HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-05-17, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. SI, No, 47 The New CLINTON, ONTARIO, THU ,ra Wantsthe News. S lig A Y MAY 17th, .1 917 rona Every Vvti‘vVVVVVYVVVWVYYVVVYVvvWVAMhthAAAA AANA.Ah,pvts^.h0ih6vaAoo War a It H : ,, s After Measles and Scarlet Fever use Hauer & Blacks Formaldehyde Fumigation handy to use and thoroughly effective. House cleaning is never complete unless the house is thoroughly Fumigated, we have them in 3 sizes, small ones for single rooms, the med- ium size for, houses, and the large sizes for Schools, Churches and Public Buildings. , , . BEST. QUALITY, DRUG. STORE W. S. MR., TEO LTtf.L E S Phm.B. 'ovvvvvvvvvvW W W V V Vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvW V V WvvvvvW V W1P4v Royal Bapkc OF CANADA Incorporated 9569, Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,900,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,300,000 Total Assets 270,000,000 400 B R A N C H E S—With World-wide Connection Interest Allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager : Clinton Branch INCORFORATED I 5 J�I • CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate C. E. DOWDING, Manager: Clinton Branch - .iRg1,ilEgO,.H.1.aM*at•4ad\aria CPrslcred Clothing r- Ready-to-Weax Clothing W.H1R,XXXC X., a -' *5 tl,2hLL:."ttM4t Srijtijn's .acnes Never in the history of our business have we sold so many Suitings for Ladies as this season. They, are beginning to appreciate the fact that it pays to buy Men's Suitings instead of the light weights usually shown for Ladies Wear. We are showing a large range of Blue, Black and Gray Serges—colors guaranteed. All goods shrunk free of charge. Now is the time to betake your selections '--for the price will go much higher. nnt Morrish Chthing (s.)., Agent for C. P.1R.Telegraph Co. i& gqu0,re Deal for Every Man allr.11*111•XIABO.011.1..... dmo.mm ,mRm m Try 'he New Era for Job Work in ti 1 WILLIS CHURCH CELEBRATES 58th ANNIVERSARY, Rev. D. C: MacGregor, of London, Preaches Special Sermons,—En. tertainment on Monday a Success. Sunday large congregations celebrat- ed the „.58th Anniversary of the Esta- blishment of Willis congregation in Clinton, and many from the other churches Joined with them on this OCeaSIOn, Rev. D. C. MacGregor, M.A., of St. Andrew's church, London, was the preacher of the day and gave two ex- cellent discourses which will, no doubt, be of benefit to the ccoeereg'atfon as the, enter upon another v.'or of church work. - Psalm selection 97 "Unto the hills around do 1 lift up my longing eyes" was the opening hymn of the morning service, and the lesson was found in Ezekiel the 47th Chapter and first 12 verses, Mr, MacGregor's subject for the morning was taken from the 9114 verse of the lesson read and showed how important on this an,.Zersary occasion that the members take stock of the years work as the life of the church was only enlarged by the life of the in- dividual member. Our religion is barrenness :and as deserts unless we are he vital relation with Christ in order to accomplish the end for which the ,ihurcit was organized for. Healso spoke on the social injustices of the day and called upon the clt:rch to take Its place to put down the graft, greed and corruption that for the last 15 years Canada has been steeped in, It is use- less to expect a church to be a power in the community for righteousness un- less the members are living in close fellowship with God as he stated "With- out me ye can do nothing. Miss 13, McIver sang "1 will sing of Thy Great Mercies" by Mendelssohn; and in the anthem "Let the People Pra- ise Thee" Miss Farquhar and Mrs Chow Intook the solos and duet. At the evening he spoke from I1. Corinthians, verse 14, In applying it to the present great war crisis, he said that the world had gotten away from Cocl and this was His way of brii:ging his people back to Him. Until we were willing, like Paul, of old, and John Bun- yan, to be led captive by ]lint the war would still go on. We have trusted ton much in our armies, navies, Parliaments and peacec conferences rather than in God or, in other words, we have been leaving Gocl out of our legislative hall and trusting in the wisdom of amu, and it may be that God would allow this war to con- tinue until we take a different attitude towards Him. On Monday evening the Supper was well provided by the ladies of the con- gregation and a big crowd was present, At eight o'clock with the pastor, Rev, J. E. Hogg in the chair a pleasant even- ing was spent. Short addresses were given by Reys. Mr. Robinson, Mr. East- man, Mr.Agnew end'br, Rutledge, while the musical part was as follows:— Anthem by the choir, "Praise the Lord"; Solo "Lord hear my Supplicat- ion" by Mrs, East; quartette "Come with the Moonlight" Mrs. Gibbings, Mrs. Ross, Messrs, Gibbings and Weir; organ solo, "In Paradisum" by Prof. Bristowe; solo, "Wliere are the boys of the old -Brigade" Rev Mr. Hogg; "God Save the King, Up to tine present $610 has been paid 1 into the treasury and it is expected that there are still some to come yet. Willis church is to • be congratulated upon the success of the 5 8th Anniver- sary. Currie—Jervis Wedding A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. William Jervis London Road when her daughter Mnbel 13. was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr, John 0, Currie, of Goderich. Rev. Mr. Agnew, of Ontario St. Church performed the ceremony. Only the. im- mediate relatives were present, The best wishes of their numerous friends are extended to them, Mr. and Mrs. Currie will reside in Goderich. T This week, , 4di0 Week will be a big Tomato Fancy, ripe FLORIDAS, Best quality, line selected stock. Our price per pound only 20c WATCH FOR OUR PRICES IN PINEAPPLES FOR r+.,. CANNING NEXT WEEK, rL 4e. 9 ry 7 .HGROCER. II � 1J ?hone 4S Lieut. Edgar Torrance Wounded. Mr, and Mrs. John Torrance, received a private cablegram on Wednesday morning from their son Lieut. Edgar Torrance, stating that he was wounded, but doing well, He was at a hospital in Franco. The family is now waiting for official word from Ottawa, as to the nature of the wound. Lieut. Edgar's old friends in town hope that the wound is not• at all serious. Huron Hogs h Castraill Lists. Killed in Action day from sons of the 161st soldiers in England, It is believed that the reporter was guessing at things as no other paper had anything about the 5th division. Births, Marriages & Deaths THE FIFTH DIVSION IN FRANCE. "Huron's Own" now on French soil and may soon be into the trenches "I am glad to learn that while 1 have been on the ocean tate 5th Division has gauze over in command of General Garnet Hughes, who was with me when I inspected the division in England," The above words were spoken by Sir Robert Borden wheal he arrived at Quebec on Monday from Englund. 13y this statement the 1 61st Battl, "Huron's Own" are now on French soft and it stay not be many days before u 5111 Division goes into' action. Owing to some cablegrams being re- ceived from blighted no later than Sun- Pfe, Douglas Calder, Seaforth. • • Pte. Ogal McLeod, Fordwieh, Pte. Will Beattie (Regina) Wingham Pte. 1', Williams, Seaforth, Pte. G. H. McBride, Zurich. Died of Wounds. Pte. Frederick Robertson, Goderich. Wounded Pte. Arthur Soole, Seafortit, Sergt. Harvey Dorrance, Seaforth, Sapper D. E. Bell, Goderich Pte. T. C, Austin, Gorrfe. Lance -Corp. J. P. Caton, Exeter. Lieut. Edgar Torrance, Clinton. Pte. Roderick McKenzie, Stanley. Flight Lieut. Dudley lolmes, Wing- ham, Win -hah, 'Deaths MCKi;NZIE On Monday May lith at 15 hi,,nt•oe Park Avenue, Toronto, Charles Lloyd George, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George McKenzie, Clinton. Marriages CURB IR—JLh.\'IS—On \\'ednealay 'May Ujth, Mabel. daughter of Mrs. Wm. II. Jervis, of Stanley Township to David son Currie, n of 'fe. and Mrs. Joseph Currie, of Goderich. horst Canada. The mail ,oust be tied up sseseeess.. _• soniewlere. 1 suppnse 1 wilt get 4 -.',�mauiv.-�sai.m�m,a.axux-zmmmc , y�"�^•' dosen when they start to come. Near - ' the bu)s are complainingof not ' Social Person "? � h• ltfug their mail from Canada. What d„ you think about the war? 1 guess ngs doing out in W. HI, Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers. cline Leh week A LETTER FROM PTE. BEZZO. 4(9WteypessnOiseDt9Loeseit9eseleies The following letter from Pte. Wm. n WITH TllIII ClIUfCIIp93, 417 Benzo, to Inds parents was written on 6b q) April 1Jth, from Bran1sltott !lants, a eeeo o aesi aoi�®e ewe England, where the young soldier is recovering from wounds: Dear Mother and Father. Just a few lines to let.you know I'm well and hope this finds you both the same, Pm starting to pick up in weight. i weighed one hundred and eight pounds when 1 left hospital; I weigh one hundred and twenty pounds now. I have gabled twenty pounds in two months. I guess father will be planting or seeding by this time. I was living in hopes of coating ]tonne this spring, I guess I must have built my hopes on sand. 1 think 1 will have to du Base Duty in England. I'm not of much use to the army; and there is not much 1 can do except light duty. I can't close. my hand yet as the first two lingers are very stiff yet and the other two are even worse. 1 have good move- ment in my thumb. The weather is very changeable Lately, sometimes the sun is shining then it is raining or snowing or else it is freezing. It is kind of muddy in camp here. 1 will be glad when the weather clears up and gets dry again. 11 makes line home- sick when spring comes around f always long to be planting something or other. 1 ani going to try and get a box and plant some pansies. 1 dont have very much to dd and 1 will be glad or something to pass• the time away. !lave ✓uu been getting my mail lately? 1 haven't had any mail for a ]ung time. it is about seven weeks since 1 had a letter 8 ti. II•. Ile .et was n visitor m . e,afm•th Mr. pp 'a r last Friday. Mrs. A. J. Grigg is visiting at Lon - sit o with her sister. Mr. J. W. Ortw•cin, of Ilens.tll, was a visitor in town on .11ond:n•. Mr. Roy Conner spent the week end at his home in Mount Forest, Mr. T. Murdock, of Hialeah, paid Clinton a visit last week. Mr. ()liver Johnson, :,f (.:,d,,rich, was a visitor in town on Saturday. License inspector Torrance was a visitor in Goderich on 'Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Satmdcrs, of Goderich. were visitors in town this week. Mr, and Mee. Ike Rattt•nbury tools in the big concert at Seaforth friday night. Rev. J. Edw. Hogg look the services in St. Andrews's Church, Landon o Sunday. 3Ira. Jack McKinnon assisted in th big concerts at Seaforth for Patrioti purposes. Messrs Harry Rance and H, Shaw 1 yHarry were viisitors at Seaforth on Friday evening. Mrs. VV, Glenn and Miss Bessie Glenn left this week for a trip to the Western Provinces. Mrs. Guest, of \Vingbans, has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. Mitchell, of Albert Street. Miss Florence Cunningham was a visitor with Mrs M. Y. McLean at Seaforth last week. Lieut. McLennan of the Forrestry Battalion, London, was looking up re• cruits this week. [l3lyth Standard) Mr. and hi r s. Bland Herrington visited with Clinton (needs on Monday. .Mr. -Frank Watson has been off duty elurisg the past week and is threatened with typhoid lever. Mrs. C. C. Rance, of Toronto, visited with relatives and old friends in town for a few days this week. Mr. Earnest Piton, of Brussels, spent a few days with the Resell family prior to going on to Toledo for a visit. jSt. Mary's Journal):—Mrs. .Elarry Sharp, of Clinton, who is a guest at Mr. M. F. Sharpe's is a much feted visitor In town. Mr. and Mrs D. S. Cook were at the Nile last week attending the funeral of the late Samuel Kerr, father of Mrs' Cools. l\Vingham Timesla—Mr. and M r e. Norman McLeod, of Clinton, spent : a few days with Mr. and Mrs, William 13urk, Mr. Janes Howson has taken a positron in One of the factories iia the County town slaking boxes for army supplies. 1Wingltnm 'floes]:= --Mr. David Cott telon, OF Clinton, teas in town on Monday attending the funeral of the late Duncan McPherson. Friends will regret to learn that Mr. Ben 1Vfasan's condition at Blyth, is by no means improving. He is n)wconfined to the bed most of the (haze. Mr. Edward Foster, who is now mak ing his home in Goderich, spent a few thays.bi town. 1Ie reports the factories are calling for more men. Mr:s, Allan and daughter, of Ottawa, were the guests of ?dr. incl Mrs. Wnl. Jackson and other relatives in town for n fete days. Y - Cr)t.• ,,. . E, "ll t (I t) A rsonr add wife, formerly pf Loudesbott arnl ;l3lyth, were Calling on friends in town on Tmeatiay, 'l'1te Capt. expects to leave shortly for uv seas. . Capt. (lacy.) henry is here this avec on Military duties. The Captain a, tic. Methodist Minister at C'obvur; am an Ex President of the flay of t uhne Conference. Rev. Mr, Abrey, pastor of tete L.,ndes bore Presbyterian Churrl, and lir, Fingland, Clerk of Mullett '1',m'nshie, attended Sundry evening worship in Willis Church, Thomas McE•'tren who died at C,xl eriell last week was the lather of Mr Bert A. Sidi:wen, of Medicine Ilan, Alberta, formerly grocer at the Corner Store in Clinton, - Rev. E. J. Powell was at itlilib.mk and ,Milverton last Sunday in connection with his duties as 'Temperance Secretary n 1 for Perth County. The grass does not grow under his feet. e + Major Nelson, of Walkerton, is in town this week. The Major has been c at the front with the 13th Battalion and is now seeing what the prospects are for raising a battalion in Huron and Bruce. Capt. C. II. Kerr, son of Rev. W. E. Kerr, Vancouver, 13. C , is back in the Hospital in England, owing to a return of partial paralysis Iron which he suffered last year after his being wounded at St. Julien. We hope he will soon be O. K. Mr. N. F. McLean, City Passenger Agent of the White Star Line, Detroit, gave the New Era a call last Thursday. He believes in advertising their boat trip to Detroit trona Goderich by the "Greyhound" and big advertisements will follow as the weeks go by. Miss Grace Walker, who is teaching at Brussels. sang choice solos last Sun day morning and afternoon at Mother's Day services in the Methodist Church and Sunday School. Clinton talent is always able to do their part well. At the third annual meeting of the Ontario Women's Liberal Association held at Toronto last ween:, Mrs. J. A. Macdonald was reelected President by acclamation, Mrs Macdonald is a sister of Mrs. (Dr,) Gaudier, of town and wife of Dr. J A. Macdonald, formerly Editor of the Globe. there are great tial er i ranee. You can tell by the papers that tate Germans are getting[ it — Ic "where the chicken got the axe." Ali the V..M•C..\ and Canteens and restaur- ants are 001 allowed to sell meals to soldiers until after four -thirty its the afternoon. I. was out nue afternoon last week and 1 saw some nice lemon Pies, 1 went to buy one, but I was told could only have a small piece. 1 asked the girl if she thought 1 did not have enough stoney to buy one. She asked me if 1 knew there was a war on, 1 saw Dr. Shaw today, he passed through our camp fn a inntor car. 1t is hard keep- ing the mud off my clothes. 1 have to clean my bouts three and four times a day, and then 1 get in trouble some- times. 1 will not be able to do a full v work s w rl with mv' hand for ;t while yet. It will take a couple of years or noire before uty hand will be the same again. Since I started this letter the vt'eather has changed three titres, first it was raining and then it started to hail, DOW the sun Is shining. Don't think 1'211 grumbling about the weather, ol1l no; just noticing a few changes of fresh air, Well this is all for this time, so I will ring off, Your toying son, BILL, Pte. Allan 1<nechtel, (olnlerly a member of the Rexall Store Staff, at Wingham, is now doing his bit as head dispenser at C. A. M. C. T. S., Westen hanger, England, has recently received his stripes and is note Coporal Kncchtel. 'Ihc Corp.. was in the Quartermaster's staff while the 101st was 1r1 Clinton and was a popular soldier with the young ucople. 0009000000000000 000000e000 P I .eS m gpgGa iDe0608toeo4 Cn06apM@toistb0069e There will be no meeting of flee W. P. 5., this tveelr but mn the Friday following as usual. The tea held last Friday was largely attended, the proceeds being $12.510, The plant given to the Society was drawn for•last Friday, Tickets amount ed to t$5.211. Thanks to the giver. Concert Repeated. The big Victory Concert will be re- peatea 00 Tuesday. evening, May 22nd iu (;,,+'thins bail, Seaforth. Admission S0c dud 3Jc. Plan opens Saturday, May 19111, noon at Aberharts' drug store, Micah. for seas, Gomloloo �llseoee 1 sk For Geo, E.G. Powell Huron Temperance Executive Was In Session On Saturday. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Huron County branch of the Dominion Alliance was held here Satur. day. The appointment of Rev. 1. G. Powell as Field Secretary, and Mr. W. T. Pel• low as Special Officer, was confirmed. The present method of (inanci,. g the work will be continued during the year under the direction of the treasurer, Mr A. M. Robertson, 13. A., of Goderich, Rev. Ben. H. Spence, of Toronto, was present and addressed the meeting re• garding a closer affiliation between the County Branch and the Ontario Branch and also urged that petitions for Dom. inion prohibition be sent in front the various local, municipal, lodge and church organizations. Rev. J. K. Knight, of f-Iensel', the Cointy President, presided, and mem bers were present from Exeter, Goderich, Wingham, Clinton and Seaforth. ilr. Spence, was also here to see if he could get Rev. Powell to leave Huron County and accept a position with the Dominion Affiance, but the latter gentleman decided to spend am other year in Clinton. Potatoes Here. The potatoes which the Council or- dered, arrived this morning and are be- ing delivered this afternoon. They are selling at $.i.0O a bag. Joins Forestry Battl. "Capt." Cook is home for few days and wan look any recruits that want to cull: r in the new Forestry battalion Which will go overseas in Jure or may- oe earlier. "Cat." Will go along as otli- ears cook, ' Not a Dollar of Debt. Morrison Street Methodist church, Niagara Palls, of which Rev. A. 11. Willis Church, The Pastor will preach at both services on nday, TSuhe \V. 'i, S , will meet 'Thursday evening at the Church, Ontario St, Church. Rev. William Sterling, of Fullerton, will preach next Sunday, The Pastor, Rev, J. 11. Agnew will preach special sermons on the 1! ullartou. Circuit on Sunday. Wesley Church. The Pastor will preach at bout services next Sunday. I-eagup was withdrawn on Monday night on account of Willis Church Anniv ereary. "Mother's Day" was observed last Sunday, Dr. Rutledge took as his morning subject "Jesus and His Mother" and in the evening spoke ori "Honoring Father and Mother". Church Notes Rev. G, W Dewey, of Stratford, wha assisted Rev. NIr. Agnew during the special services during the \Vinter, has been invited to remain another year with increase of salary at Trinity Church. Despite the paper famine, which has been severely felt, the Methodist Book & 1'lblishing Company shows at surplus of $00,001) for the past year 011 the turnover of all departments. It 1544 a platter of deep regret to the 51issionary Committee that Rev. G. G. Harris, at present on furlough and dun co. ret am to China this Fall, would be unable to do so on arc)unt of the condition of his health. Permission was granted for him to r.•uiain one your longer in Canada. Sir. Handl is the Missionary sent out by Goderich District of tete iAtcthudist Church. At a largely attended meeting of the members and adherents of the Imcktow I'rcabyterian Church last mei:, r unanitunu;, call 5;15 exiomlrd 1) lies'. It. 51cCnglunl, at present lo:•ated at Tara; Ontario. 13 ;lisr'Delcgates from II tn'on ane Brace wilt atiwr.t,t three clay Convet, tient at Walkerton beginning June Stf.. halve a1 prom:P'nt speakers ur ut i Monte will address the (222) Conv,n1f will go from Clinton Church. STANLEY. hey. Mr. Carriere, of Go,nrf Beni; anti wife Visited 01) the line at tice cud 0I last week. On Sunday he preached at \'arna and ar .111ake. t) at r 11. 11. Huss, Dentist of Sea - forth and wife visited at the home of Geo, Baird on. the first of the week. 'Che seeding of Spring grain is nearly finished and farmers are now preparing r root crops and beets. BRUCEFIELD, The Children's s c:vt•t held on Su n la y morning was a very interesting and god one. Mr. Ifiggins took his part as Sups•rimcndant of the Sabi ,ath School. Rev. Mr. Woods spoke on the theme of "Mother's Day." The children took charge of the singing under Miss (;rain• gee's leadership. The church was decorate ed with flowers and flags, Roderick McKenzie, of Stanley has received word from his son, Pre. John McKenzie who was lately severely wound ed in the trenches. He is in a hospital in England, where he received good treatnten t. Lieut. William McQueen spent • the week end at his home in Stanley. He has taken a position in London on the Labor Bureau He has almost recovered from his lameness clue to injuries received in the war. GODERICH. Word was received by Mr. John Bell, of this town, that his son Sapper D. E. Bell has been reported wounded, but was still remaining on duty, the wound evi dently not being serious. Sapper Bel/ belonged to the engineers, joining las: year. lir. John Robertson, of this town, receiveal the sad news that his second son, Pte. Frederick Robertson had efded of wounds. Pte. Robertson enlisted whit Ids brother in the 101st Hurons, He was 20 years of age, and before enlisting was employed in the Post Office 'supply Department at Ottawa, The high cost of living is still adverts ing in Goderich. A short time ago the 101111 dealers raised their price of ntillc to ten cents a quart. This fs the first raise they have made in some years. 'Co day the bakers raised their price of bread to 12 cents for a 24 mince leaf, flour costing them 1817 a barrel. They predict a further raise next weelr, Waterworks. New services have been installed in Bert. Langford's new house on Rotten - bury St.; Miss Ross' um hone 08 Townsend St,; Arthur Cantelon's house on Princess St.; and A„J. Holloway's on Ontario St. Robert MoCool Dies in Calgary Hospital. The death in Calgary hospital on Tuesday, May S, of Robert McCool, sopa of Mr, John H, McCool, of Youngstown, Sask., at the age of twenty-five years came as a shock to most of the citizens. Bob grad not been well for years and had gone to Rochester and other points for treatment without success. He was 111 Calgary. preparing for an opera- tion when he was taken with convul- sions from which he never recovered. The remains were 'brought to Youngs- town on Wednesday and interment was arcade, In the family plot in the Youttgs- Birks, who is well knvwdi 111 tills 10- town Ceuletery on Thursday, the sea- catlity, is pastor, enjoys the uniqu �vicesrbeirtg conducted by the Rey. O. R dtstlnetio uof n n of havin a Ila n g do r f Lavers, Bob.r 1will be remembered b :t debt on it, and the ir.)ard has a sub. Y 1 num e I t ofCg `1' alto n people o )!e Navin �• spent statrtlak balance 10 bc,in the ear with, 1 1 I i ens E Y itis early days fio Clinton. He is sa l:ven;y ease over of tine church shows nepffew of Miss Cool of town and of alt increase ovel' last year • Messrs William and Samuel f llttll'tt U•