HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-05-17, Page 3zhureday, May 17th4 19x7, THE CLINTON NEW ERA... Page Three F-- THE BRITISH EMPIRE CALLS FOR ---More Eggs and Poultry....... It is therefore our duty to increase production in these lines, and prices promise to be exceedingly high for all poultry products during this present year. Our Incubators are giving the best satisfaction and why not buy one and pay for it in poultry next fall? Fat Hens Wanted at l8c per lb, Our waggons will call for your eggs as usual during the summer months, paying top prices in cash or orders given on the town stores, Guuu-Langlois & Co,, Limited The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone 190 • AAAAAAA.aAAAAA*AAAAkAAAAA Phiiios•• ▪ See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and •• Organs, 4 q. w • •• • 4 6. • Music Emporium b •e v • C. Hoare .01 special values iii Art Cases Pianos and organs rent ed. Choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. ► ► 113.`ta 9 ry UtrocrrverowervruvvvvVVe ,,,,,,,,,,A.,,,,,,,,,,,„,„,,,,,„,,,„,„„,,,,,,„ $ Plnnabing i; eating Tinsmithing Itended to. Repairs promptly at- Hand heaters in good repair, A number of Second Byam & Sutter 1 Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. if 1 Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewelery. Fur better to pay a fair price and know exactly what you are getting, Yon will never be sorry—for as a matter of money, it is easily the meet economical. That has bees said so often that everybody by this time should know it—and yet there Is no ecareiky of cheap jewelry in the land Now tong personal—If you would like to miss that sortlaltogether— COME HERE :Ef you would like to 'buy where nothing hut high qualities are dealt in—OOME Hk1RP: And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair We Re er1"h 19.dA!ilted Jeweler .and Optician; Issuer of Illarriaac Licenses FORD et M a LIEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, 'Alsike, and Red Clover, We always have on hand —Goose !Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Palette paid for Hay and all '?,rams. Fc).11D W. B.itYI)()1N.b BARItf$Tillli leOLIQITOIh 1io'peRY Pi7,61410, UTO 0ATN'f'ON CHARLES S B. I4VU.B Oonneyanee, Notary Publiof Commissioner, eta ITA?, 117STATld ANI.) INSURANCE • [setter of Marriage Licenses, Rtttwn St,, Clinton, H;' T. RAN.OE Notary Public,'Oonveyancer, Financial and Real Estate INSURANCE AGENT-Ropresonting 14. Fire In eurance Companies,. Division Court Office. Piano Tuning Mr, James Doherty wishes to in- form the public that he is pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing. Orders left at W. Doherty's phone 61, will receive prompt attention. ,ii. G. Cameron, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc Office on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on 'every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are made. Cfiice hours from 0 a.m. to 6 p m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Mr. Hooper will snake any appointments for Mr. Cameron, DR S. W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon, Into eneoial attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose, Bayes e dully sambaed, and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors west of the Commercial Rats Huron St. DRS.. C'i:RR and CASHIER Dr. W. 6tunli, L. R. C, r.. L. R. til, S.. na11t Dr. Cunn's once at residence High Street Dr .1.0, Candler. B.A. SLR. Ofloe-uutario Street, Clinton. Sight carie at residence, Rattenlis , St, or at hospital DR. IN'. €1. AXON DENTIST Crown find Bridge work a Sitecir111.yt Graduate of 0,0.D,S,.. Chicago, and lt,O,D,S Toronto. nayaeld o11 nond,Ys, May 1s1. to 0 DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. °floes over O'NEIL'S store, Bpeoial care taken to make dental tree monk as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDF`( Live stock and general Auction te- GODERICH ONT atm stolb SAM a specialtJ, heels et e New Ens oiBoe, Clinton, prim 8,7 Rittman, to. Terms reasonable, Farmers' eels not discounted! • Drs. Geo. gir, H. B. Whitley �Ieitcn1 ailil Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in Women's . and Children's IJieeasee Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Bye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office—Rattan,blu7 Hotel.. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar McTaggerc Bros, BANNERS ALBERT ST , CLINri`(3 (,reneral Banking Bunln®ar transacted VOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed deposits n The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Parte and isolated Town Preps erty Only insured. Head (hies—Seaforth, Ont Officers J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; T.hos, E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex, Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward Hinchley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg-' mondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. 1. Jarmuth, Brod4iagen. Directors Wm. Rine, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben- neweis, Brodtagen; James Brads, Beech- wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; James Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Quo. McCartne, No. 3, Seaforth. A Carload of Canada Portland Ce :Cad Phone ns for prices It will pay you John Hutton LONDESISORO Just glance at your label and see what it says. If you have not renewed, we'll be pleased to have yon do so. What AilsY0 Rave you become run-down, wealc, emaciated, pale after' a long siege ol colds? Does the akin show that the blood is thin and watery? SprifIE is the time when vitality is at its lowest ebb—olein house now—by ridding the body of its accumulated poisons. Re- fresh o-fresh the blood with a stimulating tonic, Dr, Pierce's Golden Medioal Dis- covery, free from alcohol of narcotics and extracted from roots and barks with pure glycerine, banishes; from the blood all poisons and impure matter. It dis- solves the impure deposits and carries them out, as it does all impurities, Ski through the Livor, Bowels, Kidneys and n. If you have indigestion, sluggish liver, nasal or other catarrh unsteady nerves or unsightly akin, get Ih'. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to -day and start at once to replace your {impure blood with the kind that puts energy and ambi- tion into you and brings back youth and vigorous action. All medicine dealers can supply you in either liquid or tablet form or send 10 cents for trial box of tablets to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR. Portman, 13. C.—"I am so glad of an opportunity to recommend Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery; it has cured me of indigestion and constipation which I had very bad. A friend gave me a bottleful and I took its It helped me so much that I bought more and continued using it."—Mns. C. Wxrameunie, General Delivery. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills, first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowais. 8: :A* ,e B ,: ., M :. :r• DO YOU KNOW? >F R ,k k * ,k 4 4 '1 0. C :. 0 * That the prevalence of gray is the result of a France wearing second Mourning. That the plebian cabbage is now raised to the dignity of a salad vege- table„ That the much exploited chrysanthe- mum braid has perished of its own popularity, besides it has been dis- covered that its wearing qualities were not good. That woolen jersey is replacing silk in the latest Paris models, and it not only rivals crepe de chine, but also Serge. That nurses who have just returned to Chicago declare that some of the French hospitals are finding it almost impossible. to get many of the needed supplies. That we can forgive all faults ex- cept those of our dressmaker, and hers we are forced to wear upon our backs. That the best anti -suffrage exhibit so far is Representative Rankin, flunked her country in a crisis, and was boosted out crying, between two men! C'ork's Cottoi Root CompolPrxd. A safe, reliable rep,„111Ni; medicate. Sold in three do• g2es 0ofsng Soli/ by drunag—,gSisAetrsop, . oerrI.bsent prepeion receipt of pries, Frio pamphlet. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO, T01101170, 087. (Formerly Windsor.) If you are too old to enlist, do some "spring driving" in your garden. They can't accuse Hindenburg of not being generous with bis men any- way. Hindenburg has been described as a bold, irascible, rough-and-ready old gem - era], but of late he has been showing a very retiring disposition. HOMESEEKERS' EXCUFSIONS t. Kr .r •X• •a :h• e. a FOR WAR GARDENS M ar 0 Vi 0 0 R e• 0 0 Pull bearing strawberries have conte to stay, and deserve a place in every back yard garden, It is best to grow thein in hills, a foot And .a half a part each way, allowing only enough runrn- ers to be nhade in' order to supply new plants. 1f the blossoms Are kept pick- ed off until the middle of July, there will be no lock of strawberries until the coming of frost next fall Tobacco dust can be relied upon to keep many of the garden insects in control. It protects the cucumber from the striped beetle, drives away the onion maggot, routs the aster beetle, bnishes ants from the peony plants, and keeps lettuce free from lice. It can be used freely, for it Is a good fertilizer, and often gives good results when worked into the soil around the plants, When planting seeds of cucumbers squashes and melons, it is a good plan to drop a few wood ashes or soot into the hills in order to keep away the cut worths, striped beetles, and other pests. Tobacco dust sprinkled around the plants as soon as they appear is also helpful, The sante plan may be follow- ed when setting out aster plants. ST. VITUS DUCE Even the Most Severe Cases Can be cured by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, Is your child fidgety, restless, or irri- table? Are the hands shaky or the arms jerky? Does the face twitch? Do the legs tremble or drag? These are'signs of St. Vitus Dance, a nervous disease which is confined chiefly to young children, but which often affects high- ly -strung women, and sometimes men. St, Vitus Dance is caused by disordered nerves, due to poor blood, and is always cured by the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills which till the veins with new, rich red blood, strengthening the nerves, and thus drawing out the disease. Here is proof:—Mrs. John' A. Cumming, Lower Caledonia, N. S.,;—"When my daughter Myrtle was about nine years of age she became afflicted with St.Vitus Dance. The trouble utimately became so bad that she could not hold any- thing in her hands, and had to be fed d no could like a child, She u t even �en walk across the floor without help, She was treated for some time by a physician, but did not show any improvement. One day a neighbor said she pad read of a case of St. Vitus Dance cured by Ur. Williams' Pink Pills, and we decid- ed to give this medicine a trial. By the time the third box was used there was some improvement in her con- dition, and we continued giving her the pills for about a month longer when she was entirely cured and has not since had the least return of the trouble. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob-- (tatted from any dealer in medicine l or by Mail at 5sl cents' a box or six I boxes for „2.50 from the Dr, Williams' i Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. MAY Sth TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY "ALL RAIL" - also by TIIURSDAY'S STEAMER " Great Lakes Routes" (Sosen Navigation) Your. Future is hi the West ..The fertile prairies have put Western Canada' on the amp.There ars still thousands of acres waiting for the man . who wants a home and prosperity. Take advantage of Low Rates and travel via Canadian Pacific 1 11 a1J �• 8W.14 env Iw nformation from W. Jackson, Clinton or W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. MAY ROD And GUN. For the out-of-door man Rod and Gun magazine, published by W. J. Tay- lor, Woodstock, Ont„ for May has much 1 that is of interest to offer. Bounyeastle ' Dale, the Canadian naturalist; gives. the result of a midnight study of the wild duck in the leading article, "The Terror that Passeth by Night," A .Holiday in the Rockies is the story of a fishing trip and outing in the vicinity of Water - 1 ton Lakes, Alberta. Some Canadian 1 Vacation Camps, gives an idea of some Norther Ontario Camps where young lads can get more for their money -than in any other way, enjoying many HM- Ique experiences at a moderate expense. Fishing experiences of an Old Country Angler tells of fishing in he wonderful Georgian Bay region. There are other stories of equal interest and a treasure trove for the fisherman in this month's installment of fishing notes by Robert Page Lincoln. Guns and Ammunition is equally attractive to the gun lover, while Kennel Club Spring Show in this issue and a list of the winners,• and trap -shooters, the records or the scores at the Hamilton Tournament on April 6th and 17th as well as other trap votes of interest. BABY'S OWN TABLETS Of GREAT VALUE. Airs. J. A. Legate, Ste. Perpetue, Que., writes.—"Baby's Owa. Tablets have been of great value to me and 1 would strongly recommend them to oth- er mothers," Thousands of other mothers say the saute thing. They have become convinced throogii actual ase of the Tablets that nothing can ea)mai thein in regulating the bowels and stomach; driving out constipation and indigestion; breaking up cdlds and sim- ple fevers; expelling worsts and curiiag colic. The Tablets are sold by inedieine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box ;from The Dr. Williams' Medeciese Go., 'Brockville, Ont. Leave a place in the back yaod. to grow your own tee. f r„4” 1c00ar0 +O r, p 'TAT' Your Co Your Cop Ie i°.'t, Get your blood pure, keep the liver active and the bowels regular, and disfiguring pimples and unsightly blotches will disappear from the face. For improving the complexion and putting the blood in good order 1 are safer, better and surer than cosmetics. They eliminate poisonous matters from the system, strength- en the organs and purify the blood—bring the health - glow to the cheeks, brighten the eyes, improve and l ' h Il l llsl,l verywlreee 0, 0u oda sed ti, 3 ARmoricu:LIn boaaa 26 cont 0 ' More Clean Lives Among Troops Than Among Civilians Says Capt. Jeakins, Chaplain of 58th Battalion, and Challenges Contradiction, "'Smile! Smile!! Stnile111" is the motto of the men at tine front, said Chaplain Capt. Jenkins, of Brantford, who was the speaker at the patriotic concert under the auspices of the Overseas Chapter, of the 1, 0, D. E„ at the Majestic Theater 1;tst Sunday night, Major T. J. Murphy presided, and said that he regreted that all the eligible young men of London had not yet donned the khaki. The men who have enlisted, he said, were the real men of the country, Capt. Jeakins spoke of the splendid conduct and spirit of tris men at the front, of_ their unselfishness and hardi- hood in the trenches and in the rest camps. The men write cheerful letters home he said, when they are feeling as mis- erable as they can feel, This is one occasion when lying is a virtue. "God knows what is going' on there to -night," he said, "and the cry of the men is 'come over and help us.' They are simply splendid in their lives and when called upon to pay the supreme sacrifice." Capt. Jeakins spoke of the arrival of the 58th Battalion, to which he be- longed in France, and the cold recep- tion which the men got In a snowstorm and the long march to the wretched rest camp, which was merely a few tents in a field covered with several inches of snow and mud, He spoke of the numerous acts of unselfishness which he had observed, and said that 4t was with a feeling of irritability he read in the newspapers aspersions on the lives which the Can- adian soldiers lead at the front. .After knowing the men intimately, Capt. Jenkins said that he t3as able to issue a challenge to anyone. "You pick out any million men iu the cities of Canada and any mullion men at the front and the preceutage 05 ,,.en who are leading clean. r.ol'4e lives will be greater among•the sol -i diers than among the civilians," he said. He referred to the report of 7,000 cases of a disease among the troops, which was caused by wrong living, in that hospital, and said t at this was a concentration of the patients suffering from this disease from among the mil- lions of men at the front. Capt. Jeakins spoke of the manifold duties of the military chaplain at the front, and told of amusing incidents which he had met with in censoring letters. One soldier wrote the same letter to two young ladies, praying them both to wait for him until after the war was over. Ohii.d,ren dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTQR1y A •The weather man is co-operating with the "buy your coal in the summer" Movement. • . Go easy on the flower bed. Grow •something to eat this year. • Waste ground and spare time may be jointly used for the increased pro- duction of food. --00-- Our idea of beim' busy is a fair sized leen coverin' fifteen eggs. t . .4.4040,1t11 71tu t , rsA;;i't .i?l br kl'ti}ttl Lb'? Cr niers t CrSir °letcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought,. and vrhicb has been ' in use for over over 30 year':., has borne the signature of and has been ane.io under his pore /- sonal supervision since its infancy. crf,kY., Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations andr1;et-� rod .are but Experiments that trine with and c ;liar.?_"Cr the health of Infants and Children—E..r,er.lel,ce against Experiment. o f) 6R14v0 CI Gf �� u;� t Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. F,r more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; .allayi::; Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating tihe Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend, . GENUINE C ST l�):l IA ALWAYS Fear's tho Signature of n Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought HE CENT UR COMPANY NK fMtfef*k ala,'','. ,It IMSJ:ftgo.4141U•ai•i'ii..gtIlit lest. Ih Nd,!f.0 TY ?ru.:Vecrry .::aitielar.'-i single sheet, if used for duns ?Jr wildcat alining prospectuses, even that is far too ample. At this rate it will be about July 31 before we can throw the coalman off our trail. Hoe rule should be the leading lionhe cry in Canada this season. Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R IA High School Principal Resigns Mr, G. R. Smith, Principal of the Winglham High School has tendered his Owing to the scarcity of paper in 1 Italy, letters are to be restricted to a I resignation to take effort at the close of the June term. Mr. Smith has accepted tit position as head of the De- partment of Mathematics in )Cingstoa Collegiate and Lecturer in Methods in Mathematics in Faculty of Edu- cation of Queen's University, at a salary of 52000 and will take up his new work after the summer holidays. Cost of Canned Goods. The increasing prices of canned goods is explained in the latest issue of "The Canadian Grocer" as the re- suit of the shortage of tin, end the large extracts made by the British Government for canned goods. The United States Government, to relieve the situtation, has recently prohibited the canning of liana beans and other products that can be dried. jf I! Light Four $975 Roadster e. - $950 Country Club $1110 f. o. b. Toronto Subject to change without notice A Car of Pleasing Design The design of the new Willys-Overland Light Four is notably 1 pleasing and satisfying in lines and proportions. Crowned fenders, sweeping in their curves, and unobstructed running boards, emphasize the long, low appearance. This car is a beautiful example of the modern tendency toward straight, flowing lines. The attractive finish—in keeping with the other distinctive qualities of this Willys-Overland car—completes its thoroughly stylish appearance. And the tremendous volume of the Willys-Overland factories makes it possible to offer this efficient, stylish and comfortable car at a reasonable price. , AGENT SILINTON. li ii s v 1s t verinlul Limited, Toronto, Ont. 'Sand Anlemebitea, C 1mmerdn( Cat