper exit be put in order between the Cluff pro- perty and market outlet onto the street; and that your committee proceed to have walks laid and other work in J connection' with fixing up of park pro- ceeded with. A vote was taken up clause by clause on the above report but only the first one passed, after a long drawn out dis- cussion, the big trouble was trying to get the money for the Job. Reeve Ford and Councillor Sheppard proved that Fountain received a coat of paint and that the park be rolledand seed put on places where grass is kilI- ed out. The motion carried. A motion by Councillors Miller and Nediger: that the Property Committee be instructed to have tore fountain raised to about 30 inches from ground with a cement base and a curbing be put in on the south side of Ltbrary, park from Albert St. to Public Library was Lost on division. Merchants to clean streets. Thursday, May 17th„ 1917 FOR THE .tti,F ('U hlEYS JYABTYf TO PAINS 11 THE BAC Halifax, N.S„ Jan. 16, 101a, About eight months ago I read ,our advertisement in one of the Halifax Papers offering it free sample of Gin pine fpr the 8ra- neys, ; had boon a martyr fon years to intense pains across the Saab and decided to try Gin Rills, Motors I had finished tlho third box I found myself for 010 Nab Cute in years perfectly free from. Rau, Yours sincerely, llfra, (Jane) Permy, sI11 druggists Ball Gin Pills at pKF, a box, or 0 boxes for. 02.00, Sample free if you write to NATIONAL DREG & CHEMICAL 00, OF CANADA, LIMITED Toronto, Ont. se On motion of Wiltse and Shepperd the following 'notion was carried:— That this Council request the business . t amen to sweep the streets in front of ' 1 their business places on Friday morning until tarvia is put on, to save the cost of 'I watering streets, the town to remove the refuse, A deputation from the Centre iiuron Ministerial Association headed by Rev. Mr. Robinson, Chairman. Rev. Dr, i! Rutledge and Rev. Hogg addressed the Council on the increased Production Campaign, m The motion that Council offer Mr. Shobbrook 30 days notice In dismissal as Superintendent of Cemetery was lost, The Finance Committee's report was read and adopted. It may be read under the heading of4'Odds and Ends of Coun- cil". Councillor • Miller spoke on the question of potatoes as he had taken up the matters r at London with city officials and with the District Agricultural man for Middlesex. This led to a discussion and the following committee was ap- pointed to take up the question at once: Councillors Paisley, Miller, Clerk Mac- pherson and confer with W. Brydone. The question of plowing up some of the unused streets and the offer of Mr. Case was taken up and it was decided that the citizens would be given the right to use sane by applyiing to the above Committee. Council tlien adjourned, thin Deady Made and! Made -La -Measure This week we want to call your attention to our Clothing Department which you will find on the second floor, Our Stock is heavy and well assorted and bought before the heaviest price advances. Right now is the time to get busy about your Suit for Summer or it would even be a good investment to buy now for next Fall. We can certainly save you money on a suit if you buy now. Don't forget our Special made -to -measure $25 00 Indigo Blue Serge Suit. Fit Guaranteed FULL STOCK OF SEASONABLE DRY GOODS and SHOES IIMILIMIKEMEMINMISIGTXP somal, Profits feel Bros, More Business P110510 `25. moitaimagamemessianamidmeommotivoir FEWER pEopLE GRowING.oLDER The Public Health Service reports that more people live to the age of forty years to -day, but from forty to sixty years mortality is increasing from degenerative diseases in the U. S. Thousands of well-informed men and women to -day are learning the true value of Trst.s. �.. YI IONI OF THE PUREST COD LIVER OIL as a powerful blood -enricher and strength -builder to ward off the headaches and backaches that mean weakness. SCOTT'S helps fortify the body against grippe, pneumonia and weakening colds, through its force of medicinal nourishment. Refuse Alcoholic Extracts That Do Not Contain Cod Liver Oil. Scott & Bowse. Tomato. Ont. re.t olongemmummmilot 1diilhab,�Y Don't work in heavy, leather boots this summer. Wear "Fleet Foot" Shoes.`ar_ work. Easy They are honest and sturdy enough to stand the fm Easy and comfo t'abie—light--lens bie--and so mach cheaper than lteather.3.3< i?Vilengo out in the evening, wear "Fleet Foot" White • �. There are plenty of different styles and for every occasion, day as well as evening— they are far less expensive than leather Next time you go -to town, he lure to see die ',Ram Flat" Shoes For shiattmer clear. 206 ATHLETE NAL st xh ` Y roc three Saturdays in succession the public have had an invitation to try by personal taste the deli- cious flavor and quality of Patterkrisp, the new candy creation. If you did not get a rRrl. SAMPLE at your candy store" on the other occasions, do not fail to go Saturday and see how eyou like Patterkrisp. Patterkrisp is a great big success because it is a mighty fine candy, of fine materials, of fine quality, and Everybody likes it. Saturday ti ften io,'.,nt and Evening at t Following Stores Holmes' Drug Store S. S. Cncoper, Confectioner Geo, McLennan, Confectioner